UPDATE: $1-million drug bust in Calibishie

The Dominica Police Force has recorded its biggest drug bust for 2012.

A sting operation has led to the seizure of some 1,245 pounds of marijuana in an abandoned area in the heights of Calibishie last week.

According to Inspector John Carbon the drugs which is suspected to have been “in transit”, carries a street value of over $1-million.

“It was on Friday at about 11 am in the heights of Calibishie when the canine unit from Customs and the police mounted the operation and found the cured marijuana. It was found in an abandoned area. No one has been arrested but investigations are ongoing,” he said

Carbon said the drug was found in 27 nylon bags.

“In the past we have seen the trend in the way it is being packaged and the writing on the packaging. The way it is packaged, it is not packaged like that in Dominica. We know it was imported into the country. We know it is not for our local market, in more or less was in transit for some other country,” he explained.

He said police are trying to keep the drug trade at the lowest, “so this is one of our major drug busts for the year and we are very happy about it,” he explained.

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  1. tessa
    April 19, 2012


  2. ????
    April 19, 2012

    Ha ha…if it was from Dominica it would be in plastic, but because it is from some other place it is in nylon.

  3. April 19, 2012

    but sugar, to name just one product out of many, white sugsr at that,come from sugarcane which is natural, check the result of sugar today.
    things have a diffrent effect when man u facture.
    how you so sure that the herb was not here naturally?and in anycase plants are transported from place to place from kingdom come,for the benefit of the society.
    sometime is not where it come from,is it’s contribution,
    just another shade of light on it’s origination.

  4. one-sided
    April 18, 2012

    Ya purely one-sided, but they not finding coke den?

  5. April 18, 2012

    alot of people got some good points and i really don’t give a shit who with or against the police ,,all i know is life hard everywhere and that drug bust is just another blow for those who tryna make a dollar ,,some of them got kids in school ,or a sick family member or even a loan to pay ,,,,the police don’t care bout that all they looking for is strips ,,,strips that just gonna sit on their shoulders while poor ppl hungry ,,,,i bet they rejoicing about that ,,,stupid,…..don’t they know that’s what circulates money in a country ? but then again is their job they doing . https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_neutral.gif

    • itassi4us
      April 19, 2012

      missA…………. what does that stand for? Miss?
      Use or dealing of drugs will eventually lead to loss of lives, imprisonment, violence and all what comes along with these. stop promoting te negative. stop the nonsence and be more positive. Someone like u. i sure hope that u are barren because u clearly cant raise a child. u are no example!! please educate yourself so u can be a better person.

    April 18, 2012

    it is written dat all herbs were created before all men. and dat all herbs shall be for meat for man to eat…. NOW MAN DECIDE ONE PLANT IS NOW ILLEGAL… taking JAH rule and say it against de law … NOW de same vibes say dat HOMOSEXUALITY IS UNGODLY but now man want to make it illegal… DE WORLD IS UPSIDE DOWN …. LEAVE DE TREE GROW. AND DEN DE POLICE CAN GET TO DO SOME REAL WORK…. HEHEHE

    • Malatete
      April 18, 2012

      Coca (cocaine) is plant too, as is the poppy(opium/heroine, coffee and tobacco.All natural, all created by Jah. If you really want a fix try the aptly named “deadly nightshade” (belladonna)plant next time. This is guaranteed to give you an eternal high. Jah is waiting for you.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 18, 2012


      In order to be precise certain, you should try conducting a research into this so-call herb you try to elevate as something good and edible to use and how all of a sudden, in the past few years there so much of it is grown in Dominica and other islands in the West Indies.
      You never know that someone or some people may have brought what you call it, a herb, its seeds or root to Dominica or the West Indies for that matter. It may not have originated from the West Indies. Give this a thought.

  7. fire in your wire
    April 18, 2012

    all they gonna do is burn a bushers they had there taking dust and make all that yummy kush come back on the market

  8. fire
    April 18, 2012

    decriminalize it! control it ! then the criminal stigma surrounding it will disappear…

  9. Cerberus
    April 18, 2012

    THC, the active ingredient of marijuana reduces sensitivity to pain, hence its medical use. It also slows down reaction time and impairs memory, concentration and judgement. The effect of alcohol is similar, the difference being that one is legal and the other one is not. The irony is that if the cultivation- and marketing of marijuana would be generally legalised it would be our local growers and middleman who would suffer most from loss of income. I do not think for one moment that we could be competitive in a liberalised market for this commodity. For a start it would not require any middlemen to smuggle weed from, say St. Vincent to Marie Galante via Dominica.
    The local cultivation of marijuana would meet the same fate as our banana industry, where we can not compete on a world market without subvention. We used to grow tobacco also. Ask where the tobacco orignates to make our local Hillsborough cigarettes? Where do Bello source most of their hot peppers and why? Or how do DCP meet their copra requirement? It is not even worthwile to grow cane to supply our own market with sugar. And now we are hearing about a coffee processing plant that will have to use beans, imported from Central America in order to make it work. Likewise, our marijuana would be too expensive, inconsistent in supply and variable in quality. As much as we may deplore the situation it is exactly because of its illicity that some of us manage to make a living out of this weed. Personally I’d rather go fishing (no tax, no dogs or guns to protect my crop, no fertilizer or weedkiller, no sleeping in the bush and all the money I make is legally mine)

    • Justice and Truth
      April 18, 2012

      @ Cerberus

      I have heard some people state that their pain is worst since taking those drugs. Obviously you do not hear everything from everyone and do not know everything. This drug does not cure. It may only temporarily stabilize the pain. It is not the answer and great help for their pain.

      • Ganja Farmer
        April 19, 2012

        When you take your paracetamol, does it cure you or only temporarily stabilize your pain? oh by the way, your paracetamol does contain amounts of cocaine…… that is why it norms your pain but never cures it.

        Herb on the other hand has been proven medically to temporarily ease pain and cure many diseases. Its by products can be used in a positive manner for humans and animals. Every part of marijuana (roots, steams and branches, seeds) can be used in a positive way to help humanity.

        Did you know that Americans main issue with the Federal Government now is to legalize Marijuana.

        Whereas herb is used in its natural state and there is no additional altercation or process to be done to it, can be used for medicinal purposes whereas other crops like the coca plant, poppy seeds are all altered and synthetic substances are added to enhance the plants potential.

        Herb is natural…….why is it illegal?

        DNO, 56% of Americans want their Government to legalize Marijuana. Conduct a poll and lets see how many of use Dominicans want Marijuana to be legalized in DA.

        If the majority of the polsters do want it legalize, we have a base to start a petition to the legal authorities to hear the voice of the poeple and make the Nature Isle truely Eco friendly.

        This would enhance our health, agriculture, manufacturing and tourism sector. We could create a billion dollar industry where cafe’s and pubs can legally sell for consumption, factories can product by products, farmers would have a niche market for the lucrative EU and US markets, a new wave of bio- medical industry can orriginate right here in Dominica.

        Students would no longer have to go out there to study business administration but would seek alternative carriers in the various fields of science. Mass amounts of tourist would flock to the Nature Ilse if we would create a legal zone on the island where there would be some taxation, control and policing ( similar to the Netherlands) to ensure that the process is safe and the practice would be enjoyed by all Humans.We would create employment in every sector and aliviate poverty for the majority of Dominicans. We could create a model for the rest of the world by making this “Bold ” statement. We wouldnt have to “beg” no more and we would be truely INDEPENDENT.

        Please DNO, A poll on the Dicriminalization and legalization of Marijuana in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

        Free up the Ganja

      • Cerberus
        April 19, 2012

        You are right, marijuana is not a cure.It is an analgesic and those who take it to get relief from pain may as well take paracetamol. One can not escape the consclusion that those who use it for “medical” purposes also enjoy its psychotic effect. Personally, I don’t use it, never have, can’t stand the smell of it and quite frankly see the use of drugs to enhance one’s state of happiness as feebleness.

  10. law
    April 18, 2012

    It’s not the first it wont b the last.the world can’t run without canabis marijuana.if the world leaders get rid of all drugs.how would the world run?sowmetimes i wonder.the world can’t run without drugs.drugs in everything we use and eat these days.we the citizens of Dominica we need to eyewitness drugs burning in dominica

    • Shorty
      April 18, 2012

      but is true…i drinkin marijuana tea when i sick,,…bcuz i hv senseous

  11. law
    April 18, 2012

    It’s not the first it wont b the last.the world can’t run without canabis marijuana.if the world leaders get rid of all drugs.how would the world run?sometimes i wonder.the world can’t run without drugs.drugs in everything we use and eat these days.

  12. miss concerned
    April 18, 2012

    What all of you anti police need to look at now is the in fighting withing the drug industry. Remember everytime there is a seizure by the police people start disapairing and losing their life. Everyone of you will now blame the police for not finding them lost drug dealers, but yet you denegrate them on their fabulous work. TaTo Tato we will see how drugs men gonna start missing. Lets fight against these criminals and the drug trade lets help the police so they can help us.

  13. ME
    April 18, 2012

    OHHHH, NOOOOO, I just lose all my weed!!!!!

  14. huge
    April 18, 2012

    Canine Unit? they’re using these animals to help them do their jobs….so why won’t they enforce the animal cruelty laws, there are laws to protect the animals here but the police officers wn’t follow up on the calls, so much dogfighting here, the lawmen need to do something abt that, its not fear to use them and then not stand for them, afterall they havhe feelings to.

  15. Mr Sout City
    April 18, 2012

    Somebody snitch.

    • hustler
      April 18, 2012

      no love in this game ur shit can’t be selling more than mines i hate competition i get rid of the blockers

  16. Red-Antz
    April 18, 2012

    You found the drugs but made no arrests so it means that the dealers are still out there and will continue to bring drugs in. police here have no intelligence no surveillance somebody had to come pick up or move the drugs and the police, had they worked well, could have caught that person and get some more answers. but in all haste confiscate the drugs while the dealers run free…..i don’t see much to be pleased about.

  17. Observer
    April 18, 2012

    There are over 60 bi-products that can be manufactured from this holy herb. What don’t the govt, implement ways in which the holy herb can be cultivated for the manufacturing of bi-products. Put a tax on it and legalize it. The holy herb is not the problem of drugs on the island. The police sell most of it, so why not utilize it in a positive way.

  18. Country
    April 18, 2012

    I would like to know what the PO PO doing with that Ganja? Do they destroy it? Or sell it for profit? Really I think Dominicans need to know the truth, or has the country gone pure Communist?

    • be an example
      April 18, 2012

      I really do not blame you for asking such a question, in fact I see this as a very genuine questions because it is amazing to see and hear the activities of police officers in regard to their close association with people of questionable character in the community. they tell you do not follow bad company or find yourself in the company of people who even SEEMS to be involve in illegal activities yet you see officers paying frequent visits to the homes or such people, some even driving their vehicles. I therefore think your question is a very genuine one.

  19. LR
    April 18, 2012

    ANYHOW…the same weed the want to cast out….i want them in high positions to come and explain to the public why the think weed is illegal…unlike rum and cigarette…where my grand dad??hmmmm..never hear no one die from smoking weed?? them big lawyers bank officials ministers etc etc…i know some of them does burn their weed..some of them just to ease their stress will pull a joint now and then…so do give me that crap!! them police taking man hard labor for their easy money….pure crap!! and all those talkin bout haitians there illegal movements they doing none of them own land but yet they have produce in market sellin….zoor fou or fall….chupeesss let them man grow their weed…i hate cigarette smoking…hate it on a mans breath …hate rum on a man breath and as for when they drink they go home and beat on everything abuse their kids and women..i’ll feed my man when he get munches from weeds lolzzzz…

    • Luzinga
      April 18, 2012


    • Justice and Truth
      April 18, 2012

      @ LR

      No clarification is required. Everyone including you should know about illegal drugs and that it is unhealthy to smoke. This is why most governments will not legalize it and allow it to be circulated from the hands of individuals to others.

      • LR
        April 19, 2012

        but alcohol and cigarette are drugs but they are legal….why??? smh..

  20. Country
    April 18, 2012

    @REal 100% of Marijuana smokers are criminals, because it’s illegal! Decriminalize it and I bet it would drop to 25% maybe less? Crack’down on the Crack and the little Nasty’s selling out their socalled brethren.

  21. shatta
    April 18, 2012

    Free up d healing of d nation the ganga herb. God gave us this herb,read the 10 commandments in the bible ,if we only had these laws the earth will be florishing.everybody let’s kill one cop,every time they cut the herb down

  22. LR
    April 18, 2012

    weed…one mil..hmmmmm well sa the country have money flowing unseen…..but one thing i know..them same so called officers know themselves they going and put that right back in the streets and make their money on the side…..i doh care what nodboy say is so the system go…smfh…bcus when some of them go court with man they hold with drugs the like to say they get such and such and next thing drugs missing money missing and 90% of the time non of them showing up for court case!!!FACT!!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      April 18, 2012

      @ LR

      Cease being negative and crying them down as untrustworthy. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

  23. Dominican by birth
    April 18, 2012

    Some men in uniform going to be rich…do you really think all drugs found are burnt??

    • Shorty
      April 18, 2012

      hey hey..good question..
      the offficers themselves smokin it doe fraid…
      i no & we all no tht for a fact tht there are officers out der SMOKING thr Bigg Joints….

    • good job
      April 18, 2012

      but doh worry, one day the tables will turn. they want to beat up and brutalize the little man on the road but behind the scene they committing more crime than anyone else.

      • Short
        April 18, 2012

        I bac tht up 100%
        true talk

  24. FedUpOfPoverty!
    April 18, 2012

    Government can’t even give people proper jobs for people to be able to feed their families properly, and not live dollar to dollar…and the police want to take away and seize the weed; a man’s means to get away from poverty…

    I’m fed up with this country man…

    When more than half the youth unemployed what you expect them to do? People with university degrees sitting at home starring at walls because everywhere you go: “No Vacancies”…

    The only jobs available are menial jobs like being a driver, or something that requires 2 or 3 CXC’s.

    That would drive anybody mad and lead them to illegal ways of making proper money…

    The root of the problem is poverty…The effect is selling drugs…Aye free up the poor man..He has to do what he has to do.

    • Reader
      April 18, 2012

      What I want youth to is to be enterprising and create their own employment. Instead of watching the walls or t.v. or people business … find a legal way to create employment for yourself and perhaps your next door neighbour.

  25. Concerned Citizen
    April 18, 2012

    Since the inception of the Customs Canine Unit,citizens have noticed a rise in the amount of drug busts on island.
    Great investment to capitalize on curbing the influx of drug trafficking on island.

    Kudos to the Law Enforcement Officers.

    • LR
      April 18, 2012

      kudos to who???chuupeess im highly annoyed by all those saying good job…they self taking that drug and put it back in the streets …my cousin bf told me once he was selling drugs for a police man..what hell kudos they are the biggest criminals…think growing weed illegal..what them police doing thats illegal chupes

  26. D.A
    April 18, 2012

    not no sting is them little girls that like man in uniform that selling out man. how they know exactly where to go.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 18, 2012

      @ D.A. Please do not make me laugh. :lol: You are judging those little girls whoever they are.
      Interestingly, you made a point. We would be interested to know how they found out about these drugs and how they were able to find the location.

  27. real
    April 18, 2012

    weed is the #1 drug in dominica now cocaine dont sell except to who that parro already longtime. most young guys smoke weed starting from high school around when they hit 4th form or even b4 that

    • Justice and Truth
      April 18, 2012

      @ real

      This is a serious matter and a sad situation. Yet there are those who want it legalized. How could they learn if they are smoking weed? Someone or some people must have introduced them to it and sold it to them. Note the following: Matthew 18:6:7 – Temptations to Sin – Whoever causes one of those little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of things that cause sin!
      The Lord is taking note.

  28. bougla
    April 18, 2012

    the govt shud sell that weed overseas to gain foreign currency.

  29. real
    April 18, 2012

    just watch all those murderers robbers thieves rapist all the fights hache ect all the guys who dat smoke weed you see them everyday you kno who they are you know is weed they smoking

  30. real
    April 18, 2012

    satistics show 95% of people who commit crime in d/ca are marijuana smokers that is a fact

    • real vibes
      April 18, 2012

      where u get does stats na? u an parry carrying out so kinda mad survey man? lol lol

    • Shorty
      April 18, 2012

      never happeining…
      what about those Under cover cases tht are Rapist??
      think bout tht

  31. FACEUP
    April 18, 2012


  32. rambo
    April 18, 2012

    Don`t let the lay their hands on this ganja! ha! ha!

  33. 3rd DEGREE
    April 18, 2012

    DO you all know that,the U.S government once GREW marijuana and used it to fund their part of the 1st WORLD WAR? they recognised it’s diverse potential,and it’s un-deniable WORTH…only to make it illegal…because it made their soldiers CALM and PEACE-Loving….i’ve studied with many scholars,in the U.S and to this day they smoke….not because they are addicted…but because they’ve identified THE PLANT “marijuana” as the most under appreciated creation of the OMNI-POTENT…all because of bias men who are only seeking after bloodshed….people who use cocaine not only find it hard to identify with “weed” smokers…they find it IMPOSSIBLE! the only reason the drug dealers invest also in marijuana is due to the fact that its’ illegality maximizes it profitability….there are states in the u.s that legalized the “international herb” and even during recessions,these states are considerd to be the places in the U.S with the BEST QUALITY OF LIFE !!
    i smoked dee zeb ever since i was in grade 5…honestly…i got a bursary upon entering high school…who’s to say i couldn’t have gotten a scholarship..true….but who’s to say we won’t be a better nation if we broaden our horizons and really allow for the NATURE ISLAND to attain to it’s TRUE potential,by legalizin the “HIGH GRADE”?
    as a true green destination we stand to receive ALOT MORE tourists on a yearly basis,as they will not need to spend sooo much to go to Amsterdam to enjoy nature at her best.now to all of y’all so called BRAINIACS and people of HIGH stature and Marksmen discriminating on the youths and enjoying your high pedestal….a new wave is coming….SPARRRK-iT…i love it ORGANIC

    • Ganja Farmer
      April 18, 2012

      Big Up. Words of wisdom.

    • Muta
      April 21, 2012

      sot you never go school in your life u come here and try to fool people like yourself…. parro

  34. sensey
    April 17, 2012

    I think they should free up da weed and legalize marijuana. Let see how many fellas going to sneak to buy it. I think that the illegality idea of it, is what really makes people do these things. Cigarette and rum are dangerous drugs as well and they are being sold on the shelves. Who wants it, buy it, who does not, leave it alone. do you believe that dudes would be sneaking into the stores in record numbers to buy weed? I doubt. It is the idea of it all that makes people do these crazy things.

  35. Observer
    April 17, 2012

    What we need is God …justice and peace….the laws are man laws and only for a selected set. 8-O

  36. kb lyric
    April 17, 2012

    hmmmm wonder how much they keep for themselves ….smh

  37. police
    April 17, 2012

    60 percent of accidents,fights and abuse are caused by alcohol abuse.marijuana – none..

    • Student
      April 17, 2012

      Wow, that’s some crazy statistics. Care to share the source that you culled this incredible information from?

  38. cjay
    April 17, 2012

    which one dat worst,ah? freedom,or slavery………….?………..well it seems dominicans like freedom , i would hope cause if you like slavery , you just as sick an twisted as the ones who have people unable to feed families ,thierselves .give us work an we will stop sell drugs period

  39. cjay
    April 17, 2012

    free up the herd eh!!!! n look for the coke

    • Trouble
      April 18, 2012

      herb * learn to spell

  40. ....
    April 17, 2012

    It have police that retire from the force after getting bails of marijuana on sea..keep seizing the poor maléwé marijuana (source of income) is that you worth

  41. Justice and Truth
    April 17, 2012

    Good Job Officers. Congratulations and hats off to you. Keep it up. You have a duty to perform to also keep illegal drugs off the hands of nationals who deal with them and take them and also to keep them off the streets.
    This was a huge drug bust. Consider the worth when sold to people and on the streets.

  42. ....
    April 17, 2012

    So when them fellerz ship and sell the marijuana where is the money going? not back to the country it’s coming? You holding down the weed

  43. question
    April 17, 2012

    why is it the drog dogs never around mellvillehall when certain PPL flying in?

  44. April 17, 2012

    Praise God i glad about that that was a successful burst.NOw somebody got to pay for that.What a big loss.Keep up the good work police and at the same time you all have too many paros in the police force.i am talking about alcoholics no wonder some of you cannot do your job effectively cause you abusing the legal drug.SHAME ON SOME OF YOU.

  45. bz signal
    April 17, 2012

    the police needs to put some method in place to monitor those fishing boat. they need to do some investigation,check those boats to see if they carry fishing materials,gears or equipment

  46. eyes open
    April 17, 2012

    Job well done,let those bastards go and work hard for money.all they want to do is live big and smell sweet. Well done drug squard

  47. What?!
    April 17, 2012

    Boy, best they package that and start selling that by witchurch and astaphans. put some money in man pocket and the economy, yea make D/A unique and be the only country that selling marijuana in supermarkets.. Although it is legal in Amsterdam and Cali. (Obviously joking) :roll:

    April 17, 2012

    :twisted: :mrgreen: I support no kind of drugs,alcohol and smoking.My body is supposed to be the temple of the living GOD,therefore i should not pollute it!Mr.Cop,the cocaine is being sold in your eyes and beneath your nose,i see it often and the locations are in the heart of the commercial sections of Roseau,if you really wanna fight drugs you can,i as an untrained citizen in your field could do a good job in getting rid of the cocaine.You and your government refuse to take a tough stand on drugs for whatever reason you all know :?:

  49. e-manicou
    April 17, 2012

    One million dollars worth of smokes. That’s some smokes my boy!

  50. bigsexy
    April 17, 2012

    I personally believe that ganja should be legalized and taxed in the same way the system taxes tobacco. Ganja is less dangerous than tobacco in anycase. That would also allow more resources to be spent on slowing down the fast expanding cocaine trade on island.

  51. quick
    April 17, 2012

    I will say it and i know some people want to,but the marijuana is going to be back on the street soon.i know this things cause i seen it happen.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 18, 2012

      @ quick

      Then why do you not keep a look-out for them and who is putting it back on the streets? If you really feel that way, then do your own investigation. You may catch a few of them.

  52. selassie
    April 17, 2012

    sorry for the person that this karli was confiscated from but that’s the way it is because the otherday i had my share. drugs squad came into my feild, they killed my two pitbulls and my local dog, burned all my karli and then left. jah fire burn babylon

    • Malgraysa
      April 17, 2012

      I glad they bust you boy. And them dogs should not even be legal, they ares so bad they are a threat to human life. Worst, you are provoking the name of Selassie in all this miserable crime, blessed be his memory.

  53. April 17, 2012

    police selling guns man cannot sell weed to feed there family i fine all you dominican not easy the weed money staying da for food beal clothes homes stop fighting weed fight the cockaine

    • Malatete
      April 17, 2012

      Why justify marijuana by implying cocaine is worse. They are both bad as is dealing in illegal arms. They all have to be combatted. If the weed money stays in Dominica, as you claim there must be customers, who have the money to buy it. Did these customers make their money by growing drugs too? I am fed up not being able to walk the streets, or go into the bush in safety because of all this drug business and the crime and violence associated with it.

  54. VIVA 1979
    April 16, 2012

    let the drug dog sniff the containers sleeping on the port and THEN we will talk about bust…

    the DON is dressed in teflon

      April 17, 2012

      and i hope one day they will bring them dogs on a venezuelan boat too

  55. Swavor
    April 16, 2012

    Hmmmhp and the letting de cocaine move around like that smh.. If allu bursting pon de ganja man dem burst pon de cocaine sellers dem

  56. I die nah!
    April 16, 2012

    i feel for these people. i feel for my generations who may have to fall in that path to make a dollar instead of settling for working for slavery. god forbid.
    this justice system is worthless. it has lost all its substance.

  57. I die nah!
    April 16, 2012

    i say stop the drug busts on marijuana. double the punishment for cocaine.
    so mr preacher tell me, “doh say dat! they will sell it to ur son”
    mr preacher! rum legal. they sell it to my father and he is not even a human being anymore. a living dead, and he still get served at the counter. the legal rum.
    my brothers or chimneys if u want to call them, buy the legal cigarettes. they sick like sin. the legal cigarettes.
    mr preacher morality for one is morality for all.
    astaphan and hilsborough get rich selling alcohol and cigarettes. the poor man go to jail for selling some herb.
    mr preacher, eradicate one, eradicate all. they all will kill my son.
    halfway morality killing me mr preacher

    • Justice and Truth
      April 17, 2012

      @ I die nah

      What good is this so-called herb to them? What health benefits? :twisted:

      • real vibes
        April 18, 2012

        do you know that oxygen is poisonous and causes aging? the foods that we eat contain various chemicals that will eventually cause health problems? and the list goes on. seems they will have to put some of u in a barrel of a frozen state with nothing affecting allyu.lol. just saying that everything has negative effects and everyone must die so start living instead of waiting to die.lol

      • pawo
        April 18, 2012

        absolutely none. didnt u take ur time to read the writing?

      • I die nah!
        April 18, 2012

        did i mention health benefits here? plz take ur time to read the writing

    • real vibes
      April 19, 2012

      the comment was aimed @justice and truth lol. what chubble dat na?

  58. ashes
    April 16, 2012

    nothing personal.

  59. Anonymous
    April 16, 2012

    This Is Dominica Not Haiti where this talk of Haiti come from?

      April 17, 2012

      for all you may know some of the money robbed from touristsover the past months went into getting that shipment so you see what goes around comes around

  60. !!!
    April 16, 2012

    Good job, taken off the streets!

  61. hmmmmmm
    April 16, 2012

    i never hearin bout crack and cocain bust?, hmmmmmm. look like di cocain and crack givin dem babylon more money and faster too.

  62. Upset
    April 16, 2012


  63. HMMM
    April 16, 2012


    • Joseph connery
      April 16, 2012

      And how is it all Haitians get jobs? some of the young men in fact many young men in Dominica are just plain LAZY!!!!!!!!!

      • HMMM
        April 16, 2012

        what haitian getting job you coming and talk about. Find me a haitian who isn’t working for less than the minimum wage in Dominica. You say many young men in Dominica are just plain lazy i say neither you nor any other human being on the face of the earth can actually determine the number of young men in Dominica who are really and truly lazy. We too quick to pass in our nice ride or pretty shoes and judge the young men we see on the streets not knowing which one was out job hunting for the entire day and who just got fired. we do know what takes place in anybody’s life only god does and god will be the one to say who is lazy and who isn’t.

      • Anonymous
        April 16, 2012

        Haitians allow people to exploit them and by doing so marginalise our society! think of the affects of the Haitians on our society.

      • choice
        April 16, 2012

        @ Joseph connery

        What kind of patriot takies pleasure in bringing down his own people to uplift another nations people?? Dominicans have ‘break thier backs’ to build up this country Dominica over all these years in terrain which even donkeys will reject, without advance technology to help them. Now when things are much easier you and many other’s want to put haitiens ahead of them.

        If haitiens are so hard working, how comes thier country (which is much bigger and flatter) than Dominica is so desolate and barren???

        Is only a sick bird that defecates in its own nest. So stop putting down `your`people for the sake of foreigners something you will never catch a haitien doing even if they made thier country deplorable and the poorest in the western hemisphere

      • Gwenny
        April 17, 2012

        Ya for real i pull up on my step and watch them weed alone they want to smoke for their life,LAZY

      • Anonymous
        April 17, 2012


      • peeping
        April 17, 2012

        @joseph connery you are right. those of you dont know hatiains charge more for their work because locals dont want to do certain jobs.

      • FedUpOfPoverty!
        April 18, 2012

        Omg…Some people don’t have jobs and its not because they are lazy!Are you talking about jobs like cutting grass and sewing? Because what are People who actually have a sound education supposed to do? People with university degrees? They are supposed to cut grass?

        My dear there are NO jobs in the country…If 100 university graduates come back every year…only 5 can get a job in their field.


      • Joseph Connery
        April 18, 2012

        Im not a Dominican im just telling you what i see the tourists observes it and they comment come on people.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 17, 2012

      @ HMMM

      Illegal drugs and usage of same are an evil in any country. On the side of illegal drugs and selling it? How sad for you that you uphold something that can take people straight down to the gutter. You pretend that it is good for people and overlook what those who are addicted to them look like? One glance and they depict that they are smoking illegal drugs. What good are such people to themselves and to their country? I do not think you want what is best for others and for their country.

      • HMMM
        April 20, 2012

        @ justice and truth

        And i guess you know whats best for others and the country right? I’ve seen more people wasting their life away on legal drugs than i have seen wasting away on marijuana. In most cases where someone is wasting away from marijuana you will find that they are mixing it with some other deadly substance. Why is it that marijuana (a plant created by god) is illegal to sell and smoke while cigarettes (man-made)are legal? Why is alcohol (man-made)legal? It time for us to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery like bob Marley said. Open your eyes and mind and see that its all about power. Marijuana can be used to heal; cigarettes and alcohol can’t. why is it legal to smoke a cigarette instead of a joint? use your head…

  64. April 16, 2012

    I wish I had that right now $$$ in the yout man pocket

  65. SMH
    April 16, 2012


  66. Anonymous
    April 16, 2012

    Chavez is at work boy!!

  67. Neutral
    April 16, 2012

    Here is a thought. Legalize it and tax it like rum, let the criminals get something else to do.

  68. camica
    April 16, 2012

    marijuana doesnt destroy lives is how u taking it. people have to make money to take care of their family eh, d/a already doe have job

  69. Officer Marksman
    April 16, 2012

    cant wait to be transfered to coastguard to turn dem drug traffickers boat like a strainer on that water. Shoot them down point blank on the spot. No point of return for them.

    • hustle hard
      April 16, 2012


    • Rasta
      April 16, 2012

      As you do so you see. One day you will be on de other side of de gun.

    • angel
      April 17, 2012

      officer marksman is that the police or coastguard plan there is proof plenty of all u in drugs so be careful who all u shot cause all them guns all u sell them drug man they waiting for all u. be careful officer your words will harm you

    • Tijhan
      April 18, 2012

      wow, spoken like a true criminal!

  70. muta
    April 16, 2012

    Good job officers, it’s quite alarming about the amount of young men who sit on the roadsides parro because of this ganga they drop out of school because they say its Babylon system and they smoke all day and it makes them lazy and steal peoples things to support their habits. you see it clearly in portsmouth, tan tan, toucarie,st joseph you just name it.. so stop being hipocrites if you care about the youth they are the tomorrow.

    • Noteworthy
      April 16, 2012

      Paro because of GANJA! you ok? If you lace marijauna with crack or coke,pills you will paro. Marijuana on it’s own is actually a downer makes you sleepy, inactive and gives the munchies. Stop repeating garbage there are credible studies done on marijuana in it’s purest form, not altered as a new plant. What these people are smoking mixed with disel is not marijuana. I’m not advocating just stating a fact.

      • Muta
        April 16, 2012

        Where do you live? can you see? are you just being a hypocrite? can you walk? can you hear? have you any common sense? if you had these then you would see the damage it is doing to our youth particularly the young men. i see it everyday in schools… oh my God save us from hell. 8-O

      • Wesleyman
        April 18, 2012

        So if it is a downner and it makes you sleepy and gives you the munches, how are you disagreeing that it makes you lazy? if I wake up in the orning, hit the spliff, and go to work, there I am sleep and have the muches, how long will my employer tolerate that? soon I will be out of work, therefore the point is valid, it results in a loss of productivity,because it makes the smoker lazy…capeech

    • Less We Forget
      April 17, 2012

      Muta calm down, you asking de person if they can read etc but seem to me you are the unable to comprehend. What I read is that the very youte man you speak of ARE NOT SMOKING GANJA/MARIJUANA but a new hybrid of weed mixed with other elements. Sometimes you all get so emotional you even miss what people say and look silly.

      • Muta
        April 18, 2012

        You see the problem is they don’t work or majority dont work or look for jobs. they smoke their weed and influence the younger ones who go to school. the little hard earned recess money given to them by the parents go to the drug dealers or ganga farmer for the 5bag. when there is no money they steal. then there we have school drop outs and the cycle goes on….. and on…. that is why their are so many young parros and young men in prison.

    • angel
      April 17, 2012

      parro because of ganga plenty man high up in society smoking it and they not parro to much of anything isnt good and especially when ganga is mixed with cocaine plenty cocaine coming in and them ploice nah play no mind thts wat they need to check. research never show ganga sending man crazy

    • Justice and Truth
      April 17, 2012

      @ muta

      The words of the song, “By the rivers of Babylon where we sat down…” This is downright idleness and laziness. Those who have propagated it are no good example. They have set a bad precedent.

  71. Listen
    April 16, 2012

    . 8) …if you’ve read the last report published about a marijuana bust on this site…^ then look again…its the same picture.

    • Anonymous
      April 16, 2012

      And your point is what, really? If you were an ardent reader of DNO you would know that they usually use random photos in their news headlines. Smh. The picture was never illustrated as being the “bust” which the police made.

  72. April 15, 2012

    8-O ganga is not a drug. so much crack and coke dat going around d place, big man touching little children and

    • hustle hard
      April 16, 2012


  73. April 15, 2012

    ganga is not a drug. so much crack and coke dat going around d place, big man touching little children and dem police not seein dat. d economy so hard a farmar workin so hard to provide 4 his woman and children. and allu taking food from so much families.allu cannot never never distroy wat jah put

  74. Short
    April 15, 2012

    yes….if is some other person drugs…it would be alot easier to find out who the owner….. that’s not even alot of DRUGS….besides!!! those Calibishie people who like to talk> talk NOW>>>>U cay TALK !!!

  75. kk
    April 15, 2012

    dat is not weed yet

  76. anne
    April 15, 2012

    drink it dont smoke it

  77. April 15, 2012

    Wow look at the picture. They say St.Vencent is the capital for Marijuana a portion would be nice for the Woodford Hill girl and i. Big up our police they are #i in the region.

  78. ann
    April 15, 2012

    500 pounds? Papa God!!!! EH beh look at big fine these people going to get!!!!

  79. mama
    April 15, 2012

    Got the exact amount,1100 lbs worth 1 point something mill omgggg

  80. angel
    April 15, 2012


  81. j j
    April 15, 2012

    Lol . Zurt pa feb .

  82. Nosey
    April 15, 2012

    Any body knows the parties involve?

  83. April 15, 2012

    i wish they never found the weed, bcuz the cost of living goes up each day but peoples paychecks stays the same, weed is the only thing that brings alot of money, what if u got three children and u working construction like me, after u pay your light bill, marpin and water bill you don’t even have money to buy clothes and food for each of ur children.

    • Anonymous
      April 15, 2012

      you realized that you chose to have three children my boy..

      • VIVA 1979
        April 16, 2012

        he should have only claim one not true, and let the mother say the other 2 is yours so you would take care of the other two… what is your point here???

        any man can be down on his luck. lose his job and be unable to fend for his own…..say thank god people like me working. and not out there looking to sell crack to your kids jus so i can feed my own… the problem is all of us own.. is time we take ownership of our own…

        if your neighbours house on fire the smoke can choke you too. your house can pwon defay aussi

        so that is not the mentality my boy

      • Justice and Truth
        April 17, 2012

        @ Anonymous

        Married or not? Having three children if married is OK. Having three and not married is another story. Two salaries are better than one. If he has a wife she should be working to assist him. Surely, if they are not yet of kindergarten age there must be some people who would baby sit.

      • Just saying
        April 17, 2012

        that is beside the point.

    • Truth and Justice
      April 15, 2012

      @ grand bay

      Just think you are not the only one in Dominica, in the past, in the present and no doubt in the future. In other parts of the world, people experience financial difficulty especially with children. Times are tough everywhere. Take heart and have patience. In time, things will work out.
      You know this passage in the New Testament: “All things work for good to those who love God.” He helps people cope with their burdens.

    • B.E.B
      April 16, 2012

      You pay bills once a month you are being paid every week or every fortnight when you work, so what’s your point?

  84. wong ping
    April 15, 2012

    do not be surprised if that weed start circulating next month on the market.give us the proof like gwada and martinik that you all destroy it.who the hell do you think you fooling.

  85. Markalico
    April 15, 2012

    Unfortunatey all dem so called police going to do…..IS SELL THAT….So some of u stop acting like they doing such a great job…..smh

    • Truth and Justice
      April 15, 2012

      @ Markalico

      How could you make such a statement? Sell it to whom? I expect that they will burn the loot. If and when they do, it should be supervised to ensure that it is burnt.

      • Tijhan
        April 18, 2012

        yes dear, we all know what should be done!

    • hustle hard
      April 16, 2012


  86. good herb?
    April 15, 2012

    I see 2 van pas load up i almost cry

    • yardman
      April 16, 2012

      boy is not u alone i could dieeeeeeee
      when i see 3 van load

  87. In The US
    April 15, 2012

    When will Dominicans learn to make responsible statements regarding real issues? It is time to put all the crappy statements aside or that they must be censored and possidly not published.
    Im fed up with these ignorant statements.
    Dont forget that the very same Tourists who love to visit the Nature Isle read these comments too.
    Some of them are a real turnoff.
    Dominicans, please grow up.

    • Truth and Justice
      April 15, 2012

      @ In the US

      I agree with you. This is why they must be told and also corrected. Hopefully, they will learn something and change. Some people are not broadminded which may be due to their mentality which is why they make such types of statements. Then, those who make sensible statements, they give them thumbs down.

    • hustle hard
      April 16, 2012


  88. Gypsy
    April 15, 2012

    Who tell you cultivating Ganja is easy money? Did you ever work in the garden? Growing Ganja is hard work? It’s true one little nation could change the course of all it’s peoples lives, LEGALIZE IT! DON’T CRITICIZE IT! Agriculture dead but big market for the Ganja. And the tourist love it! You don’t need trinkits on the bayfront, just stalls and stalls of weed. What are you afraid of?

    • Truth and Justice
      April 15, 2012

      @ Gypsy

      You do know the meaning of Gypsy and what they are involved in. This is not a wise statement. It would be something else to see a lot of people who smoke weed and intoxicated. They will eventually become brainless and probably dangerous. I do not recommend legalizing anyone of those illegal drugs.

      • Anonymous
        April 18, 2012

        alcohol is legal and it’s legal to drink and drive in dominica,I have never seen an intelligent drunk person in my life,but i do know a lot of people who function perfectly fine in their daily lives and smoke weed

    • What the?
      April 16, 2012

      I agree. legalise it and then sell it to USA and UK as medicinal. Them farmers in USA are making huge money selling it as medicine. We got so many herbs here that can cure cancer.

      ALL drugs should be legal … let the US fight it’s crime on it’s own doorstep. I am tired of seeing drug crime and death here in DA for the sake of illegal drugs.

      • Justice and Truth
        April 16, 2012

        @ What the?

        The same occurs in the U.S. People die of taking illegal drugs. They could also lose their family, jobs and personal possessions when they are addicted to them.
        It is too bad that they are grown at all. It is not food and also vitamins which could at least keep people healthy and make them live a long life, if people take care of themselves. When will those of you who endorse illegal drugs comprehend that?

    • muta
      April 16, 2012

      do you ever look on the road sides and see the amount of young parroes on the roadside the average age is 15 years…. idiot

    • April 16, 2012

      hahahaha man u guys r killing me here

  89. Woodfordhill girl
    April 14, 2012

    Lololol you are an idiot lol n :-D :lol:

  90. April 14, 2012

    Interesting.Looking at the real stuff.

  91. liberty city mia
    April 14, 2012

    not good thing i change my spot for my drop of

  92. baby
    April 14, 2012

    when will ganja d healing of d nation get a break,,,,jah star a dat mosty families eat from

    • April 15, 2012

      They just doing that to gamja so that their coke can sell

  93. Pundit
    April 14, 2012

    Why is it that we never hear of a crack-cocaine bust?? And this is the biggest the bigger killer of mankind. How many humans have Marijuana killed??

    • April 15, 2012

      Tell me about it

    • Truth and Justice
      April 15, 2012

      @ Pundit

      You should know that this drug bust is in the preliminary stage. Did you not notice the roots? It looks like it was freshly dug up from the ground. It is not yet processed into cocaine. There is a procedure which these people follow in order for it to be cocaine. I am not an expert. I heard this on TV News and read about it. Be informed and do not encourage it.

      • Ganja Farmer
        April 16, 2012

        Mary Jane processed into cocaine? I must be blind to read this, but this guy actaually believes that MJ is futher processed into crack /cocaine.

        The level of ignorance of those against the Holy Herb………. It was placed here on Earth by the Father HIMself, hence, there is nothing man can do with all his power to get rid of it.

        Like it or not, Marijuana is for the Healing, for the use of every man, woman and child…..it is our green bearing fruit, our meat.

        Free up d herb Mr. Politician, Mr. PM.

        Stop wasting the little resources that we have in this island. Look for the opening in markets that exists all over this world were we can start coperatives and have all these young men(that you all complaining sitting and smoking on the side of the road) fully engaged in their farms, planting and cultivating the best herbal medicine for these lucrative markets.

        When will we learn in DA? God, I just love D Ganja.

        April 17, 2012

        I’m also no expert, but I always thought that it was Coca leaf that was used to make Cocaine.

        I dont smoke/drink Ganja, but I can think of other drugs that are more harmfull, and the police/authorities should put just as much effort(if not more) into finding and destroying.

    • What the?
      April 16, 2012

      Totally agree. It is so easy to find then crack house … it stinks like burning plastic … I know that … the police know that … I asked one once … “why do you not just walk in there and arrest them?” …. he answered “it is a private house and we would need a warrant to enter from a judge” …. madness eh?

  94. not nice
    April 14, 2012

    am happy they got that drug,hope the police catch the importers or cultivators also,which ever one

    • April 15, 2012

      they will sell it back on the streets thats how it goes

    • Shorty
      April 18, 2012

      Well my friend dey doe find them YET….
      Calibihsie People Who like to talk–TALK NOW…
      U CAY TALK !!!
      And to them young Fellars tht PLANT mid-last year all u turn comin….
      *God alone tht knows*

  95. me
    April 14, 2012

    wow, that is some serious weed………..Well someone crying all now so and i know it is not me.

  96. Country
    April 14, 2012

    Wow that’s worth a fortune if it’s any good? I didn’t know they had the dogs in Dominica? That’s taking it to the next level for sure.They should sell that and give the money to the poor.

    • Truth and Justice
      April 15, 2012

      @ Country

      Sell it to whom? Who will purchase it? You should know that it is illegal to plant, cultivate, buy and sell such drugs.

  97. gaza slim
    April 14, 2012


  98. bassie
    April 14, 2012

    Guess they’re just doing their job

  99. hmmm
    April 14, 2012

    thumbs up to the police ,,, u guys rock

  100. Anonymous
    April 14, 2012

    A politician own?

  101. loveable
    April 14, 2012

    u for real “mac”. u should lose yourself too. people like u that is spoiling our country.

  102. bowdel
    April 14, 2012

    wow wow wow!!!

  103. bigred
    April 14, 2012

    That’s there business wii

  104. April 14, 2012


  105. April 14, 2012

    PRAISE GOD. THATS A BIG HOLE IN THESE CRIMINALS POCKET. We really need to get rid of these drug dealers cause they are setting a bad example for our school children by letting them believe that they donot have to work hard to achieve and be able to make a meaningful contribution to the society.These drug pushers are turning Dominica upside down.

  106. Malatete
    April 14, 2012

    Good work! Keep the pressure up. Don’t give these people any respite, don’t even give them time to breath. Illegal gun possession, killings and money laundering result from this business

  107. douenvy
    April 14, 2012

    use a boat, not the port. didn’t you read dno last year when the dogs came in?
    now the police are smiling cause they made a bust, only to sell the weed thru a parro in a months time before it spoils.
    money will be made by the lawyers, money will be spent by the people to send these men to jail.
    the accused will be fined a large sum, only to resort to the same lifestyle to stay out of jail as there are no jobs in Dominica.
    so if the accused cant find a source of income to feed or cloth their family im sure the government will provide? lol. get real
    the accused only made use of a way to gain income to provide bare living necessities for their family, yet they are punished for breaking a misdemeanor law.
    The church will tell you god will make a way, but whilst were still waiting let us look at alternatives to not only make it easier for our economy.
    we are farmers, why cant we grow medical marijuana and sell it to Europe,USA, and other markets?
    better yet make it legal and become the first country in the world to do this, not only would we become a benchmark, others will soon follow as they would enjoy the tax monies.
    the farmers would pay for a special license and monitored by law enforcement.
    bottom line, lets take it easy on the weed.
    let the guys leave Dominica on their boats with it as im sure they gonna come back with MONEY and buy from the local vendors.
    money coming into the country, money saved from no weed bust.
    wait till American airlines cuts off our bread and butter, gay cruise ships don’t come into port, and others just skip our little island because its designed for who you know, not what you know.
    the rich are the slave masters as we all work for them at one point in our lives on their plantations.
    i want the dumb-nicans to look past their ignorance and ask yourself where will i be in 10 years time?

    • Truth and Justice
      April 15, 2012

      @ douenvy

      The thought crossed my mind, they could also bury it somewhere, where it will not be found.
      Drug money is illegal. It cannot be used to purchase anything legally. Once and for all, get this into your head. The U.S., Canada or Europe will not accept illegal drugs. Recently in Canada, a load of illegal drugs were intercepted at the airport and by sea. Occasionally this happens. They came from Guyana and some came from Jamaica. All who were involved were arrested. If they were not all arrested, the Police will be on their trail and they will soon be caught.
      People are trying all ways and means to transport them even in crates, tins, fruits, vegetables and baby clothing, etc. It was stated that the drugs were headed for Toronto.
      The authorities now know their tricks and with drug-sniffing dogs, few, if none at all will get away with it.
      How did your ancestors, mine and others survive in those days without weed? We were well-fed, housed, clothed and also educated. What is wrong with the present DA society that some people cannot afford to live comfortably?
      One thing, our ancestors worshipped God and taught their children accordingly. God help those who help themselves and who call on Him to assist them. This is what some people in DA must do. There are too many who have fallen away from the faith; are non-practicing ones. As they blame the government for their woes and negligence, they expect God to assist them?
      Place the blame where it belongs. Some people live a life of leisure as they complain. You know that some have children out of wedlock and with different mothers and fathers. Obviously they are not able to support themselves and their children. This is part of what creates poverty.
      Conform to the Will of God. Then, will they experience at least some degree of success and able to house, feed and clothe themselves and their children. One does not have to be rich to do so.
      They could purchase a piece of land and grow fruits and vegetables. Some could take up a trade; others could sew clothes. People must help themselves. They cannot depend on the government or the Church to assist them.
      Let us try to live by the Law of God and the Law of the land. Everyone will be happier and peaceful for it. They will find that life is worthwhile and worth living.

      • Tijhan
        April 18, 2012

        your views are very simplistic. Stop preaching to hungry people about God. And try to be a bit more open minded – we all know that marijuana is illegal. The point is why? and just because it is illegal in other countries does it have to be illegal in D/a? And if you see a ‘parro’ are you right to assume that marijuana led to their demise? It’s oh so easy for us to sit in distant lands and take the moral high ground but the fact is Legalising marijuana is a matter for debate. Laws can be changed in the same way that slavery was abolished. It’s not enough to rely on what you’ve been taught in school and go with the status quo. Do a bit more research to find out the things they never tell you -re police, politicians, Americans and drugs and the healing properties of marijuana. Listen to what other people say even when you disagree and try to see where they are coming from. You can learn something new every day.

      • Tijhan
        April 18, 2012

        bury it somewhere where it can’t be found!

    • What the?
      April 16, 2012

      Best post ever.

    • Akua
      April 19, 2012

      Fantastic Thoughts! Sadly, it takes a lot of education or an overwhelming shock (ex. Natural Disaster, War, Famine etc.) to get people to get over their mass delusions and innovate! It is so easy to cling to what OTHERS dictate, tradition, and to a reliance on religion as an excuse to do nothing.

      We need young people in Dominica to take advantage of their democracy and shape the country into what will benefit them in the long run. Just as alcohol plays a major economic role in our country, so would Marijuana! To hell with all the arguments on its health and other benefits, all of that is secondary. When the hordes of Domincans leave the country for greener pastures, are they choosing countries based on the legality of substances, or on the strength of those countries economies?

      Marijuana’s illegality will not reduce its use (obviously), in fact poverty and all it brings that will ensure all types of drugs will remain a significant aspect of our landscape. Just like alcohol, cigarettes, etc. we know that it is a matter of individual choice, but that people are always more empowered to reject substances when they have access to education and higher income.

      If legalizing marijuana will lead to a stronger economy then this should not even be a MORAL debate (which it will!). This is not a MORAL issue people…Vices are all around you and you accept it, even if you choose not to participate.

      The question always is, however, how do we shift from talking to action? This issue (once and for all) needs to become a national conversation with action steps to follow.

      I wonder, are there any organizations or elected officials that are bold enough to advocate for legalization?

  108. April 14, 2012


  109. April 14, 2012

    i doubt you know whats the meaning of kilo muchless to lose 10.

    • April 15, 2012

      the government spoil it already, not me with all the coke and crack they brining in from south america, so dont blame me for the problems of the country ,if there was work for the people to do, they would not plant weed to make money

    • April 15, 2012

      I know believe me

    • Malatete
      April 15, 2012

      According to my maths that is 227 kilos. It really hurts them where it gives them the most pain, in their pocket!!

  110. law
    April 14, 2012

    Marijuana is and old and big industry.so many things are beeing manufactured from marijuana.even daily stuff that we are using.

  111. law
    April 14, 2012

    No hard punishment.marijuana is good for glaucoma,stresss ,lost of sleep,lost of apetite,it is scientifically proven that marijuana is a medicine for all of these sicknesses.we must be ignorant about the medical herb.last month the health department came on national radio and was talking about the cure for glaucoma,they never mention the marijuana plant .which is one of the best.it hav no side effect like other drugs.so tell the people the whole truth.

    • Malatete
      April 16, 2012

      It obviously is no cure for myopia!

  112. calibishie
    April 14, 2012

    That is alot of $$$$$$.

  113. April 14, 2012

    I also lost 10,kelos last week bloody sniffer dogs

    • law
      April 14, 2012

      I did not know that they have sniffing dogs true den aa

    • Anonymous
      April 14, 2012


    • None
      April 14, 2012


    • Anonymous
      April 14, 2012

      u for real mac. u should lose yourself too.

    • hmmm
      April 14, 2012

      r u serious? tell me u just kidding around ,,, do u know how many lives u can destroy with 10 kilos? i will pray for u my dear cause if i hav to continue commenting DNO will not publish my comments,,,, hmmmmmm :(

    • .
      April 14, 2012

      You should have gotten lost too, because you all just slowly killing people children. What all you get, TAKE.

    • Captain
      April 14, 2012


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