Tony Astaphan, PM Skerrit frustrated!

PM Skerrit (left) and attorney Tony Astaphan

Senior Counsel Tony Astaphan, the lead attorney for the Dominica Labour Party in a dual citizenship case, has expressed frustration over the postponement of the matter in court.

The claims of dual citizenship against Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Education minister Petter Saint Jean were among five election petitions brought to the courts by the United Workers Party (UWP) last year following the December 18, 2009 general elections.

The matter was set before the court today, but it is now set to return to court on March 10 and March 16 after lawyers for the Opposition United Workers Party requested suspension to further review submissions filed by DLP lawyers.

After today’s court appearance, Astaphan said his team was very frustrated with the delay.

He said Prime Minister Skerrit expressed great frustration about the adjournment of his case but “he was very happy that we did not consent to this application and I think it’s important that we did not consent to this application. We did not oppose it either…but we did not consent,” Astaphan noted, making it clear it was the UWP’s side who requested a postponement of the case.

“We are very frustrated indeed, we’ve been ready for this for a very long time; we are as thoroughly prepared as we can get. We have filed the necessary papers that we require to be filed,” Astaphan emphasized.


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  1. hj
    January 24, 2011

    have you people ever considered the fact that if the pm looses his case and renounced his citizenship that he could also run again as a dominican and he will still win? anyway you put it he will still be teh prime minister for the country and for a very long time now.

    • the blood of jesus
      January 28, 2011

      ok miss joseph ,,,u think skerrit is yur god,,,,u live in ur not feeling the pain of the Dominica people.but dont worry.

  2. peace
    January 23, 2011

    WHY , why , why tony your sin will ……………. and it will…………… one day

  3. Thinker
    January 23, 2011

    Ouch shoud know the biggest liar is out at large after the bugging session. Ron and dem catching a strw because dey so vex 18 for 3 . the dipper d go is better 4 us since their grave will be bigger and better next election. Their plan for DA next election is already PM.What is their next plan for DA —PM Skio. We supporting our PM big time who ves los

      January 23, 2011

      RUBBISH !!!!!!!!!!!!! NONSENSE

  4. Just an Observation, Sir
    January 23, 2011

    Having read some of the comments stating “Tony liar” “Tony you lie” Tony you cannot fool all Dominicans” seems so vague, these statement should state clearly why one believes Tony lies etc. In the absence of the extra few lines your comments have no merit.

    On this issue, the lawyer for Mr. Green told media practitioners (at an earlier hearing) that he had a very strong and compelling case against the PM et al, why should be bother with 600 or 1000 pages of rubbish, what he should have done is go ahead and prove to Tony that he is a fool and doesn’t know what he talks about.

    One will remember that it’s the same lawyer for Mr. Green who petitioned the court for disclosure from Tony and his team. What that means is, Tony must present whatever evidence he has that makes PM Skerrit et al not guilty. In all other court preceding it’s the reverse, that is the prosecution and in that case it’s the Plaintiff (Mr. Green) who does that. Tony didn’t ask for that, for he knew where he stands.

    Most, if not all OECS Governments engage Tony in court matters on behalf of their respective Governments and he has been darn successful at what he does, so for anyone to attempt to castigate Tony on this blog is just being folly. Tony is considered one of the best Constitutional Lawyers in the OECS and that’s what has the Lawyers for the opposition scrambling and begging to read Tony’s submission. Hence their request for an adjournement.

    Maybe, just maybe they should engaged Senior Counsel of the Kangaroo Court at Q95 to join the UWP legal team. If I were to advise the Government on the issue of the Constitution, my advice would be, “leave the Constitution alone do not amend it”. There are just too many people who claim they love Dominica and want to see Dominica develop, but don’t wish to make any sacrifice.

    If the many Dominicans, who love Dominica and wish to make a contribution, give up your US Citizenship and come home, then we will take you seriously. To amend the Constitution will only draw many characters out of the woodwork and if they’re unsuccessful leave and return to the US. This would be making a mockery of our Constitution.

    • Just an Observation, Sir
      January 23, 2011

      Just a correction to my previous post, the third paragraph should read:-

      One will remember that it’s the same lawyer for Mr. Green who petitioned the court for disclosure from Tony and his team. What that means is, Tony must present whatever evidence he has that makes PM Skerrit et al not guilty. In all other court preceding it’s the reverse, that is the defence (Respondent) (PM Skerrit team who ask for disclosure) but in that case it’s the Plaintiff who does that, oh! how silly. Tony didn’t ask for that, for he knew where he stands.

    • .....
      January 23, 2011

      How about those that llive away just live Dominicans in their COM MESS! Cause apparently all you is the only true Dominicans because all you live there. The constitution of Dominica was created with influence from those who colonized this country. Some parts of this document should be amended.

      Now why would anyone want to give up citizenship to come and fight political war in DA which they may not win? Come its one thing to love something but since when putting all your eggs in one basket a smart move? Is like all you want people to love blindly. Well is a good thing I not running for office cause I’m not going to give up anything for all you ungrateful Dominicans that don’t know whats best for all you. Ungrateful people that can’t take correction cause they think they know everything.

      Sit down there and take mediorce leadership because of pride, stubbornness and plain old ignorance and when all you finish all you will blame everybody because your life sucks. We create problems for our ownselves. Thats what black people don’t understand. You have a chnace to reach further than you are today and unless its an offer from the devil I don’t see what the big deal is. Skerritt is a liar but thats what all you get because DA people like to vote cause they like a person, dem women does be all in love with those politicians anddem man voting for who they tagging on street.

      The constitution of DA is a big mockery already. How many of us had a part in writing this shit! But I sure her majesty the queen will tell you all which part she had hand in. jisssshhhh!

    • Papa Dom
      January 23, 2011

      my friend I can only describe you as an educated jack&&s, you have said alot but in the end has said nothing at all. I can further say to you that the so called success of tony would never take place in britain or other developed country, this emphasis on minor administrative and procedural slip up to have cases thrown out would never succeed in these countries. So take your intellectual folly and shove it up your and tony’s *************.

    January 23, 2011

    you all taking the politics to far, all i know is that the prime minister is a pathological liar and he should be exposed. now granny always used say that a liar is a thief and a thief is a killer….. i solve so far the LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE THEORY AND THE THIEF NOT ALLIBABA, HE HAD TO MANY CO-THIEVES, SKERRIT WOULD NOT SHARE with 40 OTHERS, SO ITS JUST A FEW….


  6. Dread!
    January 23, 2011

    When Chrispin Gregoire wanted to go up they denied him because he has American citizenship so what is good for the goose is good for the gander!!!

  7. jay
    January 22, 2011

    Wat utter nonsense. Wen a day before the case tony filing a 600 page doc how they expect the uwp lawyers to be ready? Is them that frustratin the flippin case. Tony should be ashamed of himself. Caught right handed tryin to fool the people again. We smarter than dat tony. Shame on u!

  8. the blood of jesus
    January 22, 2011

    ok DOMINICAN,,this not about ..DLP…UWP..DFP….this is about lies and corruption ,,am the pm haveing dual citizenship from a nother country,,and being the leader or pm od DOMONICA..befor skeerit sign the ducument to run for pm ,he knew the laws of the land,,but he felt that he is an out law,,and thought that he was above the law,,so he broke the law.and i think he should pay,,with jail time and fines,,,and should’nt be able to take part in DOMINICA..politic for ten years..skerrit say no consititution can stop him from running for gov,,when u have someone who dont respect..the law of the can he be the leader of our people?

    DOMINICAN ARE WE SLEEPING ?what is happening with us ..dont we think about our tomorrow,,and what will be the out come of our life..if we dont put a stop to the down falling of this country? i live in the USA…AND LAW IS LAW AND EVERY ONE HAVE TO ABIDE UNDER IT, AND IF ONE BREAK IT THEY MUST PAY,,,HOW? BY GOING TO JAIL AND PAYING FINES..if this thing was in any other country ..the pm would have been convicted and put to jail..for his roll in all that corruption that he is involved with,,i just hope that there is still justice in DOMINICA.,,this young man is distorying our country good name…may god bless this little island of my birth COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA..

  9. Espwa Mal Papaiy
    January 22, 2011

    Un ti femme Guyana vle kiyone nous
    Suprya build a house for Aca too and put it on Bubbles name.

    I am listening to the radio from overseas and I just love this song.

    Back too Tony Astaphan. I hope he present the passport. He can try all his delay tactics but there is evidence that the PM traveled with the foreign passport and the PM admitted to having a foreign passport. if Tony continue to deceive the public and even the court he should be disbarred

  10. Megzoe
    January 22, 2011

    If PM Skerrit violated the constitution the courts will prove that. If he is found guilty he would not be the first in the Caribbean to be made to eat his vomit. What has to be done to save his political career is for the government to pass a law making it lawful for a person to seek reelection after he was forced from office for violating the constitution. Who knows? Skerro might just need this law to seek reelection if he is forced from office because of taking the oath of office as a dual citizen.

    Some might not like to hear that but the law is the law and in a democracy no one is above the law. To avoid all this embarrasment the PM should have given up his French citizenship before the last general elections. Giving it up 2 months after the elections does not change the fact the he took office illegally. Remember that I did not write the constitution.

    What is to follow will be very interesting. The Labour government has really gone through crisis after crisis. First it was the death of Mike Douglas, then Rosie Douglas passed followed by Pierre Charles. Now Skerro days as PM are numbered. Maybe all of this will really turn out to be good for Dominica in the long run.

  11. Megzoe
    January 22, 2011

    After this case is over Dominica should seriously look at reforming the constitution. The colonial laws on the books must go. However, what is source for the goose must be source for the gander. I

  12. Democratic lover
    January 22, 2011

    Forget your history, u must be one of those imported into Dominica, Dominica was settled by free French most of our ancestors are French. So dont come with your hatred, the people who left Dominica in its bad state and enslaved Dominicans are not French so shut u ignorant mout, u wicked seller of your own. All u sell all u owm people into slavery to the British and now all u have English men tell allu how to destabilise Dominica. crab in the barrel,.Hate u own, allu WUPites will sell Dominica back to the white colonist, your masters .

  13. UWP Supporter
    January 22, 2011

    All these lawyers especilly the ex-police and you all not ready.Lennox Linton is the jack of all trades so why didn’t he advise the UWP lawyers to continue the case.He so smart why is he not on the legal team.All you have BLESSINGS and not ready yet.I wonder which law school lennox and Blessings went to because they know all kind of laws.Mr James has a lawyer in his family why is she is not on the legal team.

  14. Thanks
    January 22, 2011

    Reverse Psychology, Yes Sir!! One day the bucket bottom must fall out…

    • dkt
      January 23, 2011


    • Searcher
      January 23, 2011

      We need to stick to debatable points that can be supported. Matters of opinion don’t represent facts which is the only way we can ever come to a reasoned conclusion.

  15. forget histry =doomed
    January 22, 2011

    Never forget that the French have fought over 10 wars during which many of our ancestors were brutally masacred all to get control of our resources.

    He could only have retained his French citizenship if he had expressed permission from france. As the french law states clearly that grounds for losing citizenship are
    1. Working in the civil service or 2. Serving in the armed forces of a foriegn power without permission from the French government.
    What greater service could he have done for france as a member of Cardets, teacher, minister, prime minister, minister of national security, chairman of Caricom, chairman of ECCB???

    Has not Skerrit signed over much of our resources(geothermal, fisheries, quarries…., contracts and territorial seas to the french???

    How many billions of dollars worth in assets and energy are going out of this country because of his foreign allegiance????

    Sadly we are kept ignorant and told we newed to beg. While we are one of the wealthiest nations in the caribbean.

    • profiler
      January 23, 2011

      good rubbish!!!

  16. One Day
    January 22, 2011

    Dominicans are unique on the planet. How on Earth can they present documents late without wanting the other team to review? Come on guys, be sensible. What if this was your personal case, how would you deal with it. Would you like your lawyers to proceed without reviewing the new documents. Sometimes, ignorant is Bliss in our society.
    This is not even about politics, it is about common sense. I would not allow my attorney to proceed.

    • Searcher
      January 23, 2011

      That’s a reasonable point of view. If we are so concerned about democracy we must allow others to exercise their rights. It is the lawyers right to decide how best to deal with a case. In the public there is only opinion and second guessing. The debate gets lost unless there are basic ground rules. Really what is the contention if a party to a case exercises a right of choice. If Tony says there is frustration can anyone prove otherwise?

  17. More propaganda
    January 22, 2011

    Lord Almighty! I always knew this was coming; it was inevitable. However, I am not surprised, and I think plenty of my fellow Dominicans – regardless of your political colours – shouldn’t be surprised either. Open up your eyes and read between the lines.
    I don’t know who will come and deliver us out of this mess., but we REALLY (!) need deliverance from this impending Communist regime.
    I love my country…. God Bless Dominica, because we need it right now.

  18. not nice
    January 22, 2011

    all you them politicians there just just there playing games and people…. hungry but all you bread well butter all you have it all and just messing up taxpayers money people want work and good pay so dominica can strive like other countries and we will stop run overseas to find work… i waiting for all you … next election

    • Searcher
      January 23, 2011

      It’s not only politicians playing games and affecting life in Domininca. Am I my brothers keeper? It is we people who carry out the business of the country.

  19. ouch
    January 22, 2011

    Tony is not only fooling people here in Dominica he has fooled St Kitts and St vincent next is St Lucia lucians get ready.Tony St Lucia is different kettel of fish.

    politics is a game for him where he makes his money from. politics comes with economics and lively hood of the people which he does not care about typical Arabs in the caribbean.

    God will take care of him there might me delay in god justice but not darkness

      January 22, 2011

      Yes I agree with you. Justice delayed is justice denied. BUT Justice from God is sure never denied. Let them think they have gone unpunished. They have gotten away with so much that they are really playing the games openly now. Thye tried an ambush tac tic that is all, and UWP is quite right NOT to have gone ahead like blindmen into their ambush.

    • dkt
      January 23, 2011

      18-3 u still want to make that foolish statement again OUCH?

    • Searcher
      January 23, 2011

      This point of view is so not worthy of comment

  20. wesleyman
    January 22, 2011

    I think we are missing the point here, why blame the uwp lawyers for a postponement, lawyers dont decide on adjournments in courts, Judges Do: so the fraustration has to be because they considered the judge’s ruling as unfair, however Mr. Astaphan also says they did not opose it, you sir, are so fraustrated with the outcome of a ruling that you did not even challenge. Next time do your best challenging it, at the same time hoping that your argument dont hold, so that you can save face by saying you oposed it, it was turned down and now you are fraustrated.THIS TIME IT DID NOT WORK. Tell the PM to calm down, dont be fraustrated, you are in control. Bunch of liars.

    • dkt
      January 23, 2011

      yes mr wesleyman….it suit all u now eh…..judges that doing now….but when the judge throw out the arrest warrent foe isidoor all you had so much to say doe. be more consistant……now wanda u from wesley…..

    • Searcher
      January 23, 2011

      Don’t be so personal, otherwise you raised some relevant points of view.

  21. Jurist@@ DA
    January 22, 2011

    There was no delay on the part of Skerrit’s lawyers. Skerrit’s submissions were filed on time. also, 98% of the cases filed in 2011 were used in 2009 before Justice Thomas. Run dem ah run!!! REMEMBER ITS THE UWP WHO BROUGHT THE APPLICATION AND WERE NOT READY!!!!

  22. bra
    January 22, 2011

    “we did not consent to this application. We did not oppose it either…but we did not consent,” Astaphan noted.

    That above quote, shows how this fella think most Dominicans has no sense. What’s all that double talk? Garcon, we can see the blatant manipulation of the system to benefit the interest of those with the power. The powerless marjority are needed only on election day. That manipulation is not restricted to one party. All party that have ever ruled this country is guilty of this pratice.

    Domincans open our eyes! It does not matter what side you chose, those with the power will always win. Bob Marley sings, “When you have to eat some food, your brother got to be your enemy.”

    It’s a pity. We tell our children to don’t join gangs. But, we adults have our gangs with distinct colours for identification.

    One day we will realize we are Dominicans first. It does not matter what party one votes for… DLP, UWP, DFP & PAPPY let’s all unite and build our country for everybody! God bless Dominica and its people. One love to all Dominicans!

  23. POPE
    January 22, 2011

    Please don’t be too sad Skerro, you en see nothing yet.

  24. POPE
    January 22, 2011

    The UWP is frustrated with Tony’s deception. Tony put on your Balls and fight those guys in court.
    Too coward?

  25. babaloo
    January 22, 2011

    leave the man alone.that is what dominicans want.they love anything illegal.
    once some get their share.

  26. Lord!
    January 21, 2011

    As a college -educated christian patriot, I trust not even the spittle that comes from Tony’s mouth when he speaks.

    • FORKIT
      January 23, 2011

      and you better doh walk on it or you will be infected with ungodlymylytis.. hahah

    January 21, 2011

    Considering the importance of this case, if we are to believe Mr Astaphan’s account, then the PM has all rights to be fustrated. BUT if we are to believe some of the comments on DNO that it was due to late submissions filed by DLP lawyers, then we should expect a statement by UWP’s lawyers
    to also tell us how fustrated they are.

    I’ first read that the submissions were filed 4 days ago, then others say it was filed yesterday, so I’m going on the assumption it was filed this week. Thats hardly enough time to go through a 600 page document (no matter how sharp you are).

    Mind you I’m surprised that it was a DLP lawyer who made the first statement, as the UWP are not usually slow at making statements.

    Lets wait until March and hope there are no more hold-ups.

  28. Storm
    January 21, 2011

    frustrated my big foot

  29. Justice For All.
    January 21, 2011

    The Laws state clearly that persons to be nominated for elections and who want to be members of Parliament should not hold DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Skerritt KNEW that he possessed a FRENCH PASSPORT. Skerritt knew, he knew, he knew all along before nomination for the elections of December 2009 that he was a DUAL CITIZEN. He was so arrogant, egoistic (Full of Himself) and felt he was above the Law, boasted that NO LAW, NO CONSTITUTION, NO………….. could PREVENT him from being NOMINATED. Was Skerritt ignorant of the electoral Laws or was he so pompous and acting FOOLISHLY? Did Skerritt get any advice from Tony Astaphan on that issue?

    The Laws also state that such matters of DUAL CITIZENSHIP of any parliamentarian once challenged in the courts should be dealt with EXPEDITIOUSLY. What does expeditiously MEAN.? It means QUICKLY, especially if the politician is in Govt. Skerritt is an illegal leader of Govt. and of Dominica. More than 1 YEAR has passed before the courts could begin to deal with that important issue. What inefficiency? Why did the courts delay the process? Why? Dominicans are concerned and asking whether another ELECTION will come along before that case is completed? JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.

    Dominicans are also asking whether the State would be paying for Skerritt’s case? It just cannot be. Skerritt was not any Minister of the time. At the time, he was an ordinary citizen. It would again be illegal to use the State’s funds and the hard-earned $$$$$$ of Dominican Tax-payers to pay for Skerritt dual citizenship CASE. But keep your eyes and ears open my people because anything could happen. Given how Dominica is now being run, that is JOKE for State’s funds to be used for ulterior motives and covered up under another heading.

    Dominicans, you must FOLLOW CLOSELY those TWO CLASSIC, HISTORICAL CASES. That DUAL CITIZENSHIP case and the other is the Emanuel vs. Isidore case. Those cases will be a serious TEST for our Justice SYSTEM in Dominica. TRUST ME. Let JUSTICE REIGN in our LAND.

    • anonymous
      January 23, 2011

      Justice for who?… Your prefered few I suppose

  30. I Cut My Dreads
    January 21, 2011

    The last time UWP asked for more time…..was it because of a filing? NO…they was not ready…as usual.

    Ron Green himself said with his own forked tongue that the court should decide soon as it will affect elections of 2009.

    I guess he in no rush today.

    Watcher my yout wah go!

    By the way where is Brian Linton…aka….BURNS?….hmmmmmmmmmm

    Inspector Weekes was D deal nuh… come Mr BURNS…..burn himself……

    January 21, 2011

    Do you believe Tony Astaphan? I don’t
    Do you believe Skerret your PM and his legal team? I don’t
    Do you believe in the legal system? I don’t
    Do you beleve this dual citizenship case will bring justice? I don’t

    January 21, 2011

    Dominicans wake-up! And I quote the Lotto saying “you got to be in it to win it” and so Tony is in the game and think he is winning… Time do always tell.

  33. wisdom
    January 21, 2011

    There is not a perfect political leader to rule Dominica, in the days of pj the entire county was caught up in the forray of the independence celebrations in the days of dame eugenia the country enjoyed the stability of the iron fist, in a series of events we had the legacies of the douglas among others, who is our best political leader? it seems that although the answer may be laced within the uwp it is not they also had their chances, the thing that has to be noted however is the WILL of the people in free and fair elections, and even that is imperfect.

      January 22, 2011

      Things got twisted when eddo and juli fellout. In retrospect, I think Dominica would be on a different tangent had the UWP allowed Tim Tim to be the leader. Then we saw how Earl was used to bring them down. Way down, Ask Earl how much he was paid. ha ha. The DLP folks no the only reason they are in is because the UWP was destabilised. and the 20 million dollar question is. Who orchestrated the shake down? The paper trail has the answers. I tell you is real politics boy real politics. Where is Earl again? hahahahahah. He is the winner in all of this! trust me

      • FORKIT
        January 23, 2011

        that is a beautiful way to put it. there was some skull doggery in the UWP party. but with all the deceipt, lies, stealing of public land and money by this administation. that is a whole new level, and dominicans should not look at labour or UWP or any form of partisan politics but what is right in dominica’s interest..

        cause we know where hati was and where they are now. hundreds of millions stolen.

  34. .........................
    January 21, 2011

    Can’t wait for the court to let justice prevail….This country is crying for leadership and honesty..Just to much corruption and corrupt leaders..!!!

  35. Sensible Dominican
    January 21, 2011

    Can someone tell me who are the UWP lawyers. Would be grateful. Thank

  36. breaking the rules again
    January 21, 2011

    Scaredrat’s late submission should have been thrown out and judgement in default of defence granted.
    He should have also been given an additional charge equivalent to the cost of wasting the courts time.

    Since the newspaper printed the objection to his nomination in a full page in the news paper the authorities were legally informed and were duty bound to arrest him.
    Therefore he can still be charged with the criminal offence of false declaration.

  37. justice denied
    January 21, 2011

    When you submit beyond the date the judge should have granted judgement by default.

    January 21, 2011

    I am trying to understand the point of this continuous need to waste tax payers money on a situation although part of the Dominican Constitution is of an importance in similarity with other candidates of the Opposition, Ron Green, Earl Williams and others since 2005.
    I am asking YOU, Is Skerrit as PM a competent administrator for the good of the Country and the fact that he DELIVERS, then I ask as well point a finger to one in any political bunch who can or will carry this Country forward?. .
    Has it ever occured to the many objectors, the possibility of a member of a Commonwealth Country after 12 months in residence can participate fully in the politics of Dominica. Therefore, if Skerrit had an Indian or Australian passport there would not be a problem. The court is obligated to go forward with the litigation but the judge will have no alternative but to throw out/ dismiss the case, bearing in mind, there are others in a knowingly similar situation except they are not the PM
    This matter should not be adjourned, but dismissed forthwith as a waste of tax payers time and money

    • porssoe
      January 22, 2011

      Pure foolishness you are talking.

  39. worried dominican
    January 21, 2011

    penguine if you frustrated and the pm just drink rum and go out dancing with the pm @krazy coconuts.

  40. simple mind
    January 21, 2011

    Hail TONY full of lies;Cursed is your name ;your ….ingdom comes;your will be done in cabinet as in court,but truth wiil stand .

  41. mouth of the south
    January 21, 2011

    doh worry when we will get rid of skerro from office allu will cry eh,,,, jus wait patiently the time n day is coming upon us

  42. Anon
    January 21, 2011

    There’s an old saying that half the truth is worse than a lie. Tony gave us a half truth

  43. hummmm
    January 21, 2011

    good one tony you have them on there toes

  44. The Truth
    January 21, 2011

    Once again Tony is trying to deceive. The application for adjournment was because the lawyers for the PM submitted their papers only yesterday which is several days beyond the due date. This is why they ask for time to review, which is normal. The due date for their submissions was way before yesterday. But we know how it goes in Dominica.

    Why is Tony trying to fool Dominicans?

    • Hey just giving my two cents
      January 21, 2011

      The matter was set before the court today, but it is now set to return to court on March 10 and March 16 after lawyers for the Opposition United Workers Party requested suspension to further review submissions filed by DLP lawyers.

      This is what the news item is saying in the third paragraph.

      The first paragraph is saying that Tony Astaphan has expressed frustration over the postponement of the court hearing.

      The second and third paragraphs does not quote Tony as saying anything but are paragraphs to elaborate on what the court case was for infact this is to tell the reader what case is being spoken about and what the charges were and what happenned today. The third paragraph states quite clearly
      “The matter was set before the court today, but it is now set to return to court on March 10 and March 16 after lawyers for the Opposition United Workers Party requested suspension to further review submissions filed by DLP lawyers”

      So please do not try to mislead readers with your hate story about ‘ Tony trying to fool someone!.

      People need to read and understand what they read.

    • looking in from the outside
      January 21, 2011

      well Tony and the rest of the ‘gang’ has been fooling Dominicans for a very long time now,,,,and it will continue as long as these Dominicans keep closing their eyes and seeing what they want.
      The truth is coming out slowly….no worry.

      Time will tell

    • Ibn Gabrioli
      January 21, 2011

      So you claim to have the truth, accusing the lawyer as being full of deceit. Then you provide imprecise information as in, their papers are “several days beyond the due date;” and that “The due date for their submissions was way before yesterday.”

      If you know so much about the cause, give us the when, why, how, where, what and how of the case, please.

    • profiler
      January 23, 2011

      I am still waiting to read a statement from the UWP legal team that that the DLP submissions were late… the guys seem to be very slow off the mark.. this could result in a run-out

  45. Buwo
    January 21, 2011

    The UWP is never prepared for anything. Bet you next court date they going to ask for more time.

    • More propaganda
      January 22, 2011

      Why can’t you open up your eyes and read between the lines?
      It was NOT the fault of the UWP.
      How can some of you be so ignorant?
      Read, understand, and digest and be objective.
      This is our country, forget about the political colours.
      The Bible states to “be not ignorant of the devil’s devices”

  46. Aaaa
    January 21, 2011

    Who cares about citizenship. I mean folks give me a f**king break! I’m no skerritt fan but why is that even an issue. “dual” meaning part of two or in this citizen of two countries. I mean seeing that the man grew up here, taught in the college and is PM here I don’t see how this hindering the devlopmen tof Dominica. The part of Skerrit that is hindering the development of Dominica is not even being contested by these idiots. Skerritt lacks buisness experience and not only that he doesn’t make up for it with a degree in a financial field. That should be the issue. People go away make a life for themseves and they come back and serve their country. Skerritt did this but the position he is right now isn’t appropriate. But then again he wa sout there by the people who vote based on who they like. Dominicans need to do better and elect or demand experienced or educated leaders. All this is non sense. Dual citizenship shouldn’t be a concern. wasting taxpayer money and stuff defending that non sense. I could understand if he was from DA but folks seriously this is ridicukous. Skeerrit is incompetent as a PM because he lacks necessary skills.

    • linky
      January 21, 2011

      i wonder if you sober when u wrote this.go an run for president in venezuela ,china , iran ext.if u so dont give a dam about dual citizenship.

      • Aaaa
        January 22, 2011

        I’m I a citizen of venezuela, china and iran? First off if you knew better I wouldn’t be able to run in china or iran based on the fact that I don’t have a penis! I’m a woman. So basically I would be already disqualified or killed. I’m a citizen of the commonwealth of Dominica and the United States of America! In the Us I can’t become president because I wasn’t born there. Meaning birth on American soil to become president. But I believe if I’m not wrong (correct me) that I can go all the way like Arnold Swarznegger to become governor of a State if I wanted to as a natrualized citizen. So in some respects you are able to contribute in this particular instance.

        @More propaganda: You’re last part about if he lied is correct. I don’t dispute it one bit.

        I stand by my point that Skerritt isn’t qualified and those who are qualified and one to take up the responsibility are being held back by some by DA people follow the constitution only when it applies to their own benefit. I mean can we count the amount of things done against the writings f the constutition in DA. Well I don’t have enough space plus I got to go enjoy my Saturday in a country that has also contributed to who I am today. peace out

    • Anonymous
      January 21, 2011

      If Skerrit is incompetent, how good are you to take the mantle?

    • Gods child
      January 21, 2011

      so what would you say about Hector sparks John?

    • Ibn Gabrioli
      January 21, 2011


      You are missing the point. A Constitutional precept (indeed, the very Constitution) may be at risk here.

      Section 32 reads, “A person shall not be qualified to be elected or appointed as a Representative or Senator … if he is by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

      Several of us believe this cause goes beyond fancy words, lofty goals or mere philosophical musings. At the heart of the problem is the belief in those set of fundamental principals upon which our very society revolves and evolves.

      It is crucial that there be a clear and unambiguous ruling by the Courts on the citizenship of the PM and others, at the time he/they contested the last general elections.

      We ought not to think just about the expediencies of today (for example, not embarrassing the PM; or not putting the country through the agony).

      In fact, we should suffer any indignity that might be the fallout for the PM et al and preserve the the highest of our national values for the sake of posterity.

    • wesleyman
      January 22, 2011

      So if what you are saying is true, why is it in tha constitution? Based on what you just said we should disregard the constitution as long as it seems right to us. listen to yourself

    • More propaganda
      January 22, 2011

      You make some valid points, especially about Skerrit’s incompetent leadership qualities. He is inarticulate and seems to have a lot of hangers on directing him.
      However, when it comes to the issue of dual citizenship it is detrimental to the constitution of Dominica.
      The fact of the matter is that if Skerrit has dual citizenship and LIED about it, he also LIED to the people of Dominica. So not only is it constitional issue, but it is also a moral issue as well.

      • anonymous
        January 23, 2011

        Wasn’t the Constitution around when Ron Green, Earl willims and others of the UWP served in parliament with dual citizenship?

    • Aaaa
      January 22, 2011

      Sweets I was quite sober when I wrote this. Rushing my point as I had other things to do at the time. Excuse my typos. But I stand by my point. That Dominicans are wasting money into this issue. I don’t like Skerritt nor would I ever vote for him but please this is becoming quite redundant. The constitution of Dominica is quite outdated if you ask me. We live in 2011 and when was this created? Skerritt isn’t skilled so this doesn’t relate to him. But if someone else with all the necessary skills, education, networks of buisness partners, proven leadership of multi million dollar contracts and efficient management of people and global “know how” return back to Dominica to serve with dual citizenship, you all saying you won’t give this person a chance to better this country because of piece of document called the constitution? If this person grew up in Roseau road for more than 18 years of their lives. They done the same things you’ve done as a Dominican. They went away to better themselves and return to contribute to Dominica with their expertise, you all are saying some piece of paper should stand in the way of 75, 000 people being given the best leadership a country would ever have. Granted I say piece of paper not in disrespect but to show you all how we don’t look at the long run benefits and gains of valuable things because some “piece of paper” say we can’t. If skerritt lied under oath and say he doesn’t citizenship somewhere else when he does then quickly repramand him. But I believe if a successful Dominican returns back to this country and lay all their cards on the table including divulging the fact that they carry other citizenship then I believe people should give them a chance.

      As for @anonymous. Well according you Dominicans and their precious constitution I can’t take take up the mantle be I’m a US citizen. Oh just so you know the example of a successful Dominican is one of my friends who is also a US citizen. He lived in DA 19 years. He moved to the states 7 years ago. accomplished Bachelors and MBA in five years. Very intelligent guy! Works for a fortune 500 accounting/engineering company. Nothing but one of the best examples of a True Dominican. Hardworking and wnats to contribute to this country but to do so he would have to renounce another country that has allowed him to reach to this level as well. He got grants from the US to go to school. So should he tell them “suckers!” thanks for the money but now I’m taking my ungrateful behind back DA. I believe its okay to have two citizenships. One country build you up and the other helped ou in some way to reach your goals on another level. So if someone wants to serve their country especially one lacking skilled and educated leadership at present they should be allowed to. Thats my point, so you all can say what you want.

      • Ibn Gabrioli
        January 22, 2011

        Aaaa, does the country you currently live in have a constitution? Go find out how old it is. Bet it was not formulated in the last 20 years!

        It’s old alright. And doing a good enough job as the preeminent principles for governing your country of residence. No wonder you live there.

        Please, give it up. Your argument is baseless and futile. Happens that we Dominican, the whole 75,000 of us, trust in the integrity of our constitution.

        We do not believe in the indispensability of any one man, at least NOT when it comes to brushing aside the requirements of the constitution for the convenience of “all the necessary skills, education, networks of buisness partners, proven leadership of multi million dollar contracts and efficient management of people and global ‘know how.’ ”

        Stop it, Aaaa.

        • linky
          January 22, 2011

          i tend to agree with to a certain xtent-whether the constitution is old or new we have to respect it

        • Aaaa
          January 22, 2011

          First of Master help you all create laws that doesn’t fit with the development of the people of Dominica. Some are hinderance.

          Secondly, Skerritt had no buisness being prime Minister in the first place because he doesn’t have the necessary skills and education necessary. Dominica needs a successful buisness oriented leader. This country has the base to become very well off if it can find a strong, smart and educated leader. If the people vote for not whom they like but who can perform.

          Third, this country needs to make provisions that would allow its sons or daughters who are skilled in essential areas and are genuine about a contribution to do so.

          Fourth if my argument is baseless as you claim explain one thing to me. Why is it okay to have diasporas vote, send them ticket so they can go DA or/and that they can cast a vote from overseas even being a citizen of another country at this time. But if they want to come home and become prime minister and lead they can’t because oh now the technicality of dual citizenship applies. Why can dual citizens vote in elections? It seems that when you all need votes to place in those incompetent idiots in the ministry then it doesn’t apply.

          No man is indispensable but words which hinder the development of people are. One son or daughter of this soil can make a change and Dominica is desperate for change. So all avenues should be exhausted.

          Right now you all are focused on the technicality to get rid of Skerritt rather than the fact he shouldn’t have been there in the first place because he isn’t qualified.

          As for your little bash on 75,000 people I will say that I wasn’t trying to offend those people in Dominica. As my parents and siblings make up part of this population. Don’t think for a minute that because you live in Dominica that you some how contribute positively to its growth. Its many people who live there that bring down DA progress. Because remember is all you that in the drivers seat right ?

          Oh yeah and you are right the constitution of where I leave wasn’t formulated within the last 20 years…*roll eyes. Its doing a damn good job for the class of people it was intended to effect.

          I live there not in that class of people who it was directed to, but as a hardworking person who has learned from the opportunities of both countries who have contributed to the person I am today. I also live there because the constitution doesn’t prevent me from buying a home in 30 days, I am able to get grants and loans for my very high GPA with or without government and institutional prejudice, I’m also able explore different avenues for a livilyhood, as I’m the sole provider for my tired mother in DA I’m able to take care of her with a sizeable pay check, and I’m allowed do overs if I fail. Thats why I live there for now. :wink:

          I respect dominican Opinion whether they half breed, pure breed, adopted, diaspora, blah blah so if you all see fit to continue this then go ahead but I can’t promise I will reply soon enough as my mammy just tell me she need a new roof in goodwill and little sibling about to go school in storkie and I gots to pay for all that. I busy working. Excuse my typos..:)

  47. hmmm
    January 21, 2011


  48. desmond
    January 21, 2011

    frustrated? tony astaphan frustrated? frustrated my a@**
    tony stop taking dominicans for fools….you have fooled us enough….you are not no patat frustrated ..
    you, tony astaphan caused the court to adjourn…. you submitted a submission/ application to the court on the 17th of January- 4 days ago…. only 4 days ago………the submission was very lengthy and was filled with legal authorities. ……..The submission was only received by the lead counsel for Mr. Green yesterday…. his only course of action was to ask for a adjournment….

    if u so cared of the case calling today…..y did you make a submission 4 days ago? y didnt u make your submission at the beginning of the month so that the lead counsel from trinidad can have enough time to respond to your submission….

    tony you have fooled dominicans enough… is all a game for u… is all about legal technicalities and sweet talking….

    i am disgusted by the upper class who feels that we are all fools and can be easily fooled when they open their mouths …
    i feel sorry for my country

  49. FreeLabWorkers
    January 21, 2011


    When a 600 page legal document is presented to the opposition lawyers a few hours before the close of business YESTERDAY by Astaphan and his team i wonder why the opposition and court has to take time to review, hmmmmm

    good job reporting!!

  50. Hugo Grotius
    January 21, 2011

    Well Astaphan since u come on that dual-citizenship case the tide change, let us hope u do the same
    for ezdoor, don’t know what law school dem fellas go but u have dem by their balls.

    • lol
      January 21, 2011

      trust me those lawyers good wi.astaphan can make a wrong right , and a right wrong

  51. trevor Johnson
    January 21, 2011

    Now believe everything Tony says.Tony whot asked for time to file a DEFENCE as they have NOT filed one up till now and yesterday he served the UWP team with a 600 page document trying an ambush strategy

    • Hey just giving my two cents
      January 21, 2011

      Trev you again!

      You spoke as though you were there when they presented in your words “600 page document” . do you have an idea what is a “600 page document”. Why try to mislead those who are less intelligent than us? What mischief is this? Pardner I gave you good advice already and you not taking heed. Why promote propoganda .. “a 600 page document” Ah malgres sah .. I have pulled out the extract from the news item for your persusal and to read over. i presume that you are better in understanding than those you want to mislead. Stop this man for some time and speak intelligently and say something constructive one time. Again I remind you we have to answer to the Most High for our mishievousness, instigating hatred, slander, lies amonst other things.

      Pardner drop that hatred from your heart and start to love as God the Father directed us.

      I would advise to start reading the “Alive word” also on DNO to recieve some inspiration and to know about the love the Father has for all of us – including those you hate. Hatred shows in all your comments. Pardener behave yourself .. you are only hurting yourself.

      The matter was set before the court today, but it is now set to return to court on March 10 and March 16 after lawyers for the Opposition United Workers Party requested suspension to further review submissions filed by DLP lawyers.

      This is what the news item is saying in the third paragraph.

      The first paragraph is saying that Tony Astaphan has expressed frustration over the postponement of the court hearing.

      The second and third paragraphs does not quote Tony as saying anything but are paragraphs to elaborate on what the court case was for infact this is to tell the reader what case is being spoken about and what the charges were and what happenned today. The third paragraph states quite clearly
      “The matter was set before the court today, but it is now set to return to court on March 10 and March 16 after lawyers for the Opposition United Workers Party requested suspension to further review submissions filed by DLP lawyers”

      So please do not try to mislead readers with your hate story about ‘ Tony trying to fool someone!.

      People need to read and understand what they read.


  52. John Brown
    January 21, 2011

    I thought UWP had all t’s cross and i’s dotted? Why the hold up?

    • Larrt
      January 21, 2011

      Keep quiet ‘compawayson’ you dont know anything.

      • John Brown
        January 21, 2011

        Did you just tell me keep quiet!!?? Well excuuussseee me!! I thought you guys are the champions of Democracy? Free speech is one of the benefits of Democracy, don’t you know that? That keep quiet sounds kinda DICTATORIAL to me. Be careful my friend, you may get kick out of the UWP, remember they don’t like DICTATORS!!

  53. Well
    January 21, 2011

    Tony. why are you misleading the public?what frustration? If you file your submissions late you don’t expect the UWP attorneys to ask for him to review and respond? weh papa

  54. Oh Dominica, My Heart Bleeds for Thee!!!
    January 21, 2011

    Yeah right! Frustrated my foot! nother ploy. What’s the name of that game again. Preying on the mis-informed, confusing and deceiving,

  55. linky
    January 21, 2011

    the trick that you were planning for so long you fort that it would have work for you today. yoy are not the only one with a brain in dominica tony.sopriesinly it is the first time i hearing you are so busy for this particuly case to call.

    January 21, 2011

    Tony and the PM to damm checky, you are the one that is checky fresh. All you make case and we ready and all you doh ready yet. Yes we frustrated with all you bull and non sense. The PM have work to do and have no time for all you crap. Full detail of what, is simply that the matter was adjourned becasue of the UWP lawyers, they do not know if the coming oh going with the except of the Trinidian lawyer.

    • DA man
      January 21, 2011

      did you say we you in it too just check you spelling you will see how dumb you are just shut the h@@@ up

  57. Just giving my two cents
    January 21, 2011

    Good job by the UWP – if Tony’s submissions need to be further reviewed – then i say – get the extension to time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Better be prepared for this battle because all Dominicans want to know the outcome! Time will tell, so prepare! prepare! prepare!!!!!!!!

  58. Moral Campus
    January 21, 2011

    I see you found a “FRUSTRATING” looking pic of Skerro.

  59. shortboy
    January 21, 2011


    • The Truth
      January 21, 2011

      shortboy with a short brain?

      • linky
        January 23, 2011

        this guys believe that skerrit is the onlything that matters in our little country, if he is your little god
        he is not mind, very short brain.

  60. lesspwimalpapai
    January 21, 2011

    toe knee 4straiting me alas toe knee

  61. ok
    January 21, 2011

    not sure i understand properly but why did’t you oppose the stuff, seem like he should be mad at his lawyers. are you guys trying to play with peoples minds?

  62. DVT
    January 21, 2011

    The UWP is taking this thing for a flipping joke now. A whole year they there calling for case, now they asking for adjournment. They should have been prepared.

    • Allegations
      January 21, 2011

      Sound like you’re desperately awaiting the results. To be objective, Astaphans said UWP needed more time to review the DLP lawyers submissions filed. He forgor to tell you that the DLP lawyers should have turned over a copy to their current court submissions in order to avoid delays like this. If you’e familiar with court cases u would know what I mean. Don’t let those lawyers trick you in the political mess.

    • Lady
      January 21, 2011

      I share your sentiments but to add I think that Skerrit and his Atony lying…… they well glad!

    • Red-Antz
      January 21, 2011

      UWP never had a real case to begin with. this whole charade was always about creating distraction and playing on the emotions of dominicans. a complete waste of time and resources this is how i see this whole thing. i think this case should be thrown out of the courts completely and allow the PM and government to do the ppl’s work and have the UWP pay the incurred costs and for the time wasted.

    • Hmmmmm
      January 21, 2011

      Senior Counsel should have let the public know that the DLP lawyers submitted 600 pages yesterday afternoon and that neither the court nor the UPW attorneys had sufficient time to review same. Shame on him for only giving a part of the story, and not the entire story………
      You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

      • Searcher
        January 24, 2011

        Agree. If this is true Tony sholud be losing points in the debate. Good contribution and information helpful for objective patrotic conclusions

    • c bruce
      January 22, 2011

      DVT, please don’t fall in Tony’s trap.

  63. Way Way
    January 21, 2011

    They are just afraid…te truth will reveal

  64. Way Way
    January 21, 2011

    Tony and the PM, THEY TOO DAMM CHECKY. Frustrated my ..

  65. Burrr
    January 21, 2011

    Admin, I think you should have included what the application before the court was, who brought the application before the court and hence the ruling by the court for the adjournment. Counsel for Mr. Green and others brought an application before the court for an adjournment which Mr. Astaphan did not consent too however the COURT granted the adjournment.

    Mr. Astaphan also gave that information in his interview with DBS radio which I happen to hear this afternoon. Anyways, don’t insult me I am only making an observation.

    No I won’t I should’ve put MORE DETAILS LATER, as our reporter will be giving us full details later.

    • Niky
      January 21, 2011

      @ BUrr

      DNO Admin doesn’t insult people! That’s jsut NOT their style. DNO is nautral, fair and balanced.

    • Burrr
      January 21, 2011

      No problem sweetie! :-D

      I can get a job man? wha u say? I can do proof reading for you. :mrgreen:

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