Chief Cultural Officer pleased with Independence celebrations so far


Chief Cultural Officer Raymond Lawrence has expressed satisfaction at the way the Independence Celebrations have gone to this point, but agrees that there is room for improvement yet.

“So far we are very satisfied with the way things have been going for Independence 2011. I must say that the cultural division we are much satisfied with the participation of the public at large, schools, business places and other institutions. Of course there’s always room for improvement but with all the challenges and the constraints that we face, the activities have been going very well,” Lawrence said.

He continued, “I just want to thank God, first of all and to thank everyone who has played a role in helping to make this year’s celebration a success.”

He urged Dominicans to remain avid supporters of cultural experiences as culture can easily be lost and to take pride in the uniqueness that being a Dominican means.

I just want to encourage Dominicans to continue to support their culture. Culture is a thing that can be lost easily. It’s  a very vulnerable phenomenon, especially if we give in to influences from everywhere; it almost looks like we don’t know who we are. We need to know who we are and where we come from, our roots. We need to be proud to be Dominican and while we are all brothers and sisters in this world but we do have our own land. We must have that appreciation for our culture.

Meantime, Lawrence also addressed the next Independence activity, Market Day with a Difference, which will be held at the Roseau Market today.

“I think Market Day is a wonderful dimension of Independence, because we are encouraging the vendors, the farmers in such an important activity in Dominica. It’s a wonderful socialization outlet, with people meeting friends, family and so on. The idea is that the day must have a difference, not just usual market day. There’s the ceremony, performances, people dressed in creole wear and so it’s a day with a difference, and I’m sure that tomorrow’s Market Day will be one with a difference. So far both Portsmouth and Marigot Market Days have gone well, so I’m sure this will go well,” he said.

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  1. blast me
    October 30, 2011

    RAY to me, you are responsible for the metainance of the high level of the are one true bright star of Dominica, may God continue to bless you with the zeal to continue to do the good work in keeping this country’s culture alive. Thank You.

  2. October 30, 2011

    Good news.

  3. A.B
    October 29, 2011

    Well you should be very pleased with what is happening so far because I sure enjoy what I am seeing and hearing. I think our independence celebrations get better and better. Only this week I commented that it seemed even bigger than Christmas…I am feeling so proud to be Dominican.

  4. justice to be served
    October 29, 2011

    Thank you for expressing it,”We do have our own land,” and we must not forget it, even if we leave in foreign lands we have our homeland, and we must appreciate it.We are not Americans, or Canadians or Englishmen and women, we are Dominicans,proud people with a heritage to be proud of. We are agriculturist,entrepreneurs,teachers, nursers, scientist, artist, writers, authors,engineer, name it and we excel both at home and abroad.
    Thank you Mr. Lawrence for keeping the culture alive we are a hospitable people,that is the culture, accepting and tolerant.

  5. believer
    October 29, 2011

    Very proud of you Raymond and the meaningful contribution you continue to make to our culture.

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