Long-time smoker falls into police hands for the first time; Magistrate calls him clever

Admitting to his use of cannabis for a number of years, 44-year-old Alvin Brumant of Fond Cole has been caught by police for the offense for the first time, and Magistrate Ossie Lewis considers him a very clever offender for staying under the radar for so long.

“All these years you avoided the police?” the magistrate asked.

“I’m a good boy,” Brumant responded.

“No, you’re not a good boy. You out-skilled the police…. You are a very clever boy to outwit the police for so long, and Fond Cole you live, Glasgow, just there…” Lewis told Brumant.

The defendant was jointly charged with his lover Beverly Sanderson of the same community for possession, intent to supply and cultivation of 689 grams of cannabis.

He pleaded guilty to all charges while Sanderson pleaded not guilty. Her charges were later withdrawn.

“My girlfriend don’t know nothing about that, me that doing my thing. She see it there and she don’t know nothing about it…. She tell me take it out there,” Brumant said in defense of Sanderson.

He told the court that he was a fisherman and tradesman who did not sell marijuana.

According to the facts of the case presented by the police prosecutor, the defendants were arrested during a warranted search of his premises on October 14, 2010 at 9:15 a.m.

The estimated street value of the drugs was $2,000, according to the prosecution. Brumant was fined $3,000 for the intent to supply. He will pay the first $1,000 of that sum by November 2010 or he will spend six weeks prison. The balance is to be paid by January 31, 2011 or two weeks in prison.

He was further fined $400 for cannabis cultivation to be paid by February 28, 2011 or one more month in prison.

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  1. dominican abroad
    November 26, 2011

    I live in Cali. and it is legal there, the governmant taxes it they get there cut , there are hundred of marijuna shops all over california, dominica should follow suite.legalize it, it”s good for asthma good for the flu,it help cancer patient during chemo treatment with there apetite, and it help aids patients also.it is just a plantit grow naturally, it is not like the coke , or herion.

  2. top cat
    October 21, 2010

    ou toe sort

  3. Truth, Justice and Peace
    October 19, 2010


    Since you appear to be an expert and one who supports smoking weed, can you inform us what the purpose of weed is and what good it does to those who smoke it, i.e., the health benefits?
    According to the statement: “Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear.” This pertains to what we state in writing and on Websites blogs.
    For your information and as a reminder:
    1. There are tame and untamed animals
    2. There are good weeds/plants and bad ones, the latter, if eaten or smoked, could ruin our health and kill us.
    3. There are edible fishes and there are non-edible ones
    4. There are good and beautiful flowers which are suitable health-wise to bring into our homes and there are those which are not suitable and unhealthy.
    5. There are also edible fruits and vegetables and non-edible, poisonous ones
    6. There are useful ones and not useful ones.
    All are created by Our Heavenly Father. Our Almighty Father wants us to live a relatively happy, healthy and peaceful life and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven. Make no mistake about that. If we fail to do this, we will bear the consequences of our actions since all of us will answer to Him on that inevitable day.
    We need to know the difference of what which is healthy for us or not.
    I am not referring to people who are allergic to certain foods, fruits, plants and flowers. This ailment is prominent specifically in big countries.
    There are some people who unmistakably ate certain vegetables which are poisonous. Take for instance there are edible mushrooms and non-edible ones.
    Some years ago I heard of a man who resided in Quebec, Canada who picked mushrooms which were growing in his home garden. He cooked and ate them and he died.
    I also heard of a young man who resided in Montreal, Canada who attended a New Year’s party. As soon as he placed a piece of fish in his mouth, he said: “Oh my God! And then he died.” It may be that he was allergic to fish or the type of fish or that the fish may have been contaminated, not properly cooked, broiled or fried, even not seasoned properly as we West Indians/Dominicans do season fish, beef, chicken, etc., very well with garlic and onion, these two are highly recommended for enhancing our health and fighting immune deficiency.
    There are plants which we should not touch at all or we could develop a rash and get stung by them; no exception certain fishes in the sea. Recall the Stingray fish. I could go on and on about these.
    All these are mysteries to us and mysteries of life. I do believe that one day all will be revealed to us, the good, bad, tamed, untamed, edible or non-edible and the reasons thereof.
    Importantly, why there are good people in the world and why there are bad ones, all possessing their individual character and personality traits which is one reason why human beings do not always agree with one another and get along, projecting lack of love, peace and disunity, disagreements, discord, enmity. These contribute to wars.
    I note the critics on DNO. No matter what others state, there are those who will always criticize and scoff at what they state and who do not see the beauty of photos of their very own island and sceneries. This also includes upholding the Laws of the land.
    I have a dream as the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that all people will get along and there will be no more wars.
    From the beginning of time, our ancestors determined what which is edible and non-edible; what which is tamed and untamed; healthy and unhealthy and what is fit for our consumption. These, too are mysteries.
    Our position and concern should be to eat, drink and enjoy what which is good and healthy for us and ignore what do not contribute to our health and welfare.
    Pertaining to obeying the Law, wherever we reside, under all circumstances and with no exception, as citizens or residents of a country we are obligated to obey its Law. This contributes to genuine peace and harmony among all people.

  4. starr
    October 18, 2010

    @Dominican Man:
    better u seek to follow the creator laws dan man laws that way u never go wrong bcuz men laws sometimes contradict the creator laws like calling ganja a drug.

  5. Anonymous
    October 18, 2010

    we show grow up .there is absolutely no problem with weed it is natural plant created by the father .alcohol and cigarettes kill millions of people thats what we should make illligal.please doiminicans grow up .

  6. Truth, Justice and Peace
    October 18, 2010


    This is I hope a reputable Website, operated by a likewise employer. I am always shocked to read some of those responses which serve no educating and useful purpose to other readers as utilizing profane and insulting language to respondents.
    Have respect for others. When responding why don’t you leave out your profane language? It is highly offensive.
    Please be respectful when you write. Consider that many people and not only those who reside in Dominica including children – teenagers of all also read the responses.
    Your profane language tarnishes the image of this Website, the employer and its employees alike.

  7. dominican in london WHAT DO U THINK
    October 18, 2010

    put serious charges on them and ban it in Dominica

  8. Anonymous
    October 18, 2010

    the police take so much time off cheking for marijuana and they fail to realise that cocaine is rampant in our country

  9. Bring Em Young
    October 18, 2010

    This is paradoxical, A man enjoying a smoke in the confines of his home in the presence of absolutely no one is arrested for commiting a CRIME, but yet young men can be seen openly by the police smoking and yet no action is taken. Check Virgin Lane, Fields Lane, Old Street, River Bank, Bay Town.
    If Ganja, Weed, Marijuana, Herb is dangerous and harmful then the law should be enforced at all times

  10. T. Winston
    October 18, 2010

    Boy look Hypocracy
    You mean to tell me police can go into a man home and get weed charge him and threaten him with prison if he does not pay a basic civil servant salary in a short period of time yet cannot take them paro that in “ROSEAU” smoking crack on the bus stops and by the ATM’s in BROAD DAYLIGHT

    EVERY BLOODY DAY they there smoking and police passing and not doing a damn thing about it
    Something not wrong with that. Everyone has their opinion on marijuana mine is simply if cigarettes are legal the marijuna should be legal since cigarettes contain alot of artificial chemicals which help to kill us while marijuana is basic. where 1 is legal both should be legal and if both not legal BOTH should be illegal

    Police need to clean up the streets of the crack and all them other nonsence drugs that have fellas shaking and playing kung fu by ducreay’s. You cannot want to go into people’s homes to get them and you cannot take what right in your eyes

    I can understand wanting the bigger boys but this is ridiculous
    take their market at least the local one and for those who don’t export they will bring themselves down rather than chasing non-violent drug offenders

  11. fari
    October 17, 2010

    d ganga man is good to build your house so what d fork is your problem

  12. Truth, Justice and Peace
    October 17, 2010


    Whatever all of you critics feel and no matter what your objection, it is illegal in Dominica as in any democratic country to grow and sell illegal drugs. It was only a matter of time that sooner or later the man would get caught. It could not be hidden forever. This occurs in all countries. Dominica is no exception.
    What is a good person and what is the definition of good? Check it out for yourself. It is in the dictionary, in the Computer research section and in the Thesaurus.
    Good people abide by the law and do not get into trouble with the law. It could be said that he is a peaceful person or so I hope.
    No matter what type of drugs, illegal drugs are illegal drugs. There are those who would like to see the government legislate them and not only the Dominican government. They are not food and vitamins. They destroy overall health.
    The man sold it and received monetary compensation without paying taxes while some of you are working hard and paying your fair share of taxes and you are defending him at that.
    Even though they are legalized how will the government be able to control their sale? If ever these drugs are legalized, I envision some members of society walking around in a trance worst than those who get drunk on liquor.
    What is more, the usage of same is not godly. Satan, the detractor and destroyer of health and souls is out to destroy lives, family and individual lives and to inhibit their progress. In some cases he has already succeeded. The situation will just get worst if these drugs are legalized.
    Illegal drugs, weed, cocaine and the like do slow down the brain and inhibit the learning process. It can make users become stupid.
    It is illegal to grow them, to trade in them, to sell them. Therefore, do not condone their cultivation, selling them and smoking them. They destroy good health.
    I am concerned that people are charged and they are not able to pay the cost. If the magistrates or judges know their means why are they charging them? Where will they get the money from? Where do they expect that they will get the money?
    My suggestion is, depending on the crime, send them to jail for a while. If there is a half–way house on the island, after serving time they should be sent there for rehabilitation. Now let me hear your responses on this one.

  13. Dominican Man
    October 17, 2010

    To whom it may concern, I am not in the business of making smart people smarter” Read thru the lines” I know my people well enough to know that empty vessels makes the most noise therefore i will not give satisfaction to those who know better but refused to stand for what is right. Having said that, to those people waiting for California to legalize weed and according to them the rest will follow just read the following. From the NewYork daily news sunday, October 17,2010. PAGE 14. REUTERS: FEDS FUME OVER POT. TOP COP VOWS TO BUST TOKERS EVEN IF CALIF. LEGALIZES WEED. Los Angeles– Attorney General ERIC HOLDER says federal authorities will continue to prosecute individuals for possession of marijuana in California even if voters there approve a ballot measure legalizing recreational use of drug. In part the article went on to state “Accordingly,We wil vigorously enforce the controlled SubstanceAct} against those individuals and organizations that possess,manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use,even if such activities are permitted under state law,” there`s much more on that article but time does not permit me to use all D.N.O. space to write the entire article. My only reason for posting these facts from the NewYork daily news is because i know we have some wicked people amongst us that seems to believe that they can come on D.N..O. and mislead some people with their own spin on news item thinking that`s its gospel according to them whereas i know we have lots of smart Dominicans who follow the real news events and care about Dominica enough to avoid that from happening. For those who the cap fit i will simple pray for you all. Hope for the law abding peaceful Dominicans that sort of approach will always be in place in Dominica as long as we live.What part of the english language some of them do not understand. Again! THE LAW OF THE LAND MUST BE OBEYED and if not it must be enforced! What is there thats so difficult to understand?

  14. Prophet2
    October 17, 2010

    I think politicians should be forced to smoke a joint a day, so they’ll be mellow and promote peace and love, work for the people instead of being so vengeful, and full of hatred, and still pretend to be Christians. Hypocrites, change the laws.

  15. GCY
    October 17, 2010

    Legalize MARIJUANA in Dominica.! Period.

    October 17, 2010

    WEED IS GOOD FOR THE MIND AND BODY! I have smoked and drink it. Them times dere I more drink it. It cleared up my bad allergies and my asthma. I drink it in the morn and at night. I smoke it some times in the day or night.. The indigenous ppl of the land been smoking it and drinking it too.. nun wrong with the ting man.

  17. way papa
    October 17, 2010

    the admins should BAN some people from commenting on DNO….

    October 17, 2010

    How many times have we heard that an individual was hospitalized due to an overdoze of marijuana? Never!!! Sould we take too much aspirin, tylenol or any prescribed tablets we could die.So many drugs coming into DA like cocaine, heroine…… the only side effects of marijuana are eating alot and sleeping but does it really impair an individual? No!! I really in all honesty think that marijuana should be legalized. My friend has a son who is asthmatic and inspite of all the drugs the Dr. gives him nothing workks but the marijuana tea.Most of the people who smoke weed are harmless. Why are we harrasing the little boys and letting the king of the drugs slide by? Is it because they can pay you to keep your mouth shut or that you are intimidated by them? Let’s get our priorities in order as the Domincans we once knew.

  19. starr
    October 17, 2010

    @Dominican Man:
    wat law?if dem ppl tell u its against the law to drink soft drink or plant a/o use senna bcuz it does make u shit and give u stomach pain in da process,u will abide right?yea right.aldoh senna is not to used regularly it has its powers to heal wen used.its 1herb dat if used too much too often can cause great distress..how about makin dat illegal too.leme tell wat shud also happen,the birds,ants,goats annd a heap of dem shud be arrested charged and fined for eating and distributing seeds bcuz thats what they do!the goats eat it,the bird and ants spread the seeds around so guess whhat,herb will always be growing!!oh and by the way the animals LOVVVEEE the sensi more dan any other!haha…losers!

  20. starr
    October 17, 2010

    offence???what offence??who da man offended???da magistrate was offended bcuz he/she didnt get none??how is it an offence?ill tell u wats an offence…violation to the man on his private property,dat offence!da guy do his ting and na disturb no1.if he smoke dats his bizniz.if it kill him,dats his bizniz too.since wen court care bout ppl health and wellbeing???if dats da case den care wen pppl drinkin and tumbling down on de rd.wen ppl smoke cigar and get lung cancer!liars dem is and also very wicked!i have a grandfada dat drinkin so long and gettin sickness cuz of rum,come arrest him cuz he offend…himself.what a pity for allu ppl.

  21. starr
    October 17, 2010

    @i not vex:
    hush up ur mouth and stop tell lies on God creation!for the amount of ppl who use dis herbs u will be surprised!ppl in high position including police man dem use it.political leaders,church ministers…u like sweet reggae?ur favorite artist use it while he sing dat song dat meks u merry!so hushup!ganja is another herb like peppermint so it aint no drug!

  22. Kurt
    October 17, 2010

    It’s funny how some weed will get you into the hands of the police. I was home and saw crack heads on our lovely streets and these damn cops not doing a thing about it.

    find the crack dealers weak cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    keep the weed away pls. i am not against it at all but it is still a crime to show it off.

  23. Bayside
    October 16, 2010


  24. hmmmm
    October 16, 2010

    Leave the man alone eh.Some times things so hard people have no choice. I remember my school days plenty times we would have absolutely nothing and thank God my father would have a little weed to sell and that how me and my bros and sis went to school for months. We all went on to college and university. My father no longer has to do it because we are grown. He is an honest man, we are honest people . Some times it gets so hard in this country what can you do. A t least its not the white stuff

  25. curves
    October 16, 2010

    @i not vex: mankind was not designed to do alot of things and we all sit by and what them harpen and dont say a word.

  26. Kanpeche
    October 16, 2010

    “All these years you avoided the police?” “No, you’re not a good boy. You out-skilled the police…

    He is not a good boy, because he enjoys a little therapy once in a while in a while…

    I cannot make up this stuff. This infantile statement is actually came out of one of our judge’s mouth? Bon dieu!!! C’est ca nous ni en Dominique pour judge.

  27. not nice
    October 16, 2010

    a wonder what de cops goin n do wit it
    take dere . share n so dominica goin to the next level

  28. Fond Cole Resident
    October 16, 2010

    What does Mr. Lewis mean by Fond Cole you live and Glasgow just there…….

  29. sari sari falls
    October 16, 2010

    A little ganja off & on is no harm, it feels so good 2 be irie. lol.

    October 16, 2010

    Is that justice The authorities are willing to take a self supporting man and jail him at the states expense give him breakfast lunch & supper for the possesion of some weed and yet we asy the state is broke
    Have we ever stopped to consider how are all these lowly paid police officers can afford to purchase those expensive SUV.’s especially those who are in the Coast guard detail An inquiry is needed to look into that anormallyf

  31. rass
    October 16, 2010

    let us all sit back and wait, califonia will vote to legalize weed and when that is said and done we will see all these other countries follow suit, inluding dominica, because they all going to want a piece of the pie.

  32. SHANA
    October 16, 2010

    Dem Judges there self. I wonder what is wrong with our judicial system. They catch you with weed, pay big money. You stab a man, you get a slap on you wrist or pay little money. No wonder we have so many stabbings in the place. The system is all screwed man.

  33. SHANA
    October 16, 2010

    @lol: You dont have to go to school to know that you can have a man who engages in activities which you do not partake in. Does that make you guilty? You heard it yourself when he said that she used to warn him take it out. But that is not the main issue here, Alvin is a good boy. Not involved in any gang violence or is never seen on block or roadside smoking weed. SO what if he cultivated it for his own personal use, is there problem with that? Dem lazy policemen that engaging in their illegal activities, its only a matter of time before you all get cut. Stop harrassing the poor people for a little weed. Is not weed that destroying the minds of our youths. Weed never kill no man or send them paro yet. They smoke their weed, play concious music and eat a big food. But not the cocaine. You see how many paros in Roseau. Ask Mr. COCAINE about it. And some policemen are deep in there.

  34. d
    October 16, 2010

    @lol: i guess the judge went to school wherever you went.”where did u went to school”. correction” where did you go to school”

  35. top cat
    October 16, 2010

    $2000 for a little weed.$1000 for intimidation with an unlicened fir arm.bail for raping a minor what the donkey is happening in this country.our legal system is full of shitttttttttttt !!!!!

  36. physicse
    October 16, 2010

    a litttle stupid weed..

  37. The nuwaubian
    October 16, 2010


  38. ah ha ah
    October 16, 2010

    ok ban d weed no problem, then ban cigarettes to, destroy for destroy ban all, and don’t stop there but ban rum. one of the main reasons is that because marijuanna cannot be taxed, because it can be produced and distributed by the local man, and because it has already been done by the local man, there now leaves no profit for the companies and taxes for the governments. so if is ban u banning ban all.

  39. October 16, 2010

    Leave the Herbs alone… Ganja forever

  40. jade
    October 16, 2010

    This is so darned ridiculous. What is so wrong? I know Alvin and according to him he is a good boy. The Dominica Justice system can find bigger fish out there to fry. There is nothing wrong with smoking weed.

  41. Why?!
    October 16, 2010

    There is nothing wrong with weed.

  42. notnice
    October 15, 2010

    these judges in da never seems to amaze me, i often ask myself where are these public officials educated and at what point will they start making sound judgements on their decision making. lets just say if i was to
    get in some kind of criminal situation in da it wouldn’t be hard for me to get out of it because the 911 is a joke

  43. King ghetto
    October 15, 2010

    @wey-hey…: So right bout dem cops in D.A.They all drinking rum like water.dem lazy crooks need work to do.

  44. tropic
    October 15, 2010

    i just want to no whats a greater crime possision of weedor rape ,muder ,theft and buglary? because i see people getting more time for ganga than anyother things

  45. toujou sou
    October 15, 2010

    skerrit say to plant and beautify for d independence, all those in favor lets get weed seeds and plant all bout d damn country, all in d ministry flower pots and dem, in d financial centre, d stadium, on d bayfront, along the byways, etc,etc just plant weed seeds everywhere in d country, that is damn nonesense now,

  46. Dominican Man
    October 15, 2010

    It must be making you all feel so good that law abding citizens read your post and even react to it! YES! that sure make you all feel ever so powerful eh? Well if you all feel so strongly and is totally in favour of backing people for breaking the law join them start cultivating and smoking weed and call the police to your house so they can waste their time. We all love technology but here`s a perfect example of those who hide behind their computer and reasoned in like manner. My only regret is there`s lots more like you all who share the same views it sure takes all sorts to make our World. There`s a saying the longest rope has its end.

  47. oh pls
    October 15, 2010

    weed will always reign

  48. i not vex
    October 15, 2010

    The real truth is cannabis is dangeroud to your health, and it is a liability on the community, and the goverment should not stand idly by and watch the next generation go down the tubes. Please people go take a had look at the face of an abuser. The real truth is most users are trapped in a vicious cycle, and for some they wish they had never started smoking it. It does not not matter what the proponents say. Marijuana is a dangerous drug, it defames you eyes lips face and even your thinking, quit fooling your selves , mankind was not designed to smoke but to eat and drink.

  49. A Voice
    October 15, 2010

    Boy is ganja fence alone that low in Dominica….

  50. FAMILY
    October 15, 2010

    wat a thing

  51. anonymous
    October 15, 2010

    $2000 in canabis….Thats sad for hating on a canibus planter….Our younger population are getting destroyed on nose candy, yet the farmer/fisherman of 44years is charged for making a living…. wow!!!

  52. wey-hey...
    October 15, 2010

    This is the only type of crime which receives any attention from either the Police or the Courts, and I just can’t comprehend it? What do they gain??? How does a man smoking his weed at his home for 40 years bother the general public????? So many things hapening in the country and this is what our policemen waste their time doing???!!!

    California organizing marijuana exhibition just earlier this week, and we still harrassing people for smoking weed???!!

  53. lol
    October 15, 2010

    that make no sence the woman living with her man and she know nothing about the weed come on judge where did u went to school

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