Dominica’s culture minister on Wednesday told ALBA nations to join forces to promote cultural development in their states.
The culture ministers of Antigua & Barbuda, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Bolivia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela and Dominica met at Fort Young Hotel to discuss cultural development within the nations.
“While we must appreciate the uniqueness of a nation’s culture, we must not overlook the influence of the various cultural expressions that can penetrate our various nations. We will therefore apreciate the need for us as Alba nations, to share with each other, the varied cultural expressions, through which we can strengthen our bond of friendship,” said Justina Charles at the opening of the meeting.
Raymond Lawrence, Chief cultural officer, said the role of culture within the ALBA, is significant, and can strengthen the relationship among member nations.
According to Lawrence, the ALBA culture meeting in Dominica “will continue to chart the way forward and consolidate plans for greater cooperation and exchange among the ALBA countries.”
That's good news. We as Carribbean nations should continue to band together to have our own and not depend on so-called first world countries. Our culture in the Caribbean is second to none and we should be very proud of what we have, who we are and what we are capable of producing.
That's great news. Garford George
good look