Dominican confesses to robbery in BVI

court2A Dominican who claimed to be the victim when a gunman raided the company’s vehicle and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash on October 13, has since confessed to staging the robbery in the British Virgin Islands (BVI).

According to media reports Patrick Magloire, 51, appeared in a Magistrate’s Court on October 22, facing charges of conspiracy to commit robbery.

He did not enter a plea since the matter is an indictable offense.

In the BVI the crime fetches a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Allegations are that Magloire conspired with two co-conspirators, who remain unidentified, to commit the crime which took place between October 10 and October 13.

The court was told that on the day of the robbery Magloire, who was working with the company for a short period of time, picked up one of his henchmen and later picked up another.

They then went to RTW stores on Tortola to pickup cash and checks.

The earnings were kept and Magloire went to the RTW Supermarket at Reef Road during which he kept in contact with his henchmen.

Magloire reportedly said that when he arrived at the supermarket he was confronted by a masked gunman who took the van containing the cash and checks.

The van was later found abandoned with the cash and checks missing.

Magloire later confessed to the crime and was then charged.

When he appeared in court, Magloire begged for bail saying he has never been to jail and his mother was sick. He also said he would remain in the BVI until the matter is completed.

But bail was denied on the grounds of the seriousness of the crime and he might interfere with the investigations.

Magloire is expected to return to court on November 22.

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  1. Francisco Telemaque
    October 25, 2013

    You all are not going to like what I have to say, but I will say it anyway! There are as many Dominica criminals all over the world serving time in jail, all because of their dishonesty, and no will, nor ambition to make an honest living.

    The lived horribly in Dominica, robbing pennies from even their parents, they kill their family over nothing; all of this despicable behavior, derive from the movies they saw in the cinema prior to Television, these days they patronize what they see on Television, believing that what they see is real life.

    The cowboy, gangster mentality causes them to act out in real life what they see on Television.

    There is a fool in Dominica or wherever he/she is; lately writs on DNO, two of his/her most favorite words are “ain’t gonna.” that is something heard in one of the very old Western Movie. That fool probably believes people walk the streets of America, saying ” I ain’t gonna.” Well I have news for such idiots, if someone found in this country expressing themselves using such fraises, you can be assured they are not cowboys, but indeed someone of very low mentality, someone who has never attended school maybe.

    In other words an illiterate person!

    Slinger Francisco (Sparrow) sang a song a long time ago about the fresh water Yankee, well sad to say I’ve met plenty of fresh water Dominican Yankee here, they sound so stupid when they try to speak like an American, makes me want to disgorge what I had for dinner the night before.

    I feel sorry for such clowns!

    One day I went to an oil refinery looking for job, I do not know how that happened, but I was not the only Dominican there, I happen to sit next to someone who turned out to be from South Eastern district, the sat there talking through his nose, pretending to be American, wicked me ask him where in Dominica he is from, I will not say his name since he is related to a former Dominica Prime Minister, but anyway, I spoke to him as if I was in Wesley, not in broken English, I saw the expression on his face when people began asking me to what country I belong, no one ask any question of him, I guess they knew his accent was fake.

    That’s how dumb some of our people are at home, and get worst when they leave home.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • October 26, 2013

      Mr Telemaque.

      Hello sir can you please tell us how many Americans were killed in California today. Ok I won’t make it that difficult for you so I will only asked for the number in Los Angeles. The biggest grossing movies in America all involved killings with guns. So please don’t tell us about crime when every week there is some mass killing in America. I hope if there is a war between America and China or Russia you don’t run back to sweet Dominica.

  2. A good friend
    October 24, 2013

    ppl know him as alex he is from between born n dos dane what a shame big man like u u make us shame alex

    • rescue 911
      October 24, 2013

      thanks for the info .i was cracking up my brain now i know

  3. Justice and Truth
    October 24, 2013

    P. Magloire, you have found yourself in real hot water with the Law. You just got a job and a responsible one at that, entrusted with handling money, you allowed yourself to be tempted and commit this crime?
    Jobs are scarce. You should have been happy to get a job and diligently performed your duty in an honest manner.
    This is it for you in BVI and imprisonment. What will become of you in later years?
    If your mother is sick, this will make her sicker yet. I hope she is coping with this news. I visualize how much she is grieving and also praying for her son.
    I know some Magloire’s in D/ca. We are distant relatives. I am wondering if you are one of them. One resides in Ontario. I will telephone that person tomorrow. I can only hope you are not a brother of that person for the family will obviously be in shock. It would shock any family members whose relative has done such a thing.
    Some people can get themselves into trouble and cause grief on their family and destroy their future. He can kiss his freedom in BVI goodbye for some years if not for the future.

  4. facts
    October 23, 2013

    Where there are human beings, they are capable of committing any crime, and DOMINIA IS NOT EXEMPT. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Dominica is small to be compared to other countries, but they can do anything. Especially now a days, where everyone wants every thing fast, and easy. Dominica have envy, killing, drugs, lying, corruption etc.

    I am a Dominican, who have treated me bad, stole from me, borrowed from me, and don’t want to pay back, my own family and Dominicans. THE HEART IS WICKED, WHO COULD KNOW IT. Now a days, we don’t even know who to trust. Government, family, children, husband, wife every one is capable of doing anything if you give them the chance. Wake Up.

  5. Toure
    October 23, 2013

    I read about this crime on V.I.N.O and I was hoping that no islander was involved, especially a Dominican because it’s open season on down islanders and what they call “non belonger”. You are a mature human being ,knowing the crap that people are facing,you Mr Magloire has decided to put DA on blast?Dominica is already “Wavet dovant poule”.
    Shame on you Mr Magloire,you only now found out your Mother is ill ?

    Just came back from Tortola and I was saddened at the level of discourse taking place about immigration and the vileness spewed.I asked isn’t the B.V.I part of the O.E.C.S ?(observer status but can vote on issues) Who have we as a people become?

    Whatever possess Patrick Magloire to commit such a crime ?Now at 51 yes old you may spend the rest of your life at “Balo” Balsam Ghut prison,now they are considering sending prisoners to the U.K.maybe that’s where you will end up.Please people, you should not commit crime in your country why get an opportunity to live and work in another land and what you do mess up everything. One more slap in DA’s face,but tall she still and will stand.

  6. "O" STRESS"
    October 23, 2013

    That’s a true DUMMY IN A CAN. Seems to forget ninety nine days for the thief one day for the law. MAGLOIRE, MAGLOIRES??? UH! That name ring a bell. Big man. Big crime.but he crying for his mummy. That’s not funny”. Lets still pray for the brother.

  7. October 23, 2013

    Hello and good afternoon my people. Well if Mr Maglorie did in fact arrange the robbery and he confessed then he should be held accountable . I find life imprisonment for conspiracy/robbery is very steep because people commit murder and they don’t get a life sentence. Also if they actually mean life in prison then we don’t have to worry about him returning to Dominica to continue his criminal behavior .

    • Justice and Truth
      October 24, 2013

      Furthermore, he lied about it and tried to implicate someone else whether unknown. This will be a further bad mark on him.
      If he is not landed and imprisoned, he will be deported after his release.
      These days with increasing crimes those authorities of the world are not lenient with criminals. Let us wait to hear what sentence he will receive.

      • October 24, 2013

        Justice and truth.

        Hello to you. I didn’t know he tried to implicate someone else. I am coming to St Thomas carnival next year and my wife want to spend two days in Tortola but I hope they don’t scrutinize our American passport. This guy is giving our people bad name in Tortola . America and England is sending back people with criminal record to the Caribbean which is causing all kind of problems in the Caribbean so we don’t need anyone o cause additional problems for us.

  8. Positive
    October 23, 2013

    The penalty is an effective deterrent. At 51 years of age this is the best you can engage in. The lawyer will cite “midlife crisis.”

    • Justice and Truth
      October 25, 2013

      Mid life crisis? Many who have experienced this and who are presently experiencing it do not steal. Weakness of the heart and mind. I cannot believe that someone who just got a job would do something like that. He has a problem. I think he should be given a psychiatric assessment.
      I do believe bad company corrupts and could cause some people to do what they did not plan to do. It appears three of them were involved.

  9. da
    October 23, 2013

    Wat is wrong with some Dominicans, noh

  10. October 23, 2013

    is true anonymous :(

  11. Rastafari
    October 23, 2013

    LOL, life in prison for staging a robbery. :mrgreen:

    • Rebekah
      October 23, 2013


    • October 24, 2013

      Yes, because you are capable of anything.

  12. October 23, 2013

    Your mother is sick and you are going to STEAL? You have never been in jail, yet you seek the perfect occupation that secures you a spot in JAIL. Come on, who are you kidding. Glad that the judge saw right through you.

  13. anonymous
    October 23, 2013

    yes I…another dominican misbehaving in another man’s land

  14. October 23, 2013

    Another criminal thief giving bad name to Dominica again. One with a job from a company which entrust him with the responsibility of handling money. I hope they throw away the key at this one and hope i don’t read from anyone saying to pray for him and to say to him to take time and get degrees while in jail. Like when they commit crime and put heartache on their family and shame their country and it’s people, they should be rewarded

    • Justice and Truth
      October 24, 2013

      Are the prisoners in BVI so fortunate to study while in prison? I am aware that this occurs only in those so-called progressive countries where they cater to the prisoners and allow them to have their way in this respect. Reason for that, there are some interest groups which support them in their foolishness.

    • BEB
      October 24, 2013

      Most a time when crimes like this occur, its people with jobs who are getting involve in such crimes. The guy is so foolish , making arrangements with friends to steal the company’s cash,he would be getting paid from the same cash.When they are through, they are saying that things are hard

  15. October 23, 2013

    How STUPID! You are staging a robbery and bringing witnesses, not yours, with you. If anyone is contemplating a robbery, DO IT ALONE. You might have a better chance of pulling it off. Do you not know that there is NO WAY you would get away.


    • October 23, 2013


      Hello I say please refrain from engaging in such conduct and Please stop giving people advise about committing crime.

      • Justice and Truth
        October 24, 2013

        :lol: :lol: :lol: Some people make me laugh.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 24, 2013

      :lol: :lol: :lol: Why would you think of something like that and state it? :lol: :lol: :lol: You probably know the ropes.

  16. Anonymous
    October 23, 2013

    yes pal make it hard for us to go bvi jus now buddy…..allu ppl jus stupid jus now nobody wil want us in they country

    • Justice and Truth
      October 25, 2013

      Note also Great Britain. They are really on the look out, not only for Dominicans but others from other West Indian island.
      In Toronto, the majority of West Indians who commit crimes/murders are by Jamaicans. In the past few years many young blacks, teenagers and older have been murdered. The majority of those crimes were attributed to gangs, war-turfs and illegal drugs. Many are in prison. After being released, if they are not landed or not Canadian citizens they will be deported.
      It seems to be quiet now. I should not say much for who knows if they will continue their killing spree?
      It has also been said that since that man “Coke” is imprisoned in the US, such activities have decreased. He was a bad influence all over the world.
      This is why today it is more difficult to migrate to those countries. They give their own, their country, a bad name. Do not blame those governments.

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