Gang rape worries welfare officials

The Welfare Division said it is seriously concerned about a new trend that is taking precedence in society where the raping of young girls is concerned.

Chief Welfare Officer Martin Anthony the matter of gang rape is becoming more and more common within the Dominican society.

“We have a tendency in society right now where young men operate in packs and they make line up on girls of tender ages. This is a major concern. Imagine having a young lady being services by four five men. Can you imagine what that can do to a child? We are seeing signs of this in our country right now,” he said.

He said the process needs to be fast tracked to ensure that the perpetrators receive their due reward in the court of law.

“This is an area that needs examining because it is felt that the processing of these case takes too much time,” he said.

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  1. hang them high
    September 23, 2011

    let me tell you this is and will work. This girle need to find one of the mad dogs, tiy him up on a tree with a sing so we all can see. if you dont know whow to get him down
    try some hot pepper souce in his face, that will do him in.
    I will even live my home in LF to come to the
    exebition. Let us see, I wll put him on youtob
    what every it is cold and make him famus. I am positive we will not have a nother groop sex for the rest of the year. does she have a father or brother? stop blaming our weman for this pigs pleasour :mrgreen:

  2. skyla
    September 21, 2011

    murders , rapist,child molesters should be crush meat!!!!

  3. skyla
    September 21, 2011

    this needs to stop…!!!!!!!!!

  4. skyla
    September 21, 2011

    this is pure nonesence…..if their was still exicution , all these nonesence wouldnt be happening.!!! all these murders, rapist should be killed in a gas chamber or by castration!!!! i need to come into this stupid law business and make a difference.

  5. Anonymous
    September 20, 2011

    You all know what happening now, most young girls don’t have respect for themselves and don’t value themselves as someone important to the society. For instance a GUY SAY COME HERE BITCH AND THE GIRL COMES TO HIM.What does that indicate parents? The way it happens is the girl having sex with one member in the group she profess to love. Men don’t have respect for girls anymore so they tell them in simple terms if you love me so much give my patners, and you know what is astonsihing they consent to it. They are so guillible and are caught up in the illusion of love.

  6. Sisserou Fan
    September 19, 2011

    I’m for the castration big time.

  7. Delicious
    September 18, 2011

    Truth is big men don’t do gang rape, only teenagers and young adults (18-20) engage in such activities.. Sad thing is more than 80% of the time the young ladies give consent for such to happen. We need to instill more self love and appreciation in our young ladies.. Make them aware of how they should counteract the approach of men suave chitchat and empty promises. Teach them not to use their bodies as commodities to get material possessions… We also need to teach them how to handle the sexual urges that is a natural for their bodies.. We keep telling them don’t do instead of telling them how to use their mind to control what is the natural reaction of their body.

    • wesleygirl
      September 20, 2011

      you woul;d be suprise at the big men that are doing these things…ive seen it with my eyes

  8. September 18, 2011

    the Lord’s prayer please!

  9. Anonymous
    September 17, 2011


  10. James Lewis
    September 17, 2011

    If in fact as some of the comments indicate, that there are girls who are agreeing to this type of sex – by gangs of boys – then we are in deeper trouble. Why would a young girl agree to that type of sexual intercourse? Does she lack self respect? Does she not value her body? What does this say about her self esteem? Is it that she does not place any value on her own strength that she must give it up to a gang of boys?
    If she is truly doing this to please her boyfriend who has made this arrangement with his friends, then she truly needs to be taught what true love is. Any young man who loves a woman would not agree to have his friends have sex with her. He should be ashamed of himself and she should break up with him.

    Now, let us talk about the young men who are engaging in this behavior. This is nothing new – I have heard about these types of “line ups” for many years – over 40 years ago when I was a child growing up in Dominica, you would hear that “so and so young girl” was in a line up last night and you would hear the names of the boys who were involved. The girl’s mother would go to the boys’ fathers, and there would be some type of financial arrangement.

    Now, what does that say about us? Fathers are supporting their sons in that type of behavior. They think it’s okay to pay off the mother. The mother herself, thinks it’s okay to accept the money, and things go back to normal.

    This is all wrong, and it is heartbreaking to know that this is still going on. We need more education. We need to talk about the dignitiy of womanhood and manhood. That we were created to bring life into this world,to treasure it, to value what gifts the Creator has given to us, our dignity, our self respect, and not destroy each other.
    Education is the key – at all levels. Let us call criminal activity what it is. Let us teach our children about respect. Let us condemn the parents who accept bribes when their daughters are victimized. Let us rehabilitate these young boys who are growing up without a sense of pride and respect. If they are of legal age, then they must be brought to justice for their crime.
    If the welfare division needs help in conducting community outreach, then there are resources out there, people who are well versed in this type of work who would be willing to help. Make an appeal for help, it will arrive. This cannot continue. It is a dark stain on our country.

  11. alas
    September 17, 2011

    The court system is a joke..poor people children case will last a lifetime but if it was asterphan daughter i guess urgent attention and quick resolution in the court would be a priority..treat everyone the same…we’re all the same…this nonsense must stop..

  12. Anonymous
    September 17, 2011

    In the past men/women use to say tie your hen my cock let go……now it is coming back to bite us…and I herd it all my life as a child..

    Now it seem like their dirty thinking of yesterday has passed on to their sons and daughters, and where are they now? dead or maybe blind…but the seed that they planted lives on…fortunately today there are LAWS to protect our children…

    However if we teach our son/daughter to love and respect themselves and others!! they will remember that my MAMMA and PAPPY taught me better..if a loving boy loves his mamma!!!and is loved by his MAMMA!! there is no way he will hurt a girl or woman by raping her..

    As soon as a child has the ability to think of their mother or father, at the first sign of doing wrong, he/she will always think of doing the right thing…. for the consequences to them will be of great shame…

    Yesterday we dated in the dark…today because parent are more open with their kids they feel more comfortable to open up..but, some parent thinks that bulling their kids will keep them grounded…that may be true, but for how long?

    My medicine to knowing my children. (communication)…at least I try too.. even if they will keep somethings to themselves…that too is something that is developed at a very young age, not when they are grown.

    Please lets pave new grounds for our next generation….

  13. Abu_Sulayman
    September 17, 2011

    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    Firstly, I think Welfare should state that they are concerned about the REPORTED cases of gang rape on the island. This has been happening from time memorial in this country.

    Secondly Mr. Anthony has inconsistency in his concerns. First, what are the age ranges? Also, he states an example of a young lady being serviced by four to five men then asks about the impact of this action on a child. What is it Mr. Anthony, is it a child or a young lady?

    Thirdly, it is true that perpetrators should be brought to justice however, Mr. Anthony has failed to comment about tackling the root of the problem.

    Lastly, our professionals should look into the root causes, and effective ways of curbing these problems.

    Thank you
    Abu Sulayman

  14. may
    September 17, 2011


  15. Humanist
    September 17, 2011

    The blame, in my opinion, always has to go far more towards these disgraceful males than to any female who is raped who was wearing provocative clothing. Some will argue that, Oh, well, she was wearing clothing that invited rape. What? Even, if a girl is wearing a shirt that says “RAPE ME NOW, MOFO,” that does not possibly condone the actions of a man–or men, in this case–who rape her. Should women still be wary of what they wear, though? Yes, of course–but a girl should be able to wear short shorts and a tank top and still not look provocative. In hot (and non-conservative Muslim) countries, women dress like that all the time without being gang-raped.

    I cannot say for certain what is leading the men to such despicable acts other than that there are disturbing trends in Dominica’s young males towards being macho. You see this in many ways. For instance, the fact that a vast number of men see the need to drive with aggression on the roads, cursing those who pass them and trying to race down narrow strips that can scarcely hold one car–the fact that they do this is one potential sign of this excessive machismo. Another is the way so many of the young men look at women. Walk through Roseau and look at the way some males rudely yell out to girls and even grab them sometimes, often in front their peers, as if to say, Look what I can do. I’m in charge here. Lastly, look at the music so prevalent among these groups. Some Jamaican dancehall is violent in the extreme, which is also the case with some gangsta rap from the States.

    But these things are not themselves causes, necessarily, of rape. The fast and barbaric driving is, at worst, a symbol of this desire to be “on top” everyone, to be faster than everyone, to be the alpha male on the road. Rape is something far, far worse. It involves forcing a human being to do things she does not want to do. Gang rape is even more despicable.

    I hope these criminals get thrown in jail for long enough to feel the barbarism of their actions.

    September 17, 2011

    This is so disgusting; lack of respect and self-respect for women and themselves in this country. Men of Dominica, women needs to be respected.If you do not have respect for your bodies, please, please respect women’s. And to add salt to injury, the mothers of these “Vile Vultures”, is that the way we train our young men to disrespect woman. And yes i blame the mothers of the men sometimes ,they are the first to blame the women instead of standing up against the iniquities their “Vulture sons has done, they cast blames on those poor and vulnerable young women. When theses men are charged and arrested, their mothers are the first to get them bail to put them out in the streets terrorizing other women. This should not be called “gang rape” it should be called”terrorism” They should be charged with “domestic terorism” A more severe penalty. To all the vultures of Dominica ” Woman was made to be loved and to be cherished, not to be terrorized and disrespected.

  17. Arab
    September 17, 2011

    This is a concern in our society. At the same time please don’t put all the blame on the young men. If a girl is legally of age or let us say at least 18 and she agrees to a “LINE UP” there is blame on her for feeling she needs that much sex at once.

    This whole thing starts with a break down in the churches, homes, then the politicians break down the education system and it is a whole ripple effect.

    Please note that line ups have been happening for decades so addressing it should have started a long time ago

  18. shizzle
    September 16, 2011

    nothing but the gand bang…. as long as the old enough bring the bizzles.

    • shy
      September 17, 2011

      I guess you don’t have women in your family, animal :twisted:

      • Anonymous
        September 19, 2011

        Shy too sot what you know

  19. vip
    September 16, 2011

    From my general observation ,quite a number of men in Dominica are very disrespectful to women and i wonder if these men have mothers , wives , and daughters. We really have some sick perverts in that country. To her them u just have to visit the bars ,the gymes ,the social clubs ,on the block,listen to them when they drunk.I pity some women, because people outside know more about their man than you know him as a lover or father.It is time somebody burst their bubble in public.

  20. juice
    September 16, 2011

    way papa domnique ka fini.they only repeating what tv and internet shows it explains everything how,when why. its a sad situation when we thought our kubuli isle was safe from those international mishaps.Jah protect my daughters and sisters

  21. joe
    September 16, 2011

    the only way somebody can rape my child and not get punnished is if i never no .make no sence going to the authority,just take the matter yourself(the authority not going to do you nothing either )thats how dominica has become

  22. mouth of the south
    September 16, 2011

    the welfare dept is to slow… some parents not taking the right initiatives…. and the worst is the judicial system…. i know of a case which is still going on from since 2009… every single time is a long wait… months apart… look skerro passport case going thru less than a year…. we keep hurting our children… wicked judicial system we have in d/ca….

  23. Wongping
    September 16, 2011

    All right let’s face facts.whilst it is true this thing exists long time and there is no justification for such behaviour,let’s take a look at technology and morale decay today.the pieces of cloth our girls wear to expose their tatouage,the music and tv programs.before we had parents who would talk;but today we turn away in the name of modern living.spare the rod and spoil the child.(it remains a fact that some parents are too severe).the administration responsible should answer some questions.opposition and gov’t instead of biting each other’s tail,work on the social breakdown too.we are all concerned.Jah bless DA and DNO

  24. lylee
    September 16, 2011

    It’s not only in Dominica this happens.It happened in French Saint Martin.Well the young guys are in Prison in Guadeloupe learning the hard Way.Getting their asses loose right now.They should do the same things in Dominica.

    • wesleygirl
      September 20, 2011

      domininca need to raise their bail price…they putting money where ppl can afford to come out of jail

  25. justice
    September 16, 2011

    This is not new, what is new is the fact that more people are coming forward and reporting this for the crime it is.
    Our society need education, men need to understand NO means No, and they are not dogs on heat.
    Young girls need to dress modestly and take more pride in themselves.
    Parents need to protect their sons and daughters, by educating them to say no and respect themselves.

  26. Anonymous
    September 16, 2011

    This is not new it have always happened since my grandmother time, only difference now, people are talking about it.Reporting to the police, long ago shame and disgrace and the priest telling the parents to say nothing meant that nothing was said.
    The answer is in parents being parents and protecting there daughters and teaching their sons. Mothers stop protecting your mal Kabrits.

  27. Neg Gwanbay
    September 16, 2011

    Gang rape is a very old trend.I remember going to highschool in the 70’s and Ahviol wozo was already doing that so dat aint new.The men or boys that do theseacts are those with very low self esteem often rejected by women (nom ki pasa tarpey famme).I think it is up to the women victims to come forward and name names especially the first one in line who is usually someone they know and the one who arranges the line up.

  28. BA YO BWA
    September 16, 2011

    Mr. Martin is anything in Dominica an urgency? Nothing becomes urgent until a vote is needed. Nothing is urgent until an election is called. For decades we know about a welfare division. For decades we know they have not been very effective.

    If you need individuals to help you lobby for more staff, more resources and quicker prosecution times, then ask. It is clear that you cannot do it on your own. From time immemorial we have been making reports to the Welfare Division about improprieties in different district with no avail. Step fathers impregnating young girls, and when the mothers say it is not so, welfare never returns. We have no belief in this system. Line up has been part of our society for ages. Do we have a juvenile system to prosecute the young ones? Do we have a method besides victim testimony to prosecute the adults? These are the issues to work on.

  29. kef
    September 16, 2011

    Nothing bring a crew together like a line up

    • vip
      September 16, 2011

      shame on you .Would you like that for your sister or mother. THats so inconceivable.Our young girls are too precious to be treated that way.

    • Well Well
      September 17, 2011

      You damn fool

  30. Anonymous
    September 16, 2011

    Youngs now a days behaving jus like rats! Young ladies be a girl all men want and not a girl all men had! carry ur self in a gud way, dress properly, leave them boys alone, study ur skl work…. I doe care if ple call me maco… but i doe want my sis talkin to any boy out dr… i doe want her to follow any girls as friends…. I so like a decent girl….. respect goes out to all them decent girls out dr!

    • aaffa
      September 16, 2011

      Are you implying that it’s a woman’s fault if she is raped??
      How a woman ‘carries herself’ has absolutely nothing to do with rape. It is the disgusting perpetrator who is to blame no matter what.

      • Anonymous
        September 16, 2011

        Most of the time… its the girl fault…. they only know “rape wen some1 catch them” but don’t worry…. one day they’ll regret al d nasty life thy live back den…. always we the males to get the bad name…..

  31. Faith
    September 16, 2011

    The truth of the matter is, children in general are under attack in this country. I am not too sure what the welfare division is doing to make recommendations for some serious changes in our laws. Children need protection from their own parents because we have quite a number of unfit parents that is more bent on destroying their children future. When a young girl is raped and her mother decides to take money in exchange for legal recourse, then this is dangerous. That child should have already been removed from her home and placed in a safe place.

    I need to also see a more aggressive approach by the welfare division. Some of the officers gets emotionally involved in those cases and as a result can’t do their jobs properly. I also think that there is need for better trained people in that department.

    Government needs to start putting their money where their mouth is. The youth of a nation is the future of that nation. If all we are going to have tomorrow is abused men and women, then we are looking at a very bleak future.

    Take care of our young people, put laws in place to protect them, they are the future of our country, they are our priceless treasures, let’s treat them as such.

  32. jewel
    September 16, 2011

    i am so fed up of these rape stuff and nothing is being done of those perpetrators. is if the judge or a lawyer, police and so on had a daughter who was raped, that is the only time they would want to castrate. shait man..i fed up. that is the only time man…do something with those bastards.

    September 16, 2011

    Where there is lawlessness in high places lower places are bound to follow suite. This is just reality and I don’t give a hoots about what apologists think. The decadence of our society is truly blatant and our leaders are to busy taking care of themselves either through self enrichment or wasting time and resources defending and hiding misconduct among themselves.
    What do we expect when the police themselves are behaving like thugs; criminal offenders are walking away with privileges, arsonists are being cuddled by lawyers and politicians, politicians are drug dealers, passport scammers are the elevated ones in society, preachers and religious leaders compromise their obligations only because they have become party apologists in the light of mass corruption. How can we expect better from the young people when we seem to be re-cultivating the old slavery and colonial culture of dependence ;
    If you don’t like what I’ve said first prove me wrong and if you want evidence look within your conscience even if you may not like what your pious conscience will reveal.

    • September 16, 2011


      • Arab
        September 17, 2011

        The churches will never stand up because standing up will mean losing “CUSTOMERS”. THe churches keep changing to suit the people of the time and they accept more to get more people and earn more MONEY

    • As I c it
      September 16, 2011

      Amen to that. What part of the bible is that chapter from?

      • September 18, 2011



  34. fathead
    September 16, 2011

    The staments are true such actives are unbecomining and serious action needs to be taken. yet on a nother note evreyone talk about the young boys and men gang raping, but what About all them SALLOP GIRLS DAT DOS GO FOR DER TING. always to sides to a story.

  35. top down
    September 16, 2011

    Dominicans are being taught from the top.
    “No LAW! Not even the Constitution can stop…”
    Do we really expect better from role models…
    After all shouldn’t we all be singing:
    “Thank god for Skerrit…”

  36. God's child
    September 16, 2011

    Mr Martin, you spoke about 4 men to one lady but i have heard about 7 men to a child 13 years of age and the guyes are between the ages of 17 to 25 yaers. What realy gets me upset is that the guyes involed are so-called boyfriends of the girls.they plane this line-up amoung their friends and to them thats not a big deal….To the girls they think that their boyfriends love them when this things happen. they never tell anyone.

  37. no change
    September 16, 2011

    they need to castrate all these guilty BASTARDS!!!!!

    • September 16, 2011


  38. Enlightened
    September 16, 2011

    Dominic is getting ready for a revolution. These trends are madness raging through our land. We need change. Our morality is going down the drain and we’re becoming more and more flamboyant about it. Someone has to put a stop to it from the head down to the toes.

  39. :(
    September 16, 2011

    I am so disappointed im my fellow Dominicans. How times have changed:(….

  40. its time
    September 16, 2011

    This is not a “new” trend.It has been around for a very long time. The difference may now be that people are taking more cases to the police. It is especially prevalant in the country side.The parents of the girls “hide” the gang rape because they feel “ashamed” and the parents of the boys “shield” their sons and make pathetic excuses to cover up their crime. They “agree” to have sex with one boy and he makes a “koplow” with his padners and they rape the girl.Parents get your mal kabwits in order!!!

  41. Yes Jesus!
    September 16, 2011

    What??????? Hmmmm.

    Parents, arm your daughters with pepper spray!

  42. simple mind
    September 16, 2011

    Mr.Martin,you see what happen to Mr. Weeks for speaking the truth?….but again you must speak it.

  43. ME
    September 16, 2011

    “Imagine having a young lady being serviced by four five men”…what is she a piece of machinery nuh, being serviced…anyway I get the point…young men behave all you selves…respect people children…PLEASE!

  44. for sure
    September 16, 2011

    these things happens because those girls agree to it and because other ppl find out parent of the child makes a report as rape, am not saying its ok for gang rape,better they try to educate those who particate in having sex with under age. rape is forced, unwanted sexual intercourse, so better they say “gang sex”. where some instances it may be rape, but i dont think majority is rape, those girls does agree to it.

    • Conscious
      September 16, 2011

      obviously, you are not aware of the law. Sex with children under 16 years of age is rape even if the victim consents.

      Having said that, it is my position that where sex involving minors that does not involve coercion or violence but which was done out of curiosity, the young persons should be counseled not imprisoned.

      Gang rape is not acceptable even if the person who was raped consented.

  45. A man wit no country
    September 16, 2011

    “This is an area that needs examining because it is felt that the processing of these case takes too much time,” he said.

    the word “serial” comes to mind…..a string of heads rolling.

    lord, steer the devil away from my family and loved ones, for the fear of my soul going down into the pit of hell in the pursuit of justice….amen!

  46. .......A??
    September 16, 2011

    Parents be of good example to your children. Show them love and respect.OK AM WARNING ALL U.

  47. BOOGA2
    September 16, 2011

    All those KFC YOUNG PEOPLE EATING now have thier hormones racing. Those little girls more agressive than the boy. Those young mothers need to take a closer step to thier daughters. Again some of them are no good example. SO welfare officer can talk till jesus come down, that will never stop if parents dont show good examples.

    • Humanist
      September 17, 2011

      And why, pray tell, is the western world, full as it is of KFCs, not absolutely filled to excess with gang rape, then? KFC is generally bad food, yes, but it doesn’t transform people into rapists. Come on. Food can affect our brains, certainly, but not to the degree that we turn from innocent children into rapists. Blame the men themselves and pernicious cultural influences more than the food.

    • September 20, 2011

      I agree with you on the point that since the arrival of KFC in Dominica. However we are all accountable for the way we behave. There are too many children who have no moral valuse as their parents are had none themselves. it is a vicious circle that needs putting an end to, and if does not happen soon Dominica is doomed. Prayers do not solve everything it is time for some action and punish people for their wrongdoings.
      God Bless Dominica

  48. River Rain
    September 16, 2011

    We are wasting too much resources on those who wilfully decide to perpetrate crimes against others. Bring back the cat-o-nine. Who cannot take nine will take whatever they can. Stop throwing money at criminals. We are all in survival mode and the money throwing is not working, on the contrary it is encouraging them.

  49. IZ
    September 16, 2011

    Mr. Martin, the welfare division is not operating in his full capacity. It is sad when we listen to you when you address certain issues but my question is what are you all doing about it, what are you all role in children safety.

    The Welfare Division is suppose to be a place where families, children who have been abused come to get comfort, its should be a place of screcy but no. All the children business is on the road.

    Another concern, is that Welfare takes too long to assist children who have been abused.

    • 1979 has NO country
      September 16, 2011

      like the nonsense going on in point mitchel right now….. welfare division should be intervening due to the involvement of a minor in this case. who is to say that this is not a case of Munchhausen syndrome by proxy??? and the poor child just there taking abuse while everybody bumps their gums…..

      • Ras B
        September 18, 2011

        1979 has no country,
        Please be informed that there is nothing called Munchhausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). This was infact a concoction of Professor Roy Meadows over-active imagination for which, there has been no evidence and for which, he was initially struck off the medical register by the GMC.

        One must, therefore, be careful about what they quote from on line sources.

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