Thieves run into bad luck

The business places of J.E. Nassief and Save A Lot were targeted by thieves over the weekend.

However the thieves ran into bad luck when  security officers at the two business places were called to make a few arrests.

Steven Giraudel of Tarish Pit was arrested for the theft of two files amounting to EC$15.80.

Reports are that Giraudel on April 5, 2012 at about 1:40pm entered the store of J.E. Nassief and was kept under close surveillance by the security officer who later saw him take two files, place them under his shirt and walk out.

Once outside he was approached by the officer and searched and the files found on him.

He was arrested, later pleading  guilty in court, saying there that he was sorry.

Giraudel was fined EC$200.00 to be paid by April 30, 2012 , failing which he’ll serve a one month jail sentence.

At Save A lot on April 6, 2012, Enid James of Silver Lake was caught stealing a Fruit Cake valued at EC$5.75.

He pleaded guilty to the offence and  told the court, “I was hungry that’s why I took it.”

However the court was told that James had in his possession EC$6.00 when he was arrested and he told the court it was for him to purchase tooth paste and “roll on”.

Magistrate Candia Carette George told him “You have money, you hungry and instead of buying a bread and soft drink you talking about tooth paste etc.”

In November 2011 James appeared before a Roseau magistrate and was given a 6 weeks suspended sentence for one year.

After pleading guilty to this latest theft, the 6 weeks was activated and he was handed another 6 weeks in jail.

Gregory Thomas of Fond Cole was also arrested for stealing 3 blocks of cheddar cheese on April 9, 2012 at Save A lot valued at EC$25.45.

He pleaded guilty and told the magistrate, “I don’t know what happen to me…’s not a habit I have and I promise you that I won’t do it again”.

Thomas was fined EC$100.00 for each block of cheese to be paid no later than April 30, 2012.  He faces one month in jail if he defaults on that payment.

Meanwhile Christof Lepica and Pierre Colaire of La Plaine pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and theft of furniture belonging to a partially blind 81-year-old Marcel Darroux of the same community.

Both men were fined EC$5,000.00 for the theft to be paid by June 30, 2012.

They could spend six months in jail if they fail to pay up.

On the charge of cannabis they were each fined EC500.00 to be paid by April 30, 2012.

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  1. HotBoy
    April 13, 2012

    you kno it rough wen man touching fruit cake by save alot….dem man make a plan boi, da was mayb all gan be deir sunday lunch….d blocks of cheese to make a bake fig pie n sin n sin

  2. kaus
    April 13, 2012

    y are there so many petty crime in my country, is it because of lack of jobs or they are just lazy , plz ppl alu giving the place a bad name get off ur and get a job…. jezz man

  3. Laplaine..
    April 12, 2012

    Pierre Coloire, shame, shame, shame..

    • sweet
      April 13, 2012

      pray that the same or worse does not happen to your children. some of us are too quick to rejoice at the down fall of others. Pierre did not do the right thing, but he was man enough to say that he did and to face the consequences of his action. how many of you out there would do the same thing. he is human like all of us, and all you in la plaine must learn to take example on the fault or errors of others and not rejoice when a fellow villager falls.

  4. Gypsy
    April 12, 2012

    Things are just getting to the next level. I left my sneakers out on my steps to dry in Castle Bruce and they vanished. Oh well I suspect they needed them more than I did?

  5. Real
    April 12, 2012

    What`s happening in Dominica? Is the free red money done? Hmmmmmm! People don`t want to work anymore because monies were being given for free.

    • Anonymous
      February 3, 2013

      :lol: :cry:

  6. sexydude
    April 12, 2012

    Why everything is government,I keep seeing these lazy good for nothing guys going around doing these crimes against hard working and law abiding people who get up every morning and go to work for their hard earned dollar and when they are caught they always sorry .I say make them pay or send them to prison not second chances

    • Anonymous
      April 13, 2012

      de goverment encourage them by opening the red clinic so dey fink every thing is free… de government need to create jobs for dem instead of employing chinese

  7. poe-ki-toe
    April 11, 2012

    lmao ehbeh look it …..hmmmm….i suspect alot of seemingly “upstanding” citizens are involved in everyday shoplifting………..time will tell…….more will come to light……….in d meantime, keep on posting these stories as you get them DNO….a little humiliation will curb them from even considering shoplifting in the future

  8. Justice and Truth
    April 11, 2012

    Stealing does not pay. Those who steal will eventually get caught. Today, the security officers are on the look-out for them and rightfully so.
    Do not take a chance and steal. They now have a police record. Consider the amount of money they have to pay for the few items. Can they pay for them? They may have to be imprisoned. I hope that they learned a lesson.

  9. crosses
    April 11, 2012

    sweet i agree with you to the fullest pierre is not a criminal people make stupid dissions in life sometimes but some body tell me what is wrong with christoph ? n e ways mr tired thief people things

    • Justice and Truth
      April 12, 2012

      @ crosses

      There is a saying that a thief is never a thief until caught. Well, he was caught. Anyone who steals is a criminal. They must stay away from bad company and go to Church and ask God for forgiveness and to assist them to live godly lives. If they are to stay away from such company and criminal activities, they need the blessing and grace of God.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” This is what they have to keep in mind. They can go to Hell for stealing. Stealing leads to further dangerous crimes. You should know what I mean.

  10. crosses
    April 11, 2012

    i really think that these people shouldn’t be putting these people first and last up on this.These freaking u w p people not need to stop trying to make every body seems like criminals and make the country look terrible

  11. laplaine passie
    April 11, 2012

    pierre coliare its just unfortunate that u find yrself in that situation………but his gf and her parents they should arrest them to,

    • sweet
      April 12, 2012

      care to share why his girlfriend and her parents should be arrested too? please explain the people need to know what u know.

      • Justice and Truth
        April 12, 2012

        @ sweet

        Once again, some of you make me laugh but you have made a good point. :lol: I thought the same thing. This person knows something about them.

  12. Bassie
    April 11, 2012

    Well it rough around here….even cheese people stealing wi. That is a shame.

  13. TC
    April 11, 2012

    Give a man a fish and he will always come back… teach a man to fish and you set him up for life Skerrit.

  14. joe
    April 11, 2012

    thats the kind of remedy i need after a day work….a good laughter

    • Justice and Truth
      April 12, 2012

      @ joe

      Rather amusing. Some comments really make us laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. What is life without a laugh, be it a serious matter. Know that laughing is contagious even at a distance. :lol:

  15. silent observer
    April 11, 2012

    DNO reports are always in-accurate. the firm of J.E.Nassief is closed for lunch how can the person be arrested at 1:40 for theft?

    u must do pre view before posting information.

    • interesting
      April 12, 2012


  16. awa wi
    April 11, 2012

    Not Dr Benji alone nah Dr. Shama. lmao lol

  17. awa wi
    April 11, 2012

    Dat allu stealing. Papamet things dat rough man??? Thats what happens when people dont like to work. Geez even I coulda donate 15 dollars to d padna dat steal d files and as for d fruitcake I always baking it free, doh talk about cheddar cheese self I could spare you couple slices damn it. smfh

  18. North side Possie
    April 11, 2012

    Well what happen the red clinic and poorpers list closed for now man ay la people wait man election is…..oops my bad you have another 3 years to wait, do start to eat each other check dady Prime minister he will feed you man he have a thing for beggers

  19. Really?
    April 11, 2012

    Stupid guy should have said he forgot to pay, stuff was on his mind, he had de cash for the cake but didn’t realize walk out without paying lol…..

    Don’t b so stupid n steal those things

  20. good for d goose
    April 11, 2012

    haha…woyyy…i hungry i taking fruit cake..papa zor…that is a shame my boy it doh have excuse for dat..i thought is easter that in april but it looking like christmas come early…Why dem man not going to get work to have enough land d.a to build garden and plant to make money to buy your wants and needs as for construction…but no allu doh want to work the sun too hot..but i hope allu feeling the rain because the fine all have to pay bigger than what allu take….smh

  21. Kali
    April 11, 2012

    LOL this is a joke right? No really…This must have been posted solely for our entertainment. Thanks, had a real good laugh

  22. sven moore
    April 11, 2012

    Should be jail immediately, then pay the fine and go home. This way the criminal has to get someone to pay his fine. Now he has to work to pay back. plus they get a nite in jail to remember for next time they get theiving ideas.

  23. choice
    April 11, 2012

    The system seems really efficient at dealing with petty criminals.

    Whilst they chasing the ‘titiwi’ all the big ‘ton’ and ‘wétjen’ getting away.

  24. Family Guy!
    April 11, 2012

    Manwhile Christof Lepica and Pierre Colaire of La Plaine pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and theft of furniture belonging to a partially blind 81-year-old Marcel Darroux of the same community. is it ‘Manwhile or Meanwhile’?

      April 11, 2012


      I’m positive you wont find ‘manwhile’ in any English dictionary.

    • LOL
      April 12, 2012

      if you nothing to say, say nothing at all!

  25. Roseau
    April 11, 2012

    Boy see how man stealing 5 dollar fruit cake, blocks of cheese and file paper? They practicing man? Hand outs can only last for so long…. :oops:

  26. law
    April 11, 2012

    Give the criminals harder sentences.come on magistrate what are u doing.u must not have study laws

    • Common Sense
      April 11, 2012

      May I point out that nowhere in Roseau will you purchase a block of cheese priced at $100.00. Therefore, I must ask, how is that sentence lenient? :?:

  27. guy who like cheese
    April 11, 2012

    :cry: dude you could have token 4 blocks of cheese

  28. Not a herd follower
    April 11, 2012

    And now the Entertainment News! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  29. Magga
    April 11, 2012

    When petty criminals say the dumbest thing!!!!. If the guy is that hungry his teeth should be alright since he hasn’t been eating. I suspect that this dude is not a really bad guy just unfortunately stuck on crack. That $6 plus a file at $4 would feed his $10 habit.

  30. kit
    April 11, 2012

    hahah. very very funny..I Chechen d magistrate could reduce the price on the cheese..$100.00 each block of cheese aylas..hahaha..
    I believe from now on after this guy see cheese HE WILL SCRATCH D BACK OF HIS HEAD..LMAO..Look jokes!!
    On a serious note, these guys really need to think before they engage in these behaviors..There are consequences for such actions..Paying all this money or spending time in jail, doesn’t worth it, just for some cheese, cake etc..

    • kit
      April 11, 2012

      correction ‘checking’

  31. northside
    April 11, 2012

    they are rats they taking cheese…hmmm shame

  32. Concern
    April 11, 2012

    What is happening about the Thieves terrorizing/roaming Morne Daniel people. Have anyone been caught????????

    • AmazingFace
      April 11, 2012

      All you need to go George Zimmerman on those thieves in Morne Daniel. A whole set of all you have licensed fire-arms, ka mem.

  33. miranda
    April 11, 2012

    shame shame shammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeee!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. I kno plp da kno plp
    April 11, 2012

    lol…funny incidents :-P

  35. shy
    April 11, 2012

    This is not about politics, everything is government then. Those guys just thief and lazy i didn’t see no ladies involved ,only men ,you think things not hard for the ladies too.Haitians coming dominica and geting jobs and some dominicans saying it haven’t got jobs , Get up on all you lazy butts and get someting to do .I am sick and tired of these lazy men.Some girls even have the guts to make children for them.I am not in politics business but they blaming government for everything ,god help those vvho help themselves.If all you get up one morning and all you pee pee green say it’s the government fault.Soon it vvon’t have space in jail for those sacvvay voleur.ALLEZ TRAVILL FEIANT.

  36. SUSANA Jay
    April 11, 2012

    yes skerrit dat do dat

    what else it raining

    • miranda
      April 11, 2012

      u must see doc benjamin! u need evaluation!

  37. Defense Attorney
    April 11, 2012

    This is the funniest news of the day, two files, a fruit cake, and three blocks of cheese? Awa I cannot believe someone would go and steal these things, anyway I’m glad they got caught. The magistrates should bring back that “1 thousand” method of punishment where everything you take is $1000 you have to pay

  38. Wats that??????
    April 11, 2012

    How you mean you hope the government is seeing whats happening?? No jobs what?? You guys NEED to start thinking and speaking differently. Is it only Dominica that has young people not working? A lot of them don’t want to work. They are just interesting in getting things the easier way all the time. A lot of them if you see them they are “characters”. That;s the life they choose to leave for whatever reason. STOP IT Dominicans!! Stop it!!! Parents eat sour grape children teeth are on edge.” A lot of them.

    • April 12, 2012

      Live¨¨¨¨¨¨ not leave

    • Ghetto gyal
      April 12, 2012

      first time I see that in my life I almost pension and I never hear dem tings before “Government have to give me this Government have to give me that” everything is government in Dominica wii pal no head thinks outside of Government again and creat their own Job? well whe I going to poopoo I calling Government to wipe me wii too all u foolish Dominicans Low mind I call dat. once u doh support d government evernment wrong is dem dat do dat zeze.

      • Ghetto gyal
        April 12, 2012

        that supposed to read “everything” I so caught up like Dominicans I going Government on everything hahahaha.

  39. Original-Eagle EYE
    April 11, 2012

    Laughable.. really why bother to steal and then have to face jail time or pay hefty fines for things so insignificant. Simply pass people stuff straight.

    by de way Christof Lepica and Pierre Colaire of La Plaine ENCORE!!!! that’s all I’m saying.

    • sweet
      April 11, 2012

      Pierre Colaire is a first time offender while Christof is a repeat offender. it is just unfortunate that Pierre found himself involve with Christof

  40. ann
    April 11, 2012

    eh beh look it. But he had 6.oo in his pocket, you could see he was about to buy the cake but then he checking why buy it with the last money he have? he could thief it and still have his miney in his pocket….lol

    The other one stole 3 block of cheese, now he have to pay 100.00 for each cheese.Did he make any sense? No!!!!

    gIVE THE COW BACK IT CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • ann
      April 11, 2012

      oh, concerning the fruit cake

      Eh Beh look CHRISTMAS in April

      • April 11, 2012

        He must be Bahai?

  41. Anonymous
    April 11, 2012

    “…was caught stealing a Fruit Cake valued at EC$5.75.
    Wow! Is fruit cake that cheap? It must have been a sample! Anyways…stealing is wrong! and he deserve to made to feel remorseful and perform some sort of recompense!

  42. angel
    April 11, 2012

    god save Dominica

    • Sicoline
      April 11, 2012


  43. Anonymous
    April 11, 2012

    well sa i hope d government seeing wats happen no jobs ppl going hungry is who put skerrit there tht suffering. give young ppl jobs only god no where this county called Dominica is heading

    • Anonymous
      April 11, 2012

      Is the red still on RED? When will GREEN come on?

      • B.E.B
        April 11, 2012

        Well green do not have any representatives in the House, so how are they going to come on?

    • Honorable Met Yo
      April 11, 2012

      We get Chinese highway u know. So we heading in a good place lol lol.

    • Simple Common Sense
      April 11, 2012

      the government isn’t the problem. so don’t make the government the excuse. true i would love to see some of the hidden dollars come my way but at lease i can say on their behalf, with all the fight i fighting to make it with rent and a woman on a next to nothing salary, i not there stealing a fruit cake or a file. if he wanted a file, all he had to do was swallow his pride and go ministry. and if he was hungry, he could buy a bread and soft drink and use da rest to buy a rollon and maybe borrow sum1’s toothpaste. either way, no excuse

      April 11, 2012

      Leve bonda zor allé travai zor tot lazy, zor vele tout betin san zor faussé. dominique ni terre pour planter lucky lili, nutmegs, spice, ginger tout sa zor vele et zor la ka veye mourn travai pour zor passé voleé sa mourn ni. Stop gader TV tout lajourneé et allé travail pour laveé zort trouver un femme pour fer un fami et lasseé VOLER A TERRE grand jeune homme zor pa honte. Asay turner flim western en l’office avec magestra toute mourn ka rire zort say un honter sa.

    • Setup
      April 11, 2012

      What you have against the government there is really strong eh… Is he that male those guys voller… Every comment you make you must include the government. I hope none of your children not vollering, because the bigger thieves in this world, dress in jacket and tie. Those fellas vollering since they small, but what is the excuse of a man that working for thousands of dollars a year, and he bobboling thousands of dollars, and as his case call he going America to voller bigger money until they catch him and send his a…. in jail.
      Stop blaming the government for everybody’s dayfoe or part voller.

      When I was growing up there were many thieves at school and when these people grew up they became jailbirds, I never heard people blaming sny government then. But since the early nineteen nineties, politics make some people stupid, and they just became puppets…”THE COUNTRY HARD” “CRIME RATE RISING” “THE COUNTRY DEAD” “NOTHING NOT HAPPENING” Instead of crying down Dominica do something about it NUHHHHHH!!!!!
      And stop whining line a baby. HAITIANS ARE EITHER EMPLOYED OR SELF EMPLOYED. Stop the blame game, and GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • LOL
      April 12, 2012

      Way can’t people be self employed? We were born with one right. “the right to information” and every govt has ensured that information is provided. now we have internet. if you want to start a business, all you need to know is spelt out for you online.

      Create you own legal revenue stream and STOP looking on others to do it for all you…

    • Justice and Truth
      April 12, 2012

      @ Anonymous

      Where are you heading to? God help those who help themselves. There is a lot of property in Dominica. Especially if they are young, they should try to purchase a piece of land and grow some fruits and vegetables to sell. They should ask the government for help.
      How can they sit back and expect help? They have to make a first step like babies who are learning to walk and then they will be helped.
      They should know that a life of crime will lead to nowhere, a cul-de-sac; a dead end and straight to Hell. As they grow older, it is time for them to change.

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