Heavy fine for ‘Jamaican weed’

The boxes in which the ganja was found
The boxes in which the ganja was found

Gregory Isaac has until December 31, 2014 to pay $30,000 to the court or be jailed for six months for what he described as weed from Jamaica.

That was the sentence of chief magistrate, Candia Carette-George after he pleaded guilty to possession of canabis and possession with intent to supply 9,761 grams (2 1/2 pounds) of the illegal drug.

Isaac from Layou Park, was arrested at the Woodbridge Bay Port in Fond Cole on May 20 at about 3:15 pm by the police who were called by custom officers after they discovered the drug concealed in a box of detergent and Famous Amos chocolate chip box.

He had come to clear the boxes at the port.

At first Isaac denied knowing the content of the boxes which were addressed to him.

He, however later admitted that he knew what the boxes contained. “I had an idea what,” he said. “Jamaica the weed come from. I don’t know the amount.”

His lawyer Ronald Charles, in mitigating, asked to court not to impose a custodial sentence on his client who he said was, “very embarrassed, had fully cooperated with the police and hurt by the entire incident. ”

“Give him enough time to pay a fine,” Charles pleaded. “He is a first timer, he [is] 30 years old and has a large family. He is a working farmer, does not have a regular salary in these hard economic times.”

But magistrate Carette-George said that the quantity was “huge” and that the court had to send a strong message to Society.

“I can’t give you indefinite time to pay,” she said. “Make your family help you, I have met you half way, I could have fined you as much as $63,000. Always remember that drugs are illegal and one day you may be caught.”

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  1. Simply the Truth
    May 25, 2014

    $5? Is that all your comments are worth? :twisted: :mrgreen: You are one who is aggressive, who loves to pick on people, boss them around and are their persecutor. Communicate amicably to others. Be kind so you will be happy. Note I am kind and I did not swear at you. It is not in my nature.
    Surely you do not need to be told that D/cans who reside all over the world comment on DNO. Some who are not Dominicans also comment. Therefore, what is your problem?
    It matters not where those who comment on DNO reside.
    It is ignorance and narrow-minded to bring this up. The fact is, we are all D/cans and hopefully all of us are concerned about the welfare of Dominica and its progress.
    If all goes well in D/ca we are happy and encouraging. If we care and hear of crimes being committed and are expecially atrocious ones including those who disobey the Law (these are crimes as well), it is obvious that it will sadden us, for a small place as D/ca which was once practically free of such crimes, we will provide our comments about it. We still have that privilege and even though for those who never resided in D/ca.
    Anyone can comment on this Website. To my knowledge, no one is restricted from doing so whether they are D/cans or not.
    You feel you have a right to comment, others who may not also reside in D/ca have a right to comment. We reside in a democratic country and Dominica is one.
    Those who reside abroad have much to contribute to Dominica in some respects be it expertise. Their writing and what they state will also tell a lot about them.
    Do you not know, “We are the world and we are the children of the world?” Much more for us who were born in Dominica, who lived there and worked there including those who live in D/ca. We have not given up on Dominica. Who knows, some of us may return to reside in Dominica if we so wish. We will always hold D/ca at heart, be welcomed, especially those who are law-abiding and who do not have a criminal record.
    The last time I checked my birth certificate still indicates, “Born in Dominica” which is also recorded on my passport. I am a full-fledged Dominican for life and patriotic? Are you? Eat your heart out! :twisted: :mrgreen:

  2. Dominican in T.O
    May 25, 2014

    This is the 4th or 5th time this year an idiot decides to import weed to the nature isle. Grow your own weed. And what’s worse is that he is a farmer. If the dam fool had gotten some good quality high grade seeds and planted it in that rich volcanic Dominican soil he would have probably had better quality weed than he imported and would have not gotten caught and would not have to pay that ridiculous fine.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 25, 2014

      For a farmer, he does not know anything about growing your own and buying local. :lol: Nevertheless, it is still illegal to grow them and sell them.

    • Anonymous
      May 26, 2014

      True true sell wat u grow

  3. Escape Ticket
    May 24, 2014

    Go to skrit during one of the red clinicals . Tell him that you will vote for kelva if he pays or makes null and void your fine. Wipe your eyes and stammer. kelva chances are slim so your strategy might work. Tell him that you will even go as far as preparing kelva’s main menu for him daily, consisting of goat meat and beef, iron and tonic wine. That, at the next meeting iin St.Joe kelva will look ready, because his neck and face will be twice the size of toni and rejji combined together.

  4. bomboclat
    May 24, 2014

    My boy take your jail like a boss! 3o grand? aaa

  5. bread nut
    May 24, 2014

    jail is never somthing easy as long as your freedom is taken from you but in a country like dominica an nowing we never see this drugs get destroy a rather make a sujestions go to jail all these fine is to pay your persecutors for catching you what about the soecity still have you pointing fingers but still learn from your mistake

    • Simply the Truth
      May 25, 2014

      If they make it a habit of not paying the fine and opt for imprisonment, in future the magistrate will give them jail time and still make them pay the money.
      Six months imprisonment in lieu of $30,000 is not much. For that amount of money, it warrants more jail time. The magistrate did say she was lenient with him.

  6. ##Dominica.#
    May 24, 2014

    Emotions are rising and every one have an opinion. I will simply Pray. Lord help us for sometimes we come across like we are real Dominicans. justifying an illegal act of any kind when our country`s Law forbids it is mind boggling to out it mildly let me in a calm voice say to those who thinks it ok, it it was accompanied with a few automatic fire arms Dominican logic would say the same. Glad I seems to think that one day we should un leach some who commit crimes to visit those who advocate violating our laws see what their reactions would be? Only in Dominica.

  7. Jano
    May 23, 2014

    It is high time to legalize marijuana!

  8. May 23, 2014

    D man should have use his head he no he have a lot to loose he should plant is own. Now he will have to pay for his mistake twice..is this his first time or he now Got caught. All this thing d judge looking at. Am not saying her ruling Is fair but any hustle u got and u dont want to share with d government when u get caught they want to put d prison on top of u

  9. Senjo CIA
    May 23, 2014

    nothin beats the starrin, he should contact the starring to get that paid

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2014

      Starring ?

      • Star
        May 23, 2014

        Gregory Isaac is a star. Look the name up.

  10. Anthony Ismael
    May 23, 2014

    The real crime here is importing weed from Jamaica. Our fertile volcanic soil allows you to grow as much weed as your heart desires in the heights of Layou, Warner, and Saint Joseph or anywhere else you please. However, you chose to import weed from Jamaica. I would simply impose a small fine for this error of judgment. As for jail time, none whatsoever.
    We need to stop wasting the court’s time with these trivial cases. It’s time for the decriminalization of marijuana in Dominica. Soon we will start importing legal weed from the United States for medicinal purposes. Dominica needs to get on board with the times. This is a non-news story as far as I am concerned. Send the gentleman home to his family.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 24, 2014

      If only you were the Law, the Court and the magistrate, Dominica could go to pot.

  11. who feels it knows
    May 23, 2014

    people try so many things just to earn a living.. thanks and praise to the king for whoever is in the struggle and make it through…. whilst the millionaires getting richer the poor man getting poorer… the state that have the situation like that.. when belly hungry you cant stay crying… you must do what u ought to to survive…

    • A job a job a job
      May 23, 2014

      Though you gave a good point, I would resort to eating cat, manicou, agouti, horse and rutweiler(excluding the magot infested RW from P/mth) to ease-up the hunger.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 24, 2014

      Years ago D/cans were poorer. Did they sell weed and illegally import it? People did without it then. What is the matter of some people of today that they must grow it, sell it and import it?

      • $5
        May 25, 2014

        Dominica was better then. Now we are facing trial times and massive corruption in gov’t.

  12. hard cure dca
    May 23, 2014

    bro election coming let them politician wipe that of for you.

  13. Chapeau Pie
    May 23, 2014

    He is a working “Farmer”! Then why not farm your own weed. What Dominica weed not marketable enough for you? Well take that. I guess you have been “working” since you are only 30 years old and you have a “large” family. Now you are going to work harder to pay this hefty fine plus feed your “large” family. Now you will learn your lesson. Stop infesting the place with these drugs. According to Omni “Boy tell me why you do dat? YOU WILL PAY” lol

  14. May 23, 2014

    Why not charge them Spanish coke dealers and them other big coke drug dealers the same, coke is being imported as well, i am not in favor of what the guy did, this is so stupid, all he had to do is grow his weed in Da, check what coke is doing to both gender in Da, remember that the coke is coming into the island as well, the custom office knows them coke drugkings, nothing is been done to apprehend them, why is it always them weed man them always catching, coke is worst than weed

    Where the he’ll this guy is getting that money, man go take your six month, you did not rape, steal and murder anyone

    In a land where there’s no justice, there’ll never be peace, justice for one is justice for all

    • Simply the Truth
      May 24, 2014

      You make it sound as if D/ca has no justice at all. I find it hard to believe. In fact you have exaggerated. People disregard the Law and they are charged. Is this no justice?
      If he was only given a pat on the back, some would say there is no justice. Everyone cannot be pleased.

  15. Tri-State Beauty
    May 23, 2014

    Gregory Issac Reggie la? anyways the only crime I see here is him importing weed from Jamaica when he is farmer in Dominica with pure fertile land and nice green sensi can grow with just the touch of nature. YES I SAID IT!!

    Cocaine dealers running free, Bernie S don’t want RAPIST/CHILD MOLESTERS name ever published even after they have been found guilty, but weed man name up front and center. Is me alone that seeing the hypocrisy? One day Dominica will progress and decriminalize ganja wi.. Meantime even NY passing laws to legalize the herb.

    Madam Candia, lately you seem to have gotten your mojo, you doh have all that to tell the man about let his family help him, because you were in a better financial position than him family wise and still cried your daddy couldn’t pay for you to go Trinidad and get certified for the very job you are doing. Learn to be a bit more humane. So many potanse coming before you and you never insult them, but since you get a perceived nobody you always have to insult and ridicule people.

    • Banana dead
      May 23, 2014

      You took my thought. You so right.

    • bread nut
      May 24, 2014

      :lol: them majistrate watching too much juge judy :mrgreen:

  16. Country Band
    May 23, 2014

    Uneducated actor….admitting…..I can’t feel sorry… :twisted:

  17. kb
    May 23, 2014

    I hope is 2 1/2 pounds alone they get i know customs like yo deep there hands in what not theres. Vahey baguy sal…smh

    • hmmmm
      May 23, 2014

      only a vahey baguy sal or a total nincompoop such as yourself will place such a comment on a public platform.a defamatory statement like that can get you prosecuted in the court of law….know the limitations to your democratic rights ur scallywag…

      • kb
        May 23, 2014

        Everyone know what happens down at customs u idiot. Im just bold enough to say it . Its people like you that have to burn you watch these things happen time after time and say or do anything. Stay there tebeh

      • Face the facts
        May 24, 2014

        @kb did not mention names and he did not mention place. He is smarter than that; according to what you have said Tony Astaphan should be in jail 100 times over. So please, don’t give kabes any stress.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 24, 2014

      “dip; theirs”
      You seem to be better at patois.
      It is wrong, a sin to accuse others of what you do not know, have not seen and cannot prove. This is judging and you should know you are not to judge others.

      • $5
        May 25, 2014

        But that what you are famous for on DNO. You live in Canada, but this guy lives in Dominica. I have friends who work there too. I say no more.

  18. eyes open wide
    May 23, 2014

    thought Gregory Isaac was dead how he find his self in Dominica bring down Jamaican weed :lol:

    • Derryck
      May 23, 2014

      Funny, I like that.

    • Ressurected Lazarus
      May 23, 2014

      Could it be that God told Gregory to come fourth but he came thief.
      Just a joke to relieve stress in this hard Dominica.

    • Lonesome
      May 23, 2014

      I really, really like dat!

    • ..
      May 24, 2014

      nice one. i like that….i really like it. :lol:

  19. Anonymous
    May 23, 2014

    Charles pleaded. “He is a first timer, he 30 years old and has a large family……”

    He is 30 years old, therefore, he ought to have known better not to jeopardize his family.

    I would have charged him $100,000. Let these guys know that importation of drugs and the crimes that come with it will not be tolerated in a civilized society.

    • StupidMe
      May 23, 2014

      know the difference mate, weed ain’t never been drugs and never will be, no matter how much you or society paint it to be. Weed… a plant, drugs… a chemical potion.

      • hmmmm
        May 23, 2014

        know the definition of the word drug before you place an illiterate comment.marijuana is a drug….
        are you also trying to say cocaine is not a drug because it also comes from a plant…smh

      • Illerates-R-US
        May 23, 2014

        hmmmm, lets see, no reasoning right, just weed is a drug and that’s that, then you label comments illiterate. Man, don’t you get it, weed is a plant, cocaine is a concoction of chemicals some of which are a byproduct of a plant. But cocaine ain’t a plan heroin ain’t a plant. Calling weed a drug is equivalent to calling paisley, sive or any of the herbs we use to make bush tea a drug, they’re simply plants not chemical potions.
        Hope you understand this illiterate statement.

      • Tace the facts
        May 24, 2014

        @hmmm, why do you put curry in your food? Iy is from plant too. And why do you drink ginger, mint tea etc? Left to you, I will not eat dasheen. I wonder, if that’s the same reason why Mathew Walters gives agriculture his back.

      • Simply the Truth
        May 24, 2014

        If it was not a drug, it would not get people intoxicated. No one would traffic in it and make exorbitant sums of money. This is why they sell it and take chances by exporting and importing it to other countries.
        If it was a mere weed no one would bother with it. They would rake the weeds and either throw them away or burn them.
        Maybe make cushions or a mattress with them? They could try that.

  20. hmmmm
    May 23, 2014

    job well done to the customs officer that found the drugs..why am i not seeing any comments..people are quick to bash customs officials however when something good is done no one speaks…hmmm

    • annonymous
      May 23, 2014

      Great job to the customs official who discovered the drugs keep it up

    • Background
      May 23, 2014

      Well Said. Great job to the Customs Officer. Finding drugs hidden in these type of boxes is difficult

    • lifeishowhemakeit
      May 23, 2014

      hmmm,isuspect you have a great interest in de coke,hmmmm.

      • Face the facts
        May 24, 2014

        Probably Pepsi.

        Police/Cusom officers…. 7 bad apples, rots the whole bunch of ten. 1 does not even escape, as one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

  21. Kelly
    May 23, 2014

    Make examples of sex offenders and child molester.not for weed.all you judges are sick in all you head in DA please when them big dog of men molest people children all you just giving them little time in jail to come out and do it again to somebody else child.and even have the gurts to hide their identity. Shame on all you. Free up the man is not kill,or rape the man committed. or hard drugs he dealing. Our court and law system is a joke.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 24, 2014

      Why not stick to the issue? Why deviate from it as if you are throwing words to the magistrate? Surely, you should know the Law is to be obeyed or else pay the price.
      The amount of weed warrants a year in prison or more.

  22. smh
    May 23, 2014

    taking 6 months instead 8)

    • May 23, 2014

      like a bo$$ lol 8)

    • Resource Management
      May 23, 2014

      True. The time flies so quickly, he would be out in no time. He can use the time to do some studies in agricultural science and geothermal. At the end of it all, he can work the lawyer’s garden and sell the drilling technics to the 3 of the animals(TAK) on their show.

      • Resource Management
        May 23, 2014

        * lawyer- should be magisrate.

  23. Ras
    May 23, 2014

    Sorry to hear that my bro but that wasn’t a smart move. in dem times you cant try that. Things hard but now you have to pay what you doh have.
    Having said that, you see how fast it is to report the man name because he got caught with weed but the big man that raping young children..his name we cannot print.

    Well sah

    • Simply the Truth
      May 24, 2014

      I believe this only happens in Dominica. Today I heard on the Toronto news that a 49 year old man who babysat some children, 2 and 3 years abused them. His name was mentioned. Of course the chldren’s names were withheld.
      I have heard that some names are not mentioned only if the molester is close in relationship to the children to preserve their identity. This makes sense. Otherwise the names are released.

  24. justice
    May 23, 2014

    Before i read I thought is Gregory Isaac the artist. lol. BUT ANYWAYS..THAT MAN STUPID!! Look at the kind of box they sending the stuff in first of all..You to fresh! JA weed you want now take what you get..pay your fine!

    • StupidMe
      May 23, 2014

      So, if it was DA weed, or LA weed or AA weed he wanted, he wouldn’t be fresh, and it would’ve been OK with ya, but JA weed…you say no no no no no, but me say yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh, so long as is herb.

    • Simply the Truth
      May 24, 2014

      You have a good sense of humor. :lol: Giving compliment where it is due. :lol:

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