Man jailed for theft of wallet


Perhaps he wanted to be back behind bars where food and shelter are guaranteed, because just days after being let out of prison, Tarish Pit resident and chronic thief, David Telemaque, was on his way back.

He had been sentenced to six months in jail for stealing a wallet from his former employer.

On December 28, 2013, members of the Anti-Crime Task Force responded just in time to Avandale Leatham’s cries for help after Telemaque snatched his wallet.

According to police prosecutor, acting inspector Valda Powell,  the police were on patrol when they saw a man screaming and running after another man. As a result, they stopped their vehicle, gave chase and apprehended Telemaque.

With tears in his eyes, Leatham said, ‘officer, the man stole my wallet.” Police then searched Telemaque and found the wallet containing EC$189.25 and an ID for Leatham.

Telemaque was arrested and he admitted to sealing the wallet. He said he had worked for Leatham and was “very sorry for my actions and what I have done.”

“You have 20 previous convictions all for thefts…I am a little dizzy with your explanations,” magistrate, Bernard Pacquette, told him.

He reminded Telemacque that he had just come out of prison after serving a sentence imposed in March for theft.

“When are you going to change…in law you are an incorrigible rogue. When will you tell yourself enough is enough? Instead of enjoying yourself to behave, prison beckons you home,’ Pacquette said.

Pacquette then sentenced him to six months jail.

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  1. Francisco Telemaque
    January 5, 2014

    (Why do you not contact him and ask him to provide some help for him?). Simply Truth.

    I do not have a number where I contact Griffin right now, however if you or anyone knows his number, you can free to contact me via numbers 323-730-8530, 323-731-7436, or 951-743-4748, let me have his number and I will call him.

    You can also Email me via [email protected]

    Remember it is also essential and would be appreciated if someone relay by suggestion to David he also must be interested in helping himself, he will have to agree to see Dr. Griffin, and not forced into it, one can only be helped when they recognized they need help, that how it works in psychology.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  2. Freshlikeriverwater
    January 3, 2014

    Lord I pray that this thief will change his ways. He has a mental problem and needs a lot of prayer and therapy. Someone tell him to take the advice of “his cousin”, Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque. We know in DA that most people with the same last names are related, except for some common names like Williams, Joseph, etc. The Lord onlyknows what will happen if he steals from me or my family…someone might get seriously hurt. Happy New Year.

  3. playboy
    January 3, 2014

    Whatever happened to sentences with hard labour, and a few lashes with the cat o’ nine?

  4. Simply the Truth
    January 3, 2014

    Unbelievably that he was just released from prison and he committed a similar crime. It is habitual with him, an addict of thievery. He surely needs help to turn his life around and become a worthy national. If not, he will spend the rest of his days in prison.
    Was he living in Roseau? if not, when he is released he should be brought to Marigot/Wesley and informed not to venture outside these areas. A restraining order should assist. Someone should give him a job be it to till the land.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 3, 2014

      “It is habitual with him, an addict of thievery.”

      Perhaps a better term can be used in his case which might be in a early stage of development this disease is known as ‘kleptomania.” That is a person with a persistent neurotic impulse to steal especially without any economic motive.

      It is a psychological, and mental disorder, which can be treated psychology, without the administering of psychiatric drugs. Nevertheless, extensive psychological therapy will be necessary.

      When we are thinking in terms of addiction one may imply a compulsive need for, and use of a habit forming substance such as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol, characterized by tolerance, and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.

      Hence the term addict; meaning to devote or surrender one’s self to something habitually, or obsessively,most likely sum substance.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 3, 2014

        “which can be treated psychology”

        I meant treated psychologically!

        “,most likely sum substance”

        Most likely some substance.

        Teacher Elizabeth, no correction needed oui!


      • Simply the Truth
        January 4, 2014

        Francisco, I know that a kleptomaniac is a chronic thief who cannot help him/herself. I was not aware that he has this tendency. He will need psychiatric help. Who in Dominica could assist him?
        I read what you stated about Dr. Benjamin. Why do you not contact him and ask him to provide some help for him?
        It saddens me that there is very little help for people as he and while in prison. This is the reason why some people who commit especially such crimes and repetitively it is because they receive little help, if none at all and no treatment from the proper authorities. Surely, something should be done about that.
        Francisco, you do know that he needs the grace of God to do so and with the help of proper authorities to turn his life around. It will not occur overnight and by no means easily. A plan will have to be devised how he could be assisted.
        Will you permit me to share a joke which I have in a book of jokes and which crossed my mind?

        A kleptomaniac telephoned his doctor at 3:00 am and told him, “Doctor I feel like stealing again.” The sleepy doctor replied: “For goodness sake! Steal two ash trays and call me in the morning!” :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Some doctor, eh? How much help could they get in Dominica to assist them to become responsible nationals. If he is not helped, he will only repeat his crime. The magistrate and also prison authorities should recognize that and try to get him some help.
        It is the government’s responsibility to try to rehabilitate prisoners and by establishing a social welfare department to assist people as he. I hope in time he will be helped.
        God bless! Have a Happy New Year!

      • January 4, 2014

        By now your spelling problem is the list important to me. Did you acknowledge your own “addictions” before you decide on someone else’s

        It is a good thing that you know what “addiction” means and who is qualified to treat it, more than you think the rest of us do–think about that!

  5. Anonymous
    January 2, 2014


  6. Francisco Telemaque
    January 2, 2014

    lizavier4jesus January 2, 2014
    MeCamem January 1, 2014

    “The man is speaking to someone who was sent to prison for 6 months–and on a news media–he knows that person will never see that offer, which he made–it is empty. But people like you will take him up–that is the reason it is written on DNO.”

    Elizabeth Xavier, I am ordering you to just shut your mouth, just shut up, and stay out of my business, you and I are no longer friends, you can go to Arizona to meet you dangerous friend; they say birds of feather flocked together.

    Knowing that both of you operate as identical twins, in that both of you possess a wicked heart, he will invite you to Arizona where he said he live among snakes, and rednecks with guns, when you arrive at his door, and ring the door bell, as son as he look through the peep-hole and see you at his door he will make himself invisible.

    You will be stranded having no place to sleep; by then you will try to call me: don’t call me because I do not wish to deal with you under any circumstances.

    There are so many people in Dominica with computers reading DNO, don’t you believe maybe one person who can see what I suggest and inform him. As for Dr. Griffin Benjamin that I mentioned, he is related to me, his grandmother, his father’s mother is my biological aunt, Griffin is a Telemaque also, and we help our people, I am not as hypocrite like you, whatever I say is what I mean, and you know that for a fact.

    Don’t respond to anything I write anymore, cause you simply want to fight and take me down to a low level, now if he takes my offer, and I did not do what I proposed, then you would get something to run of your fingers, so until then, just keep those sharp, as you claim rude lips of yours shut; and if you mess with me I will send your rude lips to DNO and ask them to publish it; you remember that one where you are standing with your horse and carriage?


    Don’t trouble me Miss Elizabeth, do not trouble this boy here. I gone to the hospital to visit one of my sons, he is in the intensive care unite, ( I doh telling you what’s wrong cause you might pray that he die eh), but anyway for what its worth he has some issues with a heart valve. Go and look after your son, make sure he is alright, and stop minding mine and everybody else business!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • January 2, 2014

      @Francisco Telemaque January 2, 2014

      Telemaque you are too deep in your “twilight zone” fantasy; you have been there for so long–seem as if you are intensely conformed to living this fantasy–my goodness gracious me!

      Notice that I did not respond to your comment I responded to someone else–I did not mention your name–but I you and I both know that I am right about what I wrote above–in that your offer to that man is as empty as a dried shell.

      Sorry to hear about your son–I am not the person whom you have envisaged–my compassion alone can be the reason he will be healed–but to God be the glory!

      Also, my son wants to be independent–he is in the hands, mercy, and compaasion of God by my faith; infact he has removed me from a deep burden, by wanting to do it on his own. I am still prepared to run to his rescue–if God wills me to do so!

    • Anonymous
      January 3, 2014

      Why don’t the two of you take your squabble elsewhere?? Stupes.

      • January 4, 2014

        @Anonymous January 3, 2014

        Where shall we go? We are Dominicans and we know that you people like this sort of entertainment. Lol!

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 5, 2014

        Would you like to join into the fun, the only requirement is that you use you real name. Anybody can join in; the only requisite is that you use your true name, fictitious, and phantoms in the night are not welcome oui!


        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Anonymous
        January 6, 2014

        Oh, leave them be. That’s probably the only entertainment Francisco and Lizavier get in their miserable little lives. Don’t deny them this.

  7. Concerned
    January 2, 2014

    Dear Administrator,

    Why aren’t pictures of these “chronic” offenders shown?

  8. Dominican Cry
    January 2, 2014

    This man seems to like inside better than out

  9. Anonymous
    January 2, 2014

    the state sends hungry pennyless people out of jail. when they get out they don’t even have money to pay bus to get home what do u expect. then talk about welfare

  10. January 2, 2014

    Wake up my people and see the true criminals , how can a man be convicted 20 times and you blaming him. What system is put in place to help him turn his life around.

  11. January 2, 2014

    “You have 20 previous convictions all for thefts…I am a little dizzy with your explanations,” magistrate, Bernard Pacquette, told him.”

    The system is a waste of tax payers money. It’s clear the prison, Rehabilitation system , is not working.

  12. January 1, 2014

    w hen you make a cross for a government to look after the affairs of your country and they abandon their responsibility and behaving like the cake is going to finish so they are trying to full their puckete before the cake finish the poor people who realy need help does not get help after fourteen years you have not done nothing to resque the onemployment suituation among the youth you make young strong healthy people all turn beggers we need work not handout the youth are frustrated and stress you the government has fail miserable that is the reason for all this crime in dominica

    • how comes!!
      January 2, 2014

      Omg where is grammar class when you need it….lol

    • joe
      January 2, 2014

      Grandbay again you and your foolish politics never ceases to amaze me, did you even read the story??

      The man stole his “EMPLOYER’S” WALLET!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      January 2, 2014

      we blame government for everything. Even the weather bad we say is the government come on dominica. The man just want to be a theif

    • Natiwel
      January 2, 2014

      I suppose all the drug addicts and thieves in the world are caused by politics. Happy, healthy, New Year reasoning.

    • Anonymous
      January 2, 2014

      @ grand bay again.u must have gotten A+ in English literature…

  13. Righteous
    January 1, 2014

    Sounds to me like this young man needs some sort of rehabilitation which he most likely did not receive while serving his previous sentence. Not sure if six months in prison is fitting for this offense. My humble opinion.

    One Love Dominicans!!

    • dog bite
      January 3, 2014

      The man is a career criminal. The only rehabilitation I think he needs is a AK_47 to his damn head. With 20 convictions the man is nothing else but a danger to society.

  14. Francisco Telemaque
    January 1, 2014

    David boy, you are a disgrace to the ret of us!

    Among all the bad things you have heard a Telemaque done; stealing, and been a thief has never been one of our act, you need to do something constructive with your life man rather than living such humiliating life.

    If you are unskilled, try to learn to do something to make an honest living, if you were just release from jail, and your only ambition is to commit the identical crime which is going to land you back in jail, that to me is not normal.

    If you are trying to be a professional pick-pocket you lack the skill need to accomplish that!

    I believe you might be on some illegal substance, or you have a serious mental problem which requires the attention of a psychiatrist; as such I recommend you go to have a talk Griffin Benjamin. In the event you do not have the money to pay Griffin, try to see if he will treat you, in this case diagnose you then he can inform me, either through one of his sisters in New Jersey via one of my sisters, and I will pay the bill if necessary.

    I will not send you any money for that even if you could contact me because I have never met you, but believe I know from which branch you came!

    that I can do for you because you seems as if you need some help which might prevent you from becoming a mentally ill hardened criminal.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • MeCamem
      January 1, 2014

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque. I am glad to see that you extend a lending hand to a family; although I do not believe DNO is the appropriate forum for extending such assistance. However, I hope others will follow your example of helping family. Happy New Year to you and All Dominicans.

      • January 2, 2014

        MeCamem January 1, 2014

        The man is speaking to someone who was sent to prison for 6 months–and on a news media–he knows that person will never see that offer, which he made–it is empty. But people like you will take him up–that is the reason it is written on DNO.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 2, 2014

        DNO may not be the appropriate place to do that, my hope is someone who knows David may read it and draw my suggestion to his attention. He can be assured that Griffin Benjamin is one of us, I am sure he will treat him if he seek his help.

        If you know David you can also inform him if life is that difficult causing him to steal; perhaps he can head to Wesley or Marigot, and seek his roots, someone of us will help him, we done that in the past.

        There are some born in Point Michelle, whatsoever the cause they headed to Wesley, they were helped, their life changed, they worked hard succeeded, and have done very well.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • how comes!!
      January 2, 2014

      You’re way too educated for your own common sense!!!! STFD

    • YES I
      January 2, 2014

      Happy new year I ENJOY reading whatever you write….. Good job this year I hope to improve on my writing skills so i look forward to your writing for the needed inspiration .

  15. anonymous2
    January 1, 2014

    Stockholm the revolving door.

  16. rescue 911
    January 1, 2014

    but dno .you didnt wish us happy new year .all you forget man!

  17. caca dominique
    January 1, 2014

    go to jail for stealing a walet stab almost to death and out on bail wats wrong with the justice system in da

    • hmmm
      January 1, 2014

      He made plead guilty they get d wallet and d evidence… Where bail comin in here?

  18. Anonymous
    January 1, 2014

    Plz find some news worthy material to put on line better yet have the journalist to research how other news feeds are done this is worst than the tabloids that comes as pop UPS on my fb page. speak of real issues like
    1. Who is helping the people at the infirmy enjoy the festivity
    2: what is being done to help assist citizens where the rain damaged.
    3. Ways to get youth off the streets
    4. The importance of togetherness.

    • forreal
      January 1, 2014

      and DNO had to post that load of crap ,why don’t you write the government a letter,it’s your right,they are the one’s responsible,for this type’s of information.

    • Marguerite J
      January 1, 2014

      Those topics make for very good columns. Write an article and submit to DNO. Keep doing it until they post it. Someone has to start, why not you!

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