Dominica to host ALBA meeting

(DNO) Dominica’s ALBA Ambassador Dr. Philbert Aaron says Dominica will have the opportunity to showcase its culture at an upcoming ALBA meeting carded for June 15-17, 2010.

Dr. Aaron said the meeting which will include ministers of culture of the ALBA will also provide the opportunity to discuss plans and activities for the various countries.

“This is a great opportunity for Dominica to advance the understanding of its culture. It’s the first meeting of the ALBA at this level in Dominica. Dominica is very proud to host that meeting and it also shows support for the organization of Dominica as an active member of ALBA,” he said.

This is the first meeting of the ALBA at that level in Dominica.

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  1. massive
    June 8, 2010

    who cares bout mamo anyway?! she was with the US under regan for photo op and that was it! we never benefited under ammo,under skerro we seeing something..

  2. Cassandra
    June 8, 2010

    Thunderhorse, you never heard of a democratic republic? Come back to Dominica and we’ll educate you.You will find it beneficial.

  3. cultural elder
    June 8, 2010

    What coincidence !!!!!!! Nomination Day June 19 and ALBA meeting to include Ministers of Culture of ALBA, June 15-17, a few days before? On reflection meetings are planned and set on certain dates as a strategy to achieve the desired outcome. Dominicans mind would be bombarded with media blitz of ALBA, Ministers and deliberations, days before Nomination Day and a few weeks before the planned bye-election. But shouldn’t Dominicans be informed long ago of that ALBA Agreement between the two countries as people are requesting? Because the more people are informed of those foreign relations activities, the more inclined they would be to make maximum use of the resources available. and to support the initiative. Access to such information is of paramount importance for the development of any country. It is the Dominican people’s right to know as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19 of which Dominica is a signatory. Why if any Agreement contains so much goodies could not be made public.. That is not adhering to progressive cultural upliftment. of people. Culture is about sharing, knowing and informing through indigenous talents and skills it is about showcasing and exposing the richness in arts, song, dance, craft and way of life of a people. It is not about preventing access to information or hiding good works as created by people..

    • NIKE
      June 8, 2010


  4. Thunder Horse
    June 8, 2010

    Prophet 2 what kind of Democracy you talking about? Dominica is a Republic, I’m glad for ALBA, finally Dominica can see it’s way out, tell me , what financial and technical support we got/get from CARICOM and OECS or even the mighty USA and UK? ALBA initiative was the one who saw our need and acted upon it, thank GOD FOR SKERITT , CHAVEZ and ALBA.

    As far as the others know, that Dominica is the poorest in the caribbean and we so stupid, we joining them, right now we can boast of soo many developments.

    I’m glad that Skeritt has a strong mind and he will not worry with you all criticisms, if he had to worry, DOMINICA WOULD REMAIN STAGNANT.


    • NIKE
      June 8, 2010

      I totally agree. Its a joke if we really think the US/UK and others are all about democracy. There is still so much racism going on in this place its a shame. There was once the US and these developed countries showed interest in our region and through mamo we were loyal friends. Now they are more busy fighting wars and saving their own A** to the point where even their own economies have come crashing. Even Greece now have to go to the IMF,who would have thought.

      Dominica doesnt hate the US, Dominica has to survive inspite the fact that the US has turned its back on this Caribbean region.

      Just look at world news, the Caribbean doesnt fit in their plan. Oh yes, Jamaica did because its in the US interest and then thats it.

      And while you are at it those strong US supporters in the name of democracy ask the US for some scholarships on behalf of Dominican students who will graduate this year.

  5. Prophet2
    June 7, 2010

    A slap in the face of democracy and Mamo must be rolling in her grave.

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