No major incidents during Carnival – Carrette

Revelers in Roseau on Tuesday

Police Chief Cyril Carrette says Carnival activities in Dominica went well despite a few minor incidents.

Carrette is reporting that the annual event was relatively incident free.

“We expected a few scuffles here and there because the people were highly charged and we expected some minor incidents. We had a few arrests but no major incidents. You can say all in all that carnival went really well,” he said.

Carrette however said some people have no regard for the laws governing Carnival.

“We have a Carnival Order and people are aware of it, however, many persons do not conform, especially those who do not participate in the activities. You find people still drive through the carnival route and although we meet with band leaders so that they could control their people, there are still glitches. Some band leaders start their music from Portersville, although we advised them otherwise,” he said.

According to the top cop, persons are also guilty of breaking no entry rules and he described this as ‘disrespectful’.

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  1. A Grand Bay man.
    March 17, 2012

    That;s wonderfull.Thats the way it should be all the time.

  2. desk22
    February 25, 2012

    the Task Force work very hard to see to it that every body enjoyed carnival 2012

  3. Really?
    February 23, 2012

    No crimes? What about the rape that happened Tuesday near Ross University? Or the attack on the French and German tourists? You mean no crimes to Dominicans just foreigners.

    • Anonymous
      February 24, 2012

      He was refering to Carnival incidents booboo not in general all over Dominica

  4. Realist
    February 23, 2012

    Folks!! Before allu jump and praise de man, 1st find out what’s his definition of “minor” incident. also it would be wise to cross check with the Casualty department of the PMH to verify the number of stabbings, woundings, broken bones and other related carnival injuries that they treated.

    The police were very present however there were still scores of fights in the bouyon bands and the notorious youth gangs were out in full force trooping thier colours. Denying the truth does not make it go away

  5. February 23, 2012

    Thank You Jesus!

  6. Michel Bousselaire
    February 23, 2012

    Thanks, Commissioner Carette and all police forces which gave to voreing visitors a safe and fearless Carnival;

  7. Michel Bousselaire
    February 23, 2012

    Thanks Commissionner Carette and all police forces which gave for Foreingers a safe and peacefull Carnival

  8. NRT
    February 22, 2012

    You are commended for ‘finally’ listening to the people and having a police presence in Grandbay the last 3 years in a row which the people have been advocating for many many years, contributing to this year being one of the most well-attended, nice crowds, and as you said peaceful sewo. Nuff respect to Sakis for niceing-up the crowd, Montin lapo, Acer Bantan debu was off-da-roof….thanks for the GOOD TIME people.

  9. Pundit
    February 22, 2012

    One of my biggest concerns I have had over the years, it the fact that the trucks carrying the bands are very high and the people on top the truck tend to like holding the electric wires as they bend under these wires. This is a disaster waiting to happen. It is time that the law enforcement folks put a stipulation which require all trucks carrying the band should be a certain height and they should not be reach the wires.

  10. legit
    February 22, 2012

    its was the SSU cleaning the band..nt task Force…but all worked well.

  11. Gertrude Lewis
    February 22, 2012

    Dominica is a beautiful Island no violence the carnival season was great. everything went well.I wish i were there.

    February 22, 2012


    • mouthofthevalley
      February 23, 2012

      is good for him.

  13. Dominican
    February 22, 2012

    Thank you task force for a job well done.

  14. dominican
    February 22, 2012

    i must say congratulation to the police officers. they were there every step of the way breaking up the fights before it got serious. big THANK YOU to u guys for keeping the peace

  15. DEJAVU
    February 22, 2012

    I am happy for a peaceful carnival, but looking at some of the images on the NET and thanks so much DNO I cringed a few times out of fear. Why are people so careless with their lives and that of children?

    What is the purpose of having people so high up on these trucks? I saw a young lad repeatedly hold on to the high tension wires over and over Monday evening with no regard for his safety and that of the others on the truck, let alone the people on the ground. Added to the insanity is the fact another doing likewise had a bottle of some drink in his hand sipping now and then.

    Then a scantily clad female held a baby in her hands while allowing another to climb even higher just to sit and hang her feet over the side of the truck. Seriously why would any LOVING mother let her guards down so much that she needs to be on the very top of a truck with innocent children in the dark of night? I was frozen in time watching the scene unfold.

    I commend the police for their presence but if I can offer one advice is to STOP the trucks from building towers and when they do, prevent them from either going on the road, or having people on these towers. This is the height of ignorance and carelessness. Carnival is on the road why do they need to be on the trucks?

    • Anonymous
      February 22, 2012

      I am with you about the height of the trucks. I think that is where the authorities must step in.

      They need to set a height limit to which these “big trucks” are built. We should not wait for something catastrophic to happen before taking action.

      And most importantly. CHILDREN should NOT be allowed to ride on the top of these “big trucks.” I mean what kind of irresponsibility is that?

    • totally agree
      February 23, 2012

      The trucks are a concern. First of all the revellers have no concern for the trucks and generators and that’s a disaster waiting to happen. I looked at one of the trucks and the frame looked like 2×4’s as the supports and when the people on the top began jumping the plywood floor was springing, who in their right mind would go up there let alone jump on the thing. There have been incidents in the past, people falling off the truck, speakers falling off etc, I was right there. Bands, promoters, get your SAFETY ACTS together please. No point having fun without being safe first.

      • melody jaycee
        February 26, 2012

        they need more security at de carnival, if they want, i can form some sort for 2013 you no

    • Black Nobility
      February 23, 2012

      If he held on to the HV line he would be fried. What you saw was him holding on to a telephone or Cable TV line. They have been doing this for years.

  16. February 22, 2012

    well Dice win so the masses are happy… but didn’t the triple kay band lead vocalist allegedly use bad language towards the truck driver nuhh ay ay… give us the beff admin lol :-P
    c.k marshup dem man

  17. Sout Man
    February 22, 2012

    Let’s keep it that way. Let’s be our brother’s / sister’s keeper. Report all crimes or even suspicions to the authorities.

    I also support the decriminalization of non-violent acts like ganja smoking by adults. Free up the prison space and tax burden to incarcerate the real criminals.

  18. dominica1 Toronto
    February 22, 2012

    Amen To That

  19. Lougaoo Mem
    February 22, 2012

    How great thou art for this beautiful island. I suspect that this is a precursor for future carnivals. Beautiful people, wonderful world, let’s stay peaceful with much love for each other.
    Great job my people and kudos to the Peacemakers!

  20. February 22, 2012

    Hats off to the people of Dominica…
    Good name carnival incidents went relatively incident free.

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