Man says he escaped prison to feed his children, gets six months

Court gavelA man who claimed he escaped prison earlier this year to take some money to his children, was slapped with another six months to be served consecutively with his prior sentence.

According to the prosecutor’s report, on Friday, October 11, Kent Royer and four other inmates were working in the prison’s garden along with a supervisor.

When the head count was done at the end of the day, it was noticed that one person was missing.

Apparently Royer had escaped through an opening in the garden’s fence.

A search of the property revealed no trace of Royer.

A report was subsequently made to the Criminal Investigations Department and on Wednesday December 13, Royer was found by police, at a relative’s home in the Portsmouth area.

He told the court on Friday that he escaped because of his two children, a nine-month old and another aged two, who were suffering since, according to him, their unemployed mother was unable to provide for them.

“Sorry I had to do it to take care of my children,” he said “things very bad …have mercy, I did it for my children.”

But Magistrate, Bernard Pacquette, was unimpressed, pointing out that there are other men in prison who are facing the same predicament.

He also reminded Royer that he had escaped custody twice before.

“I don’t like prison! Have leniency, I did it for the interest of my children, I am pleading,” Royer said, begging for forgiveness.

He told the court that he was not a ‘bad fellah’ and pointed out that he did not just run away, since his children had no milk.

Magistrate Pacquette then told Royer that he ‘understood the situation’ but he did ‘not agree with the way Royer handled it.

He then imposed a six months custodial sentence on the contrite escapee, to run concurrently with his prior sentence which he had completed. To this Royer replied, “your honor I cannot take pressure.”

As he was led out, Royer wished the court ‘Merry Christmas.’

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  1. Friend
    December 23, 2013

    All you people who say you care so much should send him some money…you know his name and his address is also well known..bunch of hypocrites….this clown is a burden on the tax payers and society..there are so many hard working people right next to you who could use some help….but I bet you don’t give a damn about them. So save your ” I care so much” song for someone you is dumb enough to believe it….

  2. December 23, 2013

    give him a break and give him a job in the prison so he can maintain his children

  3. Dca
    December 22, 2013

    Sometimes we have to understand man is not every prisoner hat care about their kids..give the guy a break and see if he was really thinking of his kids ..

  4. Jennifer
    December 22, 2013

    Wow there a some men who a so concern about their children that they would escape prison just so they can hav milk and some just forget about their own I wish this man good if really what he did we to take money to his kids the judge should recommend that man and let him go home to his kids

  5. M.J.W
    December 22, 2013


  6. December 22, 2013

    ““I don’t like prison! Have leniency, I did it for the “interest of my children,” I am pleading,” Royer said, begging for forgiveness.”

    Are you kidding? For the “interest of my children,” You should have asked for leniency then. You should not have done whatever you did “for the interest of my children”. I hope that woman did not get pregnant while you was out.

    The children will be fine, they are too young to understand anything. I hope as you put it, “for the interest of my children” you do not go back to that lifestyle.

    For the interest of your children, behave yourself and stay out of trouble.

  7. Kokay There
    December 22, 2013

    Haha. I like the closing statement. Merry Christmas

  8. December 21, 2013

    they better watch him properly that’s reasons y some pple kill demselves

  9. Anonymous
    December 21, 2013

    I wonder , if he is in prison where does he get the money from he is not earing a salary and why couldn’t his extended family in Portsmouth take care of his children.

  10. 4CARS
    December 21, 2013

    You lock up in jail, how you know your Children had no milk? Mister though that Mr “Joe Grinds” was visiting his home in his absent; so he ran home. The magistrate say he has a habit of mawohing.

  11. Anonymous
    December 21, 2013

    He should have thought about the kids before he committed the crime, please dont feel sorry for him.

  12. Ben Haynes PsyD
    December 21, 2013

    Something to think about, but what was he jailed for in the first place, and is it that easy to escape from prison in D/ca? He sure should have thought about his wife and kids before he broke the law. But we all know that life has its ups and downs. So sad that he is locked up for a longer period. Maybe, he will have a better perspective on life when he comes out. Lets wish him a merry Xmas while he serves his time. His wife and kids will wait for him.

  13. just
    December 21, 2013

    Alas poor man what! he didn’t know he hah children before goin to prison

  14. drake
    December 21, 2013

    Bro if you en like prison why not just do your time and get out. Merry gel cochon and pwois rouge for Christmas.

  15. Tumble , back kick
    December 21, 2013

    so why he went to jail? Tell him for me try not to end up in jail next time so he can take care of his family.

  16. Real Talk
    December 21, 2013

    Oh Pleeeeeeeease!!!

  17. JoJo
    December 21, 2013

    Don’t make children for you to go to jail.

  18. Tom
    December 21, 2013

    But why is it so easy to escape from that prison.
    The same Kent Royer has escaped twice before! What were the reasons then? Was it to assist his grand parents or mother-in-law?

  19. CaraW
    December 21, 2013

    He should be placed on suicide watch. He cannot take pressure, he say. Who knows what is happening to him in the prison! Is anyone listening. Can we find out who these children are, so they can be sent some milk?

  20. American
    December 21, 2013

    World bank u not reading everybody crying even prisoners things bad in Dominica

  21. Help
    December 21, 2013

    If we don’t help, these children when they grow up, will be more burden on our society. Dominica we need each other. When I was younger, Dominicans use to help each other and look out for each other in positive ways. But now, we have change in Dominica and even in the USA. The Bible say, it is better to give than to receive. What you do to the least fortunate, that you do unto me. Me do not need mouth talk, but action.

    We know some people don’t have, but I also know in Dominica of those who have a lot and would not help. We try to b selfish, but we take nothing with us when we die. We know there are lazy people, but I also know that there are people who are trying, but they just can’t make ends meet due to different circumstances. Lord, let us Love and Care for each other more.

  22. Help
    December 21, 2013

    I hope it is not a serious crime he had committed the first time he went to prison. They should let him see his kids at least once a month supervised for a few hours. I feel for the children if that is true. Why don’t their lazy mom get a job or let her be supervised when he is sending monies to the children to get food. We all make mistakes, I hope some churches and family members will help these children. It is not their fault.

  23. RubbishNews.Dom
    December 20, 2013

    Portsmouth you from? Find Ian! Your family is NEEDY. Let Ian Douglas take from the GREEDY and give to this NEEDY man’s children.

  24. godschild
    December 20, 2013

    Merry Christmas that’s all he could say he has nothing

  25. willis dew
    December 20, 2013

    me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cuz i love kids.

  26. Francisco Telemaque
    December 20, 2013

    “Alas poor man; I you wish you could help him!”

    Well, now that you’ve heard his story, if you feel so much empathy for the children, nothing should stop you from helping; remember in prison the tax payers feed him, his children might be suffering; and though I would not like to sound as an heartless person, I would like to say he should have thought about his children before he committed the crime.

    As the magistrate said he had escaped prison twice previously, I do not know if it was while serving the same sentence, but with that in mind I believe the man might be a career criminal. In his own words he said he escaped to take money to his children.

    Question: is he receiving a weekly or monthly salary whiles serving his sentence?

    I don’t think so; though in most prisons the jail bird earns a few pennies per day, that they recover on release, I do not know if the same applies to the Dominica inmates.

    He claims he can’t take pressure; well jail is not supposed to be a place of comfort so if one cannot deal with what takes place in jail, they should do everything within their power to stay out of there

    One should thing of their children before, or when they are about to become the perpetrator of crime, and not only when they are incarcerated!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  27. Marlpardee
    December 20, 2013

    Alas poor man i wish i had known this man for me to help the kids .

    • December 21, 2013

      He should have knownhe had children to support before he did what he did to go to prison in the first place. Poor excuse

    • December 22, 2013

      @Marlpardee, if you want to help the kids go to Portsmouth. You have the poor man’s name it will be easy to find his family.

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