On the run: Police continue hunt for escaped murderer

Escaped prisoner, Steven Alphonse

Police say their investigations are continuing in an effort to recapture  escaped prisoner Steven Alphonse. There have been sightings of Alphonse since his escape on January 27, 2010.

“He continues to be on the run and on the loose. There have been pockets of information where he was seen, very sketchy but every information is important and we will continue to work on,” noted Police Public Relations Officer Inspector Claude Weekes.

Inspector Weekes said police are optimistic that Alphonse will be caught. “This is the third time he has escaped. We are encouraging him to return because it doesn’t make sense to be a fugitive. We want to encourage him to return and if he has any difficulties he could be accompanied by a lawyer or someone that he trusts,” the police official advised.

Inspector Weekes stressed the importance of being vigilante, and noted that while there has been a lot of talk about the rehabilitative process, at the end of the day it is an overwhelming task to go after prisoners who have escaped.

Alphonse was serving a 40-year sentence for murder, and has escaped from the Stockfarm State Prison on three occasions.

He was found guilty of murder on June 24th 1993, and sentenced to death by the High Court of Justice in Dominica.

In December 2007, he appealed the sentence at the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and his sentence was commuted to 40 years in prison.

Alphonse is considered to be armed and dangerous.

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  1. shirleen pierre
    February 19, 2010

    well am a dominican and i live abroad,all my family live in dominica i dont want this man astray on the streets cause right now it’s a survival thing for him. PLEASE GET A HOLD OF THAT CRIMINAL

  2. London
    February 17, 2010

    I came to Dominica for the first time a few years ago. When i saw the prison, i couldnt believe it! The first thing i tell my cousin is that i would be able to break out of there with no problem!! The government need to build a new solid prison, that prison they have there is a joke!

  3. haitianbabes
    February 15, 2010

    the prison athourity is to be held responsible for the escape of the man, there is no justifiable reason for that man to be given the chance to escape a THIRD TIME, while it is true that eveyone should be given a second chance, but the man have proven to the authouritys that he dosen’t need a second chance, after TWO CHANCES AT ESCAPE, he should not have been given any other chance, the man have no regard for the law, first u was sentenced to die, u was given a chance, and got forty years, after that they gave u a chance, to be outside in the sunlight, u ESCAPE, was caught, given a CHANCE AGAIN, u ESCAPED AGAIN,you don’t deserve any other chance, i just hope that he dosen’t do any harm to a person or persons while on the run because i believe that the prison authourity SHOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE.

  4. dominica alone
    February 13, 2010

    dat is just pure kicks. a man sentenced for murder escaping like it going out of style? best dey just free all d prisoners cause it must be a hotel de state running in stockfarm. boss is best u go back jail and when u want a free up just do it again cause it seems it real easy for you to do.lol

  5. February 10, 2010

    If the prison door is not good, let them get a carpenter to fix it.

  6. Anonymous
    February 10, 2010

    oh my god this man needs to be caught again. if not he shall rot in hell, he do his crime and he dont want to face the consequences, i wish no mercy for him he needs to be executed from this land!!!!

  7. lookin out
    February 9, 2010

    You mean this guy escape three times from prison(a convicted murderer) and up to now nobody is held responsible? This guy definite saw the flaw in prison security or either has a nack for escaping. What i can advise mr. alphonse to do, all doh he has no internet access is to retract his actions and give himself up to the law of the land. You do the crime do the time. You were sentence to die but instead you were lucky and got 40 years . Repent my boy and ask the Almighty Father to forgive you and to give the grace to bear your prison sentence .

  8. February 8, 2010

    No.1 you have a murdera escaping on 3 different occasions, the prison guards
    should take his place.

    Wesley is close to WFHill, if any of u see him, call me. 911 does not work.
    I have his medicine 4 him.

  9. idiotic system
    February 8, 2010

    what!!! u mean to tell me they revoked the first vredict and allow that prick to be free by means of escape!!! b.s b.s….

  10. d/ca
    February 8, 2010

    the prison officers them should be the ones going to look for those escape prisoners them self and should be held responsible then they would be moor coutious.

  11. Anonymous
    February 8, 2010

    But hat he doing in esley? he from esley nor?

  12. February 8, 2010

    i call the police on 911 and tel dem he in wesley

  13. Concerned Citizen
    February 8, 2010

    They should have just killed the prick and gotten over it.. Look now he’s on the run.. God help us.

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