UPDATED:Two-year suspended sentence for alleged Presbytery thief

A young man charged with breaking into the Roseau Roman Catholic Presbytery and stealing EC$7,742 received a two-year suspended sentence when he appeared before the High Court of Justice this morning.

Eighteen-year-old Lennard Panthier of Portsmouth admitted to unlawfully entering the presbytery on January 1, 2009, but he denied stealing any money.

According to the facts of the case, Reverend Father Charles Martin and Deacon Lewis Chad Lindor left the presbytery that day and properly secured the building. Upon their return, at about 6:30 p.m., they noticed there had been a break-in. EC$2,250, EU$200 and US1,800 was missing from the presbytery on that day.

“The prisoner admits the facts … he insists that he did not take the money… he admitted to entering as a trespasser,” Panthier’s lawyer, Julien Prevost, told the court.

In mitigation Prevost said his client had a “close relationship” with the presbytery.

Panthier had also been sentenced by Magistrate Gloria Augustus for a similar offense.  He was released from prison on December 15, 2009.

The court heard that Panthier’s grades were good in high school, up until fifth form. Consequently, he did not succeed at the CXC exams. Prevost told the court that Panthier resided with his grandfather at the time, and when his father, who had been in  prison on six occasions, came to live with them it was a stressful experience.

“Because of certain preferences of the accused … he[his father] alienated him,” Prevost said. At the time, he resided with his grandfather they were living on a fortnightly pensionof $87.00.

Panthier is the first of nine children. According to Prevost, while at prison the authorities were bound to keep him in a separate cell to avoid any trouble.

Panthier told Judge Brian Cottle he is a very intelligent young man and he would work towards getting good grades.“During school I was never one to be sitting at the back of the class. I was always participating, so if given a chance I know I can work to get a scholarship,” he said.

Panthier is interested in pursuing studies in medicine towards becoming a doctor.

Upon sentencing Cottle said he would consider how difficult it would be to secure accommodation for Panthier at the prison.

“I’m going to suspend that sentence for two years … You’re getting an opportunity and I’ll hold you to your word … I do not like sending youngpeople to prison. Take this opportunity and run with it… You should also make some preparations to try to get the money back,” the judge stated.

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  1. Watchingu
    May 17, 2018

    Good ole Lee is now in the United States preying on the elderly and taking their money. Thanks for teaching him a lesson Dominica

  2. Unworthy to judge
    January 21, 2010

    I have to say, Lee, boy I really hope you realize that God is still on the Throne and on your side. There are so many things you wanted to be. You can read, you are intelligent, you have given to your community in various ways in a positive way, then you fell. Many people can fall and not get up. You are now given a chance to get up, Do so. YOU are NOT the worst person out there and many people including the church has tried helping you. You fell. God’s hands are still wide open to you so take it, and pray hard to stay on the right track.

    You CAN become a doctor because you are no fool, but first you must make small steps back to finding your true self. Trust God, and keep faith. I wish you well.

    I concur that you Lee should be made to take some responsibilities for the act even if you claim to not have stolen the money. These two priests who suffered the loss were not deserving of the theft. But hey God is forgiving, and so if the law forgives you, who am I not to forgive you?
    Go with God, I pray that you find the support needed. But Lee, don’t try to be wrong and strong..because you will not see your way if you do.

    With time..you can heal if you try hard,. Peace

    January 19, 2010

    Dominica has become a criminals paradise. You can commit any crime from petty theft to murder and be out to speak about it. I guess until it happens to those sitting on the top of the tree it will just be water under the bridge.

  4. smallboy
    January 19, 2010

    it seems like he forgot wat day it was maybe he went in for some bread and wine from de losty. that church thif used to be an accolight i sure he use to thif de bread and wine behind de preist back dam voller

  5. A Voice
    January 19, 2010

    “Because of certain preferences of the accused …”?

    “his client had a “close relationship” with the presbytery.”

    “while at prison the authorities were bound to keep him in a separate cell to avoid any trouble”

    Hey, all you only giving half of the story man. It occurs to me that not only is that guy a thief, but he also is a nasty fella.

    January 19, 2010

    while i belive that this young man is responsible for his actions sometimes its better to give these young people a second chance and help to see if they can turn their life around. i will be happy for him if he can make good on his promise and go out to become a doctor and be gratful enough to serve his country da. my prayers are with this young man and i pray that he will be sucessful. i no many will say jail him but we need to look again at some situations

  7. January 19, 2010

    Well the offenders have it sweet now, boy.

  8. Listening
    January 19, 2010

    Lee, i know you are a smart boy. Hope your imprisonment taught you something positive. Come on, there is always a second chance.
    Go for it, be want you want to be, the sky is your limit, dont let your mistakes deter you.

  9. madam justice
    January 19, 2010

    leee!!! alas!

    come i remember praying the orsary with u everynight at 6pm….. alas… been prayin for u ever since… hope to see u soon?

  10. Young man in dominica
    January 19, 2010

    i think that if mr was brave enough to admit to entering the church the court should have oder him to work off that money missing from the church weather he took it or not. If he did not take the money what he break into the church for stupes if is weed they had hold mister with he would pay more than 7000 for de weed

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