DDA calls for solution to WNT luggage transportation issue


Chief Executive Officer of the Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), Colin Piper, has said that one of the biggest issues in promoting the Waitukubuli National Trail (WNT) is the fact that tour operators abroad have difficulty figuring out where visitors should stay.

According to Piper, the visitors are having issues in the transportation of their bags and the cost associated with “going to get the person at the end of the trail.”

He said taxi operators charge a lot of money to transfer visitor bags.

The DDA boss was addressing that the Dominica Community Tourism Association Inc (DCTAI) 3rd Annual General Meeting which was held at the Canefield Urban Council Conference room on Thursday.

“And in particular if you start in Scottshead and you walk the first two-three segments, when you walk the first one that takes you to Soufriere, when you walk the second one that takes you to Bellevue, the third one takes you to Wotten Waven,” he said. “When you arrive in Wotten Waven, how are your bags getting from where you are staying and where you are going to stay that night?”

Piper is calling on the DCTAI to work together with a subset of taxi drivers in order to help solve that problem.

“If I want to send a package from here to Portsmouth, I go to a taxi driver. Maybe he will charge me a $5.00 or $7.00, but if I want to send a guest bag from Roseau, I shouldn’t have to hire the bus, so it becomes an inhibition, so if that is a problem and you help solve that problem, you become valuable,” Piper explained.

He continued, “If you can work with taxi drivers who will be willing and able to provide a shuttle service; if that information can be established, if you just establish the WNT Luggage Shuttle Service as a sub of the Community Tourism Association, that information can be sent to the tour operators abroad who now can put their plan together…”

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  1. Peace
    March 31, 2015

    So much in this country seems to be made into a problem, and so nothing gets done. It would be interesting to know whether those with the “problems” actually check the DNO comments for solutions.

    There are a multitude of ways round this.

    E.g. All bus drivers have phones. They are driving round the island anyway. Collate a list of reliable drivers who can be contacted to pick up and deliver cases, coordinating with other bus drivers if neccessary.

    Many farmers are on the road with their loads. In Castle Bruce, there are several guys with trucks who would collect and deliver luggage from one destination to another for a small fee. And they are honest.

    Owners of guest houses could easily facilitate moving of luggage. Give them a list of names, numbers and prices.

    That’s of the top of my head, without thinking about it. What’s the betting, I read about this same “problem” in DNO next year. Along with the issues of trash, Paros, losing another cruise ship…


  2. no name no warrant
    March 30, 2015

    Don’t know why all these big salaries are paid at DDA and no one can come up with an idea to solve such trvial issue. This is crazy. As the travel writer indicated organization is so lacking in this tourism business in Dominica. I mean seriously piper. Now someone has to tell u how to do this while you get the hefty salary…..smh

  3. Titiwi
    March 30, 2015

    Perhaps this is an opportunity for someone to start a domestic delivery/courier service in Dominica, you know like UPS for instance does in the United States. Delivering parcels, small consignments to people’s homes and businesses island wide. Maybe even incorporate a couple of motorbikes for urgent deliveries, same day- or even timed deliveries guaranteed. They could also take care of luggage of visitors, who use the hiking trail. Just an idea.

  4. Anthony Ismael
    March 30, 2015

    Hold a “Town Hall Meeting” at the Arawak House of Culture. Invite members from the general public. Ask for their input. Present the problem to all high schools on the island. Make it a competition and offer a prize for the best possible solution. You will be surprised with the number thoughtful answers that will emerge.

    You guys embark on the same futile approach time and time again. A meeting at Fort Young Hotel with tourism stakeholders where the upper crust talk foolishness followed by a wine and dine session. In the end, you wind up with the same tired ideas, while the impending problems remain.

    We have local talent at home capable of solving any problem. Be a more inclusive society and put our talent to work. Something this simple should not have a negative impact on our tourism product.

    Problem solved!!

  5. power HOUSE
    March 30, 2015

    Reading Mr Piper’s speech about the trails and the luggage problems reminds me of my experience with LIAT earlier this month .My passage was booked in the U S Dominica to barbados then Jet blue to J F K .TO

  6. Bod
    March 30, 2015

    If you start at Scottshead you don’t get anywhere because there’s a great big landslide at the top of Morne Crabier

    • Titiwi
      March 30, 2015

      So, we know that long time. What has that got to do with carrying visitors’ luggage from one place to the next?

  7. Sensible
    March 30, 2015

    Personally,its time the powers at be start considering a new perspective at the top. My opinion has not improve none of the sectors under his portfolio because he really has no idea. Have you ever seen this man in any social activity before he held this post so how does he expect to understand and provide activities tailored to suit the needs of the people who exist in it.
    I agree we have to look for foreign investment but we haven’t found ways to tap into our own local market. I you are not convince of your own product how do you expect to sell it to people this is sales and marketing 101.
    I believe the DFC needs to reconsider its management and get someone with the drive and energy to ignite a market waiting to explode.

    • TimTim
      March 30, 2015

      This sounds like the zouk creole music lover! Hahaha

  8. Truth be Told
    March 30, 2015

    Mr Piper what about your Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) putting that shuttle service in place to enhance the Dominica tourism product? This is more important than giving every child a tablet, don’t you think? We have an overly-micro-managed State where the government is doing for private individuals what they should be doing for themselves while state facilities and institutions fall by the wayside, like our hospitals and tourism assets!

  9. MasterMind
    March 30, 2015

    A A Colin drank something really sweet! He thinking better now. I like it, I really really like it.

  10. well well well
    March 29, 2015

    the simplest things become major hurdles for Dca tourism industry. I strongly believe this is due to the lack of innovative minds in the upper brackets of tourism development on the island. Something as simple as what was described above, should not make the news, as it should have already been dealt with from the instant is was found to be a problem. Major tourism stakeholders should have long take to the round table to sought this out. Its is simple as
    1. Create an association of taxi drivers dedicated to this purpose
    2. Have two persons permanently attached to communicating with tour operators and hikers (before, during and after hike)…these person should also be responsible for liaising with these taxi drivers for the pick-up and drop off of bags
    3. And hiking tours sold as a package SHOULD include taxi/baggage delivery services (when visitors pay for their tours they pay for everything)


  11. anonymous2
    March 29, 2015

    Dominica is an expensive place for visitors not only to stay at but just to get to with the limited flights. Everybody is after money on that island……but not necessarily good service.

  12. george Fontaine
    March 29, 2015

    I have been on many trails around the world and one method to resolve e the baggage transportation issue: Donkeys! I mean really donkeys…If we have a shortage, simply import a few.

  13. Roger Burnett
    March 29, 2015

    Maybe I have lost the plot, but as I see it the only “luggage” issue is clothing cast off on arrival from overseas and put on again at departure. In my trail walking days we carried our gear (including tent and sleeping bag) with us in a rucksack.

    In terms of accommodation, just as important as food and a bed, is the means of drying wet clothing overnight.

  14. Anthony Ismael
    March 29, 2015

    We know all the routes on the national trail. Why not charge a flat rate? And why leave this up to taxi operators to decide? We all know how greedy they are.

    A small panel van such as the Ford Transit or Nissan NV 200 with a simple four cylinder engine can do the job. The Nissan Urvan and Toyota buses are not fuel efficient enough to use in this endeavor. Therefore, taxi operators are forced to charge higher amounts to tourist for their time and the cost of operating their vehicles for the day. These vehicles are also equipped with hybrid and diesel engines.

    You will never solve this problem. Your government and the ” Customs Department” allows the few dealerships on the island to monopolize the types of vehicles that can be imported on the island. More fuel efficient vehicles are needed. This will reduce cost to taxi operators and tourist alike.

    Think outside the box for a change. However, this will never happen.

  15. Ma Moses
    March 29, 2015

    One would have thought they had figured that out before opening the trail for business and found a solution. Hal baked planning again.

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