Felix Prosper takes hot seat in dual citizenship case

Prosper addressing journalists after court this morning

The final witness in the election petition matter involving Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Education Minister Petter St Jean gave testimony today and was cross-examined by Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan.

Felix Prosper was previously unable to be cross-examined since he was not on island during the sittings earlier this month.

This morning he was cross-examined on two key sections of his witness statement.

The ‘Passport Showing Incident’

During cross-examination, Prosper said that he had first told Ron Green about having seen St Jean’s passport the day after Edison James spoke of Skerritt’s alleged passport at a UWP meeting in Lagoon on November 30, 2009 and then again before giving his witness statement to the petitioners’ lawyer.

Astaphan inquired as to why Prosper’s witness statement had not indicated a specific date, but rather had stated that he had spoken to Green of the alleged incident when St Jean had shown him the passport after June or July 2009. Astaphan also pointed out that Ron Green’s witness statement said the first time Prosper had spoken to him about that incident was just before he gave his witness statement.

Prosper in Guadeloupe

Astaphan then asked Prosper about his visit to Guadeloupe in 2009. According to Prosper’s witness statement, he had spent eight months in Guadeloupe and upon further clarification he revealed that only part of the time was in 2009.

He stated that he had in fact stayed there for eight months, including the Christmas of 2008 and had returned to Dominica in May 2009.

Tony Astaphan exists court alongside Electoral Commission Member Allick Lawrence

When Astaphan asked about Prosper’s deportation from Guadeloupe in September 2009, he stated that he had been coming and going to and from Guadeloupe after his return in May, although Astaphan suggested that he had stayed there the entire eight months up until he was caught working without the proper documents and deported to Dominica.

Prosper said, “I was deported from Guadeloupe in 2009. I was there working without papers. I was caught and deported.”


Written submissions and the relevant authorities have already been filed since the Judge ordered they be filed by the 28 September at the court’s last sitting.

Stuart Young, one of the attorneys for the petitioners, apologized in advance that he would not be present for oral submissions when court resumes on Monday October 3 at 9AM. Apology was also for the absence this morning of lead counsel Douglas Mendes by Geoffery Letang.

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  1. storm
    October 1, 2011

    he took a work break,he did not quit his work on the ship

  2. Rule
    September 30, 2011

    There are two people who can resolve this court issue, is Skerrit and St Jean.
    All they have to do is take the stand and tell Dominicans that they do not have dual citizenship. But I guess I am dreaming….

    • Tony
      October 2, 2011

      This is such an easy case to slove, simply put the two key people involved under oath and asked them if they have dual citizenship. This is just a dog and ponny show that Mr Astaphan is playing with this issue. They will not take the stand because if they do that they will commit perjury.

  3. East Winds
    September 30, 2011

    To the bias -The witness had a sworn statement that was accepted by the court. I gather that the witness testified that he actually saw Petter’s passport. Tony for some reason chose not to interrogate the witness on that particular matter. It is obvious that Tony’s only strategy was to discredit the witness based on his deportation from Guadeloupe. To me that is wasting the court’s time and the countries resources because the line of questions posed by Tony did not move toward discrediting the witness statement. The only plan that Tony seem to have was to get the witness confused with the dates and or duration of his travel and time spent in Guadeloupe.

    Who needs the court to discern the truth. The truth we don’t expect from Astaphan who happens to be the sole ruler of the judiciary system in Dominica.
    The truth could have simply come from the mouth of those we claim to trust particularly those who have sworn to uphold the laws and integrity in Dominica and coupled with that those who have paraded as witnesses for Jesus and Christianity have blatantly lied just to protect willful and deceiving politicians.
    I am from Petter St Jean’s community and I know the truth just like the many other people in my community.

  4. hmmm wat a thing
    September 30, 2011

    @ observant…thanks so much for letting those dominicans know that ron had the passport during the 5 years while he represented us at laplaine..UWP ppl are desperate. once they can have felix MOSES prosper on stands saying he saw peter passport when ron knows that moses didnt see the passport is a disgrace..

    • Anonymous
      September 30, 2011

      Well then you should be a petitioner bringing this matter to court. you are not wrong in the eyes of society and the law until you are court.

  5. hmmm wat a thing
    September 30, 2011

    @ marc…you must know what u speaking about. RON GREEN was in politics long before peter and just letting you know Ron had his dual citizenship all along even when he was our pal rep in laplaine.. he was never brought before a judge and asked to show the passport…how & when did his children get their citizenship to go america.. you ppl have to look on both sides…i am so happy i didnt vote last election..what ever party wins then i under them…what is good for the goose is good for the gander..stop watching things on one side

    • Facts
      September 30, 2011

      Ron has never denied he had a dual citizenship at the time. Peter is denying he currently has dual citizenship.

      • voter in NJ
        September 30, 2011


  6. hmmm wat a thing
    September 30, 2011

    @ pedro..what truth felix moses prosper stand for? he was deported from guada and NEVER went back after that..he is contradicting his self and doesnt know what to say..did u even listen to what he did to his family? his sister was on talking DBS talking point on monday and DBS should replay the tape.i know felix moses prosper very very very well…as a matter of fact he is my family (UNCLE) so i know what i am talking about….

  7. My perspective
    September 29, 2011

    Is Tony Astaphans a FM (fixation Man), he seems fix on the witness’s status in Guadelope rather than the assertion that the witness in making which is the substance and essence of this case. He should be more willing to explore the witness’ claim and seek to potray him as “a witness of untruth”, rather than focus on the triviality of his deportation which seems to have very little bearing in this matter!

    • SMDH
      September 30, 2011

      Guess u didnt get it…he says he returned in MaY 2009 AND told Run about the passport in june/july of 2009, but he was in Guada then bc he was departed in SeptembEr of 2009…hello read the damn article again…

  8. MAY
    September 29, 2011


  9. scar face
    September 29, 2011

    Hey heart breaking I am turning the other cheek. Are you afraid they will take you off RED CLINIC LIST?

  10. Marc
    September 29, 2011

    The animosity that exists in Laplaine amongst the people is shameful completely out of control. In my 35 years following politics in DA, I have never seen anything like this (Thanks to St.Jean).

    Ron Green has been a Pal Rep in Laplaine for a very long time, and this total dismantling of our community never existed.

    It is incumbent upon St Jean to get my community back as it was before he created this disaster for us.

    • just askinh
      October 1, 2011

      That is the problem with the UWP’s. supporters. Your desperation for control of a blue clinic makes you folks hypocritical and Bi ASSSSSSSS

  11. September 29, 2011

    For any individual who is a christian reading this story, it should really make you stop and think about your relationship with Christ. Giving up Jesus for things in life that seem appeal to the eye is really dangerous and the end is worse than the beginning. All I am saying is choose between temporary power and prestige and a joyful eternal relationship with Christ. I get a much better sleep from the latter.

    • Truth Seeker!
      September 29, 2011

      And when was the last time you did a good deed for a fellow human being? And what was that?

      You so-called Christians kill me. Wonder what Christ would do with all the domininations, in his own wisdom and judgement, he alllows to flourish.

      Oh I know, they are all of the devil.

      • Anonymous
        September 30, 2011

        Very sad comment, very sad soul…but you know what? only you can change it

  12. Anonymous
    September 29, 2011

    poor u people can’t u all see that is just pure sh** . mosses is a jack to come down to give what evidence.the same people from la plaine that want to see petter fall will be the same people to turn against any uwp representertive born and raised in la plaine.
    then agin it’s the black man mentality , i can’t make it neither can u.

    • Heart breaking
      September 29, 2011

      Just remember a prophet is not hionoured in his own place so some laplaine people will say all kind of nonesence. Petter just continue to do good and live a clean life.Jesus could not perform in his own place , he was persecuted so Petter the same will happen, leave them to God, he is the judge

  13. boots ready
    September 29, 2011

    The way i checking this case,is who lying better eh.If mowsong was really campaigning for UWPWEE,I DOH THINK PETTER ST.JEAN WOULD HAVE SHOW HIM PASSPORT EH ALL YOU.THINK OF IT NOH.STUPES.

  14. Pedro
    September 29, 2011

    Thanks Felix for standing for truth. A country built on lies will only lead to disaster.

    • Truth Seeker!
      September 29, 2011

      Like the USA? Wonder which country you would prefer to reside in today. Do you people ever think before speaking, well before putting your thoughts out there in the ether?


  15. speak the truth
    September 29, 2011

    What is very clear here is Tony Astaphan, the senior counsel, did not spend time asking Mr. Prosper how he happened to see the passport of Mr. St Jean. I am not a lawyer but if I wer in Tony’s position I would defenitely have him to vomit his gutts out on this one. But to see this was not important to Mr. Astaphan, serves as confirmation that Mr Petter St. Jean is indeed at fault and Tony did not want to open a can of worms. So instead he chose to place emphasis on the fact that Prosper was deported from Guadeloupe. Does that make any sense at all? Prosper and many of us from Dominica were not raise like Tony Astaphan and therefore, many of us had to overstay on our visa/work permit to seek employment overseas just to help feed our families. To hear Tony using that at the court agaist Mr. Prosper just further confirms the reality of the matter before the court.

    • Truth Seeker!
      September 29, 2011

      You totally miss the point the lawyer is angling to make. He was trying to impugn the man’s testimony by attacking his character.

      In other words, why should the court believe the words of an admitted criminal? Get the point man/woman.

      • speak the truth
        September 30, 2011

        Truth Seeker, thank you for helping me understand this one. So Tony Astaphan attacked his testimony by attacking his character, so the court should not believe the words of an admitted criminal eh?

        If that is the case then I can understand why he Astaphan did not want Skeritt and St. jean to testify because according to you, they are criminals as well since they were not qualified to contest the elections.
        So according to you, why should the court or better yet people believe the words of criminals who try to cover their crime. At list Felix admitted his but our elected members have faied to admit theirs eh. Thanks for the insight buddy. We sure got it!

      • Anonymous
        September 30, 2011

        So because he overstayed that does not make him a criminal. I’m sure you have family or friends who overstayed in another country. Are they criminals?

  16. watch ur mouth
    September 29, 2011

    scar face…know what u saying. u from laplaine it is very evident but should u lie. petter is no pastor get ur facst straight. lawrence did not lie get it straight again. y is petter a devil and moses an angel of course it matter what colour passport someone pulls out.n if i say i am ur best friend would i really protest against u hummmm think again

  17. scar face
    September 29, 2011

    Peter denied jesus three times in order to save his skin . Is that history repeating itself? NO I wasnt a pastor , No I wasnt a pastor, No I want a pastor. Careful Peter the Rooster is about to Crow. ooooooooooh Boy

    • September 29, 2011

      Wow. This makes you want to shiver. Do Christians in Dominica think of Christ when they come across a bag with a few pieces of silver in it? That is dangeroud living. Thanks Scar face.

      • September 29, 2011

        I meant dangerous. Sorry for the typo.

      September 29, 2011

      look at the pic of tony and that other lawyer. i tghink this lawyer is on some commision and i would want to believe such person are to be neutral . so why is it that they are so bold to even show their faces in public and who they support. with such type of lawyers and leaders what do you expect from our judicial system from our politicians? boy this country is really going down slowly according to spider.may his soul rest in peace.so you meqn these lqwyers working for love of counrty? so how about them police , firemen and nurses that spend 30 plus years in the service? what a shame.

    • Heart breaking
      September 29, 2011


  18. Block it Again
    September 29, 2011

    yea, very funny. Unblock all the posts now. the joke’s on u…lol

    • Finn-ish
      September 29, 2011

      Dude, to suggest that DNO is biased is rubbish. Futhermore If I was the ADMIN I would have black your damn posts.

      Why don’t you go and get your news elsewhere.

      If the ADMIN were to ask for a contribution or subscription…..you would run away. You reading for free, posting for free and you still Copawazor!

  19. scar face
    September 29, 2011

    lets be true here, Both the people who voted for petter and who didnt, know for a fact that Petter was and Still is a pastor in the church. We didnt need Moses (MR Prosper)to come down to say that.I cannot believe that Lawrence Degallarie would lie about that. Petter has even conducted funerals in la plaine.That is like saying that he lawrence is not a pastor. As a matter of fact He lawrence may have been the follower.As for Mr prospers deportation from the french island of guadeloupe ,Tony himself has defended other people stating that this is just a case of dominicans looking for a better standard of living overseas. It is unfortunate that is what some of us have to go through but not all of us have relatives to file for us .Is that reason enough to discredit Mr Prospers Statement that he saw a passport?
    Did he question him about the colour , the name therein? I would think that, that would be more important. And last but by no means least , Would Tony consider lawrence Degallarie a credible witness especially when he stated that Petter wasnt a Pastor.I do know both witnesses and Degallerie is more educated than Prosper ,however sad to say education does not prove credibility and in that case i think prosper is more credible.

  20. Block it Again
    September 29, 2011

    Now you guys seeing the importance of Skerrit and Peter taking the stand?

    When Felix comes to the court and say that he saw the passport and it was shown to him by Peter Pepper, where is Peter to defend himself?

    Where is Peter to counteract that?

    Boss I feeling sorry for Tony, now I seeing why he cried. That’s a difficult case to defend. So Tony have to talk for them fellas? lol…well he accustom of doing so on radio….but its a whole different ball game in the courts!

  21. ..........
    September 29, 2011

    so why the absence of the Senior councils> they fed up man? thought it was suppose to be an all expense paid joy ride, ( fancy hotel, good food, tax free earnings, and the works) :?: :?:

  22. I posting it again
    September 29, 2011

    Now you guys seeing the importance of Skerrit and Peter taking the stand?

    When Felix comes to the court and say that he saw the passport and it was shown to him by Peter Pepper, where is Peter to defend himself?

    Where is Peter to counteract that?

    Boss I feeling sorry for Tony, now I seeing why he cried. That’s a difficult case to defend. So Tony have to talk for them fellas? lol…well he accustom of doing so on radio….but its a whole different ball game in the courts!

    • observant
      September 29, 2011

      You forgot Ron had his passport and served five years with it. I think we should sue him for the full salary he received at that time.

        September 29, 2011

        here we go again so ron did something wrong , not action was taken . does this mean that all of us should just start to do wrong and the same wrong like ron. let common sense prevail. justice has to begin somewhere wnd now is the time otherwise there will be no peace without justice. so because all your friends are have sex with a minor and are not being caught you will go and do it tot? glad for you you might just be that unlucky one. think about that hero.

  23. September 29, 2011

    I would have expected to see in this report where it is that Mr. Proper saw St. Jeans passport, how well did he say he knows or knew Mr. St Jean or if it is that he just stumbled upon the passport. Instead the reporter seem to be only focused on Mr. Astaphans probing possibly trying to show that the witness was not credible. The emphasis seems to be based on the witness deportation and said very little on his testimony. Is it that he said absolutely nothing re the passport or was he the one on trial? Can we get a more balanced commentary of what really transpired or is that not the mandate?
    Further the pic of Alick with Tony is very revealing and shows justice is sought in Dominica by BOLDFACELY compromising all ethics and principles and the rule of law.

    • Truth
      September 29, 2011

      Could it be that tony avoided the questions or grilling the witness on the ownership of the passports because it was not in Tony’s favor to do so. I believe that Tony intend to let the doubt hang still – Like they say you dig up poopoo and it will smell.

      It is shameful though that even people who profess to be Christians would sell their soul for a dollar. If politicians cannot even tell the truth on such simple matters as possession of a passport then how and why should we expect them to be transparent? As for Tony and Alick – integrity and truth to these guys is like Holy water to the devil

    • profiler
      September 29, 2011

      “Further the pic of Alick with Tony is very revealing and shows justice is sought in Dominica by BOLDFACELY compromising all ethics and principles and the rule of law.” Very true! like Ron Green by his own admission. was US Citizen on nomination day, owned a US passport. ???????????

  24. simeon
    September 29, 2011

    tell anthony astaphan (the case is not about prosper deportation from guadeloupe.

  25. Die Hard
    September 29, 2011

    Ron I thought Felix Prosper had hard core evidence to suggest that Peter St Jean is or was a French Citizen. These are just pure words my friend. And that is what you making the court waste its time for. Because Felix Prosper spend a couple of months in Guadeloupe you using him to say Peter St Jean show him passport. Ron leave politics alone and just agree you get your beating and you will try again

  26. fedup
    September 29, 2011

    you mean Mowsong real name is Felix Prosper.Glad you have done something with yourself after seeking asylum in Pichelin.Hope you are acredible witness papa

  27. Mike
    September 29, 2011

    Thanks Felix for your courage.

    I respect you.

  28. Satelite
    September 29, 2011

    Where is Mr Mendes now, where has he gone. MIA, ha ha

  29. Rick Rude
    September 29, 2011

    Now you guys seeing the importance of Skerrit and Peter taking the stand?

    When Felix comes to the court and say that he saw the passport and it was shown to him by Peter Pepper, where is Peter to defend himself?

    Where is Peter to counteract that?

    Boss I feeling sorry for Tony, now I seeing why he cried. That’s a difficult case to defend. So Tony have to talk for them fellas? lol…well he accustom of doing so on radio….but its a whole different ball game in the courts!

  30. Remember the Bible
    September 29, 2011

    The same way Tony convinced the police of Dominica that they should not accept the confession of someone with a criminal record, he wants o convince the judge that just because someone was deported on immigration matters from Guadeloupe they cannot be credible in any matter. You see this Tony!! You see this Tony!!

    • boots ready
      September 29, 2011

      Eat your heart out s…ker.Eat s..t.

  31. Remember the Bible
    September 29, 2011

    They are flaunting it in the peoples face. Provocation is against the law. How much? How much can the people of Dominica tolerate? How much!!This is provocation to the maximum! How much. The president said it ok for them to continue to disregard the resemblance of any rule or laws in Dominica. What a joke of a country?

  32. Fed up
    September 29, 2011


  33. doctor love
    September 29, 2011


    • September 29, 2011

      shut up no st jean is afraid of anyone peter is a solid man a true man and some of u get too personal politics should not cause enemy

      • Heart breaking
        September 29, 2011

        You so right niece, St.Jeans are not afraid of anyone and Petter is not afraid. Some of you people lie just to be famous. Prosper has become famous now his picture and name is all over dominica news

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