Government to place restrictions on carnival queen award

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has announced that conditions will be placed on the scholarships awarded to carnival queens.

Cabinet has already taken a decision to remove the option to reward carnival queens with a reconditioned vehicle.

Instead, Government has decided to award the winner with a scholarship. However, at a press conference earlier this week the prime minister said that government should benefit from these scholarships as well.

“It has to be in particular areas of national effort. It’s not what you want to study. This is not the Island Scholarship, so there will be restrictions in what areas you can go and study. At the end of the day, the country has to benefit from these scholarships. We spent all these millions of dollars and people go and study in one particular area and there is saturation. People come back and you can’t get jobs for them because you have 25 people in the same field,” he argued.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Skerrit noted that enough time is not being allocated for preparation of queen contestants ahead of the Carnival Queen Pageant. He said this will also be reviewed.

“I believe greater time must be given for preparation of the contestants. I would like to see instead of one month, they have three four months. To say that it’s not possible to get the ladies ready, I don’t see the argument…” he said.

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  1. I dont understand???
    March 17, 2010

    Are we speaking about a prize / award won by someone for having done or percieved to be the best in a legitimate queen competition?. Why do I sense a feeling of dictatorship.

    Is eighter you give me a prize and let me enjoy it my way. Or you keep your prize since you dont seem to want to let go of it in the first place.

    This is an award we are talikng about…not a favor or charity or helping hand…these people have done what we ask them to do..they have won.

    If they are getting a scholarship I think that the most the Government should do is guide them ..but how to you enforce your wishes on how I use my award?.

  2. dkengi
    February 17, 2010

    and dont blame the pm for dominicans wrong doing blame yourselves damn it

  3. dkengi
    February 17, 2010

    Some dominicans are so damn dumb they dont listen before they speak or write.I think the pm made a vallied point.Give the girls 3-4 months and lets see thier interest.If the government is giving a scholarship they should have asay in what the person is going to study.

  4. pamella
    February 12, 2010

    the girls shouldn get a scholarship just for being pretty but maybe they need it more than all the children of the rich ministers that give it to all their friends and family even when they can afford…and it was the pm who started that in the first place. tks

  5. Shame
    February 12, 2010

    SCHOLAR I would shake your hand. By the responses of the contestants for the question round I always wonder if these girls even went to kindergarten. I mean I know nervousness can take a toll but after all. I will never forget the year when they asked the girl what her favorite fruit was and she said apple. She couldn’t say why she said apple. I mean that’s a question for a five year old and she couldn’t answer.

    February 12, 2010

    hhmm Don’t be so rediculous. How can you blame a leader of a country for everything, if he has no prior knowledge or wasn’t brought up to scratch on the said issue?!

    Think dummy…………………………….., or are you just another unevolved, biased Dominican who criticize just because of your difference in party affiliation and “party politics?!”

    It’s about time you grow up and get over it!

    Bella I agree with you whole heartedly and I wish those people on this pagent’s committees will listen to our suggestions for improvement of the pageant!

    Confused and Dominican international pageant organizations like the Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss America, Miss USA, Miss UK, all have stipulations of the way in which prices received by winners are used, not to mention other responsibilities that go with this process.

    Crawl out from under the rock that you both are under and remove those thick rose petal glasses that you are wearing!

    A progressive and well rounded workforce in a country certainly continues to soar to new heights over and over again, as opposed to one that is over saturated with the majority of the working population all in a few professions, that are not always easy to obtain employment in, whilst other much needed sectors are left lacking in much needed skills and expertise.

  7. scholar
    February 12, 2010

    Queen contestants should have to sit an EXAM before they are eligible for the pageant, and attend a thorough interview with some Dominican academics. I cannot justify awarding a scholarship to a girl on account of her parading on a stage in swimwear and costume, answering a mundane question and performing a mediocre talent and often going on to give poor representation abroad. Give the winner a cash prize and let her use her money to do whatever she wishes.

    So many poor people’s children are more deserving of these scholarships, they have the focus, the academic qualifications and the intelligence, maybe they are not ‘attractive’ enough but I am sure they would make better candidates for a scholarship than SOME of these queen contestants. When you enter a university no-one cares how well you can wear a swimsuit or walk in evening wear, only your intelligence and focus matters, and quite frankly the show is not structured to ensure that the most intelligent girl wins.

    As for the PM talking about restricting scholarships, I say hell yes! How can anyone justify using tax payers money to fund studies in an area that does not benefit the taxpayers in the long run? I worked hard for my A-level scholarship, and even before I sat my exams I knew exactly what I wanted to do at university, some of these girls want to be ‘lawyers or accountants’ they are not even sure which careers they want, and yet they are trying to get scholarships!

    A scholarship is not cheap, a UWI scholarship costs the government about 160 000 ec, and A-level scholars are bonded for 4 years! Why should a queen contestant have the liberty to study ‘whatever’ she wants with the possibility of not returning when more academically qualified young people seeking scholarships have to study in areas of national priority and return to serve a bond?

  8. Attention
    February 12, 2010


  9. hhmm
    February 11, 2010

    @ confused…the pm is responsible for everything that goes right or wrong in this country!

  10. Seriously?
    February 11, 2010

    yes the PM is totally right on this issue of sholoarships given should be based on fields of national interest…. but isn’t he a lil too late? is the the VISION he said he had for the youth 5 years ago? these guys have no plan and they just do things as they go…

    but finally a good idea, this should curb the brain drain a bit

  11. child
    February 11, 2010

    i am really begining to love the prime ministers ideas.

  12. Confused
    February 11, 2010

    One quick question that someone could probably provide some clarification or an answer to. What say does the leader of a country have in a queen competition?

    • me
      March 30, 2010

      alas!!!!! illeteracy bad eh shame on u . fool he governance the country

  13. dominican girl
    February 11, 2010

    Doe matter wat the pm say u all agree. Alas, is not alu going up for the queen pagent and further more they won a prize. Its not nobody’s bizzness to tell dem wat to do with their prize, otherwise let them choose between a schlorship and some thing else don’t force things down people’s throats . STOP DAT NONSENCE. Who have to do things for the benefit of dominica does not do so so why the queens.They made that effort to go up there someting that alot of us talking cannot do so let them be.Geeeeezeee man!!!!!

  14. Bella
    February 11, 2010

    As someone stated, skerrit will have to announce in advance what career scholarship will be up for grabs and ladies interested will take part. But then the carnival pageant in my opinion has been taken out of focus. Somewhere along the line it has evolved to a beauty pageant. Some of the girls can’t even express themselves when asked the simplest of questions. But among all of them, one must win -right? I think at least 1 month after awards have been given for the carnival year, the committee should start interviewing ladies to particpate in these pageants.

    When are we going to think big? When are we going to reach Miss Universe status? To me, that should be our ultimate goal for our Carnival Queen to reach. What do you think?

  15. Anonymous
    February 11, 2010

    Well if thats the case, i guess he will have to showcase what career scholarship is at hand and the young women who are interested will submit.

  16. February 11, 2010

    Hello ppl,

    the ones who disagree with the prime minister,he’s right in many ways ,why? he’s using tax payers money,that was not in the budget,and if a field that a student love to study is not in there list so be lt,let your parents pay for it ,they will get it back on there tax return,and tell me what happends to the others who got tax paying money free?? when they got there degree,and never come back home to give back to the community,who had sacrifice for them???

    tell me pls,dime awora

  17. me
    February 11, 2010

    if the queen donot want the field that th PM is giving tell him to check me out my child need it.

  18. Piper
    February 11, 2010

    Some of you are of the mistaken belief that most students know what they want to be before they enter university. That is simply not the case. There are many students who, well into their third year are still not sure of the area of study they want to pursue long term.

    The facts is, unless you are paying your way through, you cannot DEMAND anything from anyone. The government puts up the money, one would hope they have a fair idea of the expertize they want for the future. That being the case, if they are spending money on educating people, they should expect something in return for the money that they are spending. How is that different from countries saying they will allow individuals with certain skills to immigrate into their countries. This is called planning for the future.

    If the government’s agenda does not fit yours, all you have to say is “thanks, but no thanks”

  19. steve
    February 11, 2010

    Great idea PM. Also please change the Carnival dates. To May day. HOT SUN !

  20. just a thought
    February 11, 2010

    I agree with him, Dominicans too follow fashion sure it sounds demanding of him to assert a field of study on a person, but dominicans go study and all of them go study business.. Like the country has a Big business industry… where all these business people going to work. Most times they don’t even return. It also helps to have someone to guide u with a career choice cause at the time you think u want to be this or that and end up being something else. Luckily the job market is flexible and take general education into effect for job placement.

  21. Really SaintK
    February 11, 2010

    For ALL those who so agree agree with the Honourable Prime Minister….what degree of education have you acquired and who chose your field of study for you. Cause surely I believe that most of did not want your parents to tell u all what to do and when to do it either. Would you for example who thrives in the field of journalism (reporting) aced your English failed the hell out of Mathematics like to be told we need Accountants go and study Accounts. What then would be the point of the scholarship if you failed…nothing but a waste of the Government’s money. The Honourable PM is in a field he seems to love would and does not want anyone to remove him from so why then should he want to tell young woman who wishes to at the end of her years of study be able to sit and work in a job that she loves and does not have to wake up every morning and say why am I doing this,why do i have to go to work. A lot of us today have jobs that we do not want or even dreamed of being it but the fact that we did not have the opportunities to further in the field we love have to just settle for what we have. After working to obtain that scholarship and being ridiculed by the NATIONS PUBLIC AND THE DIASPORA let the woman decide upon he choice of study. If you do not want to do so have an alternative prize. NOT ONE OF YOU WHO ARE AGREE WOULD LIKE SOMEONE TO TELL YOU WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU.

    As for the preparation of the young ladies I do agree with him but really what need to be done is before the final set of ladies are chosen a series of interviews and even test should be done. When they bring in their applications …you review them pick those that seem up to standard or even allow all of them to come to an audition where they showcase what they can offer in the same fields they are to display on the big night and even those that might be suited for regional and international pageants. When they are done judging (fairly…not because the pretty they smart a lot of them seem to be PRETTY STUPID at the end) we should have a group of well educated young ladies, where anyone of them are more than able to go out represent their country.

  22. Piper
    February 11, 2010

    It’s really very simple. If the winner of the queen show does not want to enter the field of study that the govenment recommends, all she has to do is decline the offer and venture out on her own.

    The government should make it clear what areas of study they will be funding. Once that is known it is up to the contestants to decide whether it is woth their while to enter the competition.

  23. February 11, 2010

    All you can imagine putting some of these Queen contestants before an interviewer like Athie Martin’s “From All Angles”? By the time he finish wrap them up in his verbose style, they would be cross-eyed.

    I firmly believe that before these young ladies are picked for the show, they should interview them in-depth to find out what are their long-range plans. i.e “where do you see yourself in 3 years? 5 years? etc. Find out what are their views on various issues, world-wide as well as regional and international. This is one of the key ways to find out how well-rounded and well-read they are. I find too often, it is plain to see that these young ladies are not well-read. (Even though most of them say that Reading is one of their hobbies) And i agree with the blogger who wrote that we can invite our lovely ladies of Dominican parentage out in the Diaspora also to take part.

    Also some of these contestants are picked too young. I feel they ought to let some of them go back into the pond (metaphorically speaking) and swim for a few years, to gain some life experience.(studying, working etc) It’s my personal opinion that a teenager of 18-19 cannot bring much to the table, unless she is super talented or intelligent. Most of them find it hard to express themselves coherently.

    But then again, with the common tendency of our young ladies to find themselves unwed mothers at very early stages of their lives, it’s no wonder the Organising Committee rush to sign them on as contestants, because most likely in a year or so’s time, they may not be eligible.

  24. the pm is right
    February 11, 2010

    the pm is right on this one guys whether you all wanna believe it or not. If the government is paying for your education, the government has to benefit. There are some government departments that witihin the next couple of years they are going to be in dire need of trained, competent individuals in their field. Furthermore, there is almost never only one area in need in Dominica. I believe the individual will have a few options.

    And to anonymous who claims that D/cans who have completed their studies cannot get jobs when they are done is untrue. It’s all about being a competitive university graduate. I know at least 15 individuals within the last year, myself included who graduated from university and got jobs in Dominica. Some graduates want to be picky and don’t want to work this place or that place. As long as the job utilizes your skills, why not?

    Also, a large number of Dominicans tend to study the same field, Business Ad, Economics, Accounts are just a few examples. Well it is obvious that the job hunt is going to be difficult for these individuals; unless they have done exceptionally well.

    The PM’s job is to do what is right in the best interest of the country, not giving everyone what he or she wants.

  25. MIAMI Vice
    February 11, 2010

    I think this is quite ridiculous what the “PM” is saying. What do you mean “It has to benefit the country”. I think people should have a choice, and that choice often derives from someone’s dreams and goals. There is no way the PM or the GOVT should summon someone to take up an area of study that they (the GOVT) think would be appropriate to benefit the country. Dominica is a growing country therefore all areas/fiels of study are going to be needed to benefit the island. My view is, “Carnival Queens should choose their majors and the govt should deliver”.

    Thank you..

  26. idi amin
    February 11, 2010

    everyone is talking about going to study something to benefit many people have their degrees and when it comes to getting the job is pull it begins dictating to a carnival queen what to study when she done expose her carapano to a thousand people. dictatorship soon come. but so we like it kick up the bum

  27. fran
    February 11, 2010


  28. Vybez
    February 11, 2010

    I agree with the PM on the preparation time for the queen contestants.

    The one month-training that they receive is sadly lacking to say the least. You cannot train a person etiquette, poise, speech,etc in one month when they did not learn that for the 20+ years that they are alive. Some of them do not really have a proper understanding of the queen’s english and it shows leading up to the show when they do the publci appearances, as well as in the question/answer round. Most of them are not able to intelligently respond to questions concerning world/political/regional/ national issues.

    The British pageants are organized in such a way that you audition at least 6 months in advance and attend special training. On successful completion of that training then you enter the real competition. I think this will significantly improve the standard of our show….

    The scholarship part might be a bit more difficult as you could not force a career path unto a person. However, the point on saturation is also a valid one.

  29. February 11, 2010

    I’m in agreement with the PM on this one. Too many ppl out there with degrees in Human Resource Management, Business Management, Psychology etc. We need to diversify our pool of academics to benefit this country. We need a hard-liner like our PM. He’s the best thing for Dominica right now.

  30. Citizen
    February 11, 2010

    I dont think it fair a queen contestant , after working hard has to share their prize. I also think is fair to choose an area of study for the Queen. I belive she worn her prize , its hers and not the PM own. It the PM is telling the queen what area of study to enter , he may as well go up as queen contestant and he will study the area he want the queen to Study.

    I am in agreement that sufficient time must be given in preparatin for the show.

  31. unknown
    February 11, 2010

    yes PM i agree wit u was about time..everybody wana go n study and then come back and cry that it aint got jobs for them..if you do this then one will know that they have a secure job when they come back!!…..

  32. icy
    February 11, 2010

    this is total bull…
    its not right 4 ur mum 2 decide wa u go 2 study, so y a blasted man that just c & hear about u 4 a little 3 months can make that decision 4 u!!
    giving citizens d chance 2 go & study, u can give them that ‘take it or leave it’ option, but as a prize, thats not d way to go..
    & travelin around d caribbean 2 rep 4 dominicans is not travelin for 100% pleasure, its more business, so d person talkin bout travel, get a life, & stop grudgin.u should consider competin & winin, ur dam luzer..
    if PM wanna chuz 4 me, i will tell him hold his prize, i am not no beger to tink i must take what u give..d PM pasin queen contestants witout even sayin a simple ‘good day’ & now he wanna talk like he so care…man BOO!

  33. Caddy
    February 11, 2010

    Man….that is the only thing I agree with Mr. Skerrit on! When they are given scholarships, it should be scholarships what will benefit Dominica! Too many persons go to study Law and/or Psychology! … them things man! Too many … lawyers in the country! They should study Tourism or something other than Law! Yes Mr. Skerrit, GREAT IDEA! And, if they don’t want to study what you want to give them…to hell with them and no scholarship!

  34. Anonymous
    February 11, 2010

    The problem isn’t so much “Job saturation” as NO JOBS, dear prime minister.

    Instead of restricting people’s options and possibly having them choose a career, a FUTURE that they have no affinity for why aren’t you creating jobs? Dominicans cannot find jobs, because there are no jobs to be had! Why do you think so many Dominicans leave and don’t come back? Because they’re unpatriotic? Disloyal? Selfish? Please! I know everyone has (many) relatives who have left and want to come back (not just for the occasional “sewo”)but can’t, or won’t, because there are no jobs, or the jobs pay ridiculous salaries that you can’t expect a human being to live by.

    Dominicans you know what I’m talking about. The TEMPORARY jobs in construction (Gracias to comrade Chavez for our pretty new roads and buildings) do not count, by the way.

    Why aren’t we here now discussing ways to fix the fact that there are so few jobs available to anyone who really wants to make it, not just cashing at Astaphans, or Grand Bazaar.

    I’m not saying that the queen contestants particularly deserve to get so much for flashing a bit of flesh. But don’t try to distract people from the true problem of our piece of crap economy, while making yourself seem like such a hero. Dominicans are not that stupid! And it’s quite ironic that you expect Queen contestants to now work longer, and harder to get less than they had before anticipated….

  35. HMMMM(1) the psychic
    February 10, 2010

    Mr. Skerritt I need a scholarship but it has to be in the science field . I don’t think I’ll do well in another field of study.

  36. Seaman
    February 10, 2010

    This is a very great idea. Instead of giving the queen a used car, give her a good scholarship and have her on a bonded scholarship and have her study something that will be relevant to DA…not just Business Administration or Marketing.

    Great Points PM.

    These are the kind of ideas that will take us to the next level….not those heavy footed and bankrupt uwp ideas.

  37. Anonymous
    February 10, 2010

    WHAT THE HELL? So the person has to be forced to study something they are NOT interested in or forfeit the prize? Ridiculous! And so what if they don’t want to come back after they study? If the environment isn’t suitable who can blame them?

  38. Pshyc
    February 10, 2010

    I whole heartedly agree with the PM wanting persons receiving scholarships to give back to the country but to offer the Carnival Queen a scholarship in a particular area when she may have already decided on her career is not appropriate. She is the winner and she should study as she desires especially if she has already chosen a career path. Like one of the posters said for the winner to divert her interest because of free education may result in a discontented, unsatisfied individual as she will not be studying what she passionately loves. To be truely successful in a career, one has to be passionate about it.
    With that said,I would suggest the following to the PM and his Government:
    (1) Put the restrictions/conditions on the other yearly scholarships being offered and allow interested persons to take the opportunity. In other words, offer scholarships for study in the unsaturated areas and market those scholarships.
    (2) Introduce in the education system a more diversified career paths. The areas of need should be included in the schools’ curriculum in order to get the interest of the students. Most of the areas of need as far as I know, are not emphasised in the schools thus many are not aware of these career paths. (I stand corrected). If not in the top secondary schools, at least the vocational ones. Allow students to be awareness. Awareness sparks interests.

    Copyright February 10, 2010. My words.

  39. February 10, 2010

    is the PM serious Government do not have any place in the Beauty Pageant if they want to make a financial contiibution to the Pageant that would be alright but to suggest that a scholarship is better than previous prizes are rediculous. I hope the organizors take a stand because their are a lot of businesses in DA that can and I’m sure would be more than willing to make gift donations towards the Pageant it is not a school competition on Education as such, in north America governments make financial contributions towards Canival / Caribana to help with their expenses that is what the PM should do since he wants to part of the process help but not to dictate what type of gifts the Queen should or shouldnt get.

    Mr.PM please keep you nose out of our Beauty Pageant Show …..

  40. jah edwards
    February 10, 2010

    JUSTWONDERING, what is your point, no argument there, the country has to benefit as well. take it or leave it, their choice

  41. langebeff
    February 10, 2010

    i agree with u my pm do wat ever u have to as longas it is in the interest of all dominian just do it .
    dont worry be happy my boy

  42. Just wondering
    February 10, 2010

    That is non sense. The people win their prize , why should they have to share it.

  43. dominican always
    February 10, 2010

    i whole heartedly support the government stance if the government is providing a scholarship it has to be and will be on their terms anyone who disagrees then pay their way and call their shots the government has to invest where there is a shortage or a future need

  44. Patriotic B
    February 10, 2010

    The approach is great but there needs to be an option for the winner in case they have no interest in the choices of study being represented. Persons are supposed to choose careers that they are passionate about because they are really preparing for a career and not a job. Plus certain people does not have the competency, personality type, values, interest and abilities for certain careers. For example, if someone chooses sciences in high school and college because that is where his/her strengths and interest lies and he/she wins the competition years later and the options presented are not in the sciences, we put the individual in a situation to take whatever is available since it is free education. But realistically would that person be satisfied, fulfilled throughout their career?

    Another option may be to try to provide as many options across a variety of industries so as to give them enough to choose from.

    Great idea though and the fact that they are being encouraged to give back is amazing. GREAT PRICE FOR FREE EDUCATION

  45. February 10, 2010

    who doh love this man got a real, go brother.

  46. February 10, 2010

    good idea….

  47. Tarsha
    February 10, 2010

    I agree with the PM, just see they all come up to so call study make baby and run around like ,never go back home and make a contribution,if you ask me they should all just pay for their own scholarship.
    the banks should not give them loan either,they never pay it back.

    I never see some whatless people like that, they say they love DA and that is how they show it.coming to the US, going from house to house sad ,but true, so you go PM you have all my’s time that somebody step up

  48. Sunshinegual
    February 10, 2010

    Skerroo you are now a Queen show expert. Eb eh weh. look it.

    February 10, 2010

    i agree with the PM.

  50. hahahaa
    February 10, 2010

    problem is tho u cant choose a carreer path for people..wat if they’re not happy doing it.

  51. LCM
    February 10, 2010

    I like the idea of a scholarship, however the PM is addressing a larger problem of saturation in the academic field. Just Yesterday i had a conversation with someone about that. I can count more than twenty friends i know who have degrees in psychology and other general studies.

    We should not have to put restrictions on what the queen contestant go and study.
    Two problems There is a limit, which should be placed on no one and they may be in a field that they do not want to do and that makes an unhappy individual.

    The reason why there is a saturation in academics in Dominica is because our education system for years have be designed to do that. Tech Col for years has been lokked down upon when it is infact the institution that could lead to more skilfull and inovative academics. Once you did well on CXC you went to Sifocol to do “Academics” or A levels, Maths, Scinces, etc.

    There is not enough done to pull academic diversity and using that as an excuse to decide what the queen contestant should do in college or get for there prize is wrong.

    Why not place the same restrictions on students who recieve scholarships and bursaries from high school to college.

    What other forms of control are coming.

    February 10, 2010




  53. Dominican In New York
    February 10, 2010

    As a follower of Queen Shows in Dominica, the Region and Internationally, I think I understand what the honourable Prime Minister driving at. We have to be politically correct in the way we say things. The Queen Show years 1983 and 1984 is what the Prime Minister would like to see! The years when there was talent, when there was intelligence. The winners and even those who did not place have gone on to become prominent persons in Dominica, making a contribution to our country and the world. Names like Norma Rolle, Carla Armour, Wynette Adrian, Alice Savarin, Diana Francis, Marcella Larouque would come to mind. I however, think that one CANNOT dictate to young women what they must study in order to contribute to Dominica’s Carnival. A young lady entering the Carnival Queen Show is doing so because she wants to see, what has become a staple of Dominica’s Carnival continue. She is doing so because of her love for country and her personal growth and development.

    The challenge I think is way beyond preparation. The 2010 Carnival Queens were Introduced to the public in October – LIME Creole in the Park. A young lady desirous of entering the following year show begins her preparation years before. I recall Leandra Lander going to Antigua many times to study the JC’s Caribbean Queen Show before she became Carnival Queen. Margaret – Rose Cools Latigue did the same, always in Antigua for Carnival.

    The challenge I believe is, the Show is not attracting the type of girls we would she at the Miss. Universe and Miss. World Pageants. Girls who are either pursing a Degree/Master at some University, and not coming with having to learn how to answer a question. Girls who are intelligent, who are verse on current affairs etc. Girls with a talent, with a performing talent, as oppose to learning something for the night of the competition. Francilla Agar, a prefect example. Such girls are out there. They are willing to come forward, but need to work with the right Committee. We need to get Professionals in all aspects of the show to deal with the girls. One would recall, Leandra Lander was selected as a contestant twice, once she drop out citing challenges with the Queen Show Committee. .. Speaking of Natural Talent, the criteria must also be looked at closely, it must reflect natural talent as oppose to “learnt for the show” .

    We must look at the maturity of the Contestants. A lot of times the contestant sound like they are entering the Miss Teen Dominica at the ages of 18 – 24. The was they introduce themselves is very much the way a contestant in the Princess Show or Miss Teen Dominica would.

    I think we are also limiting ourself in our search for Ambassador when we only place ads in Dominica. There are young, talented, intelligent, beautiful Dominican women in the “Diaspora” . Women would would need more than a $15,000.00 Scholarship, a trip, a computer etc, to become a contestant in the Miss. Dominica. We must look at engaging our various Embassies around the World in the selection process.

    This show have the potential of providing Dominica an opportunity of promoting our Nature Island International. If we select the right girl, she could compete at the Miss. Universe/Miss World. The winner of the Miss St. Vincent and the Grenadine/ Carnival Queen compete at the Miss Universe. This would allow for “FREE” television Advertising for Dominica given that the girl would have to do a televised introduction stating – ” I am —— from the Nature Island Dominica. In a competition like this we would appearance before the Dominica Republic as it is done in chronological order, hence persons would now know there is a – Nature Island, Dominica. The benefits to us is foreign earnings. This will not happen with a one off appearance, but a continuous appearance at what is, the Olympics of Beauty Pageants.

    This process of selecting the ideal candidates will not happen next year, but the process must start now!

  54. look tory
    February 10, 2010

    i agree… we need to look at where we need people in dominica and then give the scholarships accordingly… not just for the queens… but all scholarships

  55. defella
    February 10, 2010

    take away the scholarship all together. do they seriously deserve to get a lucrative award based on a beauty pageant . then there is the gender aspect. this is given only to women. is there any contest where a scholarship is given only to men..
    get rid of that prize all together. they already get to travel around the caribbean for free. let them do ambassodorial work or something. they should be going to haiti as representatives…..

  56. February 10, 2010

    This is wrong, wrong, wrong. … .. why does he want to decide what people should study? Why must this man regulate people lives? Reason why most people study the same things is because this is the FREE MARKET, this is in demand, and if they can’t find a job they should create one.

  57. Miss D
    February 10, 2010

    The queens already get about three months preparations. They are interviewed and chosen in October and and begin training from there.

  58. Lynthia
    February 10, 2010

    Great story…lovely idea…You go PM

  59. observer
    February 10, 2010

    i love this approach

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