Derose management team to chart way forward later today


Attorney Joshua Francis has said he will be meeting with calypsonian, Derose’s management team later today to chart a way forward in a matter involving chief judge of the Dominica Calypso Association, Patrick Pemberton.

Pemberton was served with a letter from Francis, on behalf of Derose’s team, which said that he “exhibited poor taste and unprofessionalism” when he appeared on Kairi’s Heng Program and allegedly made certain remarks about the calypsonian’s song.

The letter said issues of conflict of interest were raised and Pemberton put his role as a judge in disrepute.

The chief judge was asked to recuse himself from judging at the calypso final, slated for Saturday night, and had until midday today to respond or legal action would have been taken against him.

Francis told Dominica News Online that no response had been received from Pemberton before and after the deadline. “I have not received any response, however I will be meeting my client some time today,” he said.

Francis said at the meeting the next move will be considered. However, he said the only legal recourse that is available is to have an injunction filed to prevent Pemberton from acting as a judge at the calypso final slated for Saturday night. “As to whether  this happens or not depends on them,” he said. “And it has to be decided earlier than later because it has to be filed this afternoon for it to be heard in court tomorrow.”

Derose, whose real name is Dexter Peltier, is known for his song this year, “Ba Yo Babalen.”

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  1. Anonymous
    February 9, 2013

    pappyshow I warned you, now who sorry now? Is for Pembo to sue you for defamation. Follow Lennox still how successful you see Lennox is in any thing?

  2. Mango Bab
    February 8, 2013

    Seems the people will have to give DeRose, his attorney (must be smiling) and his management team blan-balenn!!!

  3. Ti-Ti
    February 8, 2013

    DNO, Please post my comment and stop being bias….

    “Stop the show for the Love of Calypso…… Sometimes we need to think carefully when we choose our battles.”

  4. Joe
    February 8, 2013

    DNO where is the update? are they going to take action against Pembo?

  5. concern
    February 8, 2013

    Everyone is within their rights to do and think as they please.

    We are not living in a COMMUNIST STATE.

    LEAVE Deros alone MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. really?
    February 8, 2013

    Everybody have a “management team” now. That is a good example the youth setting!!!!

  7. D/can Living in UK
    February 8, 2013

    it is time that DOMINICANS elevate themselves. we are not living in the dark ages anymore. We need to look at the bigger picture and put fair where fair need to be and stop behaving Dummy in Can. The Chief judge had no right to be on the radio defaming one of the calysonian. Please people please come on. its time our nation grow as people. we all have letevision, we all have internet access we listen to the news worldwide and surf the internet. we got the would at our finger tip. please read and elevate yourselves. we are being left behind in our beloved dominica.

    February 8, 2013

    Let us bring down everybody who has served this country well in various capacities, and let non-achievers and mischief makers take over the goverance of Dominica. You do not have to agree with me, so there is no need to stress yourself.

    • D/can Living in UK
      February 8, 2013

      Dontyou think it time that we step up to the plate and do what is right. If this was in the states or america this judge would be terminated right awar from the position.

    • T
      February 8, 2013

      Those who have served well in government must have done so long long age.Last i can remember is Mamo and Eddo. I am too young to remember those before Mamo. Both Pierro and Roosie had good intentions, but this was short lived.After them the serious nose dive into poverty took Dominica like a heart attack.Paid acolytes are attempting to portray something different to the people. That can’t work.

      • just saying
        February 11, 2013

        Seriously!! You need to do your homework.

  9. Anonymous
    February 8, 2013

    i concur
    i concur
    i concur

    what is our country is coming to
    did the management team got and studied the alleged clip ?

    Dominica have too many mad people!

  10. bee
    February 7, 2013

    Boy you all have malee. I would like to know what Derose is trying to seeking in this nonsence. People why cant you all stop that bully behavor and live in unity with each other cause life is short who knows if anyone of us might be alive for calypson finals.

  11. Anonymous
    February 7, 2013

    This morning on Q95 I heard Angelo say, the host of the heng and Ras Kelly are good people, I was like Angelo smoked a good weed man to be saying so. This is the same Angelo I’ve heard saying that once you support Skerrit you supporting corruption and so many other mean things, so was surprise to hear otherwise. Maybe in his view that people who are mean and supports corruption are good people. Matt said this morning also that people meeting him and saying all sorts of things to him but what did he expect when he messing with people feelings. If that’s the road he choose then he must expect he’ll face pressure especially in a small community like Dominica.People always comparing the USA with here but they must start getting in their head, that their dream may never come true. When you compare the size of the US, the population and the long years of it’s existance you must understand the pain we causing ourselves to want to be like them tomorrow morning. He also said he would do the same if it was his brother. Yeah right! If he would do the same to his brother then he can be looked as a heartless person because am sure he’s brother would be his enemy after that. He should have said if it was his brother he would not take offence to who ever released it. I would certainly be afraid of a brother like Matt it’s like having a police friend and you dealing drugs.

    • ^
      February 8, 2013

      Be a man/woman and stop the politics.It has brought our country to the point where it is now one of the poorest in the Caribbean. Corruption,mischief,lying stealing, and the rest continues.
      Derose is putting the truth in your faces, and the majority of Dominicans know what he is saying is the truth, and they are accepting it.

  12. D A
    February 7, 2013

    I was doing my own judging that night and I had a big x by Deroes name, I don’t know how that song made it before Electra. That quarter finals song not even coming out last.

  13. le
    February 7, 2013

    The lawyer does’nt care is his money his making.

  14. legit
    February 7, 2013

    Deros! man just go an enjoy yourself on stage on Saturday night..that same judge ,judged you at the semis and you in the finals…somebody fool you.. there is no way you getting close to a crown this year.

  15. Owl
    February 7, 2013

    The More i hear about how Majority of Dominicans Think on issues make me wanna Vomit Period!

    Wow so you mean Dominicans are so Ignorant to Sweep All matters of concern under the table..

    No wonder why they are the least Developed the Poorest in the Caribbean unable to get any kind of Uplift in their economy…wow

    Sad that slavery is long gone but a Caribbean Island of Dominica still does not uphold basic Civilised Ideals…

    When did they become so dam Foolish!

  16. Morihei Ueshiba
    February 7, 2013

    DeRose Pembo will deal with u on Calypso night. :-|

  17. Natural Mystic
    February 7, 2013

    Pembo isn’t going anywhere . Tell Derose and Matt kick rocks .

  18. Anonymous
    February 7, 2013

    Leave them let Lennox lead them to eternal doom! :mrgreen:

  19. Ti-Ti
    February 7, 2013

    Stop the show for the Love of Calypso…… Sometimes we need to think carefully when we choose our battles.

  20. james
    February 7, 2013

    Linton said, Matt take Pembo to court, Matt reply which court “centre court”. poor Matt.

  21. grell
    February 7, 2013

    you guys are taking this crap too far.derose just enjoy this year,wont be in another final,this is noot a little girls park,the man has freedom of giys are killing the culture move on as men.

  22. roro
    February 7, 2013

    DNO even doh allu take out my comment

  23. Anonymous
    February 7, 2013

    boy Dominican’s rooroo wi Deros just chill and enjoy the night cause that crown passing far from u

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2013

      you might be surprised not what i hearing from the streets

      • It's M
        February 8, 2013

        That’s why the crown passing him straight. The judges who normally judge the show are not street people, neither does street information have any bearing on what happens on the night.

  24. dissident
    February 7, 2013

    When Tony doing his gig why all u doesn’t tell him to go to hell?
    So is Tony Astaphan that can bring injunction in court?
    What is good for de goose should be goods enuff for de gander. To hell with that.
    Tony defies every law in our land and all u fraid to put him in his place.

    Pembo is singing for de DLP. Campaign mode is on for dem. I listen to Stardom last night and a woman came on stage singing a campaign song for DLP. Boy dat party has become so pathetic. All u stooping so low and exposing ur real motive.

    DLP appears to be to fragile. Right now they figure they have lost a lot of support locally so they trying to force a false impression on de rest of de world.

    Tony and de PM fighting to not let justice tale its natural course by playing with de court to make dem appear to be saints. All u doesn’t see dat.

    Dam hypocrites

    Derose do what u have to do.

    • Joe
      February 7, 2013

      Dissident…. That is the problem you have you cannot see anything beyond PARTY POLITICS

      You and your god LENNOX LINTON will let democracy reign in this country wii…. So is all you alone to talk, a lady sang in favour of the PM you upset, why? you would prefer she sang a hate song on the PM??

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2013

      hahaha and you convince yourself of this dream world you put yourself in we.

    • STILL
      February 7, 2013

      Think before you comment. A few years ago a former king sang a campaign song for the government at the time. I don’t think they were pathetic. be very careful what you post because YOU will be held to those same standards

    • Stealth Critique
      February 8, 2013

      How exactly are you getting politics out of a judge quoting a line from an artist’s lyrics?

      • Anonymous
        February 8, 2013

        He did more than quote a line. He gave an opinion.

    • Love Dominica
      February 9, 2013

      Guess the brakes was pathetic when he sang the workers song, we does forget to fast ,lets grow up, all of us

  25. cool bear
    February 7, 2013

    Why allu people taking it so personal nuh? Calypso is like professional wrestling. On the surface all the antics and drama appear real and aggressive, but in reality it’s all entertainment, designed to hype the package.

    Thus in the end the fans will be out in their numbers and money will flow. So stop getting so nervy and taking this to heart, its all a big act. Every year calypso has some form of ‘calculated’ controversy which simply blows away after the show. that is why calypso remains the most popular paid event in Dominica.

    • Joe
      February 7, 2013

      I don’t know which other year that had so many controversy, there was always lawyer letters going back and forth for defamation, but not to a chief judge!!!

      I myself always go to the finals but you see this year am off!!! I NOT GOING!!!!

      Too much petty rorow, first the Lennox crew wanted theone from Morn Prosper…”Illegal King” to make it to the quarters…as if he was unfairly judged, they even get Prosper to give up his position at the quarters hoping that he would be replaced by the man (i cannot remember his name). They even wanted the Calypso Assiociation to forget who inline and put the man in… can you imagine that?

      As if that wasn’t enough, they had their supporters boo Scrunter, simply because he sang against Mano… They rubbished the man song so much Q not even playing it!!!

      Ambassador A filed lawsuit against Checko.

      Hunter accused of cheating

      Now they want to put injunction on one of the best calypso judges on island, why? only they know what agenda they have to fulfil!!!

      So based on these reasons i normally pay my $180 for VIP will spend that money in a bar drinking my rum and partying….

  26. Hmmm Hmmm
    February 7, 2013

    please stop this nonsense. Some men worse that women that was constructive criticism for Derose. Now is the time for you to concentrate on you acts for Saturday you there wasting your time.

  27. Frank Talker
    February 7, 2013

    Listen, Attorneys-at-Law need to up their game and come in line with the advances made in other areas of learning. Gone are the days when a Lawyer writes a person and the person’s blood pressure hits the roof. No one is scared of Lawyers and their letters anymore. Their one-size-fits-all MO of giving a person a date to conform or they take legal action is outdated. This is an old method of resolving a conflict or difference. Listen Lawyers, there are some folks you just do not give ultimatum! You need to know somethings about the person you are writing before putting your signature of these letters. Ultimatum pisses off some people! Ultimatum challenges some people to take you to the limit! Ultimatum drives some people to prove who is the bigger man! For example, you do not give a man like PM Skerrit an ultimatum. He will dare you! Same applied to the deceased Eugenia Charles. Pembo is that kind of person too. These people study your ultimatum, educate themselves on their window of opportunity and then they dare you. So all Joshua Francis’ hype will come to naught. Wheel and come again, Mr. Lawyer. You need to be more creative when advising clients.

    • %
      February 7, 2013

      @ Frank/ Unfrank Talker. You are simply a political hypocrite spewing filth.Do you know of other lawyers who are doing worse than that? Your voice needs to be heard on these issues of right and wrong affecting the core of Dominica’s and Dominicans life. Stop being an advocate of blatant dishonourable conduct and be a man/woman. Your garbage should be rejected with all the contempt it deserves. It lacks honesty, integrity,and its obviously coming from an accessory of wrong doing.
      It’s bloggers like you that need to go and hide in a toilet, and one should answer Go To Hell Go to Hell Go to Hell.

      • Joe
        February 8, 2013

        @% you are the onespewing filth you need to calm that anger before you burst a blood vessel.

        Your anger is so telling , take a chill pill bro… honestly you will burst a BLOOD VESSEL if you don’t… free advise!!!

        Now repeat this mantra it will help you everytime you get angry….”SKERRIT IS PM, SKERRIT IS PM, SKERRIT IS PM….” Repeat it as many times as you like and trust me all your anger will fade away….lmao!!!! Prayers can no longer help some of you so try my mantra….

      • ()
        February 8, 2013

        @ Joe Just when will you Go to Hell! Go to Hell! Go to Hell! Just when will you go hide in a toilet stupid Joe? It’s not none of your dam business what % says about his calypsonian! No law no constitution can prevent him from saying it. Come on ‘Man to man i will marsh you up, OK Joe the Stupid!

  28. Fan
    February 7, 2013

    As far as I see it, whether Mr. Pemberton is there or not, Derose will still not win! Come on….just be grateful you have made the finals. So scream and shout all you want about Mr. Pemberton, not that I am agreeing with what he did but whether he judges on the night or not, you still won’t be the Monarch.

    • T
      February 7, 2013

      Why the hatred nah. De rose needs to tell you Go to Hell! Go To Hell! Go to Hell!

  29. Joe
    February 7, 2013

    Yes Francis i hope is pro bono services you providing to Derose, because you know as well as i do that this whole thing is just RUBBISH and has absolutely no weight!!!

    First question is did you actually hear the audio where the so-called ‘Unprofessional” statement was made?

    Did your client or his management team listen to the program on that day, did they even take the time off to listen to the clipping?

    I listened to the program and it had nothing to do with the just concluded semi-finals neither did they, as your letter stated “Critic” the show.

    Lennox has his axe to grind and is bringing everybody he can into disrepute……

    I suggest DNO get the clipping of the show so people can listen for themselves the context in which the remark was made..there was absolutely no caused for alarm, they were actually talking about the booing of Scrunter, and Pembo remarked that the calypsonian before him had a line that claim a calysonian was paid to sing against Follow……. and that may have caused the crowd to boo him (Scrunter) when he came in to sing…

    Scrunter had even called the show to talk about the booing… Research DNO please let us btring “Truth to Power” is not Matt and Lennox alone that can do it!!!

    • STUPES
      February 7, 2013

      couldn’t agree more with ur comment Joe!!!! this whole thing is utter rubbish

    • Fan
      February 7, 2013

      Very Interesting!!

  30. Stealth Critique
    February 7, 2013

    I hope Mr Dexter Peltier realises that he’s the one currently defaming the character of a cheif judge who merely quoted a line from Mr. Peltier’s song.

    • .
      February 7, 2013


  31. Serving the Public!!
    February 7, 2013

    Stupes, stupes. stupes!!!!

    • Peacock
      February 7, 2013

      Tell Derose to sit down .. plain and simple.

  32. Anonymous
    February 7, 2013

    Matt, I advise you guys to leave this one alone. Count your losses and move on.

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2013

      Thats why people doing what they want in Dominica.
      People have NO respect for ohter peoples rights.

      Deros DAMN right, its time someone takes a stand.

      Look at what happened to comforter last year…if we don’t take a stand people will be continued to be victimized in all sorts of ways

  33. Anonymous
    February 7, 2013

    People need to burn babalen on Deros and his management team.

  34. Anonymous
    February 7, 2013

    Enough of this nonsense!!!! This man shouldn’t have even been in the finals in the first place, far less to be making noise about judge. Matt and the rest of the management team should just take a chill pill. These guys like too much roro papa.

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2013

      I’ll drink to that! Checker, this should have been your spot!

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