NECS students in court for stolen laptop

Two teen students from the North East Comprehensive School (NECS) are in trouble with the law over a stolen laptop.

The two appeared before Magistrate Candia George on Thursday morning. The laptop was valued at $1,800.

One of the students was slapped with a fine of $1,500 to be paid by 31st May, 2012 or four months imprisonment in default for handling the laptop.

The fourth form student, who is from Marigot, told the court he received the laptop from his friend who had asked him to unlock it.

“I told him yes and told him I would hide it for him until I unlock it,” the student said.

He denied having any knowledge that the laptop was stolen.

The other, also a resident of Marigot, appeared before the Magistrate for the theft of the laptop and a Motorolla Cellular phone.

The NECS second former appeared in court with his father. The Magistrate requested that a social welfare report be made on behalf of the juvenile and adjourned the matter to 30th May, 2012.

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  1. Impatial
    April 15, 2012

    that young man is in fourth form meaning hes on the border line of going to prison for his talent of locking and unlocking computers or progress to be a sucessful computer analyst. let him finish his education and then work for the crime department in DA on an I OWE YOU. his could help crime rate go down ….. never know . ask for the other one second form…. how old is he 10

  2. powder puff
    March 30, 2012

    All of all you “SHOUT UP!!all you just talking talking “MARVIN GAY”have a song WHERE DO THE CHILDREN PLAY,they need plenty of areas to play, not just and open savana like stray cattles,they need organise playing areas and people to work with them to give them a sense of important, left alone, then that what you get,wasted nminds.

    • silent observer
      April 1, 2012

      come with a better excuse…. thats no reason to get involved in those act.

  3. Anonymous
    March 30, 2012

    With the rise of crime in D.A stock farm should live up to it true name, have this guys [prisoners] to work the land plant bananas, dasheen, , and all kind of food to feed them self and ease the tax payers from feeding them hudlums.

    I am currently working as a correcrctional officer in the state of Askansas, and the inmates grow there own food. make them work, train the officers, in security management, to make sure they , the inmates stay in prison and dont escape to but liqeur, and then return to the prison the same hole they escape fro later.

  4. Way Out There
    March 30, 2012

    Weren’t these items listed from a previous crime against some tourist awhile back?
    Yes, alot of youngster are getting involved in these crimes of late. I think the Government should open a farm and have such offenders work that land for their punishment. They would inturn learn additional life skills.

  5. Hate ignorance
    March 30, 2012

    this story is unfortunate but what is striking is how quickly the school name is highlighted and even the village where the students are from . I have noticed in the past that when things happen to schools in town or surrounding areas all you hear is “a prominent school from town area”. There seem to be a fear of calling the school’s name at least up until the grammer school incident. North east have been doing well over the years while alot of other schools have had their issues . I hope if this is a new trend in disclosing school names to the public that it continues regardless of where the school is located. On another note a school is a micro representation of society and so unless the powers that be (family, churhes,community groups,politicians ) model the behaviours they want the youth to emulate its sad but the trend will continue. If our leaders steal,cheat and tell lies and can’t be brought before the law, the youths think they are just as invicible when they are not. Dominica need prayers.

    • deidra Summers
      March 30, 2012

      i agree completely. While the children are students of the North east Comprehensive, the school did not turn them into criminals nor was the crime a school related one, why then does the headline direct all attention at the school. Dsnt the child have a parent, a community etc ???. When a child from the community in the catchment area does well, the good is not associated with the school so why should the bad? as a society let us not ridicule our schools,lets not be quick to cast them in a negative light. Right now they are one of the few institution that still work in the best interest of children, even when parents fail

  6. Anonymous
    March 29, 2012

    It is so funny how the other intuitions are ignored when it comes to the raising the child. The school seems to be the only institution which gives a child their identity. Yet they are filled with low paid worker who has to be everything to the students: from parents, to doctors, to pastors, to care givers and the list goes on. What a society we living it would not like to be a teacher.
    The media workers seem to be so quick to report on news that they cannot even get the information correctly.

    Lord help NECS

  7. -_-
    March 29, 2012

    so if u wasnt sure if he stole it why you use the word “hide” ?

  8. luvgirl
    March 29, 2012

    It’s funny how a wonderful school like NEC, with students with so much potential and energy can have these few students who can tarnish the school’s name. These troubled students come from parents who are not even from Marigot but resides there , who do not take care of their children. leaving them to live alone in home and are all over the place. when they are hungry what do you expect them to do? Parents need to take up their responsibilities both mothers and fathers . those who do not should be jailed.

  9. Empress Dee
    March 29, 2012

    Smh.. $1500 or 4months imprisonment!! C’mon madame magistrate! We hv seen hard-core criminals walk away with lesser fines for crimes much greater than this!!
    This is a juvenile we’re talking about here; a child for Christ’s sake.. What if he or his parents can’t afford to pay the fine?? He’ll be sent to a prison which houses grown men; criminals! Do we expect any better when he gets out?
    There should be something in place for juvenile offenders; especially first time offenders! Supervised Community Service could be a start!

  10. blessed
    March 29, 2012

    if u dont have any idea if it was stolen, why u want to hide it for him until u unlock it. who u fooling? Soon there will be no more lawyers, doctors, teachers and police officers in Dominica. we will have drug traffickers, thieves, robbers. Government will have to put the retirement age tp 80 years or until u take your last breath, because the youth dont care.

  11. joy
    March 29, 2012

    Mr james please work with your people to cure some of the ills and stop harassing the P.M

    • May
      March 30, 2012

      Yes JOY you idiot is mr.James their parents??? or did he tell them to steal the laptop????

    • Anonymous
      March 31, 2012

      i guess the PM village has no crime

      • silent observer
        April 1, 2012

        what hav u seen or heard in the news lately from the pm’s village.huh? get ur facts straight n do someting to better ur community instead of makin excuses for a failure.

    • silent observer
      April 1, 2012

      i agree to that. clean his backyard before he clean someone elses own. most of these activities are in your area….

  12. sayodityodit
    March 29, 2012

    Kids nowadays are too selfish don not think of the consequences of their actions and the impact their actions will have on the lives of those who love and care for them. And society is always quick to blame parents but kids nowadays are much to blame for their actions they are just selfish.

  13. Grain Sel
    March 29, 2012

    Man those children are stupid,you didn’t know that it was stolen,yet you promise to hide it until you succeed in unlocking it…huh interesting
    The police need to check if it’s not one of the Ross medical school student laptops because we got quite a bit of robbery during the carnival….
    i don’t understand how those kids are sent to school to learn something so that they can make a difference in society, but the only thing on their mind is materialism, greed and envy … don’t want to go school fine go look for a job…oh wait you need an education for a good paying job right…oh well stay your clASS in school.

  14. Grain Sel
    March 29, 2012

    Man those child are stupid,you didn’t know that it was stolen,yet you promise to hide it until you succeed in unlocking it…huh interesting
    The police need to check if it’s not one of the Ross medical school student laptops because we got quite a bit of robbery during the carnival….
    i don’t understand how those kids are sent to school to learn something so that they can make a difference in society, but the only thing on their mind is materialism, greed and envy … don’t want to go school fine go look for a job…oh wait you need an education for a good paying job right…oh well stay your clASS in school.

  15. Not4Gay
    March 29, 2012

    WHAT!! Hey the authorities need check that school urgently. It’s like crime is a subject down there and now they doing practicals.

    • May
      March 30, 2012

      DON’T blame NEC only.I hope you ask them to check DGS too for the drugs and GRIEVIOUS BODILY HARM.I didn’t hear they charge the student for lashing the teacher did you?

  16. Original-Eagle-Eye
    March 29, 2012

    You agreeing to unlock a laptop for him, and even hidding it but you didn’t know it was stolen. Why would he need it hidden. I’m sorry but it’s time to start dealing harshly with this criminality, leave it alone and the bobo festers into high tech crime and more attack and robberies. Well done Candi start dealing with them swift and harsh.

  17. happy chick
    March 29, 2012

    theses are the future criminals of our land. i would like the pro of the police force to give the public a total of the young men caught for robbery so far this year.and i for sure know its a big number yet still more and more robberies keep happening. lord help us.

    • Anonymous
      March 29, 2012

      You got that right. Just look at the hoards of students coming down the street after school. Where are the jobs going to be for them? Try thieving.

  18. De marine
    March 29, 2012

    Boss we need a boot camp here and let me run it..
    i would place these kids on the ironing-
    board and straighten them up!!

    • Anonymous
      March 30, 2012

      took those words from my mouth….we definitely needs a boot camp here…

  19. tp z
    March 29, 2012

    give the person they laptop

  20. March 29, 2012

    but wats wrng wid dem children naa.alu makin ppl look down on my skul

    • crabman
      March 30, 2012

      I don’t need the reports on a two young offenders to look down on your school, but looking at the way you write definitely have me thinking, “where did you go to SCHOOL”

  21. Bull Crap
    March 29, 2012

    You had no knowledge that is was stolen but will ‘hide it until you unlock it”. does these kids thing they are really that smart, just be involving your self into something like that when you should be focusing on getting and education already shows how dumb you are. But. the again i expect and excuse like that cause a truly smart person would know better.

  22. Tricky
    March 29, 2012

    such a shame! these children dont even think of the consequences that follow their actions…his parents now have to find money to pay those people….money like that can b used for something soo much more important.SMH!! inconsiderate children!!

    • Hmmm
      March 29, 2012

      Tricky he will be arite man..his parents may not have it to pay and he will take four months to remember for the rest of his life.

      • Tricky
        April 2, 2012

        Good! At least he will learn a lesson

  23. Deborah Peters
    March 29, 2012

    Where does Eddo come in get real! there should be a PTA at the school and they should work with the staff to deal with what is happeniing that is where parents play their part. After this is done they can then invite other people for support etc.
    Parents assume your roles. From my experience most of those kids come from broken homes, living with grandmothers who are unable to handle them fathers not supporting and the list goes on.

      March 29, 2012

      because Eddo is their parents? please

    • Justice and Truth
      March 29, 2012

      @ Deborah Peters

      Have you considered that a country, no exception Dominica consists of all types of parents? Some parents may not have planned to have children but it so happened. Some of them were unprepared to bring children into the world, to nurture them and discipline them.
      Most of the problems may be with the children who were brought up in a certain atmosphere and the company they keep.
      Do some of them go to church where they learned The Ten Commandments of God, one of which is “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s goods and Thou shalt not steal” or if they were taught this and have they forgotten it?
      School is a place of learning. If the parents are incapable of nurturing them appropriately, the government should ensure that this is done in the schools for at least an hour weekly specifically to teach discipline where they will also learn to respect others and their property.
      Teach the children well. I do think that those children have been ignored by also the government, Minister of Education which is why Dominica is experiencing this type of behaviour in the schools, the latter which is theft.
      They have committed a crime and they must pay for it. There are times that parents should be questioned on how they nurture their children but discreetly.
      Parents may have to bear the responsibility and punishment for their children’s attitude if they have failed to nurture them appropriately. It is time for the government to do something about that and to eliminate bad behaviour and crimes among school children. Dominica’ society will be better off and immensely benefit from it. Furthermore those children are future adults. What type of citizens will they make and what will Dominica be like in future if they are not appropriatley disciplined?

  24. marigot
    March 29, 2012


    • martina
      March 29, 2012

      words of my cousin :-P

  25. .....
    March 29, 2012

    Way Papa…i find NECS in the news often these days wee pal..what happened they were tired on being in back burner and dats the means the use to be in the limelight..smh

  26. d king
    March 29, 2012

    what are their names? parent let us prayer for our children the devil is stealing them bring them to the altar only God can remedy these issues.

    • Anonymous
      March 29, 2012

      While we need to pray, that is not all. Prayer without works is dead. Let us train our children properly. How can you have a stolen labtop in my house and I have no clue? As parents we should know who are our children’s friends. We must know the whereabouts of our children. Let us start to work parents we are too lazy in raising our children and blame everything else.

      • Hate ignorance
        March 30, 2012

        why are our leaders accused of having mansions and villas and their salary cant afford it . it looks like the same thing you are asking. It starts from the top my dear.All they say its there friend’s own . hahaha ()

  27. Truthofthematter
    March 29, 2012

    If he had no knowledge that the laptop was stolen then why did he say that he had to hide it? Seems kinda odd.

    • j
      March 29, 2012

      i checking that too.. he knew

  28. CBSS
    March 29, 2012

    So why would you “hide it for him” if you did not know it was stolen?

  29. Arab
    March 29, 2012

    We need a Juvi hall.

    • real talk
      March 29, 2012

      i second that! to all those children that cannot behave and just disrespecting people and their property! all of them need to go juvi.. that is what needs to be implemented.. so u think putting them in jail or making him pay the fine is going to change him? those kids involved in the little crimes we turn a blind eye to must be dealt with.. they should seek rehabilitation programes for them.. i spoke

  30. Satelite
    March 29, 2012

    Now where is EDDO on this issue. Why would he not convene a meeting with the school and its students and explain to them the importance of staying out of trouble and avoiding criminal activity.

    He always quick to jump on the PM back, but look, a school in his area in 2 days is in the spotlight of the news. I am sure that he is somewhat aware of some of the issues at the school.

    If you want Dominica to move forward, start by assisting the PM and stop dropping things on him, cause YOU TOO can play a big role in the welfare, development and advancement of students, even at THIS school, in your capacity as opposition.

    • marigot
      March 29, 2012

      that’s why we behind time we too quick to jump into politics more positive yes do you have profs he did not have a meeting stop being so negative …did he send them to steal is he the mother our father to the kids

      • Fuorka
        March 29, 2012

        HE ia not their mother nor father so why when some other crimes happen he always calling on others to do something? Do you think Skerrit sent the BGS student to beat their teacher? At that time Eddo made it a big issue. Everyone should play their part. Zero tolerance towards crime.

    • March 29, 2012


    • May
      March 30, 2012

      SATELITE something must be wrong with you.Is Mr. James the minister of education? I guess you don’t know its the frenchman from Laplaine or France.

  31. wortless
    March 29, 2012

    wow. NECS making headlines, papa.

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