Police investigate money laundering case

ecThe police say they are investigating a case of money laundering in Dominica.

Police PRO, Inspector John Carbon, said the matter involves some EC $200,000.

“Three men are presently in police custody and are being questioned by the police,” he said.

He revealed that one female has been released pending further investigation.

Other persons are being sought as the investigation widens, according to Inspector Carbon.

Money laundering is the process of concealing the source of money obtained by illegal means.

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  1. ferbrese
    April 11, 2013

    one bloke that behind all that you know… he protecting all those real launderers and trying to embarrass a few others.

  2. April 11, 2013

    way papa bondie everday is a new story in this world and now is money landering the girl o greeedy.i sure they are young bo

  3. Sammy
    April 11, 2013

    Corruption must happen and will continue to happen. When the report not saying anything but money missing. but no names, no location, nothing, who are they kidding. Now look i reading that some numbers missing in the reported figure. So did someone steal from the amount that was stolen?

  4. Anonymous
    April 11, 2013

    bare badness……..

  5. curupted
    April 11, 2013

    all about her money

  6. curupted
    April 11, 2013

    she to greedy

  7. sweet
    April 11, 2013

    what is happening in this country? A seventeen 17 year should be concentrating on his academics? he is definitely working for someone? Police do yr work? why are these young people so greedy for material wealth? work hard

    • Justice and Truth
      April 11, 2013

      DNO has not posted that a 17 year old is involved. Where did you get this information from? I suppose that news travel in Dominica even faster than the Media. :) All the same we are all anxious to know more about it.

  8. Anonymous
    April 11, 2013

    free up on dem

  9. Louis Bernard
    April 11, 2013

    Prosecuting of money laundering requires special investigative techniques, evidence gathering, tracing the source of funds; special prosecutorial skills, that requires expert witnesses.
    It is interesting though that this is about EC$200,000.00.
    I would like to suggest to the police that they conduct their surveillance to collect as much evidence as possible before making any arrest. Do not make arrest then try to gather the evidence. These cases should include the IRD as part of the process, but a special task force from the IRD.

  10. good heart
    April 11, 2013

    that’s why Dominica can’t go no wear see what you all doing to some people trying to make a liveing and is still that same money that going to turn around in the country.you all want people to kill people leave them people alone you all making things worse for the country America doe care a shit about Dominica let them people go

    • Justice and Truth
      April 11, 2013

      Try writing better English language and its spelling. Your words have depicted that you are not an exemplary national and are on the side of criminals. It appears that you do not care about your country and if it goes down the drain and the way of criminals. Your comments are not impressive.

  11. Eagle eye
    April 11, 2013

    So a man can seek crab and build villas and how much big house and no investigation…but a man getting legit money is money laundering …..zou foo

    • Anonymous
      April 11, 2013

      no Eagle Eye, Is you dat foo to believe that the man get his house from crabs sakway crab in a barrel, doh grudge the man because when he was gwayaying working on boat and saving his money to take his loan you were seewoing. You also foo to think that the person money is legit but he had to be sending people to pick it up. Lazy people like you will always support crime. :mrgreen:

    • ...........
      April 11, 2013

      I support this comment for sure. I don’t support money laundering, but there are clear cases where you can see that this police force is a failed force, doing things upside down.The real thieves and criminals they are afraid of them.

      • ferbrese
        April 11, 2013

        the man did not get all what he have from crabs, it was just a statement used to state something, it was crabs he sold to give him a start.

        for example, if a man lend me a boat and i fish and sell and but a piece of land or something to make money and i keep on making money from that start i can say that it is the fish that gave me that money…

        but really and truely in those days crabs had money and anyone from porsy can tell you that this man worked hard and hustle.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 11, 2013

      What an ignorant comment! :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • April 23, 2013

      well said my dear,pure nonsense

  12. Justice and Truth
    April 10, 2013

    At this point there is not too much we could state about this case which is in the preliminary stages of only arrests and investigation. We are all curious to know more.
    However, if it is proven that the money was stolen, it should be returned to the place and/or person of origin. If it was procured through illegal means as drug trafficking, then the DA government should confiscate it.
    Another matter, are those who were arrested Dominican residents? Are they Dominicans who reside abroad? Are they non-Dominican nationals? If their conspirators are Dominicans then the Law should deal with them accordingly. Police authorities, we expect that you will fulfill your position and conduct a proper investigation into this matter. May it not be washed down the drain or placed under the table. Let justice prevail.

  13. TP
    April 10, 2013

    Dem PS404 would be a good place to start investigation oui

  14. sexy
    April 10, 2013

    southeast people :mrgreen:

    • mmm
      April 11, 2013

      And ur Point is……………………

  15. life
    April 10, 2013

    Stupes, that is money? Pffft. All that can do is build a one bedroom with no furniture cause money done. Things hard and Dominica expensive people have to eat

  16. truth offends
    April 10, 2013

    Mr.Pro John Carbon, I don’t quite understand money laundering is because you not giving information. Can you please allow the paid minister for information, Hon. Ambrose George tell us a little more on this matter since as minister he would have more information?

    • Justice and Truth
      April 12, 2013

      Everyone in the world who has heard the words “money laundering” should know the meaning.
      In simple terms, it is money procured by illegal means and transferred to a financial institution and/or to another country by illegal means, depositing it in a bank, trying to make the money appear as being legal and to disguise its illegal origins.
      For instance, if you deposited a certain amount of money as an exorbitant sum in a financial institution and your income is much less than this amount or that it was not from the sale of property which you owned and sold or that you did not win a lottery, the institution will become suspicious and has a right to question you about it.
      When you deposit such an amount, the Law is you are obligated to reveal the source of this money. If you are not able to do so, they will assume that it is “money laundering” which was procured by illegal means, as an example through theft or also drug trafficking. You will have to prove that it is not. If you can’t, you will be arrested and charged. The money will be seized. This is the Law. It becomes the property of the government.
      A court case will ensue to determine who the money belongs to, legally. If it is proven that you obtained it by illegal means, you can kiss the money goodbye and face imprisonment.
      Those who earn money must also pay their fair share of income tax. In bygone years people got away with it. When governments of the world, specifically the progressive ones realized that this illegal activity was being conducted, they clamped down on it and the perpetrators must pay the price of their actions.
      We must live by the Law as in this case. That is the Law and the Commandment of God! Do not try to cheat people for sooner or later you will be found out and pay the consequence of your action.

    • budman
      April 12, 2013

      here is a novel idea. how about you do some research of your own? google is your friend.

  17. lolz
    April 10, 2013

    Greatest kicks is that this is the least of the worries. There are corporations in D/ca doing much worse

    • Justice and Truth
      April 12, 2013

      It makes no difference and exonerates no one from wrong doing. Two wrongs do not make a right. If they do worst and are not found out, God knows. In time when they are faced with their eternal judgment they will pay the price. How I would like to write a book on certain matters. I hope I will in time. :)
      We must attend to the issue at hand and not speculate what others do. Let them take care of their business for they are accountable to the Law and to God. Hope you comprehend that and cease looking at others and saying that they do worst. Have you seen them? Have you caught them? Then do not accuse them and judge them. You are wrong to do so.

    • budman
      April 12, 2013

      like who? and give evidence to support your claim.

  18. .........
    April 10, 2013

    they are laborites children from Delices

    • hmph
      April 12, 2013

      What’s your point ???!!!!!
      Labourite sounds like a nationality to u ??????
      U coming with your “labourites children from delices” there

  19. hmph
    April 10, 2013

    Don’t Do and let me do !!!!!!!!!
    The big shots and them to go after

  20. diamond girl
    April 10, 2013

    but who that using my name there? i did no wright this message! dno, they messing me up

    • poolllllllllllllllll
      April 10, 2013

      is me dat do dat :-P

    • budman
      April 11, 2013

      what is “wright”?

  21. April 10, 2013

    more info. tell us where that happening nah! stupes

    • perry mason
      April 10, 2013


  22. Girly
    April 10, 2013

    Party in power those money launders will still go Scott free this is just an alarm d n o hehehehehehe

  23. CIA on the Watch
    April 10, 2013

    I have listen and heard of lots of cases of a similar nature, but i guess its a small man so he will be the guinnea pig of the process, the police needs to get to the Mr Bigs who launder money at their whims anf fanciesbut i guess their close ties to persons in high office make them untouchable

  24. .
    April 10, 2013

    I have no confidence in this institution on island call the police. This won’t go anywhere.

  25. budman
    April 10, 2013

    we should let them go because when Dominicans get caught in other neighbouring islands with large sums and are charged for money laundering, we cry and say those countries only want to steal Dominican hard earned money.

  26. Tri-State Beauty
    April 10, 2013

    Mr Carbon take your time and count the money. One site reporting 300,000, DNO saying 200,000. Is them kind of discrepancies lawyers pounce on to throw out case. 100,00 is a huge difference, pwengarde

    • rescue 911
      April 10, 2013


    • Justice and Truth
      April 10, 2013

      …And you missed a zero – 0, $100,000.

  27. April 10, 2013

    Just when I was thinking of laundering some money!!
    I thought this had become ligit in Da!! Lol!!

  28. diamond girl
    April 10, 2013

    we want more info DNO! shocks man!

  29. Sad Policeman
    April 10, 2013

    Let us see how far the COPs going to push on this cause we know that a 17 year old laundering so much money must be working fo somebody. This money laundering has been going on for a long time and because of political interference the cops have had to back off people. With this money laundering comes tax evasion to and that too is swept under the rug.
    If justice is what it is suppose to be be assured that Stockfarm would be literally too small for government officials, drug dealers who are friends with te party in power.
    Having taken the oath to serve and protect I am so frustrated and saddened by the things that are allowed to go unpunished here in Dominica.

    • Shameless
      April 10, 2013

      Hang in there Bro and thanks for your service. Rest assured that nothing lasts forever so just keep you hands cleans and hide “pertinent” documents in a safe place. Better day are definitely coming for the victims and sad, sad, miserable days for crooks.

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  30. Realist
    April 10, 2013

    It’s a pity that is only certain cases the police wants to investigate.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 10, 2013

      What makes you think so, to be bold to make such a statement? You must be able to prove it. Otherwise it is only in your mind and your accusation is incorrect. Be careful you could be sued for libel.

  31. April 10, 2013

    The funny thing is that for all the koshonee from wealthy countries about “tax haven” this and that, that’s so little money that investigators in the U.S. probably wouldn’t even bother with it.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 10, 2013

      If the money was forwarded to Dominica from elsewhere as the U.S., the DA police authorities are the ones who must deal with it. They will have to conduct an investigation of the country of origin of the money and how the suspects obtained the money. This should not be difficult for them to pursue.

    • Anonymous
      April 11, 2013

      Idiot…why don’t you stay your *&$ in the USA? The USA has nothing to do with God either; should we not bother with him too?


  32. trute
    April 10, 2013

    That money laundering thing is all over Dominica.

  33. Me Alone
    April 10, 2013

    Great Job to the FIU and Regulators, do not allow this selfish persons to have our country black listed. Keep on the Fight.. Well Done Guys.

  34. me
    April 10, 2013

    thlngs thight.that is one way of surviving.

  35. Concerned
    April 10, 2013

    Who are the launderers. Publish them.

    • looking on
      April 11, 2013

      I hope you no what is the meaning of money laundering, cuz even if it is a crime, i’m sure alot of people come into contact with it and don’t know, maybe you to so don’t be to quick to judge names won’t help you one bit

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