Vagrant says he “black out” after smoking spliff

A La Plaine man who pleaded guilty to vagrancy after being caught on the steps of an elderly man’s home in that community, told a magistrate that he only went there to revive himself after he had “black out” from smoking a spliff.

Worrel Cuffy appeared before Magistrate Ossie Lewis recently and was fined $400 to be paid by January 31, 2011 or six weeks in prison.

The facts of the case, which were presented by the police prosecutor, stated that Cuffy was intercepted by the elderly man at 10:45 pm while on his way upstairs. The complainant had come from his small shop which is situated downstairs.

He met Cuffy descending the stairs and confronted him.

“Nothing, I just sit down there,” Cuffy told the complainant.

The defendant later told police: “I just finish smoke a spliff so I sit down there.”

Cuffy told the court: “I start getting a little black out. I had smoke a spliff. One, only one. So I rest on the step for about a 10 minutes on his property… So when I start to revive he come.”

The magistrate noted that Cuffy had a criminal record dating back to 1985 for which he had only receive minimal sentences.

“You’ve been getting many breaks from the court… You seem to have a lot of luck with magistrates and you have luck with me again,” he said.

Before passing sentence Magistrate Lewis said: “There’s something about you that evokes sympathy. I don’t know if it’s your face…. But your luck will run out.”

“Stop taking the thing. It’s that making you black out, not the spliff. Stop taking all of them,” he advised Cuffy.

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  1. teddy
    November 21, 2010

    The Judge is joke, its like the judge is encouraging him to continue what a shame.

  2. max
    October 22, 2010

    Tele a jumbi wi fink Tele didnt kno realwo was in his house

  3. benhur
    October 21, 2010

    well all i have to say is that them kinda fellers want to blame every thing bad on the weed , oh how he was somking a spliff and he black out………. boy u lie anyway i glad to know that even the magistrate. Ossie walch know that the splif don,t black out peopl and is the other thing that u using that blacking u out……..///,

  4. Truth, Justice, Love and Peace
    October 20, 2010

    @st thomas usvi:

    Utilize your common sense. The man did not visit them as a family member or friend. He has a reputation of trespassing several times on their properties. This is an offence. The fact it was habitual, the property owners lodged a legal complaint against him.
    You reside in St. Thomas. The trespassing law should be the same in every part of the world.
    I would be concerned and feel uneasy if I came home and found someone on my property and a few times at that. I would ask myself why is an authorized person on my property and what does the person want? In other words, what is his intention for being on my property when I am away from home? You should have every reason to be suspicious.
    I would not hesitate to inform the police authorities about it. People cannot afford to take chances in this day and age of increased criminal activities and murders.
    How would you feel if you came home and saw a man on your property and consistently so. What would you say and what would your reaction be if also other people in St. Thomas found him on their property. Would you remain silent about it? Think again. This is food for thought.

  5. st thomas usvi
    October 19, 2010

    i do not understand that story it does not say that the man was caught stealling any thing so what kinda joke is that is ossie lewis kidding me?.

  6. lol
    October 19, 2010

    skerrit for them to hold wi why they picking on d poor nuh and d rich sitting in parliment

  7. Truth, Justice, Love and Peace
    October 19, 2010


    You state that the man is “born again”. What has happened that he continues with his ungodly lifestyle of going on the property of others and of women dressed in that manner? He was not serious about his new-found religion. Obviously, he may be a Catholic Christian who, in his religious and spiritual ignorance, lack of knowledge, allowed himself to be swayed from practicing his faith. This has been too prevalent in the past and continues to be as the Great Apostasy and schism are increasing.
    Granted, no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes but it appears to me from what I have been reading that he made no effort to change his ways and is still under the yoke of Satan.
    If we want to change our ways only God can assist us through fervent prayers of supplication and practicing the faith.
    Holy Scriptures can be misinterpreted to suit some people’s mentality. This is too common in this era.
    A few years ago, reading and typing this passage on John 3 – Nicodemus, it hit me like a thunderbolt what Our Lord meant about “born again.” I was then and am convinced that the Holy Spirit inspired and enlightened me.
    Throughout the years many who have formed their own religion have misinterpreted those words and have misled their followers which number in the thousands worldwide.
    Nicodemus, a Pharisee a ruler of the Jews came to Jesus at night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God, for no one can do these signs that you are doing unless God is with him.”
    Our Lord said to him: “Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born again…”
    He further said to Nicodemus: “Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit…You must be born from above…”
    Please understand this: Nicodemus was a Jew. He was not a follower of Jesus Christ. He was “not baptized by John the Baptist” and therefore was not a Christian at that time.
    Everyone who is “baptized of water” and not merely water but Holy – Blessed Water is a Christian.
    In the ancient days the only manner in which they could be baptized was by dipping themselves in the River Jordan and as they did water was poured on their heads. They did not have a Baptismal Font which is consecrated to The Blessed Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit since Our Lord Jesus Christ was still alive.
    Ask yourself, what did John the Baptist say to them when he baptized them prior to Our Lord’s coming? He certainly did not say I also “baptize you in the Name of the Holy Spirit.” Only after Our Lord Jesus Christ died did He send His Holy Spirit as He promised the apostles.
    The consecrated Priest pours the Holy Water on the heads of the babies. When the Priest says/prays: “I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and poured the water on the babies’ heads, God blessed them from above and sent His Holy Spirit on them, in their souls. Even though they are babies, thereon God of all has considered them a Christian.
    When I say God, I mean, God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – The Blessed Trinity.
    Parents are obligated to have their children baptized as soon as possible after birth and not when they become a certain age or teenager. It may be too late for those children who may already have been going astray.
    Keep this in mind what Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Let the little children come to Me and do not prevent them for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
    As they grow older they are to practice the faith, to cultivate it, to become knowledgeable in it and to defend it. Those who fail to do this should not blame the Catholic Church for their failure to do so.
    People do not change religion and their faith as if they are changing clothes, turning on and off a tap or opening and closing a door. It is much more serious than that.
    It appears to me that there are those who do not consider this. They do not consider and comprehend the holiness, greatness and promises of Our Lord. They assume that if they change religions God is pleased with them. Some could change religions more than once in their lifetime as they claim to be searching for the right one. They will never find the right one by searching because some had already found it, through baptism and their parents Catholic nurturing and they rejected it. As it is stated in Holy Scriptures, “God has blinded the eyes of the unbelievers…”
    God blest those children.
    If some adults who are not of the Catholic faith decide to become Catholic Christians as is happening throughout the world when they are baptized at the Easter Vigil Holy Mass, Holy Water is also poured on their heads.
    As Our Lord said: “Hear and understand. Who has ears ought to hear.”
    Once God has blest those babies and adults who were baptized in the Catholic Church, He will never rescind this baptism and blessing. Does God ever change His mind as human beings? No way! He does not go against himself and His promise.
    If God blesses anyone, that blessing remains until they die, even though through their own fault they go to Heaven or Hell. Once a Catholic always a Catholic in Heaven or in Hell forever.
    When God blesses it is for good and not for evil but some people chose not to follow the righteous path.
    If God grants graces, this grace can be taken away from us if we do not make use of it and it will be given to others – The Parable of the Talents.
    Knowing all this and being inspired and enlightened, this is “another reason” why I continue to remain in the Catholic Church as I continue to practice my faith, to cultivate it faith and to defend It against Its enemies.
    With the help of God, no one can sway me away from it. So help me God.
    I am not inviting a religious debate. Only give this a good thought and ask God for His divine inspiration and enlightenment to comprehend this. He will be too pleased to grant it.
    God bless you!

  8. mac
    October 19, 2010

    GIVE ME HIS ADDRESS I AM COMING FOR CREOLE FES And would be glad to get some

  9. Truth, Justice, Peace and Love
    October 19, 2010


    The attitude of this man makes me laugh. However, it is a serious matter. What is he doing on the property of people and making so many excuses? The man is a public nuisance. Something concrete has to be done about him. The magistrate/judge has to decide what to do with him.

  10. Anonymous
    October 19, 2010

    i don’t think they charge him enough, wat is $400 to pay. that same worrel will go back and steal from Tele to pay the court

    October 19, 2010


  12. u dont know this man neither what u're talking about coz this man was once a Born Again. What ever next this time.....
    October 19, 2010
  13. Anonymous
    October 19, 2010

    Yes Tele catch him and this time it make news… well he’s been let off too many times.

  14. RasCornBread767
    October 19, 2010

    He seems to be a known drug addict who steals to feed his habit. I gotta say I agree with letting him go, but that $400 should be going to rehab and not just some arbitrary fine.

  15. la massive
    October 19, 2010

    is a bad habit they have is one of those days a young girl held one half dressed in her window and police she called the police and identify him the guy cme right there half dressed as the girl described up to now the police havent arrested the guy.dont worry their luck will run out

  16. Vybz
    October 19, 2010

    Someone caught him behind my house and he said he was looking for a place to hide his weed. Is always at someone else house he seeming to “find refuge”. Somebody will set him up don’t worry.

  17. Vybz
    October 19, 2010

    Someone caught him behind my house and he said he was looking for a place to find his weed. Is always at someone else house he seeming to “find refuge”. Somebody will set him up don’t worry.

  18. Truth, Justice, Peace and Love
    October 19, 2010

    What this man needs is rehabilitation. He is not beyond that. Someone should inform him, not aggressively but lovingly, to return to God, worship Him and pray to Him in order to obtain His blessings and graces. No murderer (this includes from the heart) or thief will ever enter the Kingdom of God – Heaven.
    Our Lord Jesus Christ came to seek out His lost sheep. Where are the priests and pastors to assist those who have fallen by the wayside? The laity is also to assist in this respect.
    If they refuse godly help, then as always pray for them who are misguided and who are under the yoke of Satan that God might convert them. This is the duty of a genuine Christian that our works will not be burnt up including our souls.
    I have another dream that all might come to the knowledge of The Truth of the One True God, worship Him through The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. This is our ultimate goal.

  19. Anonymous
    October 19, 2010

    dem man messing up woe woe

  20. goeasy
    October 19, 2010

    they let mister go again boy!supiessssss… u hear he like to cry when police

  21. private
    October 19, 2010

    lol lol worrel pa feb… but whos house he was in there?

  22. yout
    October 19, 2010

    wehh worrel…such a good farmer back in the “clean” days

  23. thickness
    October 19, 2010

    Worrel is a known thief in the village. he went to see what he could get to steal but he did not get so he use this lame excuse of ‘black out’. he never thought that somebody would meet him in de act. he choose the wrong person to do that too.

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