Plans in store to enact law for irresponsible parents


Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit says Dominican parents may at one point have to answer to the law if they lose control over their children.

Skerrit has said he is considering such legislation in a move to further tackle crime.

“As prime minister, I am studying a piece of legislation that was passed in California some time ago, which places the responsibility on parents to ensure that they know where there children are at any given time of day and if your children were below a certain age, and found on the streets alone, you have to answer to the law as to why your children are out in the street,” he stated, in his address at the graduation ceremony for police recruits at Morne Bruce Wednesday.

The prime minister has often called on parents to take up their role more effectively and has been speaking out against the “blame game”.

“Everyone of us must take responsibility for their own actions and own up to it. Unless we do that, somebody will believe that their actions have to be blamed on somebody else and we will see crimes becoming even more harsher and more prevalent in our society,” Skerrit highlighted.

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  1. black Queen
    January 24, 2011

    I am really impressed it is about time parent take responsility for there children actions. There are parents who try really hard with there kids and some who don’t. How can a parent be successful Having three and four children and do not have the income to support there children.

    We need to teach some of our parents how to be better parents before anything else. set up social programs to help. sometimes they really dont know any better. My Beautiful country is changing and it is really sad to see.We as dominican need to help each other ,Stop hurting each other and see how we can help each other. The Bible can transform lives, we should be worshiping together as a family, prayer together and seek God’s help in everything we do because only our Heavenly Father can get us out of this mess. It is only getting worse the seen of the world is changing. I am thankful to know we have a prime minister who cares what happens to his country. A change starts with me and you. Lets take the first step and help our country.

  2. kalinago to the bone
    January 16, 2011

    Jail all of them.

  3. follower
    January 16, 2011

    Mr. Skerrit is too busy passing laws and then be the first one to break them. Before you put laws on parents, you should stop breaking the hearts of so many young girls by showing them they are the one today and tommorow only to find out you have someone else. This is not good for our young ladies as we all know what it could lead to. Since Peter Agustine and others keep saying that you are a God fairing man, I would like to suggest that you first get married, be faithful to your one wife, and start to raise children which would help you understand what parents have to go through with children and the needs of children. Please give your commitment to one this year since you already have the house and money, unlike most of us. By taking my advise not only will it help us see you as a responsible leader, but you will set an example for the rest of the men in your cabinet that are sexing girls all over and leave them with either a broken heart or unclaimed child. Your idea to help protect children is not bad but I have a problem with you as it pertains keeping laws. You have not been a very good example and I’m afraid that others will follow your exam[ple and disreguard laws of the land. Our laws have been there; all we need is leaders that will lead by example and keep those laws.

  4. Go to
    January 16, 2011

    Dear PM

    I totally agree with your new idea. If parents are unable to control their children, a law must be put in place to ensure that happens. There are too many unsupervised children walking the streets at night and misbehaving wherever they go. It time to get the parents to understand that it is their responsibility to take care of their children and not the government.



  5. justice is better than peace
    January 16, 2011

    It was about time MR. Prime Minister, Congratulations, In the past when we were growing up, Parents always were accounted for their children’s where-abouts. When fathers went to fish, their sons were with them, when it was holidays, the children were on the farm with their parents, Parents tried their best in the past to make sure their children weer well taken care of, Now- a -days in this modernized world, these ‘darn irresponsible parents do not care as long as they give the childern a cell phone and compiter and drugs money, they think their kidds are happy. People talk about Government creating things for children to do, While this is true , in the past Government did not create any thing for kidds to do, parents created things for their children to do. i had my kidds and i raise them the same way i was brought up. While i was at work and my kids were home I would call the house every hour and every time I called they were home, these days parent send their kidds out in the streets so they will not bother them. Great Mr Skerrit. These darn irresponsible parents of today forget that the children of today will be the adults of tomorow.I should be mandated to have parents take a 101 course in child raising before they can become parents and the course should be quite expensive too. This nmight deter the dead meat fathers and mothers

    Thank’s very much MR. PM
    God will bless you for this if passed

  6. chemist
    January 16, 2011

    How about we set a law for the way the government and the opposition as well conduct themselves!!!

  7. six weeks potato
    January 16, 2011

    Yes P.M,put Behanzin in charge of that and tell or ask the legal system here let him do his job.a lot of those nonsense going around… because the rest of the legal body down here are contra all that is good.i am saying so,because Mr.Behanzin cleaned the north-north east nicely,and because we have lawless lawyers,they find their way around and make a mess of it,by freeing the criminals,siding the drug dealers.Leave it up to him MR.P.M.

  8. o
    January 16, 2011

    Not a supporter of your party or any other…but for this one. 2 thumbs up.
    Make those bloody “irresponsible” parents pay.

  9. tanty
    January 15, 2011

    It’s amazing, Roosevelt Skerrit said no law, no magistrate, no consitution, as a matter of fact they could bring all their lawyers, that will not prevent him from doing what he has to do, this man at the time of uttering these words, took an oath to be the custodian of the Laws of Dominica, the constitution, and today he is looking at laws to impose on parents with diviant children. No one put law on the man who claims to be Roosevelt’s father, so what is he talking about. This man has lied to Dominicans so many times. This man had french citizenship for so many years, actually took that citizenship whilst he was holding the office as a Government Minister, doing illegal things. All the millions that went into his pocket and I could go on and on the back dating of IPO Act to suite his grabbing of wealth, what happen to the laws, no one saw it fit to impose them. But the best thing to do is to put laws in place for parents with deviant behaviour. Hope you are not digging a pit for yourself Roosevelt Skerrit.

  10. concerned parent
    January 15, 2011

    Mr PM the first step to getting our kids to make better use of their time is to lengthen school hours as a parent i always felt 8 to 1 five hours is too short, when kids come home parents are at work and kids are left on their own. Sports should be taught at all levels in our school, children are very lazy now being driven in vehicles all the time and no sports past second form, Education officers need to inquire of kids on the street and those who miss school regularly.Recreation and sporting facilities need to be build in every village including Jimmit where the confusion still continues over land for a playing field for the kids of that area and in the mean time the kids have turned to marijuanna. I have always said that we are following American way of life with our kids but they have institutions that can take care of the shortfall of their kids all we have is the prison. Children need help they need to be nature they certainly need guidance so please stop talking and act.

  11. hooked on DNO
    January 15, 2011


  12. hooked on DNO
    January 15, 2011


    I grew up the same way like you, think back then! how many crimes were committed then? we fought with our fist, got mad and made up the next day. The village raised us up. Can you say that for today? I guess not, but it can still be done. I did it with my children. I guess we are too mordernise now that is the problem, no time for our children. We sacrifice our children for an extra buck.
    Please note, i am not attacking you, but agreeing on our upbringing

    • c bruce
      January 16, 2011


  13. hooked on DNO
    January 15, 2011

    OBSERVER! [I disagree with you! it’s food stamp and welfare in the US that make some of you so lazy. Either you hide your assets, or too lazy to work, and me and the working people have to support you.] I agree with the PM, too many parents out there just make children and don’t care for their responsibility. There are protections out there to prevent one from having children,if they can’t take care if it. Stop bitching about the PM’s statement, and protest yourselves. I have 5 children, and they are productive citizens, never even had a citation. If one chooses to have children, they should give them the best of care, Stop fornicating, and other women husbands, we will see less need for what the Pm is indicating. PEACE

  14. jay
    January 15, 2011

    tell skerrit unless the law doe arrest him it not good….

  15. urban maroon
    January 15, 2011

    We need to demonstrate more LOVE for our children. Not more LAWS against our children.
    In my days as a child THE VILLAGE was responsible for the rearing of the child. Today this
    role has been replaced by the T.V and the computer. We need to go back to the basics. Respect,
    humility and love of community.

    How come a man that has no respect for the laws and constitution of our country expect us to obey the laws.
    Mama look Roro!!

  16. LIn
    January 15, 2011

    Let God take care of Dominica and we will be alright.Parents must love their their kids, speak positive things in the life of their kids. Things do not bring happiness. We were raise without all thess things but still the crime rate was almost zero.Parent are responsible for raising their kids and developing good citizens. I agee that the government must also provide for its citizens but parents have the first say in the lives of their children. Teach them early before they become teenagers. It is difficult to change them at that time.Take ypur kids to church , do not send them , be the example.Pray with them.

  17. PAIN
    January 15, 2011

    Mr. PM this is a good move, and especially those parents who do not send their kids to school. That’s a problem too.

    But again mr PM, Dominicans don’t take you that seriously anymore. Need more action.
    More action movies!

  18. kangaroo@hot mail .com
    January 14, 2011

    caring mum ,am not in Dominica but i support u 100% all they do is negative and blame government

    • c bruce
      January 15, 2011






      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        January 17, 2011

        You are crude, rude and lack respect for your fellow Dominicans. Your comment is contrary to bringing up children appropriately and with respect and dignity so that they will hopefully grow up to be respectable law abiding children/adults/citizens.
        You and all those who provide negative comments and responses must first have respect for yourself and for others. Only then are you qualified to offer advice which makes sense which will be emulated.
        Please inform us what is PM Skerrit guilty of where it pertains to nurturing appropriately and enacting an appropriate Law for the good of parents, children and Dominica in general? Did he disrespect you and other Dominicans?
        As far as I have read and am concerned about I consider the PM to be a gentleman and a respectable one who accords all Dominicans their due freedom, rights and dignity. Otherwise some of you would not be able to state the especially crap that you state on this Website which does not help Dominica in general.
        You have it all wrong. You can’t think straight and need to have your head examined.
        You are the one who is the guilty person and the thug.
        You demean Dominicans and all those who comment on this Website their due rights and dignity to respond appropriately and respectfully to others. Your response lacks educational and inspirational insight and an intelligent lesson which others could emulate. It serves no useful purpose to anyone whatsoever.
        The next time your comment/respond, read the article carefully and what the positive people state which can assist Dominica and Dominicans and then respond accordingly.
        We the readers and those who comment specifically positive for the betterment of Dominica and its nationals need to see and read more positive statements and actions from those of you who comment negatively and who also insult others on this Website.
        Do something good for your country and its fellow people. You will be happier for it and able to comment respectfully.
        Do not judge and wish evil on others for people sow what they also reap and two-fold in time. What you wish for others one way or the other, it will also fall on you and two-fold. What goes around comes around to everyone as each one deserves. Therefore always keep in mind, be kind in actions/words as God is looking on and taking note of them. This goes for each and everyone of us.

  19. true dominica
    January 14, 2011

    please remember children reading those comment .

    some of us if we have nothing good to say, say nothing at all please.

  20. kangaroo@hot mail .com
    January 14, 2011

    Dominican , never like to support what is good all they like is talk sheet. and be negative.all i now i have 2 girls age 25 and in collage and the other enter this year so up to u all stupid people want to site and just brag there mouth.

    • silly people
      January 15, 2011

      u included since you’re on this site? :)

  21. Anonymous
    January 14, 2011

    First, I would like to know which legislation the PM is studying so that I myself may have more insight on this. White this may yield desirable results in California we must consider the demographics of California and Dominica and stay clear from applying this law at ‘wholesale value’ to our populace. This may spell disaster.

  22. Dominican
    January 14, 2011

    yes I, I try reading through these comments but could not continue, its like sitting on the corner gossiping. The minister is voicing his concern which is his right, whether or not you hate or love the man just for once stay on the topic and let the court deal with his problem, stop being judge and jury, stop turning every thing into politics and make a contribution that people reading can digest. Every day the sun shines but the temperature changes, and there is a reason and seasion for everything under heaven so stop making personal feelings get in the way of developement.

  23. .........................
    January 14, 2011

    You have lied so many times to Dominicans,that they are treating and dealing with you for what you are…WE SHOULD ENACT LAWS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE VILLAS THROUGH ILLICIT MEANS..

  24. Parent and educator
    January 14, 2011

    Lead by example Sir. Obey the Laws and Constitution of Dominica, before you try to put new ones in place.

  25. desie
    January 14, 2011

    It looking like every time the P.M make a statement is politics
    the man correct responsibility, respect starts at home

  26. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    January 14, 2011

    ” Dominican parents may at one point have to answer to the law if they lose control over their children” (Roosevelt Skerrit).

    Mr. Prime minister, that would be a very tall order, the suggestion is good, nonetheless, you have to remember, a mother conceives, with the help, of a father, gives birth to a child. No matter how much they love an nature that child: they can give the child everything physical, or materialist, however, they will never be able to give the child a mind!

    The behavior of a person derives out of the mind of the person, People develop their own personality, and characteristics; and can only be controlled by the individuals mind. You can teach a child values, and what you are expecting from them, yet no one can grantee the child will act responsible based on the values a parent instilled in their mind.

    Speaking from personal experience, I raised, and natured four (4) children, they did everything correctly, until they got to the age of 18 years old, the day which the law’s in Califorina dictates that they became grown adults.

    To me at 18 years old, they were still children, my children, however, by the time they become adults according the law, all hell broke loose, and there was nothing the kid could do about their behavior.

    In North America, there are such law’s as you proposed, however, such law’s have not done much in the prevention of crimes, perpetrated by children, who were supposed to be under the supervision of their parent. I have never, heard of a parent been prosecuted because their kids committed a crime whiles in the custody of their parent.

    If anything, the un-ruly, and disobedient child always, becomes a ward of the state. Once the court determines that one is a juvenile delinquent, they go to juvenile jail, until they reach the age of eighteen years old.

    If the child is nine, twelve, thirteen, or what have you; they will remain in juvenal jail until they get to the ripe old age of eighteen.

    Hopefully, if they change from their juvenile ways, and behavior; by the time they get out they may go on to live productive life’s.

    The majority, becomes repeated offenders, and spend their entire life going in and out of jail.

    If such laws does not work in the United States, and Canada, effectively, I don’t see it working in a place like Dominica. If I were you though, I would invest in a Juvenile Center; you can use an example from that in Antigua, where someone with a familiar such as Skerrit, was the superintendent, for many years.

    I believe Mr. Skerrit, is dead now, or he might be a very old man, perhaps in his 90’s, but as far as I know, many successful people in Antigua, were once warded at the place called Skerrit, Located at a place called Gray Hills in Antigua.

    Yon may want to look into that, mind you once they become wards of the State, the government, is responsible for their up-keep which includes cloth, food, their education, medical treatment, and safety, until they become adults.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  27. Out of South City
    January 14, 2011

    Regardless of the PM’s lifestyle, I believe that he is trying to tell parents to be more more responsible for their children. Any responsible parent would not take offense at what he said. It is true that all children need an outlet to expend their energy but sometimes they can be found in the wrong places and we all know how dangerous that could be.

  28. Pharm
    January 14, 2011

    Lizavier4Jesus ? Which Jesus ?
    I find you have too much time on your hands wanting to respond to everyone-
    You are not the only one with an opinion ! If you are talking about Jesus, the Son of God, I suggest you pray for this country and the direction that it is taking under this administration- Please !

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      January 15, 2011

      If you are talking about Jesus, the Son of God, I suggest you pray for this country and the direction that it is taking under this administration- Please !(Pharm).

      It is one thing to attack, and ridicule the messenger, nonetheless, in the process if the comments of the attacker shed less light than that of the messenger under attack, what is the purpose of the attack?

      Pharm, you are critiquing Liz4Jesus; you are asking her to pray for the administration; the world has been doing that for centuries, every nation on earth pray’s for the politicians in power, nevertheless, no one is certain that such pray’s are heard by Jesus Christ nor his father Jehovah.

      Personally, I know for a fact, that such pray’s are vein, and are not honored by God!

      And if you concentrate on this ” render unto Cae’sar, the things that are Caesar, and unto God the things that are God,” you will understand why I am able to make that bold statement above.

      I am unable to remember what chapter and verse to refer you to in the Bible, however, if you are able to analyze the quote, you will discover that God does not play politics, and takes no part in politics, and could care less about what is happening in Dominica as far as politics is concern.

      Try this for yourself, pray for something, without lifting a finger to help yourself obtained what you pray for, and see if God will drop it out of the sky for you, or see if someone will simply give it to you for free. If that was the case, then we would not have that part of scripture which reads ” seek and ye shall find, knock it will be open unto you.”

      And remember this also, ” by the sweet of thy face thou shall eat bread.”

      The reality is simply this nothing in this world is accomplished with some form of individual actions.

      That is why God himself gave us humans a ” free will, ” he does not control us as programmed robots, we do as we pleas. We accept God if we so chooses, or we can also reject him if that’s our wish, he forces nothing on us, and that includes the goverment the people has chosen.

      Once we chose a government that is our doing, and therefore if we a lucky, and find people who will operate, and do the right thing, there will be no problem. However, praying to God to change the evil ways we find in politics, and the majority of politicians is a prayer that will never be answered.

      Satan is the god of this earth, and as long as you have people operating without a spiritual conscience, what good praying for them will do, if they are operating under the influence of the god of this earth?

      Now mind you I did not say the government of Dominica, is operating under the influence of satan, but at the rate things are going in Dominica, I am sure that we are all aware that something is unnatural in the country.

      The same as you want your voice to be heard. Liz4Jesus would also like her voice and opinions heard, you seem to be worried about how much time she spent writing, and making comments, I suppose if you would just read, and not concern yourself with how much time she spent responding to people’s comment, you might learn something!

      To each his own, if someone has the time to come on DNO and spend all day, and write, that’s their business, you are not paying their bills, and you are not feeding or clothing them, so what’s the problem?

      Yours is only another display of the Dominican mentality!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  29. Between You and ME
    January 14, 2011


  30. wesleyian
    January 14, 2011

    Why is the PM only interested in copying specific laws from the U.S.A and not paying attension to responsible and transperant govt of the U.S.A?

  31. wesleyian
    January 14, 2011

    Before any government can mandate laws to hold parent accounable, such government must first put in place a number of conditions which would assist parent in re-enforcing control of their kids,and only when such conditions are not met or broken then can the government enforce such law.

  32. silly people
    January 14, 2011

    We’re passing laws on already troubled single mothers. Who you think will be in trouble if their children don’t behave? I mean many Dominican women are single parents. Those DA men live children for their grandparents (grandmother more specifically) . These women will be in trouble because those weak men in their lives decided to abandon their children. I’m not saying that parents have no responsibilty. But if you look at countries like the USA (cause thats where skerritt getting his bright ideas) you will notice that they have welfare and other programs to help single parents. So they have a right to hold parents accountable. Also in the USA if you not paying child support they not gonna give you a passport or you won’t even have your passport renewed. So I hope Dominica will be cancelling and restricting travel documents for deadbeat dads. DA people need to think before they just accept every single thing some say just because they’re in a position of authority. Skerrit have no kids and don’t have a wife. So for him to say “I” is like he can relate. You can’t relate Skerritt!!!

    • I AGREE
      January 17, 2011

      actually…….he has a son. make sure you get your facts straight before commenting

  33. We are not for sale
    January 14, 2011

    ” I as Prime Minister” . Mr. P.M have you forgotten the “WE”. This is a democracy!!!! We! Demos! The people!!. It isn’t a one man show. DOMINICANS PLEASE WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!! IT’S TIME!!!! WAKE UP!!!

  34. Anon
    January 14, 2011

    Has anyone read anything about the law to which the prime minister referred? Here’s a story that I found on South California Public Radio’s site about it. Unlike the prime minister’s contention, it does not “places the responsibility on parents to ensure that they know where there children are at any given time of day.”

    New California law cracks down on parents of truants
    Jan. 1, 2011 | Susan Valot | KPCC

    A new state law that takes effect today puts parents on the hook when their kids play hooky.

    The new law lets local law enforcement officials go after parents whose kids miss 10 percent or more of the school year without a valid excuse.

    Prosecutors would have to prove that the parents didn’t properly supervise their children and encourage them to go to school.

    The misdemeanor charge could bring up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

    The law focuses on parents and guardians of children from kindergarten up to eighth grade.

    The legislation is something incoming Attorney General Kamala Harris pushed for as San Francisco’s top prosecutor.

    In Orange County, there is a growing problem of young kids joining gangs – something law enforcement officials have tried to stop by using truancy crackdowns.

  35. Patat
    January 14, 2011

    Mr. Prime Minister Sir.

    You are the critical juncture to define your second term as Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica by taking a hard look at bringing meaningful changes to Dominica an its citizens.

    Before playing with the idea that keeps you up at nights reading laws of California and wherever else give a home grown integrated plan to usher Dominica on the next level towards First World Developmental status.

    The following is my suggestion in that regard:

    1. Extend the school hours for all school children and ensure that the curriculum followed includes ICT, music, drama, work study at the DSC, sports, public speaking, debating, Business Practice at the DSC, arts and crafts, and implementation of National Service for all kids but especially children who have government scholarships and bursaries.

    2. Adjust the working hours such that parents can get time in the mornings to interact with the school and teachers so that feedback received about their children’s performance can be a lot more relevant instead of getting such feedback at the end of the school term when most of the damage has already been done.

    Spinoffs from such a move will see a immediate decrease in traffic on the road for work at 8:00 a.m. and less pollution at that time also. Thus Children would be allowed to enter School for 8 and business places would open for 9:00 a.m. Workers with school kids would easily find time in the mornings to seek feedback from their kids teacher(s). Children would be less concerned with television and social sites like face book since they would be at school longer up to 5:00 p.m.

    3. Implement a dependable public transport system that runs on alternative energy rather than petrol and challenge our kids at the State College to relevant software programs that can benefit the country and the country’s GDP.

    4. Ensure all Schools on the Island have A / V Rooms, projectors, and digital “blackboards”

    Trust me the above is far better than the law that you want to consider. That law will only make our kids and the Society Poor and Polite instead of productive and polite. Lets aim for a productive and polite society instead.

    Ps. What about a debate on the subject matter?

  36. Anonymous
    January 14, 2011

    Irresponsible parents ,please rethink,reclaim your responsibility, its a God ordained mandate……but look who’s talking; a man who publicly declared his contempt for law & order…no law ,no constitution,cannot prevent me Roosevelt Skerritt from………I hope the children he refers to did’nt hear that.

  37. Miami
    January 14, 2011

    Mr. P.M. well said, I do agree to your plans but children do need some kind of recreation. Dominica needs a science museum or even a water park for young kids. Some times the children have problems home and are looking for a way out.

    We also need more women police officers to handle sexual abuse cases.
    How about a movie threater? towards the coast!!!!

    • Fanchiface
      January 14, 2011

      O if i was close to u i would shake your big toe….. Dominica doesn’t have anywhere u can bring children recreate……the PM needs to luk into this seriously…….

      January 14, 2011

      Miami – I am in total agreement.

      The majority of recreational outlets are for adults, it’s as if the children have been forgotten.

      Also, if such venues were available, they would generate jobs.

  38. Beautiful
    January 14, 2011

    skerro do ur research first befoe u want to pass a law. that law is not for dominica cause that place have too much sewo, we have carnival, independence so where activities going uptill wat timein the morning… he should be thinkin of puttin resources out there for the young youth to engaged in… THE LAW THAT NEED TO BE PASS IN DOMINICA IS NO SELLING ALCOHOL FOR UNDER AGE KIDS.

  39. Rapunzel
    January 14, 2011

    The Prime Minister said “he’ is studying such legislation..

    As Prime Minister, ‘I am studying” Please note it’s not the Government, not the Cabinet, not the Minister of Community Development, not the Ministry of legal Affairs, not ” we” are studying but
    ” I “am am studying. Do we have a one man government?

    • yep
      January 14, 2011

      Aha..and the saga will continue……

    • ha
      January 14, 2011

      grabbing at straws aren’t we!

  40. Stupes
    January 14, 2011

    So how comes we all know how to sex, we all know what the PM should and shouldn’t do, but when is time to properly raise our children and provide for them, we want somebody else to do it? smdh

  41. alright
    January 14, 2011

    so why he didnt take responsibility in his dual citizen case…..his mother will be responsible wne he passes dat law cause…..he didnt know he was french ???!!!! hahaha lookk joke dominica….

  42. mouth of the south
    January 14, 2011

    dat would be a real good law to pass,,,,,, u seeing lil girls under 16 on the road after 10 in the night all alone,,,, walking more big woman than woman self

  43. A Voice from the Wilderness
    January 14, 2011

    Laws donot fight or curb crimes- that has not worked any where especially if you do not have a strategy- Skerrit is just trying to buy back credibility lost-. The state should not intricately involve in parent-children control. Its the responsibility of the parent period, not skerrti or charlo- i think parenting programs would achieve a greater purpose.
    Skerrit come again, u have no clue wat to do . Dominica is in a sorry state with such idiots at its helms. My advice- build a national consensus, get social scientist to formulate strategies and involve the public on the way forward- rather than blowing hot air from your head.
    Shame on u to say the least
    Voice from the wilderness

    • Reader
      January 14, 2011

      Dominicans like to hear poems and stories so thats what you have to tell them. When parents start paying for children then children will never learn………………..
      More programs maybe to educate parents on good parenting practices, better after school programs for the youth is what we require. Not palaces and courtyards to increase the gap between the rich and poor!!!

  44. Caring Mum
    January 14, 2011

    Children please stop commenting and allow parents or mature ones to comment please. I read the comments and most of them are so damn negative. Forget the politics for a while and think of the betterment of your children. We need to raise our children to the best of our abilities, it’s not only to prevent crime rates, but for their own good in the long run when we’re not there to protect them. As someone commented, I too remember I was not allowed to stay out late on the streets until I was over 18, now I’m 34. All my where abouts, I needed my parents permission. So if you find your kids in the same dance club with you, you’re to blame – it’s says you have no control over them. Or maybe too, you want to live your life and don’t have the time to correctly raise your children. The easier way out for some parents is to allow their kids to do whatever they want so they themselves could have more time for themelves. Bring in the law PM. I’m not scared. Are you scared parents? Too bad.

      January 14, 2011

      Caring Mum – All good and valid points, I’m in total agreement.

      I must also add that we need children to comment . This might be the only place where they can vent their opinion. Lets not take the view that children should be seen and not heard, or that their views do not matter. Part of being a good parent is to listern to our children

  45. worried dominican
    January 14, 2011

    Mr pm when the parents are jailed what are kids life going to be like.yes parents should be accounted for there kids,but we need more libraries parks and more money spent on sports.lets see what happen rememmber your words pm

  46. ok
    January 14, 2011

    well at least it’s a start. i need you to do something about corporal punishment. kids get abused too much and the parents are calling it discipline. all research out there show tht this type of punishment only works whenit is done once in a blue moon. it is counterproductive and creates angry, violent kids who later become unstable adults.

  47. Reader
    January 14, 2011

    Children need an outlet. why not have some activity for them. Maybe a movie theater, recreation parks and its kind. 90 Percent of the entertaiment in Dominica are for adults, hardly anything for the younger kids. They are bord. Money will be well spent on the kids more than to pay police on over time to police the children, not to mention the courts and prison time for the parents. While the parents are in jail, who will see to it that his or her child is doing good?

    • linky
      January 14, 2011

      u hit the nail right on its head.

  48. hope
    January 14, 2011

    Thank you Sir. I would be forever grateful.

  49. Lizavier4Jesus
    January 14, 2011

    Okay, this is the first good objective for the initiative of Crime Control in our Dominica. Let us hope that all, who are responsible, will take heed; for the betterment of our country. Also, let us hope that there more good objectives, pertaining to this initiative, to come. The sooner, the better!

  50. Fairplay
    January 14, 2011

    My Dear PM don’t let advisors push you into inacting non-enforcably laws.Please just continue to keep your focus on Development of the country. Thanks!!! 8)

  51. health
    January 14, 2011

    Good Law, pass it fast oh…

  52. follower
    January 14, 2011

    I am in agreement with you Mr skerrit especially where loving and caring for children is concerned. I deeply believe in the family structure and I am convinced that if children receive the love and care they deserve, and when the father in particular plays his part in the life of their children, there will be no less crime. But for this to ha[ppen Mr. PM, you need to be an example. As PM of the country, I am tired of hering your name as the possible father of this one and that one. If what I am hearing is and you don’t correct that, these children will grow up feeling rejected and who knows what might become of them. As the PM of Dominica, show us that you are capable to marry a young lady and give her the commitment that a young lady needs and longs for, instead of drinking water from so many wells according to Prov. 5:15. That’s what we need in DA. If men become more responsible and stop running their private all over, our children will in turn feel loved and as a result, will become better kids. So please lead by example sir.

    • Rasta
      January 14, 2011

      I agree with some of your points. The government have to lead by example. Morality among the ministers who represent us is at the bottom of the barrel. You see them all over the place with jane, janet and jackie having babies all over the place. Who will parent these children. It’s not do as I say but not as I do. If you say do, you must live like you say.

    • yep
      January 14, 2011

      HEY HEY…Mouth open and tory jumpout. I thought that I was the only one pondering onthe fact that the PM is a bachelor..we need a responsible, family man as head of our country .Lead by example Sir.
      Do away with all the things on the side and marry THE ONE….LOL

  53. AC
    January 14, 2011

    Parents must take responsibility for their kids. At the same time we cannot curtail the free movement of anyone to include kids. That moves DA into the 22nd century well before we are ready. Maybe some more community centers where kids can freely develop useful skills? Maybe free computer shops with internet access, where the kids whose parents cannot afford computers at home can spend some time? Maybe more libraries? More basketball courts? I don’t know. In any case, crime is on the rise and something must be done. Asking parents to be more responsible is a good start. I just hope the law does not send parents to jail leaving the kids even more exposed.

  54. Deoborah
    January 14, 2011

    Once you have lost credibility, no one respects your opinion, good or bad.

    • Truth, Justice& Righteousness
      January 14, 2011

      Agree with you 100% Deoborah, this man has no moral authority to tell anybody anything. Skerritt should take a deep long look into the mirror before he passes his laws. Is like a drug dealer dealing drugs infront of his kids and telling his kids you should not deal drugs.. Yes I agree parents are responsibile for their children, but parents are not the only ones who form character and guide children, leaders do to, church, school, police, community leaders etc. draconian laws are not going to solve our problems Skerro.. You are getting deeper and deeper into the.. hole.

      • hope
        January 14, 2011

        people please be grown up about this.

  55. Way to go
    January 14, 2011

    The people who are taking this to be offensive are most likely the ones who are indeed the irresponsible parents….

    I grew up in a sound catholic home. Under age 18, I was not allowed to be out at night on my own. I was also told this behavior was for adults. Then I graduated from high school, the rules were a little less tight, and I was allowed to go out with my gfs to a parental approved activity and had a curfew. When I went out for the first time, I was shocked at the massive number of underaged kids were at these activities, esp the boys behaving like adults. The first things I asked myself was, “where are these children’s mothers?” ” Dont they care about their child’s well being?” and ” these children really need to be children and be in bed”
    So I am very happy this PM is passing that law for parents to be more responsible with their children. Like, the US, men who walk out on their family and leave the young moms to care for the children all on her own should also be held responsible.
    Children shape the future of tomorrow and if they are not raised right, then what can be expect them to grow up to be?

    • cracker
      January 14, 2011

      these kids give you no taste or zeal to go out! how cani be in kraze kokonuts with my boyfriend n my mom in anothe rcorner doin the same thing?…jeez!

      when i go out i look for these kinda kids and ask my husband but why are we here? this is not for us! even in carnival , they jump n spit and wash ur face with their smokin and curses and when u turn around their parents are standing beside them with an equally sized beer can? lord and to tell me folks are being negative about this eh…my my

  56. Lougawoo Mem
    January 14, 2011

    I only wish that you would look to the USA as a model for good governance and responsible LEADERSHIP. You are a disgrace to the people of Dominica; regardless what you say, no one takes your words seriously except for your venal constituencies. First and foremost, learn to speak the truth to the people.

    • Lizavier4Jesus
      January 14, 2011

      How come you are so confident, that you are speaking on behalf of fellow Dominicans, as you say, “no one”?

      • c bruce
        January 14, 2011

        must be a labourite
        the man did say ” except those venal constituents”

    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2011


      • c bruce
        January 14, 2011


    • ha
      January 14, 2011

      You mean to tell me that he is such a disgrace they voted him in again????? eh beh!

    • Faith
      January 15, 2011

      Speak for yourself…Thats how UWP fools talk with confidence. Tryin to do as if they represent the masses…

  57. A observer
    January 14, 2011

    May I add that before such a proposal, the PM should first consider the provision of food stamps/financial support for parents who are unable to provide for their children and only then we can start talking about this kind of legislation.

    • Jay
      January 15, 2011

      Oh, so its because they don’t have food they sell the underage kids to the highest bidder? Or know who got the underaged girl pregnant and refuse to prosesute?

      • A observer
        January 16, 2011

        Let me further explain my point, you see the PM stated that he is studying a piece of legislation passed in Califonia, what he fail to realize is that the US government take’s care of their children, they have welfare and tons of other services for those in need, so they can afford to hold parents accountable, but not so in Dominica, I agree something should be done but this is not the best way to go.

    • deonednofraid
      January 16, 2011

      A observer, are you serious? I will only agree for the state to mind children willy nilly when people who want to be parents ask the STATE’s permission to make those children.

  58. Chiensal
    January 14, 2011

    One question. If my son son tell me he going church and he make a tooback and he on di block pull up. Am I too blame? Wether you teach children right from wrong they will always make bad judgements and mistakes. Look at pastors and policemen children some of them really bad when they should know better.

    • Lizavier4Jesus
      January 14, 2011


      You are right! But what is that name you gave yourself anyway! It sound like “dirty dog” in patois.

      Nonetheless, if we put our trust in God, He knows that we are depending on Him to guide our children, while we cannot see what they are doing.

      We have to learn to lay our cards before God, and to simply trust Him at His promises to us.

      God told young Solomon to “ask me for anything you want.” Can you imagine God taking that kind of chance with a human being? “Ask me for anything you want!” But God knew what He expected Solomon to ask for. He was just teaching Solomon how to speak the words of his heart’s desire.

      Solomon only asked God for wisdom; but God gave a whole lot of stuff. Holy marcaroni! You can read this story for yourself in 1st. Kings Chapter 3

      What is my point? Always believe that God is on your side. Depend on Him to help you to guide your children, to train and discipline in the proper way, and to watch the paths when you cannot see them for yourself. Be humble, trustful, patient, and obedient; God will never disappoint you.

      Even if the father is a police, pastor, or priest, or pope, when people are trying to do things by their own human strength, God will just allow them to go as far as they want to go. Most of the result can be extremely regretful for those people.

  59. DA man
    January 14, 2011

    things are so hard in dominica if are parent send there child to school and go to work or go to there garden how are the going to monitor the child some parent do every thing to decipline there child but some children have there own mind what can they do forget there work and monitor the child all day sometimes the parent just can’t help there should be programs to help the people not put them in jail

  60. lord help us
    January 14, 2011

    whats going on

  61. DC
    January 14, 2011

    It Was Time!!!

    That law better be enactetd for 2011!! Cause too many persons sit back irresponsibly, blaming the government for the crime rate while they play no part in the upbringing of their own children!!

  62. c bruce
    January 14, 2011




    • DC
      January 14, 2011

      Stick to the point!!!

      • Reader
        January 14, 2011

        My thoughts exactly!

        • cracker
          January 14, 2011

          may be c bruce wants the role as mr PM under wear! so he can ride his …. everytime he moves…

        • c bruce
          January 14, 2011


  63. linky
    January 14, 2011

    this is just a joke what is the persentage of youth that are not 18 that are involve in crime 99% of crime comited are comited by adult.

    • DC
      January 14, 2011

      What you are sying is true… Very true…. The aldults contribute more to the crime rate.
      But still there are those below 18 who get involved in illegal actions that do not reach the news.

      And at the same time, if this law is enacted now, atleast the younger ones of today will be guided accordingly, and if they are taught well by their parents or guadians, they will know right from wrong and during adulthood, a few years down the line, they know not to involve themselves in criminal acts.
      Otherwise, they stay right were they are on the streets with no control. Eventually, they going to end up in the headlines for some criminal activity. Think about it.

      That’s just my frame of reference to the issue at hand.

      • Anonymous
        January 14, 2011

        They can be 25. Once they live at their parents home, the parents are responsible, because is them the police coming for first. If you sure you big man/woman get the hell out and live on your own so when you do what you want to do, then the police can’t come to the parents and ask any question. We have to many so called big man /woman in Dominica giving their parents stress.

    • cracker
      January 14, 2011

      who are the adults of tomorrow?…the children of today! ….wat is wrong with you ppl?.

  64. Following there masters like Poodles
    January 14, 2011

    Well boy there goes hanging out by the road, playing hop sawe’, going for mangoes and guava, staying and playing sports after school, and going and bath in sea. Growing up i did a lot of those things without my mother and father permission i did get my blows and loud talking to. I am thinking if that law was in then my parents would be still in jail, i wonder how Skerrit growup? maybe his mother had him on a leach all the time. PM THINK THIS THRU VERY VERY CAREFULLY.

  65. notnice
    January 14, 2011

    Skerrit I live in california and I want to know that laws that your
    referring to. Cali has clubs for teenagers, I’m talking real night clubs.
    At any given hours there’s kids walking the streets. I guess since
    the police are not policing properly you want the hard working
    Citizens(parents) to do it. I grew up in da, I doubt if its the adolescent that’s
    to blame if that’s what your implying for the recent surge in violent crime

  66. Anonymous
    January 14, 2011

    Alas Admin, you doh have a nicer picture of d man den? :mrgreen:

    • R u kidding me?
      January 14, 2011


  67. The marine
    January 14, 2011

    take off the log off your eyes before you attempt to take the spec off others’.clean up your house first..start with yourself first..are you responsible…no law, no majistrate…no constitution can prvent you from doing what you want..wat you expect the criminals to say….man do thr honorable thing dominica a favor and fall on your sword ,you hear!!!!!

    • Oh My
      January 14, 2011

      I sure hope there are not another human being in this world, or even Dominica who thinks like you do. Cause that is just a disgrace to have someone with your mentality. smh.

      If there is, then Dominica, and the world by extension is in great trouble…. God Bless your soul… if you even have one…. shame.

      • Lizavier4Jesus
        January 14, 2011

        I am assuming that you claim to be even more perfect than Jesus Christ, otherwise you would not have posted that comment. For no human being is perfect. They all have the same fallible–meaning the ability to make all sorts of mistakes–nature; this nature simply does not give glory to God.

        In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke your “idiotic” call for “great trouble”; for the sake of fellow “God fearing Dominicans.

        I am suggesting that you cancel the attitude of your mind; it bad, even destructive, for you. However this is just a suggestion. You do not have to accept it. But be aware that you alone will be accountable to God Almighty; not the “someone with your mentality” human being, whom you referred to.

  68. lord help us
    January 14, 2011

    de man eating bananas and saying he want to put law in place to punish people that eat bananas………..i hope his own laws will convict him……….oh i forget…. no law can stop him hahahahahahahahah

  69. ....
    January 14, 2011

    oh lord.. what next! i hope he doesn’t enact that … we should look within for solutions and good parenting not without!!

    Why not pass a law that people should be married before having kids? That way they will share the responsibility of raising the kids equally. So many parents are dormant in their kids life.

  70. looking in from the outside
    January 14, 2011

    oh please…
    I think charity begins at home…set the example:: Law? oh brother. what do yo know about law/constitution?

    Children nowadays are given too much leeway, too much rights.
    In my days growing up as a kid, if i ‘malkaway’ my parents did not want to hear a word out of me when someone else brings a complain…is licks first and licks second.
    Not even is school a teacher can correct a child today. So mr. PM if you want to base a law of such magnitude on the US, i suggest you alter the law to give the parents the rights and not the children.

  71. Poule Coutouni
    January 14, 2011

    Is this the man who on the PUBLIC RECORD shouted and proclaimed to the world his utter DISREGARD and CONTEMPT for Dominica’s Laws, The Constitution, and its Jurisprudence? Savage me if and how some of you contributors wish, but he has NOT the moral authority to talk about keeping any laws to me… Come again Sir Medard!

    • deonednofraid
      January 16, 2011

      Poule Toutouni, take the feathers from your brain and cover your body with them. Maybe then you will comprehend the huge problem of lack of parental supervision.

  72. Boyz2men
    January 14, 2011

    what about the guardiants if these children donot have parents?

    • FED UP!! With Crime Among Youth
      January 14, 2011


    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2011

      Duh!!! It would be obvious that if children do not have parents then the guardians would be held accountable!

  73. Anonymous
    January 14, 2011

    yea ha!!!!
    set the example first

    • FED UP!! With Crime Among Youth
      January 14, 2011

      We in this country really backward in our thinking. SO let me ask you. If the PM decide to jump over a cliff you will do it too and then say he did it first? I mean somethion is WRONG witth us! Why is it that we cannot be mature enough and at least once say something positive, and that very thing will save our lives! Come on man. We have serious issues in Dominica. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Politics have essentially ruined us! Something that is suppose to elevate us we have turned it into a beast that has divided and conquered us. Who can we blame? LOOK IN THE MIRROR

      • Lizavier4Jesus
        January 14, 2011

        “Who can we blame? LOOK IN THE MIRROR”

        That is the problem with us FED UP, we have failed to LOOK IN THE MIRROR, for one reason or the other, where we would have noticed that we are wearing the clothing of mind “inside out” and “back to front”. Having corrected those mistakes, then our “criticizing” would be effective, as those whom we criticize would have no grounds to disrespect us. Yes, people learn through their critics.

        But as Jesus said to those who so quickly choose to judge everyone else, not considering they need to be judged as well: “Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye——-Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7: 3-5 From my New King James version.

        My co-worker came to work one day, wearing her blouse “inside out” and “back to front”. When we asked her if she did not look in the mirrow after she got dressed, she told us that she did not have mirror at home.

        Strange as it might sound, perhaps most of us need to install a few mirrors on our walls, at different areas in the house. But by faith, most certainly, we can instill a mirror in our hearts and our minds as well; so that our conscience will reflect the attitude and conducts in us, to ourselves.

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