Dominican criminologist to assist St. Kitts in tackling crime

St. Jean

Efforts aimed at mitigating crime, violence, and delinquency in St. Kitss and Nevis, are to be boosted with a  team headed by Dr. Peter K. B. St. Jean, Dominica-born and Chicago-based criminologist and sociologist.

He is scheduled to visit St. Kitts from February 3-11, 2012.

The involvement of Dr. St. Jean and his team was initiated by an October 14th 2011 appeal from a St. Kitts resident, Ayoub Peter Morancie, who expressed concerns over the patterns of crime and violence occurring and its likely effects on the economic, social, cultural, and other foundations of the twin island nation.

In response Dr. St. Jean and his team provided a draft proposal to conduct a feasibility study in St. Kitts to ascertain prospects for implementing what is termed the “Peaceful St. Christopher and Nevis Initiative (PSNI).”

Impressed with the contents of the proposal, Morancie secured personal funding to allow Dr. St. Jean to visit the Federation for this initial feasibility exploration.
The purpose is to further explain the proposal, facilitate discussions, and secure the necessary resources and access to conduct the feasibility study, should local stakeholders consider the proposed Initiative to be a good fit to help address issues of concern.

Stakeholders that are expected to meet with Dr. St. Jean during his visit include members of the New Mentality Team Club, criminally involved persons, the youth, Commissioner of Police C. G. Walwyn, other criminal justice officials, members of government, representatives from the private sector, civic society, the faith based community, and others.

Examples of Dr. St. Jean’s work includes a 1996 intervention with the then troubled community of Grand Bay, Dominica to resolve police-community tensions and high crime. The collaborative work with members of that community and the police produced the 1997 implementation of Dominica’s first community policing program.

The result was drastic reductions in crime and fear of crime, improved community-police relations, and reestablishment of Grand Bay’s reputation as a more peaceful place to live, work, and visit.

On the 10th year anniversary of the beginning of the intervention, Dr. St. Jean captured progress in Grand Bay in his first book entitled, Lessons from Grand Bay: Prospects for Maintaining Low Crime in Dominica, Nature Island of the Caribbean.

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  1. April 15, 2012

    They have asked for his help, and he is going to do what he can. I don’t see why people are so bent out of shape over this. He’s shown success in 96 in Grand Bay, and now he’s doing this. Give the guy a break

  2. labella
    March 18, 2012

    He needs to come back and repeat what he did for Grandbay nationally. There is a serious crisis in Dominica.

  3. Doogie
    February 14, 2012

    Where can I find current 2011 & 2012 crime statistics for SKN? Is there a web site that publishes the data? Thanks

  4. wortless
    February 7, 2012

    y dont he help solve some crimes in dominica. u cant help ur country muchless 4 another

  5. Mr. pa sot
    February 5, 2012

    Mr. st jean theres nothing u can do u have been saying u did some thing for grand bay i havent seen a change in grand bay all u are doing is shows .

  6. domtothebone
    February 4, 2012

    i live n work in st kitts n nevis ,the crime rate there is very high and they need all the resources they can get to help curb or rectify the problem,gsng violence is the main cause for the crime rate in skn .skn is a beautiful place n developing but something must be done otherwise even the tourism industry would fail there so my people stop speaking out of ignorance n go educate or informed yourselves before speaking out of mere ignorance .i live there for the past 12 years am from dominica n am working there in a managerial position and it is a very lovely place but the crime is just too much .please please all the help we can get we need it let us help each other build a peaceful nation for only us can make the world a better place if we put our minds n hearts to it in bringing peace love n tranquility.i want to continue driving in my mercedes in peace n quietness just enjoying the simple things of life .

    • S K
      February 7, 2012

      Dear domtothebo

      I appreciate your comments most since you have lived in St. Kitts for such a long duration. We all need to help oneanother if we are to be a better human society. It is selfishness which has the world in the state which it is today. If Mr. St Jean has been ASKED to help another country, thisisa positive thing. Why shouldnt he do it? Your country doesn’t always have to come first. As far asI can see, thereare other countries (like St Kitts) who need the help much more than we do.

      But on another note…you didn’t have tolet everyone know that you have a mercedes…show off ( you remind me of an ex boyfriend of mine who, coincidentally, also lives in St Kitts).

  7. Concerned
    February 4, 2012

    I wish Dr. St. Jean the best with what he is doing. I know he has a great heart for out nation and the world. I have participated in his workshops. I hope that this will make the government take his proposal for a national initiative sent to them in 2011 seriously and have him work in Dominica to help with our problems. He knows how to help and has a good track record. I read recently that he also gave the government and mayor of Portsmouth a proposal for dealing with issues in Portsmouth. I support our brother and wish him well, making Dominica proud that one if its sons is seen to be of value to help a fellow Caribbean island.

  8. DA
    February 3, 2012

    before you go help st. kitts do your work in your country now is 3 boy die in possie by guns up to now no body know who kil. take care of your back yard before you clean others own

  9. dandi
    February 3, 2012

    I am proud of Dr St Jean, for proposing his contribution (even though he will be paid). There are so many many so called Dominicans who are boastful of having their MASTERS living elsewhere in the UNITED STATES, and instead of even considering contributing a “Motivation Speech” to Students far less fortunate than others, they are forming he fool, going around contributing to Love Rectangles, well done Dr Jean you are proving what you went to school for you’ve accomplished. Hope St Kitts accepts your Findings.

  10. hmmm
    February 3, 2012

    boy all you people stupidddddd…sometimes.

    READ ALL THE TIME!!!! Not one isolated story that you cannot make an informed comment on because you do not know the facts.

    Dr. St. Jean up to very recently has been working in Dominica in efforts to curb crime.

    I am taken aback by all the ignorant comments under this story.

    But let’s say he HAD not been working in DA, the comments would still be ignorant. He is a professional getting paid.

  11. Anonymous
    February 3, 2012

    he should tried to solved all those unsolved murders in dominica to proved theirselves worthy of investigating/solving crimes in st.kitts. i bet its gonna be a waste of time and money in st.kitts

  12. grell
    February 3, 2012

    dominica cant need his help when all this crime i happening and our leaders are the criminals too.ask skerro and tony to have him come to help they are going to ask you all if is fu all you fu.

  13. Caribbean Lady
    February 3, 2012

    @ Dominican Child – google and compare indeed. You are wrong.

    SKN is in a bad, bad state – 34 murders last year and only a little over 50,000 people. Whisper it softly but their murder rate last year surpassed even Jamaica’s which has been falling.

    Yes, people talk about lies, damn lies and statistics but this is one case where the stats are not lying. 34 murders in a country of 51,300 people (I googled it :wink: ) as compared to JA’s 1124 murders in a country of 2.8 million people.

    SKN comes out with 66 murders per 100,000 people compared to JA’s 39. And compared to Dominica’s 22 per 100,000 in 2010 (

    We should be happy to lend the skills of our native son to St. Kitts – they need our help and all the help they can get. :cry:

  14. Queen
    February 3, 2012

    That’s more like it! We need to stem the crime rate

  15. So sick and Tired
    February 3, 2012

    CB- Te Government does not want the help of Dr.St Jean, this Government has refused to utilize the resources, the skills, the expertise and knowledge of Dominica’s sons and daughters who are who are in bed with them, so please relax on Dr. St. Jean, he has made several efforts to get the Government of Dominica to use his expertise and they have refused out-rightly! They prefer to deny the crime situation than to address it, as Ian Douglas said “Crime comes with development? What development? A few roads, sea walls and a sports stadium!

  16. Anonymous
    February 3, 2012

    Please take your time to read people. its not the gov’t of d/ca sending resources to St. Kitts. IT’s St. Kitts hiring their own resource who happens to be a Dominican. There is a difference. Now maybe we could use the opportunity to ask him to come over and help solve our crime too, remembering he is not obliged

  17. Anonymous
    February 3, 2012

    Charity starts at home, mr, is it the cash incentive?.

    • February 3, 2012

      Stop being ignorant and ask yourself why is it our well trained and educated men and women are not helping to bring their expertises to bear and you should come up with one answer no one in D’ICA dont want to be told how they are going about it’s not correct we all have that attitude that the person or persons believe they know more that we do but they do and that’s why other ISLANDS will always go after them because they have the expertise / knowledge it’s not about getting incentive it’s the fact and untill we allow our men / women to come home help to change things we as a people will never move forward So my brother / sister charity begins at home only if we are prepear to allow them to do the work that are needed.

  18. Anonymous
    February 3, 2012

    For such a small island I cannot understand how St. Kitts have all that crime. Years ago when i went there, there was a lovely newly road built to encourage development along that strip of land pointing out to nevis, however the project had to be abandoned as it was too dangerous. Can anyone shed some light on whether this area was able to be developed?

  19. Shameless
    February 3, 2012

    Jesus said; ” A prophet (not Skerrit) will never be accepted in his own community”. While I in no way equates Dr. St. Jean with the term prophet, this very initiative highlights the proverb referenced. Our own government found every reason not to utilize his service while our sister island did not even hesitate. Our government found money to pay for garbage that resulted in BOBOLGATE but seems unable to find money to help solve our growing criminal problem. Is it because they fear being exposed as part of the problem? Go figure! Politics and crokkedness will kill us in Dca sooner or later.

  20. Malatete
    February 3, 2012

    Talking about prophets not being appreciated in their own lands! it’s not as if Dr. St. Jean did not offer his services to Dominica but, of course, we know everything better and don’t want the help from outside people, especially not from our own in the diaspora. Just let them send the barrels and money, that’s all!

  21. jerseydominican
    February 3, 2012


  22. gwa bay
    February 3, 2012

    Pls one of the PhD students out there, please do a thesis on Grand Bay that is positive. Thanks.

  23. follower
    February 3, 2012

    People really???? Are we not aware that this particular gentleman is the same one who assisted in Dominica in the past even as recent as last year? Have we not heard on the airwaves of this man sending his proposal to the Government of Dominica and have not received any recognition to it inspite of all his effoorts??? He is definately not the one to blame.

  24. mrs warrington
    February 3, 2012

    ok am i blind or am i going nuts here maybe am not seeing right dominica have all them crimes and you mean a dominican crimeology how the hek u want to put it helping st kitts and leaving his home full of crime i thought charity begains at home come on is that fear not its not

  25. Dominican Child
    February 3, 2012

    Are you serious?? Am I seeing clearly?? My God, the crime rate in Dominica far surpases that of St. Kitts & Nevis (Google and compare)!!
    I won’t say more!

    • Rule
      February 3, 2012

      You took it right out of my mouth. Can’t believe what I’m reading when the statistics clearly shows that we have an increase in criminal activities. Dr.St Jean, charity begins at Home!

    • Viewer
      February 3, 2012

      You know,based on people’s wants and not needs, illiteracy, ignorance and increased influence of the TV on Dominica’s small population, it would appear that their is an increase in crime in DA. However, you should see the big picture; violence will not be totally eradicated in any country. Focus on the fact that he assistaed in alleviating some of the fear and actual violence with his plan and initiative.

    • yes
      February 3, 2012

      Impossible. SK has approximately 40,000 people and recorded 35 murders last year. We have about 70,000 and recorded how many? GUess you missed your statistics class

    • bambi
      February 3, 2012

      What dcans shoulddo is demand that the governm er nt take the same steps like st kitts…and stop making noise about two lions that cannot bite

  26. bambi
    February 3, 2012

    Dca needs your help also…….please help

  27. friend
    February 3, 2012

    Very, very good initiative Dr. St. Jean and St.Kitts. As your neigbours we wish you all the best and hope that other neigbouring islands will follow after you, especially Dominica where the son of the soil loged proposal needs to be considered now more than ever before. Remember its a chain of island and we need no broken link.

  28. February 3, 2012


    • Phena
      February 3, 2012

      “Examples of Dr. St. Jean’s work includes a 1996 intervention with the then troubled community of Grand Bay, Dominica to resolve police-community tensions and high crime. The collaborative work with members of that community and the police produced the 1997 implementation of Dominica’s first community policing program.”

      Maybe you did not read that part of the article!!! Learn to read!

    • bambi
      February 3, 2012

      I think you need to read the article again……the man ia a professional providing his services for payment…he does no live in dca……my god dcans u all make some remarks that are just so ignorant….what u should be saying is…..i hope our government request Dr. Peters services…..

    • Peace
      February 3, 2012

      C.B. you really dont know what you’re talking about because Dr. St. Jean over the past 15 yrs continue to work in Dominica. Have you read or heard of the Peaceful Dominica Movement? Or the sessions at Grandbay, La Plaine, Trafalgar, Carib Reserve, Wesley, Woodford Hill and Portsmouth? Have seen his documentry of his ongoing working in those places mentioned above. Before you make a statement, you should be informed. Dr. St. Jean is presently working with the community of Portsmouth to tackle their problems.

    • Chris
      February 3, 2012

      Why is Mr St Jean been criticized for not taking his services to Dominica. He already has from the article above and obviously he can’t just head to Dominica and tackle crime on his own. Read the article above and see who the different parties are that will be meeting with him in St Kitts. Will these same parties in Dominica be willing to meet with him also. Is the government willing to meet with him for the sake of Dominica. And them some people will most likely say to him that he come to take their job and because he come out overseas he think he’s all that and such.

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