UPDATED WITH PHOTOS: Zanya Elizee of Grandbay captures Miss Wob Dwiyet 2011 title

Miss Wob Dwiyet 2011

Miss South Zanya Elizee, of Grandbay, secured the title of Miss Wob Dwiyet 2011 last evening, beating out the other six contestants from all districts of Dominica.

The 19-year-old Economics major at the Dominica State College topped the Best Wob Dwiyet round of the competition and performed consistently throughout the other rounds to finish ahead of First Runner-up Shakira Pierre of Coulibstrie representing the West District and Ameka Cognette from Roseau representing the Southwest District.

She thanked prayer and an undeterred determination for her success when she said, “It was very hard and sometimes I would have to leave school and go to practice, but I just put my all into it, I started to pray a long time ago and I did it; I got it.”

“I am very excited due to the hard work that I have done. I just can’t explain the feelings,” she added.

Elizee has hopes to contest in the 2012 Miss Dominica Pageant and suggests that anyone looking to contest for the title of Miss Wob Dwiyet ensure that they have a lot of confidence, courage and family support.

Meantime, Second Runner-up Ameka Cognette admits that she was surprised at having placed, having known in her mind that she was not having the greatest evening, in terms of her performances, but was happy to have placed third, all the same.

She too currently attends the DSC majoring in Hospitality and Tourism has plans of entering the national pageant.

“I have already submitted a form for the national queen show, so hopefully if I am selected that will be my next big step so Dominica, look out for me,” she ended.

The other contestants were Dinelle Antoine from Dosdane representing the Northern District, Antonia Joseph from Boetica representing the Southeast District, Tenderly Francis of Marigot who represented the Northeast District, Aneille Thomas from Kalinago Territory representing the Eastern District.

The participants competed in three rounds: Talent, Creole Spectacular Costume and Wob Dwiyet, and the competition was accented with performances from Delices Cultural Group with the Petit Savanne Jing-Ping Band, the Waitukubuli Dance Theatre Company, Michelle Henderson, Daddy Chess and Swinging Stars, Golda Scotland-Andrew, Paix Bouche Bele Dancers and Miss Culture USA Kelly Thomas.

Elizee (middle) poses with Pierre (right) and Cognette


Miss Wob Dwiyet 2010 Nadege Roach (left), Madame Wob Dwiyet 2011 and Miss Wob Dwiyet 2011 Zanya Elizee
The competitors


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  1. stacy
    November 5, 2011

    :) beautiful

  2. Jaime Lewis
    October 31, 2011

    I used to think that the essence of the Wob was the madras cloth, but things are changing to where any colorful piece of fabric will do. Very interesting.

  3. none ya'
    October 30, 2011

    I am so proud of you ladies…this pic is my fb display pic. Congrats ladies. I am proud to say “GRAND-BAY AGAIN!!!!! Z I knew you when you were knee high and ma wayam I remember you would tell my mom on me when I was doing something I had no business doing and Nadege your dad would also tell on me when I was up to no good. You lovely ladies should be proud of yourselves.

  4. sexydude
    October 30, 2011

    really beautiful

  5. true dominican
    October 29, 2011

    hello congrats my beauty, am from south city ,but leaving in the USA. can some one tell me who is the relative off that beautiful lady am trying hard to remember who she is please tell me . go grand-bay go, we can do it proud off south city

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2011

      its ma lolipop grandchild from hagley

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2011

      ma lolypop grand daughter…they leave in hagley..

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2011

      ma lole-pop grand daughter….
      they are from hagley :) :)

  6. Ashamed Dominican
    October 29, 2011

    congrats zayna u deserved it….but who taught the kalali from coulibistrie to sing nuh…

  7. vi gurl
    October 29, 2011

    grandbay again we doing big things congrates my girl

  8. October 29, 2011

    i forgot marie jnophillip congrats to u to my madame wobe for making us proud

  9. October 29, 2011

    congrats zan thats my girl i knew u could do it u come from a culture family .we were trained by the best next year we are right there again i have somebody already we will be training her for the whole year back to grandbay

  10. camica
    October 28, 2011

    Congrats shaakira, you were the person who was suppose to win

    • Novice
      October 30, 2011

      Her mother is Francisca Soowee Victorine from Hagley. HOpe that helps

      October 31, 2011

      there’s nothing like suppose its either u win or u lose

    • October 27, 2015

      Shut your mouth d person that had to win they win alright and shut your mouth :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  11. sabry
    October 28, 2011

    :-D congrats :-D zayna sabrina foretold ur future she was right indeed. :)

    • Sabie
      October 28, 2011

      Damn right.. I was right.. Congrats my girl..

  12. rosie charles
    October 28, 2011

    Good luck Ms South. Hope dept of culture treat you better than last year Ms Wob.All they want is to have numbers for competition and never invite the Ms Wob to function. I wonder wen they will realise that they need the girls to present something in patois as is done in TiMatador competition.
    By d way they never regards PAW for the work they doing promoting culture among the 8 – 10 year olds and u not listening to the children with their patois and korkois. Well done Jacinta and Regina. You all will be rewarded one day. I hear d PM say that culture have to be on the school curriculum, but all ah u dere promoting it among youth.

  13. MIA
    October 28, 2011

    Yes Zayna, you now joined our winners crew from Sout. You were very beautiful. Continue on the Culture journey. Somebody tell me how many wins Grand Bay has gotten so far. BACK-TO-BACK AGAIN. 1984 AND 1985 AND 2010 AND 2011

  14. MIA
    October 28, 2011

    COngrats to Zena, Miss Wob 2011 and Ma Wayam Madam Wob 2011. From Grand Bay with love

  15. block 44
    October 28, 2011

    south city,south city when you are bad am with you,when you do good am in my glory.

  16. afrodominicanprinces
    October 28, 2011

    This young lady is an example of what i would consider emergence from being a coy person to a confident and outspoken individual.
    It is because of this ‘growth’ that she was able to demonstrate her true talent.A talent which she has now embraced and is proud of.
    Congratulations Zayna.I wish you all the best as you strive for another prestigious crown but please remain focused in your school work.Education is primary!!!!
    Continue to believe in yourself.
    Most importantly, continue to find comfort in God.
    PROUD OF U!!!!

  17. Lover
    October 28, 2011

    Come on DNO…find out the name of the Madame Wob Dwiyet 2011 for the photo caption please.

    • Novice
      October 30, 2011

      IN case DNO doesn’t know, it is MARIE JOHN PHILLIP better known as MA WYAM

  18. southcity
    October 28, 2011

    That is what makes Grand Bay untouchable. That is what makes Grand Bay people so ridiculously proud of the fact that they were born in Grand Bay and would not have been born anywhere else.Grand Bay 4 life.

  19. Lougaoo Mem
    October 28, 2011

    How great thou art eh! The Sout City has always been blessed with beauty and talent. Congrats Zania for representing your village and nation in grand style. We are proud of you and what you represent. Congrats Again, For A job Well Done.

  20. eagles125
    October 28, 2011


  21. Anonymous
    October 28, 2011

    a wob dwiyet pretty wi boi!!!…. respect our culture

    October 28, 2011

    Don’t you all talk to Telford George –

  23. Melda
    October 28, 2011

    Grand Bay all the way. We are right back where we belong and truly must stay. Good job ladies. I love that. Nice picture.

  24. Grandbarian
    October 28, 2011

    I am so proud to be a grandbarian. Congrats and you are a beautiful young lady. Keep up the good work.

  25. Aye Dominique
    October 28, 2011

    Grand Bay got talent!!!

    • van
      October 28, 2011

      No denying that

  26. Serene
    October 28, 2011

    Congrats ma dear!

  27. Sout Man
    October 28, 2011

    Congratulations, Zania!! Another one for South City!! Great job!!

  28. Creole
    October 28, 2011

    Congrats… Well done! DNO where is the rest of the news? who topped in the other segments? Who got best talent? best spectacular wear?

    • van
      October 28, 2011

      I too want to know why the Madam Wob Dwiyet was not reported. What was the name of the winner, runners up etc, and where were they from?

      • Novice
        October 30, 2011

        I do agree with you. Maybe because she is from Grand Bay. If it were a crime they would have it all correct and instant. SHAME ON DNO

  29. Mohamed George Bush
    October 28, 2011

    congrats :mrgreen:

    October 28, 2011

    Way to go Grand Bay!!! You represented well. A job well done.

    Congratulations to all the young ladies.

    God Bless Dominica

  31. freaky girl
    October 28, 2011

    thats the way we like it, u go girl CONGRATS :-D :-D :-D. u deserved it

  32. vina
    October 28, 2011


  33. Dominican @ large
    October 28, 2011

    Congrats Zenya. With Nadege and Carlton, your family and the Grand Bay community both here and abroad, your confidence could only be heightened. All the best in future endeavours. Good job Nadege, Carlton and Carlyn.

    October 28, 2011

    Beautiful young lady…Congratulations

  35. youth worker
    October 28, 2011

    congratulations to Ms Elizee and her team of trainers and supporters such as Ms Roache Marianna and Mr Remy who also assisted the madam Robe.Continue to use the skills and talent and the facilities such as the youth cente for the advancement community.
    Hard work and you will reclaim the cultural capital of the Dominica.Pacquette continue to promote positive activities at the centre

    • Anonymous
      October 28, 2011

      just a slight correcting Mr.Henry

  36. True dat
    October 28, 2011

    Get your facts straight dno. Cognet did not place first runner-up according to your paragraph 2.
    Cognet has every right to say that she was surprised and not expecting because she really was not supposed to place.At least she is being honest. A slap in the judges face. By the way I don’t think all the judges were in a position to judge. I some some very inexperienced judges that i think knows nothing about judging a creaole show. Judges were not even introduced to the audience. Imagine that! By the way I did have Grandbay & Coulibistrie tied so I am satisfied with the first two positions

  37. mindme
    October 28, 2011

    Yes I, Sout City rocking it. They won the Madame Wob too. DNO when are we getting an article on the Madame Wob show?

    Bonne Journee Kweyol!!!

    • van
      October 28, 2011

      I totally agree. Why the non-coverage? I hope this is not because of where the winner comes from. I previously emailed DNO to find out who the winner of the Madam Wob Dwiyet was. Response still awaited

  38. Creole Girl
    October 28, 2011

    Congrats Zania, All of Grand Bay is proud of you and I am sure your parents are estatic, Good Luck in future pageants!!!

  39. repping hard
    October 28, 2011

    So y wasn’r shaakira interviewed. y is all the focus on roseau. Admin what kins of biased article is that if they bother were 1st runner up interview both. Shaki you made u proud i knew you would congrats girl love ya. And congrats to the winner and other 1st runner up

    ADMIN: Don’t pop a vein….the young lady from Coulibistrie left right after the show was over (for whatever reason) and no members of the press got to interview her. SMH

  40. October 28, 2011

    What a beautiful screen saver; congrats my lady, you reflect the Beauty of Dominica, we were once a people like that in our hearts “Beautiful”,but politics have dirty that.May God restore the Dominican sprit in our hearts.Happy Independance Dominica

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