Man charged for killing ‘Leprechaun’ granted bail

A Stock Farm man charged with the death of Bernard “Leprechaun’ Paul was granted $50,000 bail today.

Peterson Charles, 20, appeared before Magistrate Candia George at the Roseau Magistrate Court when the charge of manslaughter was read to him.

The defendant was previously charged with murder but learned this morning that police prosecution was reducing the charge to manslaughter.

Charles was not required to plead as the proceedings are in its preliminary stages.

According to the facts in the matter, on December 11 last year, the defendant was playing cards with friends who did not want the deceased to participate in the game. A confrontation then ensued between the defendant and the deceased.

While the two were wrestling the defendant allegedly used a cutlass which fell from the deceased’s hands and cut the deceased in his head.

Paul died a week later at the Princess Margaret Hospital.

Wayne Norde is the defense lawyer in the matter.

The accused is expected to report to the police headquarters three times weekly and not interfere with witnesses in the case.

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  1. SmarterThanYou
    January 28, 2012

    Leprechaun got what he deserved, another would be criminal in the ground where he belongs. I don’t see why the man would even be arrested when it wasn’t his knife but rather the attackers. He shouldn’t even be in jail, but rather getting an award!

    It’s very pathetic some would go as far as to defend the attacker as if it is “OK” for him to go around attacking others with weapons yet the victims of his attacks are somehow not supposed to defend themselves or act in anyway to preserve their own life. That is a problem with too many countries these days, they vilify the victims and turn the villains into hero’s or martyrs when they’re responsible for their own death or injury. Sickening.

    Thanks for getting the creep off the streets, he probably would have just escalated in his violence against others had he been allowed to continue; it’s very clear some of the members of the community were in support of his felonious rampage against others.

  2. Anonymous
    June 27, 2011

    I say legalized it it grow natullly

  3. June 22, 2011

    Its so interesting that dominicans only cry down crime and violence when it hits home. The criminal immediately becomes a saint after death. Also the system and the rule of law becomes the curse.

  4. anonymous
    June 20, 2011

    peterson hold strong.Everybody deserves a second chance in life.

  5. Anonymous
    June 20, 2011

    But if that fella can get bail why Lindon and Nash cannot get bail…just asking…

  6. Akhenaton
    June 20, 2011

    Well my friends all i can say is keep an eye out for the accused (we will hear of him).
    Leprechaun’s spirit is around and has fused with the other spirits looking for justice in this island (Dominica)
    No Justice No peace. The family of Leprechaun will stop at notning to see justice served. (Obeah and Voodoo will be invoked on this land for the legal system has failed)
    The inocent blood on the cutlass shall not be shed in vain. The accused will bve tormented by this spirit for as long as he lives. LEPRECHAUN LIVES IN THE MIND OF THE ACCUSED, OH WHAT A LIFE. lIVE LEPRECHAUN lIVE AND AS LONG AS YOU ARE REMEMBERED YOU SPIRIT LIVES AND YOU SHALL BE REMEMBERED.

  7. grass cutter
    June 19, 2011

    the deceased was a grass cutter.; that’s how he made a livin.; they have it there lik he had the cutlas to harm ppl and it fell so peterson tok it.. <> all the witnesses are his friends as so said.. <> they all live yampiece how u expect them NOT TO SPEAK to one another, the magistrate didnt even ask the defendent to move out of the area .. hmph .. man’s justice.; whereas the deceased is well dead n burried

  8. June 19, 2011

    where there is no justice, there will be no peace. this sucks, taking a cutlass and cutting someones head this is murder,no sure thing as self defense why not the guy hand cut or burst his lip, going for the head, this is murder, Dominica’s law and judicial system is the laughing stock of the Caribbean and the world, the three individuals/under dogs, no name kids was not granted bail, and a murderer is granted bail for taking a life, shame, shame, judge, lawyers, prosecutor, them all are the same, too much double standard in this island, one thing i know ones a killer is always a killer,

  9. Anonymous
    June 18, 2011

    Read people it was allegedlt the deceased cutlass. Seems like self defense to me which is why the charges were changed to manslaughter!

    • huh
      June 20, 2011

      u need to read ur self.. the cutlas was in the deceased bag.. n fell out the accused then took the cutlas.. the man had intent of killin.. if he didnt he whldnt hav reach for the head

      • Anonymous
        June 22, 2011

        you need t read if it fell out how is end up cutting peterson first before peterson cut him in the head STOP makind stupid accuzations and think before all you talk

  10. disappointed
    June 17, 2011

    This layer should be in a room side by side with Peterson in the jail…and as for judge..I would put him in the labas section in the lail

  11. dead man's sister
    June 17, 2011 the story can a cotlass fall out of somebodys hand and cut their head? That makes absolutely no sense to me. And to tell me a judge would release the guy with that kind of statement…..shame on out judicial system here

    • nuts
      June 17, 2011

      you need to read the story well.

      they did not say the cutlass fell down from his hand and cut his head.

      “While the two were wrestling the defendant allegedly used a cutlass which fell from the deceased’s hands and cut the deceased in his head”

      HE USED THE CUTLASS…. Thats what it said.


  12. Anonymous
    June 17, 2011

    Wow….Who is this so-called Magistrate? and where did she get her degree from? You are the one responsible for reducing a murder charge to manslaughter and allowing a killer to be walking free on the streets? What is this? Are you for real? This is the reason why lawlessness will continue in Dominica as you people (Magistrate, Judges) who are responsible to uphold the law and see to it that those who break it get the full extent of the justice system are weak…weak..weak…You people suck…This is a joke….A man is dead…A murderer is walking free…Every dog had its day!!!!!!!

    • nuts
      June 17, 2011

      The investigating officers are the ones who are responsible for reducing the murder charge.

      The Magistrate is Mrs. Candia Carrette George. Daugther of the FAMOUS police commissioner. That says it all.

  13. dead man's sister
    June 17, 2011

    Yes papa..look lies.playing cards.yhat could nt be further from the truth.yet they cannot find one person to speak on the dead man side.not even me his sister.according to the investigating officer my story is hear the guy is in the village like he just arrive from the u.s.he said on how many occasions dat he had to kill and he did kill..let’s just wait to see eat he does next.the best is yet to come.

    • nuts
      June 17, 2011

      the evil that ppl do don’t live after them …. it lives with them.

      His day will come

  14. grassroot
    June 17, 2011


  15. grassroot
    June 17, 2011


  16. nuts
    June 17, 2011

    razor blade system!

    let nobody mess around me…. i go kill you and still walk free!! ( believe it or not thats what is in the mind of young criminals in the making)

  17. Anonymous
    June 17, 2011

    here we go again … a killer gets bail and and two forgers … stays in jail

    mon diay we need justice, justice, for a free society!

    • deceased niece
      June 17, 2011

      Dat d country come to..they let him go after he kill my uncle..that’s y crime will never end but take monga and all the killers as examples..they killed and they got killed.monga do all his crime and he got away and they shoot him like a animal they was dem judge that freein dem killers killin will never end.

      • Anonymous
        June 17, 2011

        CANDIA GEORGE….You should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!!Where did u get your degree from????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Anonymous
        June 17, 2011

        find out what the true is before you talk remember he cut the pertson first before he Perterson cut him back so dont talk

  18. victim of violence
    June 17, 2011

    Magistrate is a joker.
    My wife and i have a high court restraining
    order since 2008 followed by three judgments by three judges against someone.
    Police have since charged him and is on bail for attacking my employee and I with a cutlas.
    They have the weapon as evidence.
    The only reason the police arrested him was when he sent his dog to attack the police officer.
    This magistrate keeps delaying the case and without even listening to the witnesses tells me the victim I must try to live with his dozens of attempts to kill me.

  19. Jespen
    June 17, 2011


  20. scar face
    June 17, 2011

    Unless the situation start hitting home then the powers that be will continue bailing people on murder and man slaughter charges. when are we as dominicans going to say enough is enough . Are they saying that they value passports more than Human life.because thats what it looks like. BAIL FOR MURDER . NO BAIL FOR FORGING BIRTH CERTIFICATES.

  21. vip
    June 16, 2011

    It seems Dominica is the marine corp and their motto is kill kill kill.Kill everything and let God sort them out.Its`ashame we are slowly but surely becoming a Godless nation and if the God fearing people dont speak out and proclaim Jesus is the answer for the world today,the murders, rapist,child-molesters ,marijuana smokers, thieves and homosexuals will let their voices be heard and they will continue to spread their demonic satanic teachings.Christians need to stand up and fight the good fight of faith and destroy these people with the sword of the spirit whioch is the word of God.Most crimes in Dominica are created by marijuana smokers.check the records and you will see.homosexuals please leave our little boys alone, let them grow up to what God wants them to be.

    • Lou
      June 17, 2011

      You didnt say anything about the CRACK COCAINE smokers. Leave the pure marijuana smokers out of this. I smoke marijuana and Im not a thief, rapist, murderer, or any type of malicious crimminal. I am educated and employed making 6 figures per year legally. Your comment about marijuana is an ignorant comment. I smoke marijuana to relax. Some of my co workers smoke it to relax also. But Im in the US and people are not against marijuana like yourself. So enjoy drinking your zeb chapantye while I smoke my spiff without hurting anyone. Good day

      • Pre-Med
        June 17, 2011

        :lol: :lol: @ Lou, you told her! :lol: :lol:

  22. Kb lyric
    June 16, 2011

    same old sh#@ just a different day

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