Portsmouth gas station robbed

Police are investigating an armed robbery at a Portsmouth gas station last night.

Police Spokesman Claude Weekes told Dominica News Online that over $2,000 was stolen from the station, but no arrests have been made so far.

The gas station is located next to the National Bank on the Michael Douglas Boulevard.

According to sources, people at the gas station made some commotion when the masked gunman was escaping, and this attracted some people to the scene.

As he was making his escape, sources say the gunman fired a shot in the air. Residents living close to the robbery reported hearing the gunshot explosion.

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  1. wizzy wizzdom west
    November 28, 2010

    pure slackness is wt d police force in d/a is..who shud be behind bars are free…..but 4 a simple ting like marijuana dey wanna lock up all d yutes dem…i hope dem police do wt dey gatta an hold dem thief…..

  2. denzel joseph
    November 24, 2010

    i not happy with some dominicans get jobs to have money you dont have to still a gas station i hope the police get teh person and stop that bad ways alyou have and

  3. No Face
    November 9, 2010

    When push come to shove that’s what happens. Talking aint gona change a thing. Dominicans don’t do this and don’t do that…..Really? It’s like telling a child do not take a piece of bread without permission and still not feeding the hungry child. Survival of the fetus.

    Experience and education needed when applying for a job. Family back ground check. Are you serious?! Hello?????????? Is there any positive means of making money for those who have no experience, no education or no positive ‘family’ background? Seriously, is there any financial help at all?

    • wizzy wizzdom west
      November 28, 2010

      u mek scence but at d same time u scenceless…..alll shall eat…..an who was wrkin it aint they fault…..y dont they give workers weapons 4 emergencies…..plus so many haitian even have security guard company in d/a an bigger jobs dan d/a folks do they do back ground checks on dem????nooo so bull s.. big man….

  4. "better mus come"
    October 31, 2010

    there are three types of crimes ppl get away with,thats just the opportunistic criminal,down in savanpaie where those villars are i wonder what type of criminal built those villars.mr.behenze please explain that o me.what do you expect posse ppl to do next level…

  5. commentator
    October 27, 2010

    Hi are you the guy running for judge in Florida? Good luck if you are.
    If you are ,come down and give Tiyanin a hand. We need to string a couple of these culprits up. Too many guns in gwan tanse. Licensed and unlicensed. Need to clean the place up.

  6. baby
    October 27, 2010

    @Sour Sour: You are just that: sour sour.. What does being a labour man have to do with anything? We are just too political in this country. Further more, the gas station has been in existence for over 10 years or so..The owner has been a labourite for the past 25 or more years..Now tell me, what does being a labour man have to do with the price of coffee? Geeez man

  7. Karkabeff
    October 27, 2010

    If we as a people plant corn today, we should not expect to reap bananas tomorrow. Hail Mary full of grace…………………..

  8. 4 cylinders
    October 26, 2010

    de people want work to do then de crime rate will drop simple…….sorry for de owners and workers at the station but times hard in da

  9. Bodjai
    October 26, 2010

    thts not news they always robbing tht gas station

  10. smart
    October 26, 2010

    Festival time so they go an theif money to buy tickets,dress like ganster and to play big shot.and to give their woman to go and buy tight pants,back out and false hair and bling bling jewelry to go and play part cutting style on people and BIGSHOT.

    iT’S a good thing i’m never jealous of what people have cause you never know how they get it

    To Young people out there: study hard,get a job,persue a degree,marry,start a family rather than KILLING,STEALING AND DESTROYING LIKE THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    October 26, 2010

    The thief cometh not but to steal kill and destroy so when we catche a thief we must kill them bewcause if they get a chance they will kill buisness owners so Gopvt must allow every buisness to own a gun and emploiees should be able to get permition to use it so they can help the police and gige they magistrate less work.time to right them out

  12. FIRE
    October 26, 2010


  13. Police friend
    October 26, 2010

    the police cant be every where at once and they are not being treated fairly because there are those who boss their ass and hove not been apprraised for years nor recomended but yet still they put their best foot foward and do what they can

  14. DOC_J
    October 26, 2010

    wow wow wow. This is maybe the 10th time this gas station is getting robbed, this is nothing new to Glanvillia, this place use to getting robbed like almost every month @ a certain period. I’m sure that money could have been invested in securing the place with proper surveillance equipment. and effective security. Crime won’t just disappear overnight, especially with the present unwelcoming job market in Dominica. The police can’t be at every crime scene while the crime is taking place, lets be real and keep it real, vigilante can be as effective as the local police. Our police also need to carry side arms, batons can’t fight guns!

  15. M. X.
    October 26, 2010

    all part of the next level! a little positive a d LOOADS of NEGATIVE! the next level!

  16. nadzz
    October 26, 2010

    @Sour Sour:

    Well this is not the first time it has been robbed and I am sure he has always been a big labour man…. so tell me what you think?

  17. reference
    October 26, 2010

    @reference: oops i meant counterproductive

  18. reference
    October 26, 2010

    @William McLawrence: hey bill what’s up

    i think the number1 way to fiight crime is by educating people about better peranting skills. i don’t know how this could be achieved, but we could start in the curches, what makes kids become, angry, depressed and rebellious.

    it is parents who lack the knowlege on how to discipline in the right manner. being overcritical, and instilling fear in a kid don’t work. it is counteractive and most caribbean parents are yet to realize that.

  19. timbok 2
    October 26, 2010

    well someone get independence money

  20. Setting Bad precedence
    October 26, 2010

    Who said at the recent Press Conference on Crimes, that the Prosecutor was WRONG to request that the gun be brought back to the courts as evidence? Did a TOP Police Official order another policeman at the Portsmouth Police Station to give the culprit his unlicensed gun back? Did the culprit sign on receiving the gun back? Was that gun previously taken by policemen and held at the Police Station as evidence in the case?

    What if policemen now try to catch the thieves of that petrol station, but decide that they do not care about retrieving the gun used in that robbery, remembering how their colleagues were ridiculed by their own? Maybe, they feel the robbers’ gun would again be given back to them as happened recently?

    Dominicans, do you see the kind of BAD PRECEDENCE some people are setting? Is Dominica becoming a LAWLESS STATE? The thieves are listening to those IRRESPONSIBLE, BOLD and DANGEROUS statements being made in PUBLIC by even our Top Police Officials. HE indirectly, publicly and unashamedly, chastised his own Policemen for confiscating the gun from the man who intimidated the visitors in the first place. The TOP Police Official RIDICULED the PROSECUTOR in PUBLIC. But up to now, that same TOP POLICE Official has yet to condemn the illegal action of the Police Officer who seemed to have obeyed the order to give back the Gun, the evidence, to the person who intimidated others.

    So what do you all Dominicans expect. EXPECT more and more masked robbers brandishing their licensed or unlicensed guns, terrorizing people, robbing business places and homes. NOBODY WILL BE SPARED. NO amount of PRAYERS from those who remain silent will stop those robbers. Many choose to remain silent especially when those in ‘HIGH PLACES’ commit all sorts of criminal acts. Many Dominicans are selective in who or what they speak against. They remain forever silent when it comes to CORRUPTION, FRAUD and ‘WHITE COLOUR CRIMES.’ So CORRUPTION and other CRIMINAL ACTS INCREASE with no end in sight. GOD never listens to PRAYERS of HYPOCRISY or INEQUITY.

  21. SAD
    October 26, 2010

    Bill I appreciate your honest contribution. The root of the problem is DRUGS. Until we control the proliferating drug trade in D/ca we are always going to be way behind the criminals. Bill instead of the horses I would suggest bikes. Horses is definitely high maintenance and I just don’t think we have the resources for such a venture.
    Crime fighting is the government’s responsibility not that of the people. The present government need to really get hold of this growing trend. Soon we will have kidnapping and then what; Ross will pack up and leave ; the yachting business will be gone ; people will be afraid to come home for festivals and otherwise.

  22. William McLawrence
    October 26, 2010

    I am very saddened by the escalating incidence of crime in Portsmouth. While there is no quick fix to the growing crime problem in Portsmouth and by extension Dominica, I believe much more needs to be done to address this growing crime problem in Portsmouth. To tackle this problem the following suggestions could be considered:
    1. Upgrading of the existing Portsmouth Police Station to accommodate more Police officers
    2. Increase in the number of Police officers stationed at the Portsmouth Police Station
    3. Increase in Police patrols within the Town and its municipal limits by increasing the Police’s fleet of patrol vehicles and by increasing foot patrols by Police officers. Considerations should also be given to have a mounted police unit using horses and to also introduce Police dogs to assist with investigations
    4. Closer collaboration with the Ross University School of Medicine (RUSM) Security. The RUSM Security are doing a very commendable job at patrolling the Picard area which is home to almost 1,200 students, faculty and staff. This effort by the University security staff have cut down on the amount of crime against students and residents in the Picard area of Portsmouth.
    5. Encouraging more residents to participate in the Portsmouth Community Watch Foundation and its various sub committees such as the Neighbourhood Watch and Quality of Life.
    6. Increase the number of Street lights throughout the municipality
    7. BUsinesses must also increase the survellance of their businesses by installing cameras and employing certified security guards.
    8. Stiffer court penalties could be introduced along with a progressive prison rehabilitation program for offenders.
    I am sure that there are other strategies/actions that can be employed to deal with curbing the incidence of growing crime in Portsmouth and by extension Dominica. People must not be afraid to speak out and share their thoughts on how best to address the problem of crime in their respective communities. We must be realistic and honest with ourselves and stop believing it cannot happen to us…crime is here to stay, how we deal with controlling the growing incidence of criime is a matter for all of us not just the Authorities. Let’s help fight crime and come together to address the matter recognizing that there has to be an element of spiritualism in the fight as well.

  23. nectar
    October 26, 2010

    Equity and fairness and justoce……………we taking it by force

  24. Bumble Bee
    October 26, 2010

    Look things!!!!!! Fire will burn those people papa

  25. funny
    October 26, 2010

    @library: wow possie so small…. why did you choose that name to respond to gay and proud. hmmmmmmmmmmmm you not tring to hide nothing nuh

  26. african
    October 26, 2010


  27. library
    October 26, 2010

    @gaynpround: So where Grand Bay coming in there, all u cannot talk and not mention G/Bay in it, an incedent happen posse G/Bay have to be mentioned. Stupeeees.

  28. yesi
    October 26, 2010

    fest coming… they needed money….

    They will get caught as usual

  29. DA Man
    October 26, 2010

    I wonder whether there is cc tv installed in the gas station.

  30. mouth of the south
    October 26, 2010

    well creole fest time so man brokes n seen,,,,mr was foolish like dem ones dat rob valley engineering lol,,,,i’ll take a dumb criminal over a smart one n e day

  31. gaynpround
    October 26, 2010

    Is like posse giving Grandbay competition now. Possie killing, shoot and robbing. Well I saw a clip from some sewo crew, advertising something in Granbay and child ! well Dominica finish if is that what they have in this country. papa!

  32. Lizavier4Jesus
    October 25, 2010

    “The gunman fired a short in the air”

    Some people are such stupid idiots, not realizing how worthless they present themselves to society

    May that gunman come to know the torments and torture of his own shame, becuse of the conduct he may have embraced as act of fame. How foolish!!!

  33. Bayside
    October 25, 2010

    Catch that criminal, and send him before Magistrate Tiyani.

  34. stoic
    October 25, 2010

    portsmouth is much too small for this person toescape in broad daylight except if he ran in the swamp at the back of the station. then agin he could of run up glanvillia side with the mask on and diappeared in someones yard then remove the mask. if he had a get way vehicle…..well hope he had a change of clothes underneath. hope he is caught.

  35. why
    October 25, 2010

    too much evil in this land….and the Churches are upholding and Practising wrong doings..
    thats why this land its beauty is its curse in reverse…

    wicked men hold high positions for greedy and evil doing…

    a spade is a spade….time for a revolution in this land!

  36. Devoted Dominican.
    October 25, 2010

    Crime like those is a poor reflection on Dominica. With a police station about (500 YARDS) away from the crime scene how could this happen? where were the Portsmouth police at the time? some sitting in front of the station doing nothing as usual, and the rest have already gone home for the day. For i have never seen a uniform police officer patrolling the streets of Portsmouth, nor patrolling the business area’s. Not too long ago, a murder was committed about (400 yards) away from that same police station. So come on Portsmouth Police, lets start doing your job and earn the salary that you are being paid.

  37. DA Man
    October 25, 2010

    Why not round up a few suspects to start the interrogation process? By now the police should know the culprits who are capable of committing such hideous crime. Start with the deportees and their local colleagues.

  38. Trevor Johnson
    October 25, 2010

    Gus are raising funds to sewo this week.

  39. Sour Sour
    October 25, 2010

    Well from what I get to know is a big Labor man that own that gas station and that may be a good thing in a way. Now we will see better and more effective measures put in place to tackle crime. Crime have no respect for which party you support. So is now we will see systems in place.

    Just saying

  40. crime again
    October 25, 2010

    crime start again. hmmmmmmm.

  41. true blue
    October 25, 2010

    yes i what next

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