Raise the age of consent but more must be done – Francis joseph

Francis Joseph

A social worker here has added his voice to those calling for an increase in the age of consent from 16 to 18.

The issue has been in the media for several years; however it came up again following a recent explicit video involving minors which was released on a popular social network site and uploaded to several porn sites.

Francis Joseph, the former head of the Christian Children’s Fund in Dominica, said any move that will protect children from abuse will have his full support.

However, Joseph said there is a lot which must be considered.

“It is something that has to be well thought through. The age group of 16 and 18 needs to be protected but there must be a reason. Proper mechanisms must be put in place. It doesn’t just implement itself. Everyone has to be involved. If the policy holders don’t understand it, it doesn’t make sense. They must understand the implications and what it takes and the necessary resources, it makes no sense,” he explained.

According to Joseph, there are a lot of issues confronting children that are not being dealt with.

“We don’t have the necessary resources. There are a lot of case studies out there that needs to be looked at, reviewed and studied so we understand the trend with our young people,” he said.

Joseph said despite the fact that the young girls participated in the making of the video, they are still children and that makes it wrong.

“Children are vulnerable and we need them to help build the country, the family and themselves. If we impact pain and suffering on that age group, we are going to have some serious problems when they get to their middle twenties and they realize they are not well educated, they don’t have resources…” he said.

Joseph ended by saying that while raising the age of consent is an important thing to consider, it cannot be done in isolation.

“An act of parliament will not solve the problem. There is a lot of work which must be taken on board,” he said.

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  1. trouble
    March 2, 2013

    good very good :) :-D :wink: :-P :?: :-o

  2. January 15, 2013

    So 16 year old children can say yes to sex but they need a parent to sign for them to do surgury or to open an account. This Is BS these law makers are only doing this to please them self so they can have sex with children. At sixteen you should be preparing for CXC not woundering if am pregnant. Another thing Girls are the ones being looked down on what about the boys its ok for boys to do what they want. If there is any young girl reading this please dont worry about what they say at sixteen its not time yet you are not ready it have plenty of time for sex. Please tryand put some thing in your head learn at school. Sex not only brings pregnancy some ppl can get rid of pregnancy and act like nothing never happened but it can bring things that you cany get rid of like shame, sickness young girls you see all they talking about is you they hardly mentioning the boys or men that are doing this to all who that have the fault is the young girls we are better than this please stand up and say no to those nasty men that want to have you for there own pleasure and then leave you high and dry. Just say no please

  3. jlo
    January 15, 2013

    my two sense is that the girls should be more educated on that matter and have a better brain in their heads i did not see a gun on display forcing them to have sex, the age of consent have nothing to do with them low down two girls . there a good young girl out there so punish the two and the men involve but the rest still need to make their own choices at the age of 16

  4. slim m
    January 15, 2013

    even though the age of consent is raise in Dominica children under the age of 18 or 16 children will still have sex. the society will not know unless they people who are doing there business chose to put it in the eyes of the public.

  5. Anonymous
    January 14, 2013

    Those girls ready for marriage. They should be married and guard their chastity.

    • Muslim_Always
      January 15, 2013

      Thank you, a voice of reason.

  6. Hershoe
    January 14, 2013

    The Goverment must put in place curfew for teen under the age of 18 after 10pm they shoul’nt be roaming the streets looking for ride to go by Melvinia’s while parents in their beds if they are found the punishment shoul start at $200 to $1000 then parents would make it their business to supervise their children

  7. pookie
    January 14, 2013

    Age is just a number *dancing away* 16-18 wow. To me movinng it to 18 will not tell young girls especially stop have sex. Time is changing n that’s all. “They will still sex, nee girls nee boys” they have feelings. Am not fully against this but……. Would the change help?

    • Muslim_Always
      January 15, 2013

      Thank you, it will not change anything, allow them to get married whilst going to school. Teach them contraceptives and the importance of staying faithful to one partner. Punishment or damages should be laid down for adultery.

  8. tiny
    January 14, 2013

    “I do not believe that any law should suggest that a sixteen year old child give authority to any man to have sex with her simply because she is sixteen years old.

    that is not what the law is stating…the law is stating that a 16 year old is danm well mature eough and is reponsible enough to make that decision…let them kill someone and you will see how they will be sent to jail…

    a ten year old killed his father in the states 2 years ago… i am waiting to see how he is going to be treated…whether he will be tried as an adult…..

  9. January 14, 2013

    It is all in the mind of the individual, boy or girl, if someone believe they are mature enough and cannot contain their crave for sexual intercourse they will have sex anyway; and in every case outside of rape it could be term consensual.

    Some sixteen year old girls appear very mature from an outward appearance of their bodies, however the mind has yet to be fully developed, I do not believe that any law should suggest that a sixteen year old child give authority to any man to have sex with her simply because she is sixteen years old.

    At sixteen they are still under the care of their parent, I do not believe any parent should be working to take care of their daughters education while she is out having sex; and the law condones it. That is why we have so many children getting pregnant, having babies which ultimately become a problem to them, and to society.

    Even though in some country’s as the United States where an eighteen year old is classified a legally grown person, and claims they are capable of making their own decisions we still have problems, because they go out and get pregnant, their education is neglected, thus many live their entire life on State Welfare, and if not careful their children become grown and face the same dilemma.

    By the time a boy, or girl reaches the age of eighteen years old, that person should be finished with their secondary education, and enter collage to obtain a four year collage education, if the mind of one is occupied with sex, and having children it becomes more difficult for one to concentrate on the subjects they are dealing with to earn that degree.

    They say sex is a beautiful thing, but it has also caused lots of cervical cancer in women by the time they are in their thirties.

    I am not a practicing medical doctor, so I will leave it at that for the mind to ponder!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • tiny
      January 14, 2013

      i do not wish for 16 year olds to be sexually active but at the age of 18 they are old enough to make thier own decision to get married and to take part in porn..
      what is the difference between 16 and 17…i agree
      that you are more mature and experienced at twenty something…even thouggh many twenty something ad thirty something year olds are no different from teenagers….

      but to say that a 16 year old is not mature enough to make that decison is rediculous…they should not make that decision but they are mature enough to make it as long a they are not mentally retarded….

      do you think you are talking about a 6 year old here? should you should guard a 16 year old every move then if they are that immature….i was very childish…very very childish at the age of 16…and i was mature enough to know to that i should abstain fromm having sex…..and many older men have made advances towards me at that age including teachers
      again please do your job as parents and stop blamimg man when your daughters go out and have premarital sex

    • IPO
      January 14, 2013


    • Hershoe
      January 14, 2013

      Franciso your comment was very educational but there is’nt a perfect world there are some young people who will get themselves in trouble it have been happening from time is just the percentage of young poeple these days is alarming

  10. Governor
    January 14, 2013

    We Have heard of one isolated incident where two young girls willingly participated in making a porno video and everyone is crying for the age of consent to be increased to 18.
    Age 16 or 18 is doesnt make a difference to me. But a gov’t shouldn’t act or forcus on something thats so trivial, It not like we have a problem with our young people. it was just two dumb girls We shouldn’t punish all the others because of these two.

  11. No Probs
    January 14, 2013

    Raising the age of consent won’t change anything. Education on abstinence is the only way and that includes what the ALMIGHTY GOD requires of us. Raising the age of consent would only be a law and would insinuate that it is legal to participate in this immorality now you are eighteen.

    I echo Mr. Joseph concerns.

    • Muslim_Always
      January 15, 2013

      This abstinence is futile; we have been hearing this for years. The desire to have sex is strong and natural in man, the best way is to curb sex by opening up the avenues of young marriages whilst going to school. Marriages has rights and responsibilities when it is made a family responsibility.

    January 14, 2013

    Women should have some sort of device on them that when their man put their hand on them(hit them) some shock wave will go through the man’s body or shock his manhood so it wud not work for weeks or even months.

  13. Big-Bannan
    January 14, 2013

    And there I was thinking it was only Mohammad and the Muslims who believe it was ok to have sex with children.

    • Muslim_Always
      January 15, 2013

      Children cannot have children, remember that!

  14. Agatha
    January 14, 2013

    Mr Joseph, I know you are very experienced in dealing with social issues, and I agree with everything you and the lady who started the appeal said.

    I would just like to add this: The parents need consideration and training. It starts there, and without their concerted input nothing is going to happen. The horse has left the barn long ago.

    Anything one acquires today comes with instructions. Gone are the days when mankinds was in innocence, and “God make mouth He make bread.”

    Some “important” things like owning and operating vehicles and guns need tuition and licencing, but any old so and so – ignorant or otherwise – can just go and have children drunk or sober, hangman or huntsman and woman. When the children come they are overwhelmed and as confused as ever concerning how to bring up those kids – married or not. Some are so ill-equipprf that they consider selling the children’s virtues as an option.
    Agreed marriage is the preferred state for a family but sometimes born of marriage adds more stress to the child’s life when “Daddy fights with Mammy or visits the child’s bed.” So marriage of itself is not necessarily the answer to all their problems.

    It is time we took the matter of having and raising children (our most precious assets) seriously and produce parents that are equipped to deal with parenting. This is particularly important in a country like Dominica with such a sparse population. We are in a state where every head counts – or should count.

  15. Sammy
    January 14, 2013

    There is always someone who think that they can do better but never does it. OK, if more can be done, then do it why does it appear that you trying to discourage the people who decided to put talk into action? It has to start somewhere, so if you feel that you can assist Delia, then go to her and you guys collaborate your efforts and make a presentation to the parties that be. Why you blah blah blahing from day one, Gosh man.

    This is what I hate about Dominica, someone else can always do better but the problem remains.

    • Fikisha
      January 14, 2013

      Yes Sammy, and there is always someone who think they are wiser and know what everybody else thinking but they don’t. I read Mr. Josephs’s comment and and nowhere does it show that he’s trying to discourage any body who put talk into action. All he is saying that much more must be done and it’s not as easy as it sounds. Why should he go to Delia? Has she suddenly become some big shot policy maker? Give me a break. This issue was being discussed on Dominica Diaspora since mid 2012 and every body has a right to their opinion.

  16. toma
    January 14, 2013

    when you allow porn on cell phones and the internet,when parents doing their thing and so loud, when fathers cant see their daughters as daughters and nieces as nieces.
    When mothers don’t conduct themselves as ladies, and wear those skimpy little low neck clothes, then raising the age of consent to 50 will never make a difference.

    • Student
      January 14, 2013

      True, very true

  17. IPO
    January 14, 2013

    When did the age of consent moved to 16? I am lost here.

  18. islam
    January 14, 2013

    why don’t u enforce a law that prime ministers and ministers must be married before they lead us in dominica also

    • Wiseowl
      January 14, 2013

      Married to who? 6 year olds?

    • Just Saying
      January 14, 2013

      What does one’s private life have to do with running the country? Does being married exponentially increase ones ability to do the job? Besides this is irrelevant to the issue at hand. Stop comparing apples and oranges, makes for a useless argument.

    • FED UP
      January 14, 2013

      How is this relevant?

    • ME
      January 14, 2013


    • Tee
      January 14, 2013

      Ridiculous! What does marriage have to do with leading a country? Upholding and practicing moral values, yes, but marriage? Really?

      • October 23, 2015

        Marriage is the cornerstone of civilization.

        Marriage is one of our values. Fornication and adultery are not.

        No human government has the authority to redefine marriage. There is only one true and valid marriage. That is the union of one man and one woman until they are parted by death. Please read Matthew 19:4-6.

        What has marriage to do with leading a country? Without marriage you have no nation in any civilized sense of the word.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Joe
      January 14, 2013

      My PR was married with his wife in house and still having affairs with other woman, he wanted to do the same thing his father did, but it did not work the wife left him

      Many of them ministers of government are the ones exploiting the young girls in Dominica, i know of a few young girls working in the ministry and they are not qualified for the jobs, they sell their bodies for the jobs, so it have to start with the parl reps

    • Tri-State Beauty
      January 14, 2013

      Islam has being married deterred a man/woman in political office from straying? Do you have statistical evidence to back your desire vs the hard cold facts that grown men and women across the board are taking advantage of children? I’m lost as to what relevance marriage has to do with protecting children from predators whether married or single.

  19. ifeelit
    January 14, 2013

    wether the age of consent is 16 or 18 there will always be sex predators. what we need is knowledge our parents need to be more knowledgable in teaching and training our children we need to turn to The Lord and his words which says to train up a child ………….and this child will not depart so please parents we donot have schools to train u to become a better parent but there are alot of books to help u so try reading and when u have gained knowledge u can pass it on. remember the bible states that people perish because of a lack of knowledge

    • Blacky
      January 14, 2013

      @Ifeelit. Ur sankey done sing. Since I no meself it singing, now it fallin apart. De tune na reach we. You canna put ole wine in new skin. 21st Century genarashun na listen to dat. Spin aroun, think somting new, an come again.

  20. tiny
    January 14, 2013

    I have more in store..I will tell another time…you peopke think …12,13,14,15,and 16 year old out there are easy…..from the few that I’ve conversed with sex is nothing to them

  21. tiny
    January 14, 2013

    I can go on and on…i know of severel sisters who have had sex with the same guy…yes I’m talking abiut teenagers….sisters having sex with brothers..I’m talking abot one girl having sex with 4 brothers and her sister doing the same..and if you see them on Facebook now..they have settled down and doing well..I hope they are good mother to their kids when their kids bemome teenagers…

    I know of guys having sex with their step sister and I even know of guys having sex with their half sister……every time I used to look at that little girl and think of her with her brother..I wiuld shake my head..and I’m always the last to know…so many corrupt ion taking place that I know nothing about

  22. Nathaniel Peltier
    January 14, 2013

    The age of consent is 16 at present and people are still going after children under 16. While I am not against raising to the age of consent. I think we should have things in place to enforce the laws we have right now and make examples of people who going after children.
    Then we will not notice things change.

  23. tiny
    January 14, 2013

    Big joke..this is hitting a nerve…this country is going backwards…it is like America legalizing gay marriage but criticizing politicians who cheat on their wives..oraising one sin while condeming the other…..a 16 year old is not retarded …they can reason and think….

    Parents are not doing their jobs…they need to be educated….that kids are not to be treated as property…and kids need to feel loved…and they must be disciplined in the right manner…

  24. Sociologist
    January 14, 2013

    This latest bandwagon to lower the age of consent is a narrow minded knee jerk reaction to a particular incident. We already have enough problems dealing with the age of consent at 16, they are going to add to it by sending it up to 18?

    At least Mr. Joseph says that more should be done. But jacking it up to 18 is not the answer.

    All these so called ‘worthies’ (not Mr. Joseph)dont seem to know what is going on under their own noses. BBs, facebook, webcam, making La Feemay among teenagers and they playing so innocent in your home, you dont even know.

    This is just a way of fobbing off the responsibilities of good parenting and education. A properly brought up child should be able to cope with most things including choices about sex at 16. I am not joining this hoop la la.

    • Whatever
      January 14, 2013

      No wonder you call it a knee jerk reaction, you are speaking without even knowing what they are proposing. Lowering the age of consent? really?

  25. concerned
    January 14, 2013

    Mr Joseph, first things first. First get age of consent up, then move to the rest. but with the age of consent at 16 makes it difficult to put things into place. We all know that there are a lot of things to put in place but use your notoriety to push the issue forward and revise your statement. ( OR maybe I was the one who didn’t understand clearly your message)

    • Suki
      January 14, 2013

      u think just like the government…just like the people who planned roseau… disorganized… -_-

      why don’t we have everything ready first… then… we can make a move… you can’t go camping and then get your gears…

  26. tiny
    January 14, 2013

    Get real if this is what you people want to do to help solve the problem of sex among teens …then you people are a joje….young kida have to learn everthing in life on their own..parents simply say you can’t..you are not allowed to or else you will be punished and they create rebellious kids….at a certain age you can no longer say to a child because I say so…you need to discuss..

    And keep making stupid rules like no boyfreinds….it is normal for teenagers to feel attraction for the opposite sex…you need to coach them on what age they can start dating and what qualities to look for…different does not always mean better,a less agressive guy does not mean that he has a better personality….

    January 14, 2013

    Raising the age of consent wont change anything…The age of consent is currently 16 and yet still many men engage in sexual acts with children who are under the age of 16. Some even get involved with 11 and 12 year olds.

  28. tiny
    January 14, 2013

    Are you people that hypocrite? I have known 13 year old sexually active kids who just ask a guy out of the blue to go down on her because she is in the mood…I can think of 4 girls off the top of my head who made their male freinds take turns on them..oh I just remembered another one..so make that 5…
    I know for a fact that one of those gurls was sexually abused by her father..I have had freinds who confided in me and my jaw dropped when they told me at what age they started having sex and the men they were involved with…these are people you would never expect that off..

    • tiny
      January 14, 2013

      And when I say take turns I do not necessarily mean at the same time…they had sex with a male freinds ..

    • January 14, 2013

      So we need righteousness in the land. We need Jesus Christ to be exalted in the land.
      It is only through righteousness that the young people will know their worth and the purpose for their lives. Not only will they know but will be empowered to fulfill it.

  29. Confused Reader
    January 14, 2013

    I will say again.


  30. tiny
    January 14, 2013

    Nonsense…stupid rule to make parents feel better for not doing their jobs as parents…so I’m guessing you feel better if your child is having sex with someone below the age of 18 than with someone above that age…stupid stupid stupid….

  31. we need help
    January 14, 2013

    Good words mrs Joseph . But something needs to be done , i fill so sad for these children and i pary that that age of consent should be 18 at that time we parents will be able to protect our childern .

  32. shortboy
    January 14, 2013

    just a set of talk too much time to do something (send it up to 18 & stop talking)

  33. Dominiquen
    January 14, 2013

    If it goes from 16 to 18 years it also includes boys; i am referring to men having sex with men or boys. :?:

  34. grell
    January 14, 2013

    i think your confused,get it straight.

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