Man gets lucky break for ‘misunderstood hug’

A Kalinago man has been sentenced to a nine-month suspended prison sentence.

Keith Tyson pleaded guilty to the offence of indecent assault of a sixteen-year-old girl.

The court heard that Tyson touched the girl’s breast while walking on the road in the Carib Territory in January 2011.

The victim stated that she was not interested in pursuing the matter in court and only wanted Tyson warned.

However her mother went ahead with the case because the defendant failed to make a financial arrangement with her to settle the matter after it was reported to the police.

In High Court, the defendant expressed remorse for his actions and stated that his hug was misunderstood.

A social inquiry report ordered by the judge quoted members of the village speaking very highly of Tyson, describing him as a reliable and upstanding man in their community.

Justice Birnie Stephenson Brookes prior to sentencing explained that Tyson had earned his 30% reduction in his sentencing (according to the law) because he pleaded guilty at the first available opportunity.

She also informed the court that he was a first time offender and that she was taken by the fact that the only reason the matter was before the court was because the defendant did not make arrangements with the mother out of court.

Justice Brookes warned Tyson to be of good behavior and to lead an honest and industrious life, before confirming that he was free to go.

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  1. October 17, 2015

    This one is as bad as anything I have ever heard of.

    It is like somebody has turned your justice system inside out.

    It should not be

    The victim vs. the perpetrator.

    OR The victim\’s mother vs. the perpetrator.

    It should be the State vs. the perpetrator :!:

    Once the police have knowledge of the crime it is their job to investigate and prosecute o the fullest extent of the law.

    It is not the mother\’s choice whether or not the crime is prosecuted. Justice does not depend upon the mother\’s willingness to testify. A crime of highest magnitude has been committed against your people, your government, your constitution, and your flag :!: Dominica, one of your own – a youth – has been violated.

    This mother pursued the case because she was not able to get money from the man who assaulted her daughter? (1) She should be charged with blackmail. (2) She should also be charged with prostitution. She was actually pimping her own daughter.

    Sincerely, Rev…

  2. Pissed Off
    June 26, 2012

    i would charge the mother period, u dont make financial arrangements with persons who disrespect and assault ur children! Calling for a change/review of the law, take the mothers who do those things before the court! too much of that is happening now!..

  3. Original Eagle-Eye
    June 26, 2012

    The court should charge the mother or even better send her to save his sentence. A man touches your daughter breast basically violate her and you asking for financial arrangement? This is the sickening thing about these women why these men continue their dirty behaviour. I would jail her for attempting to prostitute a minor

    • Grain Sel
      June 26, 2012

      You are generalizing everyone
      As it was said the man was honest and hard working.
      As it’s written it was a misunderstood hug.
      stay within the context of the report
      Well you should understand that the Territory is not Roseau or Portsmouth, work is hard to come around these peoples are financially challenged.

  4. Looking in
    June 26, 2012

    This seem to be a common trend in the country. The parents always want out of court settlement when their children are alleged disrespected, abused or even rapped. Most of the times, nothing happen between the individuals involved, it’s the parents who make a big deal out of it, because they want money. How do these kids think of themselves in society afterwards?

  5. Justice and Truth
    June 25, 2012

    The mother should not have asked for money. If money is to change hands between them, the Law is the one to decide. Also a lawyer if she went to one.
    In future he will think twice before he touches a woman and a child. Keep your hands off! Do not let the devil tempt you and influence you. He is very prominent and a driving force behind this.
    I recall when I lived in DA and was employed at a certain establishment, as I passed by one of the male elderly co-workers he slapped me a slap on my behind. I was shocked. Right there and then I told him off and loudly too and also said, “Never do that again!” Strange, I did not even think of informing the owner of the establishment about it and also did not inform my parents about it. It could have resulted in a Court case. Later I forgot all about it. My parents are not ones who would have pursued this in Court and not even to a lawyer. The man may have done so as a friendly gesture. Nevertheless, at that time it did upset me. I do not welcome such gestures be they friendly ones or not.
    The Law today is, “Do not touch a woman” if she is not your wife or girlfriend and not in such a manner where it entails such parts of her body. If he resided in Canada, the Court’s punishment would have been severe. If you go overseas never make such a mistake otherwise you will be arrested and prosecuted. The Law in those countries is not lenient.

  6. My Piece
    June 25, 2012

    Hmmm, this thing called money is causing people to sell their bodies, children and everything they can. It’s a shame, they should charge the mother. While I condem the man’s action, I am also pleased that he did not pay any money to the mother and faced the court. Let the court decide. This mama larwat needed to face the court. Selling her daughter’s body for money. Shame on you woman. They authorities should consider taking this child from the mother. Unfit to be a mother. Put the brunt of the law on her. Fam allay twavie pous swen cow avec zanfanew. Vie bargai kew ous yeh.

  7. joe
    June 25, 2012

    pay me or vex with me.

  8. Csi
    June 25, 2012

    Man this is crazy. What the mother wantd to do shay shay the young man. But is a good thing u take him court at least those that doh want to keep their hand to themself wen day talkn to women hurln nasty statements wen women exercise their rights and dont answer them

  9. Andrea
    June 25, 2012

    “However her mother went ahead with the case because the defendant failed to make a financial arrangement with her to settle the matter after it was reported to the police.”

    so where is the rest of the story which should tell us about how the mother was charged for failure to protect her daughter and intention to gain money from a sexual assault on her daughter. Where is the justice here.

    This is a common practice in Dominica so when is the law going to address issues such as these. This is a downright disgrace.

    • yep
      June 25, 2012





    • LAWFUL
      June 26, 2012

      The Law following cannabis…they dont have time to check dat

  10. ex police
    June 25, 2012

    keith boy i was supprise eh when i hear that u is family, and i know you since i was small, all the time we spend working hard in anguilla, i checking awa eh. but dont worry family, God is not a police, let Jah deal with them.

    • Original Eagle-Eye
      June 26, 2012

      @ Expolice..What you saying there about .”let jah deal with them..”? didn’t you read that he pleaded guilty and showed remorse. You must be one of those violating women and children so you will endorse that behaviour. Sick people like you are the ones society need to keep a close eye on.

  11. concern
    June 25, 2012

    shame on that mother,money will make all you go
    to hell

  12. Setup
    June 25, 2012

    Parents must understand that in order for this type of this to stop, they must allow people to face the things they do, and then the children/youth can peace of mind. Many children became loos with their bodies because the were abused by men, and they were never counseled or anything. Sometimes money exchanged hands, and the child never knew about it, and the men just moves on to his next victim. PARENTS BE ON GUARD, AND TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FAMILY. Don’t let those MOLESTERS getaway.

  13. dirty harry
    June 25, 2012

    yeah dat wat some moms love doing a mother had a young man paying her money every month for kissing her daughter

  14. Me
    June 25, 2012

    Is there a bribery law in Dominica? The mother should be charged for bribery. So many young dominican now think that they should demand monetary favors for sexual favors and relationship. Tell the girls get a job then they can maintain their difnity. But again… where are the jobs? We need to get a government to change the mindframe of our people before we can move to the next level ( Up, not down).

    • hmm
      June 26, 2012

      This is not bribery but rather extortion.

      Bribery constitutes paying off someone to gain an unfair advantage in something, here the man was being threatened with a court case on the condition that he did not pay what she asked. That is akin to someone threatening your life for money, basically extortion.

  15. June 25, 2012

    i find that this mother should be put in jail for her actions.Mr tyson is an honorable man in the village and will not indulge himself in these activities.

  16. jerseydominican
    June 25, 2012

    that could happen to anyone thats why i have to think first before u give a hug of say someting to nice in our society today people take nicest and kindness to u wan to have sex with them that’t always the case

  17. waitukubuli-original
    June 25, 2012

    Mother sounds like a “PIMP” and a lot of that is happening in D’CA. Sad, but true.

    • June 25, 2012

      Sometimes people settle out of court. Not that the man was rightbut he had to pay somehow. Depends on the parents.

      • October 17, 2015

        Rubbish :!:

        The man SINNED against the young lady and her parents. He owes them an apology. If he gives them money it is as stipulated by the judge for hurt, embarrassment, and mental anguish.

        He committed a CRIME against the State.

        If he pays a fine he pays it to the court.

        However, this is an unusual case. The mother should be charged accordingly for trying to get money from the man. This amounts to blackmail – and – or – prostitution.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  18. Dangerous mind
    June 25, 2012

    The judge should have thrown the mother in jail for “attempting to pimp out her daughter”…smfh.

  19. angel
    June 25, 2012

    money really makes some people crazy the man is wrong for touching the child but if he had pay d mother off we would never know what happen plenty parents take money after their children are molested and keep their mouth shout

  20. ME
    June 25, 2012

    hold on so u do the right thing and take the man before the law only because he doh pay u SO IF THE MAN HAD PAY U U WOULD TELL UR DAUGHTER GO AND MAKE HIM TOUCH HER BREASTS AGAIN FOR U TO GET MORE MONEY ? like that dominica commign these days?

  21. Court Officer
    June 25, 2012

    Money really rules the world eh. Not saying the man was right as I don’t know the story but for the Mother to bring the man court “ONLY” because he didn’t pay her or couldn’t afford to is nonsense. Is either you bringing him court or you not bringing him. Money shouldn’t play a role in those matters.

  22. Jesus I Love you
    June 25, 2012

    wow…. d lady just wanted money? WOW

    wow pay me to shut up…:/

  23. smh
    June 25, 2012

    thats the sad part:
    “However her mother went ahead with the case because the defendant failed to make a financial arrangement with her to settle the matter after it was reported to the police.”

    so if he had paid the mother the mana would have walked away scott-free. i think that no matter if the child or parent wants to persue the case, such cases should be pursued

    • October 17, 2015

      In this case the mother would have to deny what she originally told the police OR revoke her statement.

      Would this let he police off the hook?

      Once the police have knowledge of an alleged crime are they not duty bound to investigate and lay charges if they consider there is sufficient evidence?

      I don\’t know. I am only asking. But it seems reasonable with an allegation this serious involving a child and a sexual assault.

      Duty bound or not I think they should and I expect many will agree.

      Even if the mother backs down the police could lay their own charges against her and pursue them.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  24. Trouble
    June 25, 2012

    8-O 8-O ..misunderstood hug ehh… i wonder wat was the price for the “BREAST TOUCH”

    • June 25, 2012

      the mother can you want money “if your child was disrespected..she should want justice!

    • Know Your Role
      June 25, 2012

      The price for the “BREAST TOUCH IS” pay me or I’ll see you in court…hmmm. Mother selling her daughter’s breast for dollars!!! What example are you setting for your 16 or maybe now 17 year old daughter??? Think woman before you take action, because right now your action/greediness has come back on you…Hmmm

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