Marigot cousins fined $135,000 each for arson

courtMarigot cousins, Newvry Doram and Kelvin Doram, were on Friday, fined $135,000 each for the crime of arson . 

The two were found guilty on October 11.

They were also given a three-year sentence, suspended for two years.

The two were accused of setting the house of retired public servant Myld Plenderleith on fire in Vauxhall, Marigot, in May 2014.

They maintained their innocence during the trial and told the court from the prisoner’s dock that they were “innocent and know nothing of the fire.”

Court documents show the fire took place in the early hours of May 23, 2014. They indicate that Shan Andrew, was alone in the house when two individuals armed with cutlasses entered. They tied and beat Andrew, then spread a flammable liquid in the house and set it on fire. Andrew managed to escape from the men and was later treated for his injuries at the Wesley Health Center.

The two were identified as Newvry Doram and Kelvin Doram.

The house was valued at over $300,000.

The breakdown of the fine is as follows:

-$50,000 to be paid by April 30, 2017
-$50,000 to be paid by November 30, 2017
-$35,000 to be paid by April 30, 2018

Failure to pay the fine will result in one year behind bars.

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  1. maker
    November 28, 2016

    when will real and true justice prevail in Doming.. ahhh mahweh sah… is best alu stop wasting people time.. close d prison and fire all magistrate judge and jury.. is waste of time and money… fire d police too let everyone do what they want.. becuase is that that happening already.. alu jus dr getting paid and not doing nothing in that country

  2. Heartfelt
    November 26, 2016

    That’s a slap on the wrist. That’s attempted murder. What would have happened if the man that they tied up hadn’t escaped???

  3. Loogahrooooo
    November 26, 2016

    Well if. Criminals are willing do do jail time for $135K… law abiding people must gun up quick, shoot first and ask question later!

  4. BEB
    November 25, 2016

    The fine is not consistence with the sentence , I would rather spend a yr. in jail than paying 135 G’s

  5. November 25, 2016

    I Think that some legal person should educate the public about that ruling.

  6. The Truth Be Told
    November 25, 2016

    The case is over and the owner of the house must be relieved.
    The fine does not cover the cost of the house and its present worth. Will they be able to pay it? If not, they will be imprisoned for one year. It is not enough for what the owner-victim suffered and the victim who almost lost his life.
    They maintained their innocence and so we do not know the reason why they committed these atrocities, why they went to the house and doused it in fire and tied up the man. There was intent to destroy the house.
    Some people could be wicked. It is really heartless to do something like that to a fellow person.
    They are fortunate they are given some time to pay the fine. It should be demanded immediately. If they fail to pay it, they will be imprisoned for only one year. This is not enough. Anyway, pay up or be imprisoned which should be hard labor.
    n the meantime you are required to keep the peace. Better do so or else.

  7. no
    November 25, 2016

    the fine does not even amount to the value of the house… failure to pay is one year in jail.. that is punishment.. alu good wicked to in that place.. thats why crime is like eating bread now…

  8. john doe
    November 25, 2016

    wait $135000 or 1 year! this is lunacy it does not add up at all.

  9. London Bridges
    November 25, 2016

    This is a joke! These two dildos have been ordered by the court to pay a $135,000 fine to get them released? They don’t have $1.35 between them both. And they also beat a man, which is called ‘ASSAULT’. If they don’t pay (which of course they cannot), they spend ONE MORE YEAR in Stockfarm. WTF?

  10. Dominican
    November 25, 2016

    In our economic climate it would be more cost-effective for the arsonists not to pay and spend one year at Stock Farm prison, being looked after by the state. Unfortunately, I do not see the victim getting compensated with a light sentence like this. Ironically the real loser will be the victim instead of the perpetrators.

  11. zandoli
    November 25, 2016

    That is an easy calculation. If they are unemployed, they are better off to stay in prison and get free meals and lodging. Few people in Dominica whose time is worth that much – $135k/year.

    • The Truth Be Told
      November 25, 2016

      I cannot help but respond. :lol: I hope they do not steal or traffic in, you know what, to get the money. If they have no financial means, they should have been given some years imprisonment. If they cannot afford to pay the fine, they will be imprisoned.

  12. laugh able
    November 25, 2016

    this judgment dos not add up because to do one year in jail or pay $135,000 I would go to jail instead

    it should be at least 7 years with good conduct with the discount etc those boys will be out in 4 years

    • smh
      November 25, 2016

      they still have to pay it even they go to prison

      • duggie
        November 28, 2016

        SMH, no where in the verdict specified fine and confine. So what are you talking about still have to pay even they goes to prison. Read and understand.

    • The Truth Be Told
      November 25, 2016

      I agree. One year is not enough. Consider the shock, the hurt, the pain, the owner-victim of this fire and the man who was also a victim who almost died. Consider the inconvenience and the cost to repair the house. One year is definitely not enough. Frankly they deceive ten years or more.

  13. anonymous2
    November 25, 2016

    Yes, paid to the court, now the people who sustained loss and injury.

    • forreal
      November 26, 2016

      these monies can not be going to courts, they will be paid to the victims through the courts

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