Four months of reflection for grabbing private parts

jailbarsPhilbert Morancie, of Bellevue Chopin, is learning the hard way that it is not a good idea to simply grab the private parts of another man.

To make it worse, he committed the offending act after he was refused a drink at a bar.

He now has four months in jail to reflect on his action.

Morancie appeared in court on Thursday and according to reports, Morancie approached David Michel, who is from England but living in Bellevue Chopin, at Alvin’s Bar in the community and asked for a drink.

Michel did not grant the request, but instead launched into a conversation on British submarines.

Apparently not satisfied, Morancie grabbed Michel’s private parts instead.

A report was subsequently made to the Grand Bay Police Station.

In his defense Morancie said he was drunk at the time and apologized for his behavior saying he was trying hard “to leave that alcohol.”

“I did apologize, I deeply apologized, I felt pity for him, I should not have done that,” he said.

Michel told the court the whole matter was “not a very pleasant experience.” He was told by magistrate Candia Carette-George that if he would like compenstation, he could sue Morancie.

To make matters worse for Morancie the court was told that he was on bail for another offense and was not reporting to the Grand Bay Police station as he should.

The magistrate said in light of the new developments, she was sending Morancie to jail for four months “so you can reflect on your life.”

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  1. Justice and Truth
    December 15, 2013

    There are some people who do not like hearing and reading the truth. You better pay heed and accord others their due respect, right and dignity as you expect of them.
    The day will come when everyone will have to give an account to God for what they have done on this earth, one way or the other.
    God rewards the good and punishes the wicked. The good will be rewarded and the bad will be punished. No one will be excused, exonerated and escape from doing good. Our Lord said He will find them and give them their just recompense. Our Almighty Father has ordained that it should be this way.
    The time is now to commence, if you have not yet commenced. Do so before it is too late to change and make amends. Death comes like a thief in the night and at any age.
    Whether you give those who speak the truth and stand up for the truth, thumbs down, you cannot change a thing or detract from it. You might as well save your time. The Word and Promises of the Lord will always prevail until the end of time.
    Have you not heard, the eyes of Jesus are on every step we take and every word we state? It is better to do good than evil. Far better.

  2. December 14, 2013

    awa wi dats not a joke eh its sad to do dat eh.. touching another man privates uh :(

  3. Rasta
    December 14, 2013

    four moths of touch is good touch unno :mrgreen:

  4. HIM
    December 14, 2013

    To be honest with everyone, I laughed, BUT THIS MAN DOING THE TOUCHING could have ended up at PMH you know. HE OBVIOUSLY NEEDS HELP.

  5. ??????????????
    December 14, 2013

    Oh y. this must have been very embarrassing for the visitor.
    I KNOW HIM.He has been imprisoned before,because when he is drunk, ‘he forms the fool’.

  6. Justice and Truth
    December 13, 2013

    I expect he was baptized, made First Holy Communion and Confirmed. Give him a Holy Bible, the Holy Rosary and relevant information. He neglected his obligation to God. He needs Our Lord Jesus Christ in his life.
    How embarrassing it was for the man who is also a visitor and no doubt still feels that way as it left a mark on his mind.
    Philbert is another one who should be rehabilitated and from drinking too much. He should also be given an anger management course in addition to being taught how to respect others.
    He had other infractions? He should have been jailed for a longer period. Anyway, hopefully he will reflect on his life and change. The Judge should prohibit him from going to such places after his release.
    He may very well have been from a good family but probably in his youth to adulthood he chose to live a different lifestyle. I knew someone, a teacher whose last name is Morancie.
    Philbert, you better change your ways if you hope to live a happy and peaceful life and generate same to others. You are entitled to have fun but within a certain standard. You must not harass and hurt others otherwise you will eventually pay a worst price. This is no way to age. if only he would read this. :)

    • Francisco Telemaque
      December 14, 2013

      J&T I know what that guy has done is a very serious offence, grabbing someone penis and testicles; and exerting some force, pressure on that tender organ, can literally kill the person, first it renders the victim helpless, it can slow the victims breathing thus leading to cardiac arrest (a heart attack).

      The English man could die in the process; in any event when I think of someone holding another mans’ merchandise in his hand squeezing it because he did not get a drink of rum makes me laugh, though that it is not a laughing matter.

      I was subjected to that that before, I was married to a woman who done that to me during an argument: Hahahahahahahahahaha; the kid thought I was going to die.

      My former wife is a little petite woman five feet or there abut, and I five feet nine or taller, was at her mercy pleading for her to release the pressure from I doh calling it name oui!

      That is plenty of physical pain, water came to me eyes.


      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Justice and Truth
        December 16, 2013

        :lol: Francisco, thank God you did not succumb to this act and pain. I do not know why those people would do such a thing and what would make them do such a thing.
        You must have heard/read of some cases, different ones of what happened to some men, what their wife/girlfriend did to them, even burning them and cutting it off and doctors try to stitch it.
        Yes! Knowing of it could be funny and make us laugh but it is a serious matter which could kill the victim. It could be considered attempted murder. People must control their temper.

    • like it is
      December 14, 2013

      Only one set that is wrong for you, but you cover-up constantly for the biggest wrong of all.
      Hippocrisy to the Max…that’s you.

  7. pestle
    December 13, 2013

    I believe 4 months is just not enough for Philsbert. He is a menace and nuisance to society.

  8. ________________
    December 13, 2013

    I want to laugh, but this is no laughing matter.This man’S other name is ‘rum’, and he will not listen to you when you cannot stand his breath in your face or the flying saliva issuing from his mouth when he talks to you. He won’t hear either that his hands should be on his sides, and that he should refrain from touching you.

  9. raindrops
    December 13, 2013

    guy man shame on you; :mrgreen: they will give you what you like in the prison.fellas happy 4 month of new meat

  10. ^
    December 13, 2013


  11. "O" STRESS"
    December 13, 2013

    Sorry he will have no problem at Stockfarm. He might get paid to touch all parts at Stockfarm. Hope he comes out with a lesson that no means no! that’s a trend I hope not!

  12. 4CARS
    December 13, 2013

    If a man touch my Snake I will be arrested. The groper will be attended to at the PMH. Homos don’t like to fight back…hahaha

  13. 4CARS
    December 13, 2013

    DNO, why don’t you post their photos for us to see?

  14. Eyeballs
    December 13, 2013

    Of all the body parts to grab…he just had to go for the bat and balls. Trying to blame it on alcohol. Yes, stay in Stockfarm for 4 months and when you come back, please do not hesitate to tell us about your wonderful experience. I bet you will not be playing pretend cricket now

  15. Sauce Gel
    December 13, 2013

    Well my boy, d way I seeing it there, you send out your invitation well early. When you reach up no questions asked. Just straight to business!

  16. beauty
    December 13, 2013

    Sorry to u Mr. Micheal. Any ways philbert is now in the best place right now hope he get christmas in return. But then again he love up state he knw what’s going down for him.

  17. December 13, 2013

    That man could have died. This is no laughing matter. How can you say you are “trying hard to leave that alcohol.” Is that how you try?

    Some people just do not understand “no” or “ignored”.

    I know four month behind bars is not enough to make a person “leave that alcohol”, but if you really want to, it is enough time to continue your quest to STOP.

  18. Just Blaze
    December 13, 2013

    I dont know why man like to make them gay jokes there.

  19. sis m
    December 13, 2013

    the devil uses idle hands and idle minds to get his dirty deeds done.see what a moment of so called socializing can advice to all who are wasting their precious lives and God given time in this world should realize that one day we are going to stand before a great God who is going to judge our works whether it be good or evil.please give your hearts to Jesus Christ and let purpose and destiny be fulfilled in your save the world by spreading the gospel while you have the health and time.Tomorrow may be to late.

  20. grand bay
    December 13, 2013

    this guy is very trouble some i drop out of college for his sake he need to go jail for more than 4 month he stil drink and get on stupid with people around

  21. Anthony Ismael
    December 13, 2013

    He will be touched appropriately during the next four months.

  22. Cyrique
    December 13, 2013

    Shocking !!!

  23. December 13, 2013

    GADAY LAVIE NOME DOMINIQUE …You are pulling a man’s testicles because he refused you a drink,,,you are really going down the ladder…get a grip in order to get a better life…hope this man take action and continue taking a close medical check up to make sure that all is well…

    • Malgraysa
      December 13, 2013

      Mister “grip” a “sac” but his life went “mal”. Sorry mr. Michel but it reminds me of a sign above a billiard table I saw in a pub in England long time ago; “massaging of balls not allowed”.

  24. The Blackheart Man
    December 13, 2013

    Mine they doh grab urs at stockfarm

    • lol
      December 13, 2013

      Bahahahahhahaha heheheheh

    • anonymous
      December 13, 2013

      Loooool u damn right

  25. Malgraysa
    December 13, 2013

    Mr. Michel, you are cool man and truly British:” Not a pleasant experience”, the understatement of the year. Just reading it brought water to my eyes.

  26. Joker!
    December 13, 2013

    Well he have nuff parts to touch up Stocky now……

    • player
      December 13, 2013

      he get what he look for :(

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