Permanent venue recommended to stage carnival events

Alwin Bully. *file photo

A major carnival organiser has proposed the use of the old Dominica Grammar School grounds as a permanent site to host national carnival activities.

Chairman of the Carnival Development Committee (CDC) Alwin Bully made that call over the weekend, while addressing the prize-giving ceremony of the 2010 Real Mass celebrations at the Arawak House of Culture.

For the past years, carnival activities have been staged at the Pottserville Savannah (carnival city), while others are held at other venues.

However, Bully says the insufficient use of the carnival city site does not make sense financially.

“Building this site for the opening ceremony and then using it only five times during its three weeks of activities is just not cost effective. The idea is to build a permanent showdown; and the reviews on the Carnival shows has asked me to build a public request for the use of the old Grammar School grounds for that purpose,” he said.

Bully said the site in question spans from Valley Road to the Bath Estate River, and is ideal for the permanent site.

“We understand that plans are afoot for creating an extension to the stadium for handling other sports such as basket ball, netball; but we think that if it can be incorporated into a festival ground which has a permanent stage, we would be solving a major problem and saving tons of money building and dismantling carnival city each year,” he added.

He said in the interim, if the Pottersville Savannah has to be continued as the venue for the carnival activities, things should change.

“The Windsor Park Stadium is always or most times unavailable to host carnival activities so we suggest that the Pottersville Savannah be opened on a daily basis as a meeting place for good food, shows and music, playground for kids during the entire carnival season,” Bully added.

– DNO Correspondent

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  1. Patriotic Dominican
    April 15, 2010

    Why isn’t the Samaan Gardens Grounds in Canefield considered to be the main canival and festival grounds? There is parking, ambience and the location is perfect. I believe those resposible for choosing a venue should look into it. For those who has no idea where Samaan Gardens is located, it’s Opposite AUTO TRADE and next to H.H.V. Whitchurch before the Canefield Bridge.

  2. Pedro
    March 23, 2010

    First let me say the efforts of those involved in organizing carnival is highly appreciated. Understandably we need a sort of permanent venue for Carnival city. But what about quality? We cannot want to attract visitors and have substandard facilities. Some things may be acceptable for me or you, but lets face it, we have to step up a little from the facilities which have been used. I am not talking about the stadium here. Whether its entry/exit facilities, vending, the exposure to the elements (and mud), the washroom facilties and seating facilities or lack thereof, the ambience…all this has to be considered. Thankfully there was no rain this year, but we know that this is usually not the case. In this respect, the stadium should be utilized and made available as a priority much as possible, at least for the major events, namely the calypso and queen shows. In some countries the parade of the bands also ends up in the stadium, where (at least most) can seat and view and even judge in comfort. I may be able to stand, get wet, push and shove to get through, or take any other inconvenience, but this is not acceptable moving forward. Again, lets think tourism; but other than that we do deserve better as a people.

    Point no.2. Why does everything have to be centered in Roseau? We are already stuck with the stadium in Roseau, but we don’t have to make alternative venues be cast in the same mold.

    Point no.3. Lets not forget our sportsmen. If we are making Portersville or Grammar School grounds as permament venues then we are also dis-enfranchizing those users of such facilities. What are the alternatives for them? We know its practically nil.

    We all know that any such shifts in the old mindset is going to take early plannimng and cost much more, but lete have government commit to such ideas early. We have a whole year to plan!!!! We know too that iit will take the united efforts of many other persons.

    Again, hats off to Alwin Bully and company, but we have to think bigger about this carnival thing. We can’t just continue to accept the old standards. Its not just a matter of the visitors; its for us all. lets take this thing serious, engage on this early and not let the discussion die until the next post mortem.

  3. de caribbean change
    March 23, 2010

    Can’t have carnival activities on grounds – they have to be on the savannah – some savannah somewhere. In de savannah; that’s where all de action should take place. In Trinadad, in de savannah. So, we need to build up the Pottersville Savannah as the permanent venue for carnival activities from now on.

    • mahaut
      March 23, 2010

      Carnival should not come before youth…when we take waya facilties from our greatest resource (youth), then what. secondly….parking is a necessity for those events…

      then we have a school grounds constantly be trodded upon…

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