Reginald Mann pleads guilty to murder

Glenroy Lockhart, described as reserved and private
Glenroy Lockhart, described as reserved and private

Reginald Mann has pleaded guilty to the December 26th 2013 murder of Glenroy Lockhart.

Mann has been in custody since 2013 will be sentenced on May 27th, 2016, after a social inquiry report and mitigation.

He is represented by Wayne Norde and Bernadette Lambert.

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  1. At the law
    December 10, 2016

    A person charged with murder cannot plead guilty to murder, there’s must be a trial, they can plead guilty to manslaughter, the Court of Appeal held that there must be a trial for murder, otherwise an automatic Appeal

  2. zouklv
    May 12, 2016

    I am here looking at the comments of Dominicans. Things suddenly happens they must be careful what they wish for ,human nature is funny a simple argument and people lose it. There was a fight between (2) two grown men one killed the other.The one that was killed is not innocent as people think..The accused was hospitalized with injuries. We are in no position to take lives,not even Government. When Cain killed Abel God did not kill him ,he placed a mark on him. We need to look at the facts before we just run with human emotions. Taking a life of someone we know by an other is heart breaking but we have to learn to forgive..Vengeance is for god!!!! ….Human dignity is for everyone though mater the person’s past…

    • Smh
      May 13, 2016

      You need to shut up. The one who was killed was only warning him to not to hit his sister again. And he was attacked. The only reason the accused the was in hospital is because people had to use force and objects to try to stop him. Yall too foolish is this place. I would really like to hear you if something like that would happen to ur family member

  3. TeteMorne I From...
    May 12, 2016

    So they stop hanging people in Dominica? Why? Bring back the gallows!!!

  4. Face the Facts
    May 11, 2016

    This is beyond my understanding that someone would kill another. It takes a wicked person with a wicked heart to do that. How could anyone possess such a wicked heart? You killed your fellowman depriving him of his life. Why did you not think and ask God to grant you patience and to prevent you from harming him?
    Consider his relatives, how distraught they were and continue to be. It is something they will never get over, the murder of their loved one. They are the victims as long as their life continues.

  5. Why are there so many murders in Dominica :?:

    Each one is a tragedy four times over.

    First it is a tragedy for the victim. A life is ended.

    Second it is a tragedy for the victim’s family. His (her) parents and siblings suffer the ultimate shock, grief, and horror.

    Third it is a tragedy for the killer. It is hard to find sympathy for the criminal. He must live with the dreadful burden of guilt and shame unless he is executed.

    Fourth it is a tragedy for the family of the killer. Again parents and siblings suffer. Remember they are also innocent. I cannot imagine their pain.

    It is understandable that so many people are asking for a return to capital punishment. With the high rate of homicide in Dominica maybe the government will give it some thought.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Mr. Mann, I want you to know God loves you.

      He knew some day you would commit this terrible crime. Yet, in spite of this He gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty for ALL your sins. Yes, and all my sins!

      The Bible says ”… the blood of Jesus Christ (God’s) Son cleanseth us from ALL sin.” You will find this promise in I John 1:7. Believe it! This is HOW we receive Christ as our personal Savior. YOU must take this step of faith for YOURSELF. Nobody can do it for you!

      DO it now. Them TELL somebody!

      The Bible says:

      ”For with the heart man BELIEVETH unto righteousness; and with the mouth CONFESSION is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:10)

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  6. harris nicholls
    May 11, 2016

    the death penalty should be put in place to many people losing there life like this I cannot believed glenroy is gone such a nice child he was all ways a boy by him self the justice system to sharp up on these crimes and set example that other should learn when they end up in prison when they come out that cannot bring back the life of the child that these family lost we need to thing of these as a people to many family are suffering for the sake of these people

  7. May 11, 2016

    Someone commit such a crime 2013 and only now the matter is being resolved..almost 3 years..ridiculous.
    There were murders back in the years and it never took that long ..within 12 – 18 months that matter would be hitting the high’ll need to go back to the old days….

    • Face the Facts
      May 11, 2016

      Same last name. Is he related to you?

  8. mine
    May 10, 2016

    I hope the system don’t kill the victim’s family a second time.

  9. May 10, 2016

    The longest Rope has an End, cool and deadly, Did enough trips to that community to Deal with those bad guys. God is good all the time, all the time God is watching, then BANG!!! He put a stop to all that ######.

    • Face the Facts
      May 11, 2016

      Our God is patient. Everything happens in His time.
      He asks that we are patient with one another.
      He metes out his reward and punishment in time.

  10. Dr. Sam
    May 10, 2016

    The justise system works when such blatent crimes do not end up going to trial.

    I have seen too much suffering inflicted upon this family in one blow. Glenroy’s mother instantly suffered a stroke and his sister, my receptionist, broke her foot escaping the mayhem. The entire family is still deeply traumatized by witnessing the life of their loved one so brutally snatched away before their very eyes.

    We pray for the accused with a renewed sense that justice will be done. We will stand strong for victims of escalating violence now endemic in our country. May we as nation learn to resolve conflicts decently and in order. May we as a nation learn to stand up against lawlessness of any kind.

    • Face the Facts
      May 11, 2016

      It makes me wonder what type of era we reside in. I was born and brought up in D/ca. If there was a murder, it was one in ten years. The youths/adult men of all were different from some of them today.
      What has happened to Dominica that there are so many murders? What is wrong with some Dominicans as this man? What is in them to cause them to murder without thinking and not remorseful? What has gone wrong?
      Dr. Sam, I can only say, only God fully knows. However, we know the answer is godlessness. This covers all the godly attributes which he should have. One of it is love for his fellowman. Those who truly love will not harm nor kill anyone.
      A life lost can never be regained. We know what it is to lose loved ones through natural causes. An unnatural cause as murder, is obviously more difficult for the family of the deceased to bear. May God continue to uphold them and strengthen them.
      This man must bear the consequences of his action.

  11. The truth
    May 10, 2016

    I am calling on the Government to put back the death penalty, it seems killing people has become a game and then pleading guilty for less penalty. There must be respect for life.

  12. Envar
    May 10, 2016


    • Annonymous Reader
      May 10, 2016

      :lol: :lol: :lol:

      You expect lawyers to advise people to go and behave???

      Less money in their pockets if people behave.

    • Independent Observer
      May 10, 2016

      You don’t really know what the layers told these guys do you?

    • FED UP
      May 10, 2016

      Why is it the lawyer’s responsibility to tell a grown man to behave?

    • Dominican Passports
      May 10, 2016

      Lawyers are truly the scum of the earth, they flock by the grooves to set Thieves, murders and rapist free.

      • FED UP
        May 11, 2016

        Yes that’s what most people say until they need one.

    • May 10, 2016

      Better late than Never!

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