Gov’t to approve Community Policing Action Plan

Members of the police force on duty in Roseau
The plan is expected to address police interaction with the public

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has revealed that that government will soon approve the implementation of a Community Policing Action Plan for Dominica.

He said on a radio program that his first read of the document shows that it a good plan.

“I think my first read of it, it appears to be a very well thought of plan. I believe that the minister will give the green light before the end of the week…”

In a press conference held last week Police Chief, Daniel Carbon said the plan was issued to the Minister of Justice, Immigration and National Security, Rayburn Blackmoore in order to create greater relations between the police and the public.

And according to him, it will cost about $150,000 to launch the plan.

Skerrit also stated that the plan is expected to go a long way in addressing concerns of police interaction with the public on the island.

“If the police implement this Community Policing Plan as stated in the document, I believe it will go a long way in addressing the number of concerns that we have in the communities and how the police interfaces with the general public,” he noted.

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  1. leroy registe
    February 17, 2016

    Congratulations to the Priminster and the p0lice department. For such a great idea. I study community policing as part of my electives during my bachelor degree in criminal justice. However, in my opinion the department needs to better prepare their officers to take on that task. I was in dominica and observed the police officers doing foot patrol, and I am troubled for their safety. During my observation I notice not one of the police officers have a simple flashlight on them in case of an light outage this troublng. Community policing means safety not only for the police officer but also for the community. Another troubling things I also observered is the lack of communication between headquarters and the patrol officer. I would rather see a better ready police department provide a better safety environment for their officer, before the implementation of a community policing put into place.

  2. Anthony P. Ismael
    February 17, 2016

    What a shame. You mean police officers will no longer sit at the station, talk foolishness all day, tell the public and those needing their assistance that they have no vehicles to go out and investigate, while playing dominoes and drinking their rum. Boy oh boy.

  3. BMB
    February 16, 2016

    “…. in order to create greater relations between the public and the police.” ?? I think the best way to start this “greater relationship”, would be TRUST. If you don’t appear to trust the public by at least letting us see/read the plan, how are we to trust that it’s context are for the greater good? Just by you saying so?

  4. The truth
    February 16, 2016

    The police force is a big failure and this is cause by the commissioner who is (NOT) working for the state but for skerrit and we all known it

  5. skepticalone
    February 16, 2016

    Now every community will be empowered to root out all the “traitors” in our midst. Take down your blue rags everyone.

  6. February 16, 2016

    Stop putting beds at police station for police to sleep,a police office should come and go,not eat ,sleep,bathe,eat and drink,police in dominica only walk in roseau ,while some of them stand in a cool place from the sun talking to their friends about woman passing on the streets..when they are not sleeping at the police stations ,they make sure that they get a woman to sleep at their home ,in the village they work and come in early morning …nothing is done …stop throwing the tax payers money ..the hospital need beds why put beds in police stations for police to sleep ?Call police at midnight when there is an intruder they arrive at 6 in the morning because they sleep out at women’s house..while other cover them up..corrupted system,we need a clean up dominica before it is too late..

    • February 16, 2016

      if they dont sleep how will reports be checked at nights? think before u speak

  7. Floridian diaspora
    February 16, 2016

    Nice!!! That well thought of plan should also include a budget to finance medication for his aging brains and his loose tongue. Charity begins at home. You cannot want to instigate trouble in your public meeting and then try to find common ground with solutions. Everybody know you have certain members of that police force on a secrete payroll and they will jump when you tell them jump. The police force needs reshuffling. It’s only then things will get better. While you’re at it reshuffle your cabinet too (including yourself)

    • February 16, 2016

      It is not a reshuffle that is needed in the police force,it needs a total clean up ,almost every police officer left a wife or girl friend in their village of residence,while they have an extra one in the village where they work,,after they leave there work place for good ,they leave behind children that cannot even see them because they go back to the prior relationship,,police make a mess in the place ,dominica needs a police force to police the police that are there playing the fool..

      • The Real Facts
        February 17, 2016

        If the Chief of Police is aware of this, he should address it to those policemen. They must be responsible police and fathers. Otherwise they will tarnish their reputation.
        If these children they fathered are not properly nurtured and go astray, they, as fathers, will be held accountable. The One who will do this in the end will be God.

      • Betty Boop
        February 17, 2016

        8-O 8-O


        Well if ‘almost all’ police officers have an extra woman in every village they work, it says more about the women than the police officers, don’t you think???

        Dominica is too much of a small place for a woman not to do her due diligence first before putting herself with a man.

  8. Plan of Action
    February 16, 2016

    In all honesty, and the need for transparency, such a plan should be made public as the plan has no merit if the communities are not integrally involved. So it is critical that the plan addresses a strategy for community participation; this could first be done if there is extensive consultation and dialogue throughout the island but also with community leaders of all persuasions, community based organisations, NGO’s, special interest groups etc. This will therefore enhance and strengthen the implementation plan, identify the key outputs, provide justification and most importantly buy in from the public. May I ask, does the plan contain a strategy of combating the noise problem that we experience throughout the island and how we as a nation can give the “Noise Abatement Act” some teeth. If this is not included, it is not too late as this continues to be a vexing problem in our country.

    • The Real Facts
      February 17, 2016

      Does everything have to be made public beforehand? Are you suggesting that you want to approve it?
      The authorities devise the plan, implement it and the police will be responsible for carrying it out. This is when the public will see the effect of it.

  9. Northstart
    February 16, 2016

    An attached copy of the plan would allow for proper dialogue and discussions on this thread and it would not only be beneficial to the readers who would like to know what that plan entail but allowing the authorities to get proper feedback from readers.

  10. dissident
    February 16, 2016

    I don’t trust you skerrit!!!
    De makings of a Police State is more likely de end result!

    • The Real Facts
      February 17, 2016

      Nor do I trust you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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