Man beats girlfriend with cutlass; gets stern warning

courtA man who used a cutlass to beat his girlfriend got a stern warning from Chief Magistrate Evalina Baptiste when he appeared in court on Monday, April 29, 2013.

Alister Irish of Bath Estate who resides at Kings Hill, was warned that he should “cease and desist” from his abusive ways towards women.

He faced the charges of  intimidation, battery on female and the use of insulting language to which he pleaded guilty.

The court matter arose from a family domestic dispute at the home of his girlfriend on April 25, 2013.

She had asked him to leave the house since he refused to assist in paying rent.

Instead of leaving, Irish held the mother of his three children and started to slap her.

As if that was not enough, he took a cutlass and proceeded to use the flat side to beat her, inflicting several abrasions to her body.

The woman screamed for help and the police were called.

Irish was arrested but while in custody he unleashed insulting language at one of the investigating officers.

In court Irish was a different man. “I was a little stupid at the moment …it’s all my fault we live together; we have children and have been together for 12 years, I am sorry for all what happened I deeply apologize,” he said in mitigation.

But Chief Magistrate Baptiste was not impressed, and while she acknowledged it was a domestic dispute she told him that he should have walked away. “The best thing you should have done was to leave the house, you could have killed her, and you used a cutlass,” she said.

She told him he should have controlled his anger at the time of the incident. “A serious responsible macho man would have left the house, go cool out … we all get angry at times but you need to know how to control your anger, you have behavioral and anger problems and you need anger management counseling,” the magistrate said.

She told him that his behaviour was embarrassing to his kids.

“You are a man …be a man, macho men treat women with respect, I am giving you this opportunity to go and fix that and do just that,” Baptiste told him.

He was fined of $2,000 suspended for 24 months or in default seven months in jail on the charge of battery and on the charge of insulting language he was fined $400 to be paid by August 31, 2013 or in default 3 months jail.

There was no separate penalty on the charge of intimidation.

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  1. The Registry @@@@@@@
    May 2, 2013

    Courageous decision by Chief Magistrate Evalina Baptiste. The deeper one looks at what you have said on such an intriguing matter, the better we appreciate its potency. The wide varied comments speaks of the very sharp divisions that is seemingly apparent over this sound yet controversial judgment. History will be the final judge of our deeds. The jail lacks the social services necessary to deal with the complexity of issues faced and hence incarceration in certain cases is not the best option. Some people ask for members of their families to become married yet they fail to adopt such a posture. Others also make noise when their sisters get impregnated yet when their girlfriend got pregnant then the mute button was placed on their “verbose know all cavity”. God is not a security officer. Violence of every form has to be very intolerable. Persons shout aloud at their homes with their significant others and also embark on forms of violence with their neighbors; these things are intolerable. Our societies deserve better. Marriage it self is not for everyone and so to is fatherhood. I shant ever give any serious consideration to be married. I am better off as a freed man. We must show respect to our parents and learn to be humble. Why is it that some of us go to Church all the time yet we harbor so much hate for our fellowmen? Why is it that educational advancement means nothing to us and nothing has been done beyond our secondary school education. I guess we are still reflecting on our co-ed exploits. I pray that misconceptions and deliberate efforts at misleading the gullible continues via the literal medium.
    Parents must always pray and never wish jail for the children of others neither must anyone condone the beating of our children by their boyfriends. Some fathers are so naively unaware that their kids are sexually active and even if their mum knows about this, they choose to be very quiet. This approach represents a classical epitome of the degree of confidence or lack thereof that exists between and within such unions.
    We as a Christian or Bible believing Society must continue to pray for our people ; victim and accused a like. We make kids but we don’t make their friends or ways. Some kids inherit sexual and or criminal genes from their parents or grand parents, this also applies to intelligence and good moral conduct or a combination of some of the above. A close knit family is a blessings and we must all seek to keep it that way. I am more of a quiet. home grown worshipper and I serious detest hypocritical religious outbursts hence most time I keep away from Churchianity. The intoxicating allurements are ever so present for public relation coups. Why is it that young girls from “good-to-be” families involve themselves in deceptive sexual encounters and perform lewd acts far beyond the knowledge of their father ? It is high time that parents should exercise their right to subject their girls to ” Hymen Diagnosis Exercises” by trusted Medical personel.

  2. Tourist
    May 1, 2013

    Ive been reading the blogs in preparation for my upcoming visit to your beautiful country and I just have to say,
    DA magistrates are nuts!
    Justice obviously isn’t their priority.
    You can be a loser sponge that beats women with a machete and that’s ok, just pay a fine. But god forbid you have a couple grams of weed. Then your ass is locked up quick.
    If the guy can’t even pay rent, how’s he gonna pay a fine?
    The judge should make the macho man pay with something he probably has in abundance. His idle

  3. Devlon
    May 1, 2013

    really, and a certain man beat up his wife with a cutlass for sleeping with a police officer and the law not doing nothing to him, i hear they the other police officer do not like the police officer and they always giving the other man right for everything he do. i also hear that there is a protection order against the man but he continues to beat the with everytime she goes to meet the police it even turn out where the commissioner send the police right soufrier station to work for a year but it is rumored that the wife will still reach down there.

    the police dont want to give up and the husband dont want to give up so it is believed that unless something bad dont happen none of them will stop. but i am afraid for the police because is not first man he doing that is a habbit he have he is a dirty cop.

    i know the ex-police will mash him up sooner or later

    • stantly88
      May 3, 2013

      if this don’t stop i know someone is going to get serious injured or killed, the men used to be friends but the woman has no shame she is an embarrassment to her husband and i think this cop went way out of line from what i am hearing.

  4. Anonymous
    April 30, 2013

    Me! Zion I going eh to plant my ganja……touch me na……all I need is a warning, “you must not smoke so muck weed it is bad for your health” said the JUDGE…

    “ok I will smoke in maderation” said the bush man….

    That JUDGE is a GAD damme parpishow….

    • Larond
      May 1, 2013

      DNO what comedy is this? No wander people doing so poorly at CXC English. Man go and stop smoke ganaga. It seems you are already “on your way” to Dr at the APU. YOU need prayers.
      respect the judge Evelina Baptiste, Great work woman. HOpe that fool does not continue smoking weed.

  5. Berekua
    April 30, 2013

    Wow, I want my stern warning too wee! The Judge should spend a few days at stockfarm. This is why our society is in such a mess.

    • Marigotian UK
      May 1, 2013

      It is like poor people always want other poor people to go to jail. We have no sense of pardon or passion for others. I am in total agreement with the well thought of decision by this Evalina Baptiste Judge. Miss Baptiste did the right thing. Imprisonment for such action is too great a punishment but what the boyfriend did is completely un acceptable indeed and no right thinking person should be in support of his foolish action. I understand the cutlass used in her beating evokes a sense of emotion. The what could have happened to her with the cutlass clouds some of our vision and that is understandable but not acceptable. The Chief Magistrate could not adjudicate based on what could have happened. What could have happened is purely speculative. The court does not come to a decision based on speculation. The court used the facts and apply the requisite law to come with a fair, just and reasonable decision. I know Miss Baptiste and her proven genius of the law and her work ethic is exemplary. It is people like this who we need to continue to advance the causes of development of our judicial system. She has a passion and soundly thorough knowledge of the law. Don’t just take my words for it. make your research. Find out how many of her decisions have been brushed aside by the high court and or court of appeal. The overwhelming majority of her peers, colleagues hold her in very high esteem both at home and overseas.
      It was quite a pleasure to have been reliably informed about some of the remarkable achievements of this Lady Judge Baptiste. I have been informed that she topped her class with a Distinctional Master’s Degree in International Marine Law in Malta. She is not the person who will bring such information to the Dominican public and she is amongst a large group of hardworking, intelligent, talented and patriotic
      women who work tirelessly to build Dominica.
      Let me re-state my full approval of her seminal decision and also state my absolute condemnation of the immoral actions of the guy who domestically violated this woman. Women must be loved and cherished and cared for at all times. He was a factual monster and is in dire need for psychological monitoring and thorough counseling. He is not beyond redemption and needs of the kids must always be satisfied; emotionally and economically.

  6. dominican abroad
    April 30, 2013

    Only a coward beats a woman. Its one thing to not take care of for family and their needs as a man, but to still be abusive, is even worse. His ass should be send to jail for assault, and not just pay these little fines. This happens more than people are aware off. And allow am not a victim of physical abuse, it must stop and these women need to be supported.

    • dominican
      April 30, 2013

      and what type of woman wants her man to give her his entire salary although she has a job too?

      • a Naybor
        May 1, 2013

        You don’t make any sense whatsoever. She needs money to care for her kids. However I support the fact that the Chief Baptiste Magistrate made the best decision and did nt send him jail. I love what she said. The easiest thing she Ma baptiste could have done was to send people prison but she didn’t. She is from the ghetto in Newtown, a bad bad place but she knows her law and her job very very well.
        But man must stop doing that to woman. Woman can fight back also in so many deadly smooth way.

    • Justice and Truth
      May 1, 2013

      This is no love. He is one bold man who thinks he owns the woman and he is the boss. He cannot be the boss because he did not pay rent which is why she told him to leave. He should be charged for abuse and using a cutlass on her. Imprisonment should have been his lot for at least one year. I visualize that woman has put up with a lot from that man. She should never welcome him back.

      • samantha
        May 1, 2013

        I KNOW THE WOMAN VERY WELL. She is not at all happy with all what has happened. But she does not think that he should be sent to prison. Her kids have a deep love and bound with their daddy and if ever he had been sent to jail, this would be devastating to her children. The Chief magistrate Baptiste As a mother and someone who understands poverty and other linked issues, her choice not to send him Stockfarm was a really great decision in the best interests of the children. As a woman I really will never support the assness that fool did.

      • mason
        May 1, 2013

        Please go and get work. DNO fed up with your dounce ideas.
        Well done Magistater Baptiste.

    • mary
      May 1, 2013

      stupid…..well done miss baptiste. You don’t have papers and DNO will not send for you. Stay where you are. STOWAY you STOWAY> not even your daddy funeral you came down for shame…you must be a labourite! lazy.

  7. ?
    April 30, 2013

    For those of you who do not know anything. Just now before year end the man is back. All you do not know anything.

  8. Wesley
    April 30, 2013

    Well done Mm Baptiste you made the good decision.

  9. Gertrude
    April 30, 2013

    I am in full support of the Magistrate Baptiste.
    Those of all you who asking for jail it is sad how we mixing the issues. Get carried a way. A wonder they don’t blame Skerrit for that crime.

    We grew up together and she is a sweetheart and they love each other but the boy friend has some issues. We happy he was nt send to jail by Miss Baptiste the chiefs magistrator. She know what she is doing.

    • Proud Dominican!!
      April 30, 2013

      So reducing an attempted murder charge is a good thing? He used excessive force on his Yea age told me from time go out and realize that the justice system is a joke.. Stricter penalties should be put on these CRIMINALS!! Minimum 6 months for abuse verbally and physically and minimum 12 months for abuse with a weapon!!!

      • mano
        May 1, 2013

        Who were you talking to ? Do you know the facts in the matter? Garcson before I lose it on you. Stop talking senselessness. We happy the man was not send to jail. Well done Misstriss Baptiste.

    • Justice and Truth
      May 1, 2013

      If they love each other, he should not beat her. He should also marry her. She should encourage him to seek help. The man needs the blessing and grace of God in order to change.

    April 30, 2013

    Let me state for the records that I have no real idea as to that is all the facts of this case under scrutiny. I was not in the court. I am also in no position to say that same sex/lesbian relationships is worse than the traditional relationship. The key issue is the application of the law to the facts of the case. What some of the readers FAIL to understand are the rules which the courts apply to come to a particular decision. Many got carried a way by the tool which was used in the beating of the young sweet girl and ignored the nature of the harm which she suffered. This is an important variable which rightfully came into the contemplation of Miss Evelina Baptiste in making her very sound and well thought of decision. I read what Caribbean Feminist had to say and evidently it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    In this modern age, men must allow women to make the choices which they need. If am to fall in love with Cleo and begin a consent-based relationship with her to our dual satisfaction then why should people frown about it because we both are women? A lot have been written about changing attitudes but the way in which lovers feel has not changed at all. I think it is all about choices. The man was wrong and seemed regrettable and we pray that he is changed. AS a society we need to pray for the couple and give support to the kids. We have to be sensitive in the comments which we make. The paramount principle embedded in the Welfare of the children has to take precedence.

    Let us stamp out Domestic violence in Dominica but at the same time respect the rights of others who choose the non traditional root hence embracing SAME SEX RELATIONSHIPS.This is not a panacea but might just be an option which a lot of us women need to explore, maybe beginning with it from a quasi experimental bisexual stand point, whether our client lives in Mahaut,Grand Bay or Pt Michel or Portsmouth or Barbados or the global world.
    Maybe when men seeing us with other women then they will be able to cherish us much better. I am happy with my choice but only wish that I could be more open about it. But in Dominica, precious little is a permanent secret.

    • GAY
      April 30, 2013

      I didn’t know that nuh. No link between Same sex relationship and lack of Domestic Violence. Where Love and Pain is involved in any type of relationship. So it have GLORY and later I read D GLORIA ZIMMERWORM. Some people coming out of the closet like the NBA man. Well GLORIA you well bold face but you are an overage I mean you not a minor (lol). Looks not all!
      But you use the DNO story to let people know is woman alone you woman doing or what? That is a good trick but I don’t have lawyer and I didn’t put any Coco in Sun. I not supporting d man going to prison and I not happy with how the fool beat his woman. That doesn’t make any sense at all. They sleeping in the same house and bed ? Well mister have a lot of guts. She cooking for him ? He drinking her tea ? It have STAY HOME DUMBLING …she will fix he up !!!! LOL !

      • Justice and Truth
        May 1, 2013

        Also washing and ironing and probably do the shopping and paying all the bills. He is one bold man. He took the woman for granted. She obviously got fed up of him why she asked him to leave.
        As for this Gloria who wants to hear her lesbian story? I wished they would keep their affairs to themselves. The entire world does not want to hear it and do not care. They are not ashamed to tell the world. Homosexual and lesbian affairs are abomination to the Lord and punishable. We are residing in the age of Sodom and Gomorrah. God is patient for now.

    • Gertrude
      April 30, 2013

      Well said GLORIA. It makes a lot of sense. I hope people read it.

      • Justice and Truth
        May 1, 2013

        :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  11. say is how it go
    April 30, 2013

    I hope the woman put him out 12yrs or not 3kids or not she don’t have nothing much to loss cause if I understand he dont pay rent and it always have a frist time for everything next time he will kill her am not saying he should go to jail but move out for a while .

    • jukeieter
      May 1, 2013

      You not making any sense
      I love what the Chief magistrate did. well done Mr. Braptiste

  12. bwa kwaieb
    April 30, 2013

    “You are a man …be a man, macho men treat women with respect, I am giving you this opportunity to go and fix that and do just that,” Baptiste told him.

    Evalina Jno baPtiste should be ashamed of herself. I’m surprised she didn’t buy him a glass of wine. Poor baby only hit a woman violently that could have left that woman severely disfigured or dead and another woman, one with judicial powers is patting the sick poor macho man on his head. What is wrong with this country you ask? The ignorance and incompetence of the judicial system and law enforcement.

    Macho men are nothing but little boys overcompensating for their small parts. They lack confidence as men so instead they will demean and humiliate women who allow them to do so. This POS should be in jail for at least 10 years. His a threat to the woman and society. A POS like this has 99% chance of killing his mate. Who are these women who commit to these low lifes like these I have no clue. SMH all around.

    • Kwayibbbbb
      April 30, 2013

      I find you come out! Meeeeow! Your Zandoli comments make no sense. Leave them people settle their problem. The way you getting on is as if is chuke he chuke her. THE he well wrong what he did and nobody with sense can support what he did. But the nonsense in your article is so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I cannot say because I want DNO to publish what I have to say. People like you like to put more Karosin in fire to cause more problems for those people. When he go jail you will help her take care of the kids?

      Get some work to do and trust me your English good we boy….U too smart in your foolishness. Adult education and Summer school for people like you. You sure you don’t need counseling? Lang sal ;;;;you are idle and have too much time on your hand. Show respect for people in authority. Why do you think that the Baptiste lady should sent the man to prison. Blows and prison not nice. But no where in the world I hearing anybody going jail for bruises. If that was so well all sports people who got bruises should ask those responsible for that to go to prison? That is how smarypants you sounding…….bray on. DNO will deal with you. MAR-GIIIII!!!!

      • BWA
        April 30, 2013

        It’s kerosene NOT karosin. :lol: thanks for the compliments about English as seems it’s much better than yours.

      • BWA
        April 30, 2013

        Btw, how is DNO going to deal with me? I mean I’m just wondering. Lolololololols. You probably sit down in a ghetto hole some where with no future. In the crazy USA you can go to jail for simply spitting on someone much less for physical assault. Please take the summer classes you’re advising to take if you can afford it you low down little person.

    • Andrew
      April 30, 2013

      I didn’t know some pips could be so foolish. No direct link between the weapon used and domestic violence. Somebody can take a cotton to block your nostrils causing brain damage and if this happens in a domestic environment then it could be looked at as Domestic violence you know. Whereas a man can be making a lot of noise and in so doing remove his loaded gun and place it on a table away from him in a next room and make no gun threats against his woman and non death threats to her but he slapped her across her such a situation the law could not talk about the gun he had/have as a factor in the case.
      So dats how we assess the situation.
      Too often we play lawyer and sound like clowns. I support the words of miss baptiste and its a wise approach. The law is not about punishment alone.

      • BWA
        April 30, 2013

        Another useless DA licle boy supporting his licle macho boy. Da fellas are so puke worthy.

    • Justice and Truth
      May 1, 2013

      Who knows if sometime later he will not kill her? If he has a problem and a bad temper. This is how it starts, hitting and beating and with weapons. One thing leads to another.
      Some years ago in Toronto a married man played boss to his wife. Guyanese people. When she got paid he came to her workplace to collect her pay cheque. She had no freedom whatsoever. It appears that the woman was an abused one. In those days it was not so widely known and spoken of. The end result of that was, one Saturday night they went to a party. The following day one of her younger children wanted breakfast. He saw his father and asked him for breakfast. The father told him to ask his mother. When he went into the bedroom his mother was in bed – bleeding and dead. The father had bludgeoned her with a baseball bat early that morning.
      Three months prior to her murder she had a stomach operation. For some reason I feel the reason why he killed her. We could use our instinct.
      The man was arrested. He was imprisoned for a few years. I did not know them but a friend who knew them told me about it. I have no idea what became of him, if he is still alive. The children are adults today. My friend resides in another province. Whenever we speak I never remember to ask her about especially the children. This is one case but there are many cases.
      Domestic violence, abuse of women must be taken seriously by the Court and pronounce proper sentence on the abuser.

  13. Jerry
    April 30, 2013

    NO MONEY NO LOVE. :mrgreen:

    • Tom
      April 30, 2013

      A little beating now and then should be no big deal. that’s what love is about. Its just that he shouldn’t have used a cutlass. A slap or two and the make back love is the best.

      • bwa kwaieb
        April 30, 2013

        Why don’t you go beat your self against a wall and come back and tell us what a brave “little” boy you are. It’s because these women don’t fight back that’s why you little POS’s do these things. I’d just like to see a man try that stuff with me, he would soon find himself in a vegetative state. Dominican men are such low lifes… puke!!!

      • Sopkie
        April 30, 2013

        All I can say about that, monkey know which tree to climb.

      • LEGIT
        April 30, 2013


  14. rastadoohplay
    April 30, 2013

    my brother hmp!!! well some women have guts and some dont even knoe it have a word called GUTS because is war in the house yuh daddy. RAISE YOUR HAND? ON WHO? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? you have to be a sick dock. even if u did not get lashed back one time, trust me i would never make u feel comfortable to stay in my foot because d minute u slip u going to slide. man must humble in this krazy world of today, then the public would say boy that nice girl that doo that. in all u mother potato them magistrate aself worse dan too bad they dont even know what is husband and wife.

    • bwa kwaieb
      April 30, 2013

      Dominican women need to stop breeding WITH these little imbeciles. Let the population decrease. Dominican men don’t even have the guts. A set of big mouth alone those ‘licle’ boys have. Not me! I don’t want none of those little boys. I’m allergic to dogs!

      • Gertrude
        April 30, 2013

        So your daddy is a Dog ? Or from a tree you fall from? All men not like this and you too fra!

    • true rastafari
      April 30, 2013

      It seems you talking asif is suck you does or wat? DNO doesn’t encourage those kind of woman to woman thing nuh girl.You not no rasta,,,,so rastadoohplay just chill out. Keep your violent for yourself. She didn’t come by you lastnite? Famme relax yourself. We have too much problem in Da already for you to be rapping so much “chupidness”. What husband and wife have to do wif dat? Give the damn couple a chance to solve their problems and seek lots of help. Like so many other readers I think its a great decision of Judge Evelina Baptiste made.

      • bwa kwaieb
        April 30, 2013

        Poor licile rasta usless man. If a woman say she not interested in low life DA boys, licle rasta boys automatically resort to calling the woman a lesbo. Best you go wash them locks instead or go see a doctor for your penile disfunction. It’s that very reason why you licle boys in DA have such nasty attitudes towards your women. DA women need to keep their dogs on very short leaches.

  15. sweets
    April 30, 2013

    Wow!!! all they was missing to give him was a trophy and a cookie…Assault is Assualt…guess the woman had to get stitches or end up in the morgue for more drastic action to be taken..he raised his hands on a woman pure and simple no money should be the talk;action should be taken; send him STOCKFARM so he could get the chance to contemplate on his actions….

    • mano
      May 1, 2013

      u so sour no man want you no blose no love no man want you cheeeups I support the chief Baptiste work.

  16. Caribbean feminist
    April 30, 2013

    This issue highlights the problem of gender inequality in Dominica. Domestic violence is not a culture-it is a crime and it should be treated as such! We need to teach our women to value themselves and we need to teach our men that anger is not the only emotion that men express!

    • Justice and Truth
      May 1, 2013

      Some of those men are ignorant. They are anti-social and do not know better. Some of them learned from their very own fathers, what happened in the home, the examples shown. As the saying, “These things have their people.” They do not know about love, respect and dignity, how to treat a woman accordingly. They will never learn.

  17. Anonymous
    April 30, 2013

    Where is the girlfriend after all this? I sincerely hope that she has shut the door in this man’s face before he returns to continue what he has started!
    Women, take a stand….he did it once, he will do it again…KICK HIM OUT TO THE CURB.
    Get him to pay child support through the court system.

  18. April 30, 2013

    Tell the woman what she do him take it out tell the woman were ever she put on him go and take it out for her to be in peace he is not simple

  19. April 30, 2013

    He got fined but what justice did the woman receive? who gets the money? the court? The judge said “you are a man…be a man”, according to the report. Might I correct the judge and say, he is a MALE human but that does not make him a “man” (mature male). His actions make that transparent.

    Moreover, the judge kept repeating “you should have”. But judge, he didn’t and that is why he stood before you.

    Women need to stop choosing these lazy “male beings”. Lazy “males” are my pet peeve – can’t stand these. Too many men now-a-days are dependent on women – but the women who support such behavior are even worse than these little boys. For too long, Dominican men think living in the house with wife /girlfriend and kids or “donating” a little dasheen and milk once a month constitutes fatherhood.

    Finally, these (male beings)engage in irresponsible sex to gratify their “sweftay” and ignore their roles as fathers and husbands and people wonder why this new generation is deteriorating. Women need a wake-up call and stop looking for “cuteness” as the only qualification to “hook-up” with these lazy bums who want to live cheap and smell sweet.

  20. antedote for fools
    April 30, 2013

    We need a conference on Domestic Violence protocol that addresses from police response to reports, investigation, sentencing and post trial. A warning doesn’t do it and domestic violence abusers are usually repeat offenders who need counseling that they should pay for since the state cannot afford it. It is about time we step up. Too many women and children are suffering in silence.

  21. 2Cute
    April 30, 2013

    I may not have the strength to hit him back but my brother got my back.Monkey know which tree they climb

  22. Annon
    April 30, 2013

    Domestic dispute? Sorry judge you all have abanduned this young lady. He impregnated her 3 times or more, not paying rent, BEATING her like a beast with a cutlass.
    Now the judge sends him back to the house, to finish up the job like she is an animal?? SMH

  23. Hype
    April 30, 2013

    Chief Magistrate Baptiste acknowledged it was a domestic dispute? She was beaten with a deadly weapon, a cutlass. Well…he lucky is not Marijuana he had.

    • bwa kwaieb
      April 30, 2013

      Too show you how incompetent these people are a domestic dispute with a cutlass….OMG. ? It would explain it all!

  24. Door man
    April 30, 2013

    It’s amazing what ppl are getting away with in Dominica. Women should be cherished. She was beaten to the point where she was bruised. She has his kids. Dominica is stuck in past. 2k. Smh

  25. GLORY
    April 30, 2013

    I am sorry, Alister should be sent to Stockfarm to “cool out his head” it may just be a trend..nip it at the bud…stupesss man!!!please provide counselling for the kids…

  26. precious
    April 30, 2013

    12 years you with de woman you cannot marry her? instead treat her like trash? Some of you don’t deserve what you have while others well want a wife and kids. smhf

  27. Tijhan
    April 30, 2013

    ridiculous! he gets fined for his abusive language but no punishment for his violence towards the woman. He and other men will take this to mean they can do what they want to women and get away with it…until they pick on the wrong woman.

  28. anonymous2
    April 30, 2013

    There is definitely something wrong with that sentence. Need a new judge. Bring back Behani.

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      I have to agree with you. She is known for giving slaps on the wrist.

    • st jo
      April 30, 2013

      after the man lose so many cases in the court of appeal you want to bring dat back. Now he is a full lawyer; what big case you hear him in? I guess the training in Trinidad open up his mind. I see !

      Domestic violence is wrong but I think it was a good smart and sobering decision by Chief Margistrate Eve Baptiste. WE have to respect all our women and as she said Macho man must show love. Everyone needs another chance. He got it luckily and I hope he took it seriously.We too busy to send people stockfarm. He needs counseling.

  29. Justice and Truth
    April 29, 2013

    He used a weapon and could very well have killed her. He is sorry after the fact. Too late for apology. There should have been no compassion for him. He should have been sentenced to prison so that he could learn a lesson.
    Will this advice and stern warning help him to rectify his attitude?
    What type of a man is he? He should get a job and help the girlfriend to pay the rent and to support his children.
    Twelve years with her and not married? In fact, he should marry the woman. If they are genuinely in love and plan to continue living together, she should demand that he set matters right with her by marrying her.
    What type of example are both of them showing to their children? Have respect for your children. Turn to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Go to Church. Pray and make your life and home Christo-centered. If this is done, love, happiness and peace will prevail in their home and this man will not resort to cutlass and mal-treatment of his girlfriend.
    If both of them were to die now where would their souls go to?
    God holds parents accountable for ungodly and irresponsible parenting.

  30. Mamizoo
    April 29, 2013

    Just shaking my head in disgust.

  31. Looking in
    April 29, 2013

    Alister my boi…monkeys know which tree they climbing eh…ahh papa….’stern warning’ for what you did…ha…big joke

  32. Huh!!
    April 29, 2013

    I guess this woman aint got no brother!! I can promise you, if it was me, my brothers would have landay your backside. You would not be able to hold a cutlass again much lest put it on me. Jackass!! You are not a man. You are a zaman living off a woman. Making children, not paying rent and still wrong and strong.

  33. St.john Mingo
    April 29, 2013

    honestly ! women must be sitting on their brain.I am not usually like that but as a kid you got beat by your parents,teachers,nen-nen,god fathers you grown up you got beat by a man who cannot even maintain you.What are you a punch bag? Oh no too much for any one to bear.You don’t know how to treat a lady.Out you go and stay out permanently

  34. kiat killers
    April 29, 2013

    u hv got to be kidding…alister needs to locked up…simple

    • Diva
      April 29, 2013

      The minister of woman affairs well,if there is.
      To take serious action towards domestic violence.
      This is getting serious.
      Men has no respect for women.

  35. Anonymous
    April 29, 2013

    A joke dat man!

  36. bed bug
    April 29, 2013

    The 25th was my birthday, so he should send her to me as a gift instead of beating her

    • sweets
      April 30, 2013

      Hahahhahaa thanks for that laugh inspite of that sad situation lol

  37. Roseau queen
    April 29, 2013

    u paying the rent, dont invite that man in your house again. let him support his children and stay out of your life. trust me, he will raise his hands again/

    • Bunty
      April 30, 2013

      You are so right he will do it again she need to keep him out of her house LAZY FATHER,BOYFRIEND,take care of your children the mother must sleep with those bastards for them to maintain their kids this judge is a woman and she so tame towards this man send him to stockfarm

  38. kailmaita
    April 29, 2013

    everything cannot be jail jail jail for our young people.Blows is not a tonic and neither is prison. The man has issues and Stockie will not help. He has to go for help and if he puts himself in such a situation then he will be dealt with more severely. I have known men to have gone to prison and return with more hate and venom and killed their girlfriend/wife/lover. Am not saying that could have happened in this case but we know that he needs a lot of help and they could work this out. The support of the family is needed and the community. I don’t thin the chief magistrate decision is a bad one. It makes practical visionary sense.

  39. Realist
    April 29, 2013

    Hmmmm a man severely violates his girlfriend with a cutlass and gets away with a ‘stern warning’ and it is okay. When Dice was caught with a spliff he is treated as the greatest criminal in the world.

    Dominica is really being run ‘back to front’.

    • diceman
      April 29, 2013

      keep king Dice out of your garbage. You comparing sugar with aloes and this makes no sense. Chief magistrate Baptiste is no pushover and her tough and understandable posture is well known. No one supports what the man did.

      MY DICE has been reckless in the past and it is the support which he got from the community that helped him a lot. We must never ever forget this at all. Do you think that if Dice had ever spent time in jail he would have been such a great individual? We cannot be sure about this. Some people think that because of his recent troubles with the law he should no longer compete. I don’t think this makes sense at all. Evalina Baptiste spoke to him as a mother figure. She brought in the human element and could have thrown the book at him but she choose not to. She asked of him to exercise some sense of self control and this is commendable indeed and I love her calmed and wise stance.

      • Choice-X
        April 30, 2013

        @ diceman

        From your ambivalent choice of words, you are NO supporter of DICE. So you are not fooling anyone with your blatant demonstration of hypocrisy.

        Your delivery is so convoluted that you are tying up your thought process in knots and in effect saying nothing. If your took your time not only to skim, but read and process you will see that it was saying that what dice did was insignificant compared to this beast, brutalising his ‘lover’ with a DEADLY weapon. Thus placing the woman life at death door. Yet the system is more forgiving to him than to DICEY.

        You say DICE has been reckless. What about you. Who gives you the right to judge him so harshly yet still claiming to be his ‘friend’ what HOGWASH! Man go check yourself, instead of adopting this vacuous self-righteous posture.

    • LaPlaine Chick
      April 29, 2013

      UNRELATED! You’re just trying to be messy!

      • Raisha
        April 30, 2013

        Duh The person was responding to REALIST so LA PLAINE CHICK this is the relationship.
        Some people needs brains and glasses .

        The Chief Magistatrate miss Baptiste made sense. But the man was damn wrong.

  40. ___________________
    April 29, 2013

    Talk still when those people make up again, all you will be ashamed though.!

    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2013

      LMAO! :)

    • Peacock
      April 30, 2013

      We will not be ashamed .. we know the cycle too well. He will beat her to a pulp the next time round. If she is smart, she will send him packing.

    • For Real
      April 30, 2013

      LoL You have me cracking to my stomach

  41. April 29, 2013

    What a sad excuse for a man. Shame on him. Shame on the Judge for giving him a slap on the wrist. A woman and children now left in fear for their lives. My hope is; he stay far away from that residence. So there can be Peace in that home!
    He was not even given mandatory Anger management counselling!
    Here comes the ‘copy cats’!

    • mertle
      April 29, 2013

      You have said nothing at all. The Chief magistrate Baptiste makes a lot sense. Justice must be tempered with mercy. We have to be merciful. The bible speaks about these ideals. The guy should not have done this to the woman. He had no intention to murder her if this was so then the charge would have been different. I don’t accept the PLAT COOT LAH either. This is not acceptable. Anger management is not mandatory. She is right when she said that he needs counseling. As I read earlier on everything cannot be JAIL JAIL JAIL. Good decision Judge Evelina Baptiste.

      • +-+-+
        April 30, 2013

        It would appear that you have several incarnations on this topic. If you continue some readers will assume that you are related to the adjudicator of the case.

  42. thiny
    April 29, 2013

    He did not cut he flesh, children get beatings so grown women take your beating too

    • Anonymous
      April 29, 2013

      thats such a stupid thing to say.. do u have any form of knowledge?

    • life
      April 29, 2013

      ur so ignorant, u need help. People like you have no feelings, i feel u lacking love.

    • I voted Labour
      April 29, 2013

      You again? Why don’t you get a job instead of trying your best to leave the most ridiculous comments on DNO. I suspect you say these thing and all you do is check to see how many people dislike what you say. How lame…..You get pleasure from this right?

      • Quick
        April 30, 2013

        @I voted Labour – Something must be wrong with the poster named Tiny. DNO should appoint a resident psychiatrist on its site to counsel such posters.

        On another note, I like your name ie “I voted Labour”. Glad you have written in the past tense. I trust the remainder of your name would read – “but never again!!”

    • kiat killers
      April 29, 2013

      would u like it if it was ur moda or sister….only childish and idle minds would fink its ok….empty barrels make the most noise which has no importance.

    • Huh!
      April 30, 2013

      Thiny do you need that much attention?
      People let’s do this idiot a favor and not respond or acknowledge the comment with a thumbs down.
      That Thiny is an attention starved piece of …you fill in the blank

    • Disgusted
      April 30, 2013

      ‘Grown woman take your beating too’ what kind of sick individual are you?? I hope if your parents or older siblings are alive and they give you a beating now, you would groan and say ‘i am a grown man. let me take my beating too like a man’

    • jerry
      April 30, 2013

      Perfect Example of No Money No love. I feel your pain my brother. We snap at times but we use these as experience and stay away.

  43. Anonymous
    April 29, 2013

    well well well it start so and then the court system send them home later police investigation something bigger. let pray for the couple who claim to be in love so God grace will be with them

  44. Dorival John
    April 29, 2013

    I just cannot comprehend how a man can beat the woman whom he claims he loves.

    Every time I see my lady I get so weak and I tell her how much I love her.

    This man should be jailed.

    • .
      April 29, 2013

      But some women saying that they like the blows. Some even coming back for more blows. You think some women easy. Fool yourself still. Leave in space still…Papa Bat. Think every woman is like you.

      • LaPlaine Chick
        April 29, 2013

        That’s an unnecessary argument. Women don’t like blows, all they need is attention

    • is true
      April 30, 2013

      some women think that if the man not beating them he not macho and that he macko or gay.. so that is why some men have to show their machoism by being women-beaters

      • Dorival John
        April 30, 2013

        Well I must be macko or gay then. lol lol

        I’ve known my lady for 15 years, married for 11. I love her today one thousand times more than when I first met her.

        I’ve never once even thought of raising my hands on her. That would be like hurting my own self.

        If I meet a woman who thinks that I must beat her to prove my manhood, I telling her straight that this is not the kind of relationship for me and I going my merry way. It’s ridiculous.

  45. purple city
    April 29, 2013

    All i can say is monkey no what tree they climbin.i would take my blose we but when ur done it would be me the police takin into custody 4 beatin a freakin man too like to hit.

    • Dominican abroad
      April 29, 2013

      i second this motion.

  46. "O" STRESS"
    April 29, 2013

    This guy is tormented,to the point of no return. Rehabilitation is not an option, but what I cannot fardom, the magistrate in her admonishment of the accused, cited all what is wrong with this guy,but instead of imposing those punishments including recomending him to undergo anger management, he was charged, but it is suspended for 24months. This individual already have previous convictions of various kinds and is a familer face before the courts, but low and behold he is given a license to go do something worst. Then we will all come crying down the police. What “BS”is that?some of our magistrates seems to be playing it safe in order to safe guard their job while the criminals are making a mockery of our justice system. My advise to them if you cannot, or afraid, to do your job leave and take up another assignment suited to your counseling skills, and make room for those with the fortitude and willing to effectively despense justice on those malcontent amongst us. We should be very concern about his Girlfriend and the children they are not safe from their own father. Lord put a hand or else we are facing mahem in time to come. This profession is a big man and big woman thing if the heat is too hot leave the kitchen for the greater good of the larger population.

    • colorblind
      April 29, 2013

      O stress, I totally agree. Some of these magistrates are from another planet.

    • Canefield wifey
      April 29, 2013

      It is clear that you need some serious help and seeking employment is high up on the list. Your arrogance and known insane posture evokes a sense of quiet public ridicule and your family is embarrassed at all this.
      “O” Stress says it all and real men must contribute to their wellbeing of their family and not be dependent on their GF/CM to do so. This is why horning will never ever end, Every one has to be given a chance at reform. I don’t think a custodial sentence would have been helpful. The recommendations cited were consistent with the letter and spirit of the law. I have no reason to doubt the well established wisdom and knowledge of the learned Chief Magistrate Evelina Baptiste. She is experience and knows precisely how best to deal with such matters. We are not the ones who deal with such matters and we don’t even listen to the trials and are not privy to the facts presented. Whether os not the accused is known to the court is just part of the story and not all of it. There are other cogent factors which shall be considered by the court is coming to a particular position. The law is not perfect and never ever considered itself to be. Its an imperfect and evolving impure science. Many readers don’t have an understanding of its attendant complexities yet mouths run like an orgasmic river in swollen chocolate heat hence the arrogant emission of so much vomitish rubbish.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 29, 2013


  47. John Doe
    April 29, 2013

    ebeh look it!!!!

  48. stonage
    April 29, 2013

    HE better dog cum before dat woman again. Trust me she will send all cylinders on him. Sometimes we just have to give dem man another chance to reflect and try to change. I loved what Miss Baptiste said. Jail is not the only option. He should consider himself lucky and again he has them kids with the woman and he being in jail would add more to the trauma they went through after seeing what he did to their mother.
    Hope mister learned his lesson. he could have killed her and they Chief Magistrate used her discretion wisdom and common sense. WE all hope he learn his lesson.

    • JIM
      April 29, 2013

      You would be surprised to see how the woman will accept him back.I have seen worse than dat.

      • LaPlaine Chick
        April 29, 2013

        I agree… wait to see how she takes him back immediately with the excuse “He is the father of my kids”. 12 years Mr still doh marry you? U should get a clue by now……

      • Anonymous
        April 30, 2013

        she has been doing that all the time , is not first time he abusing her and she still taking him back, he has been violent towards her and her family many times before , so what’s the point he will be back in the house, you wait and see.

  49. salt
    April 29, 2013

    what about the children that wittness the drama? nothing is said about their emotional health . the guy got a slap on the hand.shame shame no justice..

  50. Vincia
    April 29, 2013

    Does this woman have to get killed for man to go to jail. This Magistrate needs to leave the bench. She does not have a clue as to what she just did. I hope this man can work out his issues and this woman leaves this man before he kills her.

    • sandra
      April 29, 2013

      I accept the position of the chief magistrate Baptiste. Her long experience on the bench puts her in an unenviable position to rule on such difficult matters. While we talk our mouths in emotional contortionistic tones many of us are not aware of the deep fatherly bond between the accused and his 3 kids. What he did to their mother is quite serious and must never go unpardoned. He was given an opportunity at remedying the situation. It is a chance which the court have taken. You don’t know how a custodian sentence might have worked. What further damage could have been done to the kids if their dad was sent to prison? I used the word FURTHER….if the abuse continues , the court has the power to have a restraining order imposed. The mother is not pleased with what has happened but they are in a position to seek counseling in the interests of themselves and the welfare of those kids. A mother having 3 kids on her hands and their dad being in prison is no easy situation. Even if the father may not be providing all of the much needed monetary support but his kids are bonded with him and that has to be considered. The physical abuse of his girlfriend was condemned by the chief Baptiste and her advice was mature. practical and sensible. WE are just looking at potential negatives and not possible good.

      Lets is pray for them. The guy needs counseling and the woman and kids also need this and material support. JAIL WONT HELP Them. If he returns to Miss Baptiste’s court again and the evidence is against him then the matter will be looked at differently…..this is a chance given for redemption and change. Maybe a final chance. Let us see what good that comes from it.
      I know the couple!

      • ambrose
        April 30, 2013

        It doe have second chance for beating your woman.
        the next time is death,that’s how abusers roll.
        suppose his hand had turn?you would say not that he wanted to do?

  51. fil
    April 29, 2013

    Good for him stop treating women like they are properties. You are not paying rent you should not be living there in the first place, she is asking you to leave you are using a cutlass to beat her. They should teach him a lesson by sending him to jail.

  52. Sug
    April 29, 2013

    stern warning?? hmph… boi

  53. bagatelle
    April 29, 2013

    only in Dominica a man beats a woman n don’t get to serve some time guess that is his first offense

    • BlueBlue
      April 30, 2013

      stupid keep on guessing

  54. Shannon
    April 29, 2013

    A stern warning? Jeez, I bet that will keep him from doing it again.

  55. shakespere
    April 29, 2013

    i never knew domestic violence was different from other forms of violence,so if i beat my partner i will be dealt with better than if i beat an enemy,it seems to be the wrong way round to me

    • Ideall
      April 29, 2013

      thats why women are afraid to report any domestic violence against them, all kind of violence should be treated the same, this just not make any sence what the the judge said,” she acknowledged it was a domestic dispute”, is she saying its ok to that, guess we women have to take care of ourselves

      • jona
        April 29, 2013

        Great decision by Ma Baptiste. I however don’t want to go before her court. She does not play and knows the law and its application very well.
        I think we saw the motherly aspect of this legal woman . When she lives Dominica for the big job awaiting her what will the few of us say? Respect our brilliant people. Don’t you know how hard this woman works? It is an unthankful job and she is a real patriotic Dominican. She left her job regional high paying job in St.Lucia to serve Dominica. And has done a very great job for such a long while.
        Let us pray for our hard working women and also for those who have been ill-treating our women and also for those victims. RESPECT and LOVE WOMEN. Evelina Baptiste’s work is well known and respected. If she had given the man a custodial sentence then some of us would say that she sent him to jail because the man had abused another woman so she taking advantage of him. Some Dominicans cannot be pleased. Bashing of women with back of cutlass and with the few negatives comment will never be a good thing.

      • BlueBlue
        April 30, 2013

        Some of all you have no idea as to what is happening there. Where on earth you ever hear someone going to jail because of bruises they got after a beating. What charges were advanced against the accused? Was it a GBH grievious bodily harm > hell NO it was nt. YOu bruise me so jail for you and away from your three children…..does this make any sense.

        What the guy did was damn freaking wrong. I against it 1000000000000% but sending him to Stockfarm for this makes no sense whatsoever and the beating also makes no f…..g sense either. He is a nice partner who needs some professional help and must learn to control his temper. I know both of them and its so sweet to see them together when things are irie. I hope he learns his lesson and seek help.
        I am in full support of what Miss Evelaina Baptiste did. You think sending him to jail in that crazy environment will make him better. He would have probably came out worse than he came in and what about the the kids.

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