Gholda James sentenced to 58 months in UK jail

Gholda James
Gholda James

Dominican model, Gholda James, will be spending the next 58 months in a United Kingdom jail for possession of cocaine.

The 18-year-old from Pointe Michel, was arrested earlier this year at a London airport.

Reports indicate that two kilos of cocaine, worth 90,000 pounds or EC$300,000, were found in her luggage when she arrived on a Virgin Atlantic flight.

When she was arrested, she reportedly told law enforcement that the package was given to her by someone in Dominica to deliver to someone in London and she had no knowledge what was inside.

James was on a one-week trip to London and was a contestant in the Dominica’s first Next Super Model show.

She was sentenced earlier this week in a Croydon court in the United Kingdom.

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  1. v.i till i die
    October 27, 2013

    Snitch it go 4 now golda is not life u get u will b out in 2.3 for d most hold your head high.d country hard dats why she do dat in allu mur

    • poonkie toonks
      April 26, 2014

      thatss right. but hear dat na. When she come out she going have a degree and yes she may be fat, like them merz saying. because the england government feed the girls and educate them. so yah, she will be out soon. she will participate ion all sorts of activities and she wiil become famous. thank you for your love. am her sister

  2. Anonymous
    October 24, 2013

    she lived dominica all her 18 years and never left the country…yet she was yanking like an american when she around certain people. i always had to look twice when i heard her talk.. well she wil have enuff reason to yank now

    • Justice and Truth
      October 26, 2013

      When she is released from prison she may have a British accent. :lol:

    • poonkie toonks
      April 26, 2014

      for your information, gholdie has been yanking since she learn to talk. when she gets out her accent will be worth buying. she was born for accomplishment and she will suceed because she is gifted. was always. she is going to become famous right there in jail. after her degree, she would have had something what do you have?

  3. Digimon
    October 24, 2013

    58 months is a very lenient sentence…..she could have easily gotten 10 years. Makes one wonder if she did give up some names in return for a lighter sentence. Either way, the young lady should count herself blessed……58 months for 2 kilos isn’t all that harsh, especially in the British justice system.

    • poonkie toonks
      April 26, 2014

      you are so right. but justice will begin when she gets out. she is presently doing an education course in jail. so in a little while her drama is over

  4. Shay-kit
    October 24, 2013

    The British prison officers are going to mix her food (meals) so she loose that Coca-Cola bottle shape. Mamzel is going to be fat like a losh. You know what is a losh?

    • Anonymous
      February 25, 2014

      Actually I’ve jus got out of jail and golds was a true friend and a lovely girl, she goes gym hard so not likely to get fat for your information! JEALOUSY IS A B**TCH

  5. October 23, 2013

    As a frequent flier and a sometimes visitor to the Caribbean I will offer a few comments on Ms. James situation.

    The story that she didn’t know what was in the package raises questions. The most natural thing in the world would be for her to simply ask “What is it?” If they refused to tell her should she not be suspicious and walk away?

    Travelers are warned again and again not to take packages from strangers to deliver and not to leave their luggage unattended in the airport.

    But whether her story is true or not certain facts remain:

    (a) Somebody in Dominica gave her the package: somebody the Dominican police would be interested in.

    (b) There had to be an intended recipient. The fact that she was to be in England only for a week suggests she was there for a drop-off. It is hardly time to sell 2 kilos of cocaine in the streets and pubs of London, and there are places closer to home to sell the stuff!

    I expect the authorities would want to look at Gholdas’s passport to see if she is a frequent flier and if this is her first trip to England.

    This lady has information the police in both Dominica and England would like to have. She needs to get a good lawyer and cut a deal. He would work on getting her prison time reduced and/or getting her home where she might be able to do a suspended sentence for at least part of the time.

    She should have no fear of the drug pushers, and not be loyal to them. They are not there now for her. These are evil people in one of the most harmful businesses the world has ever known. I hope she will do the right thing. Sell them down the river and redeem herself!

    I have read conflicting reports of the prison system in England and do not know what to believe since I have never been to the UK. But this young woman should not be thrown in with hardened criminals. I would expect the honorable government of Dominica to take an interest in Gholda’s case and do their best to see that she is not subjected to abuse that could rob her of her future.

    She is one of your own! She can still make you proud of her!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • Shay-kit
      October 24, 2013

      Hill, if she talk she done. Maybe that’s why she went down solo.

      • October 31, 2013

        I can understand her being afraid of that. Everything would depend on how it was handled. I said she should have no fear bcause I’ve always been a bit cocky about things like this. However, you have a good point. Her lawyer knows more than I do. Maybe he advised her to keep quiet.

        Regardless, many of us hope she is kept safe, learns from her experiences, and is a better person when it is all over.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evanglist.

    • Mary Black
      October 24, 2013

      She will be well looked after with television, clean clothes, trainers and will also go back into the education systems do her daily chores. But for one thing she will be needing money to make a phone call and for stamp to contact he family back home.
      I hope that she has family in the UK to visit or else she will be very lonely not having any visitors. With good behaviour she will be out in 2 years.

  6. Richie
    October 23, 2013

    That Fast life…want to be like Rihanna and others . buying designer stuff in malls…and not wanting to do a stroke of work in their life. Some of them can get rich men to fund that lifestyle but the others that cant have to traffic drugs. Stop chasing after that kinda life….and if you MUST live it…make honest money

  7. FIRE........FIRE....
    October 23, 2013

    What I came to realize is that WE readers, seem to be more interested in RORO/GOSSIP, I see so many headline news on DNO, which could be more BENEFICIAL to us, but yet WE give MORE power to the wrong/sad/ NEWS which is of nothing but bad reputation for our country Dominica and our fellow Dominican….we should learn to realize when we live in glass houses we should not always through stones…cause we might break ours in doing so, when we have children/loved one, we should not rejoice…we all know another mother is crying, innocent or guilty…my mother always say..LEA BAB CAMARADE NOUS PRIX DEFEU POUR GLEAU WOSEA SAWE..CHILDREN CAN DISAPPOINT….but a crime has been committed..

  8. SLLJ
    October 23, 2013

    My girl.. in four years you can get a degree and minus the prison record from your name and add something much better…. patience is indeed a virtue in your situation…..don’t dwell on the negative that can’t be change but see the potential in it… make the best of it… our prays are with you always :wink:

    • Anonymous
      October 24, 2013

      You make jail seem like an attractive place to go.

  9. Jesuschile
    October 23, 2013

    Gholda, it’s not over till God says its over. His word still remains true, “I know the plans that I have for you(Gholda) to give you a future and a hope” What happened is in the past, your future is ahead of you, the best is yet to come. Just believe and hope in God. You will do well. God bless you.

  10. October 23, 2013

    Hello and good afternoon my people. Well it saddens me to see this young lady was given almost five years. Now when she was arrested she said that someone gave her the package to deliver to some one in England but she didn’t know what was in the package. At That time I posted that she should get a lawyer and have her lawyer worked out a plea deal if she tell them who gave her the package and who she was delivering it to. Now it seems that she didn’t co-operate with the Courts and she was found guilty and sentence. Even though I feel sorry for her it seems like she choose not to tell the authorities who gave her the drugs rather she choose to remain silent. At this point I can only hold her fully responsible for her situation. I only see her serving two years because she’s been incarcerated for eight months so with time of for good behavior she will be deported to Dominica. Well for me I don’t take packages from anyone except if its a family member and they bring the package to my parents home and I know what’s inside. Overall it’s sad but I have to believed she knew what was going on otherwise she would have say who gave her the package. When I am traveling I lock my suitcases and I wait by TSA/security until they clear my suitcases and if they need the keys then I provide my keys in that way no one can put anything in my suitcases. It’s just a said situation for one of our citizens to be involved in.

    • forreal
      October 23, 2013

      she could have been told by her lawyer,not to say anything.

      • October 24, 2013


        Hello and good morning my people. None of us know what actually transpired court but its quite clear that she didn’t give up the person she was working for. Yes she could have told her lawyer that she isn’t co-operating with the courts.

    • Truth to Power
      October 23, 2013

      My Dear Customs can open your suitcase without a key… Don’t fool yourself!!

      • October 24, 2013

        Hello and good morning. Yes I am aware that they can open any suitcase because they have the master key to the locks or they can put a liquid into the lock which hardens and open it. Once at JFK when they were about to pick my lock suitcase and I told the TSA employee that its my suitcase and I provide the key. Most of them actually cut people locks sometimes damaging their suitcase.

  11. Vip
    October 23, 2013

    That fast life…sigh

  12. October 23, 2013

    Most of you fail to understand what I said.

    Whether she is guilty or not is not mine to say. This should not be an opportunity to wish greater ills on her. The point is someone FELL and people are “cheering”. Such phrases as “she should get more years”, “that’s good” or “that’s great news” are not the right things to say as our lives can change around for the worse in an instant. How is all these “stupid” comments going to help her?
    One asked if I am part of this cover up (or something to that effect). This again reveals the level of care some of you have for each other. You will only do something or care about someone if it benefits you. But knowing someone should not be a prerequisite to show concern for that individual regardless of the predicament he/she faces.

    We are all humans and make mistakes as such we always need each other. Her mistake may not be synonymous to yours, but don’t we all behave foolishly sometimes or at some point in our lives? Wouldn’t it be better to just say a prayer and hope for the better? When we wish worse for someone we are in essence making ourselves flawless. But sadly, as I said Sometimes our own judgment comes out of our own months.

    Keep gloating and rejoicing – sorrow is not prejudice.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 26, 2013

      Some of you support one who has fallen. Another who has fallen or supposedly fallen you lambaste. Your compassion for her is misguided and not genuine.

  13. budman
    October 23, 2013

    two things: (1) some people were asking how is ti that she was missed in Dominica or Antigua/Barbados but found out in UK. law enforcement typically work with each other to do one of two things (1) follow the drugs to see the intended recipient and then arrest all as opposed to arresting the carrier only. (2)some countries allow the criminal to go into a country that may have stricter drug laws and then tip off the country’s police so that the offender would serve more time.

    (2)everytime i travel and someone has a package for me i ask them to open it in my presence and let me see all contents as a condition of transport. if they say “no” well sorry.

  14. Anonymous
    October 23, 2013

    In this day and age, Gholda really believe that her excuse is valid? She had no knowledge what was in the bag? So she never watched news or looked at movies in her bag or at least have some common sense to look and see whats in there before something like this happened? -_- you have to be me

  15. bjr
    October 23, 2013

    I don’t feel sorry for her because when I was taking my two weeks jail in norther amaerica nobody felt sorry for me, and still there may be a warrant for me be cause I owe the court 259.00, which was due on august 21st

    • anonymous
      October 23, 2013

      lol what point are you tryin to make?

      • Anonymous
        October 24, 2013

        lol ikr lol

  16. tyler smith
    October 23, 2013

    Its amazing the responses im reading. To all those who say she’s innocent, why didn’t she come forth and name the other individuals present. She doesnt work, all hee family from england came to.dominica, yet she goes to england for a week? Where.does that kind of money come from. as nice and sweet some of you all make her ou to be, she is guilty. She transported drugs accross international waters, she was in possession of them, and she had intent to supply. She is very lucky that the sentencing is only 5 years. Most individuals get 10-15 years. Let her reflect on her poor choices

  17. learn from mistakes
    October 23, 2013

    Yes u’ve made your mistake but i do hope that you learn and be wiser in the things that you do. We all think its a short time in jail but you have more time to do when you get to D/ca. Your family is not proud but they’re here with you thru it all. You have talent and your blessed make use of it . Best of luck #lessonlearnt

  18. Morihei Ueshiba
    October 23, 2013

    Gholda this is the beginning not the end. Make use of your time in prison, study law, it is not how u start in life that matters it is how u end. What can our high commissioner do to speed up your sentence? We must stand by our people when they do wrong so they can become better people which will make Dominica a better country. Don’t give up! You can do it.

    • Bystander
      October 24, 2013

      Morihel You are a thinking out of your b hole.. Did you noticed the value and the amount of drugs she had? what if that got on the streets into your son or daughters hand.. They get hook on this s@#t, would u say that’s not the end, don’t give up? Listen Stop babying this young adult.. She new exactly what she was doing. She loves the fast life which gives her fast money.. Now she will pay for her actions. I say 25 to life just for the thought of the effect it would have on our generation if that cocaine hit the streets..

  19. Mary Black
    October 23, 2013

    It is not the end of the world she is not the first nor the last to be involve in such thing. For one thing no modelling agency wornt want to hire her due to her crime.
    The rule is never take anything from family or friend which is wrapped up always open and inspect before you leave home. If you feel unconfortable with hand it back to the person.
    In 2002 I travelled to St Kitts and was on route to Dominica to visit my family an emigration officer asked me to take a package to someone in Dominica. I told him to find someone else you cheek he was not pleased.

  20. ZafahDominic
    October 23, 2013

    * Two comments were posted last night and I can see new comments posted today by my comments gone into hiding. I live in the UK and I hope the team post my comments as it was not negative or bashing my fellow Dominican…

  21. ZafahDominic
    October 23, 2013

    Question to DNO Team..Tim Durand et al…. last night I posted to comments both very productive and yet ou failed again to place my comments on your message board. I suppose if I was being negative and would find room for posting it…its not the first nor will it be the last..I also suppose I had better start learning to be negative and bashing my fellow citizens for that is the only way you will stop monitoring my posite comments..How Sad Tim Durand and team..I had you in the highest esteem when you took over..sadly it goes to show you allow nonsense on the pages and what should get monitored gets away and make it on the board..shame shame shame..

  22. Justice and Truth
    October 23, 2013

    It is sad that she found herself in this situation. It cannot be erased. She just has to serve the time. I hope she makes good use of it educationally that when she is released she could seek and obtain a stable position.
    Those who keep stating that this illegal drug should be legalized, note that Britain has no intention of doing so. In Canada, there are also debates about it but the PM is not relenting.
    I heard on TV that marijuana is a dangerous illegal drug.
    Youths also take note. Stay away from bad company and anyone who will use you to transport illegal drugs. Your freedom and being a law abiding citizen are worth much more than money could ever purchase.

  23. name
    October 23, 2013

    locked up abroad will just keep on getting more episodes. i love that show

  24. Observer
    October 23, 2013

    I feel sorry for this young lady, I am almost sure she was deceived, offered a trip, some cash to go shopping in exchange to take a package to a friend overseas. which young girl would not find that attractive, maybe not even thinking of what might be in the package. I Personally experience this before, was offered cash and a trip to go across states to take a bag, I was young and folish, did not even think any thing of it untill I mentioned the plan to another friend who got very upset and explained to me the consequencies. Only then I understood what I was getting myself into and I backed off on the deal. Young people can be inexperience and foolish. Unfotunate for her, she may not have been warned. Hope others will learn from our experiences.

  25. concerned!!!!
    October 23, 2013

    No mean to be judgemental in any wayim just concerned that everyone is taking up her side always remember that there is always three sides to a story her side the court side and the actual truth. Please tell me that in this day and age no1 travels abroad without knowing what is in an enclosed package pple are really curious these day as to what they are transporting. Secondly, you are going to London with this package to deliver and your stay is only for one week? I find that a bit suspicious.

  26. Drew
    October 22, 2013

    wow… thats tough 8-O

  27. ti nom
    October 22, 2013

    belle fille eh…is a shame. good ting she big so she can bully dem girls in jail

  28. Jus me
    October 22, 2013

    From my perspective, I think Gholda got caught up in a bad deal…

    -The Dominica Top Model was held just before she left for London
    -Her brother who loves her dearly was getting married a week or 2 after the incident

    Knowing Gholda, she would not leave to go right England knowing her brother getting married

    What i believe is that, she maybe had a deal with someone who sponsored her for the Top Model contest, If you win you get such and such
    If you lose, you do that for me(take a package to England)

    Thats the only possible way i seeing Gholda could have gotten caught up in this

    Bcuz knowing her, she would have made that deal, hoping that she would emerge winner of Dominica Top Model

    Cuz she took her modelling and music very serious

    Its a very sad situation for her… Most of you dont know Gholda, except that she got caught with cocaine

    But that’s not the Gholda we know from Pointe Michel, She was a very positive girl

    We should rather pray for her… None of us would not like to be in this situation…

    • Justice and Truth
      October 26, 2013

      From what you stated, if it is true, she was used with no regard for her rights and if she were caught. Therefore, she became a victim of their illegal scheme.

  29. The Onlooker
    October 22, 2013

    Just a word of caution here, today is hers tomorrow may be yours. The most that anyone can do at this time is to pray for the young lady. Please show some love.

    She has already been sentenced and condemning her will not undo it. She is somebody’s child. My heart bleeds for her. No matter what, God loves her for sure and I do too.

    A Christian mother

  30. Francisco Telemaque
    October 22, 2013

    Someone said with good behavior, she will be out in two years, not likely!

    Fifty-eight ( 58 ) months incarceration is a matter four years eight months and about three weeks. In the event each night she spends in jail is counted as a regular day, she will be spending more than two years in jail, if the each night she spend in jail is not counted as one day, she will be spending more than four years in jail.

    This should serve as an example to those Dominicans young and old who wish to smuggle illegal drugs into peoples country in the hope of earning light money.

    The case is over, however we have yet to learn the name of the person in Dominica who gave her the drugs to give to who in England. If the value of drugs is simply a matter of Ninety Pounds, or let’s say #90.00 X $4.80 = EC$432.00 ( if the British pound is still equal to $4.80) East Caribbean currency, that means she will be loosing almost five years of her life for only four hundred thirty-two dollars!

    That is a very stupid mistake she made; and there is no point of anybody Dominica, try to spin this, by saying she did not know what was in the package.

    It also important for the prospective Dominica criminal who contemplates doing the same thing may want to note, her Dominica celebrity did not strike a note in the court; you break the law, you suffer the consequences, young, or old; we are king and queens in Dominica, by the time our feet is off the ground in Dominica, we become a bunch of nobodies; no matter what status we possess in Dominica.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Francisco Telemaque
      October 22, 2013

      Okay now that I read it back I discovered it is 90,000.00 pounds.

      In that case that should be approximately four hundred ( $432,000.00) $ EC. That make this lady a big time smuggler, who is going to believe someone would be given that amount of cocaine with that street value to give to someone, not knowing what was in at he package.


  31. lee
    October 22, 2013

    People are warned when travelling do not take sealed package from no one. I think she knew that was a business trip, why would an eighteen years old going to England for a week think about it. How knows maybe it was’nt her first time, whoever this person is who got this young girl in this mess I wonder how he or she sleeps at night. You know who you are worthy unto you.

  32. Concern citizen
    October 22, 2013

    She will be out in two and half years if she behaved herself. Stray strong.

  33. Jbfox
    October 22, 2013

    Am a father and all I can say is its sad she got her self in that situation but she among the few who knows the truth.

  34. Miss Concern
    October 22, 2013

    Girl! Just try to further your studies while in jail. You should be able to do a degree or your masters :wink: :wink:

  35. Concerned2DAMax
    October 22, 2013

    Another important fact…she drew suspicion to herself…”NO YOUNG 18 YEAR OLD VISITS ENGLAND FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR ONE WEEK!” Immigration instantly gets alerted, their ears prick up and they fire questions at you right there and then till you mahway (tie up) and you daypalay (talk). Their technicques are so suauve they can make a dead man talk. Every word is carefully noted and if you not so smart and say the wrong thing they haul you on for more questions and search. Maybe Antigua even Dominica did not even pick her up or no one was needed to sell her out but herself. They would question her as to why her stay was only one week, what business she was into or what job she had that decided she could only stay one week. Most young people her age come to England for study, to spend time with family, to be adventurous..see England, learn their culture and know something never takes one week and of course customs will get suspicious of you and the answers you give, your body language etc. If she was being met at the airport they would announce over the tannoy for that person to come forth and they would then explain why she was being held and the interview she had. I know, I had a similar experience when my 17 year old twin nieces came to stay for summer vaccation. They questioned them silly, five hours later they released them to me. They checked their story, they checked me and my husband, our home details, work details, mortgage details.. the lot..not because they were suspicious but lately some young people are put through a tough mill of questioning..until the custom officers not satisfied with you, you are not putting foot pass the UK border. Note to all young people, be wise, be true and don’t think you can be cocky at foreign ain’t no bed of roses.. the grass ain’t green and mercy is only in the bible/ Take care of vigilant when travelling…pack it yourself and don’t be anyone’s carry horse.

  36. kennedyave
    October 22, 2013

    It’s rather unfortunate what this young woman has brought on herself and I trust she remains strong and other potential mules learn from her experience. Quit assuming she really didn’t know what was in the package. These young people are savvy and the false sense of security that they can outsmart law enforcement; plus the promise of cash and material things allow them to be used and destroyed. She knows the story of the two from Roseau who are rotting away in St kitts, she may be young but girlie aint naïve. It would be in her best interest to give up the criminal who paid her airfare to London and gave her the package. Young people the temptation and promise is great but it’s not worth it.

    In Dominica we celebrate criminals. We don’t shame them. They use young girls like Goldha so their wives can get money for hairstyles and trips to Disney while seating in their air conditioned offices in top government jobs. Their kids can turn their nose up on you and while they build mansions, drive fancy cars you all are before the courts, dead or in prison! How many more young women need to be destoyed? How many young men need to go missing or in jail? We are a hypochrite society. Beating down an already lonely, defeated, young girl who allowed herself to be tricked by trinkets suddenly makes us feel better meantime the real monsters are amongst us looking for their next victim.

  37. Concerned2DAMax
    October 22, 2013

    After reading all the comments…I must say I am not at all surprised at some bitterness towards the young lady in some postings. While I myself feel sorry for Gholda, but this is a portrayal by British Justice to teach other youngsters coming from overseas a lesson. I live in England and know only too well how the justice system works. Pity, she pass the age to serve in a youth detention center, her time spent would be less traumatic. Her jail is one of the toughest women’s prison in the United Kingdom where the women get abused, raped and more. Fights and suicidal attempts are common. We better pray she does not come out worst because it will be a lesson of survival for her. A hard one to that. She will need support to be strong, to cope with all sorts thrown at her in there…lord we better pray. We better pray she knows how to throw a punch, how to fend off the lesbians, how to say no to smuggle drugs in prison, and hope she does not come out a seasoned criminal.

    We better pray to that she makes use of her time and she gets off early for good behaviour. She will be offered a trade or something positive to do but she still needs to look after herself in there and behind her back. let’s ray and hope she has a good cell mate. Life will never be the same for this young lady, but she get counselling in there and let’s hope she uses her time as a turn around towards betterment and improvement.

    As a mother of young girls, I forever drum in their heads, not to carry anything for anyone at anytime when travelling. I recently told my older daughter, when you are travelling as she travels a lot, even if it’s an old person asking you to carry their need to be selfish and leave them to it. In this day and age you can’t trust anyone. Britain just had some of their young girls same age as Gholda held up in foreign prisons for carrying drugs, some facing the death penalty in the countries caught…there is no mercy for them so why should they (Britain)treat foreign nationals on their soil any differently.

    This is a harsh lesson to learn Gholda. I hope the group of Dominican’s residing in UK who visit nationals in prison especially if you have no family in the UK will add you to their list for visits. The winters are harsh, you will need some warm gear more than the Prison will offer. i feel for this young lady>

    And to fellow Dominicans..whether she knew what was in the package or not..THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR REJOICE. Life is not lost or wasted unless she wants it to…now is a time for reflection and deciding which way she is going from here.. she has time to plan her journey..make it meaningful from this day on and regrets she may have a few but is the will power to leave them behind and tell herself acceptance of what she did is normal…but moving on positively is the choice now to make.

    Don’t gloat too much for it could be our daughter, niece, aunt or simply put one of our very own sitting behind bars. Instead let’s pray for our young people.

    On another note the Dominica High Commission in London in association to her local Mp in Dominica and the Prime Minister can all help to secure her well being in London. The foreign office of England visits their nationals in foreign jails where ever they have offices so we can do the same. We not asking the officials to condone what they do but ensure nationals are treated justly and fairly while serving time especially so young a national.

    Its not Skerrit problem but she is a national..she is someone’s child. True if that package was duely delivered..lives would have been ruined so we pray and hope she reflects and lesson learned.

    Life of hard knocks!

  38. the truth
    October 22, 2013

    Well well well I don’t know who or what gets the news to put on dno but I can say its bogus please when u are putting the stories pleas give dominicans the right news cuz some of them are putting comments that are so rediculous don’t worry when some of u see her has u say (58 months) lol u will be suprise and the thing is that she will be looking better that most of u all she’s not the first and definitly not the last take it from the truth

  39. Jayson
    October 22, 2013

    With good behavior she’ll be out in less than 2 years.

    • eh?
      October 22, 2013

      tink is Dominica that

    • bjr
      October 23, 2013

      so what, she stain already

    • Papa Way
      October 23, 2013

      She’ll be out in 18 months and then deported, although she might just be able to stay in the UK indefinitely if she gets the right legal advice.

      UK prisions are luxurious compared to Stock Farm. She’ll get gym, educational classes, work if she wants it and sattelite TV. It’ll be an experience and a half!

      • Anonymous
        October 23, 2013

        Shallow minded

  40. true dominicn
    October 22, 2013

    I have studied law. I also travelled to the U.K to get first hand knowledge of the details of the crime. Her story as I saw and listened to it, is not plausible.

    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2013

      So you had to study law and go to England for the details to see that her story shows a lack of common sense? Or a pretense?

    • bjr
      October 23, 2013

      wel if you studied law be brave and put your name on here, stop acting like the criminal

  41. James
    October 22, 2013

    SO sorry dear but if u did the crime u must pay the time!

  42. pablo
    October 22, 2013

    be strong my girl.

  43. pablo
    October 22, 2013

    Gholda u are my ex co-worker, u are a very nice person. be strong

    • oh no
      October 22, 2013

      Because she is your friend, you saying “be strong”. What nonsense I seeing on DNO this evening. Is she a victim? She did her crime, so let her so serve her time with a guilty conscience and repentant heart hopefully.

    • kk
      October 22, 2013

      be strong, really

  44. jesus
    October 22, 2013

    my dear, in life we all make mistakes. some not as drastic as others. no one should rejoice at what happened to the young lady. I honestly think that she knew what was in the package. she definitely knew that it was drugs. some of us want to get rich quick and want to dazzle with the finer things in life. we however cannot wait for a decent pay check because it is either not enough, come in too late, or we are just plain out want more than we can afford. it could be worse. maybe if she did not get caught she would have gotten a bigger jail time else where. so look at it on the brighter side. my dear you are still young. take the years to think and realize that illegal jobs are not the way to go.
    I wish you the best and remember it is never too late to begin a new life. All the best

    • kk
      October 22, 2013

      I agree

  45. ???
    October 22, 2013

    Why must DNO keep stating the fact that she was a contestant on Dominica’s Next Super Model errm I think everyone knows this. It’s bad PR for the company business wise.
    While it’s merely an opinion this young woman knew what she was doing she is not a child but an adult and therefore was trialled I trust she’ll learn from her mistake. She can only progress from there on.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 22, 2013

      Why does this concern you to the point of questioning DNO about what was posted? It bothers you? You feel guilty about her being sentenced to prison for possession of illegal drugs?
      It is news and news must be reported. It is amazing how some people are hypocritical and unfair.
      I hope you are not one of those who lambasted Fr. Lafleur and the Catholic Church and made derogatory comments when the news about what that woman stated about him was posted on DNO. The Catholic Church in general was not spared. Now you appear to be on the side of this woman and project empathy for her who will spend some years in jail in England.
      What are you stating about progressing from thereon? This is left up to her and no one else. As to whether she will progress, time will tell for her. She will either come out a better person or a worst one.
      At this point, not even she knows or that she is not giving it a thought except for the time she will be spending in jail and no doubt thinking of especially her family in Dominica and what her life would have been like in freedom if only she was not caught with the illegal drug.

  46. lightbulb
    October 22, 2013

    48 months is a lot of time.

    I guess she didnt co operate (snitch).

    whoever that give her the parcel, better recognize her loyalty (even though it is misplaced)

    • Crabfest
      October 22, 2013

      How did I see 58 and you saw 48?

    • bjr
      October 23, 2013

      58 months

  47. Insider
    October 22, 2013

    Very good

  48. Tamar
    October 22, 2013

    on one hand she can be completely innocent but on the other hand she could have done it for “things”. dis is why one should never envy what another has, cause u never no what dey did for it.

    • October 23, 2013

      I say that to my children daily. “One should never envy what another has, because you never know what they did for it.”

      Too often people see what you wear, drive, or even your house and its contents, not knowing how these things were acquired and will do ANYTHING/WHATEVER IT TAKES to get it too.

      It is PAST TIME that people realize “by the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread.”

  49. FIRE........FIRE....
    October 22, 2013

    Two scenario,I think that she knew what was going on, and maybe it was not her first time, but if she pass through security, then some worker/workers at the checkout counter should be investigated…and we know for sure HIS/HER code is registered in the system.. maybe they too could be involved…not even a little gwampea they allow me to pass eh…2nd this child could be Innocent…and was used to do some big short/boyfriend dirty work for them…..sellout girl or do your time….TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL…

    • October 23, 2013

      My sentiments exactly. How on earth could that much drugs passed through checkout in Dominica and her connecting flight to reach England UN-NOTICED.

      My wallet was opened after I passed security last year. The female security guard told me that she was “DOING HER JOB”.

      DRUGS SHOULD IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, CLEAR SECURITY UN-NOTICED, NO WAY. Unless they only check some people. Although I feel sorry for her, I am a mother, she had to have known what she was about.

  50. Shameless
    October 22, 2013

    No slack for drug dealers. She knew damn well what she was getting into so no pity here….but Change Must Come to my land and people.

    Assertive, NOT Agressie! :twisted:

    • kk
      October 22, 2013

      i agree

    • Justice and Truth
      October 22, 2013

      Where does change tie in with this woman who was sentenced to jail?

    • question
      October 23, 2013

      Wow…subliminal political gesture huh…smh

  51. October 22, 2013

    Some people do get upset when you say you are not taking any packages. TOO BAD.

    • Da girl
      October 22, 2013

      she could be really innocent. when u tell people you are traveling they like giving you wrap packages for aunty, nenen, boipah and all. tell them no pre wrap packages or no packages at all post it that’s why there’s parcel

    • Justice and Truth
      October 22, 2013

      In this era of the fear of terrorism and drug dealing you cannot afford to take anything which is especially packaged for anyone. In addition, if the contents are legal, the airlines only allow a few kilos for luggage.

  52. October 22, 2013

    It is better to not accept any packages to take to anyone than to take one without knowledge of its contents.

    Lessons are taught every day, but the people do not learn. She could have said it was arrowroot instead of saying she had no knowledge of the contents.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 22, 2013

      Worldwide news is broadcasted to every part of the world. Therefore, those who keep informed about the news should know that they should not accept packages and not knowing the contents. Those who consider sending packages other than through parcel post or similar avenues should not burden others with it for obvious reasons.

  53. reign drop
    October 22, 2013

    My boy Solomon said, “Beauty is vain.”

    • Justice and Truth
      October 22, 2013

      Not only vain. Beauty is deceiving and could deceive.

    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2013

      And vanity is the destruction of your soul

  54. 111emergency
    October 22, 2013

    Its very disheartening when you as a mother hear t these things happening and cant even contribute positively.
    My mother would always say to her children When you have you have but if you dont have it do without it.Dont try to live above your means

  55. reign drop
    October 22, 2013

    She is lucky as a cat. Why not 15 years? and tell me, why is she still called the “Dominica Model?” She brought shame on the Country and still maintaining her tikle?

    • kk
      October 22, 2013

      she should be charge upon return for exporting drugs from the country.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      This is a different type of model. Being a ‘role’ model and modeling are different. They are not the same.

    • Mary Black
      October 23, 2013

      That title is done.

  56. KoKo Naughts
    October 22, 2013

    Myself clothes alone I putting in my grip. One time I doh go and put fry balaw in there nah, jik atrelma I doh see ni grip ni fry balaw. I good!!

    • Brumant
      October 22, 2013

      ahahahahhaahhahhaah dead. Where is the grip and the balaw nuh? oh boy ahahahahahah

    • Dominican
      October 23, 2013

      Ha Ha Koko Naughts u have me flat laughing up till nw u nt yet see none lol but on a serious note why do the custom officers quick to take lil minor stuffs but turn a blind eye to the drugs. smh high time we focus on the relevant things.

  57. Bawi Boy
    October 22, 2013

    Please show some brain power with your good looks.

    • Baoui Woman
      October 22, 2013

      Spot on! Beauty with a non-functional brain isn’t attractive. Hopefully, her incarceration is somehow bearable.

  58. Ally Kaz
    October 22, 2013

    Sorry ladies and gentlemen, but are you really surprised?
    First, it is really NOT unusual in the model-scene, to be on “whatever” to keep the model-size.
    Second, would you feel sorry for her, if she wouldn’t be a beauty? Let’s say a tired mom, too much weight, no chance of living a dream (if your dreamlevel ends there…)
    Last but not least, she chose the step in public, from this time, she is an example – especially for young people!
    Why should she not take the consequences, as we would have to?

  59. Jimi Hendrix
    October 22, 2013

    Young women….just a tip for you: you are more likely to arouse suspicion if you are travelling solo to these countries.

  60. October 22, 2013

    girl you lose out on a big money

    • kk
      October 22, 2013

      why do DNO post these type of rubbish.

  61. Yeah
    October 22, 2013

    May God bless you dear girl. In your weakness may you find strength. It’s a difficult situation, but ask God to sustain you through it all.Just in case you receive this message. find out if there is a study program and try to educate yourself. Most of all, be brave and pray without ceasing…

    I’ll be praying for you.

    • Concern citizen
      October 22, 2013

      She can educate herself whilst inside and get proper qualifications without giving to pay for them. If she can make good of get time and keep her head down.

    • what nuh
      October 22, 2013

      she tell you she want God blessing stupezzzzzzzz

  62. slim
    October 22, 2013

    Well my dear all is not lost. You will be out by age 23 or so. I am sure there are study material. Make the best of it.

  63. carib chief
    October 22, 2013

    Well gholda it is already done use this opportunity to educate yourself the university of London has a great external programme. The time goes by very quickly, its time to pick yourself up do not be misled by the hypocrites who will use this medium to assert all kinds of foolishness about you should know better.Things can happen to anyone it all based on the decisions we choose to make it how we overcome the consequences of these decisions that define who we are from this point onward.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      Wished you had empathy for everyone, as you do for her, who committed a crime be it murder.

  64. huh!
    October 22, 2013

    This goes to say that we must not carry dyab-en-sack.
    In this day and age who is so kind to carry 5 pounds (2kilos) of something they do not know for someone they do not know so well?
    That girl needs to travel same time with me. I giving her all my overweight to carry. ROFL

  65. tony brown
    October 22, 2013

    she will be out in 2 years you never do the full timne in englamnd. 18 months she will be back in dominica as a deportee

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      Once deported, she will never be allowed to return to England.

    October 22, 2013

    When will they learn?

    Yes, I do feel for her and her family, but she should have known better. Almost 5 years in jail in a foreign country (hope she has family in England, if she has,at least they can visit).

    Seeing as she was sentenced at Croydon, I’m presuming she will be an inmate at Holloway Prison for women (situated in Holloway, North London). She should use the time to further her studies.

  67. cola fig
    October 22, 2013

    I’m sorry to hear this ….but in this day and age we need to be very intelligent! What we can get away with here it aint so for more advanced countries!! If their is evidence for the crime committed you taking your hard jail…no mercy or preference vibz…and in closing who takes a packagae from someone whom they not familiar with and not even take a look at it before travelling?? I’m assuming maybe she really didn’t know what was in de package but she really trusted that person who gave it to heso much didn’t look at it…….and what ‘package waS btw?’Hmmm smh…Have mercy on the innocent lord but dem drug dealers let dem be caught!!! They too wicked….want to just get money quick to bling and not get a proper job! And is that some women like there too unno…….smh

  68. mamizoo
    October 22, 2013

    She already made the mistake and I am sure she has already learned the lesson that comes with her action. As fellow Dominicans let provide encouragement and support to the young lady. We have all made mistakes in our lives. She has a lot to contribute to dociety and Dominica so please don’t burry the young lady. Some of us have children and young people can be impulsive – I was.
    Young lady make the best of the time in prison. If you are able pursue a degree and don’t allow your incaceration to deter anything poditive that you may want to do.

  69. Wow
    October 22, 2013

    Did she at least give up the person who handed her the package? I was snitching on ALL involved

  70. thiny
    October 22, 2013

    I agree 5 years is way too much…it is a victimless crime

    • thiny
      October 22, 2013

      It is a victimless crime nobody forces anyone to buy and use cocain

      • October 24, 2013

        The illegal production, selling, and purchasing of cocaine is NOT a victimless crime. :twisted:

        The effects on the user’s total health over time
        is very harmful. Most of those involved in the counseling and rehabilitation of drug addicts know of deaths from overdosing referred to as ODs. Those who work in the emergency wards of hospitals know what an OD is! In Canada and the USA we know the life expectancy of an habitual drug user is below the national average. 8-O

        Localities that have a drug problem usually have a problem with drug related crimes. People with a severe addiction will steal, rob, extort, or even murder to get drugs or money for drugs. :cry:

        Years ago I was holding an evangelistic crusade in a big church in Brooklyn, New York. I was in the apartment where I was staying, sitting in the kitchen at a table with my back facing the window, preparing a sermon for the evening service. The fire escape went past that window. The next day I learned that a man had gone up past the window on the fire escape and broken into the apartment above me. He was stealing to buy drugs. Evidently he had looked into the window and seen me at the table back on to him, and continued to the next apartment. God had protected me! :lol: The thing that amazed :roll: me was that the robbery was no big deal to the people! Their attitude was “This is Brooklyn. It happens all the time.”

        In most of the large Canadian and American cities there is a problem with prostitution involving both women and men selling their bodies to support their drug habit. Many of these are young people, some underage even to drink legally. Many say marijuana was the first drug they used. It was their “gateway” drug. Now they are addicted to cocaine or a harder drug. Some are homeless, sleeping on park benches, in stairwells, furnace rooms or in abandoned buildings with no heat or electricity. Most have mental health issues or medical problems. :cry:

        Children and young people steal from their parents. Employees steal from their employers. Addicts rob stores at gun point. They break, enter, and steal.

        The big bosses of the illegal drug trade operate in gangs on an international scale and kill anybody who is a threat to their business. Many hundreds are murdered every year in what they call “the drug wars”. This includes big bosses who horn in on other big bosses’ territories as well as pushers who try to sell on another pushers turf. It includes pushers killed by disgruntled customers who paid good money and found they got an inferior product. It includes police officers killed on the streets or during raids, as well as undercover agents trying to infiltrate the gangs.

        In Canada on many of our northern Indian Reserves where the suicide rate is the highest in the nation it is known that drugs are a contributing factor. Drugs are also involved in many of the cases of spousal and child abuse on the Reserves.

        The fools who want to have some of these drugs legalized may contribute the most to destroying the boys and girls of their nation. It is a known fact – proven by studies and published in the stats – that the more available any substance is the more people will use it.

        DECRIMINALIZING a drug would make it possible for anybody to grow or produce their own. It would knock some of the commercial producers and sellers out of business but not all. There would still be those who don’t have the equipment to grow or produce their own, or don’t have the knowledge or the time. Nobody would be in court for drug charges. But it would increase physical, mental, and social damage being done by the drug because more people would be using it. 8-O

        If a drug is LEGALIZED many will still buy from unlicensed dealers to get a lower price because the unlicensed dealers will (a) be able to sell for less since they don’t pay for a license to sell it, and (b) if they live in a place where there is a “sales tax” the unlicensed dealer won’t be charging the “sales tax”. Children and young people who are under the legal age to buy the drug over the counter will naturally go to an unlicensed dealer who will sell it to anybody of any age who can pay for it.

        Please don’t say this is a “victimless crime” :!: No single crime in the history of the world has produced more victims. :idea: If you want to be part of part of the problem get the FACTS about drug abuse and share them with as many people as possible. Find out :?: where your political candidates stand on the issues of DECRIMINALIZATION and LEGALIZATION. If they don’t volunteer the information you ask them! If they don’t make it an election issue you make it an issue! 8) Vote for those who stand for what is right.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

      • October 28, 2013

        Thiny: This is not true! 8-O

        People, young people especially, are led and coached into experimenting with cocaine and other hard drugs. For those who are already using marijuana (a gateway drug) this is one small step. :(

        Once people are trapped (addicted) they ARE in fact being forced to buy and use cocaine. To say otherwise shows you have no knowledge of the terrible grip of this bondage. The user is forced to buy and use by the sheer power of an addiction he or she was enticed into. :cry:

        The victim suffers, his family suffers, his employer and co-workers may suffer. Sometimes it leads to court costs. Society on an even larger scale suffers when you consider medical expenses and the cost of rehabilitation. :-x

        Crack cocaine (I realize this is a somewhat different substance) damages the brain :twisted: enough to create unbridled lust and extreme criminal activity. In Canada we had a case of a business man who had been a pillar in his church and the community. He began using crack cocaine. Soon there was an obvious change in his personality. He began fornicating with female employees and then prostitutes. Finally he paid a “hit man” to murder his wife. He was convicted. :evil:

        Knowledgeable judges will take into consideration the potential long term damage when passing a sentence for using or dealing in drugs. To hand down a severe sentence may be difficult for a judge who has a son or daughter the age of the accused. At the same time he knows he has a job to do and is expected to to discourage others from making the same mistake. 8)

        Who wants cocaine (and other “recreational drugs)
        decriminalized or legalized? Fools! :oops: (1) People who want easy access. (2) People who stand to make money from the trade. (3) Vote hungry politicians with a misguided electorate, or politicians with something to hide who are being blackmailed :!:

        Some things grow best in the darkness. Our greatest defense against the drug traffic is :idea: knowledge, beginning with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His gospel – the greatest power in the world to change lives!

        I leave you with 2 Corinthians 5:17! :lol:

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. :lol:

    • Tamar
      October 22, 2013

      “a victimless crime”? do u no the number of people who have fallen victim to cocaine? n not just the mules n da pushers, don’t forget da family.

      • Papa Way
        October 23, 2013

        EC$300.00 for a little sniff of the white stuff in London or EC$40.00 for a little rock. Those who can afford it should be welcome to as much as they can eat!

    • .......
      October 22, 2013

      That’s the type of mentality we have in Dominica. That’s why murderers get out in 4 to 6 years. Smh

    • Richy
      October 22, 2013

      Victimless crime? wh…WHAT? WHAT??
      fellow readers…is it just me? or is this person spewing garbage

    • what nuh
      October 22, 2013

      “thiny” huh, is more like “tiny”, as in tiny brain. Cocaine trade is not a victimless crime dunce-cat

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      It is obvious that you are one of those who assumes that there is nothing wrong to cultivate, traffic in it and ingest it.

    • name
      October 23, 2013

      there is nothing called a victimless crime

  71. April
    October 22, 2013

    Wow a life ‘taken too soon’. Whatever your position or poltics are, you should feel sorry for the young lady. My heart bleeds for her. Such a beauty…….

    • Jeff
      October 22, 2013

      Sorry? Do the crime pay the time! Oh, that’s right. We don’t know about that here!

    • Tamar
      October 22, 2013

      she should have thought of da so called “beauty” before she decided to carry packages for people.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      Having been arrested and now sentenced to jail, even though in time some people may forget about it, it will be a mark on her for the rest of her life.

  72. AA
    October 22, 2013

    Love you girl when you fall please rise up

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      It is an era that some people condone and applaud wrongdoing. At it is stated, “They have lost their sense of sin.”

    October 22, 2013

    58 Months in jail!Sentence was in the UK.Nothing to rejoice about but if this sentencing had take place in Dominica the judical system would have ben the worst in the world.

    • ()
      October 22, 2013

      Without this sentencing it is already the most ridiculous justice system in the world, so what are you really saying?

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      A man was recently arrested for cultivating marijuana. He was not sentenced. He was fined. Once he pays the fine, he will never be imprisoned. Therefore, what are you stating?

  74. Kim
    October 22, 2013

    Wait so she pass how much airport b4 she reach England they never get d drugs but they get it in England…..Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, dt just to show u eh how some air ports secuirty especially in D/ca are slack, best they had get dt is d/ca eh, all now so d girl not in jail

    • halibot
      October 22, 2013

      nah my friend you have it wrong, i believe Dominica missed it, but trust and believe Antigua will leave you pass, then inform U.K…. just so you get a serious jail time lol… of course if is an antiguan, they’ll apprehend right away…

      think of the dominicans they catch in antigua with money… why didn’t the let them go dominica,

      cause they know d/ca slack, plus it’s best the money stay antigua… it’s a game of cat n mouse

    • ()
      October 22, 2013

      Think she went through Barbados. Almost sure they saw something, but they knew she would be captured.

      • Justice and Truth
        October 23, 2013

        How could Barbados have missed this check? You mean they washed their hands off it and said, they could not be bothered, let England handle it?
        Remember the Nigerian man who was caught in B/dos with a gun in the false bottom of his luggage? He was on his way to Dominica. I wondered what happened to him.

  75. Anonymous
    October 22, 2013

    I wonder whether she gave the names to the investigating officers of the person who sent the package and the one who was supposed to receive it.

  76. October 22, 2013

    Dominicans are a people who LOVE to rejoice when a fellowman/woman falls, save their family; especially one with the potential to do excellently. This is evident by the detested tones emitted from the comments and by the vicious keystrokes on this blog. Many cheer at this news; hence, the sounds of hatred echo from their hearts while others seem to adorn their faces with a celebratory smile satisfying the envy that lies within their weary souls.

    Many have thought their children would never do that and such fate will never befall them; as such, they positioned themselves on the bench, put on a robe and with mallet in hand decide she deserves worse. Meanwhile, others are just happy she won’t be able to achieve anything in life – typical Dominicans.

    You are the same people who, when faced with calamity, run before God seeking mercy. You have positioned yourself as one impervious to mistakes. Your behavior indicates jail was created for just her and not any of your family. You are focusing on the “now”, but you have a generation coming and whatever you sow your generation will reap. The words that come out of your mouth and what you wish for others will follow your generations.

    What inheritance are you leaving for your children?

    • Yes
      October 22, 2013

      We’re not rejoicing. The individual is simply being punished for the crime she committed. My family member was a victim of crack cocaine that resulted horribly. YES I’m happy she was caught and yes I’m happy she is going to jail. Do you know the amount of lives she was about to ruin? She knew what she was doing. Who goes to London for one week. Your mother and father are not wealthy, you do not work yet still you’re going to London for a week. Please get over yourself Tasie Bat…On another note I hope she contemplate oh what she has done. I hope she seats in Prison and figure out how she is going to better herself after she is released.

      • October 22, 2013

        You speak with all certainty that she did this deliberately. You make it sound like you were there can attest to her guilt. I will repeat – DOMINICANS are known to rejoice when calamity comes upon others! And this is ostensible in the amount of froth being spewed on DNO.

      • Yes
        October 23, 2013

        Tasie Bat
        Several people have reported that this individual have already sell stuff to them. Just the mere fact of going to London for one week is suspicious. Really Tho?! And by the way, who carries something that heavy for someone not knowing what is in the package.

    • Francis Chicago
      October 22, 2013

      [Tasie bat yhwh]I’m a big fan of yours on dno I think you are true inspiration. But this young lady story I Don’t believe her story as a world former traveler like my self I don’t believe her story.

  77. Huh
    October 22, 2013

    If her story is true, she should give up the person’s name that gave her the package!!!

    • Annonymous Reader
      October 22, 2013

      hmm. I think she like her life more. she sings like a canary then two days later she dead like a doornail.

  78. concerned D
    October 22, 2013

    So who is the person who gave her the package? Call names girl. Pu t shame to that person who did this to u. U should not b going down alone!!

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      She got caught after the Dominican man from Newton :?: was arrested at the airport in England. I wonder if these were not tied in?

  79. October 22, 2013

    to goldy hang in there be strong it will all come to an end and to your family especially your mom keep praying god is a good god keep walking with your head held high

    October 22, 2013

    Whether she paid attention of what she was taking to England or not, it is quite a lesson to learn. I hope she rememberered who gave her that package. But the best thing for her to do now is to sit back, learn from this tragic mistake, and plan for a life after prison. This is the time to be a changed girl, hopefully a better individual, and my wish for her is that she will be stronger, and wiser. It is not the end of the world especially in D/ca. There are many things to do when she gets back there. One thing is obvious is that the population respects others that served there time. We can all pray that she finds comfort, learn what she can, and prepare for a good future she will love.

    • Tj
      October 23, 2013

      Thanks for your post. It’s good to read positive feed-back. Life storms are designed to make us stronger regardless or how we got into it.

      Keep the positive comments flowing.

  81. YES I
    October 22, 2013

    She will get a British accent like the last one.

    • reign drop
      October 22, 2013

      And maybe a British baby too! who knows? aint it?

      • Dominican
        October 23, 2013

        don’t be so negative Thumbs down!!! smh

  82. Lesson
    October 22, 2013

    well at least now you can find yourself in an institution where you can actually attain a bachelor’s or even master’s degree for free. Use your time wisely and learn the valuable lesson this has taught you. Nothing in this life comes easy and the high and fast road usually leads to destruction. My dear fortunately you are still young so what you do now in this situation will determine your future. Best of luck to you.

    • youth
      October 23, 2013

      please explain Lesson hw is this possible for her to get an education whilst she is in jail? who responsible for her tuition? strange enlighten me plzzzz

      • Lesson
        October 23, 2013

        The ignorance is strong in you

    October 22, 2013

    life isn’t ruined until you give up… This young lady will be out at the age of 23 at the latest. The light on her future is still bright. I can only hope she makes better choices in the future.

    • pablo
      October 22, 2013

      u right

  84. concerned
    October 22, 2013

    How naive can a 18 yr old be not to check a package given to her before travelling. This is sad but hope she make this experience give her strength and common sense.

    • October 22, 2013

      There are a lot of stupid people around. I would not open a package that was given to me, but I would inquire about the contents. What a smart person, like me, would do is be inquisitive. As we all assume, Gholda probably knew the contents of the package and assumed she would get away with it. She was wrong, and is now suffering the consequences.

      I wonder how the others involved are eating, sleeping, and going about their daily lives, knowing what they did to that girl. She also may not be too innocent, but at the same time she is the only one behind bars.

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2013

      So you really believe she did not know what was in the package? Well, well, well!

      • youth
        October 23, 2013

        I strongly bliv she knew, firstly they must ask what are u carrying. I bliv she did this for someone she is vey close too. unfortunately she got caught.

    October 22, 2013

    John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

    Time in jail my be looked as a life ruined but this is just one of the consequences that we face for our action. do not turn a blind eye, you have already made the mistake, you are serving your punishment but that doesn’t mean i’s the end of the road. Getting up when you fall is the key to survival. Don’t let your past experience ruin your life. Take precaution, learn from your mistakes and seek God for guidance. Who are we to say we cannot rise when we fall? If you fall ten times then you arise eleven. My prayers are with you. I have family I have friends most importantly I have children. Who am I to say they might try doing a good deed for someone not knowing they are walking into a trap? god will see you through if you put your faith in him. FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCDE OF THINGS HOPED FOR AND THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN.

    • Positively Dominican
      October 22, 2013

      Very inspirational comments. My heart goes out to this young lady. With faith and hope she will rise again.

      We all make mistakes and learn from them, I hope she thinks seriously of her actions and uses her experience to advocating to young people that being a drug mule and consuming drugs in not a positive way forward

      Hard work is the answer

    • October 22, 2013

      I agree with you. She is taking the fall for someone that is already recruiting its next victim. How sad and shameful of whomever gave her that package. I think the intended recipient in England should also be prosecuted.

  86. Anonymous
    October 22, 2013

    Seriously, in this age of terrorism, who travels with a package withoug knowing what’s inside? What if it were a bomb?

  87. snake
    October 22, 2013

    she knew what she was doing. Looked at her circle of friends. u think people stupid.

    all u young people cannot wait and want everything one time. learn, work for what is yours. you all are just to busy and greedy. I hope u learn from yr mistake.

    • October 22, 2013

      If she knew what was in the package then she is at fault.

  88. Just Blaze
    October 22, 2013

    Well they dont want to go after positive young boys with jobs and education is drugs man they want. So let them take what that comes with the lifestyle.

  89. October 22, 2013

    If you cant do the time, dont do the crime :-D

  90. zulu
    October 22, 2013

    This is why i despise drug dealers. If she knowingly carried then i say idiot. If she was helping someone she new and trusted i say damn you. You have just sentenced this young lady to 5 yrs prison. Your time will come and i hope you would wish yours was 5 yrs.
    Wish her well and every expeeience is a chance to learn and be better

  91. October 22, 2013

    Sad sad my heart aching i do hope she has family i the uk. Prison in canada the usa and america us no joke i hope she gets out early. We arw quick to judge and rejoice but wgen our turn comes around we look for. sympathy.

    • October 22, 2013

      The USA is AMERICA.

      I hope she has family in the UK too so she can get a weekly visit. I hope the INTENDED RECIPIENT of that PACKAGE is LOOKING out for HER while SHE is SERVING THEIR SENTENCE. FIVE years is a long time to be away from home, in that capacity.

    • halibot
      October 22, 2013

      isn’t canada and u.s.a already america??? including mexico, central america and all of south america???? :lol:

      • Justice and Truth
        October 23, 2013

        Canada is in North America (north of America). The Americans as I have heard on US TV, call Canadians their (nice and quiet) :) neighbors to the North. They consider Canadians are friendly and polite in comparison to Americans.
        Canadians are not Americans but considered North Americans. If you know the history of both countries, America and Canada, they fought to gain Canada. Those on the side of Canada eventually won. This is why they are two different countries.
        Ontario celebrates its freedom and victory on the first Monday in August which is a holiday in Ontario, called Simcoe Day. They fought the battle against Americans and won.

      • joey
        October 23, 2013

        south america and mexico is not part of the usa.. the USA is totally different. the usa only has 50 states.

  92. October 22, 2013

    One word: SIGH

  93. Bull Crap
    October 22, 2013

    I know you all saying the sentence to harsh and i get you all but trust me the lucky.we in the west are use to lighter sentences but not so on he other side of the thankful that this is all she got. she still young and still can make a change and set goals in her life. its up to her now to make that decision. you can fall but u have to decide you not gonna stay down.I pray she does use that time to reflect…\

  94. Anonymous
    October 22, 2013

    She knew what she was in fore, dont feel sorry for her , people who know her are not surprise.

    [ my poor little girl from pte michel], stop the nonsense please.

  95. NY LAW
    October 22, 2013

    I hope she learn her lesson

    October 22, 2013

    from model to drug traffic……soundes interesting like a movie :mrgreen: :-D

    • October 23, 2013

      Who said models do not do drugs.

  97. Morihei Ueshiba
    October 22, 2013

    Why the red dress?

    • Woy, Woy
      October 22, 2013

      I must say I am rather pleasantly surprised that PM Skerrit has not been blamed for this young lady’s misfortune. Those who usually blame Pm Skerrit for evry bad news that emantes from Dominica have refrained from going down that line purely for partisan reason. Because they know the connection the conection they have refrained somehow. It goes to say simply that those who accuse Pm Skerrit of everry wrong committed by any one are not stupid. They are simply mischievous and blinded by partisan interests. I hope Fa fa get some soemone else to blame. Young lady, I hope you learn your lesson. stay calm spend your time in doing soemthing positive like starting an academic program if not completing it and learn from your mistakes. As for me I haveno bitter feelings towards you. I have forgiven you not because I have an impressionable young daughter like you, but because it is the Christian thing to do.

      • pax
        October 23, 2013

        smh @ you skerrit-ites

      October 22, 2013

      That’s the photo DNO has of her, DUH!!!

  98. karla
    October 22, 2013

    5 years is too much man 4 dat simple crime all dem murderers rapists etc. coming out now 4 now where is the justice man :cry: on my poor little dominican sister

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2013

      This just goes to show u how behind our judicial system is in Dominica. If this was a Dominican court doing the sentencing, she wouldn’t have spent anytime in Jail. People not afraid to do crime in Dominica because they know how minimal the punishment is.

      The sentence looks harsh, but it works, cause now whoever else was thinking of doing the same will now have to think twice.

    • English GrandBayrian
      October 22, 2013

      Five years in London equates to 2 years less when you consider the time on remand. How many lives would be ruined if she had succeeded on her mission. She’s lucky she get catch in Britain she’ll be well looked after. Just another holiday.

    • Richy
      October 22, 2013

      I so glad…you think is dominica that dere where anything you do is “out on bail”. I glad you see how other countries handling crime

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2013

      Why don’t you go to England and beg for mercy on her behalf?

    • October 22, 2013

      The people involved should be there with her to help her with the sentence. They, the people involved, are not sad. They are happy it is Gholda and NOT THEM in prison. They will continue doing what they do best, trafficking drugs.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      She was arrested in England; not Dominica. This should indicate to you why she was sentenced to approximately 5 years. The judge may have been lenient with her.

  99. October 22, 2013

    They should have given her more. Others will take example. Everyone knows it is illegal to travel with wraped packages as that is already suspicious to begin with and to not know whats inside. She thinks immigration in the big cities will accept her lame excuse.
    That’s why they ask u if u pack your own bags or suitcase and if anything is in your bag it belongs to u. IF u answer no that u did not pack your suitcase u will be searched and may not be allowed to travel with it. Dominicans don’t be stupid

    I know some people may not like my comment but it is the truth as i was informed by an immigration officer about the rules of travelling and no i was not travelling with drugs to be told about it. This person is my friend.

    • October 22, 2013

      I know for sure you won’t be singing the same song if this happens to your daughter / son or other loved one. Sometimes our own judgments crawls out of our own mouths and the additional years you wish for her might just jumped out of your mouth into your family circle.You should never wish that on someone as we humans are not immune to making mistakes.

      It is just easier to pray for her and hope God will have mercy and give her another chance.

      • Justice and Truth
        October 23, 2013

        If she wants another chance, she has to work for it and project that she deserves another chance. Only then will God have mercy on her.
        God does not have mercy on people who are disobedient, stubborn, lawless, are not remorseful and do not make the effort to change and to conform to His Holy Will.

      • Anonymous
        October 23, 2013

        Taise you would not be singing your song if it was not your ban boe boe. I sing for the lives destroyed by cocaine

      • October 23, 2013

        Anonymous sorry to burst your bubble, but I left Dominica way before this young lady was born. I have no idea who she is, I just care about others when they fall. I don’t rejoice at the demise of others- I know this will be hard for you to believe as it is customary in Dominica to only look out for “who you know”. It’ a shame that some people gloat at the demise of others, not knowing their tomorrow may be worse. Keep on gloating, keep on rejoicing, keep on wishing for more years of bondage for her, keep on wishing worse for her and then run to God for mercy when the calamity turn on you. God said “I will be merciful to the merciful”.

  100. smh
    October 22, 2013

    So sad……

  101. Pointe Michel
    October 22, 2013

    Sad… However stupid. How could you not open the package before putting it in your suitcase/bag…. We from the same village and I know that you know that one must never carry ‘dyaab en sac’!!! (wrong spelling probably) but you know what I mean, right?

    • Justice and Truth
      October 23, 2013

      This may have been her excuse. She is old enough to have asked the person who gave it to her to take to England what is in the package. If she was not part of this illegal scheme, she should have opened it prior to putting it in her luggage. I would feel very uncomfortable with a sealed package in my luggage.
      She could have been instructed that in the event she got caught, say she was not aware of the contents. Those drug dealers have all sorts of excuses to get out of a situation and to inform their accomplices accordingly.

  102. NJ
    October 22, 2013

    alas, 5 years of your life wasted and for what???? At least you are still young and can recover from this. Spend the time as wisely as you can and come out of there stronger than ever.

  103. Anonymous
    October 22, 2013

    Shame on the Drug dealers who prey on the weak.

    • Chemist
      October 22, 2013

      Shame on the weak for being enticed by material things! !

    • October 22, 2013

      One should not be TOO WEAK though. The people know each other, this is one reason why she took the wrapped package. Maybe, just maybe, she knew what was in it, or she did not expect that person would not give that to her, or she was excited about her share of the profits.

      • October 22, 2013

        ****would give****

  104. you must be kidding
    October 22, 2013

    Wish you the best, and really hope you learn and others that may be in the same business or even contemplating it will learn to. The people that makes the big money seat behind the scene and leave those persons like you to pay for their crime all by yourself….so sad. but then it was your choice.

  105. Zicack Girl
    October 22, 2013

    That is a lesson for us all, always open and see what is given to us to take back or do not take anything at all. Sorry it had to end this way for this young lady, almost 5 years, hope she has some family in England.

    • October 22, 2013

      It is FIVE YEARS, she has been in custody for several months already. I agree with you, that the perpetrators are behind the scenes contemplating their next victim while they are cashing out. I say they are not the greedy ones. Those doing the trade-ins are more greedy. They do not have to do it.

  106. Yes Yes
    October 22, 2013

    I love that smile. I wonder if you are smiling now. You can be enovative and run a model class or competition in the prison or get a masters degree there. They will pay for it and you got the time.

  107. October 22, 2013

    foolish feel the cold

  108. UWP
    October 22, 2013

    What a waste. Hopefully you have learned your lesson.

    • October 22, 2013

      There will be more after her. I hope they are more careful.

  109. Concern citizen
    October 22, 2013

    This is the reason why custom officers always says check what people give you to carry for others. So what happens to the other individuals that where involved. She has lost all opportunities of making something good in the UK, they will be placed on their drugs list for rest of her life.

  110. rescue 911
    October 22, 2013

    she can count herself lucky

  111. October 22, 2013

    Daddy God, stretch forth your hand of mercy and deliver this young lady. God is so merciful, if we all lift her up in prayer He is well able to deliver her.

    I don’t know her but my heart is really breaking for her. It could be anyone’s family – a daughter, sister, niece, cousin etc. So please, don’t rejoice. Let us exercise an “all for each and each for all” attitude.

    • October 22, 2013

      Think she is sad? Maybe not, just regretful.

    • anonymous
      October 22, 2013

      Some of you are so filled with hatred, even a prayer on her behalf you guys dislike. I pray that neither will your prayers be answered (to those who disagree with the prayer). Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  112. thiny
    October 22, 2013

    Oh wow I feeling sorry for her…the love of money……

  113. say it loud
    October 22, 2013

    What a shame this had to happen. Young people put your thinking caps on, you break it you pay for it.

  114. god's property
    October 22, 2013

    always do the right thing at all times….work hard for your money…never make it come so easy…face your penalty….

  115. Jay
    October 22, 2013

    Under our reciprocal agreement with the U.K. she could apply to serve her time in our local jail instead. I somehow doubt she will make use of that option.

    • hmmmmm
      October 22, 2013

      Jay that would be ur best advice to the young lady??? to try come stocky instead of staying in an english jail??? u have to be a real idiot! from what i have read she can do her BA in the jail and most likely its free. Woman u do the crime do the time…..Plus stocky is not a place women

      • Jay
        October 22, 2013

        For your information Ian Douglas did sign that agreemen, when he was AG, with Baroness Scotland and the Govt. was paid handsomely for that deal. But I agree with you, I’d rather do my time in the U.K. too rather than at Stock Farm.

      • .....
        October 22, 2013

        Am guessing her family will visit her. They should really encourage her to take advantage of the things they allow ppl to do in the jail. Tell her do her degree and behave well. When she comes back she have a degree no need to go state college

      • Justice and Truth
        October 23, 2013

        Although far from home, she is better off in the British prison. She will also get better treatment from the authorities; good meals as well. If she is in need of medical and dental care, she will receive it. The government of Dominica will not be charged for it. :) She will be assigned chores to do and her demeanor will be assessed for good or bad behavior.

    • youth
      October 23, 2013

      Jay and u find u making sense do u knw the condition the stocky jail s in right now. this is the most nonsensical statement I have ever heard. stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • youth
      October 23, 2013

      Jay and u find u making sense do u knw the condition the stocky jail is in right now. this is the most nonsensical statement I have ever heard. stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  116. Younster
    October 22, 2013

    Didnt know what was in it. U traveling and carrying package and u don’t know what in it. I see! When we carry devil in bags God always catch us.

  117. patsy
    October 22, 2013

    i look at that child and can see she is an emature child who get caught by some dirty deals and wicked people she trusted.

  118. Show me the money
    October 22, 2013

    O my God. That’s a young life ruin

  119. Younster
    October 22, 2013


  120. Da.
    October 22, 2013

    Sad,. But the young people want to much before time. Look where she is now good model. Young people stop! go easy! work hard like our parent did to bring us up.
    Your mum and dad never went jail took care of you up till 19, only to see you mess up your life now.

  121. forreal
    October 22, 2013

    wow so sad sister,a one week trip turns into a nightmare,your character hammered,just because some fool thinks they are wise,used as a sacrifice,but keep faith,be strong,pray everyday,i wish the government would raise some concerns to the british athourities on her behath,it might not work,but at least try.

  122. kunoo mounoo
    October 22, 2013

    first world countries dont play,they dont care how cute you are,whos your family,what village you from,who your partners are,its just cold ,hard justice,stay strong young lady your freedom will come,,do the crime,take the time,,,unfortunatly it is so it is out there

  123. trolol
    October 22, 2013

    5 years of her life gone, at-least she gets a nice British accent. :-|

  124. dafriend
    October 22, 2013

    Great news! What makes her believe she can take her bad ways to the UK? The law enforcement agencies are very much on the ball there and it is extremely unlikely for someone to get away with anything, in particular drugs. The sad thing, yet another bad mark against Dominica’s international reputation.

    • October 22, 2013

      I hope when it hits home, i will be GREAT NEWS TOO! I would like to know what kind of heart that pounds on your chest to call such misfortune “great news”. You are human and your world can change for the worse in a matter of second – never forget that!

      • dafriend
        October 22, 2013

        Misfortune? What planet are you living on?? You clearly have no idea how things in these countries work. She would not have been found guilty in a UK court if the evidence was beyond any doubt.
        ‘The package was given to her by someone in Dominica to deliver to someone in London and she had no knowledge what was inside’. The police and judges hear this line at least a hundred times a day. So, not very original!
        Again, nothing to do with misfortune but everything to do with greed and pure stupidness.
        There, now go and smoke your pipe!!! You asked for it.

      • October 22, 2013

        You are filled with hatred, dafriend and I pray God will deliver you from this! I pray no MISFORTUNE will befall you from this day forward. I pray that you will make no mistake and will never be in need of MERCY!

      • youth
        October 23, 2013

        but but TAsie Bat YHWN I find u covering up for the individual u have some part to play in the trafficking man? aa wrong is wrong don’t condone wrong smh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she did the crime she has to do the time. whether she knew or didn’t knw anything. it was her right to look into whatever she was carrying commonsense nt common but she could have order the senses. being inquisitives works

    • October 23, 2013

      YOUTH- when someone falls you don’t rejoice. That is what I am saying. I am not saying she is guilty or not – I was not there. Many innocent sit in jail, but whether she is innocent or not, I don’t know. To say it is great that some falls should not be uttered by any other because we are all vulnerable to falling. The best thing to do right now is pray for the girl, that is all I am saying. What is so difficult about that? How is all the rejoicing, gloating, lambassing going to help her?

  125. lisad
    October 22, 2013

    My heart bleeds for this young lady. Whoever got her involved in this situation must be feeling really guilty now.

    • Wow
      October 22, 2013

      I honestly don’t think that they feel guilty or else they would not have put her in that situation in the first place. This is indeed sad

  126. hope
    October 22, 2013

    Keep your cool and serve your time. With time, you will rise above this … you will be a better person when this is all over. Be strong and occupy yourself as gainfully as you can… May your family be strong and help you through this!

  127. Ras
    October 22, 2013

    Oh Lord

  128. halibot
    October 22, 2013

    2 kilos in D/ca is about e.c $30,000… so that’s a big profit, if one is successful in passing…. ten times the amount in return….

    hope she learns her lesson, move on with her life, when released… 19 + 4 is 23… still young, but the record is tainted… ay lass small dominica, plus she’s ‘known’ among youth circles…

  129. Anonymous
    October 22, 2013

    So thats how it went? Someome GAVE her a package to bring to someone? I thought the bloogers said she did not know it was in her bag and someone put it there without she knew?

  130. aok
    October 22, 2013

    could have been worse, will soon be out,and i am sure she is not being mal-treated.i am glad she finally knows her plight.

  131. Rigteous
    October 22, 2013

    Did any names come out if the investigations/trial? There is obviously a king pin somewhere in DA and the British Authority/INTERPOL should be investigating or assisting the Dominican authorities in investigating the matter and get some sold heads to roll.

    One Love Dominicans!!!! Remember: “Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” DF

    • Toure
      October 22, 2013

      The Dominican authorities not as foolish as some think,there may be cover ups and roadblocks but believe me they know what’s taking place.In our society everyone is somewhat related, so a lot of”I can’t do this,is my family”,is being thrown around.

  132. October 22, 2013

    well what can i say you do the crime so pay for the time

  133. Ideall
    October 22, 2013

    sure she did not know? we will not believe that she is clearly a mule, this was not her first time
    our young people must be more careful and wiser

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