Man pleads guilty to theft; lawyer blames the ‘white powder’

Kenrick Frantz of Newtown will now have to work extremely hard to avoid going to prison after he pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of jewellery at the home of Gina Paul.

Franz appeared in court on Monday.

According to the facts of the case, Frantz and Paul were friends and he frequently visited her home on River Street, doing odd jobs around the house. Because of their friendship he was unsupervised in her home.

On February 17, 2010, he (Frantz) visited Paul at the St Martin Primary School where she works and collected her keys to her home where he was to repair a kitchen sink and cook a broth. When Paul returned home later that day she entered her room and noticed that her jewellery box was missing. She conducted a search but did not find it.

She then confronted Frantz, who denied taking it but after a report was made to the police he confessed to the crime. He also promised to get her back the items the same day but did not return.

On February 20, 2010 she went to his home and found him asleep and called the police. Franz again admitted to the crime and promised to assist in recovering the items.

They were able to recover items from four different persons whom he had either sold or given them to. Although a huge amount of the jewellery was recovered, $8,900. worth of jewellery was not located.

In mitigation, his lawyer Peter Alleyne asked the court not to impose a custodial sentence on Frantz, who he said despite having a long list of various convictions, had not wasted the courts time and pleaded guilty to the offence.

“It’s the white powder that caused him to do such, he is very remorseful and ashamed of the incident,” Alleyne told the court. He implored to the court to instead impose a fine on the convicted man who he claimed had “an honest lapse and had placed himself at the mercy of the court.”

Before passing sentence Justice Bernie Stephenson Brooks asked Frantz to apologize to Paul in open court for his actions.

“You have offended against the Dominican people; you have also breached the trust Ms Paul had placed in you. You need to keep your hands and minds more occupied and stay away from drugs,” Justice Brooks said.

She told him that the society frowned on such a behaviour and that he needed now to work hard to repay or else he will be sent to jail. “You are sentenced to pay EC$2,000.00 in six months and in default 6 months in jail. You are also given a suspended 24 months sentence to be on good behaviour for the next 24 months, if you default on that you will go to jail for 24 months; you are also to pay EC$8,900.00 back to Ms Paul in 9 months. If you fail to do so you shall go to jail for 12 months,” the Judge stated.

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  1. July 4, 2014

    Drug use is responsible for a variety of crimes :mrgreen: ranging all the way from petty theft to prostitution, to murder.

    Many drug users did not begin by using the hard drugs. They first used marijuana which is sometimes referred to as an entry drug. Once they begin using the weed it is human nature to want to try something more exciting :roll: so before long they take it to the next level.

    Yet there are people who want the weed decriminalized and legalized :twisted: Studies have shown that the easier it is to obtain a substance the more it will be used. 8-O Marijuana use feeds the heroin and cocaine markets. :oops:

    The general public needs to be informed about the harm done by all these drugs. Governments must realize that until drug use can be brought under control crimes of all kinds will continue to increase. :(

    Sincerely , Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  2. July 3, 2014

    Some feel the sentence was unrealistic.

    (a) If the man had money he probably would not have committed the crime.

    (b) If he does not have money how is he going to pay off these financial obligations since he is not able to work at gainful employment?

    If there is one thing the justice system lacks it is the ability to bring about inner change. Even when the penalty fits the crime the convict usually comes out of prison the way he went in or worse.

    However, we have a loving Heavenly Father who will forgive all those who come to Him through faith in Jesus Christ. He will change them inwardly and give them a new life.

    The use of drugs for recreational purposes always poses a threat to one’s health, and any illegal substance is dangerous. But “the white stuff” has been known to cause the kind of brain damage that alters the personality and produces serious criminal activity. We have known otherwise “good” people who have been turned into violent sex offenders and murderers in a short time of using. I am thinking of one very successful business man in Canada who was respected in his community. He began spending time in the evenings at clubs drinking, and then using “he white stuff”. Soon he was involved in a string of adulterous affairs, and had his wife murdered.

    The law is necessary. We need he whole justice system with the police, and the judges, to take these people out of circulation. But the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ can deliver them from drugs and heal the damage drugs have done. God does this by forgiving their sins when they surrender to Him, and receive Christ as their Savior. But there is more. When Christ comes into a user’s life HE breaks the bondage of addiction and sets the captive free. He heals the damage and gives the person a new beginning.

    The ministry of TEEN CHALLENGE started in Brooklyn, N.Y. by a Pentecostal minister by the name of Dave Wilkerson in the 1950’s now operates T.C. Centers in major cities around the world. The American government under Ronald Regan officially recognized it as the most successful drug rehabilitation program in the nation with a better than 80% success rate. Teen Challenge uses no medical treatment or psycho-therapy! It uses only a Bible based program of gospel truth! Receive Christ as your Savior and become His disciple. Pray, and open your heart to the Holy Spirit!

    “…we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:14) “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (1 Corinthians 5:17)

    We receive this by through faith. It cannot be bought! It cannot be earned! It is the free gift of God. It is free because Jesus Christ by His death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins.

    “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God demonstrated his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:6-8)

    “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

    Sincerely , Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    March 18, 2012


  4. j
    March 13, 2012

    But where Kenrick going to get that kind of money. Best he self had taken his jail because he know he cannot come up with that.

  5. Wheels of Justice
    March 13, 2012

    @ YO he had leeway to make braff because they grew up in Newtown together. Instead of having him harass people for money, steal or get into trouble she was helping him by giving him odd jobs and a meal. They weren’t strangers to each other. However he violated her trust and took advantage of the priviledge he enjoyed and he must pay. Gina did what society appeals to us to do, to step in and rescue this people but alas criminals lack compassion!

    The Judge however is wasting the courts time, where in Dominica is this man supposed to find that kind of money in so short a space of time, if not illicit activities? give him 2 years or send him to jail for 6 months to get clean and have a supervised work rehabilitation program where he is gainfully employed and every dollar he makes is garnished into an account for the court and the young lady.

  6. concern
    March 13, 2012

    don’t understand if this guy stole from the woman how on earth is he going to find this amount of money to repay he will only thief again to obtain the money. these judges need to use their head when passing on punishment cause it make no sense to me.

  7. Graduado
    March 13, 2012


  8. Hilary
    March 13, 2012


    As a Dominican tourist, I have to admit it frightens me. So sad, since I have talked to many friends about coming to the beautiful island…

    • Boxcar Willy
      December 22, 2014

      Nobody care what you have to say, tourist. This is local matter, and you best mind you business.

  9. Concerned
    March 13, 2012

    I see no way that man going to pay all that money in the time given.
    Take your jail

    Sorry friendship gone bad!!

  10. Nathaniel Peltier
    March 12, 2012

    Is this a Joke. Now you you are sending a man to commit crimes to pay the court. This is madness. 2000 in 6 months plus 8900 in 9 mounth. 10900 dollar in that time.
    Is now people will be comitting crimes.
    Be realistic Justice. Why are you waisting the courts time.

  11. humble
    March 12, 2012

    what ever precious hope the same thing dont happen to u an dby someone closer to u the world is a cycle

  12. yo
    March 12, 2012

    I tend to agree with that. She was negligent. Pardna even had leeway to make braff? eh ben!

    • ?????????????
      March 14, 2012

      Everyone needs a chance in life. Probably we do not have rehab centres here and also we do have a lack o flove here as well. Ms Paul in your opinion is negligent. How can we assist and do something to make a change in one’s life? Doesn’t our Heavenly Father give us so many chances when we do things over and over. Yes we have to help them get back on track but I would say with caution. We are also quick to condemn people. Can someone offer him a job and pay part of the cash weekly to Ms Paul. I am sure there is some labour work that he can do to earn some money and pay his bills. That is how a man can be given a second chance. Also maybe he could be supervised by some Officer who ensures that he goes to whatever work he has. Can someone out there offer him a job? No if we can, we won’t since we do not believe in second chances. What about cleaning some of the graves in the Cemetary and mark you pay him his due wages.

  13. humble
    March 12, 2012

    happy for you miss paul at least you got justice from the court how said is it to have someone u trusted to do that to you but such is life

  14. papamet
    March 12, 2012

    IT O SAD TO HEAR THAT :cry: :oops:

  15. Trouble Intended
    March 12, 2012

    Send him to jail to get him off the white powder. Hopefully, he won’t get any in jail. At least, I hope he doesn’t.

    • cha!
      March 12, 2012

      buh he will get plenty gel cochon braff.. :lol:

    • July 4, 2014

      The white powder you speak of is deceptive. Drugs are all bad but this stuff is in a class by itself. It alters the personality and makes the user more prone to violent crimes. So much so he or she sometimes becomes a different person.

      Until the research catches up with what is actually happening out there and the authorities declare an all out war on the makers and sellers of the white stuff … until the punishment for using includes effective treatment… the problem is going to get worse.

      Politicians needs to come to their senses and start giving leadership before it is too late. Stop the nonsense about making the production and sale of marijuana legal like that of tobacco. Our governments made a big mistake with tobacco many years ago. You might think they would have learned from this but they have not.

      Please understand I am addressing myself to people everywhere that the problem is found, not only the people of Dominica. What I have said here is based upon the observations I have made in my own country, Canada. (Many Canadians read DNO and appreciate this website)

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  16. Law and order
    March 12, 2012

    This is a Dominican crime, the other burglaries and attacks on tourist, sound like a plan against our tourist industry.

    • July 6, 2014

      It might be worth taking a close look 8-O at the people who are doing these things.

      I would be asking who stands to gain 8) the tourist industry goes down. :?: :?: :?:

      Actually, I suspect these crimes are committed by people with criminal tendencies :twisted: have nothing lose by the tourist industry failing. Most have a streak of racism :mrgreen: that leaves them with no appreciation for people from abroad who may like to visit their island. Others may have criminal tendencies but they restrain themselves :-x because they care about the image of their nation and the things that are important to it.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  17. Reader
    March 12, 2012

    Hmmmm … it’s not me! The white powder devil made me do it. smh

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