Nine arrested in Roseau during street jump up

The police arrested nine people for various offenses during the two days of street jump up in Roseau which concluded Dominica’s celebration of Carnival.

Police PRO, Inspector Pellam Jno Baptiste said they were arrested for various offenses such as “being armed with an offensive weapon, possession of alleged cannabis and alleged cocaine, possession of ammunition without being the holder of a license, resisting arrest, obstruction, battery on police, harassment, wounding, disorderly conduct and wearing of military uniform.”

In Portsmouth, a woman was arrested for disorderly conduct, while in La Plaine one was arrested for simple wounding.

Other communities with major activities on the two days of street reveling were the communities of Grand Bay, Mahaut, St Joseph, Salisbury, Kalinago Territory and Castle Bruce.

No major incidents were reported from any of the communities.

Two police officers sustained wounds while attempting to quell a fight among young men in Roseau.

Jno Baptiste said overall, the citizens of Dominica displayed a high level of maturity and corporation with law enforcement during Carnival.

“The Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force would like to thank all revellers and groups for their cooperation during the two days of street revelling in the Commonwealth of Dominica,” he said.

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  1. Let The Truth Be Told
    March 2, 2017

    Generally D/cans come out to solely have a good time and enjoy those two days of Carnival which occur once a year. Those who were arrested projected they have no sense whatsoever. They are troublemakers who are not able to conduct themselves properly under these circumstances and those who have no regard for authority. They spoil the fun of other D/cans which is not fair to them.
    These must be dealt with the full brunt of the Law. They have forfeited their right to being among other D/cans who simply want to enjoy themselves without the thought of being harmed.
    If it is possible to ban them from ever being near a Carnival band and incarcerating them at that time, it should be done. They are a menace to the peaceful enjoyment of others. This is the price they will also have to pay for non law-abiding Dominicans.

    • Me
      March 3, 2017

      Thanks for enlightening us en telling us that carnival occurs on two days once a year. We did not know that.

  2. Driver
    March 2, 2017

    Come on all, let us congratulate ourselves. That shows that we have attained a higher level of maturity over time

  3. LifeandDeath
    March 2, 2017

    Good Job by the Police. They are our brothers and sisters too, they have families just like us..So please cooperate with the Law Dominican Citizens..

    I didn’t see Marigot as having major events..????

  4. papa
    March 2, 2017

    Some behave it was not good period thats it

  5. Toto
    March 2, 2017

    Are you sure they were not coup plotters Chief Carbon, disguised as carnival revellers? You better check them very carefully because they could be spies for the opposition, you never know do you Chief. Our country is not only suffering from Amnesia but also Paranoia and Witches that need to be hunted.

    • Lang Su soon
      March 3, 2017

      Like the thing that make you.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 3, 2017

      . . . And making you one of them. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen :mrgreen: : :twisted:

    • televangelists are false prophets
      March 6, 2017

      let ignorance prevail.

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