Magistrate Ossie Lewis on the way out

Magistrate Ossie Lewis
Magistrate Ossie Lewis

The government of Dominica has written to magistrate Ossie Lewis informing him that his contract will not be renewed.

Lewis’ contract ends on December 31, 2013.

This came as a shocker for Lewis and members of the legal fraternity here who all claimed that given the fact the country is ” suffering from a lack of magistrates,” such a decision should not have been taken.

Lewis is a long serving magistrate and is well respected in legal circles.

“He is very sound in law, very dependable and also always present in court,” a source said.

However, reports are that his “advanced age” may have contributed to his contract not being renewed.

He was given a one-year contract in 2012, which some say was a clear indication that he was on his way out.

Some lawyers are questioning the timing and rationale of the government’s decision given the fact that Lewis has a number of outstanding matters and other magistrates, who are older than him, are still serving on the bench.

“Mr. GON Emanuel was brought back to serve on the Bench and he was past 70 years, also presently  Coroner, Evander Joseph, is past the age of 65 …. so what’s the rationale for not keeping Lewis who is in good health, experienced and willing and able to serve,” one lawyer stated.

When contacted, Lewis only confirmed that he had received the letter and that December 31, 2013, would in fact be his last day on the bench.

Meanwhile legal affairs minister Ian Douglas, described Lewis “as a great Dominican.”

“He is a work horse….has made a great contribution to the legal profession and Dominica on a whole. It’s sad to see him go but that’s how it is”, Douglas said.

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  1. December 5, 2013

    Stop stressing, let us play Bejeweled Blitz.

  2. saviour
    December 5, 2013

    we have some many young lawyers being called to the bar. Isnt it time for Mr. Lewis to take a rest. Yu have served us well.. Happy retirement. Give the young minds a chance. That’s my opinion

  3. Civil Servant
    December 5, 2013

    DNO I have read most of the comments and no one knows the fact why Mr. Lewis cannot get another contract.

    Here are the facts.

    The post of magistrate is an establish Public Service post. A magistrate is appointed by the Public Service Commission be it on contracted or full tenure.

    The retirement age in the public service by law is 60 years and cabinet can give an extension up to 65 years. That is the Law. No one should be employed in a public service post beyond the age of 65 years that is the LAW. (See the Public Service Act as amended)

    Mr. Ossie Lewis can be considered a work horse and is very much liked in the Public Service. However he is 72 years old and cannot be further employed in the Public Service.

    Mr Lewis sitting as a magistrate can be legally challenged by any criminal since he has long pass the legal age for being a magistrate a Public Office post.

    Hence Mr. Lewis contract as a Magistrate cannot be renewed by Law.

    • Jejep
      December 5, 2013

      I fully understand now and i am in agreement with your contribution.

    • Patriot
      December 5, 2013

      How old is Charles Saverin ? if Charles Saverin can be President, Osie Lewis can continue as a magistrate

      • Anonymous
        December 5, 2013

        According to our constitution on the president’s age, mention is only made of the minimum age the President must be which is age 40 years. There is no mention of a maximum age for the holder of the office of president of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Likewise there is no maximum age for a politician; hence the gamble Edo and Lux playing for one to become PM and appoint the other President and Marigot to have : President, PM, Speaker, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Head of Prison, Head of Coast Guard, Clerk of the House, President Secretary, head of Public Service Commission, CPO, Attorney General, all speaking korkoy and not English

    • contact
      December 5, 2013

      i was refused a scholarship by the PSC because i ran carnival with a white woman.that is what leblanc told me. sj lewis was on the psc board.

  4. Dimitri
    December 5, 2013

    Be on the platform, my hero. Support Joshua Francis.

  5. Justice and Truth
    December 5, 2013

    If every time the Government of Dominica asked someone to retire from a position he or she holds,is as a result of politics,then we are not shore where the country is heading to, I support the idea that we should give a young person a chance.

  6. Toronto
    December 5, 2013

    Bring back BEHANZIN.When he was there, Dominica had a low crime rate.

    • December 5, 2013

      Yeah, if the reason for not renewing Lewis’ contract is because of retirement age (60) why did they not renew Behanzin’s contract? Behanzin is/was not 60. I agree that Behanzin should be back on the bench.

  7. Annon
    December 5, 2013

    Time to go. He and Ev sending too many young people to jail for the same marijuana they legalized in Colorado just recently. Gwan man!

  8. NicE n NaughtY
    December 5, 2013

    This administration is playing too much party politics that’s why Dominica is in that awful state.

  9. Joe
    December 5, 2013

    Well…isn’t he the same judge that sends our young men to jail and hefty fines for just a little weed? And every police officer’s statement to him reads: The suspect said,”ociffer …ah ..officer is jus a little weed i have dere wi”…and boom, the same Ossie sends them stockie or several thousand dollars? Well Carma is.. ..U know what. smh

  10. Mr Gouty
    December 5, 2013

    Boy dem man rocking d place and they doing dat with a smile but one think i always learn who laugh last laugh the best .

  11. rescue 911
    December 4, 2013

    I believe the pm has a bigger pasture for mr lewis .am I the only one that’s seeing that (but again who knows?)

    December 4, 2013

    The principle reason for the existence of any government is to maintain, sustain and protect the welfare all its citizens. When the state fails to do that, it has become demonized. This labour party of Roosevelt Skerrit is due for a political exorcism. The Nazis during World War -2 , out of a selfish desire for power, they visited gruesome violence on Jews and Slavs. In the case of the Nazis, we see bad science used by wicked men to make moral and/or religious judgments – the real problem was not the science, but the abuse of science for hubristic and narcissistic motives. Similarly, we see bad politics and destructive bigotry used by dishonest men in the Skeritt’s labour party to justify their abuse of power and state resources under the guise of “love for country”. The labour party’s journal shows its leaders are obsessed with political power and are overwhelmed by the terror that they may not be able to hold on to it for much longer

  13. Anonymous
    December 4, 2013

    Dominicans are you too blind to see what is going on or are you guys hypocrites.

  14. December 4, 2013


    I am not familiar with the laws, I NEVER studied the law, but I thought Magistrates/Judges were voted into office. Am I wrong? Please advise.

    • C
      December 5, 2013

      That voting is more a staple of the American system.

    • Ms Twitter
      December 5, 2013

      You are wrong. This is Dominica, not Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

      Magistrates/Judges are appointed by the Government.

      • December 5, 2013

        @Ms Twitter, thanks for the eyeopener. FYI though, I know this is Dominica. I am not confused about that. All-in-all, thanks.

  15. The Ghost
    December 4, 2013

    Is Ian insane?
    Less than two months ago He and the attorney general made comments of lack of magistrates in Dominica, and even name the districts where magistrtes were needed.
    They brought in one from St Thomas and imported/manufactured one from Grenada.
    Now you are saying it is sad to see him go when you ask him to live.
    No wonder you will always remain a great singer. we shall not be moved.That is no surpise to anyone since you never like your own nephew as a magistrate.

    • anonymous
      December 5, 2013

      Ossie should have called it quits…. The man is a long serving civil servant.. Was Director of Audit, no doubt drawing his pension and social security as he is past 70. happy retirement my friend.

  16. indictment
    December 4, 2013

    This is a travesty and great indictment against this failed and corrupt regime led by a young and very immature and insensitive vindictive politician. Roosebelt Skerrit and his administration is by far the most clueless and worthless givernment to have led this country. This man is hateful and vengeful, I have had my runnings with him. He is blatantly disrespectgul yet big coward.

    One thing for sure come election day, they all will feel sad to see themselves go. We the people of this country have appreciated the work of Ossie on the bench and he shall return, just have faith.

    The government think that it is a god but we know better. We will vote them out early as they have given us yet another reason to vote for change.

    Tell this government I say go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell.

    Mr. Prime minister please ring the bell. Call the damn election so you and your cabql can face the music. Do it for Dominica, we cannot wait. How long, not long!

  17. Cricket
    December 4, 2013

    Why are persons taking Mr. Lewis joy and make it their sorrow?

    The man can go in politics and win the Newtown Seat just like that for UWP!!!!

    If UWP is a serious Party they will make him AG if and when they win the election.

    Mr. Lewis has never operated as a lawyer in private practice. One is left to wonder if he will now represent accused drug dealers in court or if he will seek employment with the Caribbean Court of Justice.

    The man has many options compare to the rest of us in Dominica.

    • C
      December 5, 2013

      Allu man always have to put gutter politics into everything.

  18. The Ghost
    December 4, 2013

    Two months ago

  19. Justice and Truth
    December 4, 2013

    To be fair, Ossie, I feel sorry at this turn of events directed towards you. Even from afar, I must inform you that I smell a rat and discrimination.
    Weigh out this situation and if you have to take steps to right this wrong, do not hesitate to do so if you feel the same.
    A good reason must be given that you, of this caliber, hard-working, are informed that your contract will not be renewed while some others, older than you are will continue to be employed. Something is amiss. There must be an underlying reason for this. Hope to hear more on this matter.
    Good luck! God bless you! Don’t worry, be happy! God is in control and always will be. :)

  20. December 4, 2013

    The same crockedness all over again :twisted:

  21. Anonymous
    December 4, 2013

    The same crockedness all over again :twisted:

  22. time for change
    December 4, 2013

    But what is happening in om Dominica nuh….all hardworking and intelligent workers being sent home by an incompetent government….The writing is on the wall for these people….

  23. Anonymous
    December 4, 2013

    was he expected to stay there all his life? good decision was about time…

  24. Love I
    December 4, 2013

    WHAT???????? Ossie??? the best Magistrate they have now…cannot believe this crap….

  25. Nmc
    December 4, 2013

    NOBODY, what bigger picture we have to look at and make room for which younger person and from where. Did this corrupt government gave the position of Chief Magistrate to a young Dominica? Stop this political hypocrisy. Skerrit and his disgraceful government contract is over. The people of Dominica will give them their marching orders whenever he chooses to call elections. How long not long.

  26. My constituency
    December 4, 2013

    Nothing good or no good person has any place in Roosevelt Skerrit’s estate. if you don’t sing skerritt song and praises, even if you stay quiet and don’t show where you stand, out you go. If you are hopeless, you are welcome, if you are a parasite or boom boom fly, you are welcome. If you are a thinker with your own opinion on anything at all, out you go.
    Dominicans wake up, wake up, wake up from your slumber please, Dominica is crying on you all, wake up bon dieu. wake up Dominica, what happen to you, who cast a spell on all you. Wake up… Speak up. The prime minister is unwell and we letting him run amok. Wake up wake up wake up. All you children will be servants to Chinese in Dominica if we don’t wake up. Bon dieu bon dieu bon dieu. wake up you once mighty people.Wake up.

  27. possie massive
    December 4, 2013

    How long not long! the time of reckoning is close at hand. The man is in good health, he is sound in law and he is willing to serve, so why don’t you guys renew is contract when there is need for magistrate in our country.

  28. Antilles Cement
    December 4, 2013

    He can now do backup singing for Dice….He was Dice biggest cheer leader..

    • to antilles cement
      December 5, 2013

      its no wonder antilles cement close down. you must have been the owner.

  29. Anonymous
    December 4, 2013

    That is madness self wi.. Everyday you hear the complain not enough magistrates and Mr. Lewis contract is not even being renewed.. Let’s see how long Skerrit will stay in his father’s estate.

  30. Dominican beware
    December 4, 2013

    Be forewarned Dominicans. How many more examples of disrespect, dealing with its own citizens with so much contempt, Should we tolerate from Skerritt and his DLP Govt? On the road of dictatorship. Budding stages. Plain to see.

    No respect for constitution, or laws of the land. How many times? Dual citizenship/French passport/allegiance to foreign country/election/ becomes PM anyway.

    Ossie has done nothing wrong or illegal, but Govt. refuses to let him continue working as Magistrate. What wickedness. Minister of legal affairs hypocritically says Ossie was a good man, but stuns him with, “No more job for you.”

    Posts of President and debas, kokomakak. DPP placed on contract against the Constitution. She under manners. Has to be in line, or else contract will not be renewed.

    Magistrate from foreign, who was on DLP platform could work. Not Tiyani. No longer Ossie lewis.

    Dominicans fight back for your rights as Dominicans. Once a Dominican speaks truth to power, or refuses to grovel or be a stooge of Skerritt and his foolishness, you will be iced.

    Ossie lewis epitomizes honesty, integrity, hard-work, love for country. No matter who you are, or what profession, expect to be victimized. Dictatorship style Gov’ts all over the world behave in those ways.

    They have rendered institutions voiceless. Bar Association moo-moo. IPO, Electoral commission cannot act “Independently.” Influence. Political influence.

    Too much wickedness to Dominicans. Black men and women doing that to their fellowmen, in the 21st. century? How long? Not long.

  31. Too Hard Too Long
    December 4, 2013

    True, it is sad to see him go but this is how it is supposed to be. You serve in your career and then you retire. I do not believe that people should stay in a position until they get senile. We should pave the way for the younger folks to take over. The youth are the newer entrants in the job market, the middle-aged folks are the managers and the elders advise.I personally am looking forward to retiring in good health and strength so that I can spend my days in leisure while the working age folks run the world. So right now, I am happily training whoever crosses my path.

    This is how it is meant to be.

  32. web
    December 4, 2013

    I wonder if he is going to commentate on DBS radio for the canival season….Rember king Dice is his boy,we will see.. :-D

  33. December 4, 2013

    oh well life goes on you know, he can have his own law firm and employed some young Dominicans.

  34. truthman
    December 4, 2013

    why once you not for labour you cannot eat dominicans remmember that. and take everything for a joke.

    • Wosh
      December 4, 2013

      The world is a cycle, when workers was in power labour supporters were not eating. If they come back in power same crap. We have to stop hating each other and develops it, so sad me and my kids have to be part of this never ending greed and compassion. They are all the same sadly,everybody for themselves. I will continue to pray for my country Dominica.

      • C
        December 5, 2013

        labour party was never an enemy to UWP. U must be from another land, very young or very malicious. When uwp was formed it was the freedom who was in power. And for the record the UWP made several overtures to freedomites when they came in power in the hope of winning some across.

      • Papa Dom
        December 5, 2013

        Are you sure you know what you’re talking about? I can boldly state that no labourite was victimised during the reign of UWP. In fact, no one was ever discreminated against because of their political affiliation or persuasion. As obtains under any government, party loyalists were placed in strategic positions where it was felt that the holders of those position would allow their political affiliation to interfere with their performance.

      • December 5, 2013

        When workers was there,everybody was eating. Even Ian was helped by UWP.

  35. MIA
    December 4, 2013

    But the man make all his money in the service already.. give somebody else a chance boy. Since i was little girl mr. working we. Sai yea nah?? Let the man go and enjoy his retirement!

    • C
      December 5, 2013

      so u prefer that a foreigner holds the post instead of a Dominican? A country divided among itself can never stand.

    • Papa Dom
      December 5, 2013

      Hasn’t saverin made all his money and allu make him president at a $30k/m salary?

  36. Deel
    December 4, 2013

    I salute you His Worship Ossie Lewis, NO ONE WILL EVER wear your shoes

  37. Anonymous
    December 4, 2013

    Why am I not surprised? Anyone who has an opinion of their own is forced to exit any public office. Le Supremo rules. And people are still blind to that?!?

  38. Jonathan St.Jean
    December 4, 2013

    Sorry to see you get treated like this Ossie, less than a month’s notice.You are a person of integrity and that will serve you well in the future at home and a broad.God’s blessings to you

    • anonymous
      December 5, 2013

      the man had a contract!!!!!!!

  39. Not a herd follower
    December 4, 2013

    “He is a work horse….has made a great contribution to the legal profession and Dominica on a whole. It’s sad to see him go but that’s how it is”, Douglas said.

    So, I take it Ian had no part in the decision

  40. ?
    December 4, 2013

    Wrong is wrong period! one person said he was making room the young lawers or for the government operatives. it is so sad and distasteful, but i guest they continue to drive the nails in their coffin. they are self distructing.

  41. December 4, 2013

    Ossie go give a young man a chance, end of story.

  42. Jejep
    December 4, 2013

    If he is a work horse and in good health, well respected and well versed in the law, i say promote him to Chief Magistrate and keep him on the bench

  43. ...........
    December 4, 2013

    Wasn’t the same thing done to him as commentator for calypso? even if he did in fact admit to having voice troubles at the time?

  44. Too hot to handle
    December 4, 2013

    It’s none of all u DAM buisness what Skerro do he is in charge all u can go to HELL no LAW no constitution no BODY in Dominica can touch Skerro he rules and controls who don’t like it flee the Country

    • sense
      December 4, 2013

      your place is been prepared you will get there soon enough.

    • rescue 911
      December 5, 2013

      and people agree with you by giving you thumbs up??

  45. 007
    December 4, 2013

    Something is not right, I smell a rat

  46. tom
    December 4, 2013

    politics just burn

  47. Observer
    December 4, 2013

    While I think there are other reasons for releasing Ossie, I hate the fact that people are using age to right-off people in such position. Again, it is always good to look at countries who are doing better than us, and using the USA as an example, check the age of the people on the Supreme Court – the highest court in the USA. I know Ossie will talk, because he is not afraid of anyone.

  48. disgust
    December 4, 2013

    Politics politics!!!! skerritt i thougth u would have been different from the others(uwp. i adored u but i believe that politics is included in all the decisions u make. thas one vote less for u!!! shame shame shame

  49. My take
    December 4, 2013

    Are you serious? This has to be a joke.

    There are so many cases backed up in the Magistrate’s court. Cases are being rescheduled to way off dates as there are insufficient magistrates to keep the flow going.

    Ossie must have unknowingly stepped on someone’s big toe.

    Let us get real, justice can not prevail in this country.

    Father help us and hear our cry.

  50. Langue Kabwit
    December 4, 2013

    What is wrong with this administration, is it still a democratic state where one can support who they want? No excuse about sad to see him go, he was told to go. Mr Moise of blessed memory served as a magistate after he retired as a policeman for years, he never went to law school and was way pass Mr Lewis’ age. Young Dominican lawyers donot want to seat on the bench because they will not get rich fast enough. Cases take all like 4 to 5 years before heard because of lack of magistrates so why punish the public all because of one man. See the backlog of cases, remember justice delayed is justice denied.

  51. say it loud
    December 4, 2013

    Come on people every one crying the young people cannot get jobs, if a person reaches the retirement ag e it’s time to go give some bodyelse a break.

  52. hommeclelot
    December 4, 2013

    Under the public service laws governing tenure in the Dominican Public Service,including the office of Magistrate, Lewis and all those who have passed the statutory retirement age(60 or 65 years)may only,properly/legally be appointed to act in the public service offices (on short term contracts).They out not to be substantively appointed to the posts.This is how it is done for “retired judges”.If there are qualified public officers below the statutory retirement age then they must be considered to for appointments to the said offices! That’s all!!

  53. goodwill
    December 4, 2013

    ted made it clear that it was he who left d.b.s,so know what all u saying

    • Malgraysa
      December 4, 2013

      Is Ossie we are talking about, not Ted. Go back to sleep.

    • _________________
      December 4, 2013

      Skerrit will be given his own marching orders sometime in 2014.

  54. niceness
    December 4, 2013

    isnt the “president” 70yrs?

    • Malgraysa
      December 4, 2013

      Ah, but he isn’t a workhorse like Mr. Lewis…but perhaps his health is better?? Inexplicable things happen in Dominica for true.

  55. Inside Penville
    December 4, 2013

    we serving skerro his own papers soon

      December 4, 2013

      Who we that going to serve Skerrit with papers? Boy YOU ALL are jokers!UWP not yet ready.Just wait when elections are called you gonna see who will be served with papers..Labour Power!Skerrit there to stay.

    • love it
      December 4, 2013

      you done know!!!!!!!!!

  56. NOBODY
    December 4, 2013

    So if we have Magistrates working up to 100 years when will the young lawyers we have here be given the chance to be a Magistrate? and leave open spaces for those who have just graduated from UWI? I understand that it is rough to be out of a job, however Mr. Lewis is being paid handsomely and has a Gratuity. We Dominicans need to look at the bigger picture. Not everything is about politics, I respect the decision of the Government of Dominica. Mr. Lewis is a Good man and has been a Major sailor on the legal Ship, but all things must come to an end. I respect you greatly Mr. Lewis but now is the chance to groom a younger person to fill your shoes. Aint nothing wrong with that.

    • Moi
      December 4, 2013

      Mr. Ossie Lewis DOES NOT need to be terminated to have younger magistrates apply for position of magistrate. There are open vacancies for the position of magistrate for several years now, there are very few applicants. Ask yourself why? Is it that the position is not attractive because of the legal climate in Dominica? Maybe the conditions under which they have to work is not conducive? The Grenadian magistrate took up position not too long ago, but we need many more magistrates to service a back logged legal system, and no one is applying, yet we terminate a very hard worker, “a work horse” as stated by the Legal minister. Did he have any say in that decision, or is it a one man decision? Mr. Lewis has served remarkably, and contributed so much to the justice system in Dominica, and thats his thanks. May God bless this country which is SUPPOSED to be a DEMOCRACY.

    • hey
      December 4, 2013

      what we doing with a president 70 plus, magway sah shame shame shame

    • Anonymous
      December 4, 2013

      your point is invalid… how somebody who just graduated can replace him…seriously? do you even know his portfolio

    • MeCamem
      December 4, 2013

      Handsomely articulated

    • Justice and Truth
      December 4, 2013

      Ossie Lewis is far from 100 years. Therefore, do not exaggerate. No one on the bench is yet 100 years and never will be even though they may be still alive at 100 years.
      A few on the bench are older than him. Therefore, what is the problem?
      Being of senior citizen age, in good health and an excellent, conscientious worker should not be a fair and valid reason for ending his contract. If so, it is discriminatory and considering that the few who are older were not notified of non-renewal of their contract. Would this be preferential treatment towards them?
      Furthermore, an employer does not dismiss his/her staff to make way for new and younger employees, probably citing age. This is downright discriminatory.
      No matter what era we reside in, there will always be younger people than we are. If you live long enough, wait until you attain this age and the same occurred to you or someone whom you know, only then will you comprehend this. Do not wait until then. Understand this situation today as it exists and is applied to those people who are affected because of their age.

    • December 4, 2013

      “So if we have Magistrates working up to 100 years when will the young lawyers we have here be given the chance to be a Magistrate?” THEY HAVE TO EARN THAT TITLE. ONE DO NOT BECOME A MAGISTRATE BECAUSE HE/SHE “just graduated from UWI”. What is the “bigger picture”? I agree, “Not everything is about politics”. I also agree that “all things must come to an end”, but is that not called ‘RETIREMENT?’ THE MAN WAS ‘FIRED’. “I respect you greatly Mr. Lewis but now is the chance to “groom” a younger person to fill your shoes.” SHOULD THAT GROOMER NOT BE MR. LEWIS?


    • Anonymous
      December 4, 2013

      Now tell me, where in Dominica is this young, brilliant, competent Dominican Magistrate coming from to work for pittance and no respect from the authorities.You can attain degrees in school, but you cannot attain experience in school. I am all in favour of giving young people a chance, but for a serious job like Magistrate, where people’s lives are in your hands, you need experience.

    • sense
      December 4, 2013

      you not hearing it dou have enough,bring in the young along side the aged so they can learn a thing or two.

  57. shaka zulu
    December 4, 2013

    Waiting for the full story

  58. Good is good
    December 4, 2013

    Jesus Christ, what is wrong with this country. Lord help us

  59. Doc. Love
    December 4, 2013

    According to a calypsonian, Dominica is inside out, back to front. Mr. Ossie Lewis is a trained lawyer, he has a law degree. You are putting him on the unemployment line for a man who has no legal Education Certificate , who has never been called to the bar. I wonder if he knows where the Sir Hugh Wooding Law School is located. I would like Tony, Laurence or Aaron to comment on the discarded Mr. Ossie Lewis situation. As far as they are concerned Mr. Linton should not be the Prime Minister of Dominica because of his educational back ground, but Evander should be preferred to Mr. Ossie Lewis, magua sar.

    • BEB
      December 4, 2013

      Mr. Lewis is not going on the unemployment list,he has been in the public service for a number of years, working in the treasury dept.,then went into law where he is working as a magistrate. I do think that his contract could be renewed, as he is capable in performing the job as magistrate.
      He will be getting a hefty gratuity plus a govt.’s pension and a DSS pension, he can enjoy all this while he is not too old and then if possible, go into private practice, so he cant be on the unemployment list

  60. watching
    December 4, 2013

    Ossie going Ted Daily gone these two are like peas in a pot were they a target for the u can not support any party but the one in power to eat bread .i will die hurry we trust me.

    • Peeping Tom
      December 4, 2013

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  61. A perfect idiot
    December 4, 2013

    Meanwhile legal affairs minister Ian Douglas described Lewis “as a great Dominican.”

    “He is a work horse….has made a great contribution to the legal profession and Dominica on a whole. It’s sad to see him go but that’s how it is”, Douglas said.

    Mr. Ian Douglas, as a person with a legal background you need to get your facts right. FYI, there is a big difference between “Sad to see him go” and being asked to go. In Ossie’s case, he was asked to go by you and your government.
    I am left to wonder if Ossie attended the economy forum held by the UWP. Just wondering because age does not seem to be the factor since Charle Savarin who is not too far behind Ossie in age was recently elected president and so too was the case with that judge from Guyana they wanted to hire recently. Pure Bull kaka from a BULL KAKA government.

  62. Morihei Ueshiba
    December 4, 2013

    After Ossie serve so many years building his country without doing bobol they just kick him so, aye las Ian, aye las.

  63. rescue 911
    December 4, 2013


  64. 2 CuTe
    December 4, 2013

    8-O What , am shocked !

    Lewis was well respected in the legal circles.
    PM you’re my boy but that aint right,something wrong and i want to know why !

    • wonderwoman
      December 4, 2013

      No one has a job for life, there comes a time when we need to move on, that’s life. much ado about nothing. Give a younger person a chance. In Dominica we make a fuss over the slightess thing and as usual politics is the order of the day. such backward thinking and stagnation of the mind. t

    • Justice and Truth
      December 4, 2013

      As much as the PM is supported by some people, he may have put his foot in his mouth. Time will tell.
      I detest those who discriminate. On one hand they support certain people with challenges and assist them, on the other hand they discriminate against others.
      All of us will grow old one day, if we live long enough. We do not know how we will age, in what manner and what will occur to us during this time. Therefore, we better treat others with the dignity and respect they deserve for God is taking note of our words and deeds.

  65. Anonymous
    December 4, 2013

    Can u imagine that “Dominican Power”
    Not long they said we need magistrates and his contract is not being renewed and your final words are “said to see him go
    Well, well what utter rubbish

  66. Derryck
    December 4, 2013

    My comments are related to some of the things that were mentioned in the article albeit one person’s opinion
    1: Sound in Law, very dependable and always present in court 2: Good health, experienced and willing to serve. 3: Country suffering from lack of magistrates and older magistrates on the bench. Yet he has been “served” his papers. What is interesting is that the Minister says he is a “work horse but …..that’s how it is”. I have no information to think something is sinister here, it is just surprising. Well Ossie, you have served your country well.

  67. Friend
    December 4, 2013

    “He is a work horse….has made a great contribution to the legal profession and Dominica on a whole. It’s sad to see him go but that’s how it is”, Douglas said.

    Is that really how it is MR Douglas?

  68. Gorgon !
    December 4, 2013

    Pure madness !

  69. 4eyes
    December 4, 2013

    What happen Ossie say something that those in charge didn’t like ??


    • Justice and Truth
      December 4, 2013

      @ 4 eyes

      My instinct informs me he cannot say something and is wise not to say anything at this time. He must consult his personal attorney about this. He is waiting when his tenure is up. Then he can talk; even then, if per chance he is seeking legal counsel (though he is a lawyer he may need someone to defend him) or will take it further, now is not the time to speak out.
      Know that he may be reading these comments. With his expertise, he will determine the next course of action if he decides to take action.

    December 4, 2013

    boy look kicks, they sending the man home and saying SAD TO SEE HIM GO.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 4, 2013

      Another type and set of people I detest are hypocrites. Kick people in the behind, deny them their rights, fire them, feel sorry for them and use such words. He might as well hold his tongue.
      Big hypocrite, eh! Wrong choice of words. “Sad to see him go.”
      If this would happen to me, in time, I would tell that person, that hypocrite, where to go.

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