UPDATE: Kenrick Tyson gets life sentence; victim’s sister welcomes verdict

Tyson leaving court earlier this year during his trial

The sister of murdered Concord man Cecil James has welcomed the life imprisonment sentence imposed on the man convicted of his murder, Kenrick Tyson.

Tyson was found guilty of murdering James in February.

James’ sister Henrietta, says she is happy with the sentence, but hopes he does not walk free if the case is appealed by the defence.

James in an interview with Dominica News Online, said that the loss of her brother has affected her family and the village alike.

“He was the father of three children and since the death of their father the children find it hard to focus. One of his sons hardly goes to school since the loss of his father” she stated.

According to her, Tyson terrorised the community for years and now he is where he belongs.

Defence attorneys Wayne Norde and Ronald Charles, refused to comment on the matter.

However, Norde has indicated that the defense will be appealing the sentence.

During the trial eye witness accounts told the court that Tyson killed James by hitting him on the head with a piece of wood while the victim slept at his residence in Concord some time between May 9-10, 2009.

The eye witness also testified that Tyson stole James’ wallet, grocery items and vehicle.

The sentenced was handed down in court on Wednesday morning.

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  1. Anonymous
    March 30, 2012


  2. Dominican Abroad
    March 29, 2012

    Just adding my two cents, if you don’t want to get punished for a crime (severe or otherwise) DO NOT commit the crime! Why leave your fate in the hands of the justice system when you can avoid it?
    People need to think before they act, hence suffer the consequences.

  3. March 29, 2012

    what a country with no law very sad :twisted:

  4. Kalinago too
    March 29, 2012

    It is rather unfortunate that D N O do not allow true factual comments to remain, these are comments not brought out by D N O itself, the question is why? is DNO POLITICALLY BENT?

  5. easydoesit
    March 29, 2012

    sentence is fair in that case, mr Cecil James still dont know if is dead or alive, he was sleeping while he was kill, and still is, that’s some everlasting dreams my friend,Tyson should at least wake up the poor man., ….in the case of the that kill her two kids, thats just a shame she walk free…., thats just my views on the matter…

  6. Anonymous
    March 29, 2012

    the soufriere family did not get life because they had ABSOLUTELY NO PRIOR CONVICTIONS or runnings with the law. they committed murder yes! but before that they were ok people in the community, i am not saying that to justify what they did am saying that to say that the kalinago killed a man in his sleep and has several runnings with the law. thats the difference.

  7. Anonymous
    March 29, 2012


  8. choco
    March 28, 2012

    now the magistrate talkin busy life in prison sounds more like it than 10/15 yrs

  9. Resist
    March 28, 2012

    crime and violence is crime and violence. jail was made for everyone. not for someone. it was made for both blacks, whites, kalinagos, etc. kenrick committed a crime and all dominica is in a uproar. how disgusting!! a black man kills a kalinago and the world is happy. idiots!!

  10. Anonymous
    March 28, 2012

    i’m against crime and violence, but take it easy nuh? a kalinago man commits a murder; he killed a black man and the entire dominican populace jumps in disgust. how pathetic!! what about all the kalinagos who got stabbed, shot, raped, beaten by black people? i have list of them in my head. does anyone remember the kalinago uprising of 1930? No. ‘throw away the key?’ – jail was made for all of us. not some of us. we break the law. we pay the price. let us be aware of our words.

  11. D A MSSIVE
    March 28, 2012

    that guy was a very friendly person no problem to anyone the judge should bring out a pitition to signd in oder to hang i would signd 500 time

    • d king
      March 29, 2012

      deal with them according to their crimes they commit. punish them is not hard they punishing them is they that look for it. all who kill should be punished as a killer no compassion either life time or no mercy. them judges old and going senile they need to retire and get some no nonsense ones like Behansen. ma Dyer them buy d whole court so we need a new judicial team. one sent from God who will be no respecter of persons just giving pure true justice.

  12. D
    March 28, 2012

    Well, It seems that the judicial system is heading in the right direction in order to protect the citizens of this country from these criminal elements.Thumbs up to you for that dicision. :lol:

  13. Chien lawe
    March 28, 2012

    Well he was trying to get a body to bar-b-q. Lol. Serious matter. Anyway is time they let kalinago deal with their issues cuz is death sentence the chief would have to give.

  14. Anonymous
    March 28, 2012


  15. dont throw stones
    March 28, 2012

    I hope all those ppl with d negative talk it won’t happen to u or ur family wat goes around comes around. Am not saying its right, but u all take pleasure in saying all negative things.and to the wife of harrison williams I hope u stop going by the oba man.

    • Reon
      March 28, 2012

      “what goes around comes around”… you sounding like these people didnt do something wrong. Why cant you get into your thick skull that if someone does something wrong they should pay for it?? The bible supports that theory. If me or you act stupid and commit crime then we should pay for it… You sounding like this is a case of miscarriage of justice.
      The message should be – ” if you dont want to end-up in jail dont commit crime… Cant see what is so hard to understand about that!!!

  16. Anonymous
    March 28, 2012

    may be his caracter or his records cause that.He deserved it so why go against it

  17. watt la
    March 28, 2012

    The incident that took place at Soufruiere, the victim died as a result of a violent arguement. The man at Concord was sleeping and a rogue robbed and killed him. The judgement was fair and impartial in both matters.

  18. kalinago
    March 28, 2012

    This is the correct sentence or the death penalty if u heard the evidence in court.congrats to the Marigot POLICE ON A JOB WELL DONE..WE REALLY HAVE SOME GOOD COPS STATIONED THERE BUT THEY MOVE THEM TO OFTEN..I MUST ALSO CONGRATULATE THEM ON THE aRREST OF THE ROBBERY AT THE CREDIT UNION,A JOB WELL DONE AS WELL..TAKE A LEAF cid and the rest but stop tranferring them all over,hard working n dedicated to duty..The commissioner not saying anything.i guess its not CID OR THEIR FRIENDS.WATLESS

    • kalinago
      March 28, 2012


  19. ann
    March 28, 2012

    Re -Sentence the soufriere people i say!!!!

    Life imprisonment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    for all three wicked souls!!!!

    • dont throw stones
      March 28, 2012

      All murder is murder stop pointing fingers when we woman have abortion is murder too

      • ann
        March 28, 2012

        excuse me maam, i push out my two kids,never commited abortion,and will not!!!!!!!!!

  20. Applaud
    March 28, 2012

    Finally a sentence that fits the crime. Its about time our judicial system step up.

  21. dominican
    March 28, 2012

    was it the same judge on both cases

  22. fuh real
    March 28, 2012

    so wat about his girlfriend that was together with him that night? they did the crime together she should have been sentence too!

  23. toofunnysmh
    March 28, 2012

    Dominica new law

    your children = go free
    your brother = 15 yrs
    random stranger/acquaintance = life in prison


  24. justice
    March 28, 2012

    Good judgement. It took into account the record of the guy, a known repeat offender. Those who are wondering about the sentence of the family members from Soufriere should ponder on that. That is why they did not get life. I am impressed with the work being done by our judicial system nowadays. You guys have stepped up to the plate. Its a tough job but someone has to do it, and we the people thank you. Tough on crime, the way to go.

  25. dont throw stones
    March 28, 2012

    Baby girl I wonder how many murders u commit already? How many abortion u had in life already ? That’s murder too

  26. henri
    March 28, 2012


    • justice
      March 28, 2012

      do not use this to incite prejudice. u are not allowed. what would you say, he killed because he is kalinago? the court is there to preserve the law. that is all. he broke the law.

    • simply blessed
      March 28, 2012

      “Henri” – Tyon killed the man while he was asleep. what Kalinago has to do with that. The man was sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppingggggg.

    • March 28, 2012

      What is going on in this island, a brother and two sisters murdered their brother and they were sentenced to 15 years in jail, which is not justices for the wife of the victim and his kids

      Kenrick Tyson is sentence to life in prison for murder all murder is murder and why should some given a lighter sentences for taking a life, this my people is unfair, yes he need to pay for the crime he committed, but why double standard in the Dominica law?

      Three murders will be walking the streets of Dominica in lest that no time, to my kalinago people, We shall over come, justice for one is justice for all

      • D A MSSIVE
        March 28, 2012

        that guy was a sleep did nothing to tyson the brothers and sister was fighting when he was killed

    • me
      March 28, 2012

      hmmm it sadens me to hear such a comment its quite obvious that the facts surrounding both cases are completely different. this murder was planned and premeditated its was a horrendous murder and the offender has yet to show remorse. how can you make such a comment. its comments like these that cause crime to continue happening a murder was committed and the offender was punished period. stop playing the whose the bigger victim card and start looking at the bigger picture

    • Mr. F
      March 28, 2012

      there is a big difference between the two murders, the one in soufriere, they all were in a confrontation, no one went home or wait for the victim to be asleep to kill him, he was killed during the fight. Whereas this man meditated before doing this act, he actually planned it, he waited for him to be asleep where he was defenceless and then killed him, i think the court did a good job on both sentences.. thats my opinion.

    • Princess
      March 28, 2012

      @henri : Stop trying to make it an issue
      about is because he is a Kalinago. Don’t
      you think the issue of black and white is
      already too much? I do believe the three who
      killed their brother deserved life, but life
      is not fair or should i say the justice system, especially in Dominica. Murder is murder. What you should ask yourself instead is why did he choose to take someone’s life. If he did not commit the crime we would not be on DNO reading about his sentencing…

    • empresskz
      March 29, 2012

      @henry that is a ridiculous comment…the reason he got a life sentence is probably because he attacked the poor man while he was sleeping and had little or no chance of defending himself. In my mind this was premeditated as Tyson did not simply go to rob the individual…he obviously had intention of causing as much harm as possible and for this I believe that his punishment fits the crime commited. Kalinago or African descent we are all Dominicans and more importantly we are all HUMAN BEINGS. Stop tearing pieces out of each other and learn to have love and respect for all our fellow Dominicans…maybe then we can live in a society where we can all be proud of. ONE LOVE TO ALL MY DOMINICAN PEOPLES.

  27. enough
    March 28, 2012

    how many punishment is there to a crime????? well he better there than outside because he cah walk to feed himself. let the Government feed him.

  28. Aye Dominique
    March 28, 2012

    Throw the key….these guys just too wicked. If you go steal, already stealing is wrong, take what you can and run. These days these robbers come up with a brilliant idea that stealing is not enough….they need to kill the victim too.

    I say throw away the damn key….he do not need to see the light of day and not even in the prison yard I want to see him

  29. Secretary
    March 28, 2012

    I would like to think that the sentencings in both cases (Siblings from Soufriere) and this one are different because the circumstances for both are different………. #justsaying

  30. I
    March 28, 2012

    it would be so much better if we use this avenue to build our country, eg encourage tree planting, prreserve our rivers, clean our gutters

  31. wallhouse
    March 28, 2012

    That is wat I’m talking about.these are the kind of sentencing I want to hear.why couldn’t they sentence all d others like dat? That 22yr old fr calibishe and the siblings deserves that kind of punishment.why one can get it and the others can’t?

      March 28, 2012

      tank u

    • March 28, 2012

      Making an example with a Kalinago person for murder, this is not the way to go,what about all the murders committed on the island in the past and all the murders are walking the streets on the island? is this justice? No

      We all need justice for our love ones, but why give one life in prison and three 15 years for blocking road and beating and killing their brother, this is not justice

  32. Rasta
    March 28, 2012

    Thanks to the judge but its not enough. Why should we spend the tax payers money to feed a criminal when there are honest hard working people out there trying to make all end meet to feed their family? If he gets seick while in prison he will be provided with health services at the expense of the state when there are sweet loving people dying while seeking assistanace for health. The list can go on. My best solution for all those criminal is the capital punishment. bring back hanging.

    • unfair
      March 28, 2012

      there is no satisfying you guys is there?tsk tsk tsk. i for one is happy that he got life imprisonment.however i am still sooooo dissapointed that his accomplice is out on the streets without paying for her involvement in this gruesome crime. he got life imprisonment so how come the siblings from soufriere couldnt get atleast 30-50 years for killing their own brother?hmmmmmmm. some victims get justice some dont.

    • Just Saying
      March 28, 2012

      You really cant please Dominicans eh. Give him 5 yrs we say its not enough, give him life its something else. way papa!

      • Anonymous
        March 28, 2012

        Just Saying!

        What you mean to say is, give them 5yrs they would say 15yrs then 15 would be life then life would be hang, lol.

    • Pan African Muslim
      March 28, 2012

      Strongly agree Ras

  33. Tomas
    March 28, 2012

    Stop complaining! Now we have to give this guy three meal a day; his toiletries; cable tv; uniform and recreation?

  34. Riddim Up !!!
    March 28, 2012

    3 siblings kill their brother and get 15 years, this man got life ?
    the worse thing you can do is kill your brother…
    ur flesh and bloob…
    see how God punished Cain for killing abel ?
    sent him in exile, and cursed him….

  35. seasoning pepper
    March 28, 2012

    DNO , more details plz!! need to understand how sentencing is done

    • test me
      March 28, 2012

      dno doing enough go and listen in court when there’s cases..if you want details.stuppes

  36. I
    March 28, 2012


  37. Empress Dee
    March 28, 2012

    What can I say?? NOTHING!!

  38. Well@
    March 28, 2012

    @Autism & people voice those who got the fifteen reacted in family dispute that got out of hand. Blood running hot. This one seemed “calculated” meaning that this individual deliberately set out to harm and in fact took the life of another unprovoked (he was sleeping wasn’t he?), can’t argue that. If he was awake he could have tried to defend himself. That seriously deserved life.

    The others on the other hand were in a fraca trying to get things under control and all get the blame because reaction didn’t spare the life of their brother..sad but true. ok

    • March 28, 2012

      The family dispute there is no such thing as dispute going out of hand, they blocked the road, this was premeditated regardless of what some will say

      The road belong to the state they had no reason to block the road, so they planned the attack on their brother

      Taking a life is murder no matter how one look at it, all murders are murders, same way all cheaters are cheaters

    • me
      March 28, 2012

      whilst that might be true fact is they were all charged with MURDER so why 15 yrs(7.5) and the other gets life

  39. child of today
    March 28, 2012

    hello people be real i am not for murder but anyone can commit murder, for the siblings it was a misunderstanding and in the heat of the momment this happened. it is a sad situation it did but i dont think they woke up with the intention to do so. but with mr. Tyson he intentionally went to the person home to steal his goods and commited the act. he knew he killed the person. he was just to lazy to go get a job. they should sentence him twice to life

      March 28, 2012

      justice for one and justice for all

    • voter
      March 28, 2012

      but didnt they say he wasn’t alone? so where de girlfriend?

      • Correction
        March 28, 2012

        the gf testified against him

  40. .....
    March 28, 2012

    Dominica and their Justice System..Sometimes i wonder if sentencing go down due to personal reasons..like wen we say “our spirit not taking that person” or “i feel sorry for him/her”..it’s like pity cause instead of facing reality..Geezzz man

    • Correction
      March 28, 2012

      Let’s face it although all 3 family members were found guilty none of them was individually tie to the crime compare to this case where he alone was found guilty of murder..

      Maybe that could have given rise to a lighter sentence to the family members, what you think??

      I am upset as well but we must also remove the emotions and face reality eh!

  41. March 28, 2012

    yes!!!! there are more to go so now the gov`t need to build a bigger prison.i know there is an old saying when your comaraid beard caught fire wet urs but people it`s time these type of people never see the sunrise nor sunset.

  42. toma
    March 28, 2012

    just pure bull,

  43. Autism
    March 28, 2012

    Life for some, fifteen for the other…..that country is really a play school

    • Correction
      March 28, 2012

      How did the Country reach in the Judge Decision?? Stop crying down the country boss is people that make decisions not the country… Cha man i hate to hear pple talk these rubbish about Dominica this and Dominica that!!!

      Direct your comment directly to the judge, give your reason why you believe the family should get life…. boost the argument by leaving the ‘COUNTRY” out of it!!!

  44. people voice
    March 28, 2012

    Very funny, and the people who killed their own blood in a drain got fifteen years? what is dat nuh?

    • babygirl
      March 28, 2012

      life in prison, and the soufierre people got 15yrs

        March 28, 2012

        I agree,some said they had children but tyson has a child too

      • Just Saying
        March 28, 2012

        Murder trials are all about witnesses’ statements and defence! This is why some people kill in cold blood and get away free. DEFENCE!

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