Woman pleads guilty to 3 counts of deception

Sasso has to pay a total of $7,400.00 after pleading guilty to 3 counts of deception
Sasso has to pay a total of $7,400.00 after pleading guilty to 3 counts of deception

A woman from Kings Hill, said to be in her mid fifties, was slapped with a hefty fine after she pleaded guilty to 3 counts of deception before chief magistrate Candia Carette George.

Rosemary Henry Sasso was arrested by Mahaut police after three young persons reported her for collecting EC$4,400.00 from them on the pretense that she was going to get them a work permit in Anguilla.
According to the facts as presented by police prosecutor, Sergeant Valda Powell, the three individuals were approached by Jason Lee who told them that Sasso, who sometime resides in Anguilla,was able to assist them in obtaining a work permit in Anguilla.
A meeting was arranged with her between December 5-18 and they each paid her part of the money for which she gave a receipt. They later paid her the balance. After many follow-ups they then realized that they had been “tricked” and so, made a report to the police.
Sasso was picked up and admitted to receiving the money but said she had sent it to Anguilla with her son. She promised to repay them. She was then arrested by the police. In court, she apologized and told the court that she will repay the victims and offered EC$1000.00 that she had in her possession.
The woman was fined one thousand dollars forthwith, which she paid, and the $3,400.00 balance is to be paid by Monday January 12, 2015. In default, she will be sent to jail for 3 months. Sasso was also fined $1,000 compensation on each count to be paid no later than June 30, 2015 and in default, 2 months jail.
“I don’t know why you did that…you took advantage of those poor, honest people; you are an age-able woman and you should never have allowed that to happen to you. They maybe had to struggle for that money,” Magistrate Carette George told Sasso.

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  1. Mz Attitude
    January 15, 2015

    Even the grannies doing it to #benjivoice… Lmao… I flat

  2. Francisco Telemaque
    January 9, 2015

    “Francisco Telemaque your sound politically bitter .what did the current Prime Minster did to you? Your comment hear always negative of the PM. I am not political boom boom fly .
    Rise man be a true Dominican”(D/can to de bone).

    I think I know you!

    Questions such as in the above usually comes out of the mind of people who does not have any commonsense, and are actually uneducated scholastically. Why should I be biter over an event which occurred in Dominica, which has no direct effect on my life? ”

    ” I am not political boom boom fly.”

    Such expressions are not in my vocabulary, that sort of language is beneath me, therefor I should not even respond to your foolishness. Skerrit have not done anything to me personally, nevertheless, I refuse to be like your kind accepting his incompetence, and his ruination of Dominica. I criticize him because it is my right to do so, you can continue to crawl on your slippery belly accepting his crap, and see how far it will get you…

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 9, 2015

      By the way where were you when I supported and defended Skerrit like a wolf, against many of you who was on his case everyday? I supported him until I discovered he became politically bankrupt; thus, allowing Ralph Gonzales, and people like the Bajan Yard Foul Hartley Henry, dictate to him what is good, and what is not good for our country.

      I can’t burst loose on this one because of limitations, but I draw to your attention Argil International Airport in St. Vincent, built after Ralph Gonzalez advised Skerrit he should not build an International Airport in Dominica, because we do not need one, all that is good for our country, is landing lights, hence Skerrit wasted more than half of a billion dollars on landing lights rather than Building the International Airport, when I discovered he allows idiots to twist him around their small finger, I withdraw my support.

  3. sunset
    January 8, 2015

    You think she have the right to do that?? Who is this man?? Ohhh yes…even if they poor or no jobs she have no right …. u do the crime u pay the price..

  4. Yes Fada!
    January 8, 2015

    Sigh…I do not see how someone with the looks of this woman could deceive me like that, in this day and age where internet service is abound and information is just a click or a call away. No sa!

    • kk
      January 26, 2015

      exactly, look at the woman state

  5. sunset
    January 8, 2015

    Hahaha.. good for her…yes she have her age but have no right to do that to people .. she is a wicked witch an that’s what happen when u do people bad…. If dominica have jobs or not you still don’t do ppl theses things . U do the crime u pay the price …..

  6. $1000 in baggg?
    January 7, 2015

    Lol boy that lady is very wise
    She is wiser than the people she trick including. Mr Jason Lee.
    The country so tight sasso and Jason taking people money weh weh weh
    Shame my basketball padna

  7. realbeauty
    January 7, 2015

    These young people worse that Saso, you looking at a lady like that that not even looking like she has ever worked before and give her money to get work permit for all you?? Saso is a nut head wi hahahahahahaha

  8. here we go again
    January 7, 2015

    Everything that happens in Dominica has to revolve around Skerrit??? Damn, you people are unknowingly idolizing the man!

    I really think DNO should restrict comments on posted articles due the high level of stupidity that is being displayed for the viewing of pretty much anyone on planet earth. You people need to STOP!!!

    Like in every corner of the world there will be deceitful and dishonest people!!!! its part of life, some of us are smart enough to not fall victim to such wicked people while others are so desperate or gullible that they end up being victims.

    Though i was not born in Dominica, i grew up there and will always be a PROUD DOMINICAN no matter how many passports I am in possession of. Our country is like any other, there is the good , the bad and the ugly. Some ( Like the US) are more advanced with better opportunities, but the violence, discrimination and hussle is VERY REAL there.

    People love your land that is free, clean & pure and focus not on that…

    • January 7, 2015

      @ here we go again , stupid comments must stop across the board,i have been noticing and reading what iwould consider as stupid comments about the Hon. Lennox Linton so if it have to stop because it is about the PM then it should also stop for the Leader of the Opposition. But remember my friend , we are living in a democracy. People are saying so many things about President Obama . Let the people talk . I’m sure if any one goes overboard then DNO can deal with that.

  9. Corruption&Conscienc
    January 7, 2015

    Most of them age fast when they do these kind of things! Think back, then think forward.
    Reverend Father Bull, pray for them!

  10. ?????????????
    January 7, 2015

    People we need to be wise. How can a woman tell me to give her money to get work permit for me. I going to Anguilla myself and go to the department and find out what is needed. Dominican are too gullible for what is not good. The reason why all they do on this and other forum is spread lies and slander against others and disrespect. Ignorance at its highest. People use your brains or infact as the Father for wisdom which he gives freely. Good things never spread but lies and things to bring down another individual …. Gossip hmmmmm the whole country in 6 seconds. This is 2015! People stop gossip, lies, slander, bring down … The bible speaks against those things.

    • Check the Forums
      January 7, 2015

      Why not listen to the people? The voice of the people is the voice of God.

  11. wesley too
    January 7, 2015

    There are jobs in Dominica.

    Plain and simple some Dominicans are to LAZY AND GREEDY. Many of you are blaming the Dominica Labour Party Government. Government should not be blamed for peoples’ behavior and attitude.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 7, 2015

      I hope you are not an impersonator pretending to be from Wesley, or perhaps that is your name, nevertheless, I yearn for the day when i will return to Wesley, and perhaps collide with you by accident so that I can slap you upside your head!

      it is people like you who help to keep Dominica so poor, I wish you would go and thief something and get your behind in jail to see if Skerrit will get you. If is one good thing I know about Skerrit, is that he may have broken the law himself, but I can tell you he has very little, or no tolerance for people such a as murders, thieves and trouble makers.

      I know that for a fact; and don’t ask me how I know. “I know but I doh talking.”

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • D/can to de bone (F)
        January 8, 2015

        Francisco Telemaque your sound politically bitter .what did the current Prime Minster did to you? Your comment hear always negative of the PM. I am not political boom boom fly .
        Rise man be a true Dominican

  12. Over 60 Counts
    January 7, 2015

    My lady, you should have gone through the Easy-door.

    • Shameless
      January 7, 2015

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I like it, I really really like it!

      Assertive, NOT Aggressive! :mrgreen:

  13. aly
    January 7, 2015

    Eye-sight for solid waste.

  14. January 7, 2015

    Can someone explain to me what’s up with the sudden rash of deception cases that the useless court is taking up to make believe that they’re doing something,when there are more pressing and urgent matters that they could be going after.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that it is right for one to deceive another.But there are murderers,armed robbers etc. that are walking through the courts like it’s a big joker.
    However, all of a sudden it’s deception, deception, deception. Give me a break…..

    • The Facts
      January 8, 2015

      It is a new word which is being used in 2015. :lol: Another name is misleading people; fraud.

  15. Woosh
    January 7, 2015

    This lady must be one of Skerrit’s advisers

    • wesley too
      January 7, 2015

      More likely she is your adviser.

    January 7, 2015

    Madame wondering where is she going to get some money to pay up before January 12th. Guaranty, if she try that again for getting work permit in Antigua, she will get some more clients from Grand bay and else where. Things are tight in the country.

  17. Francisco Telemaque
    January 7, 2015

    I wonder if the people who gave their money to that woman voted Labor?


    One man boosted here on DNO that he lived in “V. I.; but Dominica is the best place to live”. I find that very strange that Dominican’s would be heading to a small dot on the map Anguilla to seek employment, the population of Anguilla is somewhere in the region of 26/28,000 people I am sure less; that amazes me! How can someone believe a woman can collect money from people in Dominica to secure work permits for them in Anguilla unless she is into something illegal.

    One can only obtain a work permit from the immigration and naturalization service on the island; from any other source will be illegal besides the recipients must present themselves in person to apply, and even at that it is not a certainty the permit will be granted!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • ?????????????
      January 7, 2015

      Francisco you speak like a foolish man. Why do you as a grown ass man politicized everything like that. You claim to be so intelligent but now I see you have no wisdom which is a god given gift. Francisco stop being a hateful person. This is 2015 and election is due in 2019. Support yours and let others support theirs and do not degrade but speak positive with that mouth of yours.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 7, 2015

      Overseas territory 1980
      – Total 91 km2 (220th)
      35 sq mi
      – Water (%) negligible
      – 2006 estimate 13,600[2] (215th)
      – Density 132/km2 (n/a)
      342/sq mi
      GDP (PPP)

      Those five who gave me the thumbs down, note the population of Anguilla in 2006 was only thirteen thousand people. I even over calculated, I thought the population was somewhere around twenty something thousand people. In any event I doubt over an eight year period there were fifteen thousand new born on the island. Something is wrong when people have to leave Dominica to find employment in a small British Colony like Anguilla!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 7, 2015

      If you believe I politicized it you may be correct; because you might be one of those who voted labor, and Skerrit into power, yet some of you who voted for are fleeing to country to a place smaller in population a dependency on Britain for your survival. Rather than demanding that Skerrit seek outside investment into the country, which would create jobs, for people like you, if you have the ambition to work, you and many others prefer to crawl on your bellies like a worm begging Skerrit for handouts.

      You people had the power to change the status quo on the 8th day of December 2014, rather than voting the corrupt regime out of power, for a betterment of the country and the future of the youths, you all sold your soul to Skerrit for a few measly pennies. Give me a fish, I eat for one day; teach me to fish, I’ll fish forever. if you expect me to worship, and revere Skerrit as he continues to screw the country that will never happen. Sorry to disappoint you!
      Francisco E. Telemaque

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 7, 2015

        “yet some of you who voted for are fleeing to country”

        Actually that should read “yet some of you who voted for Skerrit and the labor are fleeing the country.” If you people voted for him because of progress he brought to Dominica: within one month after the Election there would be no need to run away from Dominica. To the idiots who accepted free tickets to fly to Dominica to vote, why none remained at home; as soon as election was over they all who sold their nasty soul for a free ticket they immediately left the country, leaving those of you who are stock in Dominica in your misery. They are back in their comfort zone, even if they are living on welfare in Canada, and America, or cleaning someone house in Guadeloupe, or on another Caribbean island!


      • ?????????????
        January 8, 2015

        For your information Mr Francisco Telemaque I am employed in my homeland of Dominica. I wait for the day when I will see you face to face. Again I say to you that I am employed and always have been. You are always disrespecting persons. Here you “Rather than demanding that Skerrit seek outside investment into the country, which would create jobs, for people like you, if you have the ambition to work, you and many others prefer to crawl on your bellies like a worm begging Skerrit for handouts”. You and many others who claim to be intelligent are downright disrespectful. I used to respect you but you need to be more positive even if you do not support the ruling regime. I will definitely see you face to face when you come here. You need to step down on that haughtiness of yours. I am not a coward person, I will definitely introduce myself.

      • ?????????????
        January 8, 2015

        Real sarcastic man you are!

  18. January 6, 2015

    If those young people were honest in their ways, to begin with, they would have reported her to the police instead of giving here any money. They are just as deceptive as she is, aiding her to do an illegal act, for their own benifit–Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  19. out of south city
    January 6, 2015

    We must be true to ourselves and to others in order to have a clear conscience.


  20. grandson
    January 6, 2015

    There is also a young man collecting money to order vehicles for people that never reach the harbor. Also a Police officer collecting money to order electronics that also never reach. Feels good to know that these cases are starting to reach the court. good start for the law bad start for bawbawlerz

  21. The Facts
    January 6, 2015

    The matter is not what she looks like. People should cease attacking the features of others. Who knows what will happen to them in the future and what they will look like then? On humanitarian grounds, it is also not Christian-like to caste remarks and make fun of what she looks like.
    Those individuals must be naive to believe that someone who has no immigration credentials and status would obtain a work permit for them. What if she had taken the money and left the country? They would not be able to find her. They realized, too late, they made an error. I hope no one falls into such a deceiving trap in the future.
    This woman has to pay for her deceit. It is an expensive lesson to learn. I hope she finds the money to pay the Court otherwise she will spend some time in prison.

  22. January 6, 2015

    were the victims that gullible? what this woman did is quite wrong but the police got a low fence for them to jump over.

  23. Sasso / Skerrit
    January 6, 2015

    Sasso must have attended the same school with Skerrit man. I wonder if she was ever Skerrit’s teacher or if Skerrit was ever her teacher? I am surprised she was not the DLP candidate for the Mahaut constituency instead of Blackmoore. They are just two of a kind

    • ?????????????
      January 7, 2015

      The PM is much brighter than you and he attended College and Universities. Stop being disrespectful. Why do you all like to bring down others? I will hear about you all when you will be wearing the shoes. Your sons/daughters/relatives will be the PM, Ministers, Leaders etc. I want to hear what you will say when they say these degrading things … I will remind you all what you were saying hurtful things to the PM. He is someone’s son! What goes around comes around.

    • Sosso/ Skerrit
      January 7, 2015

      @?????????????, I KNOW The PM is much brighter than me and I KNOW he attended College and Universities. However, based on his record in office and in private, the only degree I have seen from him in his 15 years in office are LIES, DECEPTIONS, and CORRUPTIONS. Sosso must have attended the same college and universities that Skerrit attended

  24. mwen
    January 6, 2015

    I would Jail the people who put their money in this woman’s hand. They aided and abetted this ridiculus venture. Bloody fools.

    • Lang Mama
      January 7, 2015

      Walk a mile in another person’s shoe and then reconsider your comment. Desperation sometimes drive us to desperate measures and clearly the young people are desperate they paid the schemes not for a birth certificate, not passport but a work permit but Labar ka twavaille ka mem. Smfh

  25. January 6, 2015

    seriously… this lady in her fifties? I wonder how will she look in her seventies. Lady stop that none sense

    • toobad4u
      January 8, 2015

      Zang and Yellow must start cunning people too man…..bondiue…so we get stupid!!!! Na man!!…that woman had some menere vini or something.

  26. sakadire
    January 6, 2015

    hmmmmm. Lady you are a pro in psychology and ramgoat diplomacy. You need to go into the filthy politics. I would have like to see you compete in the Vieille Case costituency. You will stand a very high chance of winning.

    • Reader
      January 6, 2015

      But she from VC is el jefe cousin.

      • Corruption&Conscienc
        January 7, 2015

        Is only Scrit she can match in Da!

  27. Doc. Love
    January 6, 2015

    Season greetings to everyone, in particular, Mr. Lennox Linton and his family, UWP Team Dominica, Management and Staff of DNO, not forgetting Q95. DNO was excellent in 2014. Their excellence is shown by the many advertisements they received in 2014. As regards Sasso, I am not condonning what she has done, however, their are some high ranking Government officials who should suffer the same or similar consequences.

  28. shaka zulu
    January 6, 2015

    DNO: why is your comment section on the declerations from Chinese embassy not included. Are we starting to see censorship and information control. I like intention of spreading socialism. History has a nasty way of repeating itself and it is very true life is one big cycle.

    Admin: The statements are paid for. This gives the author(s) the right to have comments disallowed.

    • Shaka zulu
      January 6, 2015


      Thanks for your clarification.

      • The Facts
        January 8, 2015

        I envision this is also to avoid all sorts of uncalled for, uncomplimentary and derogatory comments that some are too prone to making.

  29. light
    January 6, 2015

    no one is right little Mackenzie said she only needs one week in jail and then let the woman get on with life speaking from Australia in Gold Coast Queensland ………………… :lol: :-D

    • Reader
      January 6, 2015

      Is this the calypsonian Caressa?

  30. The Evangelist
    January 6, 2015

    Oh My God! See how low Skerrit and the DLP have brought Dominica and those DIASPORA voters came down to help give SKerrit five more years. How lamentable! I mean things have gotton so bad in Dominica that three of our young persons did not mind paying a 52 year old woman $4400.00 for a work permit in Anguilla? Not even work permit for the USA or Virgin Island, but ANGUILLA! How shameful! How embarrassing! Anguilla at one time had to look up to Dominica now we have to look up to them. Yet they are saying young people don’t want work? We are like Haitians now boy

    • January 6, 2015

      @The Evangelist January 6, 2015

      Your name does not demonstrate your “sentiment” not through even one word of your thoughts! Or perhaps you do not know the role of an Evangelist–as usual, just accepting using what you all hear from someone else, or a group of people–not knowing the right from the wrong.

      An Evangelist is someone who speaks the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for the sake of Salvation in this world–your comment above and all of those, before this one, has absolutely nothing to do the work of an Evangelist; did you know that?

      • The Evangelist
        January 7, 2015

        @Lizavier4Jesus, I am happy you know what an evangelist should be speaking because we have persons in Dominica that we refer to as Evangelist, some of them with broadcast on radio where they refer to themselves as Evangelist, and some even applied to pastor a Pentecostal church; yet, it was rumored that these same evangelists were deeply involved campaigning for Skerrit and were distributing money for votes. Where were you? Did you ever condemn that? Did you condemn them for statements made at the funeral of a pastor? You all are too hypocrite! By the way, I am NOT an EVANGELIST. I only use that name to show up those so called evangelist. I hope DNO finds no fault with my response and post it so all could see

      • ?????????????
        January 7, 2015

        Lizavier4Jesus tell them! These people are so disrespectful. Hope when their will wear the shoes (Their relatives/sons/daughters) will be PM, Ministers, Leaders etc, they will understand what goes around comes around. PM and others are someone’s son.

      • January 8, 2015

        @The Evangelist January 7, 2015 “By the way, I am NOT an EVANGELIST”

        Well I already knew that; for Evangelist cannot speak without mentioning Jesus, for His glory.

        But remember that we do not have the right to judge anyone–unless we have the gift of “Judging” from God, the Lord–even Jesus, Himself, said that He did not come to judge. Your saying: “it was rumored” means you do not know the facts; that is what rumor is all about–a futile habit which people love to indulge in.

        Unfortunately, the innocent, the weak, and the disadvantaged are those who suffer the most. God Almighty is Love, and in Love we are called to demonstrate the attitude and conducts of Life in Jesus Christ.

        But then again people rejected Christ Jesus Himself, they still do so when they reject the men and women whom He has chosen to do His work in Love–throughout the world; not only in Dominica. Without knowing the fact, we need to leave the “judgment” to God and to Him alone.

    • real possie
      January 7, 2015

      @ Evangelist, get your facts strait Anguilla never had to look up to Dominica, at one point Dominica had to offer a small assistant that’s because of poor management, for a small island it always attracted rich people so that place economy 95% of the time was in green. The question though is, where these so called poor young people get that kind of money from? how much Americans fall prey to Jamaicans scheming them into sending money to get more money in return, so trying to make it seem like is the Gov. fault why the people want to leave is a farce. No matter how well off DA becomes people will still leave no matter who’s in power.

      • ?????????????
        January 7, 2015

        Well said Real Possie!

  31. desperate
    January 6, 2015

    while we dominican are desperate to work and looking for jobs, some people find this is an opportunity to take advantage on us dominicans..

    • ?????????????
      January 7, 2015

      We need to be wise. How can a woman tell me to give her money to get work permit for me. I going to Anguilla myself and go to the department and find out what is needed. Dominican are too gullible for what is not good. The reason why all they do on this and other forum is spread lies and slander against others. Ignorance at its highest. People use your brains or infact as the Father for wisdom which he gives freely.

  32. KoKo Naughts
    January 6, 2015

    Wait!!!!!! hahahahahaha…. That is the right picture of the lady that can get de work permit? De police should charge the “three individuals” for being “@$$ individuals”. SMH

  33. Shaka zulu
    January 6, 2015

    Again, what is the difference BTW that and the PM taking tax payers money and flying to China to meet with strange company, then tells the people he just secured 300 million to build an airport. We did not know he left, and we are yet to see the money. Even the Chinese embassy tried to distance themselves. No one is above the law. Deception is the new thing for 2015.

  34. cut edge
    January 6, 2015

    mamzel must be the dominican nurse working sxm family. me Delma peters not Burke say so

  35. January 6, 2015

    Gullible set of plp. Jumping first without thinking and assessing the situations. Things are hard we all want to run!!!! Why some plp cannot smell a con from a hundred miles away? Lol

  36. Merl
    January 6, 2015

    But what is this, the lady aself looking like deception lol oh boy! Sasso ou pas feb pyes! You could atleast take the money you rob these people of and buy a new grill (I mean teeth).

    SIDEBAR: This just goes to show how many people want to leave this country SMH!

  37. Cheek
    January 6, 2015

    No way this woman is in her fifties.. What a shame!

  38. philme
    January 6, 2015

    what a bad way to start year

  39. boots
    January 6, 2015

    How could you be deceived by someone looking like that. You must be really “sot” to believe a lady looking like that.

  40. Bird's Eye
    January 6, 2015

    I could not believe my eyes as I read this story. A woman in her fifties charged with the crime of deception for collecting $4000 from a pair of unsuspecting victims. I do not support this crime but something is not quite right with this picture.
    This seems to me to the irony of ironies, considering the massive fraud and deception that has become commonplace in this commonwealth.
    As usual, they go after the small fish for petty infraction while the big fish who have the right political connections go unpunished. Justice has become politicized in this country, and it’s a shame. And it starts at the very top.
    Some day we will pay a price for politicizing justice. It’s only a matter of time

  41. sicko
    January 6, 2015

    See the lady Lol
    Her son she has in that or a greedy man

  42. paro nah
    January 6, 2015

    Lee boy shame on you

  43. Thor
    January 6, 2015

    That woman is in her 50s?
    She must have had a hard life. She looks like someone in her mid 70s.

  44. Masoupwel
    January 6, 2015

    There are so many jobs in Dominica; why were these young people looking for jobs elsewhere anyways?

    • Reader
      January 6, 2015

      If wehaveso many jobs in DA Masoupwel they are for the sexy ladies from the Ministers of Gov’t according to LL /leader of the opposition.

      • Masoupwel
        January 7, 2015

        I’m guessing you did not catch the sarcasm in my comment.. :lol:

      • True true
        January 7, 2015

        This is a sexy one for Roosie on a Wevnesday morning at 4a.m.

    • .
      January 7, 2015

      Sarcasm much. Are we living in the same Dominica?

  45. concern citizen
    January 6, 2015

    The unemployed is very vulnerable and gullible. This is the signs of desperation and poverty. I hope this the more years slogan by the DLP will address this by creating sustainable jobs.

  46. Can't Believe this
    January 6, 2015

    But these people are crazy. Is this woman the Anguilla government or the labour commissioner who approves work permits. My people Anguilla is not a pot of gold. Anguillans are struggling to get work in Anguilla currently. Did you not hear they stop make new work permits for foreigners.

    • Thor
      January 7, 2015

      Sometimes desperate people do desperate things. Don’t blame the victim.

  47. grell
    January 6, 2015

    Quick to jump on the poor,am not condoning waht she did but what about Gon Emmanuel we have heard confessions,and the case is yet to be heard,just wondering and it to see how corrupt the justice system is in dominica.

  48. oposition
    January 6, 2015

    alas sasso well have them boyz untidy ee

  49. Dominica UK
    January 6, 2015

    That is really bad to duped those vulnerable young people. Shame ,on her I hope that she goes on the straight and narrow after this episode

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