Prosecutors to be equipped in dealing with sexual offenses

SexualAbuseConvention_en-lottesxl_abuse-1Justice, Immigration and National Security Minister, Rayburn Blackmoore, says government will put systems in place to better equip prosecutors as they deal with the problem of sexual offenses on the island.

Blackmoore, who was speaking on state-owned DBS Radio’s Talking Point, said those who are involved in committing the act of “unlawful carnal knowledge” should be given life sentences in prison.

“I am particularly concerned as it relates to sexual offenses,” Blackmoore said.

Sexual offenses dominated the January Criminal Assizes, which got underway in Dominica earlier this month, and the matter has been of great concern to many.

But Blackmoore said prosecutors must be equipped to ensure those who commit sexual crimes, especially against children, get the right sentences.

“We need to equip our prosecutors to ensure that persons who commit those appalling offenses get the right sentences, especially as it relates to unlawful carnal knowledge,” he said. “Based on what I have seen, in most cases, you have situations whereby persons who are being affected range from the age of four to 14. Be it a young girl or a boy, in my view, any persons who get himself or herself involved in the commission of unlawful carnal knowledge should be put away for life…”

Blackmoore said sexual crimes against adults are equally serious.

 Joseph said children living in poverty are vulnerable to abuse
Joseph said children living in poverty are vulnerable to abuse

Meanwhile, Social Worker Francis Joseph told Dominica News Online that the most important place to protect and secure children from sexual abuse is the home.

“If the family home is not secured, that is a remedy for disaster and is inviting perpetrators out there who know these people are vulnerable,” he stated.

He said many children live in homes that are affected by poverty and this put them at risk.

“You are going to find a lot of children who are vulnerable, families that are vulnerable and in a situation where they are begging for help and they would compromise anything, including their children, in order to survive,” he pointed out.

According to Joseph, the state is responsible primarily, “to ensure that all the systems, the instruments and the institutions, the structures and all the professionals are in place” to safely monitor the growth and development of children.

The social worker is of the opinion that while non government organizations (NGO) and volunteers are doing their best to fight the problem of child sexual abuse in Dominica, perpetrators are being protected in Dominica.

“This is what has been happening in Dominica and around the world, they protect the perpetrator, or the person who is alleged to be involved and this young girl or student is irrelevant and insignificant and has no feelings,” he noted. “So we can trample on these people because we have some level of authority. And we continue to hear the stalking of young girls in various education institutions in Dominica by people who are in authority…”

“There is a lot more happening and there is a lot more that can be done,” Joseph insists.

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  1. John Paul
    January 22, 2015

    The Speaker is begging for a bill re “Mandatory Reporting” Why is Mr. Blackmore not jumping at this? If this was put into law anyone who did not report abuse be it nurse or Doctor or Family Member would be liable.Mr Blackmore if You want to do something for those who are abused take the Speaker’s advice !Make Her look sincere and make Yourself sincere! Before that is done I cannot believe in anything You say !Blah blah blah making Yourself look good but that does nothing for the abused

  2. Efficatious
    January 21, 2015

    The Law is already in place,for rape,canal knowledge against a minor,and indecent assault,the only thing missing is the victims to make a complaint,but the victims are usually scared because no one will believe them,so you want to listen to them,tell them what is right and what is wrong and yes to them I believe you,by giving them strength and courage they need to talk to someone

    • Views Expressed
      January 22, 2015

      well said…………………thanks

    • January 22, 2015

      A whole new policy of believing the child and treating very accusation as the truth needs to be put in place. Every case should be reported to the police.

      This public should be made aware of this policy. Parents, and all who work with children should be informed.

      The fact is the alleged victim would be less likely to lie about an assault if she (or he) knew it would be reported to the police. This in itself would serve to protect the innocent against false accusations. Children rarely lie about being sexually assaulted. Many are afraid to come forward.

      The policed are trained to do the questioning. They are not likely to lay a charge unless they think they have a case that will stand up in court. Parents should be supportive and never accuse a child of lying. Older children should go to the police themselves regardless of who assaulted them and lay a charge.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  3. Envar
    January 21, 2015

    you can have all the laws in place all the equipment that money can buy, but unless the mind frame of our people has been changed abuse will still remain on the cards.

    have you ever imagine and viewed the points that person choose careers consistent with their weakness. for example a man with history of madness will want to be a psychiatric doctor so that he gets hos stead supply of medication and will be forever be undetected. so as the the police or social worker or pastor or lawyer who never gets treated but puts himself in a position where he is being feed with a steady stream of victims for life….

    the system is designed to protect predators and there a persons of power and control who protect those who commit those crimes the percentage convicted is just a selected few who by design get entangled.

    this is a matter that has been left much to be desired and i foresee a war of the roses…….

  4. BEB
    January 21, 2015

    In most cases when a young girl is being cross examined by defense council at the High Court ,they are making that girl think that she is on trial and not the accused, they would barge the victim with ridiculous questions just to embarrass the victim. that’s why some of these cases are not being reported. I think that it should be mandatory that grown up men who find themselves in these circumstances should be castrated forthwith. There’s one man in Roseau who was dealt with that punishment some years ago, why not continue that harsh punishment. I’m listening.

  5. January 21, 2015

    Sexual abuse against children is increasing in a number of countries.

    Any nation that seriously desires to deal with this will ask:

    Are there sufficient laws in place to give the police and courts the tools they need to deal with the problem?

    Are the people aware of these laws?

    Are the laws being enforced?

    Is there a law that requires anybody who is aware of a case of sexual child abuse to report it to the police?

    Parents need to be instructed on how to protect their children against sexual abuse. A committee should be formed to put a plan together to educate the parents on this matter. This is all the more necessary now
    in light of the fact that much of the abuse comes from somebody in the home, a relative, or acquaintance.
    Such a committee should be put together by the government and have to report to the government. This is the time to DO it!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist. (Pastoral Counsellor Certificate).

  6. The Facts
    January 21, 2015

    I hope something is done about those perpetrators. If they are well-known they should not be protected. For one, they should know better.
    The Law protects one type of people and not others. Everyone who abuses children and adults should be arrested, charged and the same sentence handed down. They should not be spared.
    Consider the children, their innocence taken and the shock they experience. This could have an effect on them for the rest of their lives. How could they ever recover from that type of experience and trauma even when they become adults? It also includes those who are adults.
    Mr. Joseph, I hope you mean just what you stated for this is an extremely serious matter to be dealt with accordingly especially where children are affected. They are the future adults and should be protected from perverts and pedophiles.

  7. Hmmmm
    January 20, 2015

    I want to know who going to jail for the 14yo child that is currently pregnant in P….? Welfare Division where are you? I am sure you have already been notified

  8. APachie Indian
    January 20, 2015

    start from the top first the world is a circle

  9. Efficatious
    January 20, 2015

    Mr. Blackmore! don’t be intimidated by these threat comments,this is just the beginning and we know you can do it.Very seldom we find a complete stranger commit these horrible act,it is always from someone close to the family,the children are not silly and they don’t talk to strangers.The parents should have been glad you are taking steps to protect the children yet they show anger,they should be the ones to protect their children and not you. Teach your children manners at home,respect and to them ,listen to them don’t matter how silly it may sound.

    • Views Expressed
      January 21, 2015

      Efficacious – What “Threat comments…..” are you caution Blackmore about?… The issue as the article states from Joseph starts with the state ensuring the necessary resources are in place to address this matter and fundamentally, that there are no interferences, protection by high ranking government and other people to obstruct the cause of justice. The issue is not the laws, the issue is for the police , social workers and those be to intervention swiftly and prosecute. Read the article again and see how it is mentioned that the home is threatened, poverty is rampant and also interesting, the Chairman of the State College rather than suspend and investigate had a front page article defending the President how he is a nice man etc etc etc.. So the vulnerable child is wrong, without a voice, cannot be heard, must NOT be heard and out of place, on the other hand the perpetrators and perceived perpetrators are protected, read the story again.
      Sexual abuse is rife and alive.

    • John Paul
      January 22, 2015

      How Many Years are You giving the DLP to do this? While they are at it just make the State College a free School since they paying 90 % of the school fees that way College Students will not have to beg Ministers for Free Tuition ,That alone will reduce the abuse and we all know it !
      Scare gasse!

  10. Shaka zulu
    January 20, 2015

    The Legal system continue to fail us. Someone mess with my kids and they will not see prison time. I will. I will ensure it will be slow and painful. Its a promise and a vow i take. So all children abusers/molesters out there know whose kids you fu……g with.

  11. Shameless
    January 20, 2015

    I can’t wait to see the legal framework that will send perpetrators to life in stock farm for taking advantage our of young people for whatever reason. I for sure know “some” high and mighty people (in government and private industry) will spend their last day behind bars. An while you are at it Mr. Blackmore, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee put legislation in place to cover sexual harassment in the workplace bu make the penalties harsher for government officials or senior police officers if found guilty.

    Assertive, NOT Aggressive! 8)

    • January 20, 2015

      As a man I have always found it difficult to understand why a grown man would find a child sexually appealing to him. be it your child or someone else’s child it is plain wrong in every sense of the word. these individuals should be castrated executed or sentenced to life in prison be it a priest, police officer, teacher, politician or the average Joe. any adult who would take advantage of a minor child be it boy or girl is sick and without morals or a conscience. there are simply too many single and lonely and consenting adult women or in some cases men out there to allow yourself as a grown man to be tempted by a little child. these people should not be allowed to continue to function within society. as grown men and in some cases grown women we know better than to take advantage of innocent and vulnerable children who depends on us. we as adults ought to be able to control our sexual urges in the presence of our children.

      • The Facts
        January 21, 2015

        They are sick people – perverts who should really be put away for life. It is high time to build a bigger prison, a special wing to place those people in. There should be different wings for different offenses.

    • January 22, 2015

      Here in Canada we have been troubled by the reports we have heard in the past few years of workplace sexual harassment.

      The worst thing is these reports have come from the least likely places.

      We have been made aware of a worker being sexually harassed in the headquarter offices of a Christian ministry led by a nationally known gospel worker. One lady reported that a particular male employee on her floor had the habit of grabbing her backside when she walked by. She talked to her boss, the female president and leader of the ministry, but nothing was done.

      Many female officers in the R.C.M.P. (our national police force) have reported being sexually harassed by male officers.

      There have been reports from many other job sites.

      Yes, there MUST be laws against this and they MUST be enforced.

      Employers must be held accountable. Employees should be warned that there is zero tolerance and violations WILL be reported.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International…

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