It’s called ‘voleh’, ‘tief’ – magistrate to man before sentencing

A Portsmouth man has a month to reflect on his actions after pleading guilty to stealing a pair of swimming trunks from another man in his community.

Danny Henry appeared before Chief Magistrate Evelina Baptiste on Monday morning where he told the court that he had taken the swimming trunks costing $217.35 on a beach in Portsmouth because his pants were wet and he did not want to catch a cold.

Henry told the court that the complainant Andrew Obrien was his friend and that he would have paid him for the red and white trunks.

“I working as a tour guide, I doesn’t touch nobody thing. Since August I come out prison…I working, “ he told the court in mitigation.

“It’s called ‘voleh’, ‘tief’ and the people of this country are fed up of it. They should be allowed to leave their things and not have to worry about them. Theft is an epidemic in Dominica,” Chief Magistrate Baptiste told Henry before sentencing him.

“You expect me to believe that crap? Since when wet pants will get you the flu? You see an ‘F’ on my forehead for ‘foolish’ magistrate?” she continued.

The magistrate revealed Henry’s long list of offenses, some of which were of a similar nature to the present matter.

He was sentenced to one month in prison. The incident occurred on January 18, 2012.

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  1. hope
    March 22, 2012

    This one made me laugh … :lol:

  2. Ronald James
    February 4, 2012

    They have rat in Portsmouth breaking into peoples house. Stealing their belonging and money. The police not doing nothing about that. You think that is right?

  3. d/a chick overseas
    February 1, 2012

    well some pple turn celebrty…swimmin trunks for $200…hmmm.. besides 1 mnth jail for tht..tupes…miss baptist aself…tupes..all them drug criminals gettin warnin n d poor boy gettin sent 2 jail for a month…TIME WLL TELL..”doh fraid”..

  4. langsal
    January 31, 2012

    one month for stealing a bathing pant, no jail for stealing half a million in the name of bins,
    no jail for stealing passport money()
    no jail for stealing millions

  5. fair and balance
    January 31, 2012

    Thou shalt not steal. You break the law you suffer the consequences. Stop making excuses for those who do wrong. If the guy was his friend as he said,why didnt he just ask him to borrow his trunk.

  6. Truth
    January 31, 2012

    WTF is anyone doing with a swimming trunks all that money!!!!! Good God… O.O

    • langsal
      January 31, 2012

      it has crack in the pockets

    January 31, 2012


  8. uh hmmm
    January 30, 2012

    How was he going to catch a cold…? He might have been a little bit CHILLY but wearing wet pants alone is not going to give you a cold…

    Not only that, but what the HELL kind of swimming trunks are costing 21735 damn dollars?!

  9. January 30, 2012

    If it was me that had thief d trunks holy water couldn’t wash my sins away. Justice for bathing trunks but for other things is am and pm. Those trunks more expensive than my ‘swimwear’ for the show man, papa jun jun

  10. Anonymous
    January 30, 2012

    You really cannot please dominicans. Allu say the penalties for criminals are not stiff enough, now the lady send the man to prison to teach him a lesson allu makin noise

  11. Reader
    January 30, 2012

    Hmmm … Did I read this correct? Does the story say the swimming trunks costs $217.35? Are those the ones you can swim in and not get wet? Oh my!

    This guys goes in and out of jail (getting out just this past August). Clearly, imprisonment is not working for him. I would make him work, take his wages and pay the person for their no-wet swim trunks. Maybe then he’ll appreciate the concept of working for what you have.

    • Theatrics!
      January 30, 2012 how do you get a guy to come to work for free to pay off some debt…how do you guarantee he will show up? Be really productive at work knowing full well he won’t see a dime? And what would happen if he doesnt show up or refuse to do anymore work at all?

  12. Yes I
    January 30, 2012

    DNO I heard we getting two cricket games, how comes no article on your site about that yet?

  13. dopman
    January 30, 2012

    the big theif never goes to jail because most likely he is a prominent individual who has money to win the lawsuit. whereas the small thief is a poor man who is probably looking for his next meal. :cry: :cry:

  14. mindme
    January 30, 2012

    As if is maypwee aself the judge taking out with the guy. The man done plead guilty. Is she worst than Judge Judy or what? Hahahaha

  15. lepure
    January 30, 2012

    tiny based on the types of comments you post on DNO, i realize that you’re either very (IGNORANT),wicked or mentally ill. You speak like you have a strong hatred for parents. it seems like you were not brought up nor given birth by a parent. i believe you need medical attention. probably you’re suffering from some mental disorder. incase you were being abuse by your parents as a child, just forgive them & try to build a relationship with them if they are alive.

    • tiny
      January 30, 2012

      sure sure…i am all those things for simply wanting to see kids grow into healthy upright citizens..

    • Anonymous
      January 30, 2012


    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2012

      I suspect tiny was abused as a child cuz all she can talk about is raising up children with love and not blows. i get blows and raised up just fine. tiny have childhood issues

  16. tiny
    January 30, 2012

    help her………….. do you really think my post is irrelevant?……everything boils down to nurturing….EVERYTHING…………………… BRING UP child in the way that he should go………..meaning learn your child….his temperament… his likes….what type of discipline is effective…what may work for one may work for the other……spanking may have a very bad physiological effect on on on one of your kids where as it may no effect on the other……….after all everyone was a baby once…..THIS DANNY FELLOW WAS ONCE A WONDERFUL BOUNCING LITTLE BABY BOY…………

    • tiny
      January 30, 2012

      you can lead a horse to the river but you can’t force it….typical Dominican excuse….well try leading it the proper way and you won’t have to force it

      • ..........
        January 31, 2012

        tiny you contradicting yourself now. get some work done my girl.

    • ..........
      January 30, 2012

      apparently you miss my point. i will say it again. some parents take their time and nurture their child and they follow bad companion. you can make a child but you cant make his/her mind. read and understand tiny

      • tiny
        January 30, 2012

        well i did include that in my first comment…read the sentence that says in-spite off…..but also you people should stop using this as an excuse…when you fail as a parent you put blame on everything but yourself ….. you all need to start taking the blame for your kids behavior…the method of parenting in the Caribbean is barbaric….it is slowly getting better but …..much is needed to be done..and i think it can only b accomplished when the government intervene…..corporal punishment should be stopped

  17. Jacky chan
    January 30, 2012

    Magistrate Evelina the guy saw R (for ridiculous ) on your forehead because of the campaign against Tiyanni. Sending a man to prison for a $27 swimming trunk is ridiculous when there is road work to do all over Dominica; there is garbage pick up required all over Portsmouth. It is going to cost the state a few thousand dollars to host this guy in Stock farm. Our system should implement a program where these criminals work for the state for free. Give them an orange uniform and let them go clean up the highway. While it is true that the guy has a rap sheet 2 months of solid , hot sun free labor should be a deterrent for these peccadillos.
    The people who have created the monster are the ones in authority.

    • Excuse
      January 30, 2012

      sending him to jail does Not cost the state more one bit. In fact it preents him from disrecting another individual’s stuff. Thats what is does. It time we stop lookin at the cost of food when persons ar penalised. persons lives are at stake when thievs are roaming the streets. Even if the penalty is only one ,month at least persons threatened by this individual are safe for that period of time.

      • Jacky Chan
        January 31, 2012

        Excuse after reading your response I am still wonderinh whether or not I am dreaming.
        Please convince me that you are for real.

  18. Mad as Hell
    January 30, 2012

    See what I mean about sentencing guidelines in Dominica..This justice system is one big joke! What a primitive country?

  19. Country
    January 30, 2012

    Those that are accused of worst offences such as the burning of Mr. GON Emmanuel’s house are not even arrested far less tried and made to pay for the criminal activities. Poor people please stay away from trouble because you are the ones that are used as the scape goats. Please be warned my people.

    • Theatrics!
      January 30, 2012

      Why dont you encourage the poor people to get involved in some activity to alleviate themselves from poverty and become a big person in society?

      You people are the reason some stay poor because you make being successful look like a bad thing! keep telling them that its those highest in society are the most evil, unrighteous, corrupt, illegal,…etc and then wonder why children don’t strive for excellence?

    January 30, 2012

    Bring the big tief to court if he stole something of yours. It is in the courts evidence are presented. Do not be a fool and repeat what you hear evidence counts learn that people…. copy cats.

    • ..........
      January 30, 2012

      i agree with you reality

  21. tiny
    January 30, 2012

    why are my comments not posted? ….my friend is not the moderator today man?

  22. blank
    January 30, 2012

    is that danny from glanvillia, the young fella?

    • stay blank
      January 30, 2012

      u like to much story!

    • concern citizen
      January 30, 2012

      no lagoon, danny for adlaid

  23. Anonymous
    January 30, 2012

    is that danny from glanvillia; the young fella?

  24. tiny
    January 30, 2012

    people should be able to leave their things and not have to worry about it? really?…

    only in china and Muslim nations can this be accomplished….where limbs are cut off for stealing….and you still find people risking loosing their limbs to steal…..the heart of human… is evil

    in china you will need only one police officer to be in charge of 70000 people …that is like having only one police officer in Dominica….

    disciplining by fear works only to a certain extent… now had this man been disciplined out of love as a child instead of fear and control chances are he would have chosen a much different path……

    stop disciplining your kids by fear and control people

    now for those who choose this path in-spite of proper nurturing ….well that’s why we have a legal system

    focus on nurturing my people

    • Help her.....
      January 30, 2012

      tiny, it doesnt matter what topic is being posted on DNO you are posting the same BS everytime. everything is about parents and what not. some parents brought up their chidren very well but they follow bad companion and go the wrong way. ” you can force a cow to go to the river but you cant force it to drink the water.” tiny i ask you to please throw away that computer you have and focus on the right path for your life….

  25. Hahahahaha!!!
    January 30, 2012

    Well they tiefing panty inno so is not swim trunks they won’t tief but a month to short we.

  26. babby
    January 30, 2012

    Is this the only ‘epidemic’ dominicans r tired of? stupes!!!

  27. Anonymous
    January 30, 2012

    how come the big thief never go to jail

  28. Marcel
    January 30, 2012

    If only she could get all her warrants for arrest executed and try those charged with 42 counts of criminal offense with the same level od disdane.

    • jerseydominican
      January 30, 2012

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: they took someone to curt for that omg

      • mary
        January 30, 2012

        same thing I was thinking… what a waste of taxpayers money..

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