No firearms at Test match

License firearm holders have been served notice that weapons won’t be allowed into the Windsor Park Stadium during the 3rd cricket Test match between Australia and the West Indies from April 23rd to 27th.

The Dominica Police Force says it is taking steps to prevent any terrorist activity targeting the game, and even licensed firearm holders’ weapons will be taken from their owners and secured at police headquarters during the Test.

“We will be providing effective security services to mitigate any terrorist activity targeting the game and no weapons will be allowed to be brought into the park. This includes persons with licensed fire arms,” Police Superintendent Ainsworth Irish has announced.

“We will be taking these firearms and securing them at the police headquarters during the event,” he said.

According to Irish, plans will also be put in place for the smooth flow of traffic in the event of an emergency.

“Police will be vigilant on the ground and off the ground. We will have security patrol to ensure any unforeseen circumstances. We need to ensure peace prevails during this event. We need corporation from the public in that regard,” he added.

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  1. mota
    April 21, 2012

    so you mean to tell me it have fellas walking around town with “licensed” gun.and police know about dat.

    • Dominican
      April 23, 2012

      They are licensed firearm holders such as busniness men and high ranking officials such as the Presidents guards.

    • X5
      May 22, 2012

      this is the dumbest comment i have ever seen …

  2. rose
    April 21, 2012

    i was not aware that domincans went to cricket games with firearms,one thing i know is that dominicans love cricket and will have a good time ESPECIALLY when we win that third test.
    however some dominicans have changed so much that it is important to keep us mindful as to how stupid some people can be, i hope that we will win the match and the AUSSIES will have a splendid time in the nature isles

  3. Matrix 21
    April 20, 2012

    yeah but this rule does not apply to fellas like bubbles. :)

  4. smh
    April 20, 2012

    Uhmmmm so , whats the reason for bringing a firearm again ? why would you all even think of making that an issues ? where there any recent incidents DNO ? I think thats dumb to even be mentioned.Dominicans more looking to hold a cooler , ALL YOU TALKING ABOUT FIREARMS ! CHEWPS ! GIVE ME A BREAK !

  5. April 20, 2012

    Why on earth would any right minded peaceful thinking person take a firearm to a sporting event?

    Secondly the Dominican police are living up to their good old reputation as usual. That is being a bunch of jackasses.

    If the police have any tangible intelligence or reasons to believe individuals may use the test match as an opportunity to launch a terrorist attack; then why give away your plans to combat this assumed menace?

    If you engage in war; you don’t give away your battle plans to the enemy do you?

    It seem like to me that it is the police the spectators should be worried about because, some Dominican police officers have a gung ho mentality whereby soon as they have strapped their guns around their waist, they are itching to make use of it.

    Some of them fail to understand that they are civil servants appointed to protect the public, yet sometimes the public lives are placed in danger by police officers who think they are the complainant, the judge, the jury and the executioner.

    For all their load of hot air and chim chim bwa shech, that is being peddled about by this bunch of incompetence of a so called police organisation; if their was a terrorist attack anywhere in Dominica, I doubt very much whether the Dominican police has the resources, the means and the capability to deal with such a grand scale event. Nuff said. Damn Fools

  6. utter-rubbish
    April 20, 2012

    @ truth be told…so what are u saying once u have a gun u are criminally minded…

  7. Ezzzzze
    April 20, 2012

    Lol, we Dominicans complaining bout everything.Every body bring your firearms and come….

  8. anonymous
    April 20, 2012

    In my humble opinion, this alert was uncalled for, and should have been carried out in secrecy. All it accomplishes is informing the would be trouble maker to formulate plan B.

  9. G
    April 20, 2012

    Why would you walk into a sports event packing heat anyway? Dominicans lives are in so much jeopardy that they have to walk around strapped? This is all for show. Not because you own one legally doesn’t mean you have to walk around with it. Leave it at home, leave it in your whip.

  10. stevo
    April 20, 2012

    what terrorist ????? …… stupes

  11. hollywood
    April 20, 2012

    Wow! you mean otherwise there are people walking around town with loaded guns?

  12. Anony
    April 20, 2012

    Since when did we carry guns to sports events? Do the police have nothing better to do?
    What they should do is tell the aussies alcohol is banned, so we don’t get riots like they do at bathurst.

  13. Voice from the North
    April 19, 2012

    “License firearm holders have been served notice that weapons won’t be allowed into the Windsor Park Stadium during the 3rd cricket Test match between Australia and the West Indies from April 23rd to 27th”. First of all I don’t see the need for anyone to go to Windsor Park with firearms. But isn’t it ironic that the police are telling people with Licensed fire arms that they won’t be allowed in the windsor Park with their licensed firearms when they returned an unlicensed firearm to Bubble after he intimidated someone with it.I suppose Bubbles can go with his to Windsor Park and it they still will not take it away and charge him.

  14. Anthony P. Ismael
    April 19, 2012

    I thought this would be common sense and such a notice would not be warranted.

  15. Cerberus
    April 19, 2012

    This could have been handles with greater sensibility. Now a he message is cast abroad that some Dominicans have a habit of attending sports’ meetings, bearing guns.
    It are not only the legally held firearms that have no place at such an event but also the illegal ones and other offensive weapons, such as knives. All that needs to be done is to install
    detectors at points of entry (hire them for the occasion, if we can not afford to buy them outright) and train security personnel in the use of them. This can be done with discretion and without bleating out to the world that in Dominica people with guns may come to an international cricket match.

  16. April 19, 2012

    There is no need for violence go to the games and enjoy you all selfs like we do in Atigua and the rest of islands,its fun enjoy the games people

  17. jah guide
    April 19, 2012

    Tell Bubbles and the owner of Krazy Kokonut whoever he is that.Let me see what DNO going to do with my comment this time around.

  18. law
    April 19, 2012

    The cops need better readiness

  19. Anonymous
    April 19, 2012

    good move Dom Police force.. we are talking bout the Aussies, they are not 3rd worlders…we have to ensure their safety at all times

    • Voice From The North
      April 20, 2012

      What nonsense!!! Do the Aussies need any more protection than other countries simply because they are not 3rd worlders? So if Kenya or Zimbabwe comes to Dominica should the securities be any different?

  20. Rule
    April 19, 2012

    I also believe the Police are stretching this too far by using the term Terrorist. Unless they can articulate a history or previous incidents of terrorists activities in DA, they should not have referenced that word and apply it to the game.

    • Woodford Hill Girl
      April 19, 2012

      I totally agree with you that is a very strong word,they really need to re-phrase that,it paints a pretty bad picture,leaves a very bad taste!

    • interesting
      April 20, 2012

      allu sure is the police that said the word “terrorist” or DNO just said in their statement while editing??? even if its in quotes

  21. Khizr
    April 19, 2012

    that was a very stupid and irrational decision..his reason for not allowing firearms into the stadium make no sense at all.
    1. dominica has never in my life time been under threat of terror
    2. none of our citizens are capable of planning any terrorist attack ..not even our muslim population has that capability
    3.if in fact there was to be a terrorist attack our police force wud not be able to deal with it…because im pretty sure morne bruce don’t train for events like those..i hope the superintendent has knowledge on bombs and disarming them..and knowledge on the strategies of terrorist. these people are just blowing things out of proportion and making themselves look like fools

  22. Rule
    April 19, 2012

    Just be the responsible adult here, leave the firearm at home and go enjoy the game.

  23. Anonymous
    April 19, 2012


  24. ??
    April 19, 2012

    But this goes without saying. You mean Dominica has regressed to the point where people have to be told when not to carry a gun? This is shameful. We are no in the Wild West.

    • Jamin
      April 19, 2012

      if boys going to a dance and want to bring knives its not a gun you wouldnt expect them to bring to a game

  25. Panel
    April 19, 2012

    this is rathering interesting…makes Dominica look like the wild,wild west..fastest gunman in town…

    not even places Like JA, T&T and Bdos where their have much more larger population and firearm related crimes do they create that sort of early warning alarm to the world…

    its time folks in Dominica raise the Bar…
    Security Agencies dont broadcast detail info of that sort to the world…its basic common sense

    when detail briefing is done..the agents just carry out the work..

    i think the issue with dominica is that its so call proffessionals are excited extremly naive with a master degree in that field..

    the inspector in charge of security in my view isnt a heads up guy he is way too dull and not brilliant at all….i would have Given those duties to Mr.Weekes he is a Proffessional who know how to carry out a event security related aspect with class….

    also this story should not be on the internet it give the island a thumps down to even its own citizens…isnt Dominica a peaceful God fearing island…

    Sounds like we are Americans where the NRA is a Major Policy maker and Guns are the norm in the average home in the US as part of their belief , security and pleasure aspects…

    will always advocate that Dominica doesnt should a higher level of standards and brilliance in their output…maybe its a cause of not knowing despite a advance technology orientated world!

  26. April 19, 2012

    good move we have to keep these marijuana and cocaine bandits out.Marijuana and cocaine people causing too much problem in Dominica.

  27. Only in Dominica
    April 19, 2012

    Well I guess Dominica and Dominicans associating with terrorist….Guilt by association…

  28. Anonymous
    April 19, 2012


  29. john doe
    April 19, 2012

    but these P.O. are really uneducated …. what happen our ppl just turn to terrorist overnight… look a bunck of wi boy dem police there

  30. Anonymous
    April 19, 2012

    i agree with u truth be told

  31. truth be told
    April 19, 2012

    These people make Dominica sound like a country under siege to be avoided at all cost! Every Caribbean country has been hosting these games before Dominica – no problem. Are you seriously telling me that there are people in Dominica who would want to attend this international event bearing a gun (licence or not) – then they are criminally minded – but I guess this is the state of Dominica today! All I can say is that this message sends out all the wrong signals.

    • Igloo
      April 19, 2012

      Now if something terrible happened i guess you would be the first person to jump up and say oh police didn’t have plans in place….do, they criticizing, don’t do, they still criticizing…what all you Dominicans want to complain about again?!! :twisted: :twisted:

      • Woodford Hill Girl
        April 19, 2012

        @ Igloo you are missing the point,nobody is saying to not have adequate security,the problem is why is the PD anticipating (terrorist) activity?violence we understand, but terrorism? come on Dominica that should never hit the internet,my country is not crazy!!!

    • D/can to de bone(for
      April 19, 2012

      they are right , we have to be in a state of readiness incase of any incident . remember we are hosting a international sport. We are having foreginers visiting this event.

      Do you want some incedient to happen and we cant cope or are not ina sate of readiness??? We in the 21 century. Emergencies service need quick access in case of any fatal incident.

    • blahblahnahjah
      April 19, 2012

      Can u bring a firearm or weapon with you to a basketball game or football game in any freaking country? Apart from some states in the US.. Hell no.. Guns don’t kill ppl.. Stooooooopid ugly ppl with guns kill ppl. The policies have right to inform ppl not to bring weapons..

    • MOT
      April 19, 2012

      Ya, bury your head in sand nuh…this leaves your exposed. Your eyes wide shut. It doesn’t have to be a Dominican with evil plans. It could be a foreigner who thinks that in little, naive Dominica that not on our minds. YOUR EYES WIDE SHUT, I TELLING YOU!!!

  32. utter-rubbish
    April 19, 2012

    why u want to take my firearm i paid for and is paying an exorbitant yearly license for, when u didnot take bubbles own….then we sit and wonder why is crime increasing???? when u take ure gun to the police for supposedly safe keeping when travelling on your return is problems to get your firearm….either it is misplaced or they have to mount a manhunt to get it for you.well i rather not go or if am going leave my firearm at confidence in police.

    • concern citizen
      April 19, 2012

      your comment makes no sense

      • ....................
        April 19, 2012

        @ utter rubbish.. This is the response of the year so far. I LIKE IT! Well said. But is Irish a police Officer or a politician? So people can well understand why Dominica is in the morass that it is.

      • law
        April 19, 2012

        U too

    • u nt serious
      April 19, 2012

      utter rubbish your name clearly suits you. You are going to a cricket match,what the hell you taking your gun there to do? its a match not a war

    • Malatete
      April 19, 2012

      Owners of firearms in Dominica are supposed to be mentally fit, rational and socially responsible before the Chief of Police issues them with a license. What happened in your case?

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