Suspect nabbed after Emerald Pool incidents

A man suspected of robbing and terrorizing tourists in the Emerald Pool area this week has been detained by the Castl e Bruce police, according to reliable sources.

The arrest was made following two consecutive events on Tuesday and Wednesday.

On Tuesday, a couple visiting the Emerald Pool from the cruise ship were robbed at gunpoint of $500 in US currency. The couple was unharmed.

The second incident occurred with a group of tourists at the same site. It is reported that the man brandished a knife, but the attempt was unsuccessful due to the large number of tourists.

The suspect has been described as a young man from the Castle Bruce area.

Dominica News Online will provide more information as it becomes available.

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  1. dominican in antigua
    January 14, 2011

    we all in dominica must do something about this things in d/a when the people stop coming to our sweet dominica then this guys are going to do it to dominicans so people lets help to police get the job done its for all of us

  2. yes sar
    January 2, 2011

    give de man a break…

  3. Ghost
    January 1, 2011

    Lazy fellas don’t want to work. Just sit and rob people who working hard for their earnings. Instead of robbing tourist. Be creative. Do a lil craft work and sell to them!!

  4. one life to live
    January 1, 2011

    It is sad that we have to blame everything on the Government, or porverty. When i lived in DA, i planted, weaved vertiver, made mats to help my husband take care of my family. Now! When i visit, I have to buy from Haitians, who are the ones seems to be making a better living than Dominicans. What the hell? What has happened to Dominicans? They want to live cheap and smell sweet. Lazy like cats, voller like rats. Go toil the ground, the Haitians are doing it. The govt needs to put in stiffer penalty for these people.
    I am trying to promote my island, while these idiots are taking it down. God have mercy on our sweet island Dominica.

  5. Anonymous
    January 1, 2011


  6. Grand Bayrian
    January 1, 2011

    Recently friends of mine visited Dominica while on a cruise, they went to the Emerald Pool, they enjoyed it very much, as they said to me it was nice to be “in harmony with nature”.,

    They are planning to visit Dominica again, in march 2011. Now, I am concern and naturally for the safety of my friends and all visitors to the island sites of interest.

    We can’t be serious about tourism, if we are not making the security of our guests paramount. We must have trained police officers in plane clothes patroling these sites.

    We must learn from the mistakes of our caribbean neighbours, if not the crusie ship will stop coming, and as always; when they pull out we start questioning the reason, coming up with all sorts of excuses.

    Lets create an environment where people experience a hospitality that is comparable to none out there, you do not want there experience to be “I got robbed at gun point in Dominica”. This will cost our economy $$$$$$$$$ and even thousands of visitors. I think we should stop providing lip service, its seems thats all we are all about.

  7. Proud Dominican
    January 1, 2011

    I am all over boasting my country,missing my country and always telling pple that d.a is the best place.but lately is shooting and robbing. D.a have pizza hut,they have subway,rituals now I hear McDonald’s coming.well all that having these pple think they in America.I would take those things away from them and leave them stagnant as they were before.they growing so they acting stupid.I mean I am from Dominicbut apparently they can’t handle growth an development.

    • damn rude
      January 5, 2011

      what the hell you mean by ‘ D.a have pizza hut,they have subway,rituals now I hear McDonald’s coming.well all that having these pple think they in America.I would take those things away from them and leave them stagnant as they were before.’ You even sounding bitter about that sort of development (as if that is development at all). You are saying ‘these ppl and they’ as if to detach yourself from your birth country. Shame on you and you call yourself Proud Dominican? Stop Frontin’

  8. watching you watching me
    January 1, 2011

    This young man’s action stinks of sheer desperation, lack of job opp, laziness, lack of motivation, wanting to compete with his peers at all costs etc etc. Eventually, they end up biting the hand that feeds them! There are lots of them around and the government and parents should play their part and take responsibility as head of the country and household to reverse this culture that may eventually ruin Dominica and its people.

    I’m also very surprised at how some Dominicans have become so self-centered and materialistic.

    • Anonymous
      January 3, 2011

      Self centered and materialistic! Thats the American way. America forgets to warn everyone open up to development and think money money money and be prepared for crime crime crime and selfish materialistic youth. :cry:

  9. Dorette Alie
    January 1, 2011

    oh yeah,,God blessed us with enough natural beauty for tourists to want to visit, but the devil does not like goodness, so he sends his followers to destroy,,,

  10. actioneer
    January 1, 2011

    castlebruce again thats is why i will say again all castle bruce people voller now c wa he do. HA rubbing tourist/ now when they start doing that what do u think the country gonna be like .no tourist no money and then we will end up just like certain virgin island like st.croix struggling to get cruise ships to visit. too bad for u castle bruce a u to big mouth down there and lazy rubbing tourist and all

    • Jojo
      January 4, 2011

      Castle Bruce again wat! doe have yourself! These pricks are all over dominica!

  11. jobe
    December 31, 2010

    Dominica needs help leaders go out there and learn . We need the tourist but we not offering them what they need full security and good food and is what tourist needs. You go to these historic sites and notting but a tour rep. thats poor. These spots should be secured and have all neccessities for the tourist even if these businesses open on a six months annually. We need sizable restaurants and bars and we need to educate the population on the values of tourism.

  12. the artist
    December 31, 2010

    We should stop blaming poverty for the crimes in dominica… I am sure that their are people in dominica worse off than the people who commit the crimes.. Each individual should be responsible for his actions and face the consequences…. Poverty my foot…. Sooooo u dont have food to eat tomorrow instead of humbling yourself ask your neighbour for help or aunty uncle parents whoever u find the best thing is to kill and steal????
    I dont believe poverty is the reason people commit crimes in dominica

    December 31, 2010

    Why don’t they send him to me. I would saddle him like a horse and show him how people does work hard for their money…

  14. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    December 31, 2010

    ” Boy they should put blows on him like there is no tomorrow. They should use him as a punching bag or something for police training. Boy mister should get lashes.”( Excerpt from DNO).

    Here we are in other forums, debating about the breakdown in law and order in the country, people are debating about the vast corruption existing within the system, we blame the police, and the judicial system for not doing their job, and not taking it seriously, nonetheless, here we find some idiot expressing some very stupid sentiments regarding the arrest of a suspect in an alleged crime.

    Why should a police officer, use a suspect as a punching bag?

    Why should one be beaten and treated as an animal when they are not yet convicted of a crime; and even when they are convicted, and incarcerated, there are certain protocol the prison system must follow to protect the safety, health, and welfare of a prisoner whiles in the custody of the State.

    I know that in Dominica, we operate contrary to the laws of the country, however, that does not mean that citizens must condone police brutality, in the name of the people!

    The responsibility, of the police is to investigate, a matter; any form of criminal activity, or behavior; in this case robbery, and attempted robbery; with a deadly weapon.

    A suspect is arrested, and charged!

    Now, unless the suspect resisted arrest, or was combative while been arrested, the police does not have any legal right, nor authority to beat, brutalize, or assault any prisoner without just cause. If the police brutalizes a suspect while the suspect is in custody; or surrendered peacefully, the police would have also committed a felony, in the English language, that is called Police Brutality.

    In the event a suspect, is combative, and is resisting, the police does have the legal rights to use some force in order to subdue the suspect; however, the amount of force used is define in the Common Law system, as ” reasonable force.” I don’t see using a human bean, as a punching bag, or a tool for police training as the stupid person indicated as reasonable force.

    When someone is arrested, and brute force is unnecessarily used to subdue a suspect, the government, and the police could be subjected to a civil law suit. And I tell you what there are place where the police could be individually held responsible for all the damages awarded in fines or any sanctions awarded by a court of law to the person whom the police without just cause brutalized.

    In Dominica, police beat the innocent, and get away with it, as in the case where a woman was beaten earlier this year, I think her surname is Buffong. Since the mercilessly beating which left her hemorrhaging, we have not heard anything of the matter, nor the criminal police individual who almost killed her.

    Where else can this sort of behavior tolerated except good old Dominica?

    The duty of the police is to protect and serve the people of a country, and not to commit crimes against the citizens they serve.

    When the police uses people as examples by using brute force on them, only to prove a point, or simply for a show of power, they are breaking the law, thus themselves become felons, though or bias system does not prosecute them, nor regard them as felons!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Sout Man
      December 31, 2010

      Francisco, I totally agree with you, brother although I do not like your frequent usage of the words “stupid’ and “idiot”. In fact,you deserve 99% because of “human BEANS” (or human beings) and “WEATHER” (or whether – in response to Hard Life). Otherwise, this is a nice piece. I inserted the corrections because of the scolding you give to those of us who make errors on this site,the last being seat/sit. You were absolutely correct then. I just want you to realize that we are all prone to making mistakes. The above errors are not typos, but misuse of Her Majesty’s language.

      Have a happy New Year my friend. Happy New Year to my fellow Dominicans. Let’s work together in 2011 to move our country forward.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        January 1, 2011

        Sorry I refer to the person as an idiot, nonetheless; I could not contain my frustration after reading the persons comments.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

        • Someting
          January 1, 2011

          Francisco I must say that I agree with what you have written in response to my comment and really it was after posting the comment and taking a few breaths to calm my frustration that I said that I should not have written the first part. For that matter you would realize as i typed more of my comment it became less harsh.
          Although I take back the punching bag thing and beating the guy up, (to some extent) I still feel that we should have been securing these sites. I still feel law enforcement to exist not only for post crime investigations etc but for crime prevention also. Preventative measures are normally boring and we generally question their effectiveness by saying look them police or who ever just sitting up there day in and day out doing nothing in a place where no crime takes place. The fact the police might be there might be the reason why no crime takes place in the first place. Oh and Francisco, if you are incapable of reading a comment to see that it was written in the heat of the emotion then dude, you have problems. I think you look for comments that would allow you the opportunity to show off. Come on dude, do as i did, breathe!

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          January 1, 2011

          ” I think you look for comments that would allow you the opportunity to show off. Come on dude, do as I did, breathe!” ( ).

          I am once again sorry that you feel that way about me!

          My intention is not to show off, or anything like that. I am too much of a humble person to be a ” show-off.”

          Nonetheless, I may jump on something though petty; however, my reasons for doing so, is because of the embarrassment that many Dominicans, including myself suffer because of some of the comments our people make on DNO.

          By now, you must realized that millions of none Dominicans do have access to DNO also, and to be honest with you, some of the comments we write on DNO, outsiders read, also, and I can inform you with all certainty, some of the feed back I get does not render us favorable in the sight, and mind of many none Dominicans.

          We have none Dominican friends, and when they ask us to relate Dominica, to them, we find it more convenient to refer them to Sites such as DNO, so we have to be very careful how we conduct ourselves through what we write. The way we conduct ourselves, on DNO, will serve as a representation of all our people good or bad!

          I have very little problems with a few missed spelt words, however, the contents of the message, and the context in which it is presented, is my main concern.

          I.E., yesterday I wrote something on DNO, as a matter of fact we are on the subject at this moment.

          Anyway, last night in a conversation with a friend of mine residing in Canada, she informed me; ” I am reading something that you wrote on DNO, and continue to say someone copied it from DNO, and e-mailed it to her.”

          So you see, the things we write, good, or bad, intellectual or none-intellectual comments, somehow, it all gets around, we never know who is reading.

          Be reminded I am not a show-off; I am just a simple, and very humble man.

          Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  15. Q95
    December 31, 2010 didnt blame Skerrit for that….

  16. hard life
    December 31, 2010

    Hey you people just stay and write stuff, but, I imagin you never feel the bad vibes we the poor, help-less and people in need feel!!

    we begin life, with poor family, hard working, working hard the teh people in the office or politics does, what we recive, is hard-ship, jail, unequal treatment, etc!!!!

    so why go work hard and the people in the office and train us to do the Illigal job, go to jail, etc, for them, and still gain for doing such!!

    we doesn’t want to steal, deal drugs, kill, however, the situation, of life, and the fullfillment of the bible is also taking its couse too…..

    but, after say this, we hate this life like you who are affect by those action!!!!

    socities, government, politican, and the population have to step-up, equal rights and justic…. justic must not seem or enforce on the poor, less wealthy, etc, it must be for ALL, THE RICH, POLITCANS, GOVERNEMENT, ETC!!!!!

    The real issue surrounding crimals is access to education and work, work that meaningfull and brings people a desent life!!!!!

    please lets just have a look at land taxes of Dominica:

    1. the richer you are, the more land you have!!!

    2. the poorer you’re, less land you have!!!!

    3. the more land you have, less taxes of government you have to pay, for a certificate of title, for a certicate of titles in Dominica, and maybe other country too…..

    4. the less land you have, more taxes goverment you have to pay, for a certificate of title, for a certicate of titles in Dominica, and maybe other country too…

    So, before you respond, ask your self some question like:

    1. I’m Working?

    2. what my salary?

    3. How much money I have acces to daily?

    4. When last I go more than one day without anything to eat?

    5. Is the hardest working gain the most money?

    these are just a few question to ask you self!!!

    finnally, beating these people is illegal, however it the correctional instution to rehabillitate these people!!!!

    please don’t be mad while read my respone!!

    please it’s a new year soon, therefore new rules and new positive objective to accomplish….. be strong, stay away from illegal active and behavor!!!
    Happy new year everyone, and i mean everyone!!!


    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      December 31, 2010

      Weather a person is born with a gold spoon in their mouth, or they are born cleaning feces for a living, and no matter the hardship; stealing, holding up tourrist, and local people at gun point, or threatening them with a knife in commission of a robbery is not the alternative.

      Poverty should never be blamed for the commission of a crime!

      There was a time when we could count the number of criminals in Dominica on one hand, I remember a time when there was only six (6) prisoners confined to the Stock Farm Prison.

      Believe it or not!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • spell
        January 1, 2011

        Whether :lol:

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          January 1, 2011


          Okay, I got it!

  17. ??????????
    December 31, 2010

    Dominica backwards and will continue to be backwards. How can u not security at popular tourist attractions. Utter foolishness. D bigger heads dem pocket full so they ain care about the other ppl.

  18. What Ever Next
    December 31, 2010

    He should be paraded through the streets and publicly flogged and then left out in the midday sun to dry out!!

    • Dominican Princess
      January 7, 2011


  19. simple mind
    December 31, 2010

    Thumbs up 2 castle bruce police ;hope a loophole(political) won’t get him off the hook so that others learn.

    • Anonymous
      January 1, 2011

      no thumbs up to any police as they were not the ones that apprehendin the guy, i am a bus driver and i was at the scene that day. it was the grounds maintenance guy and the tourism officer at the site that went looking for the guy and ran after him ,

  20. someting
    December 31, 2010

    Boy they should put blows on him like there is no tomorrow. They should use him as a punching bag or something for police training. Boy mister should get lashes. Trust me if i was a police officer when i find mister i would give him blows we. I comparing that to the terrorist attacks on the united states on 9/11. The is an act of terror for all i care. These ppl need to understand that when they commit these acts that they are killing the country but you know who i also blame? This is where i am going to get the thumbs down…. The Government and the police.
    Now read a little more before you think it is political because i said the Government. We know when the cruise ships are coming, we know where the normally go to, we even know our Dominica and know that places like the emerald pool provide a lot of cover and hiding places for individuals to commit these acts. Although we know all, and i mean all of that.
    Do we assign uniformed patrol in these areas? As i say, just the sight of law enforcement is enough to deter crime. Why was he not as successful on the second day? Because there was a larger crowd. Would he even contemplate a robbery knowing that police patrolling with their guns? I think not. So YES! the govt and police is also at fault here.
    Take me to court all those who feel otherwise but this is my OPINION.

      December 31, 2010

      I agree there should be security at these site.

      Two bit shops selling substandard merchandise have security.

      Also being poor is no excuse, most people are born into less privilieged families and they work for what they have.

  21. Auti
    December 31, 2010

    We got to make an example of this one. Crime against the state I call those. Remember Antigua and St Kitts. Bad report of DA when these tourist get back to their various destinations.

  22. Bougla
    December 31, 2010

    Beat him!

  23. Devoted Dominican.
    December 31, 2010



    • miami
      December 31, 2010

      sorry but crimes occur everywhere. In case u haven’t realize where there is development, there is a higher crime rate.

  24. Castle Bruce Dude Abroad
    December 31, 2010

    hmmmmmmmm, I want to know who he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    • highgrade
      December 31, 2010

      heyyyyyyy its a dude from petite soufrier ok.dont get that mixed up with castle bruce

  25. Always Concerned
    December 31, 2010

    Well, sounds like some people are desperate. I hope we can help them find constructive and meaningful ways to live or they will just continue to commit crime. Desperate people do desperate things. Job creation or an entrepreneurial injection of some sort might help.

    HELP!! HELP!!

  26. TULULU
    December 31, 2010

    I am not surprised. Not even tourguides are available at the main tourist site which should be mandatory. Ask the DDA. All this is part of the next level of our national tourism product

    Enjoy the nature isle!!!!!

  27. Anti-hate
    December 31, 2010

    I can imagine blows that dude got when they caught him. Good job officers!!

    • Jayson
      December 31, 2010

      Licks on him!!

      • freddy
        December 31, 2010

        true that they are too wicked

  28. Gee
    December 31, 2010

    ******************************IS THE GOVERNMENT ALIVE??****************************

    Do they have a comprehensive plan to curb this crime increase in DA? Don’t wait till a tourist is killed!!! It’s already sad that there’s nothing being done about crimes among us locals………….. but now TOURIST???…. part of our “bread and butter” of our economy??? We’re breaking the hands that’s helping to feed us now??

    I really hope this is the last but with nothing being done…………. I know this is wishful thinking!!

  29. wow
    December 31, 2010

    they didn’t hear what happened in St.Kitts? after some masked men went to a popular tourist site and shot out the window of the taxi bus,then proceeded to rob 17 tourists at gunpoint .well this made international headlines and the other cruise ships started canceling.
    these fools don’t think about what they doing to they country,just as long as they get quick money in they hand that gone finish in no time but the bad name on the country remains.

  30. Blessed
    December 31, 2010

    Good work officers. Now go out and get the other criminals. Additionally better arrangements need to be made to secure our popular attractions especially in periods when we know many visitors will be on the trails.

  31. patriot
    December 31, 2010

    it is people like this that bring our country down,we need the tourist dollars, they choose to come to our country, the best we can do is to make them feel safe.too many crimes these people need to find work or create work and stop terrorising people

  32. freddy
    December 31, 2010

    The country was able to station so much police resources at the courts for a ridiculous matter between two former friends but not able to have sufficient security at a place like emerald Pool to protect our guests. Are we serious?

    So sad….

  33. FIRE
    December 31, 2010

    In all that bush.He could have done something more consructive lilke planting some weed.I hate a volaa.

    • Proud Dominican
      January 1, 2011

      U Doe lie nuh. Lol

  34. Roz
    December 31, 2010

    I wonder if it was a real gun or one of them real-looking guns that had my eyes popping on christmas eve

  35. OMG
    December 31, 2010

    What happen to dem people there nah?! Behave all u selves dread! We already stuggling to get our tourists up and dem kind of things there pushin us back! stop it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    500 US$? that about what? 1325.00 EC$ you set for 1 week 2 weeks? then what? dam it man, go get a job, till the soil, make craft, read a book, do something constructive!!!! instead of terrorizing people.

    Fire bun that!!!!!!!!!
    Punish him!!!!!

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