Police destroy over 3,000 ganja trees

Not the actual ganja destroy
Not the actual ganja destroy

The police have destroyed 3,538 fully grown cannabis plants during a drug eradication exercise.

The operation took place on July, 14, 2016, in the heights of Grand Coulibrie, according to reports from police PRO, Acting Inspector Pellam Jno Baptiste.

He said the trees were destroyed by a team comprising members of the Drug Squad, Task Force, and Special Service Unit (SSU).

No arrests were made.

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  1. The Caribbean on puppet strings
    July 24, 2016

    I wish the Caribbean would wake up. This was a means enforced on us by the higher powers in order to push their own agenda. They know the benefits of the herb but mind control is key. So they put the synthetic stuff on the street, send the young people crazy so they can have reason to support their claim. Meanwhile we’re destroying the real stuff. Soon there’ll only be access to synthetic marijuana- the stuff that has the majority coocoo.

  2. July 23, 2016

    meantime AMERICANS are getting rich with LAB GROWN weed…. NO VISION.

  3. Reasoning
    July 23, 2016

    :twisted: :?: Dominican men smoke and drink too much alcohol! From early morning one of the first thing they do is smoke and lazy around,always hanging out on blocks! The young men look dumb,dirty,untidy and old with too much smoke in their head,no wonder they are not enlightened! Can hardly find a young decent man in Dominica! I’m always up early in the morning and the first thing i see the young men gets involved with,is smoking and hanging out on the streets! Their behaviour and language stinks! Nowadays you are most likely to see a young man with his pants dropping down his butt,dirty white vest or without shirt, scissors, wrapper and marijuana not to forget some nasty music in their possession instead of productive tools to work. No wonder the island is in a state of disrepair with a rogue government at the helm!

  4. when marijuana plants become forestguards& Denizens
    July 22, 2016

    There was no smoke this time. Farmers always know. We had 1/2 Million in cocaine in GB then Layou ganja, then GB x2 b4 & after those mention etc How did the burning take place if it ever took place. REV might tell us DA has incinerators Was there smoke Denizen in the forest? Can any farmer or Forester /forest guard tell us not only if there was smoke or was it the devil’s work for real.
    P.S Not the actual ganja destroy
    there is no smoke without fire it is often said old adage or not.

  5. The Believer
    July 22, 2016

    GARDEN OF EDEN! Out of all the fruits you shall enjoy except for that t from that one tree. If you use the fruit from that tree you shall surely die. Satan said to eve if you eat from this tree you will have the same power as god. Unless you believe in god you will never find happiness. THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT.

  6. July 22, 2016


    Right along with poison ivy , poison oak, poison hemlock, and magic mushrooms.

    What nation is a better place to live because of the “herb”? Oh, you mean Jamaica? They come to Canada, smoke the weed here, break the law, get arrested, and deported.

    Oh, my! Not much healing here.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  7. ArAb
    July 22, 2016

    Is time we start looking to export. I know that we will start one day after all other Caribbean countries already in the game. Let us stop follow and let us lead.

  8. Trigger
    July 22, 2016

    If the ganja farmers stop planting marijuana the police in Dominica will have nothing else to arrest people for. Lol

  9. dissident
    July 22, 2016

    Hip hip hooray!
    Give de commissioner a lollipop!!

    • Factoid
      July 22, 2016

      Let’s make a marijuana lollipop. He might like it and get hooked. next thing the entire CDPF become hooked what a situation we will have. Pushers will not have their supply taken away in Psuedo- drug eradication exercise.

    • when plants bc forests
      July 22, 2016

      Lol Tell that to the Denizen who just posted. I don’t get it .He keeps adding his 5 cent piece into our national affairs. Just enjoy ur stay denizen and stop interfering plain and simple .He just don’t get. Pas mele ‘ en zafeair nous.

  10. Factoid
    July 22, 2016

    The police have ALLEDGEDLY. destroyed 3,538 fully grown cannabis plants during a drug eradication exercise. Important 2 note : Not the actual ganja destroy
    :) :) :) :) :) :)
    where’s the actual one??.Everyone’s trying something 2 make $ teachers, politicians, lawyers,Haitians cousels Sr.,Jr or intermediate. be it by way of : children’s savings@ schools in the East, passport sales( politicians ,Lawyers supporters of the Neo-DLP) selling agri-produce without land/never cultivated a lettuce head but selling in the local market, reader add yours. I wonder if produce ends up in Philly,PA USA? Any DA resident in Philly can chime in .

    • July 22, 2016

      Exactly what are you trying to say :?:

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Factoid ReV
        July 24, 2016

        Exactly what are you trying to say :?: – response to Rev . smoke all urs already maybe still do with Ur Ja buddies u mal parlaying lol Rev mal palant!

  11. King
    July 22, 2016

    I thought agriculture was suffering :twisted:

  12. papa
    July 22, 2016

    That is news it’s god natural plant so go and destroy all flower plant to

    • unknown
      July 22, 2016

      Natural by God does not mean legal or beneficial to society. A lot of mushrooms and plants which can kill are made by God . Would you take them because they natural ?

      • July 22, 2016

        Excellent point :!:

        For example magic mushrooms.

        Other mushrooms are deadly.

        Here is another point for those who understand their Bibles.

        What was originally natural and was good when it was created now after the fall may not be “good” even though it is still natural.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • July 23, 2016

        No, but in many cases the only difference between a poison and a medicine is the dosage. There are many plants that are poisonous to eat straight that can prove beneficial once we use our reasoning to understand them, cassava being the most obvious example.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      There are edible plants and non-edible ones just as animals. If they are planting illegal ones, they must be destroyed. Too bad no one was caught.
      They call it medicinal plant. They have yet to heal their pain, restore their health and keep them alive, forever.

  13. July 22, 2016

    The is best mission the gov’t is putting in place against a herb which is made by God…yet when the planters are arrested they are charged very large sums of money to help the political institution to pay nurses polices and politicians ,no other major investments are made to help the economy..now every after people lock up the homes ,they are broken into because that’s the best outcome for them to survive..if marijuana planters stop planting what else will the police get to do? I have the some of the answer;play dominoes,cook ,party ,invite mistresses to the police station and have children in every village they work in…legalize marijuana because if the gov’t cannot help people by investing to create jobs let them help themselves…

    • unknown
      July 22, 2016

      Made by God doesn’t mean it is meant to be abuse . Marijuana has its medical purposes but taken excessive can cause effects on the brain and the nervous system . educate yourself before talking ,my brethren

      • tay
        July 22, 2016

        Educate yourself first sir. I know couple of doctors here I went to school with currently working at the ppmh and weed was like their breakfast lunch and dinner. ..I guess the weed mash up their brains that’s why they are doctors now..U just talk based on what u read. Those who smoke know their experience..well there are others who blame it for their bad behavior

      • Bless
        July 22, 2016

        Agreed but every day the truth keeps unfolding and it now proves that marijuana has way more medical purposes than the negative effects. Why not talk about morphine and the higher level of drugs that a placed in the pills which is prescribed by a doctor and we buy legally. Take a look at the amount of side effect these drugs have which are all man made and then we say we have respect for god but none for his creation? What form of respect is that

      • mr sir
        July 23, 2016

        like all things done excessively. It is better to preach moderation. Y dont u call for the banning of alcohol. It has far worse impacts both short term and long term on the human body with no medical benefits whatsoever. Do you kno fully of the effects that marijuana has on the brain. Brethren you need to educate yourself. Legalize it. Has been legalized in countries and has there been any increase in phsycologically related admissions. No. So what are you basing ur knowledge on.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      Human beings are created by God. Look at how some of them have turned out to be. Food for thought.

  14. STAR
    July 22, 2016


  15. July 22, 2016

    the government need to cut all the soursop trees and the cemecotway bush also ,.just saying stups. when are we as DOM-inicans gonna take care of our own destiny and stop being a follower, and be a leader in our own little Island and lead the way and be a show piece as a leading Caribbean Island. alcohol is killing people by numbers ,when last did the police raided a bar selling alcohol? It is time the legislators have a serious discussion on the issue on legalizing the herb .

  16. July 21, 2016

    “The police have destroyed 3,538 cannabis trees…”

    “The trees were destroyed…”

    What was done to the trees?

    Please note the word “destroyed”.

    This answers the question for those who say otherwise :!:

    This comes from trustworthy sources. Many reliable witnesses know the trees were destroyed.

    Let them continue to destroy the works of the devil.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Trigger
      July 22, 2016

      Your pagan religion is the devil.

      • July 22, 2016


        Are you talking to the Rasta priest who got high on weed and said he was going to sail to Africa in the white man’s blood?

        There is nothing about my religion that would cause anybody to mistake it for “pagan”. This has never happened before.

        Is this why you don’t use your name?

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

        And sorry – but there is no substance in your comment.

      • Tell the Facts
        July 22, 2016

        And what is yours? The pot calling the kettle black. The pagans are the ones who do not recognize God. Therefore, you are one of them. Do not take from yourself and place it on another. We know better. God knows best.

    • July 22, 2016

      “Let them continue to destroy the works of the devil.”

      In Genesis, the Bible itself says the opposite.

      • when plants bc forests
        July 22, 2016

        Did the devil himself or de denizen just post that?

      • Tell the Facts
        July 22, 2016

        I think you have it all wrong. You should explain yourself further.

      • July 22, 2016

        After creation God said every thing He had made was good including every herb of the field.

        But after the fall God said the earth was cursed because of man’s sin. The earth produce is not now all suited for human consumption. Some of what was called “herbs” is now referred to as “weeds”.

        Please compare

        Genesis 1:11-12 with Genesis 3:17-18.

        The works of the devil are things that take people away from God and and lead to destruction. After creation in God’s perfect world there were none of these things. After the fall which resulted in the curse the works of the devil began to appear. Drug abuse is only one of these things so, yes – 3,538 gaja trees ready for illegal sale were a works of the devil. They would have been smoked and the harm done to minds and bodies would have have been forthcoming.

        There is nothing in Genesis that justifies this.

        So I say let the police destroy the works of the devil :!:

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Agriculture 101
      July 22, 2016

      Rev. Donald Hill, D.D. you don’t fail to amuse us at home and away from home. Lol hahahahahahahah not even if some tickles me under my platt pie do I laugh so hard than when U write.
      Commonsense Rev would indicate they are no longer trees lol! U Rev must check Botany 101 or ask JSt.Jean when a tree stops being a true. he is a trained agriculturist currently planting Nada/Niet/Rien enyee! but he knows when a tree is no longer a tree.
      Rev a tree can become compose, and in the current situation turned into smoke.
      LMAO REV.

      • July 24, 2016

        So a tree becomes no longer a tree?

        Then I suppose you could say it WAS a tree.

        What different does it make?

        What does this have to do with anything I wrote?

        None of what you say proves wrong or nullifies a single statement in my comment OR makes it less harmful to smoke or eat the leaves from what use to be a tree which is no longer a tree.

        Fifty percent 50% of those who smoke the leaves from what use to be tobacco plants will die from a disease caused by smoke from leaves of what use to be tobacco plants.

        People with no facts on their side are not capable of debate because they have no way of using logic. They resort to writing nonsense and saying how hard the facts make them laugh but they get a failing grade.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • July 23, 2016

      Rev of deception……………….

    • July 24, 2016

      20 THUMBS DOWN :!:

      You weed sucking left wing kooks really outdid yourselves this time.

      As always you were not able to show me one single statement I made that was incorrect.

      All you were capable of doing was to get one finger on the Thumbs Down button!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, Evangelist. Diploma in Drug Studies.

      • Factoid ReV
        July 24, 2016

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, Evangelist. Diploma in Drug Studies & a Msc is stupidity
        what J/cian coming to Canada & smoking their weed have to do with the price of tea in China Rev?ReV you are so dumb I honestly feel U should be deported for ur stupidity

        Diploma my big toe! man u probably on medical and recreational marijuana ur self 4 ur prostate problems and ur asthma.

  17. July 21, 2016

    Good work :!:

    This is weed that will not reach your young people, the streets of other islands, or American or Canadian cities.

    It is also a lot of money that will not go into dealer’s pockets, or be used to buy “hard” drugs, illegal guns, or finance terrorism.

    Every major bust is a setback for the drug trade.

    The British philosopher and writer Edmund Burke years ago said “All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” Your police are doing something significant! You can to by reporting to them any illegal drug activity you become aware of. Don’t leave it for somebody else to do or it may not get done.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. 8)

    • Trigger
      July 22, 2016

      Smoking my ganja while reading my bible…..

      • July 22, 2016


        One man was using LSD and reading the Book of Revelation.

        The Beasts came alive! It really freaked him out!

        Best read the Word with a clear head.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Tell the Facts
        July 22, 2016

        Defier of all what is good. We shall say you have condemned yourself. One day you will experience it :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  18. 4dherbs
    July 21, 2016

    A waste of time. They will just grow more… Lol

    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      Let them keep exerting themselves and expending their energy to no good.

  19. nicole
    July 21, 2016

    Good job.

  20. Tell the Facts
    July 21, 2016

    Good job Police Drug Squad!
    These trees had to be growing on someone’s property. Obviously they were planted there. If they were, then the owner of the property should be held responsible for growing them.
    I speculate they grow them and then transport them to other countries by boat.
    A boat from another country could (also) travel to Dominica secretly to collect them.

    • July 22, 2016

      Fact instead of saying good job to the police, you should advise your king skerrit tovdo what the country you are residing in Canada did with the government of Jamaica sometime ago regarding the same ganja tree the fools/ so called police, ssu etc are destroying all over the place

      There will come a time when some of them will need the same ganja, Facts you should advise skerrit by telling him instead of selling Dominica and Dominica’s Passports to Criminals, Terrorists and all sorts of Mafias all over the Globe he need to legalize the Ganja and go out there get markets to buy it as Canada did with Jamaica so that the poor and oppressed in Dominica can take care of themselves and their children

      Also as you know a lot, stop speculating you know damn well how it is being transported out of Dominica, since one of your brothers for which I will not mention his name part of the drugs trade, Dominica is a small island, where people do not keep others secret ok facts, stop throwing…

      • Tell the Facts
        July 22, 2016

        Kenrick, you have your views. Do not address them to me. Simply respond to the comment and stick to the issue; do not deviate from it for your comment makes no sense. The law is the law and it is to be obeyed. Have respect.

      • July 23, 2016


        Do you have proof that your PM is “selling … … …Dominica’s Passports to criminals, terrorists and all sorts mafias all over the globe” :?:


        (1) If you have proof you should (you must) report this to your Chief of Police who must report it to your Minister of Justice or the Minister of Security, probably both.

        (2) If you do NOT have proof your PM could sue you and likely have you fined or maybe have you jailed through due process.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • July 23, 2016

      You are right about this.

      A “ground crew” gets the stuff ready during the day.

      A boat or boats come in the night and picks up the load, and away …

      Once a stretch of shoreline becomes known or comes under suspicion they move on to another area. So there is considerable moving to keep ahead of the authorities.

      None of the “farmers” were on hand when the police arrived? Makes you wonder …

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Rev's analyzer
        July 25, 2016

        Talking from direct experience Rev??? I often wonder!
        I once knew a guy who became convert he was doing his reading/preparations to be baptized.
        Now he was a pusher ( We are talking here about the early 70’s) So I knew like every other quanwant knew in our street he was the go2 man for herb. So one day/night under the street light- where we play games at nights 7×7 he was walking home after church/bible studies(Rev will know about the the 7.00 -10 p.m bible classes and all that occurs before during and after thos so called bible studies right Rev??) We confronted him with his contradictions. We told him he had a ” sac maiol ” of grass under his bed so if he’s so much of a Chrisitian why not dump the herb and stop sell? His response was when the bag is finish he will stop all this activity. The bag finish and he stopped ( we hope/trust he did) but the take home message= he made his money and a lot. Rev you are clear on that one right as you know about boats at nights lol

    • July 23, 2016

      he owner of the property is legally responsible right along with whoever is doing the growing (and his helpers) unless it is the same person.

      You are responsible for what you allow your land or building to be used for unless it is a rare situation where you had no way of knowing. But it is difficult in my country to get away with pleading ignorance in a court of law.

      It should be no problem for the police to find out who the owner of the land is and them find out who he is renting it to. Names, names, names! They could then close in on whoever is doing the farming and exporting :twisted: .

      I don’t know how it is in Dominica. But I expect there is a government office where the name of the property owner is registered. If I was in Dominica I would have it within a day. I have done it in Canada.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. Former licensed private investigator under the Province of Ontario,
      License Number 142306.

      • Rev's analyzer
        July 25, 2016

        Rev Hill knows too much about this herb thing. He cannot and we are asking him please don’t tell us he learned all these things from his Evangelist. .
        in there seems to be a lot of street smarts not obtain in the studies at school.
        We not buying that Diploma in Drug Studies stuff hahahahahahahah Rev just as Min Acting P.M Rayburn Blacksheep said old customs are no longer possible Rev. if you know what ah mean!
        I/we await your Diploma in Drug Studies response Rev.
        Are we to read it by tonight, this evening after work? We await your valuable , reasoning and Diploma in Drug Studies response.
        Cheers old chap!

  21. July 21, 2016

    fine, is this the best you can be? what about number of missing persons ? can we the public have an update on your efforts?

    • July 23, 2016

      Silver Bird:

      You have a right to ask for an update on missing persons. Even if there is nothing new to tell they should at least say so.

      However, it seems many of the DNO commentators do not understand that the police responsible for missing persons are not the ones responsible for drugs. Theses are two very different departments.

      It should not seem unreasonable that one department is doing better than the other. Each works under very different circumstances. The “drug cops” and the “missing persons cops” face altogether different challenges. I expect that both units are doing their best. But what we have here are two different ball games. Please don’t compare one with the other. Appreciate both!

      But by all means go after an update on the missing persons.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      Former Licensed Private Investigator (PI) under the Province of Ontario in Canada, License Number 142306

      • Rev contes b4 Creole festival 2016
        July 25, 2016

        woo papa met! U the man Rev.
        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.
        (2)Former Licensed Private Investigator (PI) under the Province of Ontario in Canada, License Number 142306
        (3) Diploma in Drug Studies
        Rev get one more then you can take away the crown from FET who has 4 degrees
        LMAO lol hahahahahahahaahhhahaha it’s fun to be on DNO.

      • Rev contes b4 Creole festival 2016
        July 25, 2016

        Rev the opposition which is obvious you do not support ,if you change ur mind can employ you as a private eye to investigate the drugs trade here the passport crisis etc ,etc you are more than qualified to hold a position of Drug passport sales and other crimes against the state with your credentials even if it a diploma lol ask Skerrit to hook you up in Canada to do the steps b4 the Phd is granted unto you like was to him lol!

  22. charles
    July 21, 2016

    you so called Christians continue to pay lip service to the word of the bible
    what do the bible say about in genesis 1vers 30? look it up to find out the police is fighting against the word of the bible.

    • July 22, 2016

      When the Bible says “every green herb for meat (food)” it is in the relative sense not the absolute sense.
      This refers to those plants obviously intended for food.

      Would you include tobacco in this argument? It was made by God before sin entered the world and the fall cursed and blighted creation. Now every year thousand of people in my country alone die from using tobacco in a way it was never intended to be used.

      Common sense tells us some plants are not meant to be ingested. What about poison ivy, poison oak, poison hemlock, and other plants which if taken in small measure have medicinal value but in larger amounts could be deadly? Some plants may have practical value not yet discovered but do not belong inside the body.

      Many people began experimenting with marijuana and graduated into cocaine or heroine use and some of these died of an overdose.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      With a name as yours. I am surprised you are not a Christian. Are you a fallen away one? Woe to you.
      Cease misinterpreting the Holy Bible. Too many are prone to doing that to suit their lifestyle and mentality. The Word of the Lord does not change; never will.

  23. Quaqua
    July 21, 2016

    Sad. What about thiefes?

  24. LPTMM
    July 21, 2016

    See them man waste their time destroying plants. What are you? Police officers or farmers?

    As a possible weed smoker myself, I may just start discarding my seeds in the dirt all over Roseau. Give them some gardening to do cause it seems like they enjoy wasting their time!

    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      It eats your heart out, eh? Good! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  25. lightbulb
    July 21, 2016

    that’s revenue lost.
    tax dem man
    rather burn the crop.

  26. I am Dominican are you?
    July 21, 2016

    Fools. Allu have nothing better to do. Go and arrests all the criminals in high places. You all know who they are. Chups.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      I am a law-abiding patriotic Dominican, are you? :lol: :lol: :lol:

  27. Vielle Neg
    July 21, 2016

    Its so easy to walk around and find trees to cut down and burn, why dont they go investigate and solve some real crimes, these guys are so inept all the can do i beat their chest when they burn couple trees, so what? the trees can always grow back, i want to know what they will do if ganja becomes legal.,

    • July 22, 2016

      If ganja becomes legal then they will arrest the pot heads that are loitering in the streets into the night hours high on weed, along with those who are driving under the influence, and those who get high and go on crime binges of violence and murder. They will arrest those who get stoned and commit sexual assault.

      They will arrest the dealers who use the money to buy illegal guns and “hard” drugs to sell. Many of the marijuana dealers also sell “hard” drugs and illegal guns. A “hard” drug dealer who also sells marijuana is easier to tract down because he is better known and more people are beating a path to his door.

      The police will have no lack of work!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Jon Jones
        July 22, 2016

        Maybe if the pot heads had a country with an economy they would have work to do they might just be productive citizens that would meet your approval.

        Why is cannabis oil being used to cure cancer? Do you know hemp was used and grown on most continents since antiquity? Dominica should be exporting this stuff or inviting researchers so that we can be at the front of a developing market rather that going round with a begging bowl.

        Do you realise that America’s war on drugs was primarly created to target the black and latino communities. Once legalization kicks in, it will be the big corporations that white men run who will make money from it unless we try to create a space for ourselves in the industry.

        Maybe you are part of the institutional propaganda we have been fed since slavery?

      • Melvin
        July 22, 2016

        Go and fight to remove all rum, beer, and tobacco from the country too………

    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      Wow! Some people are angry. :lol: The soil will, hopefully be eventually fertile for growing fruits and vegetables which are healthy for consumption. :lol:

  28. D/CAN in Bkly
    July 21, 2016

    Puff puff pass

    • July 22, 2016

      What an incredibly intelligent comment. Its a wonder DNO doesn’t give you your own column.

      By the way, which side of the debate is this comment on?

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Flatbush massive as groovy bat would say Sunday nights
      July 22, 2016

      Smoking away on Flatbush Ave or R U on Church Street maybe some where in Cyprus hill???
      Man like doh live in Carnasie.

    • LawieBawie
      July 22, 2016

      For me…..pass, pass, no puff thanks!!

  29. Nigel
    July 21, 2016

    why is there still a war on marijuana????

    • July 23, 2016

      Because fools are still growing, selling, buying, and smoking it. This is because they are people who don’t care about the hurt they cause others, and they will do anything for money or pleasure. These people – for the same reason – will traffic in illegal guns. That is why drug dealers are so often caught selling guns with no concern for human life.

      Because marijuana causes certain cancers, breathing problems, and damages the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning. It still causes long time smokers to suffer from lowers grades in school, and some to drop out of school. Because it sometimes results in users experimenting with cocaine and moving on to heroine. Because some of these will OD. :twisted:

      So the war continues because the right people still care.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Floridian
      July 23, 2016

      Totally agree

  30. July 21, 2016

    Why ? when are we gonna wake up and treat this for what it is , it is a herb , it is legal in almost all the states in Amerika we have serious
    crime happening in Dominica and nothing is being done about it, the police are sweeping it under the rug, people houses are being broken into and nothing is being done, the police know who the perpetrators are .

    • July 22, 2016

      “… the police know who the perpetrators are.”

      In this case you should talk to your Chief of Police.

      If he gives you the brush off you should talk to the editor of Dominica’s best newspaper and ask if do a story on it.

      But before you do any of this you must know what you are talking about and have evidence to prove what you say. For example you must be able to tell them WHOSE homes were broken into, etc. You must have proof that the police know who the perpetrators are, and “are sweeping it under the rug.”

      If what you say is true and you have all the evidence you need to back it up then go ahead. Blow them out of the water! Its your duty!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. 8)

  31. Reasoning
    July 21, 2016

    :mrgreen: Good! The people in that area must feel the blunt of the blow,they are the ones supporting and voting for the rogue government! Let them go to red clinic to beg the rogue prime mistake!!! :mrgreen:

    • July 23, 2016

      If the wrong man is in the PM’s Office this is a battle you should fight diplomatically and politically – now by petitions or in the next election at the ballot box.

      The insults, slander, and name calling (rogue prime mistake :mrgreen: ) are things you can do without, and they do nothing for the DNO screen!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • Reasoning
        July 24, 2016

        Reverse down hill dumb dum-in-ica; i am one of those who is fed up with people like you who likes to compromise with those who holds power by any means,because you all wanna be robbing shoulders with them and recognition.Man start praying and using all your energy to try removing this …….. rogue prime mistake!

  32. DomiChina
    July 21, 2016

    Food for thought

  33. troof
    July 21, 2016

    one day they will stop demonize the plant. their war not winning. it is evident in every village every town in Dominica. it will burn, like my comment or not it will burn. right next door the to financial center where PM office is they burning every morning. a block up and a block down from the police station it burning. every community it is used by many, some yuo would never ever expect to use it, it they that using it. When we could be processing it and battling cancer, we act like it is the worst thing sent from the devil and is evil it making people do. nonsense. IT is the blessed herb sent from God which hold a multitude of uses, medically, technologically, spiritually, economically. Keep destroying it like fools when it could be THE actual building block of the nation. now let hear the false propagandist run their reefer madness and old time rhetoric from thse who have never even used the herb. I remember once a senior police officer said it is evil and devil business. he drinks

  34. mystic man
    July 21, 2016


    • Tell the Facts
      July 22, 2016

      To make you dotish. That is a healing too when you do not know what is happening around you and you cannot recognize anyone. Admit it! This is what this illegal drug will do to you and others.

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