Prime Minster Roosevelt Skerrit has filed a lawsuit against Opposition leader Lennox Linton and radio station Q95 on the grounds of slander, libel, and aggravated damages, and is asking for a “significant amount in damages,” according to his Senior Counsel, Tony Astaphan.
The lawsuit was filed on Wednesday, February 8th at the High Court where Linton was named the first defendant and radio station Q95 (West Indies Communications Enterprises Ltd.) as the second defendant.
Astaphan told state-owned DBS Radio that the lawsuit is as a result of statements made by Linton in various interviews, articles and at the recent public meeting.
“The Prime Minister has repeatedly maintained that the allegations made against him by Lennox Linton and others that he was selling diplomatic passports or siphoning off money from the CBI program were, have been, and are completely and absolutely false,” Astaphan said.
He added that Linton will be given the chance to provide information that justifies the allegations that he has made against the Prime Minister.
“He has had several occasions to present the evidence and has failed to provide the evidence, whether it’s to Huffington Post, whether is to the parliament, whether is to the public accounts committee, whether it’s on Q95,” he said.
Astaphan also stated that the lawsuit demands a “significant amount in damages” because of Linton’s “arrogance, defiance, and ignorance in propagating these allegations on the Prime Minister.”
“They have caused damage to the country simply because Thompson Fontaine and Gabriel Christian and others are hell-bent on circulating them in the regional and international blogs, and are giving misinformation and allegations to individuals with various blogs to smear the country and to smear the Prime Minister,” Astaphan stated.
He also informed that this matter is “case one” and letters will be written to the various television stations about their live broadcasts.
“The reason why we are going to be writing these letters and taking against Fontaine and Christian and maybe others, is that individuals and institutions and persons in the media, including Q95, have to understand that they have a responsibility to ensure that their media is not being used inadvertently, intentionally or negligently. As I said to you last weekend and I say to you today, enough is enough,” Astaphan remarked.
If You are a counsel what ever level and you doing your Passport bZ-ness with the help of family say your sister represent ‘s you and your sister has her peeps selling passports full time unannounced as an agent.
The peeps stays home and does sales for your sister whose only apparent source of income is her husband how does your sister’s employee explain the house she built? No wonder you as a counsel will be the chief spokes person for the Ruler in Hiroona!
This is the end Skerrit is currently in his home LI- NY giving directives as I type. Thompson was arrested this afternoon. When I hear who are the lawyers representing Thompson one in particular who in the 90’s with the UWP sold his fair share of Passports. I have to state we are done as a nation. Corruption is deeeeeeep in DA if I had my way I would arrest/imprison all the players.
Currently ,we cannot say whose house, car , bank account is legit. Everyone seem to be one comes.
Talk around where is agent Stowe, ?
more thousand dollars for the lawyers
Even if they sold their fair share of passports during the 90’s under the UWP? Those dryland pirates the Neo-DLP gang who invaded the authentic DLP .Made it clear to all and sundry to hell with all their predecessors they are not going to leave office poor. We heard them but did not understood that statement. These guys are approaching billionaire status in some regards.
Check this joke from the former finance minister $1 salary Minister, He said at Fort Young sometime ago. he visited Lebanon and met a gentle man who was well off but being Lebanese could not travel as much as he would like more so 4 his kids to visit the west. De $1 minister said that’s when the need for his support for the CBI -program hit him. LMAO ( for S1 former minister).
He meant to say that’s when he realized he could make some serious$ to replace DCP cash cow for him.
Well Done!!!
Its time to make them pay for their tongues!!!
This is not a game, these people contribute little to nothing and yet cause major chaos, distribution, disturbance and disenfranchisement in the country, all for political gain at the expense of the country’s standing in the world at a time when that is Dominica’s collateral to move forward. whomever is paying that certain person to Destry Dominica’s name will have to cough up money to pay the government back! which will in turn allow authorities to trace their money when they’re found guilty and lead to the root of the problem.
The world is a beautiful place and it has it’s ways of punishing people who don’t respect it.Dominica belong to the people. If you are successful is for the people and if you lose is the people. All I can see is hatred ‘spiteful and jealousy ‘this is what was used to crucify the CHRIST. In Dominica the people believe in freebees. If they had to make a contribution to comment on news on line. rather than come up with fresh ideas and make suggestions they give each other maypwee.The government comes and goes but the Island is always there. Leading the people of Dominica is almost impossible. Manners and respect that’s all is needed
Why is it that the UWP leadership have all been embroiled with the courts and or scandals of dishonest behaviour?
Edison James began his political career with an egregious slander and libel of the sitting Prime Minister Dame Eugenia Charles and had to pay $80,000 plus by way of compensation to Miss Charles. Earl Williams fled the state with hundreds of thousands of dollars of clients’ monies. Lennox Linton has had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation to Keiron Pinard Burns for slander and libel and is facing other suits in the courts. Thompson Fontaine is before the court for libel and slander. There is also the DAAS land controversy in which he is the chief suspect. Danny Lugay was charged with issuing threats against members of the Integrity Commission. Hector John has been charged with rioting and his matter is before the court. Etc. And the other Fontaine from LaPlaine, Jason who has been convicted here and overseas and served jail sentences their rising star.
lennox wants the PM to resign the person he should ask to resign is Joshua and he still has him as a rep on his party.
A Dominica tanker, he ship SWIFT (IMO: 9129213, MMSI: 325602000) is a Oil tanker registered in Dominica.
SWIFT on its way from Greece was arrested in the waters of Phu Yen Province, south-central Vietnam by the Vietnamese Coast Guard 3 months ago. It is charged with carrying an illegal cargo of 4348 tons of gasoline, without respective documents. SWIFT is now held in Xuan Dai Bay, Phu Yen. It is reported that the illegal fuel may be of ISIS (terrorist) origin and 18 of its crew have been held.
Dr. Skerrit, your explanation please?
Why did the government Dominicans of this? Why were Dominican newspapers silent on the matter?
A Dominica tanker, the ship SWIFT (IMO: 9129213, MMSI: 325602000) on its way from Greece was arrested in the waters of Phu Yen Province, south-central Vietnam by the Vietnamese Coast Guard 3 months ago.
It is charged with carrying an illegal cargo of 4348 tons of gasoline, without respective documents. SWIFT is now held in Xuan Dai Bay, Phu Yen. It is reported that the illegal fuel may be of ISIS (terrorist) origin and 18 of its crew have been held.
Dr. Skerrit, your explanation please?
Abee cherche Abee trouver I hope Lennox will bring all the evidence to court and not they say. Every day you on PM back as if is hustle you want to hustle his LIFE.
you ppl seem to forget that tony is one of the best lawyers in the Caribbean no matter how much you seem to love to hate him the man is a damn good lawyer!! now we just need lenny to control his mouth and temper
and pls note Roseau south is going back home to labour for the next elections
Sue him for the price of a Diplomatic Passport!
Linton’s mouth continues to get his choo in trouble. The PM is right! Look at the damage that Linton has done to Dominica. That’s not right! He incited the riot. People are now cancelling flights because they’re scared. Be not afraid people Dominica is open for business. God bless Dominica ??
I keep putting a figure for them to sue Lennox and all you not posting it. I trying again…I want Skerrio to ask for 3 million dollars minimum. That’s it.
Just wait..Next time even more boots will be on the ground..Remember you were bragging we cant put two boots on the ground?Well it’s thousands…!!!Law suits can’t stop that!! NUMBERS COUNT!
The prime minister should be ashamed of himself, , he should take a talk with the prime minister of St Vincent to know how to build up the country. St Vincent in the process of opening their new airport and Dominica is still behind. So many years he is in office we should have a better airport. We New Yorkers have to struggle to get to Dominica and pay high airline fees to get to the country, because we do not have an airport. All the smaller islands are improving and Dominica is left back.
Newyork another blame that should fall squarely on the UWP. Like St. Vincent got help to build their Airport; Dominica was also getting help from the Americans and the UWP told the Americans they didn’t want them to come and help us to build one. The Opposition in St. Vincent I suppose welcomed the help from their benefactors. That is the difference.
All non-supporters of the UWP and most supporters of the UWP know it. You do not have to take my word for it. Ask any honest UWPites to tell you the truth. I am sure there are still some that care for Dominica.
The UWP believes in destroying our economy not building it. See why they believe the only way to get into government again is by illegal means?
Dominicans have a long memory.
get a life stop following linton what you got that’s if you can come home
President Trump tweets!!! and Prime Minister Skerritt sues!!!!
This claim by Astaphan and his team should be thrown out of the Court for abuse of process. Linton should counter claim for Skerritt allegations that Linton and his party planned a coup against the Government inferring that Linton wanted to create havoc in the nation.
The OECS bar should contemplate disbarring Astaphan for his constant disgraceful malpractice as Counsel and complete incompetence.
The CIA needs to investigate Skerrit further into his passport sales. Where did the funds go?
go get a life remember the guy who try where is he now
If the PM of Dominica is not Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, then He (The PM) has all the honest right to institute legal proceedings against Mr. Linton, who is the Hon. Leader of the Opposition Government for defamation of character, blah , blah, blah.
Since so much research has been put into this news piece and there are so many citations insinuating that there has been, and probably still having a mail order system of selling passports, and the use of the Dominica FLAGS on fuel tankers etc, etc, someone needs to answer some questions.
Al in all, we are simply asking for TRANSPARENCY.
The beauty about the passport (scandal) is that if WI DJUN PENG was not born in Dominica, (PENG – not being a Dominican last name) then someone needs to explain how PENG is in possession of a Dominica passport. And that is all that is requested. Then someone needs to say what happened to the $250000 that PENG paid into the (Treasury) for his passport. Its called Audit Trail on a simple transaction.
Skerrit you foregut to tell Tony to file lawsuits against Lennox’s dog and cat—silly !!!
Linton if the pm selling dominica passport why no caribbean leader supporting you? if the pm selling caricom passport why no Caricom Leader supporting you? because the PM to powerful? Our prime minister is selling Caricom national passport to all kinds of criminals but no Caricom leader wants to speak to Lennox and his gang. I wonder why..hmmmm
i would expect the Caricom leaders to support since after all the criminals going to have access to a lot of benefits in the caricom countries. so the other leaders don’t care if criminals invade their countries because of our PM…lemme guess because he is to powerful?
You went to American but didn’t go to the Caricom…why? if the PM selling passports for everybody the Caricom is in more danger than USA. Because even though we sell a passport we still need a visa to go America. You really think America care about our PM. a man that have no army, no weapons of mass destruction, no tankers, no fighter jets, no technology , no money etc.
You lack intelligence and in-depth. A sensible person would think the Caribbean Leaders do not condone violence. They have had violence in their countries and know what it is like.

Which democratic Leader would condone what Lennox did and encouraged his supporters to do, including their comments on this Website? They would be foolish to condone Lennox. They know he is a troublemaker and want nothing to do with him.
Fool, this is what you should have considered and stated. Learn to use your head and brains wisely. :
The truth is right in front of you and still you join the choir of your PM ” blame Linton ” and for all the blogs that’s out there for all to read about Skerrit and passport selling ” let’s blame Linton”, that’s so ridiculous . Linton is not the person that’s bringing Skerrit down he is doing a good job of that and then he have Tony Astaphan who is pulling his chain,. You want to help your PM see the light convince him to drop Tony as his legal council but he cannot do that for fair of what Tony will do. How do you think the Iranian guy got a Dominica passport to be able to live in Dominica . Did you ask the PM why he moved out of Mount Daniel area and why the Chinese moved into the area, there is so much truth in your face but all you believe is Linton that do it so blame him . America knows when to make there move so hold tight.
I love those statements. Let him keep on trying.
This should be a victory for us in Dominica. Mr. Linton will now have to explain all what he have said. If is true I will support him. Mr. Linton you are giving Skeritt to much credit HE IS NOT THAT SMART. You really think the National Petroleum Minister needs Skeritt to launder 20billion dollars ? You really think Alireza Monfared would invite Skeritt to the Billionaire party?
These guys was using a lot of Governments and even Skeritt got played. You want me to believe Skeritt is deep in UN oil selling to unsanctioned countries and he haven\’t run yet? You trying to tell me they have caught everybody involve in this unsanctioned oil story MULTI-BILLIONAIRES, High ranking UN officials etc. and they afraid to come for Skeritt…You really think Skeritt have more power than the these people.
Monfared had many many passports not just Dominca. Skeritt is a little fish compared to these guys.
The guy stole 2.8 BILLION. Skeritt house is 1.5 million ECD…lol
to much credit 4…
You forgot that the PM has been a PM for fourteen years and he has been getting a salary. It is not $10.00 an hour or so. Utilize your sense if you have any.
Who would support Lennox? I would assume only his attorney who stands to gain much from representing and defending him.
I hope the government will win this case and Lennox will have to pay millions of dollars. You support him? You will help pay his exorbitant bills. Put your money where your mouth and fingers are. Commence saving your few dollars.
politics is so fascinating and mysterious; cannot explain it better. Like an addiction. It makes us laugh, it makes us cry, it sometimes makes “us” stupid, and last but not least, it makes some MAD.
You DUMMYS are really sik this is ta chance for big mouth Linton and his gang of Sots to expose. I fedup of mister giving the country a bad name. NOW PROVE THE PRIME MINISTER IS SELLING DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT. Why IS EVERYBODY IN WORKERS PARTY VEX? isn’t that what he have been saying?
I love that move my PM you have a reputation to protect and a country to run. If a man is telling the truth of such a serious crime being done by the PRIME MINISTER. WHY ARE YOU SCARED OF THE COURT?
You can scream it out to a band of illiterates but you cannot say it where it matters. This is what I cannot stand with these people ALL TALK NO BITE. You accuse the Prime Minister of an crimes against the UN and Money Laundering, Theft etc. Now is time to go to court. All Dominicans want to run their mouth.
So long you saying government though want case to call. But they always suing you.
Lennox go sitdown you and those tahbeh that following you. see you in court.
Does it hurt to be so stupid?
He is not the one giving or selling the passports to those criminals,so he is not the one giving Dominica the bad name.. GO TO SCHOOL!
Hello and good morning my people. Hi don’t get carried away because it’s a very simple issue and the Prime Minister should have the answer to a simple question that Mr Linton asked. Please tell us how many Passports that were sold, to whom and the amount of funds generated. Why a Canadian Bank is refusing to release Twenty Million Dollars of the CBI funds . The Prime Minister is also the Finance Minister therefore he should know about our country finance,ect, Taxes collected, Loans,Grants and Foreign Aid .
Linton is also the PAC Public Accounts Committee leader he has all access to Government accounts as the opposition leader. Every month the Gazette has all the information as it relates to passport sales.
Canadian Bank is refusing to release ..lmaoooooo.dread u must be the biggest fool. Banks don’t seize funds unless they have strong case of Laundering very Strong and even then seizing the funds is a procedure.
If they suspect money is laundered funds they simply don’t take it on Entry. In the event its an online transactions it gets sent back especially if its a wire. so tell Linton Explain.
Remember his audience is not only Illiterates like you. Educate yourself on these matters and people wouldn’t tell you nonsense.
Sometimes I wonder wasn’t that same Lennox Linton that went after Skerrit to return money that belonged to the Dominican Treasury and won and do you remember the excuse that Skerrit gave to the Dominican people, if you forget ask him.
All that tony is going to come to the END
As long as Tony can continue to have Dominican tax payer pay him to defend one man he will be going to the bank smiling.
My advice to u Skeritt is to SUE until u can SUE no more. . U should seek forgiveness n come clean with the people. , That’s the issue right here.
I find it funny that the opposition keeps being sued for opposing, and so many people in our beautiful land see nothing wrong with that. Wake up people, what are we without an opposition? Stop thinking of party and put things in their rightful place.
Tony Astaphan aka The Donald Duck Trump of Dominica!!
We must not allow these baseless lawsuits to deter us seeking transparency and holding this regime accountable for their lawlessness and betrayal of the Domincan people. Accusing the opposition of attempting to overthrow the Government, is a serious accusation and meets the threshold for libel. I hope Linton countersues for libel.
Hello and good morning my people. Well Mr Prime Minister just remember you will be crossed examined while under Oath by Mr Linton Attorney and he will asked you if your administration sold Dominica Passports. Then they will asked you how many, to whom they were sold and how much each passport cost. They will asked you what you did with the funds generated from the sale of our passports and who in your administration benefited financially. Also can you tell the nation in which bank the funds are kept or is it part of the general treasury funds. Just remember it’s difficult to tell a perfect lie so be prepared to be on the stand for three or more days.
Lennox will have to produce his evidence and will also be cross-examined.
The Court already knows what Lennox did on Tuesday afternoon and evening which were pre-planned. His further troubles, through his doing are just beginning.
Do not waste your time to defend Lennox. Do not simply talk/comment. You should help him pay for his legal bills.
Go ask the PM why did he go to Greece
You seem to forgot The PM was on the witness stand in the BVI case representing Dominica, he spent a whole day in the witness box after the case, the judge praised The PM for being an honorable witness. Why are you rushing to judgment, are you not worried about Linton.
Why are you so focused on The PM, what about Linton when he takes the stand, the allegations he made, he has to give evidence to support these allegations, are you not worried about that, well that’s where we all get to see how a perfect lie is torn apart.
To: Gary
Hello and good evening my people. Mr Linton is being sued by the Prime Minister and when he takes the stand all he have to do is say. Yes I did accused the Government of Dominica of selling our passports under the CBI program and that certain individual was arrested for violating the United Nation sanctions and for money laundering. He will then asked the Court to have the Prime Minister provide to the Court the name of everyone who participated in the CBI program and to show the Court the businesses they established in Dominica.
There we have a comment that is spoken with “truth” but there is 1-8 thumbs rating, with so many people not adhering to the truth, just because it doesn’t suit their acceptance–imagine how much of the lies which have plagued their minds–continuously producing futility, darkness, and death–good Lord!
I wish everyone could read my comments.
Today a news personality asked me what’s happening to my country and for the first time I felt so ashamed to be called Dominican. I do not care for politics on either side. What I do care about is the damage that is being done. This stuff is all over the international news and I do not understand why the ignorant souls think that they are doing the country any good with the promotion of this craziness. NEGATIVE PUBLICITY IS NOT WHAT DOMINICA NEEDS.
I am so taken aback with the level of ignorance coming from so many persons. My goodness…if you are uneducated, keep quiet. If you are educated speak, but speak positive things. Truly a man’s words are a reflection of himself. The world is reading what you write and you should care. Try to build up rather than break down.
With that said, I also know that the ‘end times’ is near (keep up with world news). I believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason and it’s part of the process.
I am still proud to be a D/can. Why? Another reason is because I have done no harm to anyone in Dominica. As the saying, I stand tall and proud.
Every country in the world has its problems and against evildoers. If someone asked me about what is occurring in Dominica, I will simply state, “There are troublemakers in D/ca and no country is devoid of them.”
The process is also, either salvation or condemnation. Christians are to stand up for good and not for evil.
God rewards the good and punishes the wicked. He will not reward anyone for doing evil and harming others. OK! You should know that.
@The Truth Be Told February 10, 2017
That is one of the nicest comments I have read from you–you have spoken well; and it is my sentiment just the same.
When you say quote, “This stuff is all over the international news” what do you mean by stuff, be more specific. A part from the CBS interview with Linton, what other international news media are you talking about, blogs and online commodity news outlets are not classified as international news media organizations.Why do you want to keep the uneducated quiet, are they not human beings and part of society, are they to be used only on polling day, demonstrations and political gatherings to satisfy politicians agenda, such thing is called exploitation.
As to the educated, start with your self, guess you would be considered an educated person. What you have written, can you say that this is a positive message to your fellow Dominicans.What end times are you referring to, are you a preacher. Yes, everything happens for a reason to teach us something, it’s nature’s way of imparting knowledge and understanding to us.
@Really Concerned February 10, 2017
What is in this comment of yours that others have not read? Your level of stupidity?
If you are ashamed to identify yourself as a Dominican, that is your choice and yours alone–the majority of Dominicans are proud of the country, because they love her; but we are furious with those who are trying their to break her down–that is what you should be concerned about –you are the one who needs to be quiet; for you are making things sound worse not better.
This political fight stinks of foreign involvement. It’s a common practice for many large countries to pray on small ones by inciting government overthrows either with truth or fabrications. The other rout is to get your country in so much debt that you are forced to do what the powers that be tell you. Find out the truth about the CBI sales and where the money went but be careful how you proceed because my bet is that much of this is smoke and mirrors. You have a beautiful country with happy and inviting people don’t tear yourselves down with hate and violence only to be used a pawns.
Linton must be well funded. He seems to have a knack for attracting lawsuits. Only people with deep pockets are so reckless with their accusations.
You can say that again.
Me? I love myself and well-being. I like a peaceful life. I am not a troublemaker. I do not like trouble or to instigate trouble. I stay far away from trouble and run away from it, once I sense it. With the help of God I know how to handle trouble.
While we must stand up for our rights, what Linton did was uncalled for and by no means justified. It was not his right to consistently tarnish the PM’s name publicly and all over the world, including Dominica’s name. He has done great harm to himself, to Dominica and its nationals. There are discreet and dignified ways of handling one’s concern, whether they are angry or not. Lennox needs to learn good communication skills and how to interact and get along with others.
If he is a Christian, he should know God’s Ten Commandments, one of which is:
The Eighth Commandment – Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor.
Christians know our neighbor is any human being.
Linton is by no means a Christian, other wise his mentality would not be so dark, evil, and wicked.
A Christian is someone who demonstrates Light to his or her environment, City, Country, or the World for that matter–this Light is seen in their ways of Love; Lennox Linton is not capable of doing that
You have it wrong it takes someone who is not well to behaving is such a manner that shows he just don’t care about the constituency, now that’s something you should be concern about.
We have some of the finest oil tankers in the world boy but unfortunately though they are ours, we have never seen them. Where are our ships? Please don’t sue me for asking for my ship
This one is under arrest with 18 crew members. Hope is not 18 ministers: https://www.fleetmon.com/vessels/swift_9129213_60403/
TEhbeh they not our ship its called ” Flag of convenience (FOC) is a business practice whereby a merchant ship is registered in a country other than that of the ship’s owners, and the ship flies that country’s civil ensign. Owners of a ship may register the ship under a flag of convenience to reduce operating costs or avoid the regulations of the owner’s country.
do u think that is right and more importantly, does that not strengthen Linton case about the corruption going on.
Since you are so interested, go and find them for us.
We, the People, have been waiting for the presentation of the facts, evidence, proof, and truth of all of these allegations for so long but the clock just keeps on ticking and we are still being fed destructive and insidious hearsay and innuendos.
So, if it will take a lawsuit to bring out the truth, so be it. We THE PEOPLE need the truth, facts, and evidence that Skerro has done all the naughty things that have been alledged over the past (say) three years.
Let’s go!!
I pray my sweet Dominica is not going down the road I see they are going down; Ill lay it out and you decide:
1. A society where the Government employs and pays the salary of over 80% of the working class.
2. A society where the press is intimidated and thereby silenced by lawsuits from the government
3. A society where the general population lives in fear of the police. A force that does nothing to rain in the actions of their officers. Where officers go about expecting law abiding citizens to fear them.
4. A Caribbean country represented in the winter Olympics by individuals in possession of Dominican passports.
5. A country where the people are blinded by a less than 15 mile stretch of freshly paved stretch of road right before elections.
6. A “step Down” education system where students are moved through the system like an assembly line.
7. Labor is imported to do government projects while Dominicans stand and watch.
I can go on but I’m out of space here. Wake up open…
Dominica did not go down the road in the past and during the uprising prior to Independence and after. Dominica will survive as always. It also depends on patriotic nationals who will take an interest in their country, help it to grow and progress and not condone violence and other evil actions.
Why does the guy to the extreme right, all in white, the puppet master; have that Monfared gaze?
Linton, I hope you sue them right back for all the accusations and libel and threats and slander.
Skero done set himself up and all his followers are just like rats following the pied piper. Soon you all will end up krananah.
If I was Mr. Linton, I would not pay neither Skeritt nor Tony any attention. What does them fellers expect to gain from all the law suits that are being thrown at Mr. Linton and the UWP. Its either to shut him up, or get him more popular. Mr. Linton is approximately sixty seven years old, judging on cases such as those of Thompson Fontaine, G. O. N. Emanuel, previously, Lennox Linton, the UWP, to name a few which has been sitting in the courts for years, by the time this present case and appeals come around, Mr. Linton, if still alive,will be in his eighties. Skeritt himself might be in his seventies. We will have a new generation of Dominicans. I dont believe this new generation will be interesting in listening to two old men fighting each other in court about who said what about each other. I wondered whether they will be physically fit to climb the steps of the courts. All these sues are merely a distraction and tryng to gather sympathy from his DLP base.
I ‘m amazed by the nonsense you write. When you say quote “If I was Mr. Linton, I would not pay neither Skeritt nor Tony any attention” do you know how silly you sound, it’s easy to say such thing since you’re not in his shoes, is this the advice you are giving to Linton. I will tell you what is at stake in this lawsuit,to find the truth, and to know who is dishonest deceiving a populace. isn’t that what you want, here is the opportunity for the country to know the truth and you are shying away from it, what a shame.How can you say such a lawsuit is an attempt to shut Linton up, was Kieron Pinard – Byrne lawsuit an attempt to shut Linton up.
Why the ludicrous assumptions regarding the prolongation of the the lawsuit before it comes to a trial date.There is something called a legacy, wouldn’t
that be good knowing The PM left office with a legacy of honesty and integrity.Time is a precious thing, but the truth is more precious than time.
I stated in an earlier article that Roosevelt Skerrit EMPIRE is nearing its end, and that is very soon. There are a lot of wrong things talking place inside the Government of Dominica. Roosevelt Skerrit is the chief accounting officer of the Government and he should be held accountable for every thing that is done wrong. what is strange to me Skerrit does not want any body to speak about the wrong things that are taking place inside the government, any body who open their mouth and speak out will be threaten or Tony Astaphan will file a law suit or he will used the police to silence you. I am afraid that with all what is going on Dominica will soon become a “STATE OF BLOOD” under this oppressive regime. Know for a fact Skerrit that will not stop us. Where there is Corruption we will cry out, where there is fowl we will cry out, When we cannot take it no more we will match, we will protest until the whistle blow on you. We are not afraid of your law suit, the police and Tony…
Do know what it is to own an Empire. Why are you ignorant about your Government, The PM who heads the Ministry of Finance is not the chief accounting officer, The financial Secretary and the Auditor General are the country chief accounting officers.They sign the checks of the country and make sure that the Government financial affairs are properly managed. If you are ignorant of such matters why should you be taken seriously for the allegations you are making about the Government and The PM.
Counter sue Lennox.
Lemnox countee sue and ask for statements detailing income and expendiure aboyt the CBI Program.
Linton must always keep in mind he is not the Prime Minister of Dominica. Many times he exceeded his position as opposition leader, always in a disagreeable, fighting spirit as if always on the warpath. How much can he counter-sue and ask for as you mentioned?
Lennox would have done well to see about the affairs of the Marigot people who voted for him. What has he done for them? He has been too concerned about the PM, putting his mouth in what which does not concern him.
I am natural so I have nothing to lose. A man with no honour and principle is as good as dead.I attended college, hold my certifications I am proud of. I am not going to sit and discuss with a man with no certification, I will tell you, I will pay for a drink for you and leave. This is what is at stake here.Mr. PM they cannot take what you learn away from you. The PM IS RIGHT HOLD YOUR GROUNDS. If you have to leave the office they cannot take away your two arms
Your certificate means absolutely nothing but would you be able to debate Linton. Trump just got elected in the USA and already they are taking about “impreachment” so you should think about that , …………………..
Mr. PM, As an educator to you as a former educator, I am imploring you not to go in that direction. Please do not take any decision that will represent itself as an attack on freedom of speech, one of the most fundamental pinnacles of the democratic process. Your advisors have led you to this point, and you should return to the person you were, the person you have been before being negatively influenced by people who do not hold the same disposition you had as a young man. In politics you should expected to be attacked and criticized. But if you as the PM undertake this path towards litigation, then how different would you be from those you criticize? What do you expect to benefit by engaging in this law suit? It would serve to even divide the country more that it already has been polarized. Are you going to walk above the fray, or walk in the same platform of those you criticize.
But for.years he has tried that..denying these allegation. After repeated requests to cease and desist Linton et al continued. I believe he has taken the most logical course, which is to get the third arm of the constitution to intervene. Present your evidence or forever keep the peace. I would do the same if my name was continually sullied.
I am a Dominican who’s been living in the US for over 20 years. I don’t know much about the laws in Dominica so maybe someone can help me out. Can the citizens of Dominica file a lawsuit against the prime minister to give an account for the money received from the sale of passports? Can the citizens of DA even sue the prime minister? If so, why has there not been a lawsuit brought forth yet? Is it because the citizens can’t afford the lawyers, or is it because of fear of reprisal? It seems to me that Dominican citizens should have an advocate to protect their interests.
People have rights. There are Dominicans who are not interested in that. Their mind is not low, negative and suspicious. Should they be suspicious and even talk about it, they prefer leaving it up to time and God.
Whenever people file a claim, it is imperative that they produce evidence. You cannot go before the Court and say, I suspect and the likes, for the case will be thrown out of Court.
You must have concrete evidence to corroborate your suspicion that the defense cannot argue about. Courts do not operate on feelings and suspicions.
Those who file a claim and lose must pay the Court and defendant’s costs.
There are times people should see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. If it harms no one, they could pretend that they know nothing and pray to God. In time, “Everything works for good to those who love God.” Holy Scripture. In other words, it is better to leave well alone and live a peaceful life. God takes care of everything in His time.
Well done. It was time to put s stop that nonsense. Let them pay for their lying tongue, and destroying the name of Dominica, and our Prime Minister.
I suppose if Tony, feel that suit after suit will make Linton kneel. He is mistaken. Liston counter sue.
Some of you twist and turn comments, meaning of which is not at all apparent. It depends on your mentality.
It is not a matter of making Linton kneel. Who said they want Linton to kneel? Your comment is stupidity. You evade the reason why Linton is sued. In your little, narrow eyes and brains you do not view Linton’s words are malicious and defamatory.
Lennox is your king. You see no wrong in him because you support him. As I always state, people as you are bias to the bone.
Some dominicans are really absent minded and it amazes me. Then y’all will cry the country is going nowhere, when all you do is bring down others! Ignorant fools! Get your acts together. Stop relying on the government for every little thing, then when they fail to comply blame them! Try getting establishments to settle in and stop depending on hand me downs! SMH everything cannot be the fault of the leader or political party!
They need to learn that. They can do much for Dominica but they rather criticize. I will give them Hell for that.
I’m a tourist. This is my opinion:
Dominica is a beautiful country with people of beautiful hearts. But look at who the government allies itself with: China, Cuba, Venezuela – all the corrupt countries. Cheap, low-quality products and service. They should ally with the successful countries (US, Europe).
Learn from Spain! They didn’t have much to offer except the beauty of their country, so they became the best service-oriented countey im the world. Dominica could boom with tourism under the right leadership. Tourism can be a primary source of national income, and that could be invested into fuether tourism and your future generations. Instead the government charges 4x% tax on imported goods to pay government. In other words, indirectly taxing its own citizens because it cant find better ways for growth.
We in Canada have many products, made in China. Walmart is a store which also sells them. They are cheaper and Canadians prefer them. Some of them are good. Local products are more expensive and not always better.
Our computers, keyboard, etc., are made in China.
For some years, our phone, internet and TV Providers outsourced to foreign countries. Our government allowed it. When I found out I wrote my MP about it; a lengthy letter too and about loss of Canadian jobs.
You have no idea how my blood boils when I call a Provider and find out I am speaking to someone in India, Manila, Costa Rica and San Salvador. I try to be patient.
If the US and other countries as Europe helped the islands as D/ca, these countries would not be helping it.
You must also understand that a previous government vied for Statehood and Independence when D/ca was nowhere ready to be independent.
You are not a D/can, past and present, therefore, comprehend Dominica’s situation.
We were once strong allies with US and UK, but now they are no longer interested. We are no longer their colonies (UK), or cold war era security concerns (US), so they moved on to more beneficial partners. Thus we also had to find more sympathetic nations to our challenges…other third world countries. And mind you, China is one of the largest economies. We are better off as friends. You should ask questions why, before you jump outta urself
You forgot Libya and Azerbaijan, both countries visited by Skerrit, and Morocco. Don’t forget Morocco where Skerrit signed away our support for the African freedom fighters of the W. Sahara for a free meal and some bags of fertilizer to bribe people back home. That support was there since our independence , under labour , freedom Uwp regardless. And don’t forget Nanthan, who was made Ambassador of Libya and Morocco by Skerrit and now he is Ambassador at large as well, very large, and V.P of West Indies cricket and head of the CBI unit, appointed by Skerrit without qualifications. We have a rogue government, not even a government really but a clique of a few privileged operators, who don’t even tell their fellow ministers what is really going on. I am a Dominican and now have to hide my face in shame.
Letter before action must now be received by Gabriel Christian . Josh Shaw ,Clayton Shillingford, Louis Robinson ,Shewlie Allen and the other attackers from the diasporan mephuis pool must be kept under constant vigilance for future proceedings.
You are indeed an enfant diable, a devil’s child. May god have mercy on you.
These are also the ones who contribute to disunity and lack of peace in Dominica. Shame on them especially Clayton Shillingford. I did not expect that of him.
You are real Infant and probably wearing the labour Party`s Diable outfit. Well it is does not fit, take it out, you are being used, because Your name may or seem to fit your thinking and description of things. The names of the people you have just mentioned are genuine patriots among others with pen names. You seem to be supporting and promoting a failed and corrupt PM and devious, unprofessional Labour government in the past 10 years have brutalised, corrupt, impoverished our dear nature isle Dominica and you are so blind to see the obvious your only choice is to address and attack people of great repute, and knowledge. It is the same reason why Skerrit is where he is today, that is positioned to a corner as an Illiterate little boy politician pulled about by the likes of Tony Astaphan like a puppet on a screen.
My advice to you is get out, like many of us, from this corrupt Labour gang. Whatever your status is , I don’t know, but please go get a life. these guys don’t care about…
Another idiot! Poor Dominica!
I am referring the enfant diable. A very suitable name at that.
Linton came into the ring and cost you 3 parliamentary seats!
That’s a fact! The truth neither you nor tony astaphan can erase! !!!
De court is tony game.
You hiding under his coat!
Lennoxx will take more seats from you!
We who were following Linton not in De cell.
You mean you really thought that we would have storm De financial center. …go up to your office. ….drag you out in De street?
You actually believe that?
You scared of us then!
We have come a long way from “go to hell “.
Now you afraid of us.
EEverybody’X’ important.
De little x I make giving you power.
When I take back my x your knees shaking!
Suing Linton and q95 only serves to expose your cowardice.
You scared to sue Batchelor and Rijock!
UWP supporters are stroking their Leader ego making him make the type of outrageous mistakes he does. Listening his radio show, before he was a MP and callers him refer to him as honourable, he seemed to liked that. Some call him PM and he seemed to like even more. He likes praise and cannot seem to take criticism and his members feeds that ego.
dissident, today in the US a News Anchor said that the Vice President had to cast a vote so the the Attorney General could be confirmed because apparently some members including some Republicans voted against him because there was a tie and what does that say of the slim victory he asked his guest. He answered the Atty General will still be called the Attorney General because that is what he now is regardless.
My point is the UWP under Linton got 3 additional seats good; however; in the end the UWP still lost 4 elections in a row. He was not there to win 3 seats he was there to win the elections. The PM and DLP won.