Prison time for being caught naked in woman’s bed

A Salisbury man who resides in Portsmouth has been sentenced to three months imprisonment after he was caught lying naked in the bed of a 67-year-old woman of the same town.

The incident occurred last week.

Omar Abraham appeared before Magistrate Candia George this morning and pleaded guilty to vagrancy.

According to the facts of the case the complainant, Angela Paul, had made a complaint of burglary at about 10 p.m. on the said night. She normally sleep at her restaurant which was located at a different location in the town.

Abraham was found by police lying on the complainant’s king-sized mattress.

When asked what he was doing there the defendant told police that he had been there since the opening of Carnival in the town and he had nowhere go since it was raining.

When questioned by the magistrate, Abraham said that he has a house in Glanvillia.

“How can you enter the person’s house and you even stripping in the person’s house?” the magistrate inquired.

Abraham, who was said to have several similar offenses in the past, pleaded for the court not to impose a custodial sentence, stating that he has a job and could pay a fine.

“I would fine you if it was for the first time but I see you have several offenses. First time we give a chance but second time, no chances,” the magistrate responded.

“Since Saturday I haven’t bathed. I in a condition,” Abraham pleaded to the court.

His plea was ignored and the magistrate said, “I find it very disturbing that you would drink to the point that you would enter somebody house, strip and lie down in their bed.”

“That is unacceptable,” she added.

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  1. rampo
    March 18, 2011

    we shouldn’t be to busy to look down and judge people that’s down on their luck, because we never know what tomorrow brings

  2. Dells
    March 11, 2011

    I know Omar and personally, I believe that the sentencing was too harsh.

    I think the public humiliation was enough of a statement. Sending that young boy to
    serve time will create no solutions.

    Finally, I think the magistrate needs to brush up on her grammar.

    • sak passe
      March 22, 2012

      Dells you are so right not only magistrate George her father also LOL

  3. USA
    March 10, 2011

    I can’t believe I went to primary school in Salisbury with that Lunatic!!! That is a “wow” moment there.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      March 11, 2011

      I am residing in Toronto and listening to the 11:00 pm TV News. As I do I am accessing DNO.
      Your comments make me laugh. :lol: I am certain that many of us went to school with some lunatics who accounted to nothing. What a waste of life. His story and excuse could make people laugh. :lol:

      • GENUINE
        March 25, 2011

        Say wat u all want but USA you are from the country, in bush you came from so wat gives u the right to call someone a lunatic u r not any better! and u, ‘trust justice love and unity u r just as ridiculous if not even more so, u seem desperate and bitter and i think u all need to reevaluate your selves>> rubbish!!!!

    March 10, 2011

    If the man was in his right senses he would never do a fing like that, he must have known the lady usually sleep in her restaurent so he try a thing, as he may not have had no where to sleep for the night, and maybe was well bwelay. Even he say he have a house in Glanvillia, we all know it is not true, I feel for that guy, i wish DA had a rehab centre where he could spend some time getting rehabilitated, instead of sending him to prison, to be manhandled, alas poor him! Children will always be and remain the broken pieces, right into adulthood! :wink: :wink:

  5. notnice
    March 10, 2011

    all u not easy lmao, it that was my mothers house i would have
    beat the s### out of him. I believe he wanted to rape her and
    it’s a good thing that her got caught; and anyone who tries to
    justify his actions due to insanity your must be insane yourself.

  6. Meeee 2
    March 10, 2011

    TJLPU! howwash!

  7. pat
    March 10, 2011


    • Black girl
      March 10, 2011

      He is a liar and a thief and maybe a rapeist. Who know what he could have done to the lady? He does not deserve another chance. He already commited several of this kinds of offences.

  8. Muslim_Always
    March 10, 2011

    I know Omar personally, he needs psychiatric counselling, believe me that’s one case I am certain about.

  9. J.J.John-Charles
    March 10, 2011

    The person who wrote about his/ her experience in Canada, .have it all wrong. Bringing the man from my village to church on Ash Wednesday to get ashes,or even if the Roman Church burn all the forest in Dominica and bathe him in the ashes, this would still be a futile exercise.
    Ashes and watching a crucifix, which cannot talk,not able to hear,unable to see.How do you expect this dumb idol (crucifix) to change the man?
    Another error.I am repeating the words of the writer.
    “We are all Gods children”.
    Who told the person we are all God’s children? I am sure he/she cannot cite a single verse in the bible saying we are all God’s children.In the gospel of John 8:44 the Lord Jesus told some religious leaders.
    “You are of your father the devil,and the desire of your father you want to do”.
    If Christ is right then the writer is wrong.Again in Acts 13:10 the apostle Paul rebuked a Jew.
    “O full of all deceit and all fraud,You SON OF THE DEVIL you enemy of all righteousness…”Again if Paul is right the writer must be in error.
    Finally John !:12 But as many as received Him (Christ) to them He gave the right to become children of God.
    You have to become a child of God.
    I became a child of God on the last Sunday in January 1971,and thank God I am a child of the King

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      March 11, 2011


      Having modified this writing, it got longer. If you wish could you please enter it as a commentary? Thank you.

      @ J.J. John-Charles

      We are all God’s children – have always been God’s children with no exception because He created us. To deny this is to practice deceit, a lie and against God Himself which is the work of the devil, the destroyer and detractor of souls.
      You are underestimating Our Almighty Father and what Our Lord Jesus Christ taught according to Holy Scriptures.
      You people condemn others as if you are righteous and perfect. God knows better. Our Lord said: “Judge not that you may not be judged accordingly” and two-fold and “the manner in which you measure to others, it will be measured to you.”
      Is this the type of Scriptures that you teach? No wonder many of you have been deceived with false indoctrination through the years and renounced your Catholic faith. The fact is you did not take the time to know about your faith and may not have been practicing it as you should.
      Keep in mind the Parable of the Talents. If you do not use it, you lose it. It is given to others who will use it.
      You distort the Holy Bible to suit your ideological mentality.
      God speaks to us in many ways. You need spiritual enlightenment.
      We have been a child of God from the moment we were baptized – as a baby – when the Priest said: “I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you have been a child of God from the moment you were baptized.
      People do not become a child of God when they grow older and say that they accept Our Lord Jesus Christ and read the sinners prayer. It is the height of mortal and spiritual ignorance to even entertain that thought much more to preach and teach it.
      There is no one on earth who has the power to rescind that baptism which God has blest from on high.
      What do you know? Some of you think you have all the answers because you renounced your Catholic faith. Wrong!!!
      There is only one baptism. Once a baptized Catholic, always a Catholic to eternity, heaven or hell. In fact, from the moment of conception and while growing in your mother’s womb you have been a child of God. God, the Creator; your parents are the pro-creators. Therefore how can you say that not all people are children of God? What stupidity!
      Some people have rejected God and by not practicing the faith in which they were nurtured. Others were not brought to the faith and taught the faith because of their ungodly parents. Nevertheless, they are all children of God with no exception.
      God has pity on everyone – His children whom He created. Criminals and murderers are still children of God. They have recourse to God, to ask His forgiveness and to obtain eternal salvation. It all lies with God and no human being. If you teach another gospel, you are wrong and are to be rejected. Note your false learning/teaching and that of the false indoctrinator(s) who taught you. They will have a great price to pay to God for that.
      Sadly, you listen to the false prophets of our time which Our Lord spoke of, “…So as to deceive the elect…”
      The day is coming when you will be faced with the truth and what is the truth. May it not be to your eternal detriment including those false indoctrinators.
      The fact that you got thumbs up does not mean you are correct including those who gave you thumbs up.
      Read the book, The Catholic Church Has The Answers. It is a small book and an interesting one, written by a convert. There are many similar books and also by converts to Catholicism. They searched and found the One and Only True Church which Our Lord Jesus Christ established and approves all devotions of the Catholic Church. I have promised to write a book about that.
      In these times of the great apostasy, there are too many false prophets which lead people astray and from the truth as they get rich from their avails and live a lavish lifestyle.
      Pray to God for enlightenment. If you pray with faith, hope and trust, it will be granted to you.
      Do not allow the noonday devil to deceive you. The devil is laughing at you and those false indoctrinators who lure Catholics to join their newly established churches which are not approved by Our Lord Jesus Christ and do not please Him. Much more could be stated about that.
      Having stated that, if you are well-conversed with Holy Scriptures you should know “God is not mocked.” To mock Our Lord Jesus Christ’s crucifix, other icons which represent Him in the Catholic Church and other devotions of the Catholic Church is to mock God. There is also a price to be paid to God for this.
      People are to respect the religion of others. It is an ungodly, unloving, unChristian-like act to criticize and demean the religion of others which is what you are doing. God has taken note of your words. Keep this in mind.
      As St. Paul said: “Teach and remind people of these things.” My aim is to teach people the truth as well as about the Catholic faith and its practices specifically to those who criticize It, Its devotions and who do not know anything about It.
      It is not my wish to demean anyone’s religion. God will handle those who do in His own good time. You are not God. You do not know the truth and absolutely nothing about the Catholic Church. You are not an expert on Catholicism and Its devotions. I suggest that you not mingle in the affairs of the Catholic Church and Its devotions.
      God’s blessing and peace be to you.

  10. Jenny from da Block
    March 9, 2011

    boy allu sort we on DNO message board…look Kicks…KEEP THEM COMING……LOL All dorty characters is possie they shaking their bag of coal….lol…poor woman lol

  11. D-M
    March 9, 2011

    LMAO!!! awa ehhh

    March 9, 2011

    Old woman I taking home them young girl do good yaw yaw how u feeling

  13. peace
    March 9, 2011

    he need’s help please help the man he maybe crazy

  14. mouth of the south
    March 9, 2011

    that old lady shoulda jus enjoy herself n give the man $10 to go home stupesssss,,, so much old ladies dat wishing is dey dat came n see that in dere room,,,, papa u know they sweff young man already

    • observing
      March 9, 2011


    • proud
      March 9, 2011

      MOTS old ladies like your mother you talking about man?
      shut d hell up n hve some respect for d elderly woman….

    • possie
      March 9, 2011

      if her children had meet him thats not what u would have said

    • Annie Get Your Gun
      March 13, 2011

      you are the most disgusting, perverted, dirty sick person. he is lucky I did not meet hom ih the bed
      that would be a totally different story. Use your imagination.

    March 9, 2011


      March 9, 2011

      Disgraceful comment!!! Shame on you. If you are a woman/man how would you feel when you enter your bedroom to find a complete stranger lying in your bed in the nude?

      Be empathetic and sensitive to another person’s feelings and think logically before make such derogatory comment!


    • jj
      March 10, 2011

      lmfaoooooooooooooo maybe i guess is that he wanted to do :lol:

  16. nervous rex
    March 9, 2011

    Me aself like to sleep tootooneee…i guess it was hot night so de bawi fella decide to git nekid.

    • MissDanger
      March 10, 2011

      But it wasnt raining nuh?

      • lol
        March 14, 2011

        d rum mayb make him feel hot lmao

  17. Patriotic Citizen
    March 9, 2011

    Honestly, I can only laugh after reading this post!!! Some of these comedians who go to the court really put on a show in the room…. **smh***

  18. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    March 9, 2011

    This article and the comments, some of which as always make me laugh. :lol: This is one bold-faced man! :twisted: Was he sleep-walking or what? :twisted: He is an idle man for “Satan finds some mischief for idle hands to do”. I also say: “Idle minds and feet.” :lol: He expected leniency and no jail? He got just what he deserves. Not a first-time offender? He needs to be rehabilitated.
    This man needs to turn his life around. He will happier for it.
    There is another way he could be rehabilitated. He should have been brought to Church especially today, on Ash Wednesday to get “Ashes”. Also brought in front of the Altar, in front of Our Lord Jesus Christ’s Crucifix wearing the crown of thorns on his head, if the Church has such a crucifix and let him look for some minutes or hours upon Our Lord’s face. This would probably change him and he would learn a lesson that he should not commit such a sin of all.
    Having stated that, please allow me to share this experience with you. A few years ago, late in Lent I went on a pilgrimage with a Catholic group to King City, Ontario (a few hours drive from Toronto) in honor of The Divine Mercy, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    The Sunday after Easter Sunday is The Feast of The Divine Mercy as Our Lord instructed a pious nun, Sister Faustina Kowalska, since passed on in the 1930’s as documented in the Diary of Sister Faustina, Divine Mercy In My Soul which Catholics should be aware of. The devotion is spreading throughout the Catholic Church as Our Lord instructed. It is not resticted to only Catholics for we are all God’s children and Our Lord wants every Christian and others who will accept it to participate in this devotion. It tells us of the mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ and how much he wants us to turn to Him, convert, make penance, sacrifice and restitution and to obtain eternal life. God loves us more than we could ever fathom. It is stated that when we die we will truly/fully experience the love and forgiveness of God.
    We arrived early at the Church. We made the rounds of the Church, prayed and lit some candles. Behind the Altar there is a Statue of the Pieta – The Blessed Virgin Mary holding her Blessed Son’s crucified body in her hands. It is a moving one. I stood before it in prayer and then went to the pew.
    During the Holy Mass while the Priest was preaching, my eyes happened to fall on that Statue behind the Altar. For whatever reason which I do not know to this day, as my eyes fell on it, tears commenced flowing from my eyes. Those tears would not stop. I had to keep wiping my eyes and went in likewise situation to Holy Communion.
    I thought, what will people say. I was simply sitting there listening to the Priest and this occurred. This was an experience. Many other spiritual experiences to share with you.
    As I wrote about this man the thought came to me – someone should have taken him to Church and counsel him right there. :) Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Healer of souls would heal him. Such people need “Jesus” in their lives. They have neglected Him; do not worship Him; may not go to Church which is why they continue to commit sins, wallow in their sins and are a menace to society. This is another reason why crimes/murders have escalated, not only in Dominica but in other parts of the world.
    Our Lord Jesus Christ said to St. Faustina, “Unless mankind (womankind too) turns to My Merciful Heart, there will be no peace.”
    Crimes/murders will never be eradicated if these people continue committing them. We Christians of all must do our utmost to practice the faith, pray with the heart, be loving and kind to others; also on this Website and as we meet and interact with them, with no exception.
    We must also pray for criminals/murderers that God will convert them. They are in dire need of our prayers. We are all sinners in some way. Keep in mind that Our Lord said: “He did not come for the righteous but for the sinners.”
    After all is said and done, we must forgive.
    This morning I attended Holy Mass and got “my ashes.” Shall I say: “anointed with ashes”. It is a peaceful day for me; usually is.
    While in Church I prayed for Dominica and all its nationals. Also for the sick and the dying throughout the world and for other special intentions. I forgot no one.
    If we derive nothing as some state while at Holy Mass and after attending Mass, we are doing something wrong; something is wrong with us. It depends on the mentality.
    The Holy Mass represents Our Lord’s Life, Death and Resurrection. This is why it is called “Holy”. No exception His teachings as contained in Holy Scriptures.
    I recall this prayer and also a hymn when I resided in Dominica, prayed and sung during The Stations of The Cross in Lent:

    The Prayer: “We adore Thee O Christ and we praise Thee. Because by Thy Holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.”

    The Hymn, as the Priest who lead us went from Station to Station:

    Come let us fall before His Cross who died that we might live
    O Jesus hear our contrite prayer and all our sins forgive,
    And all our sins and all our sins forgive.

    I have my old hymnal from Dominica. I consider it another treasure.

    God bless everyone! Let us keep praying for each other wherever we may reside and whatever our status, religious affiliation for the law-abiding and non law-abiding. God wants our prayers. He hears them and He will do with them as He wills. Our prayers are never said in vain. We are also recipients of our prayers.
    DNO you are doing a good job. I wish you continued progress and success.

    • creative
      March 9, 2011

      Thanks for sharing your experience at the church you visited. This is strange, because I had a similar experience this morning after I too was anointed by ashes. I was meditating on the life and death of Jesus Christ, and that is what I experienced. Yes, Jesus Christ came for sinners, to ensure our salvation.

      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        March 9, 2011

        @ creative

        You are a godly Catholic Christian person. I am pleased that you appreciated what I stated and thank you for it. People like you are encouraging and spur me on.
        Happy to hear of your experience. When we meditate on Our Lord’s life, death and resurrection, He reveals much to us.
        There are times I am simply performing chores, a great place, in the kitchen and I receive inspirations. These account for my writings and yes, sometimes lengthy ones. God speaks to us regardless of our status.
        Again, to briefly state, a few years I attended a Healing Mass. I was anointed with the oil on my forehead. I was resting in the Spirit. When I came to I reflected. The message was: “Keep the faith! Fear no one! You are doing well. Continue doing what you are doing. My Mother and I are with you. We bless you. I bless you in the Name of the Father.”
        After reflecting on this message tears flowed. I was so happy that some people I was with noticed the radiance on my face. Much more could be stated about that.
        I was waiting to hear and The Son and The Holy Spirit.” Thereupon I thought, it is Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother.
        After reflecting on this message tears flowed. I was so happy that some people I was with noticed the radiance on my face. Much more could be stated about that and other future experience.
        When I returned to my place of residence, as I placed the key in the door, I commenced humming the tune: “O Sacrament Most Holy. O Sacrament Divine. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.” I did not cease humming and singing it until I got settled for bed. What happiness and peace!
        There are some people who will scoff at it. Catholic Christians as you will not do so. You will believe it.
        I distribute Catholic matters and mail near and far to my relatives and friends; make photocopies and utilize some of my funds to do so. I love doing this without counting the cost and time, just as writing.
        Pertaining to “Fear no one”, this is another story. I promise to write a book; books for that matter. My family and friends are asking me when are you going to write that book. I respond, in God’s time.
        St. Paul said: “Share all good things with one another.” Do share your experience. Do not withhold it. Our Lord wants us to share them and to encourage others in the faith.
        God bless you and your family, my Catholic Christian friend and in Our Lord Jesus Christ. This blessing comes from The Blessed Trinity. You have the faith. I wish you well. A blessed Lent and Easter to you. May God grant you longevity with health and strength to pay him homage, to praise Him and spread His Word.
        I never take anyone for granted. We must never cease thanking DNO for allowing our comments. DNO has done much to bring us Dominicans wherever we may reside together and to share our opinions. May God bless DNO.

    • simply me!
      March 9, 2011


      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        March 10, 2011

        @ simply me

        I did not talk I wrote! :twisted:
        This is what is wrong with you. You are too simple; another one whose nature it is to criticize others, who never see the sense of a writing and do not appreciate and comprehend what is stated. Some people’s lives revolve around criticizing others and have nothing good to say about others. You are one of them. They are never pleased with what others state, be it godly and kindly. This projects an unhappy and unloving person with likewise heart and mind.
        You are one of those who lack patience and who do not give others their rightful privilege of providing their opinion as you expect of them. You are an oppressor and a suppressor. :twisted:
        Have you ever read books, viewed movies and TV which include talking endlessly, also on the telephone? You should tell the author(s) and the movie directors, those who show the movies and also TV owners to make them short and sweet. Learn from the following and to be kind and sweet and act accordingly.

        The Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

        Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord

        The Fruits of the Holy Spirit:

        Charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, humility, fidelity, modesty, chastity, continence. The latter word, meaning – temperate, also in food and drink, moderate, mild, pleasant, self-controlled.

        It is stated that those who have much to state and write on educating matters are educated people. They do not talk and write nonsense. Think about that the next time when you, your heart and mind feel like criticizing others as on this Website for speaking the truth. You can learn much from the sensible writing of everyone on this Website.

        St. Vincent de Paul said: “Be kind, be kind and you will be a saint.

  19. TRUT
    March 9, 2011


      March 9, 2011

      Disgusting comment!!!

    • proud
      March 9, 2011


  20. Gentleman
    March 9, 2011

    Hahahaha….this actually happened in Dominica….WTF

  21. Be Real
    March 9, 2011

    The man was feeling good! YAW YAW!! :lol:

    • kiki
      March 9, 2011


        March 30, 2011


  22. Hitman
    March 9, 2011

    MR was horny so he was waiting for the old lady on de bed.. i bet the hot dog was hard and ready for the

    • jj
      March 10, 2011


  23. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    March 9, 2011

    Better to be a young man’s darling than an old man’s slave.

    March 9, 2011

    Them salisbury man known for just taking people thing and claiming it as theirs….Attorney…No Name No Warrant

    • bawi i der
      March 9, 2011

      shut yr trap u a** hole…stop generalizing u moron..not all salisbury men are like that..i have brothers and i take offence to yr statement..if u have had run-ins with some or may one salisbury man who has done that, then be straight..don’t say bawi men like is all..yr dumb ignorant fool…think before u bloody speak..dats y i’m positive u didn’t learn in school…u too quick to belch bubbles!!
      shait man!!!!!!!

      • Bawi boy
        March 9, 2011

        I also take offense to your statement. How many Salisbury that you can mention who has done as you stated. Salisbury people work for wha they want pal. Get you facts straight. The guy said that he has a house in Glanvilla. Who knows how long ago he left Salisbury. Don’t be insulting my people with such ignorant statements. It says alot abour you.

    • fly
      March 9, 2011

      hold your skin…Salisbury ppl working hard for what they want, so shut your face

    • LawieBawie
      March 9, 2011

      Now honestly, how many times do you ever see Salisbury mentioned in the news unless its something to do with politics or the achievements of the Salisbury Enhancement Committee? Eh? I reside outside of Dominica and I am constantly looking out for news on my village but hardly ever seeing anything and certainly when there is news of Salisbury it is very rarely crime related. Salisbury has warm and loving people and still remains as one of the purest villages in Dominica. I therefore take umbrage to your disparraging comments and would suggest that if you don’t have anything good to say about the village then keep your damn trap shut!!

    • real rasta
      March 9, 2011

      girl f u

      • Muslim_Always
        March 10, 2011

        Come better than that, Salisbury people are very hard working people…nuff respect!

  25. Proud Dominican
    March 9, 2011

    Lol. The lady getting a free pole dancer what she want again lol lol

  26. well well
    March 9, 2011

    That must be a mad man :-|

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