‘Proper consequences’ for incitement in media being considered

Peter said he is concerned over incitement on the airwaves
Peter said he is concerned over incitement on the airwaves

Attorney General, Levi Peter, has said he is concerned over certain utterances being made in the media,especially the airwaves, that incite violence and the government needs to make sure there are proper consequences in place to deal with them.

He said although there are provisions in Common Law that deals with incitement, law enforcement officials are hesitant to proceed with them and hence consideration must be given to creating “a statutory offense that is written and is clear that everybody can see what that offense exactly is, what constitutes it what defenses are and in what circumstances one may be found liable for it.”

“I am also concerned about incitement,” he said last week. “I find that I hear too much incitement as far as I am concerned particularly on the airwaves and it has become in my view, the view of many, that it has become that you can say whatever you want and claim that it is an opinion.”

Peter argued that he does not agree with that position since, in his opinion, it is not “in accordance with the law.”

“The law is that you can speak freely, that include things you shouldn’t say but there is a consequence and therefore we need to make sure that there is a proper consequence,” he noted.

He said the government cannot prevent people from saying what they want, “but if you say something that is contrary to the law or that is inciting an offense, then you should be held accountable for it and I think we need to ensure that our legislation properly reflects that.”

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  1. Anthony Ismael
    May 10, 2016

    Here we go again Levi. You’re busy manufacturing another crisis that doesn’t exist. Can you definitely identify instances when this occurred, its impact on our society and the persons who were responsible? Concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and murderers amongst us first then you will have adequate time to create factious crimes that require “Waste of Time Legal Responses.”

  2. joe hy
    May 10, 2016

    There is a terrorism act that was passed by freedom party. So what is the purpose of this act, well with the passage of this act all politicians talk show host and callers from all political parties will have to be careful with their public pronouncement.

  3. This seems like a reasonable warning.

    Things have been said through the media and yes – especially on radio – that could cause the kind of offense that might explode in violence.

    You cannot encourage people – especially those of a particular political party or its followers – to shout insults at other people without set off a firestorm.

    At first I thought this type of thing was being done in ignorance. But NO :!: There are some people who cannot claim ignorance. Stupidity, maybe. But not ignorance!

    Anything in word or deed that could even be misunderstood in a way that could create violence should be avoided . There is enough nonsense happening around us to cause anybody to lose their cool. But please! That is not the way to go. So just chill!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. :-P

    • AAGabriel
      May 10, 2016

      Shut up! Keep on fooling your flock in Canada. They’ve got more money to give you anyway!

  4. Reasoning
    May 10, 2016

    :?: That’s the thing about those who offend,always scared of reactions and accusing those who defends themselves.Levi Peters, if you live in a glass house don’t throw stones!This is why we deserve justice in order to have peace!!!

  5. Reasoning
    May 10, 2016

    I am taking this opportunity to call on the people to rise up against these thugs and rogues posing as government!Get rid of them by any good means!Come for Levi Peters!!!

  6. Real Dominican
    May 10, 2016

    AG is a Jack in a packet of cards. You remember those Jacks; they have of no value and worth to a game of cards. They are just there to make up some numbers to full the box. That is what I can see in AG.

  7. bigger
    May 10, 2016

    it’s about time that something was done to quell the level of violence that’s being dished out on a daily basis on the airwaves it’s been a long time coming. i applaud the ag for this initiative if calling people traitors is inciting violence well the uwp is the first to use the word when they called lorainne barnis roberts a traitor i suppose it only becomes violent when said by the dlp

  8. ?
    May 10, 2016

    Give me a break old fart. Go rest your stupid self idot.

  9. DM
    May 9, 2016

    This isn’t North Korea! Opinions cannot be criminalized (with the exception of threats re social harm, slander or libel). And there are provisions for civil disobedience….

  10. vix
    May 9, 2016

    When a certain NG associate said no LAW, not even the CONSTTITION can prevent him form doing what
    he want…..you know such a statement encompasses everything (words and deeds). Imagine the same the same individual says to an alleged child abuser, I have your back and at the same time giving his own bare back to the victim and the parents. Mr. Ag, just like the speaker n the house who got her fat money, you were silent. You have everything upside down and inside out. It is time for you to take the midnight train to Georgia, you and your band wagon.

  11. Anonymous
    May 9, 2016

    Yes Levi when all u have power and authority
    All u doh care a dam about no body keep
    Oppressing and suppressing the people one
    Day all u will be no more OUT SIDE

  12. Face the Facts
    May 9, 2016

    The PM did warn them about that last year, as posted on a DNO relevant article.
    Inciting is similar to threatening someone and making innuendos.
    In this era nearly everyone has a computer. Not everyone knows how to communicate, to express him/herself diplomatically and to learn, free to agree or disagree amicably.
    Some do incite violence. I have cautioned a few on this Website about that; those who also insult others because they disagree with their comments.
    It is noticeable those who support UWP are the violent ones. Some are not intelligent, in that, they also make innuendos about others whom they do not know. They appear to vent their temper on those who comment if they are not pleased with their comments, especially if they appear to be DLP supporters. This is evident in their words. They project that they harbor hatred also toward those who appear to support the current government. Certain words they use in their comments should be disallowed.

    • %
      May 9, 2016

      Your wicked,evil and corrupt soul,neither you, nor Skerrit will silent Dominicans..You have long been an ardent accessory of everything vicious perpetrated on Dominicans.Your satanic wishes clearly demonstrates the colour of your evil heart..You are ready living in the darkest place in hell….WICKED!

    • Reasoning
      May 10, 2016

      If you are really Face the Facts,i suppose you would have arrested all these thugs holding the island hostage in the name of government!There’s so many illegal activities and wrong doings within the ranks of those holding the governance of the island hostage!There’s a new one surfacing within the Panama Papers,hope you’ll be taking action :?:

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 10, 2016

      “The PM did warn them about that last year, as posted on a DNO relevant article.
      Inciting is similar to threatening someone and making innuendos.”

      Lady, you need to shut up!

      The PM warn what who the hell is Skerrit to warn people, when people are simply following his example, of harassment of the citizens of the country! Skerrit that Mountain Chicken Crapo, mentality told his red devils; when they meet supporters of the of the UWP, and other party supports, on the street, in shops, on aircrafts, even in other countries “confront them.”

      Confrontation means violence: Skerrit has incited violence in the country, who the hell is he to talk about warning people when he is the chief offender, manipulating the mind of weaker specimens like you to do his dirty work of inciting violence in Dominica.

      You are so dumb if Skerrit tells you to jump, you would start jumping, and keep on jumping until you drop dead, because you would not know when to stop jumping!

  13. John Paul
    May 9, 2016

    This will never happen because Tony and Skeritt will be muzzled by it .They will fume when they realize what this really means.Tony and His “cool washBrigade ” He wanting to slap Thompson Fontaine.Skeritt telling His supporters to go in the face of UWP supporters and call them “Traitors” Calling the Opposition”These Bastards” His Lawyer talking about going after the Opposition with drones like Obama goes after Alqueda
    Much in the same way they instituted the IPO then turned against it and handicapped it .
    On the other hand if they are blind enough to do it and blatantly violate it and the Police do nothing about it and choose only to pick on the Opposition then they will reap what they have sown

    • AAGabriel
      May 10, 2016

      They won’t but we will!

  14. John Paul
    May 9, 2016

    Mr. Peters I do not believe it is an opinion that Charles Angelo Savarin AKA “The Ayatollah incited many a crowd”The Police shall not work,The Nurses shall not work “Ultimately the First President of Dominica had to flee the Country to live in exile, Prime Minister Patrick John was literally stoned out of Office .Today who the President of Dominica?
    What is good for the Goose is not good for the Gander in this Country ?
    The Attorney General at the time was not thinking like You ? Were You thinking like You are when You heard Charles Angelo Savarin was nominated for President?
    Is this the epitome of hypocrisy? Mr, Levi Peters if I had any respect left for that Office You hold You just erased it You have fallen into a category that I will not mention at this time

  15. May 9, 2016

    Good move Mr Peter it was about time you put a stop to …. a PM and his bunch of mouton batalie clowns for their utterances of incitement to violence. But be careful sir it may be 1979 all over again and the repercussions may be more than you bargained for; a word to the wise \”par cheugoney kaka\”.

  16. Dr. John Timothy-Bowles, DM, PhD
    May 9, 2016

    The salt-sucking continues…

  17. Teddy's girl
    May 9, 2016

    I don’t even want to read the comments. I’m in my 50’s so I know a fair bit of this country’s political history. Apparently, the tables have turned. Charles Savarin is finished doing his bit to get where he is so now freedom of speech is being threatened. But that’s at we wanted. We created a dictatorship. So we must live with it. My late husband used to tell me that a dictatorship was on the way and I thought it was just sour grapes speaking. Now I have no doubt that we have a dictatorship. Levi, stop your nonsense.

  18. May 9, 2016

    Mr attorney General you must condem the p.M. When he encourage his supporters to incite and violate other poples’s rights. Then we will see fair play. Maybe it is time to go!!

  19. skepticalone
    May 9, 2016

    That ladies and gentlemen is the first shot across the bow of a free press. If they get away with it this kind of talk they will push further. Only certain politicians will be able to Incite violence as they have done many times.
    “it has become in my view, the view of many” The view of many? LOL you mean the view of the ONE? Dance puppet dance.

  20. A Doubting Thomas In Solidarity
    May 9, 2016

    Most of the responses to the article, yet again are not commenting on what the AG said; instead they are proving exactly why this proposed legislation is required, be honest, the AG did not say he was thinking of preventing anyone from talking. There are those who want to say what ever they want about whoever they want with no consequences.

    No one is telling us not to criticize our government but we should be doing it for good reasons not for mischief or to incite violence that could lead to destroy our country and her people.

    The reaction of bloggers here show why being more responsible in our words and actions and why there should be laws to protect those who are verbally abused on a daily for no apparent reason but for cheap political points which will benefit none but can destroy many.

    We all have rights of speech but our rights cannot and should not surpass the rights of others and that is where the problem lies.

  21. Generals of labour power
    May 9, 2016

    Yea man is time to make an example of some of the fellers on the other side who incite people to go and block road and saying about protest. Serve them with hash penalties when they do that because they are the ones who influence the people to do these violent things that they call protest. Protest, you not seeing them with a placard in their hand. I stand in fool support with the step taken. We voting labour again we voting labour again, whether lighting thunder or huricane we voting labour again 8)

    • Real Dominican
      May 10, 2016

      I stand in “fool” support. You mean, I am a fool. That is what your comment suggest.

  22. Caretaker
    May 9, 2016

    It is not what you do is the way you do it. It is not what you say but the way you say it. The more you live is the more you learn. What Mr. More is saying you should have learnt from home. Lack of manners and respect for others may lead to crime. you swear at each other in public, call all kind of hurtful thngs,then they go home and come back with a cutlass, the answer is a crime is about to be committed, provocation,intimidation and insults can have serious effects. Help to reduce crime or pay a fine. very UNHAPPY people. $20, 000,000. SIGNED to rebuild the country. Join scherzo quickly before its too late or you die hard. beautiful country, beautiful people with the most beautiful PM. SAVE YOURSELVES. blessings

  23. Incomprehensible
    May 9, 2016

    … And that applies to the PM, when he called on his minions to announce those who differ in political opinions as traitors? Perhaps he, too, should be aware of such consequences? Shaking My Head …

  24. Anna Prince
    May 9, 2016

    Provocation is against the law. Levi you wold do better if you remain quiet and hide your incompetence.

  25. jonathan st jean
    May 9, 2016

    Mr Peters,you need to find time to do your work you were put in place to carry out and stop trying to suppress the rights of free citizens in a free and democratic country. Look how long we have molestation of minors happening and you have dragged your feet in reforming the existing laws to address this issue.There are so many unsolved murders in a tiny country like Dominica and what have you done to seek closure. There was this case in Portsmouth where the prosecution was ill prepared and the defendant got off.In stating that there are laws on the books,but law enforcement is reluctant to proceed with them,why don’t you educate law enforcement as to the fiduciary duties, instead you want to play politics and impinge on the rights of citizens. Skerritt urged his supporters to terrorize the UWP at a rally,so are you going to pass a separate law for that too.Remember the PJ laws on sedition and what happened. Those who don’t learn from history are apt to make the same mistake.Be warned

  26. I tell You
    May 9, 2016

    But wait, people cannot speak now. Well I shall speak till I die or moo moo. Guess you all will be making plenty money

  27. viewsexpressed
    May 9, 2016

    Levi, behave yourself, you are contradicting yourself with words that appear contrary to free expression of a abused people, please clarify yourself.

    You want work to do, go and pick those who incited GON Emmanuel, those who were involved in Bin Bobol,
    Everyday we cry for decency and accountability and to attempt to distract us or deviate us you coming up something ridiculous to stifle we Dominicans of our Rights. Long Live Q 95,Long Live DNO….and our political heroes crying for the end of Corruption of a government you appear to be part of. what happen, you doh have work to do. Go to Hell, Go to Hell…….it is our Damn Business to protest. Go after the Pm and his coronies

  28. knowledge
    May 9, 2016

    mr ag your brain have a problem it might be one sided

  29. Doc. Love
    May 9, 2016

    All I will say on this matter is an advice to Levy, if you cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you cannot stand the music, don’t dance to it, turn off the musical set.

  30. natural dominican
    May 9, 2016

    Freedom dead in Dominica….Mr AG if you were serious about law you would have taken ppl to task when they said “call them traitors”. What could be more inciteful than that! What you are trying to do sir is take away freedom of speech and freedom of press. i for one support any diplomatic action that STOPS you from doing so. It’s about time the people stand for something in Dominica. We failed the people of Salisbury let’s not fail Dominica.

  31. FBI Agent
    May 9, 2016

    ” When you see them on the streets, in the supermarket, at a funeral, on a plane or even in their cars, shout out to every single one of them – Traitor!
    What do you call them? Traitor! When you see Lennox Linton, what do you call him? Traitor! When you see Thomson Fontaine, what do you call him?
    Traitor! When you see Monelle Williams, what do you call her? Traitor!!” https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/news/crime-court-law/proper-consequences-for-incitement-in-media-being-considered/

    Mr. Peters is either you were asleep or you flat out approved the above statement of Skerrit because you never condemned. Since you approved it, let me make a similar statement.

    When you see them on the streets, in the supermarket, at a funeral, on a plane or even in their cars, shout out to every single one of them-corrupt! When you see Skerrit what do you call him? corrupt! What do you call Blackmoore? Corrupt! What you call Levi Peters? Corrupt! What you call Justina? Corrupt!…

  32. Frank Talker
    May 9, 2016

    Anyway, anyway, anyway; your name is not “Peter” (Gk. Petros) by accident at all. In the sacred book, he is described as the “rolling stone”, because he talks too much and does not seem to engage brain before mouth. His only desire is to please the supremo. So, here you go again, Petros, saying the dumbest of things. You now want to prosecute for incitement! So, when Tony Astaphan and Lennox Lawrence were on air “inciting” people to “search out the UWP supporters and stamp on them like cockroaches”, would this qualify as a crime? What about this one by the Supremo: “Tell Lennox Linton to go to hades; it’s not his effing business where I get my money from [The Trafalgar Incitement]?”
    Levi boy, go an see if you get some teetoo mangoes for me eh!

  33. Koolbatonyouwant
    May 9, 2016

    But what I hearing there nuh ! So people cannot talk now ! Enbeh we hostage

    • Big Fish
      May 9, 2016

      You only NOW realized that??

    • Ba Yo Bwa
      May 9, 2016

      Yes, go stand in a NYC subway car and say something akin to to “fire, fire.” Shout this, just this out at the top of your lungs, and then come back here and share what the response was from the City’s authorities. Remember, this is the civilization you all claim to emulate in DA.

      Dominica too nice!

  34. 1 800 CONCERNED
    May 9, 2016

    ‘Proper consequences’?????????????????????????

  35. Neverson st jean
    May 9, 2016

    As a former colleague i am very disappointed in y again, u never uttered a word when them Roosevelt made his statement about challenging people who dont support his admin. but here u go. U are a pathetic attorney general

    • Intellegence
      May 9, 2016

      YOU are among the biggest Hippocrates i have ever encountered

      you all calling for the burning of the capital , the disappearance of people associated with labor and the shutting down of the country in-addition with the blocking of roads

      And you Blues compare that to skerrit words of traitor,

      • viewsexpressed
        May 9, 2016

        Intelligence information for you and advise to ignoramus behaviour is bliss. Stay focus on the issue before us and we know Levis is out of hand, so please do not attempt to go that road. You follow Skerrits`s politics and Levi’s utterances you are sure to behave irrational.

      • Titiwi
        May 9, 2016

        Mr. Pierre Charles, unfortunately was right when he said that some of us Dominicans sport our ignorance as a badge of honour. It is a great compliment to be referred to as Hippocrates, after the famous Greek physician of antiquity of that name and the father of western medicine. Medical doctors still swear an oath in his name, upon qualification. “Intelligence” probably means “hypocrites” but alas, does not know the difference and that my friends is how misunderstandings and misinformation get into the world.

      • %
        May 9, 2016

        @Intellegence Your wicked soul.It is not Skerrits word of traitor..It is Skerrits words which could fuel war between the supporters of the two parties…YOUR EVIL human being!!!

    • dee
      May 10, 2016


      You’re not the only one disappointed in him as a former colleague
      I have even told myself ”I AM NOT SURPRISED’
      An ASHLICKER will always remain an AS_LICKER.

  36. Too Hard Too Long
    May 9, 2016

    A person can be anti-government and still have enough common sense to see the merit in different situations. UWP supporters are so intolerant of the ideas of others that i wonder why they even bother to speak of free speech.

    If UWP wants to be the next government they really need to learn that other people have ideas too. Otherwise, we would be leaving one dictatorship for the next.

    Would anyone agree that inciting people to violence is correct? Would anyone agree that when a law is passed it has an exemption clause for politicians? My people – if something is wrong and you want to take a stand against it and there is no law and no constitution that is against it, well the best thing to do is to enact a law against it.

    We need to stop hiding behind free speech and be responsible with our words as much as with our actions.

    So AG, put it in law – no one should incite violence.

    Thank you

    • viewsexpressed
      May 9, 2016

      We Dominicans have worked too hard and too long to listen to absolute rubbish uttered by some people not aware of the meaning of democracy, accountability in office and questions to ur leaders as far as our tax money is concerned. UWP, Dominicans, Patriots we have become very intolerant of the thievery going on in our country. You are on the wrong side of the law. We are for decency in public office and we need answers. If you have nothing to offer and you like this corrupt leadership and government then we will continue to champion our cause.
      We remember the phrase , Go to Hell Go to Hell, no Constitution, No law will stop me…….” etc etc. You know the rest, tell us…..and you wanna point of innocent Dominicans fighting for the rights and our constitution when a head of government insults it, disrespects it……
      We will continue to champion the cause to save Dominica

  37. guest of honor
    May 9, 2016

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha woooiiii… aye zort… lmaoooo…. I must laugh eno… Boy mister looking like Gary Coleman eh!!! lmao… hell boy!! roll over!!! play dead!! good boyyy… good little doggy!!! now tell Dominicans to stop talking about your master!!! that’s right!!! whos a good boy?? whos a good little doggy?? now fetch!!!

    • Princess Natari
      May 9, 2016

      You killing me. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
      Well said! Now give him a treat for his good behavior. :-D :-D :-D

      • viewsexpressed
        May 9, 2016

        I like that….really Like that….I really, really like that…

        I wonder where is Mr. I really Like that..

  38. Zandoli
    May 9, 2016

    It’s amazing how quickly we forget our history.

    Patrick John tried to muzzle the press in 1979 and the result as they say is “history”.

    Think again Peter. But this should really be directed at Skerrit. We will not tolerate being repressed by any government.

  39. John
    May 9, 2016

    What is this guy talking about? Peter mu advice to you is to be careful because if this law is enacted and people are prosecuted boy you probably will have created an untenable situation—- Just a word to the wise……

    Diaspora this is what you have left Dominicans with when you came in a on free flight to voted and left after a couple of hours for Chicago , NJ and where you are area from Dominica–this the mess you have created….

  40. May 9, 2016

    Guess both sides and their leaders will be in trouble. I will be waiting to see how that one play out. :mrgreen: Dominica needs a political cleanser.

  41. Intellegence
    May 9, 2016

    Some of you BLUE VEX people are so stupid

    you call for blocking of the roads, burning down Roseau, removing skerrit by the bullet,
    you speak as though you are the baddest people in Dominica and that Lobourites are scared of you all

    Let it be know that Labourites are peaceful and loving people.
    IF you Blues think for one moment that it is going to be candy and roses the moment you blues touch skerrit or decide to revolt you all better think again

    • Anonymous
      May 9, 2016

      Stop inciting violence hypocrite

    • viewsexpressed
      May 9, 2016

      Is that an intelligent opinion, contribution?????

  42. The truth
    May 9, 2016

    Dominicans I spoke some time ago and it went up to the sky. Today we are hearing the woeds from the AG mourh. We are no longer free, our country has turned to 99 percent communist state. My God open the hearts of my people . Send the Holy Spirit with power over us , give us wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong.

  43. d-a born
    May 9, 2016

    Well, we can start at the top with our so called leaders. Lennox can’t keep his mouth shut and Skerrit tells his sheep to confront people.

  44. maindesk
    May 9, 2016

    This is not a Peters thing but a government way of testing the water so leave the man alone. Someone said that the people get the government they permit and now it is too late. May 29th will not happen again because forewarned is forearmed and once the upper class is not involved in it the poor people do not participate. Slave mentality prevails. The UWP is too decent for these times and perhaps a third Party is now needed to come forward more suited to the kind of aggressive opposition needed. They even tried to arrest and jail the UWP leader and the Party just went the usual Q95 The GON Emmanuel matter, Electoral Reform, Layou River Hotel, IPO new law and more all forgotten as the DLP just throws more corn on the ground for the UWP to eat. Before they are finished eating that corn the DLP leader throws another set and they run after it as well forgetting the last set of corn. One would think with all their brain guys it would be one scandal each to research and openly explore

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 9, 2016

      Government testing what waters?

      If is not Leivi thing who’s thing it is?

      If it is not Levi then he has reduced himself beneath that of a child, and is allowing himself to used as a puppet of the government!

      I do know how old he is but I think if he had some pride and a little bit of morals left in him he would go home and rest his tired looking body, the man look as if he is simply living one foot in the his ——, and the other outside, and I am not prepared to say where, because we all must go there ultimately.

  45. Good To Go
    May 9, 2016

    Is that self we AG, allu really starting to feel allu self eh? The longest rope has an end and none of the very few foolish supporters left will prevent the inevitable.

  46. May 9, 2016

    It’s about time that something should be done. Incendiary comments lead others to block roads or suggest blocking roads. Not because it was done in the past means that it should be condoned today. People need to grow up, become law abiding citizen: and a few disgruntled people cannot be the voice or representation of the majority.

    • %
      May 9, 2016

      Your wicked beggar.Well use the state resources to give them access to their farms..They are not beggars like you.They want to work hard to earn a living..I LOVE THEM, AND I LIKED WHAT HAPPENED.

  47. peeping
    May 9, 2016

    Well I have a case in the courts. Someone called me Traitor and I asked what proof do you have to call me traitor and traitor for what. For switching political allegiance, for moving to another religion what do you mean when you call me traitor?

    Prove to the courts i am a traitor. Not because you learnt of a word on the airwaves in a political broadcast or heard someone say traitor for you to meet me and call me traitor. You shall pay for your tongue. Calling me traitor in the public on my way to work in front everyone in traffic Awa. I am sorry for you let the matter go through. I forgive you but a lesson must be taught or learnt.

  48. fredry
    May 9, 2016

    WE are heading into a full blown dictatorship!!!!! people open your eyes!! ONE THING A DICTATOR HATES IS “CRITICAL MAS MEDIA” Mr skerite will turn into a authoritarian dictator!! PEOPLE OPEN YOUR EYESSSSSSSS!!

  49. Criminal Enterprise
    May 9, 2016

    Here is more of John Kerry:

    “We also note the troubling trend among some elected leaders who undermined existing democratic institutions, such as by taking steps to stifle opposition, circumvent the electoral process, and weaken judiciaries, often in an attempt to perpetuate their continued rule,” he said.

    “Corruption, often carried out with impunity, had a corrosive effect on democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. Institutions lose credibility when people can no longer expect a fair and impartial judiciary to address their grievances, obtain basic government services without a bribe, or participate in the political process without their franchise being undermined by corruption. People must have faith in their institutions in order for societies to thrive,” Kerry added.

    Full speech here. Please open this link and understand why AG Peters says what he said: http://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/topstory-US-releases-2015-human-rights-report-30020.html

    • AAGabriel
      May 9, 2016

      As John Kerry said – people must have faith in their institutions in order for societies to thrive.
      That is exactly what is wrong in Dominica, very few people in DA have, for obvious reasons, no faith in their institutions and I even believe that is true for some of the DLP supporters. Trouble is, come election time, Skerrit knows exactly how to deal with that. Dominicans are very easily pleased and persuaded, sevo, party and a bit of chicken.

  50. Criminal Enterprise
    May 9, 2016

    Here is US Secretary of State John Kerry on April 15, 2016:
    “Violent non-state actors do not come from nowhere: they flourish in the absence of credible and effective state institutions, where avenues for free and peaceful expression of opinion are blocked, where court systems lack credibility, where unchecked security forces instill fear in populations, and where even the most basic of day-to-day transactions by citizens with their government are characterized by corruption,” he continued.

    In many countries, he noted, governments cracked down on the fundamental freedoms of expression and association by jailing reporters for writing critical stories, or sharply restricting or closing non-
    governmental organizations for promoting supposedly “foreign ideologies” such as universal human rights..\”

    Open this link for full speech: http://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/topstory-US-releases-2015-human-rights-report-30020.html

  51. Princess Natari
    May 9, 2016

    Were you not listening when your pm asked his supporters to accost UWP supporters and call them traitors? Well they were smarter than the pm would give them credit for, because they would have “faced” the consequences.
    Why not step in and be bold and brazen and condemn those utterances as an attorney general? Speak up, stand up for what is right and true and just. Only when your pm give orders you want to jump in and speak…..stupes

  52. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 9, 2016

    Peter, you are just another poppet singing for your supper, living with your stale communist mentality, and ideology on a quest to silent the press and other media, in Dominica; preventing the citizens of the country from speaking out against the corruption, injustice, and in competence of the Government, compounded with corruption within the judicial system.

    If there were not corruption in the judicial system: the matter involving Gong Emanuel who’s house was fire bomb would at least get a hearing in court.

    You did nothing to see to it that the matter saw daylight in court, instead you all put yourselves out to discredit the man who involved himself in the crime, stating he was paid to firebomb Emanuel’s. Such a crime and others are what you should be concerned about. Anytime censorship is involved in a democracy, that is the begin of a dictatorship, and the birth of communism!

    You need to simply shut up, and worship Skerrit behind, that’s the only calling for people…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 9, 2016

      You need to simply shut up, and worship Skerrit behind, that’s the only calling for people like, and your true ambition!

  53. Titiwi
    May 9, 2016

    I would remind mr. Peter that we have walked this road before. in 1979 the then labour government also tried to introduce legislation to muzzle the free voicing of public opinion. It became known as the “shut your mouth” law.
    We all know what happened to that government, it fell! I certainly have no desire to see a repeat of that scenario. It was violent, undignified and vile but in the end the opposition won convincingly. Only fools ignore the lessons of history.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 9, 2016

      History usually repeats itself; if a repeat of 1979 is the lonely language Skerrit, Levi, and the rest of the oppressors pretends to understand then this might be the appropriate time repeat that language.

      The people of the country vote for these , who in turn puts there puppets and bourgeoisie black slave masters in position to be used as tools against the people, the people of the country has much more power than Skerrit and those children of his in including Levi!

  54. penny lover
    May 9, 2016

    what a nice man .We should send him a pet Lion.

  55. Crab Man
    May 9, 2016

    Mr. Peters, where were you when Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit made this statement less than a week before the 2016 Carnival? here is Hon. Skerrit: ” When you see them on the streets, in the supermarket, at a funeral, on a plane or even in their cars, shout out to every single one of them – Traitor!
    What do you call them? Traitor! When you see Lennox Linton, what do you call him? Traitor! When you see Thomson Fontaine, what do you call him?
    Traitor! When you see Monelle Williams, what do you call her? Traitor!!” https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/news/crime-court-law/proper-consequences-for-incitement-in-media-being-considered/

    I guess this one was NOT ENCITING violence right? I guess indirectly you are telling us if we make similar statements like the one of Skerrit it would be okay and that’s the kind of statements you want us to make right, since Skerrit made it and it passed your test?

    • May 9, 2016

      He was just getting ready to go to police training school in Barbados. I

      • May 9, 2016

        This comment was meant for the post above.

  56. Vanya
    May 9, 2016

    Dominicans are a waste of time period just look at their island and how the discuss issues
    Dominicans are so backward they approved of wrong doings and illegal acts just hoping and praying that something will fall out of the sky..

    Dominicans have let down the rest of the Caribbean, why are they slow sick unable to act.

    i fully agree they need to bring hard measures on Dominicans are they love when they are pinned down..what a foolish society…

  57. Lil
    May 9, 2016

    I swear, Dominica pains my heart.
    So, let me see. If we estimate that there are 30 callers/day, (Note: 30 is an arbitrary number but used to make my point): how many incite violence? How many per week incite violence? How many per month incite violence? How much is this ‘too much’ you speak about? Who is this ‘many’ you speak about that has this similar view? Are you making this statement of all callers to all radio stations or a specific radio station? How do all radio stations compare? and the list of questions go on……
    Let us see your data and your operationalization so we can understand that you are being objective, not subjective. Aiye Dominica!

  58. oh Yes
    May 9, 2016

    Levi Peters is devoid of commonsense. That’s my opinion. The number of inciteful things Skerrit, Tony etc. have been saying it’s poor people you have strength on?

  59. Zandoli
    May 9, 2016

    This appears to me to be a solution looking for a problem.

  60. AAGabriel
    May 9, 2016

    Now just listen to this man. So the PM can say anything he likes because no law and no constitution… Not to long ago did he (PM) say all opposition supporters are traitors and didn’t he call on his supporters to do the same? What is the basis on which he calls these people traitors. Is it because they do not agree with his policies and action? Also didn’t he call most recently his supporters ‘to arms’? So, Mr. AG look at your leader first before you criticise other citizens and ask yourself if it worthy of a PM to talk in such a manner.
    Apart from that when you should have made a speech you were nowhere to be heard (I’m talking about the child abuse cases, etc.). So all I can say, get your own house in order before making irrelevant speeches. You are not going to get away with one sided censorship of press and media.

  61. street side
    May 9, 2016

    he has right to go ahead with it..listened this morning all dcans do is just call the radio station they can’t back up all that chatter…weak docile, dump droll ppl dcans are..

    thus they’re the poorest in the eastern caribbean, slowest economy, it’s only fools paradise which embraces the above aspects….

    whip them hard AG, they are highly “FOOLISH”

    • Intellegence
      May 9, 2016

      you sound just as foolish

      the CDB and the IMF say one thing but you and Thompson say another, i guess you two have done more scientific studies and collected more data than the CDB or IMF, or are more brilliant that those people working in these institutions

  62. May 9, 2016

    yes, put barboochet on them :-D :-D

    • Tjebe Fort
      May 9, 2016

      Put us back in bondage and shackles you mean by one of our own? never brother, that can not happen.

  63. ISIS
    May 9, 2016

    For this to work, the media houses must be held to a higher standard, to include making them accountable for the contents they put on air or publish.

  64. Me
    May 9, 2016

    Is mr. Peter even a qualified lawyer. Or is he just doing his master’s bidding?

    • AAGabriel
      May 9, 2016

      Not sure if he is a qualified lawyer. One thing I am sure about he is definately a DLP supporter, otherwise he would not be AG. Twice a year he comes public and sings for his supper and justifies his existence. Don’t worry about him!

    • Dominican
      May 9, 2016

      I am not sure but he could have been a solicitor’s clerk in the U.K.

  65. %
    May 9, 2016

    What about when leaders incite their goons,zealots,minions to go to the car windows of their opponents,provoke them on the plane,supermarkets and even at funerals!!Tell me Mr Peter,wasn’t this individual deserving of a charge? Were you MOO MOO at that time?

  66. cameron
    May 9, 2016

    Peter retire,put laws in place so our kids are not raped and molested.reall man what is wrong with you,people have the right to speak out,try passing the law,if your truly a man.

  67. Dominican
    May 9, 2016

    This year Unesco listed us, together with rest of the OECS in 30 th. spot, with regard to freedom of the press. I think this is a retrograde step. In first place comes Finland , followed by the Netherlands and I think we should try and emulate them rather than introduce further restrictions to our freedom. When it comes to incitement. I only want to remind the A|.G. of our country’s leader inciting his followers to call the opposition traitors, wherever they find them. Bloody hypocrites.

    • Intellegence
      May 9, 2016

      why have you not mentioned your people calling for burning down of Roseau, blocking of roads and removing skerrit by the bullet, all you BLUES have to mention is a word traitor

  68. Disgusted with those who abuse their position and power.
    May 9, 2016

    And what are the consequences when leaders, and others in influential positions act/behave in ways contrary to the laws?
    It’s amazing that that was a point on a social media posteoporosis this weekend that when citizens say things that could be deemed against the law they are punished when ministers, leaders etc lie, bend the truth, manipulate numbers, steal, mislead it’s just considered politics. Tell the leaders be the example they expect their followers to be. Until then, go soussez sel. Right back. Your very statement is a violation of our constitution! Check yourself first.

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