Calypsonian claims victimization


As the calypso season heats up a local calypsonian is claiming that he is being victimized by a government minister.

Comforter, whose real name is Victor Bique, said following the performance of his song “Dentist” at the Stardom Tent last week Saturday, he received “some real bad text messages”, from Public Works Minister Rayburn Blackmoore.

Comforter said in an interview with Dominica News Online, that apart from being a calypsonian, he is contracted to transport the students from Blackmoore’s constituency on a daily basis and has been doing so for the past two years.

But according to Bique, following his performance, he was reproached by the said minister and threats have been made to end his contract. He said he received four texts from the minister and he could not understand why he was being reproached.

“I was angry and I wasn’t happy about the text,” he said.

Bique claimed that some of the texts described him as an “evil and dangerous man,” “damn rude” and that he should have been left in the pit. “Don’t forget the $10,000. When you use to come and camp in my office to get money and you get contract to carry my children you did not say anything,” he claims one of the texts reads.

Comforter said he has received assistance from government and Blackmoore was fundamental in assisting him in many aspects of his life.

“However this is not a reason to embarrass me like that and have me like a child. I feel threatened,” he said.

He is now demanding an apology from the minister.

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  1. citizen
    January 18, 2013

    lol but la pain u doe eaasy, the man help u u making song on da man!! i would have done u worstt

  2. tee
    January 15, 2013

    Comforter did not made the semifinal so he wants to blame someone for it. He thinks he’s exposing Blackmoore for text sent to him, he exposed his dirty laundry. My mom always say reproach will never finish in this world becuase the person you do good to they are the one that will turn back to bite you. Comforter you did it to Blackmoore singing song on him. Man you need to see a shrink

  3. Gigg-la
    January 15, 2013

    This is how this government operate, u have to be in their camp or else be a beggar in this country on your own. All their supporters are in position enjoying the best of the country the rest of us must eat scraps they will bring you down on bended knees b4 u can get any help from this wicked regime that will fall soon. Between Rayban Vince and Skerrit am not sure who is worst. While they were in opposition to government, they all worked but these three are making sure that you must support them to get a job or get some assistance from the government as if is their money u a using for the assistance. Wicked men! Wicked laobourites!

  4. Jayson
    January 15, 2013

    Comforter just trying to drum up publicity for his song..!

  5. Harmless
    January 15, 2013

    so mr dno you remove my comment that’s ok.when we can not get to voice or opinion dno will disappear like sa ka fete.

  6. queenzy
    January 14, 2013

    tsk tsk tsk contract well up yeah,, :) :) :lol: :lol: :lol: that will serve him right, biting the hand that feeding him. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • true worrior
      January 15, 2013

      Nothing wrong in singing the truth to power. They should still be freinds. But the truth offends. It can only help us to change our ways. So dont expect the calysonian to say ‘I am sorry.’

  7. mr right
    January 14, 2013

    I’m not giving anyone right or wrong. But that’s a true saying don’t bite the hand that feed you and that’s definitely what comforter did. My fellow Dominican if you know a party is buttering your mouth or putting money in your pocket would you sing against them? Telll comforter stop his nonsense!

  8. bee
    January 14, 2013

    Some people too ungrateful if you know the man helped you calypso or not why you have to sing song regarding them and teeth, we are all human.
    the same way he felt hurt for being reproach that the way Blackmoore felt when he hard the song. I don’t feel sorry at all he should look before he leap.

  9. Zero Stress
    January 14, 2013

    That good for those people who believes the politicians owe them something because they support a party or voted for an individual. Take your licks. The Pastor must be laughing now that his pain is less.

  10. rescue 911
    January 14, 2013

    so where is comforter freedom of speech.he should be allowed to sing on whatever he chooses.again if it wasnt for the tex we would not know he got money.the same way he got the money and hush his mouth is the same way he should get the tex and hush his saying

  11. "O" STRESS"
    January 14, 2013

    I love D.N.O.but it is becoming a bully pulpuit for persons with issues, “can we all get along”?Life is too short for all that RO,RO,. I do not know about you all, but I need D.N.O around to keep me informed and also keep doing a wonder job. Lets not kill it.Crab In a Barell mentality.

    • Malgraysa
      January 15, 2013

      DNO is a safety valve to let people blow off steam, which is a healthy thing. If you want everything rosy go to GIS.

  12. D A
    January 14, 2013

    Not taking any sides here,but when the minister assisted you,you enjoyed the gratitude and kept silent, the public knew nothing of it, that was between you and the minister. Now that he text you privately,couldn’t you text him back and express your disappointment in him and demand an apology or you would take it to the media.

  13. Nonesense!
    January 14, 2013

    COMFORTER – plain and simple you have a relationship with the minister you could call another person a thief. No one would like if they helped someone for the person to turn around and call them thief.
    Anyone here in their right mind tell me they would not feel betrayed if they help someone and the person going around calling them thief- then cast the first stone.

    Plus- if you get text- no one knows you got text so you embarassing yourself- no one embarassed you.

    January 14, 2013

    All those who are blaming Blackmore are just like Comforter.Accusing Blackmore for unconfortable text messages Comforter said he received from Blackmore.Why DNO DID NOT SAY THEY (DNO) SAW THE MESSAGES THAT BLACKMORE SENT ON COMFORTERS PHONE and what Comforter said is a fact BECAUSE HE SHOWED THEM.I suppose those messages should be on his phone as proof.Desperate people will do desperate things.Last year he try something;this year he is doing it again.Comforter dont bite the hand that feed you.It’s calypso for true but some of the Talk Show hosts make it a Political ssue.

  15. lovely dominica
    January 14, 2013

    Comforter u look for it. De man help u and now u have his name in calypso say he teeth! Damn good for u.

  16. Jahyout
    January 14, 2013

    Well this is the next level the way Ministers treat people in DA…

  17. January 14, 2013

    when you were receiving all the good time etc. why didn’t you publish it for the world to see?

  18. african queen
    January 14, 2013

    wow look roo roo just reading all i can say respect each other.

  19. Shame
    January 14, 2013

    Comforter, how did the minister embarrass you? If the text messages are infact true, who would have known and made it public? You embarrassed your own self as far as I’m concerned.

    • Truth be told
      January 14, 2013

      Shame you should be ashamed of yourself to suggest that the calypsonian should not have gone public, and that is the problem with Dominica today where victims are made to feel like they are in the wrong. From your reasoning if a minister molest or violates a woman she should keep quiet because by going public she is letting everybody know. We all need to go public with the wrong these ministers are doing. Wake up!

  20. rescue 911
    January 14, 2013

    disgrace politicians,disgrace calypsonians,disgrace dominica

  21. No Probs
    January 14, 2013

    Well, Mr. Blackmore is a public figure. He should have known better. The media tends to address such issue better than the appropriate authorities.

    Way to go Mr. Bique. You deserve an apology and that is if what you are saying is true.

    Save the texts. He may won’t to mess with your contract.

  22. unknown
    January 14, 2013

    What I do not understand is why so many of use continue to refer to the gentlemen as HONORABLE when they continuously display BLATANT AND UNREPENTANT DISHONORABLE CONDUCT towards whosoever they wish, without regard to who is listening or who they influence. These persons obviously think that people owe them a debt of gratitude for all that they have managed to ‘deliver’, irrespective of what they may have personally gained as a direct result!!!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE STENCH PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Jay
    January 14, 2013

    I don’t know if Comforter’s story is true but if it is it would be rather disturbing and childish on the part of the Hon. Minister. Personally, I’m more interested to see a detailed progress report on the road form Pont Casse to Hatton Garden, which should have been completed by 31 Dec.Apparently the Minister reponsible for this project has plenty to say about other things but not a word on this one!

    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2013

      Politics again. We are not discussing road developments.

  24. Anonymous
    January 14, 2013

    That’s why I do not want a penny from any politician in my personal capacity. Nothing. So they cannot trun around and say is they that give me. I will work hard for what I want in life or stay without.

      January 14, 2013

      You lie!

  25. January 14, 2013

    Being able to speak for the speechless. Pure democracy exist where the supreme power of the Government is vested in the people , citizens of a country regardless of their political bias. Such power is exercised by the people directly or indirectly favoring social equality. Democracy allows the political right to communicate ones ideas and opinions regardless of the medium used. Victimization of a person where freedom of speech is exercised, threatens our Human Rights and ultimately our democracy and democratic right. Article 19 of the ICCPR states that “everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference” and “everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice”.
    As small as the situation may look in the minds of some it is important that we see beyond. It’s time we speak out against immature, unprofessional and incompetent leadership we receive by the ones we believe have the power. As a people we cannot survive for long in a country where we a robbed , victimized and left hungry because of our political bias or for that matter because of our Legal right as Dominicans. As a people we must remember ultimately that we only receive what we permit, allow a parasite into the body and we will be drained with no benefits leaning to our side. Remember that we the population of Dominica are stronger than 21 men. We the people of Dominica are the ones who employ and the Government is the employee, let us not forget we vote for a Government to work for us.
    It’s rather embarrassing to the country that one of highest officials of the land had to stoop so low, because of a mere calypsonian exercising his legal right as a human and secondly as a Dominican. This is not only a personal threat to the calypsonian but a National Threat , that if one does not stand withing the RED line of corruption our daily bread will be taken away. A government is not placed to rule over supporters but to rule the entire population let us be careful and make the right decisions so that we do not become RED SLAVES. IF THE MAJORITY STAND FOR TRUTH AND WHAT IS GODLY THEN CORRUPT CANNOT PREVAIL.

    • mr right
      January 14, 2013

      You smell of blue

  26. Morihei Ueshiba
    January 14, 2013

    Wow & i thought the red clinic was there to help the poor, so it is a political weapon to bribe & control people, personally Dominicans must understand that the Govt must fear the people not the people fear Govt, people seem to forget WE HAVE COOLWASH BY THE BAY! :mrgreen:

  27. Marigotian
    January 14, 2013

    Well Well Dom Dom nicans again. Here we go again, so all you want to blame the Calypsonian wey pa pa!!! I must say only in Dominica this can happen! Imagine Obamas minister texting someone those words or any other government minister! More than 75% of the comments against the comforter after he was the victim. Incredible set of people…waoooooo

    • Malgraysa
      January 14, 2013

      Ah, you see the difference? mr. Blackmoore is no Mr. Obama, no way.

  28. uhmmm
    January 14, 2013

    This is something else! The SAME calypsonians who write all sorts of stuff in their songs under the disguise of Social Commentary are the same one who are soft skin. I watch the drama unfold between trendsetter and Kimone Joseph on Facebook and is wondering. Was the Minister really out of place to text this guy? Politicians are HUMANS as well, if you cut them they will BLEED!!!

    • Anonymous
      January 15, 2013

      “Politicians are HUMANS as well, if you cut them they will BLEED!!!” Show me?

  29. Reader
    January 14, 2013

    Hon. Blackmore understands the artform better than a lot of people so, IF he actually said that to a calypsonian them that would be disappointing. At the same time, I wonder what Comforter looking to gain from running to DNO? Sympathy? What???

  30. On my own
    January 14, 2013

    Knowing that the minister quality that’s not surprising ( He is on a radio station promoting stuff like this and saying this), that’s good for Bique. you all fellas must stand on your own and stopping being a puppet to this guys , if you had done this on your own or straight , the minister would not tell you these things. according to one of your brothers THAT WHAT YOU GET. Stay away from things like this.

  31. Bense.......
    January 14, 2013

    Every now and then we call each other ungrateful in Dominca because most times we do things to help persons whole heartedly and eventually they turn against you……… its a real bad feeling i understand how the Minister must have felt . though he was not right to reproach Comforter he is Government Minister and should be held to a higher standard that which he displayed…… but hey somtimes i just hate when family try to UMBARASS me lol….

  32. Anonymous
    January 14, 2013

    comforter to like rooroo they should ban him from calypso last year was something this year is another …. show the text don’t just say what was in there proof pls

  33. magwa sa
    January 14, 2013

    well sah Dominica have in it eh… Blackmore think he on a throne.. .. seem to forget he was elected by the people to serve the people… tal about reproach! Just tell him I say no one is indispensable!

  34. Conair
    January 14, 2013

    Comforter you cannot and must never bite the hand that feeds you knew your relationship with the government choose another topic to sing about and stop acting like a lil child…….he didnot come publicly and told anything u chose to let the nation know so deal with your embrassment!!!!

    • Big-Bannan
      January 14, 2013

      Your ideological grip is wrong. It is people like you who promote corruption and prevent non-party supporters from getting a job.

    • Roseau.
      January 14, 2013

      This is not bitting the hand that feeds him!! Blackmore did not take money from his pocket to give that man!!?? And Comforter voted for blackmore in other for Blackmore to win this seat. “So tell me , who did what for who first?”
      We in Dominica sometimes do not respect our right to vote.
      WE vote for these guys in hopes that they will use their office to better the lives of everyone, but based on Rayburn’s “Small mindedness” it seems like our Pal Reps are doing us a favour when they choose to go up for elections.
      Shame on you Rayburn. But again knowing you from long ago , it seems like you have not grown-up. The sad thing is that you are not the only one in the Gov’t to think and act that way.
      Dominicans take note.

  35. bush man
    January 14, 2013

    next level politic

  36. Anonymous
    January 14, 2013

    so much thing u have to sing about..mind a doh make a song on u 2014 ehhh

  37. I Fachay!!!
    January 14, 2013

    Last year Checko say ambassador A didn’t want him to sing his song, all the controversy n ro ro because of it cause him to reach finals when he clearly didn’t deserve to. this year comforter trying a vibes to see if it will get him to the finals. these guys are jokers man. That is something for you to go on dno and say! looking for pity a big man like u. stupes.

    • hmmmmm
      January 14, 2013


  38. Me
    January 14, 2013

    Typical of Comforter. Last year he claimed that a judge had informed him that he had placed in the finals and that he was robbed. He even threatened to take the matter to court and stop the finals.

    DNO, did he provide the text messages as evidence or was his word just taken? Not saying that Blackmore did not do as accused, but good journalism would call for the accuser in a case like that to produce the evidence. If Comforter is going public with the matter then he should go all the way.

  39. Jay
    January 14, 2013

    Doesn’t mr. Bique work for his money then?

  40. Malgraysa
    January 14, 2013

    Comforter you have not learned yet that you must worship the cow that gives you the milk? If you do, who knows you may one day progress to cream and build your house in Beau Bois too.

  41. Greg
    January 14, 2013

    Victor Boy put your hands between your leg or go lock yourself in your toilet.

  42. Captioned
    January 14, 2013

    If you have the evidence, then make them public sp persons can se you not making up a story

  43. Linda Warner Massive
    January 14, 2013

    U wrong, u should not bite de hand dat feeds u. Why should Mr. Blackmoore apology?? Dominicans does not remember what people do for them.After the man assisted you in many different ways u making Calypso on him also.The thing with some people the day they dont get what they want they turnin against u one time.Comforter u are to ungrateful :evil: :evil: :evil:

    • Big-Bannan
      January 14, 2013

      Wrong Wrong Wrong.. you are wrong. It’s sad you put your name after such a dumb comment. Shame on you

  44. January 14, 2013

    well if is Blackmoore u waiting for to come and apologize to you, you can as well die and born again, cuz is not that Minister there you will get to come and apologize to you, and thats a fact!!!!

  45. my take
    January 14, 2013

    Bique my boy take wat you get…..Remember wat you sang about last year and wat happened??Now look at this year..I wonder in wat direction you will be heading to next..It is calypso yes but you can be a little more respectful…Do good especially to those who do good to you..and of the ‘household’…You can finish wat goes after household..Certain messages can be left for others to bring out..I by no means condorn wat Blackmore did..but..Do not bite the hand that feeds you..

  46. sadist
    January 14, 2013

    4 me 2 believe u,u should give dno the txt messages to publish

    • MOU
      January 14, 2013

      hear rubbish boy…see foolishness…

      that is why labour will do allu what they want how they want

  47. grell
    January 14, 2013

    Blackmore your not a man this is calypso,grow up will tell you that in your face next time i see you.

  48. bluetothebone
    January 14, 2013

    That is so good for all you laboorites. allyou too like to beg the poluticians like they is God. you should continue singing the same song allu was singing when all you was campaigning. “thank God for Skerrit”. Now sit your Steve Urkel self down and take what you get. Doe come crying to the public.
    when singing calypso on people and government, make sure you are independent and they have nothing on you! now who is the puppet? eh?

  49. lee
    January 14, 2013

    Conforter did not go in public when he received the big sum but he wants apology when he gets text. His upset he did not place so he’ll come up with anything. There are two sides to a story.

  50. just an observation
    January 14, 2013

    comforter I hope u doh delete dose text eh…cuz he will deny n den he will sue u

  51. blessed baby
    January 14, 2013

    very good. its time citizens find the guts to expose these ministers. i myself have a lot to say and i hope i find the guts soon.

  52. faceup
    January 14, 2013

    Tell me about it, is like scratch my back, i will scratch your’s.Your moto should be !! Be loyal alway’s !!

  53. DESIE
    January 14, 2013

    Doe bit the hand dat feed you :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Mweh mem
      January 14, 2013

      My thoughts exactly….

    • Truth be told
      January 14, 2013

      What is this “Doe bit the hand dat feed you?” So Dominicans now have to bend over backwards for politicians who keep them poor and dependent on government now? You mean there are people who can support those ministers action? And I bet they all call themselves Christians! Christ ever said you had to kiss donkey behind for another man to give you some charity? What nonsense is, “Doe bite the hand dat feed you” Government has a job to do and when government take care of citizens that is what government is elected to do! Grow up Dominica – wake up! Demand an apology from the minister or he should be made to resign and taken to court – I will represent the calypsonian against this fool!

      • confused
        January 14, 2013

        so in one breath we saying dominicans should not beg government and then in another breath we saying government has a right to take care of citizens? I’m confused…..

    • no name
      January 14, 2013

      that’s why Dominica the way it is… people cannot express their views..

  54. La plaine
    January 14, 2013

    Ok so now ministers of government and orhers in high placss should start to compose calypso now. Pat and the rest take a brake let me see wht these fools will come up wit. DOMINICA so u come Alas poor us…

  55. investigater
    January 14, 2013

    do not feel threatened this is not Blackmore’s money that is paying you fro work done. It is tax payer money and Vat. money the same money that is paying Blackmore He is very rude he is the ser.vant of the people . hold your head up.

  56. Citizen
    January 14, 2013

    Do the right thing sir you owe the man an opology even the great can OPPLOGISE .

    • FED UP
      January 14, 2013

      Spell check please!!!

      • faceup
        January 14, 2013

        Spell check what? you got the point..

  57. Crstn
    January 14, 2013

    Ungrateful piece of …. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

    • blessed baby
      January 14, 2013

      so the hand that feed me have to belittle me?

      • Crstn
        January 16, 2013

        how did Blackmore belittle Comforter? Did Blackmore expose the texts? Comforter Exposed and belittle himself. I hope he will not want help from the government again.

  58. hurricane
    January 14, 2013

    Kalypso Kontraversy making its annual appearrance. It will all pass by ash wednesday so be calm. Ask Ghost if yu tink I lie.

  59. Shameless
    January 14, 2013

    Hmmmmm…all you doh see nothing yet. Never take favors from politicians because you will remain their slaves for life.

    Asssertive, NOT Agressive!

    • blessed baby
      January 14, 2013

      i wish i knew you so we could drink on that. so true

  60. jeff
    January 13, 2013

    Look roro in dca well is allu labour self so deal with it
    When allu had allu good times no one knew

  61. ALAS
    January 13, 2013

    Calypso not going with Comforter na pal. Last year he was deeped in controversy look this year is meleh with the Comms and work minister. Ebeh look debah.

    • wat
      January 14, 2013

      lol same thing i checkin der wiii…. lololol

  62. RAYBURN?
    January 13, 2013

    This reaction by the minister has lowered him in my eyes and that of many other respectful Dominicans. Whereas it is said that R.S is thin skinned I think that Blackmore has taken “thin skin” to the NEXT LEVEL. Hon. Skerrit is a BIGGER MAN than you, a little joke Bique make with you, you take the thing SO PERSONAL. So many things people saying about Skerro and he doesn’t respond so, he reporaches in secret but to be this open about it, AWAH WI!!!!!!

    Blackmore’s attack on Bique’s human character and quest to seek help from a government that he voted in and sacrificed for, this REPROACH was totally unwarranted and juvenile.

    Has Blackmore forgotten that as a SERVANT of the people he must be careful how he handles himself in that capacity and he should not be denegrading the people like has he done this gentle man?

    I am calling on listeners of his CALYPSO NIGHT programme on DBS to demand that he ceases to host that show as his pompous attitude is inconsistent with this noble artform. Owing to his disgusting and shameful reaction,

    His behaviour is a brazen attack on calypso, hence the association and lovers of the artform must distance themselves from the “R.S – Wanna Be”….. SHAME SHAME Rayburn, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! You have caused the public to be afraid to approach you for any form of assistence as a minister in the COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA.

    • real labourite
      January 14, 2013

      I could not agree more.

  63. mouth of the south
    January 13, 2013

    hahahaha aya ay…. if i didn’t know… i’d say is a batty roro that going on dere…. them kinda text from blackmore have female tendencies to them lol…. black more say the man was camping outside his office wweeeeee…. no wonder laybarrats have to tuck their tail in boom boom… cause they’ll get similar texts and emberrassment…. good thing i don’t have to go to red clinic

  64. Anonymous
    January 13, 2013

    But what I hearing there, Really these guys are taking away our freedom of expression from us slowly. I say expose them…..

    • faceup
      January 14, 2013

      Wrong card, not in that society !!

    • Peeping Tom
      January 14, 2013

      This is not about “freedom of expression.” No one says that Mr. Bique should not sing his song and no one should ask Mr. Blackmore to suppress his right to speak out if he feels offended by the song. The issue is about what was said and how it was said, both by the calypsonian and the minister. It is not even about an abuse of power.

      • GJJ
        January 14, 2013

        Boss I know who u are! Away on a government scholarship and just singing for your supper!

  65. you see
    January 13, 2013

    Blackmoore how can you say that to the man, is Dominica yours and remember e ni couwi mien e ni las also people can run but they cant run away from them selves

  66. PrettyS
    January 13, 2013

    why is blackmoore being so childish?? .. let’s go comforter!!

  67. Anonymous
    January 13, 2013


  68. ku
    January 13, 2013

    LOL!! ehbeh look roro!! :-D :-D

  69. Yeah, so it is!!!
    January 13, 2013

    not thje QC is your cousin non???? you are in your politics, so they can now peel your skin!!!

  70. Anonymous
    January 13, 2013

    U wrong, doh bite de hand dat feed u. Alas!! Woyyyyyyy!!!

  71. Aish
    January 13, 2013

    Wait for it.
    It coming.

  72. Servant of the Publi
    January 13, 2013

    Well is neck cut already.

  73. shortboy
    January 13, 2013

    what hell apology dominicans dont remember what people do for them they get all what they want but the day they dont get hmmmmm they turn against u one time

    • grell
      January 14, 2013

      oh shut the hell up thats why dominica has gone to the dogs.

  74. January 13, 2013

    what a sad thing if such shame on the minister. who needs to take some real good speech therapy.this is what u call reproach

  75. well look it
    January 13, 2013

    i want my share 10 gran for one man on blackamoore side and st joes on poverty list

  76. is normal
    January 13, 2013

    Dominicans should not be surprised at all. He who thinks he has “Power” only would behave with such “massa” attitude. It’s not the first time. Many of that Cabal from their mouths spew obscence, derogatory, statements.

    — No Law, No Constitution, not even all their lawyers could prevent me from being nominated.

    — Put your hands between your legs.

    — Bri should go hide in a toilet and _ _ _ _

    — Is not you all damn business where we get our money from.

    — Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell.

    — Cockroaches, Kakador, political pigs. SC Referring to patriotic Dominicans.

    Where did BlackMore and his ilk get that “Massa Power” from to threaten, belittle ordinary people?

    How Long? Not Long.

    January 13, 2013

    There is something ugly going this calypso season. There used to be a time when things were subtle, undercover and diplomatic but this year the victimization is brazen, open and in your face.

    It is almost illegal to be critical of government or a government official. They are afraid of the calypsonian, who only sings a song and doh have a gun with 59 rounds….

    Roseau Valley

    • Peeping Tom
      January 14, 2013

      Well, you should also state that the personal attacks by calypsonians of public figures has increasingly been ugly, direct, and in poor taste. This is no longer calypso, the craft, but institutionalized persecution. This has to stop.

      How then does another human being who has been so publicly burnt defend his/her honour. How does a woman whose very private health matters are very publicly recorded, disclosed, and ridiculed for the next millenia save face in our small world? No empathy for her, huh?

      Hon. Blackmore, like other public figures, owe us a higher degree of statesmanship and decorum. However, those who claim to be artistes have a major responsibility to be crafty without injuring.

  78. Flower
    January 13, 2013

    You making song on the man and don’t expect him to react lol Impossible!!!!!

  79. Love mi calypso
    January 13, 2013

    Blackmore, take it easy the song dentist is just a song, if you wanna take it personal that is you, why didn’t u threaten karresah last year with his song, ‘rose giving me blows with a shoe?’
    Is where he gate low u wanna be jumping, well jump. Its Kaiso just have a laugh nd enjoy the songs, gosh!!

  80. Peeping Tom
    January 13, 2013

    If the story is as accurate as Mr. Bique has portrayed, it is unfortunate that the Honorable minister was so peeved by the gentleman’s song that he had to be as mean as he was. I too, think that he should apologize to the calypsonian because, although he may really have “bent over backwards” to help a struggling citizen, the minister was doing his job: Serving a citizen. Just that! This service does not entitle him to the right of reminding the citizen of how poor he is. It is an insult to the gentleman and the Honorable minister should be made to apologize if he does not do so on his own volition.

    I would add though that Mr. Bique may not be helping himself. Before the contents of the texts were made public, it is probable that only the sender and the recipient knew what was said. Why would Mr. Bique, who claims to be so embarrassed by the texts, now tell the world how embarrassing these texts were. I never knew that Mr. Bique used to “camp” in Mr. Blackmore’s office…i did not know that Mr. Bique essentially begged for Mr. Blackmore’s assistance….i never knew that Mr. Blackmore personally helped Mr. Bique in hard times…I never knew….I now know, thanks to Mr. Bique. Was he truly that embarrassed by the content of the texts or is he now trying to “embarrass” the Honorable minister?

    In my view, both men are playing a dirty game that is often played between adults. However, it is more reprehensible when a minister of government stoops to this level. You are expected to be a man of honour, not a saint or a god, but a respectable man. I think you have erred, Honorable Blackmore.

    • Truth be told
      January 14, 2013

      The minister should resign for degrading the office of a minister and the calypsonian should report the threat to the police because it is still against the law to threaten with intent to harm, and harm can be financial such as the termination of your contract. How can any citizen no matter what party you support stand by and side with a minister reducing an honourable office to “maypwee” level? Only in Dominica we accept such foolishness in high places! The minister needs to apologize or resign and face the legal consequences. The calypsonian job is to expose the minister – the minister’s job is to be an honourable example to society and serve diligently! Dominicans it is time to stop accepting “lesser” people in your “higher” offices.

    • Reader
      January 14, 2013

      Well said PT

  81. enough
    January 13, 2013

    You guys keep cutting the hands taht feed you

  82. Dom
    January 13, 2013

    When blk people get a little power it goes to their heads. Abuse of power is corruption, victimization is corruption. Its nothing new.

    • !!!
      January 14, 2013

      Your point would have been well taken except the use of the term ‘black people’ Tsk Tsk. Just say when people get power…

    January 13, 2013

    dohs calysonian streghing de joke now they not making that fun again is name calling just the beat that nice wii black moore do righttttttttttttt

  84. fil
    January 13, 2013

    Here comes Comforter again. Last year wanted to boycott today he wants apology from Blackmoore.

    • blueblue
      January 14, 2013

      attention the rabbit like 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O

  85. concerned
    January 13, 2013

    a proof again that ignorancy is an emblem on our chest and as long as we do not remove it, we will never progress.

    • confused
      January 14, 2013

      ignorancy??? the word is ignorance! eh bien is now ignorance wake up.

  86. concerned
    January 13, 2013

    File a complaint. are you a citizen and all citizens are supposed to have freedom of speech. he forget power is not always there. he has no idea what tommorrow brings. waiting to hear more

  87. Anonymous
    January 13, 2013

    u embarrassing ur self Victor..the minister txted u. (personal message) u chose to go public with it. all u had to do was txt him back or personally confront him…there is a difference…allu too like leyley in this country

    • Truth be told
      January 14, 2013

      Anonymous am I reading you correctly? Are you blaming the victim for the crimes of the attacker? You sound like the people who blame women for getting rape instead of castrating the rapist you insulting the victim! But your comments really serve to remind us of the level of “thinking” if I can call it that, in Dominica today!

      • Nonesense!
        January 14, 2013

        @ truth to be told:- true! Oh so he called the man a thief and now victor becomes the victim! are you understanding this right? i dont think you are.

  88. Patience
    January 13, 2013

    DA is really in the bottom we pal. Did the assistant that he received from the minister came from the minister’s pocket?

    • Dominiquen
      January 14, 2013

      The minister did help him,so he should have some respect. :?:

  89. my way
    January 13, 2013

    all of these labourites will come back to cry 1 by 1 all part of “the next level”
    That is what it is like

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